Timeline campus development
Timeline for campus development
Timeline for campus development
Scroll through our timeline to see how we are working with campus development, and what lies ahead.
January 2014: Unified campus recommended
The Ministry of Education and Research starts to consider various solutions for the future campus in Trondheim. In January 2014, the recommendation was clear: To develop a single unified campus in the area around Gløshaugen.
January 2015: Quality assurance of the proposal
Before the Government could decide, the information had to be double-checked by an external third party. The external reviewers also recommended a single unified campus.
September 2015: The government says yes to a unified campus
The Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg announced that the Government supported a single campus in Trondheim, unified around Gløshaugen. The Government announced this in the national budget for 2016.
26 October: NTNU approves the goals for the future campus
NTNU decides that the new campus should be unifying, urban, a network of hubs, effective, sustainable and a living laboratory. The Board also recommended that new buildings should be located west of Gløshaugen.
2017: NTNU defines what campus should contain
NTNU explore where it is possible to build new university buildings, where the academic community should be located, and the various types of space to be included in the future campus.
19 January 2018: Government decides how much NTNU can build
The Government decides that the State will fund new buildings of up to 92 000 square metres gross and rebuilding of up to 45 000 square metres gross.
6 March: Politicians in Trondheim decide on areas to explore
The Building Council decides that the areas in the northern part of Høyskoleparken and Elgeseter park should not be investigated further for building purposes. They are open to explore possibilities in the south end of the park, and the other suggested areas.
March - October 2018: Exploring potential areas
NTNU continues to explore various opportunities for development and reconstruction. And investigate what the consequences will be for the area.
25 September 2018: Politicians in Trondheim sends new campus investgations on consultation
The Building Council re-examines the possible building areas that NTNU has explored and sends the reports for consultation.
During 2018: The state investigate costs and feasibility
What can be done? What will it cost? How long will it take? The Ministry of Education and Research commissions Statsbygg and NTNU to explore potential building areas, costs, overall space allocation and implementation.
25 April 2019: Municipal politicians decided where NTNU can build
The City Council decided the planning programme for campus and university purpose. The City Council therefore agrees that one can initiate zoning.
October 2019: Appropriation in the national budget to start planning buildings
Unified campus received 40 million NOK on the state budget to start pre-projects in 2020.
From 2020-2024: Planning and design buildings
Parallel with the zoning plan work, the design of the buildings starts, in line with the academic communities and functions that will be included. The end users of the campus are involved so that knowledge from the organization is included in the project.
21 April 2020: Planning initiative for a unified campus
19 September 2020: The zoning plan work begins
The zoning plan is an important part of the pre-project for NTNU's unified campus. Now the physical framework for where and how it can be built in the various areas will be clarified.
21 September 2020: Billions ensured to NTNU and Trondheim
We are pleased to receive the message that the Government will allocate NOK 11.6 billion as an entire investment decision to NTNU's unified campus. The funding for the project is then secured!
October 2020: Fundings for the pre-project on the national budget
In the national budget for 2021, NTNU's unified campus is allocated a total of NOK 169.7 million for the pre-project, and ocean space centre NOK 40 million for the continuation of the work on the pre-project.
December 2020: We build Helgasetr
Turning of the first sod for Helgasetr - the new co-use building for health and social sciences on Øya - occured in December 2020.
January 2021: User-involvement in NTNU'S unified campus starts
The end-users of the campus are involved so that knowledge from the organization is included in the project. The main user group and theme user groups are established and the work starts.
February 2021: Alternatives in Høgskoleveien and Hesthagen

The Building Council dicides on 29 September 2020 that alternatives that take into account cultural heritage and parks shall be explored in two of the sub-areas for NTNU's unified campus. NTNU, Statsbygg and Trondheim municipality are exploring alternatives for regulation in consultation with and participation from the city.
April 2021: Quality requirements for buildings and outdoors is finalized
NTNU's quality requirements for buildings and outdoors support the overall quality principles and will guide the development of our constructions on all NTNUs campuses, both new and existing. The work is summarized in two subreports.
August 2021: Concept phase for Centre for Mental Health starts
The building that will bring together NTNU's academic communities in psychology and mental health with other communities in medicine and health takes shape. The centre is established together with St. Olav's academic communities and treatment services within mental health care on Øya.
2 September 2021: Zoning plan for Ocean Space Centre is adopted
The City Council of Trondheim municipality adopts the zoning plan for Ocean Space Centre - NTNU and SINTEF's new research centre within ocean space.
November 2021: Involvement of the academic clusters starts

The end users of the campus are involved so that knowledge in the organization is included in the project.
2021-2022: Zoning plans for NTNU´s unified campus

Each of the five sub-areas for NTNU's unified campus is sent for initial processing in Trondheim municipality, before they are put out for consultation and public hearing. The zoning plan for a unified campus is expected to be final processed and adopted by the City Council in autumn/winter 2022.
2022-2025: We build Ocean Space Center
The first sod will be turned in 2022 at the earliest. The construction will take place throug several phases.
October 2023: Possible appropriation on the national budget to start building
NTNU hopes that the Storting will grant funds on the national budget, to start building in 2024.
2024-2028: We build NTNU´s unified campus
The first sod will be turned in 2024 at the earliest. We then start a construction phase where various areas are developed or rebuilt through several construction projects.
2024-2028: We build Center for Mental health
The first sod will be turned in 2024 at the earliest.
2028: The buildings are taken into use
Construction and unification of the campus are scheduled for completion during 2028. This is when we really will start to see the effect of a unified campus.