FORSIDE Tittel og undertittel (BILDE 1200 X 343)

Picture of turbines in northernlights

European Wind Energy

Double Degree Joint Education Master Programme


Introtekst om studiet

European Wind Energy Master

Wind energy is one of the main sources of renewable energy. It does not contaminate, it is
inexhaustible and reduces the use of fossil fuels. Our European cooperation programme
educates students to contribute in the development of innovative wind energy solutions
and prepares them for a professional career in the world of renewable energy.

Even with our best efforts to promote energy efficiency, the global demand for energy to power our way of life continues to increase. Clearly, we must develop new sources of energy. Wind energy offers considerable promise: the wind itself is free, clean, and it is inexhaustible. In recent years, research on wind energy has accelerated, and new developments in efficient and cost- effective ways of harnessing wind energy are making it increasingly attractive and competitive.

The wind energy sector is looking for well-trained and enthusiastic professionals. The European Wind Energy Master trains you to become a resourceful problem solver who is capable of collaborating with colleagues across cultural divides to shape the future of the wind energy sector.  You’ll get the best education in wind energy science and engineering, studying in our four world leading universities in (offshore) wind energy research and education.​​​​​​

EWEM is an advanced double degree Master of Science with four tracks:

  • Electric Power Systems
  • Offshore Engineering
  • Rotor Design
  • Wind Farms & Atmospheric Physics

​​​​​The EWEM consortium involves 4 world leading universities:

  • Technical University of Denmark – DTU
  • Delft University of Technology – TU Delft (coordinator)
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NTNU
  • Carl von Ossietzky Universitat Oldenburg – UOL

Questions about the programme:
See the official website for admission requirements and application form:

Read more about the programe