Tatek Abebe
My teaching, research, and publications intersect childhood/youth studies and development studies with an emphasis on how young people are affected by and contribute to the transformations of the socio-cultural and political-economic environments they inhabit. I have conducted longitudinal ethnographic and participatory research on precarious childhoods and youth in Ethiopia and worked on a range of topics in diverse African contexts. Currently, I lead a project financed by the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills to facilitate research and capacity-building activities on the connections between childhood, culture, and development.
In recent years, my research has further focused on the generational dimensions of music, activism and worldmaking, looking at how music produced and consumed by young people provides a window into the ways they make sense of the future and history, as well as its capacity to reimagine the world differently. This involves fieldwork in Ethiopia with lyricists, singers, performers and music video producers, examining their practices of musicking as a strategy of resistance against structural violence and as part of a broader struggle for political, cultural, and epistemic justice.
I am passionate about teaching and interdisciplinary, collaborative research and knowledge production. I am involved in several writing projects, coediting the Routledge Handbook of Childhood Studies and Global Development and a themed issue of Childhood on Southern theories and decolonial childhood studies. My edited book African Futures and Childhood Studies in Africa is published by CODESRIA in 2022.
I am a member of the research group Critical Childhood and Youth Studies at NTNU and serve as an international advisory board member of Children’s Geographies and Fennia: International Journal of Geography. I am also an editor of Childhood; A Journal of Global Child Research.
- Aesthetics of youth activism
- Africa
- Critical children's rights studies
- Decolonial knowledge production
- Development research
- Education
- Ethics in research encounters
- Generational dimensions of poverty/development
- Geographies of Children and Young People
- Learning and Labouring
- Participatory methdologies
- Political economy
- Politics of future-making
- Popular culture
- Protest music
- Social reproduction
My role in some of the completed and ongoing externally funded projects:
- Principal Investigator, Collective for Interdisciplinary Studies of Sounds and Texts (Collective Interest); with Astrid Rasch, Sunniva Hovde, and Susanne Mohr, funded by NTNU Thematic Area 'Community', 2024-2025).
- Principal Investigator, Protest Music and the Aesthetics of Oromo Youth Activism in Ethiopia, NTNU and the Norwegian Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture (2023-2024).
- Project Leader, AAU-NTNU Partnership to Promote Knowledge on Childhood, Culture and Sustainable Development, Norwegian Directorate for Collaboration in Higher Education and Skills, Diku 2019-2024).
- Project Leader, Children’s Migration in Historical and Cross-cultural Perspectives (NOS-HS, 2017-2020).
- Director, Council for Development of Social Science Research in Africa’s Child and Youth Institute: African Futures and the Future of Childhood in Africa (CODESRIA, 2017).
- Project Leader, Nordic Network of African Childhoods and Youth Research - NoNACYR (NordForsk, 2011-2016).
- Co-Principal Investigator, Young people, Participation and Sustainable Development in an Urbanizing World (UN-Habitat, 2012-2013).
- Co-Principal Investigator, Interdisciplinary research consortium on childhood and local knowledge in Ethiopia and Zambia (NUFU, 2007-2012).
- Principal Investigator for research on the livelihood strategies of AIDS-affected children and families (Research Council of Norway, 2004-2008).
Abebe, Tatek;
Balagopalan, Sarada;
Ansell, Nicola;
Dar, Anandini;
Tesar, Marek;
Twum-Danso Imoh, Afua.
Teaching 'global childhoods' in childhood studies.
Academic article
Mengiste, Tekalign Ayalew;
Abebe, Tatek.
Ethiopian girls narratives of risk and governance of circular migration to the Arabian Gulf.
Children & society
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek .
Refusals for liberating childhood from the trap of schooling?.
Wilson, Samita;
Hean, Sarah Catherine Patricia Duff;
Abebe, Tatek ;
Heaslip, Vanessa.
Pakistani children's lived experiences of relationships in the context of child protection services in Norway: An interpretative phenomenological analysis.
Children & society
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek ;
Balagopalan, Sarada;
Hanson, Karl;
Spyrou, Spyros.
Celebrating Childhood’s 30th anniversary.
Wilson, Samita;
Hean, Sarah Catherine Patricia Duff;
Abebe, Tatek ;
Heaslip, Vanessa;
Smith, Jonathan.
The war within: emotional experiences of children in Norwegian child protection services.
Children's Geographies
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek;
Dar, Anandini;
Lyså, Ida Marie.
Southern theories and decolonial childhood studies.
Abebe, Tatek.
African Futures and Childhood Studies in Africa.
Council for Development of Social Science Research in Africa
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Abebe, Tatek .
Why African Childhoods? What Futures?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek.
Rekonseptualisering av "Aktorskap" i Barndomsstudier .
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek;
Biswas, Tanushree.
Rights 'in' Education: Outlines for a Decolonial, Childist Reimagination of the Future – Commentary to Ansell and Colleagues. .
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Storytelling through Popular Music: Social Memory, Reconciliation, and Intergenerational Healing in Oromia/Ethiopia.
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek;
Ursin, Marit;
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale.
Barndomsstudier i Norge: Historien, konteksten og hvor vi er i dag.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale;
Abebe, Tatek;
Ursin, Marit.
Barndomsstudier i norsk kontekst : Tverrfaglige tilnærminger.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ursin, Marit;
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale;
Abebe, Tatek.
Tverrfaglige barndomsstudier: Hvor er vi, og hvor går vi? .
Gyldendal Akademisk
Wilson, Samita;
Hean, Sarah;
Abebe, Tatek;
Heaslip, Vanessa.
Children's experiences with Child Protection Services: A synthesis of qualitative evidence.
Children and Youth Services Review
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Lost Futures? Educated Youth Precarity and Protests in the Oromia Region, Ethiopia.
Children's Geographies
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Encyclopedia article
Abebe, Tatek.
AIDS Orphans.
Sage Publications
Encyclopedia article
Abebe, Tatek.
Immediacy of Fieldwork in Participatory Research with Precarious Children. Blog Entry for Ethical Research Involving Children (ERIC) Website. www.childethics.com .
Abebe, Tatek.
Reciprocity in Participatory Research with Children in Precarious Contexts. Blog Entry for Ethical Research Involving Children (ERIC) Website. www.childethics.com .
Abebe, Tatek.
Reconceptualising Children's Agency as Continuum and Interdependence. SI on Childhood and Society. .
Social Sciences
Academic article
Osei-Tutu, Jonah;
Abebe, Tatek.
Tensions and controversies regarding child labor in small-scale gold mining in Ghana.
African Geographical Review
Academic article
Hanson, Karl;
Abebe, Tatek;
Aitken, Stuart C;
Balagopalan, Sarada;
Punch, Samantha.
'Global/Local' Research on Children and Childhood in a 'Global' Society. .
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Abebe, Tatek.
A Plea for Participatory Ethics and Knowledge Production with Children in Africa.
Ursin, Marit;
Abebe, Tatek.
Young People’s Marginal Livelihoods and Social Transitions in Urban Brazil: Tale of Four Lives.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek;
Waters, Johanna;
Skelton, Tracey.
Laboring and Learning.
Geographies of Children and Young People (.)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Abebe, Tatek;
Waters, Johanna.
Geographies of Laboring and Learning: Introduction.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Phiri, Douglas Tendai;
Abebe, Tatek.
Suffering and thriving: Children’s perspectives and interpretations of poverty and well-being in rural Zambia.
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Political economy of children’s work: economic restructuring, the coffee trade and social reproduction in post-Socialist Ethiopia.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek;
Ofosu-Kusi, Yaw.
Beyond pluralizing African childhoods: Introduction.
Academic article
Kassa, Sophia C;
Abebe, Tatek.
Qenja: child fostering and relocation practices in Amhara region, Ethiopia.
Children's Geographies
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Reframing children's contributions to household livelihoods in Ethiopia through a political-economy perspective.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek;
Tefera, Tamirat.
Earning Rights - Discourses on Childrens Rights and Proper Childhood in Ethiopia.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek;
Bessell, Sharon.
Advancing ethical research with children: Critical reflections on ethical guidelines.
Children's Geographies
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek;
Gizaw, Shumete;
Mekonnen, Teferi;
Baudouin, Axel.
Migrant children’s portfolio of street-based livelihoods in urban Ethiopia.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Beyene, Tizita Abate;
Abebe, Tatek.
The Socio-economic Roles of Children in Ethiopian Periodic Markets.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tefera, Tamirat;
Abebe, Tatek;
Elefachew, Tibebu.
Childhood and Parenting Practices in Dilla Town.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek.
Interdependent Rights and Agency: Children's Role in Collective Livelihood Strategies in Rural Ethiopia.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ali, Mohammed;
Desalegn, Fikre;
Abebe, Tatek.
Children’s Knowledge of Local Food Sources and Habits in Southwestern Ethiopia.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek;
Kjørholt, Anne Trine.
Children, Intergenerational Relationships and Local Knowledge in Ethiopia.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek;
Kjørholt, Anne Trine.
Childhood and Local Knowledge in Ethiopia: Livelihoods, Rights and Intergenerational Relationships.
Akademika forlag
Akademika forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Abebe, Tatek.
AIDS-affected children, family collectives and the social dynamics of care in Ethiopia.
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Orphanhood, Poverty and the Channenges of Care - Review of Global Policy Trends.
Kumarian Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skovdal, Morten;
Abebe, Tatek.
Reflexivity and dialogue: methodological and socio-ethical dilemmas in research with HIV-affected children in East Africa.
Ethics, Policy & Environment
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek;
Bessell, Sharon.
Dominant Discourses, Debates and Silences on Child Labour in Africa and Asia.
Third World Quarterly
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek;
Kjørholt, Anne Trine.
Young people, participation, and sustainable development in an urbanizing world.
United Nations Human Settlement Program, UN-Habitat
Abebe, Tatek.
Gendered work and schooling in rural Ethiopia: Exploring working children's perspectives.
Brill Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek.
Beyond the ‘orphan burden’: understanding care for and by AIDS-affected children in Africa.
Geography Compass
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek;
Skovdal, Morten.
Livelihoods, care and the familial relations of orphans in Eastern Afr.
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Sik'älla as a Way of Life: Begging, Poverty and the Livelihood Paths of Child Beggars in Addis Ababa.
Harrassowitz Verlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek.
Child labour in the global South: A review and critical commentary.
Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden
Academic literature review
Abebe, Tatek;
Kjørholt, Anne Trine.
Social Actors and Victims of Exploitation. Working children in the cash economy of Ethiopia's South.
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Orphanhood, Poverty and the Care Dilemma: Review of Global Policy Trends.
Social Work & Society
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Multiple methods, complex dilemmas: negotiating socio-ethical spaces in participatory research with disadvantaged children.
Children's Geographies
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Begging as a livelihood pathway of street children in Addis Ababa.
Forum for Development Studies
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
The Ethiopian "Family Collective" and Child Agency.
Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Trapped between disparate worlds: the livelihoods, socialisation and schooling contexts of children in rural Ethiopia.
Childhoods Today
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Earning a living on the margins: Begging, street work and the socio-spatial experiences of children in Addis Ababa.
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Ethiopian Childhoods: A Case Study of the Lives of Orphans and Working Children.
Doctoral dissertation
Abebe, Tatek.
Changing Livelihoods, Changing Childhoods: Patterns of Children's Work in Rural Southern Ethiopia.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek;
Aase, Asbjørn.
Children, AIDS and the politics of orphan care in Ethiopia: The extended family revisited.
Social Science and Medicine
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Changing Livelihoods, Changing Childhoods: Patterns of Children's Work in Rural Southern Ethiopia.
Children's Geographies
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Geographical dimensions of AIDS orphanhood in sub-Saharan Africa.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Journal publications
Abebe, Tatek;
Balagopalan, Sarada;
Ansell, Nicola;
Dar, Anandini;
Tesar, Marek;
Twum-Danso Imoh, Afua.
Teaching 'global childhoods' in childhood studies.
Academic article
Mengiste, Tekalign Ayalew;
Abebe, Tatek.
Ethiopian girls narratives of risk and governance of circular migration to the Arabian Gulf.
Children & society
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek .
Refusals for liberating childhood from the trap of schooling?.
Wilson, Samita;
Hean, Sarah Catherine Patricia Duff;
Abebe, Tatek ;
Heaslip, Vanessa.
Pakistani children's lived experiences of relationships in the context of child protection services in Norway: An interpretative phenomenological analysis.
Children & society
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek ;
Balagopalan, Sarada;
Hanson, Karl;
Spyrou, Spyros.
Celebrating Childhood’s 30th anniversary.
Wilson, Samita;
Hean, Sarah Catherine Patricia Duff;
Abebe, Tatek ;
Heaslip, Vanessa;
Smith, Jonathan.
The war within: emotional experiences of children in Norwegian child protection services.
Children's Geographies
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek;
Dar, Anandini;
Lyså, Ida Marie.
Southern theories and decolonial childhood studies.
Abebe, Tatek;
Biswas, Tanushree.
Rights 'in' Education: Outlines for a Decolonial, Childist Reimagination of the Future – Commentary to Ansell and Colleagues. .
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Storytelling through Popular Music: Social Memory, Reconciliation, and Intergenerational Healing in Oromia/Ethiopia.
Academic article
Wilson, Samita;
Hean, Sarah;
Abebe, Tatek;
Heaslip, Vanessa.
Children's experiences with Child Protection Services: A synthesis of qualitative evidence.
Children and Youth Services Review
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Lost Futures? Educated Youth Precarity and Protests in the Oromia Region, Ethiopia.
Children's Geographies
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Reconceptualising Children's Agency as Continuum and Interdependence. SI on Childhood and Society. .
Social Sciences
Academic article
Osei-Tutu, Jonah;
Abebe, Tatek.
Tensions and controversies regarding child labor in small-scale gold mining in Ghana.
African Geographical Review
Academic article
Hanson, Karl;
Abebe, Tatek;
Aitken, Stuart C;
Balagopalan, Sarada;
Punch, Samantha.
'Global/Local' Research on Children and Childhood in a 'Global' Society. .
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Phiri, Douglas Tendai;
Abebe, Tatek.
Suffering and thriving: Children’s perspectives and interpretations of poverty and well-being in rural Zambia.
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek;
Ofosu-Kusi, Yaw.
Beyond pluralizing African childhoods: Introduction.
Academic article
Kassa, Sophia C;
Abebe, Tatek.
Qenja: child fostering and relocation practices in Amhara region, Ethiopia.
Children's Geographies
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek;
Bessell, Sharon.
Advancing ethical research with children: Critical reflections on ethical guidelines.
Children's Geographies
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
AIDS-affected children, family collectives and the social dynamics of care in Ethiopia.
Academic article
Skovdal, Morten;
Abebe, Tatek.
Reflexivity and dialogue: methodological and socio-ethical dilemmas in research with HIV-affected children in East Africa.
Ethics, Policy & Environment
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek;
Bessell, Sharon.
Dominant Discourses, Debates and Silences on Child Labour in Africa and Asia.
Third World Quarterly
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Beyond the ‘orphan burden’: understanding care for and by AIDS-affected children in Africa.
Geography Compass
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek;
Skovdal, Morten.
Livelihoods, care and the familial relations of orphans in Eastern Afr.
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Child labour in the global South: A review and critical commentary.
Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden
Academic literature review
Abebe, Tatek;
Kjørholt, Anne Trine.
Social Actors and Victims of Exploitation. Working children in the cash economy of Ethiopia's South.
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Orphanhood, Poverty and the Care Dilemma: Review of Global Policy Trends.
Social Work & Society
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Multiple methods, complex dilemmas: negotiating socio-ethical spaces in participatory research with disadvantaged children.
Children's Geographies
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Begging as a livelihood pathway of street children in Addis Ababa.
Forum for Development Studies
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
The Ethiopian "Family Collective" and Child Agency.
Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Trapped between disparate worlds: the livelihoods, socialisation and schooling contexts of children in rural Ethiopia.
Childhoods Today
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Earning a living on the margins: Begging, street work and the socio-spatial experiences of children in Addis Ababa.
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek;
Aase, Asbjørn.
Children, AIDS and the politics of orphan care in Ethiopia: The extended family revisited.
Social Science and Medicine
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Changing Livelihoods, Changing Childhoods: Patterns of Children's Work in Rural Southern Ethiopia.
Children's Geographies
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
Geographical dimensions of AIDS orphanhood in sub-Saharan Africa.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek.
African Futures and Childhood Studies in Africa.
Council for Development of Social Science Research in Africa
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale;
Abebe, Tatek;
Ursin, Marit.
Barndomsstudier i norsk kontekst : Tverrfaglige tilnærminger.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Abebe, Tatek;
Waters, Johanna;
Skelton, Tracey.
Laboring and Learning.
Geographies of Children and Young People (.)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Abebe, Tatek;
Kjørholt, Anne Trine.
Childhood and Local Knowledge in Ethiopia: Livelihoods, Rights and Intergenerational Relationships.
Akademika forlag
Akademika forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Abebe, Tatek .
Why African Childhoods? What Futures?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek.
Rekonseptualisering av "Aktorskap" i Barndomsstudier .
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek;
Ursin, Marit;
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale.
Barndomsstudier i Norge: Historien, konteksten og hvor vi er i dag.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Ursin, Marit;
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale;
Abebe, Tatek.
Tverrfaglige barndomsstudier: Hvor er vi, og hvor går vi? .
Gyldendal Akademisk
Abebe, Tatek.
Encyclopedia article
Abebe, Tatek.
AIDS Orphans.
Sage Publications
Encyclopedia article
Ursin, Marit;
Abebe, Tatek.
Young People’s Marginal Livelihoods and Social Transitions in Urban Brazil: Tale of Four Lives.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek;
Waters, Johanna.
Geographies of Laboring and Learning: Introduction.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek.
Political economy of children’s work: economic restructuring, the coffee trade and social reproduction in post-Socialist Ethiopia.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek.
Reframing children's contributions to household livelihoods in Ethiopia through a political-economy perspective.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek;
Tefera, Tamirat.
Earning Rights - Discourses on Childrens Rights and Proper Childhood in Ethiopia.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek;
Gizaw, Shumete;
Mekonnen, Teferi;
Baudouin, Axel.
Migrant children’s portfolio of street-based livelihoods in urban Ethiopia.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Beyene, Tizita Abate;
Abebe, Tatek.
The Socio-economic Roles of Children in Ethiopian Periodic Markets.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tefera, Tamirat;
Abebe, Tatek;
Elefachew, Tibebu.
Childhood and Parenting Practices in Dilla Town.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek.
Interdependent Rights and Agency: Children's Role in Collective Livelihood Strategies in Rural Ethiopia.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ali, Mohammed;
Desalegn, Fikre;
Abebe, Tatek.
Children’s Knowledge of Local Food Sources and Habits in Southwestern Ethiopia.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek;
Kjørholt, Anne Trine.
Children, Intergenerational Relationships and Local Knowledge in Ethiopia.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek.
Orphanhood, Poverty and the Channenges of Care - Review of Global Policy Trends.
Kumarian Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek.
Gendered work and schooling in rural Ethiopia: Exploring working children's perspectives.
Brill Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek.
Sik'älla as a Way of Life: Begging, Poverty and the Livelihood Paths of Child Beggars in Addis Ababa.
Harrassowitz Verlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek.
Changing Livelihoods, Changing Childhoods: Patterns of Children's Work in Rural Southern Ethiopia.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abebe, Tatek;
Kjørholt, Anne Trine.
Young people, participation, and sustainable development in an urbanizing world.
United Nations Human Settlement Program, UN-Habitat
Abebe, Tatek.
Ethiopian Childhoods: A Case Study of the Lives of Orphans and Working Children.
Doctoral dissertation
Abebe, Tatek.
Immediacy of Fieldwork in Participatory Research with Precarious Children. Blog Entry for Ethical Research Involving Children (ERIC) Website. www.childethics.com .
Abebe, Tatek.
Reciprocity in Participatory Research with Children in Precarious Contexts. Blog Entry for Ethical Research Involving Children (ERIC) Website. www.childethics.com .
Abebe, Tatek.
A Plea for Participatory Ethics and Knowledge Production with Children in Africa.
- BARN3300 - Children, Youth and Development
- BARN3201 - Participatory Methods and Ethics
- BARN8009 - Cultural Epistemologies of Childhood
- BARN8008 - Contemporary Topics in Childhood Studies
- BARN8007 - Participatory Action Research and Knowledge Production
I teach courses primarily in MPhil in Childhood Studies and Ph.D. in Education specializing in Interdisciplinary Child Research.
PosterAbebe, Tatek ; Ally, Amina Abdulrahman; Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale. (2024) Framing critical childhood studies and decoloniality to intersectionalise children's rights. International workshop : Framing critical childhood studies and decoloniality to intersectionalise children's rights 2024-07-05 - 2024-07-07
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2020) Reflections on reimagining children's education and futures. S. Spyrou, R.Rosen and S Balagopalan Reimagining Childhood Studies , Online Seminar 2020-11-25 - 2021-11-25
Academic lectureHaugen, Gry Mette D.; Abebe, Tatek. (2019) Generagency: barn som omsorgsgivere i et tverrkulturelt perspektiv . Nettverket Migrasjon, mangfold og inkludering Nettverksseminar, Migrasjon, mangfold og inkludering , Dronning Mauds Minne Høgskole for barnehagelærerutdanning 2019-05-22 - 2019-05-22
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek; Ekberg, Karin. (2018) Childhood Studies - the next 25 years. Department of Education and Lifelong Learning, NTNU Seminar for the 25th Anniversary of Childhood , Trondheim 2018-11-05 - 2018-11-06
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2018) Policy Responses to Children's Migration for Livelihoods in Ethiopia. Bayreuth University Bayreuth University Anthrology Colloquium , Germany 2018-01-21 - 2018-01-21
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek; Oinas, Elina. (2018) Governing Child Mobility: Contemporary Discourses and Policy Responses. NTNU and University of Helsinki NOS-HS Funded Seminar Series: Children's Migration in Historical and Cross-cultural Perspectives , Helsinki 2018-11-25 - 2018-11-26
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2018) Youth Precarity and Protest in Ethiopia's Developmental State. Bayreuth University Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies Annual Lecture , Germany 2018-01-08 - 2018-01-08
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2018) Youth, Waithood and the Future in Post-socialist Ethiopia. San Diego State University Young People, Society and Space Seminar Series , USA 2018-04-04 - 2018-04-04
LectureAbebe, Tatek. (2017) Development Research and Childhood Studies Program at NTNU. Department of Geography NTNU NORAD Seminar on Development Related Teaching Programs in Norway , Trondheim 2017-02-07 - 2017-02-07
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek; Einardottir, Jonina. (2017) Nordic Experiences of Children’s Migration in Comparative Perspectives. University of Iceland Nordic Experiences of Children’s Migration in Comparative Perspectives , Reykjavik 2017-03-20 - 2017-03-21
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2017) African Futures and the Futures of Childhood in Africa. Council for Development of Social Science Research In Africa CODESRIA's Annual Child and Youth Institute , Dakar 2017-09-25 - 2017-10-06
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2017) Whose Rights? Politics of Difference and Children’s Uncodified Rights. AAG Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting , Boston 2017-04-05 - 2017-04-09
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2017) Publishing and Communicating Research in Childhood Studies. CODESRIA Roundtable Discussion of CODESRIA's Child and Youth Institute , Dakar 2017-10-05 - 2017-10-05
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2017) Children’s Migration for Livelihoods and Care in Ethiopia. University of Iceland NOS-HS Seminar on Nordic Experiences of Children’s Migration in Comparative Perspectives , Reykjavik 2017-03-20 - 2017-03-21
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2017) Publishing and Communicating Research in Childhood Studies - Panel Debate. Council for Development of Social Science Research in Africa CODESRIA Child and Youth Institute , Dakar 2017-10-07 - 2017-10-08
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2017) African Futures and Futures of Childhood in Africa. Council for Development of Social Science Research in Africa CODESRIA Child and Youth Institute , Dakar 2017-08-25 - 2017-09-08
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2016) Whose Ethics? Navigating Socio-ethical Spaces in Participatory Research With Disadvantaged Chidlren. Finnish Society for Childhood Studies Childhood and Everyday Life , Turku 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-08
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2016) Political economy of chidlren's work in postsocialist Ethiopia. Association of American Geographers Association of American Geographers Annual Confernece , San Francisco 2016-04-05 - 2016-04-09
LectureAbebe, Tatek; Ursin, Marit. (2016) Living ethics in research with young people in diverse contexts. Finnish Society for Childhood Studies 6th Interdisciplinary Conference of Childhood Studies , Turku 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-08
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek; Daniel, Marguerite. (2015) Working Group 18: Children’s education and the ‘Future Generation' in Africa. Nordic Development Research 3rd Nordic Conference on Development Research: A changing global development agenda? , Gøteborg 2015-11-06 - 2015-11-07
LectureAbebe, Tatek. (2015) Community perspectives on children’s rights in a multi-ethnic town in Ethiopia. University of Warsaw 19 ICES Ethiopia: Interconnection and Diversity Through Space and Time 19 International Conference of Ethiopian Studies , Warsaw 2015-08-24 - 2015-08-28
LectureAbebe, Tatek; Tekola, Bethlehem. (2015) Panel 8.03: Childhood, rights and wellbeing in Ethiopia in 19ICES - Ethiopia: Interconnection and Diversity Through Space and Time. University of Warsaw 19 International Conference of Ethiopian Studies , Warsaw 2015-08-24 - 2015-08-28
LectureAbebe, Tatek; Einarsdóttir, Joninna. (2014) Panel on Childrens Rights and Expereinces of Governance in Africa. Nordic Africa Institute Misbehaving States and Behaving Citizens? Questions of Governance in African States , Uppsala 2014-09-26 - 2014-09-27
LectureAbebe, Tatek; Kassa, Sophia C. (2014) Unconventional Livelihoods - Informal Child Fostering Practices in Ethiopia. Nordic Network of African Children and Youth Research Children and Mobility – Cross-Cultural Perspectives , University of Iceland 2014-09-23 -
LectureEinarsdóttir, Joninna; Abebe, Tatek. (2014) Children and Mobility – Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Department of Anthropology, University of Iceland Children and Mobility – Cross-Cultural Perspectives , The Nordic House, Reykjavík 2014-09-23 - 2014-09-23
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2014) AIDS and Orphan Care Interventions in Africa,. Brunel University Module Code - YC5577 - Young Lives in the Global South. , London 2014-11-18 - 2014-11-19
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2014) Street Children. Brunel University YC5599 International Development, Children and Youth , London 2014-11-18 - 2014-11-19
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2014) Doing Fieldwork. Brunel University YC5575 Researching Children, Childhood and Youth, Co-taught with N. Ansell , London 2014-11-18 - 2014-11-19
LectureAbebe, Tatek. (2014) Panel Discussion on Methodologial and Ethical Challenges in Childhood Studies. Finnish Society for Childhood Studies Values of Childhood and Childhood Studies , Oulu 2014-05-07 - 2014-05-09
LectureAbebe, Tatek. (2014) Family Collectives and the Values of Children’s Rights in Ethiopia. Finnish Society for Childhood Studies Values of Childhood and Childhood Studies , Oulu 2014-05-07 - 2014-05-09
LectureAbebe, Tatek. (2014) Values of Children and Childhood in Africa. Finnish Society for Childhood Studies Values of Childhood and Childhood Studies , Oulu 2014-05-07 - 2014-05-09
LectureAbebe, Tatek. (2014) Reframing Children’s Work in Ethiopia Using the Lens of Political Economy Perspective. Young Lives Ethiopia Program Symposium on Childrens Work in Eastern and Southern Africa , Addis Ababa 2014-03-20 - 2014-03-21
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2013) The infantilization of social reproduction: linking childhood studies and development studies. Nordic Development Research Conference. Nordic Development Researchers Conference: Knowing development - developing knolwedge? , Helsinki 2013-11-14 - 2013-11-15
Popular scientific lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2012) Young rural enterepruners in cash-crop markets of southern Ethiopia. Association for Childhood Education International, USA Global Summit on Childhood , Washington DC, 2012-03-28 - 2012-03-31
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2012) The place of work and school in the life paths of rural Ethiopian children. French Centre for Ethiopian Studies and AAU 18th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies , Dire Dawa 2012-10-28 - 2012-11-02
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek; Baudouin, Axel. (2012) Session on Perspectives on Young People in Urban Ethiopia. French Centre for Ethiopian Studies, and AAU 18 International Conference of Ethiopian Studies , Dire Dawa 2012-10-28 - 2012-11-02
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek; Einarsdóttir, Jónína. (2012) African Youth Studies Symposium. University of Iceland Nordic Network of African Childhood and Youth Research Seminar Series , Reykjavik 2012-10-17 - 2012-10-17
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2012) Keynote Lecture: Children, Intergenerational Relationships and Local Knowledge in Ethiopia. Dilla University Children, Young People and Local Knowledge in Ethiopia and Zambia, , Hawassa 2012-10-25 - 2012-10-26
InterviewAbebe, Tatek. (2011) Young Ethiopian Scholar (Dr Tatek Abebe). Ethiopian Television - Youth Program Ethiopian Television - Youth Program [TV] 2011-01-02
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2011) Urban children and youth in Africa: five themes. Addis Ababa University NOMA funded post-graduate course on urban challenges in East Africa , Addis Ababa 2011-11-19 - 2011-12-21
Popular scientific lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2011) Network to promote child research in Africa. Nordic Africa Institute Inaugral meeting of Nordic Network of African Childhood and Youth Research , Uppsala 2011-10-17 - 2011-10-17
Popular scientific lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2011) Why a Nordic Network on African Children and Youth Research?. NordForsk NordForsk Kick-off seminar for funded projects , Oslo 2011-11-17 - 2011-11-18
Popular scientific lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2011) Living off markets: young agricultural entrepreneurs and cash crops in Ethiopia. Finnish Society of Youth Research Nordic Youth Research Symposium: Global / Local Youth – New Civic Cultures, Rights and Responsibilities , Turku 2011-06-15 - 2011-06-17
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2010) Children's work; youth livelihoods. Addis Ababa University Lecture at the School of Social Work, Addis Ababa University , Addis Ababa 2010-11-16 - 2010-11-16
PosterAbebe, Tatek. (2010) Introducing the "Right to be Properly Researched: How to do rights-based Scientific research with children. A set of 10 manuals for field researchers. ACPF, CODESSRIA and CWI Child-focused methods and ethics in Africa , Addis Ababa 2010-11-22 - 2010-11-24
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2010) Participatory approaches in livelihood research with young people: reflections on fieldwork in rural and urban Ethiopia. Addis Ababa University Lecture at School of Social Work, Addis Ababa University , Addis Ababa 2010-11-18 - 2010-11-18
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2010) Ethics and participation in rights-based research with disadvantaged children in Ethiopia. African Child Policy Forum, CODESSRIA and ChildWatch Interna Child-focused methods and ethics in Africa , Addis Ababa 2010-11-22 - 2010-11-24
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2010) Producing ethical spaces in qualitative research with vulnerable young people. AAG Paper presented at a session on Qualitative Research Methodologies, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting , Washington D.C 2010-04-14 - 2010-04-18
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2010) Rural children's perspectives of gendered work and schooling in Ethiopia. ISSBD 21st International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development Congress - ISSBD - Childhood studies in Africa: representation, ecology and culture , Lusaka 2010-07-18 - 2010-07-22
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2010) Participatory ethics in rights-based research with diadvantaged children in Ethiopia. Finnish Society of Childhood Studies International Conference in Childhood Studies - Children and Knowledge Production 09.06.10-12.06.10 Jyvasyla, Finland , Jyvasyla 2010-06-09 - 2010-06-12
Academic lectureKjørholt, Anne Trine; Abebe, Tatek. (2010) Urban Youth Research and Policy: State of the Art. UN Habitat World Urban Forum 5 , Rio de Janeiro 2010-03-22 - 2010-03-26
InterviewAbebe, Tatek. (2009) Hjelp til føreldrelose barn. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2009-09-30
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2009) Young people in contemporary Africa (session organizer). Africa Network Norway and Nordic Africa Institute Nordic Africa Days 2009 - Africa In search of Alternatives , Trondheim 2009-10-01 - 2009-10-03
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2009) The moral, ethical and practical challenges of researching with street children. Childwatch International, African Child Policy Forum and UNI 20th Anniversary Conference of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, "Children’s Rights At a Cross-Roads" , Addis Ababa 2009-11-30 - 2009-12-02
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2009) Young people spaces of rural livelihoods in post development contexts of Ethiopia (Conference Proceeding). University of Turku 3rd Nordic Geographers Meeting, Change – Society, Environment and Science in Transition , Turku 2009-06-08 - 2009-06-11
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2009) Interdependent agency: children's participation in collective livelihood strategies in rural Ethiopia. International Research Seminar on "Living Rights: Theorizing Children's Rights in International Development" , Sion 2009-01-19 - 2009-01-21
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2009) Child labour and gendered work in Ethiopia: rural children’s perspectives. Institute of Ethiopian Studies, AAU 17th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies , Addis Ababa 2009-11-02 - 2009-11-07
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2009) Negotiating marginality: young beggars' socio-spatial lives in Addis Ababa. Association of American Geographers Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting , Las Vegas 2009-03-22 - 2009-03-27
InterviewAbebe, Tatek. (2009) Eit hjelpelaust offer? Millionar av afrikanske ungar har mista foreldra i aids. Dei fleste blir tatt godt hand om – av sine eigne. Gemini Gemini [Newspaper] 2009-04-15
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2008) Child labor in rural Ethiopia: children’s perspectives. African Studies Centre African Children in Focus: A Paradigm Shift in Methodology and Theory? , Leiden 2008-09-19 - 2008-09-20
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek . (2008) Family collectives, interdependency and children's agency: an Ethiopian study. Norwegian Centre for Child Research Childhood - yesterday, today, tomorrow , Hotel Britannia, Trondheim 2008-04-22 - 2008-04-23
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2008) Becoming and being orphan in contemporary Ethiopia. Africa Network Norway Analytical Abstractions - Lived Realities , Trondheim 2008-05-13 - 2008-05-14
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2008) Livelihoods, Care and the Familial Relations of Orphans in Ethiopia. International Child and Youth Research Network (ICYRNet) Child and Youth Research in the 21st Century: A Critical Appraisal , European University Cyprus 2008-05-28 - 2008-05-29
InterviewAbebe, Tatek. (2008) Politics of orphanhood: an Ethiopian study. Podcast, International Program of Psycho-Social Health Resea Podcast, International Program of Psycho-Social Health Resea [Radio] 2008-06-13
PosterAbebe, Tatek . (2008) Presentation of SIU-funded project: Children, Young People and Local Knowledge in Ethiopia and Zambia. Norwegian Centre for Child Research Childhood - yesterday, today, tomorrow , Hotel Britannia, Trondheim 2008-04-22 - 2008-04-23
PosterAbebe, Tatek; Stordal, Gjertrud. (2008) Presentation of 2 PhD projects at Norwegian Centre for Child Research: Ethiopian Childhoods - A case study of the lives of orphans and working children; and Being a Boy in the Countryside. Norwegian Centre for Child Research Childhood - yesterday, today, tomorrow , Hotel Britannia, Trondheim 2008-04-22 - 2008-04-23
Popular scientific lectureAbebe, Tatek; Ennew, Judith. (2008) Designing participatory research with children. NOSEB and Dilla Univeristy, Ethiopia A NUFU-Funded International Wookshop in Childhood Studies , Dilla 2008-09-29 - 2008-10-03
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2007) Shikella: business boys and girls in the context of begging and street work in Addis Ababa. NTNU ICES-16: International conference of Ethiopian Studies , Trondheim 2007-07-02 - 2007-07-07
Academic lectureKjørholt, Anne Trine; Abebe, Tatek. (2007) Children and Youth in Ethiopia: Research, Policy and Practice. NTNU 16 International Conference on Ethiopian Studies , Trondheim 2007-07-02 - 2007-07-06
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2007) Selected literature on African children: a review essay. University of Zambia Seminar on International Childhood Studies, University of Zambia , Lusaka 2007-11-27 - 2007-11-29
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2007) Working children’s perspectives of health and well-being in urban Ethiopia. University of Bergen 2nd Nordic Geographers Conference, Meeting New Waves of Globalisation , Bergen 2007-06-14 - 2007-06-17
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2006) 'It takes a whole village to raise a child': the challenges of orphancare in the context of poverty and livelihood transitions in southern Ethiopia. Centre for Human Rights, University of Oslo Paper presentation , Oslo 2006-09-13 - 2006-09-15
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2006) Continuities and change in rural children’s work in Gedeo, southern Ethiopia. Norwegian Centre for Child Research, NTNU Lecture on PhD/Research course, ‘Researching children and childhood in a globalised world’. Trondheim. , Trondheim 2006-05-29 - 2006-05-31
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2006) The development impacts of AIDS epidemic in Africa. Department of Social Anthropology Distance education in African Studies , Trondheim 2006-10-03 - 2006-10-03
Academic lectureKjørholt, Anne Trine; Abebe, Tatek. (2006) 'Childhood is not meant to be like this.' Contesting representations of children in black and white. Norsk senter for barneforskning Representations of children and childhood in a globalised world , Hurtigruta - Svolvær-Kirkenes 2006-09-28 - 2006-10-01
Popular scientific lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2006) The HIV/AIDS epidemic: social and economic impacts. Department of Geography , NTNU 2006-09-20 - 2006-09-20
InterviewAbebe, Tatek. (2005) Aids i Etiopia: - Foreldreløse barn en ressurs. Trondheim Trondheim [Internet] 2005-12-01
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2005) Children, AIDS and the politics of orphan care in Ethiopia. Nordic Africa Institute Seminar , Uppsala 2005-06-21 - 2005-06-21
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2005) The local in the global – (re) mapping contemporary childhood in Gedeo, southern Ethiopia. IMER, University of Bergen PhD course , Bergen 2005-10-08 - 2005-10-10
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2005) Conditioned and transformed childhoods in Ethiopia. A working paper. NOSEB/Department of Geography International workshop on ‘Global Childhoods – why children? Why now?’ , Trondheim 2005-03-21 - 2005-03-24
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2005) ‘Ecology as metaphor’: the cultural politics of orphan care in Ethiopia. University of Oslo Childhoods 2005 , Oslo 2005-06-29 - 2005-07-03
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2005) The orphan problem: the social consequences of AIDS in Ethiopia. Department of Social Anthropology Seminar on African Studies, Distance Education at NTNU , Trondheim 2005-10-18 - 2005-10-18
Academic lectureAbebe, Tatek. (2004) Globalization and the social construction of orphanhood. Forum for Globalization, NTNU Forum for Globalization, , Trondheim 2004-12-18 - 2004-12-18