AUR-Lab Day

Programme AUR-Lab Day

Want to learn more about AUR-Lab's equipment, use cases and projects? Join us on the very first AUR-Lab Day! 

Time: Thursday January 25, 09:00-15:35
Place: T8 at Moholt and Trondhjem biologiske stasjon (TBS)
Cost: Free
Lunch and transport: Yes, for pre-registered guests

Register here (Nettskjema)

Applied Underwater Robotics Laboratory (AUR-Lab) at NTNU has built up a research environment with AUVs (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles), USVs (Unmanned Surface Vehicles), ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicles), subsea docking station for AUVs in the Trondheims fjord, as well as a control and operation room. During the AUR-Lab Day we will demonstrate these assets showing relevant use cases.

Researchers and PhD’s use the world’s oceans as the research playground for further development of autonomy and resilience for subsea operations – both for observing and monitoring life and the health state of the ocean, and to develop autonomous operating systems for securing subsea infrastructure and installations. 


AUR-Lab 2024 – Welcome and introductions
Martin Ludvigsen, Professor and Scientific manager AUR-Lab

Kristin Ytterstad Pettersen, Professor ITK NTNU

Marine robotics in archaeology
Øyvind Ødegård, Senior researcher NTNU University Museum

Underwater Active Vision for 3D scene representations
Annette Stahl, Professor ITK

10:05-10:25    Break

Towards autonomous benthic monitoring

Oscar Pizarro, Senior Researcher IMT

Using underwater robots for monitoring primary producers
Glaucia Fragoso, Researcher IBI

Project application for AUR-Lab
Antonio Vasilijevic, Senior Advisor and Daily Manager AUR-Lab

11:10-11:20     Break

11:20-12:10  PhD project presentations: 

Navigating the Depths: Unveiling the Future of Underwater Robotics in the Oil and Gas Industry
Gabrielė Kasparavičiūtė, PhD IMT NTNU

Multimodular underwater situational awareness
Ambjørn Waldum, PhD IMT NTNU

Increasing Situational Awareness in ROV Operations Using a Trailing UUV
Markus Iverflåten, PhD ITK NTNU

Path following for articulated vehicles
Bjørn Kåre Sæbø, PhD ITK NTNU

Image processing methods for long-term mapping of underwater habitats
Martin Kvisvik Larsen, PhD IMT NTNU

Data-driven navigation for autonomous surface vehicles in harsh conditions
Rabea Rogge, PhD IMT NTNU

Automated Monitoring of Early Fish Life Stages
David Williamson, PhD IMT NTNU

Kalman filtering on Lie groups: beyond the Multiplicative EKF
Erlend Basso, PhD ITK NTNU

Autonomous benthic habitat mapping   
Hassan Elkholy, PhD IMT NTNU

3D surface reconstruction of underwater point cloud in real time
Mau Hing Yip, PhD ITK NTNU

Statistical modeling for adaptive sampling with AUVs
André Julius Hovd Olaisen, PhD IMF NTNU                     

12:10-12:55     Lunch at Moholt

12:55-13:15    Transport to Trondhjem biologiske stasjon (TBS)

13:15-15:15    TBS demo and showcase

15:15-15:35    Transport back to Moholt
