News & events 2016
News and events at NTNU AMOS in 2016
Moan-Faltinsen Best Paper Awards
Pictures: Left photo from the left: Naiquan Ye, Prof. Torgeir Moan, Ming Song, Prof. Sverre Steen, Prof. Odd M. Faltinsen and Prof. Zhen Gao. Right photo from the left: Peng Li and Prof. Odd M. Faltinsen. Photos: Kun Xu, NTNU, December 2016.
New associated project at NTNU AMOS: Real-time hybrid model testing for extreme marine environments
There is a new associated project at NTNU AMOS: Real-time hybrid model testing for extreme marine environments. Contact person at NTNU AMOS is Prof. Roger Skjetne.
The IEEE Control Systems Magazine interviews NTNU AMOS Professor Thor I. Fossen
Thor I. Fossen (People in Control). IEEE Control Systems, 2016, Volume: 36, Issue: 3, Pages: 21 - 24.
Read the interview: DOI 10.1109/MCS.2016.2536038
Cross-disciplinary team from NTNU AMOS and UiT discover that textbooks have to be revised
A cross-disciplinary team from NTNU AMOS and the Arctic University of Norway (UiT) went on a research cruise together and discovered new knowledge which suggests that textbooks have to be revised.