Recruitment (all positions are now filled)

Recruitment (all positions are now filled)

The green move project are planning to hire five PhD- and one post doc scholars. The idea is that this group of researchers will work together to secure that the project will truely be an interdisiplinary project.


PhD position Sustainable soil management (NMBU)

PhD position Soil physics and greenhouse gas emissions (NMBU)

PhD in indicator development for agricultural soil relocation in Life Cycle (PhD connected to WP 2 at Department for Civil and Environmental Engineering - NTNU)

Stipendiat i sosiologi eller statsvitenskap tilknyttet forskningsgruppen energi, miljø og bærekraftig utvikling (Phd connected to WP3 at Department of Sociology and Political Science -NTNU)

PhD in engineering solutions, construction processes and methods for moving agricultural soil (PhD connected to WP 4 at Department for Civil and Environmental Engineering - NTNU)