Ed-exchange at NTNU

Ed-exchange at NTNU

Courses offered by NTNU

Courses offered by NTNU

The Department of Education and Lifelong Learning provides the following courses:

PED1022 - Education and the Welfare State
PED1023 - Body, Mind and Culture: Basic Approaches to Education

BARN2001 - Children's Rights in a Global Perspective
BARN2003 - Introductory Course to Childhood Studies

About the semester

About the semester

The academic year in Norway is from August to June and it is divided into two semesters which run from mid-August to December and January to June. During their stay, the exchange students will be completing four courses, each earning them 7.5 ECTS credits. During the fall semester lectures and workshops related to these courses are usually held in week 34 through week 47. 

These courses are arranged by Department of Education and Lifelong Learning. The assessment form varies from written assignments to individual written exams which are held in December.



The Department of Education and Lifelong learning is situated at Dragvoll campus just east of Trondheim city, a trip that takes about 20 minutes by buss.

There are several buss links with busses going approximately every 10 minutes in either direction, making the trip to and from Dragvoll very easy. Exchange students coming to Trondheim are advised to read more about what to do in Trondheim, how to get around, and which attractions might be worth paying a visit.

Helpful information

Helpful information



It is with great pleasure that the Department of Education and Lifelong learning can announce its student exchange program in collaboration with the Universities of Birmingham, Dortmund, Groningen and Budapest.

The first students arrived at NTNU in the fall of 2012 and we hope many more will come. The agreement opens up the possibility for our own students to study one semester abroad, as well as accepting students from the coadjutant Universities.

We wish the exchange students very welcome to our University, and look forward to having you here!