Alok Mishra
Alok worked for a brief stint in the software industry and later moved to academics. He has been a full Professor since 2012 and held various academic positions in different universities including Head of School, Univ. senate member, Member Board of Studies Computer Science, Chief Examiner Computer Science IB, Chair Software Engineering Ph.D Qualifying Exam., Erasmus co-ordinator, and search committee chair and member of academic positions. He is adjunct professor in Universities and accorded the title of Honorary Professor by Amity University, Noida in 2016.
Alok was a visiting professor at University of Technology of Compiègne (Sorbonne Universitè) supported by CNRS France (2015) and also visited Miami University, Oxford Ohio suported by NSF-USA (2008), University of Tartu, Estonia (2012), and University of Ostrava, Czech Republic (2019) supported by Erasmus.
He has successfully supervised eight Ph.Ds, and more than twenty MS (Thesis) so far in his areas of research. He has evaluated more than twenty doctoral theses as an external examiner and adjudicator of Universities from many countries including Estonia, India, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and others. He has been involved in evaluating research projects of many countries' National Scientific and Technological Research Councils/Foundations and EU. He also worked as WP Lead in the EU and other research projects. He is an expert committee member in accreditation councils of national agencies and professional associations.
He is editor and editorial board members of reputed journals such as Computer Standards & Interfaces (Elsevier), Software Impacts (Elsevier), Journal of Universal Computer Science, Data Technologies and Applications (Emerald), Computing and Informatics, ICT Express (Elsevier) etc. along with program committee members in prestigious conferences such as XP of Agile Alliance, DEXA, SEKE, PROFES.
Alok has also edited special issues of many reputed journals and published in Computer Science Review, Artificial Intelligence Review, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Computers & Security, Computer Standards & Interfaces, Information and Software Technology, Journal of Systems and Software, Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice, International Journal of Information Management, Computers in Human Behavior, Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, Information Technology & People, Government Information Quarterly, Systems Engineering, Scandinavian Journal of Information System, and others. His many research studies are featured, highly cited by researchers, referred by industry professionals, institutions, and acknowledged by international organizations such as WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), ISO ( The International Organization for Standardization), FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), WHO (World Health Organization), and others.
- Agile Software Development
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cyber Security
- Digitalization
- Green Information Technology
- Information Systems
- Intelligent Manufacturing
- Machine Learning
- Project Planning and Control
- Software Architecture
- Software Engineering
- Software Process & Quality
- Sustainability
- Technology Management
Yadav, Pravin Singh;
Rao, Rajwant Singh;
Mishra, Alok.
An Evaluation of Multi-Label Classification Approaches for Method-Level Code Smells Detection.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok;
Topcu, Ahmet Ercan.
Research trends in deep learning and machine learning for cloud computing security.
Artificial Intelligence Review
Academic article
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Green artificial intelligence initiatives: Potentials and challenges.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Kadhim, Yezi Ali;
Guzel, Mehmet Serdar;
Mishra, Alok.
A Novel Hybrid Machine Learning-Based System Using Deep Learning Techniques and Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Various Medical Datatypes Classification.
Diagnostics (Basel)
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Gavrilović, Nebojša.
Quality attributes of software architecture in IoT-based agricultural systems.
Smart Agricultural Technology
Academic article
Yadav, Pravin Singh;
Rao, Rajwant Singh;
Mishra, Alok;
Gupta, Manjari.
Machine Learning-Based Methods for Code Smell Detection: A Survey.
Applied Sciences
Academic article
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Blockchain consensus mechanisms comparison in fog computing: A systematic review.
ICT Express
Academic article
Aubaid, Asmaa M.;
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Atul.
Machine learning and rule-based embedding techniques for classifying text documents.
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
Academic article
Yadav, Pravin Singh;
Rao, Rajwant Singh;
Mishra, Alok;
Gupta, Manjari.
Ensemble Methods with Feature Selection and Data Balancing for Improved Code Smells Classification Performance.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Academic article
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok;
Topcu, Ahmet Ercan;
Cibikdiken, Ali Osman.
Generative Artificial Intelligence Technology for Systems Engineering Research: Contribution and Challenges.
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (IJIEM)
Academic article
Mishra, Kamta Nath;
Mishra, Alok;
Ray, Soumya;
Kumari, Anjali;
Waris, Saad Misbah.
Enhancing cancer detection and prevention mechanisms using advanced machine learning approaches.
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked (IMU)
Academic article
Almashhadani, Mohammed;
Mishra, Alok;
Yazici, Ali.
Software Maintenance Practices Using Agile Methods Towards Cloud Environment: A Systematic Mapping.
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process (JSEP)
Academic article
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Techniques to alleviate blockchain bloat: Potentials, challenges, and recommendations.
Computers and Electrical Engineering
Academic article
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok;
Kulakli, Atik.
Critical Concerns of Deploying Blockchain in Internet of Things Applications.
TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics
Academic article
Mishra, Kamta Nath;
Mishra, Alok;
Barwal, Paras Nath;
Lal, Rajesh Kumar.
Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning-Based Solution of Cold Start Problem Using Collaborative Filtering Approach.
Electronics (Basel)
Academic article
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
ChatGPT Technology Contribution in Business Innovation, Policy, and Management.
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
Academic article
Mohammed, Almashhadani;
Mishra, Alok;
Ali, Yazici;
Muhammad, Younas.
Challenges in Agile Software Maintenance for Local and Global Development: An Empirical Assessment.
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim.
Structured software development versus agile software development: a comparative analysis.
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Jabar, Thr Satar;
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Mishra, Kamta Nath.
Enhancing privacy-preserving mechanisms in Cloud storage: A novel conceptual framework.
Concurrency and Computation
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok;
Abdalhamid, Samia.
Facilitators and inhibitors of Agile methods adoption: Practitioners view.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Rao, Rajwant Singh;
Dewangan, Seema;
Mishra, Alok;
Gupta, Manjari.
A study of dealing class imbalance problem with machine learning methods for code smell severity detection using PCA-based feature selection technique.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Mishra, Atul;
Mishra, Alok.
Identifying and Analyzing Reduplication Multiword Expressions in Hindi Text Using Machine Learning.
TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics
Academic article
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Enterprise architecture contribution in distributed agile software development.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Green Blockchain – A Move Towards Sustainability.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Alkhateeb, Ahmed;
Catal, Cagatay;
Kar, Gorkem;
Mishra, Alok.
Hybrid blockchain platforms for the Internet of Things (IoT) : a systematic literature review.
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Gill, Asif Qumer;
Anwar, Memoona Javeria.
Cybersecurity enterprises policies : a comparative study.
Academic article
Kassahun, Ayalew;
Bloo, Robbin;
Catal, Cagatay;
Mishra, Alok.
Dairy farm management information systems.
Electronics (Basel)
Academic article
Akbar, Muhammad Azeem;
Khan, Arif Ali;
Mahmood, Sajjad;
Mishra, Alok.
SRCMIMM: the software requirements change management and implementation maturity model in the domain of global software development industry.
Information Technology and Management
Academic article
Sivari, Esra;
Güzel, Mehmet Serdar;
Bostanci, Erkan;
Mishra, Alok.
A novel hybrid machine learning based system to classify shoulder implant manufacturers.
Academic article
Balli, Cagla;
Guzel, Mehmet Serdar;
Bostanci, Erkan;
Mishra, Alok.
Sentimental analysis of Twitter users from Turkish content with natural language processing.
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
Academic article
Dogan, Gulin;
Akbulut, Fatma Patlar;
Catal, Cagatay;
Mishra, Alok.
Stress detection using experience sampling : a systematic mapping study.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Academic article
Kumar, Kuldeep;
Sumit, -;
Kumar, Sandeep;
Singh, Lalit Kumar;
Mishra, Alok.
Predicting reliability of software in industrial systems using a Petri net
based approach : a case study on a safety system used in nuclear
power plant.
Information and Software Technology
Academic article
Jorayeva, Manzura;
Akbulut, Akhan;
Catal, Cagatay;
Mishra, Alok.
Machine learning-based software defect prediction for mobile applications : a systematic literature review.
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Anwar, Memoona Javeria;
Gill, Asif Qumer.
Attributes impacting cybersecurity policy development : an evidence from seven nations.
Computers & Security
Academic article
Abdulwahid, Huda M.;
Mishra, Alok.
Deployment optimization algorithms in wireless sensor networks for smart cities : a systematic mapping study.
Academic article
Guzel, Mehmet Serdar;
Bostanci, Erkan;
Mishra, Alok.
Mobile robot navigation with swarm intelligence using a
decentralized strategy.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jorayeva, Manzura;
Akbulut, Akhan;
Catal, Cagatay;
Mishra, Alok.
Deep learning-based defect prediction for mobile applications.
Academic article
Dewangan, Seema;
Rao, Rajwant Singh;
Mishra, Alok;
Gupta, Manjari.
Code smell detection using ensemble machine learning algorithms.
Applied Sciences
Academic article
Ehsan, Adeel;
Catal, Cagatay;
Mishra, Alok.
Detecting Malware by Analyzing App Permissions on Android Platform: A Systematic Literature Review.
Academic literature review
Kadhim, Yezi Ali;
Kahn, Muhammad Umer;
Mishra, Alok.
Deep Learning-Based Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD): Applications for Medical Image Datasets.
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Khan, Arif Ali;
Iribarne, Luis;
Mishra, Deepti.
Multimedia software engineering: challenges and opportunities .
Multimedia Tools and Applications
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Gill, Asif Qumer;
Mishra, Alok.
A systematic review of the purposes of Blockchain and fog computing integration: classification and open issues.
Journal of Cloud Computing
Academic literature review
Gosala, Bethany;
Chowdhuri, Sripriya Roy;
Singh, Jyotika;
Gupta, Manjari;
Mishra, Alok.
Automatic classification of UML class diagrams using deep learning technique : convolutional neural network.
Applied Sciences
Academic article
Karim, Ahmad M.;
Mishra, Alok.
Novel COVID-19 recognition framework based on conic functions classifier.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Alok;
Shatnawi, Raed;
Catal, Cagatay;
Akbulut, Akhan.
Techniques for calculating software product metrics threshold values : a systematic mapping study.
Applied Sciences
Academic article
Gangwar, Arvind Kumar;
Kumar, Sandeep;
Mishra, Alok.
A paired learner-based approach for concept drift detection and adaptation in software defect prediction.
Applied Sciences
Academic article
Pande, Akshara;
Pant, Vivekanand;
Gupta, Manjari;
Mishra, Alok.
Design patterns discovery in source code : novel technique using substring match.
TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics
Academic article
Ibrahim, Thaer;
Mishra, Alok.
A conceptual design of smart management system for flooding
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Academic article
Prajapati, Amarjeet;
Parashar, Anshu;
Sunita, -;
Mishra, Alok.
Entropy-driven global best selection in particle swarm
optimization for many-objective software package restructuring.
Academic article
Abdalla, Reem;
Mishra, Alok.
Agent-oriented software engineering methodologies : analysis
and future directions.
Academic article
Dewangan, Seema;
Rao, Rajwant Singh;
Mishra, Alok;
Gupta, Manjari.
A novel approach for code smell detection : an
empirical study.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Abdalhamid, Samia;
Mishra, Deepti;
Ostrovska, Sofiya.
Organizational issues in embracing Agile methods : an empirical assessment.
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
Academic article
Colakoglu, Fatima Nur;
Yazici, Ali;
Mishra, Alok.
Software product quality metrics : a systematic
mapping study .
IEEE Access
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Sustainable software engineering : curriculum development based on ACM/IEEE guidelines.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Senirkentli, Güler Burcu;
Ekinci, Fatih;
Bostanci, Erkan;
Güzel, Mehmet Serdar;
Dağli, Özlem;
Karim, Ahmed M..
Proton therapy for mandibula plate phantom.
Academic article
Shatnawi, Raed;
Mishra, Alok.
An empirical study on software fault prediction using product and process metrics.
International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach
Academic article
Ateşoğulları, Dilara;
Mishra, Alok.
Automation testing tools : a comparative view .
International Journal on Information Technologies and Security (IJITS)
Academic article
Karim, Ahmad;
Kaya, Hilal;
Güzel, Mehmet Serdar;
Tolun, Mehmet;
Çelebi, Fatih Vehbi;
Mishra, Alok.
A novel framework using deep auto-encoders based linear model
for data classification.
Academic article
Yu, Liguo;
Mishra, Alok.
Customer Engagement Strategies of China's E-Commerce Industry and Their Impact on China's Economy Transition.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, Terje;
Jæger, Bjørn;
Mishra, Alok.
Circularity in waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) directive. Comparison of a manufacturer's Danish and Norwegian operations.
Academic article
Gavrilović, Nebojša;
Mishra, Alok.
Software architecture of the internet of things (IoT) for smart city, healthcare and agriculture : analysis and improvement directions.
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
Academic article
Aubaid, Asmaa M.;
Mishra, Alok.
A rule-based approach to embedding techniques for text document classification.
Applied Sciences
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Sustainability inclusion in informatics curriculum development.
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Sustainable software engineering education curricula development.
International Journal on Information Technologies and Security (IJITS)
Academic article
Jæger, Bjørn;
Bruckenberger, Sophie A.;
Mishra, Alok.
Critical success factors for ERP consultancies : a case study.
Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems (SJIS)
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Otaiwi, Ziadoon.
DevOps and software quality : a systematic mapping.
Computer Science Review
Academic article
Ibrahim, Thaer;
Mishra, Alok.
Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial neural networks
towards water pollution forecasting.
Rocznik Ochrona Srodowiska
Academic article
Jæger, Bjørn;
Mishra, Alok.
IoT platform for seafood farmers and consumers.
Academic article
Ateşoğulları, Dilara;
Mishra, Alok.
White box test tools : a comparative view.
International Journal on Information Technologies and Security (IJITS)
Academic article
Abdalhamid, Samia;
Mohammed, Alfaroq O. M.;
Mishra, Alok.
Agile and quality : a systematic mapping study.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Alansari, Saeeda;
Mishra, Alok.
Inventory system transition towards ERP.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kadhim, Yezi;
Mishra, Alok.
Radial Basis Function (RBF) based on multistage autoencoders for Intrusion Detection system (IDS) .
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Özkan, Deniz;
Mishra, Alok.
Agile project management tools : a brief comprative view.
Cybernetics and Information Technologies (CIT)
Academic article
Akbulut, Sinan;
Gebreyesus, Yasmin Tesfaldet;
Mishra, Alok;
Yazici, Ali.
Systematic mapping on quality in web application testing .
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ibrahim, Thaer;
Mishra, Alok;
Bosta, Atila.
Role of E-government in reducing disasters .
TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Aydin, Secil;
Mishra, Alok;
Ostrovska, Sofiya.
Knowledge management in requirement elicitation: Situational methods view.
Computer Standards & Interfaces
Academic article
Gavrilović, Nebojša;
Arsić, Aleksandra;
Domazet, Dragan;
Mishra, Alok.
Algorithm for adaptive learning process and improving learners’ skills in Java programming language.
Computer Applications in Engineering Education
Academic article
Choudhary, Garvit Rajesh;
Kumar, Sandeep;
Kumar, Kuldeep;
Mishra, Alok;
Catal, Cagatay.
Empirical analysis of change metrics for software fault prediction.
Computers and Electrical Engineering
Academic article
Abdalla, Reem;
Mishra, Alok.
Comparing the artifacts of agent methodologies .
TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics
Academic article
Niazi, Mahmood;
Mishra, Alok;
Gill, Asif Qumer.
What do software practitioners really think about software process improvement project success? : an exploratory study.
The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Academic article
Aubaid, Asmaa M.;
Mishra, Alok.
Text classification using word embedding in rule-based methodologies : a systematic mapping.
TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics
Academic article
Kılınç, Nergiz;
Sezer, Leyla;
Mishra, Alok.
Cloud-based test tools : a brief comparative view.
Cybernetics and Information Technologies (CIT)
Academic article
Abdalla, Reem;
Mishra, Alok.
Using agent-based methodologies in healthcare information systems.
Cybernetics and Information Technologies (CIT)
Academic article
Kaur, Kamaldeep;
Khatri, Sunil Kumar;
Mishra, Alok;
Datta, Rattan.
Statistical usage testing at different levels of testing.
Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS)
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Khatri, Sunil Kumar;
Kapur, P. K.;
Kumar, Uday.
Quality and reliability engineering : trends and future
Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS)
Yazici, Ali;
Mishra, Alok;
Karakaya, Ziya;
Üstünkök, Tolga.
Informatics engineering education in Turkey and expectations of software industry.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gavrilović, Nebojša;
Jovanović, Slobodan;
Mishra, Alok.
Personalized learning system based on student behavior
And learning style
Mishra, Alok;
Garbajosa, Juan;
Wang, Xiaofeng;
Bosch, Jan;
Abrahamsson, Pekka.
Future directions in Agile research : alignment and divergence between research and practice.
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process (JSEP)
Abdalhamid, Samia;
Mishra, Alok.
Factors in agile methods adoption.
TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics
Academic article
Abdalla, Reem;
Mishra, Alok.
Application of agent methodology in healthcare information systems.
TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics
Academic article
Akman, Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Factors influencing consumer intention in social commerce adoption.
Information Technology and People
Academic article
Abdalhamid, Samia;
Mishra, Alok.
Adopting of agile methods in software development organizations : systematic mapping
TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics
Academic article
Mishra, Alok.
Sustainable software engineering : a move towards future.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Mishra, Alok;
Münch, Jürgen;
Lassenius, Casper;
Mishra, Deepti.
Information systems in distributed environment.
Computer Standards & Interfaces
Yazici, Ali;
Mishra, Alok;
Karakaya, Ziya.
Teaching parallel computing concepts using real-life applications.
International Journal of Engineering Education
Academic article
Mayeh, Maral;
Ramayah, T.;
Mishra, Alok.
The role of absorptive capacity, communication and trust in ERP adoption.
Journal of Systems and Software
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Yazici, Ali;
Cetin, Semih.
Software evolution in Turkey.
Tehnicki Vjesnik
Academic article
Wojciechowski, Adam;
Mishra, Alok.
The 3rd workshop on social and algorithmic issues in business support : paradigms derived from text and converted into algorithms.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Münch, Jürgen;
Mishra, Deepti.
Information systems in distributed environments 2015.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Mishra, Alok.
Agile methods adoption in large software development projects.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Yu, Liguo;
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Scale up internet-based business through distributed data centers.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tuna, Hacaloglu;
Eren, Erhan;
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
A Software Development Process Model for Cloud by Combining Traditional Approaches.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ciuciu, Ioana;
Panetto, Herve;
Debruyne, Christophe;
Aubry, Alexis;
Bollen, Peter;
Valencia-Garcia, Rafael.
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems : OTM 2015 Workshops .
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) (9416)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Saleh, Majd;
Abel, Marie-Hélène;
Mishra, Alok.
An architectural model for system of information systems.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Özkan, Barış;
Mishra, Alok.
A curriculum on sustainable information communication technology.
Problemy Ekorozwoju
Academic article
Garousi, Vahid;
Mishra, Alok;
Yazici, Ali.
Üniversite Yazılım Mühendisliği programları
müfredatının SWEBOK kılavuzu kullanılarak
değerlendirme ve iyileştirilmesi: Türkiye’de bir vaka
Akman, Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Sector diversity in green information technology practices : technology acceptance model perspective.
Computers in Human Behavior
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Münch, Jürgen;
Mishra, Deepti.
Information Systems in Distributed Environments : ISDE 2014.
Software engineering notes
Academic literature review
Yazici, Ali;
Mishra, Alok;
Kontogiorgis, Paul.
IT Service Management (ITSM) Education and Research: Global View
International Journal of Engineering Education
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Hacaloglu, Tuna;
Mishra, Alok.
Teaching Software Verification and Validation Course: A Case Study.
International Journal of Engineering Education
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Akman, Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Theory of Reasoned Action application for Green Information Technology acceptance.
Computers in Human Behavior
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Cultural Issues in Distributed Software Development: A Review.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yu, Liguo;
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
An Empirical Study of the Dynamics of GitHub Repository and Its Impact on Distributed Software Development.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Alok;
Akman, Ibrahim.
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal
Academic article
Akman, Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Green information technology practices among IT professionals: Theory of planned behavior perspective.
Problemy Ekorozwoju
Academic article
Wojciechowski, Adam;
Mishra, Alok.
The 2nd workshop on social and algorithmic issues in business support-knowledge hidden in text.
Software engineering notes
Academic literature review
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Applications of Stakeholder Theory in Information Systems and Technology.
Engineering Economics
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Software Architecture in Distributed Software Development: A Review.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok;
Colomo-Palacios, Ricardo;
Casado-Lumbreras, Cristina.
Global Software Development and Quality Management: A Systematic Review.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Aydin, Secil;
Mishra, Alok.
Situational Requirement Method System: Knowledge Management in Business Support.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Colomo-Palacios, Ricardo;
Mishra, Alok;
Casado-Lumbreras, Cristina;
Soto-Acosta, Pedro.
E-mentoring in global software development teams : success factors to develop a common culture.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Software project management tools : a brief comparative view.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
A curriculum for large scale software development.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Münch, Jürgen;
Mishra, Deepti.
Information systems in distributed environments : ISDE 2013.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Industry Oriented Advanced Software Engineering Education Curriculum.
Croatian Journal of Education
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Yazici, Ali;
Mishra, Deepti.
Green Information Technology/Information System Education: Curriculum Views.
Technics Technologies Education Management: TTEM
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Balgioglu, Eda;
Mishra, Alok.
Measuring Project and Quality Aspects in Agile Software Development.
Technics Technologies Education Management: TTEM
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
A Global Software Inspection Process for Distributed Software Development.
Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS)
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok;
Ostrovska, Sofiya.
Impact of physical ambiance on communication, collaboration and coordination in agile software development: An empirical evaluation.
Information and Software Technology
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Münch, Jürgen;
Mishra, Deepti.
Distributed development of information system .
Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS)
Mishra, Alok;
Dwivedi, Yogesh K..
Stakeholder theory and applications in information systems.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yu, Liguo;
Mishra, Alok.
Experience in predicting fault-prone software modules using complexity metrics.
Quality Technology & Quantitative Management (QTQM)
Academic article
Mahmud Akhter, Shareef;
Norm, Archer;
Yogesh K., Dwivedi;
Mishra, Alok;
Sanjay K., Pandey.
Transformational Government Through eGov Practice: Socioeconomic, Cultural, and Technological Issues.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Academic monograph
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Research Trends in Management Issues of Global Software Development: Evaluating the Past to Envision the Future.
Journal of Global Information Technology Management
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
ERP Project Implementation: Evidence from the Oil and gas Sector.
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Object-Oriented Inheritance Metrics related with Cognitive Complexity.
Fundamenta Informaticae
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Legal Business Information System: Implementation Process View.
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
A Review of Non-Technical Issues in Global Software Development.
International journal of computer applications in technology
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Complex Software Project Development: Agile Methods Adoption.
Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
E-Government - Exploring the Different Dimensions Of Challenges, Implementation, and Success Factors.
Data Base for Advances in Information Systems
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
E-learning experience at various universities: Academics perspective.
Tehnicki Vjesnik
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Curriculum issues in industry oriented software engineering education.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Complak, Wojciech;
Wojciechowski, Adam;
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Use cases and object modelling using ArgoUML.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yu, Liguo;
Ramaswamy, Srini;
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Communications in Global Software Development: An Empirical Study Using GTK+ OSS Repository.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Alok;
Münch, Jürgen;
Mishra, Deepti.
Information systems in distributed environments : ISDE 2010.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Colomo-Palacios, Ricardo;
Soto-Acosta, Pedro;
Mishra, Alok;
García-Crespo, Ángel.
Software quality management improvement through mentoring : an exploratory study from GSD projects.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Alok;
Yazici, Ali.
An assessment of the software engineering curriculum in Turkish universities: IEEE/ACM guidelines perspective.
Croatian Journal of Education
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
A curriculum for agile software development methodologies.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Industry linked graduate software engineering curriculum.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Hall, Tracy;
Høst, Martin;
Niazi, Mahmood;
Mishra, Alok;
Falessi, Davide.
Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement (PROFES 2010, Limerick, Ireland, June 21-23. 2010).
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Managing Requirements in Market-Driven Software Project - Agile Methods View.
Tehnicki Vjesnik
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Improving Baggage Tracking, Security & Customer Services with RFID in the Airline Industry.
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
ERP System Implementation in FMCG Sector.
Tehnicki Vjesnik
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Application of RFID in Aviation Industry: An Exploratory Review.
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Industry Oriented Software Engineering Education.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
A Software Inspection Process for Globally Distributed Teams.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Alok;
Münch, Jürgen;
Mishra, Deepti.
A report on the "information systems in distributed environments" (ISDE) workshop at the OTM 2009 conferences.
Software engineering notes
Academic literature review
Akman, Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Predictive effect of gender and sector differences on internet usage among employees.
Engineering Economics
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Akman, Ibrahim.
Information technology in human resource management: An empirical assessment.
Public personnel management
Academic article
Akman, Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Gender, age and income differences in internet usage among employees in organizations.
Computers in Human Behavior
Academic article
Yu, Liguo;
Mishra, Alok;
Ramaswamy, Srini.
Component co-evolution and component dependency: Speculations and verifications.
IET Software
Academic article
Yu, Liguo;
Mishra, Alok.
Risk Analysis of Global Software Development and Proposed Solutions.
Automatika : Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Muench, Juergen;
Mishra, Deepti.
ISDE'10-PC Co-chairs Message.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Software Process Improvement in SMEs: A Comparative View.
Computer Science and Information Systems
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Effective Communication, Collaboration and Coordination in eXtreme Programming: Human Centric Perspective in Small Organization.
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Simplified Software Inspection in Compliance with International Standards.
Computer Standards & Interfaces
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Customer Relationship Management - Implementation Process Perspective.
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
CRM System Implementation in a Multinational Enterprise.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Distributed Information System Development: Some Management Issues.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
ERP System Implementation: An Oil and Gas Exploration Sector Perspective.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Object-Oriented Inheritance Metrics: Cognitive Complexity Perspective.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Market-Driven Software Project Through Agility: Requirements Engineering Perspective.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
A discussion on design factors of client-server software testability.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Some issues on scheduling estimation model for object-oriented software projects.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Akman, Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Ethical behavior issues in software use: An analysis of public and private sectors.
Computers in Human Behavior
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Software Process Improvement Methodologies for Small and Medium Enterprises.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Workspace Environment for Collaboration in Small Software development Organization.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok;
Yazici, Ali.
Successful Requirement Elicitation by Combining Requirement Engineering Techniques.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Design issues in client-server software maintenance.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Some observations on staff estimation metrics for object : oriented software engineering.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Achieving Success in Supply Chain Management Software by Agility.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Adapting Test-Driven Development for Innovative Software Development Project.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
An Efficient Software Review Process for Small & Medium Enterprises.
IET Software
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Cagiltay, Nergiz Ercil;
Kilic, Ozkan.
Software engineering education: some important dimensions.
European Journal of Engineering Education
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Akman, Ibrahim;
Yazici, Ali.
Organizational software piracy: An empirical assessment.
Behaviour and Information Technology
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Software Quality Assurance Models in SME – A Comparison.
International Journal of Information Technology and Management
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti;
Akman, Ibrahim.
Information System Process Improvement: A Managerial Perspective and Proposal of a General Framework.
ACTA Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Alok;
Akman, Ibrahim;
Yazici, Ali.
Software piracy among IT professionals in organizations.
International Journal of Information Management
Academic article
Akman, Ibrahim;
Yazici, Ali;
Mishra, Alok;
Arifoglu, Ali.
E-Government: A global view and an empirical evaluation of some attributes of citizens.
Government Information Quarterly: an international journal of information technology management, policies, and practices
Academic article
Mishra, Alok.
Achieving business benefits from enterprise systems.
Electronics information & planning
Academic article
Mishra, Alok.
Global IT Outsourcing: Benefits, Risks & Current Trends .
Electronics information & planning
Academic article
Mishra, Alok.
Web Privacy: A Commercial, Social and Technological Perspective.
Electronics information & planning
Academic article
Mishra, Alok.
Information System Process Improvement: A Managerial Perspective.
Electronics information & planning
Academic article
Mishra, Alok.
Emerging scenario of human resource management due to information technology.
Electronics information & planning
Academic article
Journal publications
Yadav, Pravin Singh;
Rao, Rajwant Singh;
Mishra, Alok.
An Evaluation of Multi-Label Classification Approaches for Method-Level Code Smells Detection.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok;
Topcu, Ahmet Ercan.
Research trends in deep learning and machine learning for cloud computing security.
Artificial Intelligence Review
Academic article
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Green artificial intelligence initiatives: Potentials and challenges.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Kadhim, Yezi Ali;
Guzel, Mehmet Serdar;
Mishra, Alok.
A Novel Hybrid Machine Learning-Based System Using Deep Learning Techniques and Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Various Medical Datatypes Classification.
Diagnostics (Basel)
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Gavrilović, Nebojša.
Quality attributes of software architecture in IoT-based agricultural systems.
Smart Agricultural Technology
Academic article
Yadav, Pravin Singh;
Rao, Rajwant Singh;
Mishra, Alok;
Gupta, Manjari.
Machine Learning-Based Methods for Code Smell Detection: A Survey.
Applied Sciences
Academic article
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Blockchain consensus mechanisms comparison in fog computing: A systematic review.
ICT Express
Academic article
Aubaid, Asmaa M.;
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Atul.
Machine learning and rule-based embedding techniques for classifying text documents.
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
Academic article
Yadav, Pravin Singh;
Rao, Rajwant Singh;
Mishra, Alok;
Gupta, Manjari.
Ensemble Methods with Feature Selection and Data Balancing for Improved Code Smells Classification Performance.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Academic article
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok;
Topcu, Ahmet Ercan;
Cibikdiken, Ali Osman.
Generative Artificial Intelligence Technology for Systems Engineering Research: Contribution and Challenges.
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (IJIEM)
Academic article
Mishra, Kamta Nath;
Mishra, Alok;
Ray, Soumya;
Kumari, Anjali;
Waris, Saad Misbah.
Enhancing cancer detection and prevention mechanisms using advanced machine learning approaches.
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked (IMU)
Academic article
Almashhadani, Mohammed;
Mishra, Alok;
Yazici, Ali.
Software Maintenance Practices Using Agile Methods Towards Cloud Environment: A Systematic Mapping.
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process (JSEP)
Academic article
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Techniques to alleviate blockchain bloat: Potentials, challenges, and recommendations.
Computers and Electrical Engineering
Academic article
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok;
Kulakli, Atik.
Critical Concerns of Deploying Blockchain in Internet of Things Applications.
TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics
Academic article
Mishra, Kamta Nath;
Mishra, Alok;
Barwal, Paras Nath;
Lal, Rajesh Kumar.
Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning-Based Solution of Cold Start Problem Using Collaborative Filtering Approach.
Electronics (Basel)
Academic article
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
ChatGPT Technology Contribution in Business Innovation, Policy, and Management.
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
Academic article
Mohammed, Almashhadani;
Mishra, Alok;
Ali, Yazici;
Muhammad, Younas.
Challenges in Agile Software Maintenance for Local and Global Development: An Empirical Assessment.
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim.
Structured software development versus agile software development: a comparative analysis.
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Jabar, Thr Satar;
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Mishra, Kamta Nath.
Enhancing privacy-preserving mechanisms in Cloud storage: A novel conceptual framework.
Concurrency and Computation
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok;
Abdalhamid, Samia.
Facilitators and inhibitors of Agile methods adoption: Practitioners view.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Rao, Rajwant Singh;
Dewangan, Seema;
Mishra, Alok;
Gupta, Manjari.
A study of dealing class imbalance problem with machine learning methods for code smell severity detection using PCA-based feature selection technique.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Mishra, Atul;
Mishra, Alok.
Identifying and Analyzing Reduplication Multiword Expressions in Hindi Text Using Machine Learning.
TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics
Academic article
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Enterprise architecture contribution in distributed agile software development.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Green Blockchain – A Move Towards Sustainability.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Alkhateeb, Ahmed;
Catal, Cagatay;
Kar, Gorkem;
Mishra, Alok.
Hybrid blockchain platforms for the Internet of Things (IoT) : a systematic literature review.
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Gill, Asif Qumer;
Anwar, Memoona Javeria.
Cybersecurity enterprises policies : a comparative study.
Academic article
Kassahun, Ayalew;
Bloo, Robbin;
Catal, Cagatay;
Mishra, Alok.
Dairy farm management information systems.
Electronics (Basel)
Academic article
Akbar, Muhammad Azeem;
Khan, Arif Ali;
Mahmood, Sajjad;
Mishra, Alok.
SRCMIMM: the software requirements change management and implementation maturity model in the domain of global software development industry.
Information Technology and Management
Academic article
Sivari, Esra;
Güzel, Mehmet Serdar;
Bostanci, Erkan;
Mishra, Alok.
A novel hybrid machine learning based system to classify shoulder implant manufacturers.
Academic article
Balli, Cagla;
Guzel, Mehmet Serdar;
Bostanci, Erkan;
Mishra, Alok.
Sentimental analysis of Twitter users from Turkish content with natural language processing.
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
Academic article
Dogan, Gulin;
Akbulut, Fatma Patlar;
Catal, Cagatay;
Mishra, Alok.
Stress detection using experience sampling : a systematic mapping study.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Academic article
Kumar, Kuldeep;
Sumit, -;
Kumar, Sandeep;
Singh, Lalit Kumar;
Mishra, Alok.
Predicting reliability of software in industrial systems using a Petri net
based approach : a case study on a safety system used in nuclear
power plant.
Information and Software Technology
Academic article
Jorayeva, Manzura;
Akbulut, Akhan;
Catal, Cagatay;
Mishra, Alok.
Machine learning-based software defect prediction for mobile applications : a systematic literature review.
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Anwar, Memoona Javeria;
Gill, Asif Qumer.
Attributes impacting cybersecurity policy development : an evidence from seven nations.
Computers & Security
Academic article
Abdulwahid, Huda M.;
Mishra, Alok.
Deployment optimization algorithms in wireless sensor networks for smart cities : a systematic mapping study.
Academic article
Jorayeva, Manzura;
Akbulut, Akhan;
Catal, Cagatay;
Mishra, Alok.
Deep learning-based defect prediction for mobile applications.
Academic article
Dewangan, Seema;
Rao, Rajwant Singh;
Mishra, Alok;
Gupta, Manjari.
Code smell detection using ensemble machine learning algorithms.
Applied Sciences
Academic article
Ehsan, Adeel;
Catal, Cagatay;
Mishra, Alok.
Detecting Malware by Analyzing App Permissions on Android Platform: A Systematic Literature Review.
Academic literature review
Kadhim, Yezi Ali;
Kahn, Muhammad Umer;
Mishra, Alok.
Deep Learning-Based Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD): Applications for Medical Image Datasets.
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Khan, Arif Ali;
Iribarne, Luis;
Mishra, Deepti.
Multimedia software engineering: challenges and opportunities .
Multimedia Tools and Applications
Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim;
Gill, Asif Qumer;
Mishra, Alok.
A systematic review of the purposes of Blockchain and fog computing integration: classification and open issues.
Journal of Cloud Computing
Academic literature review
Gosala, Bethany;
Chowdhuri, Sripriya Roy;
Singh, Jyotika;
Gupta, Manjari;
Mishra, Alok.
Automatic classification of UML class diagrams using deep learning technique : convolutional neural network.
Applied Sciences
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Shatnawi, Raed;
Catal, Cagatay;
Akbulut, Akhan.
Techniques for calculating software product metrics threshold values : a systematic mapping study.
Applied Sciences
Academic article
Gangwar, Arvind Kumar;
Kumar, Sandeep;
Mishra, Alok.
A paired learner-based approach for concept drift detection and adaptation in software defect prediction.
Applied Sciences
Academic article
Pande, Akshara;
Pant, Vivekanand;
Gupta, Manjari;
Mishra, Alok.
Design patterns discovery in source code : novel technique using substring match.
TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics
Academic article
Ibrahim, Thaer;
Mishra, Alok.
A conceptual design of smart management system for flooding
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Academic article
Prajapati, Amarjeet;
Parashar, Anshu;
Sunita, -;
Mishra, Alok.
Entropy-driven global best selection in particle swarm
optimization for many-objective software package restructuring.
Academic article
Abdalla, Reem;
Mishra, Alok.
Agent-oriented software engineering methodologies : analysis
and future directions.
Academic article
Dewangan, Seema;
Rao, Rajwant Singh;
Mishra, Alok;
Gupta, Manjari.
A novel approach for code smell detection : an
empirical study.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Abdalhamid, Samia;
Mishra, Deepti;
Ostrovska, Sofiya.
Organizational issues in embracing Agile methods : an empirical assessment.
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
Academic article
Colakoglu, Fatima Nur;
Yazici, Ali;
Mishra, Alok.
Software product quality metrics : a systematic
mapping study .
IEEE Access
Academic article
Senirkentli, Güler Burcu;
Ekinci, Fatih;
Bostanci, Erkan;
Güzel, Mehmet Serdar;
Dağli, Özlem;
Karim, Ahmed M..
Proton therapy for mandibula plate phantom.
Academic article
Shatnawi, Raed;
Mishra, Alok.
An empirical study on software fault prediction using product and process metrics.
International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach
Academic article
Ateşoğulları, Dilara;
Mishra, Alok.
Automation testing tools : a comparative view .
International Journal on Information Technologies and Security (IJITS)
Academic article
Karim, Ahmad;
Kaya, Hilal;
Güzel, Mehmet Serdar;
Tolun, Mehmet;
Çelebi, Fatih Vehbi;
Mishra, Alok.
A novel framework using deep auto-encoders based linear model
for data classification.
Academic article
Andersen, Terje;
Jæger, Bjørn;
Mishra, Alok.
Circularity in waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) directive. Comparison of a manufacturer's Danish and Norwegian operations.
Academic article
Gavrilović, Nebojša;
Mishra, Alok.
Software architecture of the internet of things (IoT) for smart city, healthcare and agriculture : analysis and improvement directions.
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
Academic article
Aubaid, Asmaa M.;
Mishra, Alok.
A rule-based approach to embedding techniques for text document classification.
Applied Sciences
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Sustainability inclusion in informatics curriculum development.
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Sustainable software engineering education curricula development.
International Journal on Information Technologies and Security (IJITS)
Academic article
Jæger, Bjørn;
Bruckenberger, Sophie A.;
Mishra, Alok.
Critical success factors for ERP consultancies : a case study.
Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems (SJIS)
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Otaiwi, Ziadoon.
DevOps and software quality : a systematic mapping.
Computer Science Review
Academic article
Ibrahim, Thaer;
Mishra, Alok.
Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial neural networks
towards water pollution forecasting.
Rocznik Ochrona Srodowiska
Academic article
Jæger, Bjørn;
Mishra, Alok.
IoT platform for seafood farmers and consumers.
Academic article
Ateşoğulları, Dilara;
Mishra, Alok.
White box test tools : a comparative view.
International Journal on Information Technologies and Security (IJITS)
Academic article
Özkan, Deniz;
Mishra, Alok.
Agile project management tools : a brief comprative view.
Cybernetics and Information Technologies (CIT)
Academic article
Ibrahim, Thaer;
Mishra, Alok;
Bosta, Atila.
Role of E-government in reducing disasters .
TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Aydin, Secil;
Mishra, Alok;
Ostrovska, Sofiya.
Knowledge management in requirement elicitation: Situational methods view.
Computer Standards & Interfaces
Academic article
Gavrilović, Nebojša;
Arsić, Aleksandra;
Domazet, Dragan;
Mishra, Alok.
Algorithm for adaptive learning process and improving learners’ skills in Java programming language.
Computer Applications in Engineering Education
Academic article
Choudhary, Garvit Rajesh;
Kumar, Sandeep;
Kumar, Kuldeep;
Mishra, Alok;
Catal, Cagatay.
Empirical analysis of change metrics for software fault prediction.
Computers and Electrical Engineering
Academic article
Abdalla, Reem;
Mishra, Alok.
Comparing the artifacts of agent methodologies .
TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics
Academic article
Niazi, Mahmood;
Mishra, Alok;
Gill, Asif Qumer.
What do software practitioners really think about software process improvement project success? : an exploratory study.
The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Academic article
Aubaid, Asmaa M.;
Mishra, Alok.
Text classification using word embedding in rule-based methodologies : a systematic mapping.
TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics
Academic article
Kılınç, Nergiz;
Sezer, Leyla;
Mishra, Alok.
Cloud-based test tools : a brief comparative view.
Cybernetics and Information Technologies (CIT)
Academic article
Abdalla, Reem;
Mishra, Alok.
Using agent-based methodologies in healthcare information systems.
Cybernetics and Information Technologies (CIT)
Academic article
Kaur, Kamaldeep;
Khatri, Sunil Kumar;
Mishra, Alok;
Datta, Rattan.
Statistical usage testing at different levels of testing.
Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS)
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Khatri, Sunil Kumar;
Kapur, P. K.;
Kumar, Uday.
Quality and reliability engineering : trends and future
Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS)
Mishra, Alok;
Garbajosa, Juan;
Wang, Xiaofeng;
Bosch, Jan;
Abrahamsson, Pekka.
Future directions in Agile research : alignment and divergence between research and practice.
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process (JSEP)
Abdalhamid, Samia;
Mishra, Alok.
Factors in agile methods adoption.
TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics
Academic article
Abdalla, Reem;
Mishra, Alok.
Application of agent methodology in healthcare information systems.
TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics
Academic article
Akman, Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Factors influencing consumer intention in social commerce adoption.
Information Technology and People
Academic article
Abdalhamid, Samia;
Mishra, Alok.
Adopting of agile methods in software development organizations : systematic mapping
TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Münch, Jürgen;
Lassenius, Casper;
Mishra, Deepti.
Information systems in distributed environment.
Computer Standards & Interfaces
Yazici, Ali;
Mishra, Alok;
Karakaya, Ziya.
Teaching parallel computing concepts using real-life applications.
International Journal of Engineering Education
Academic article
Mayeh, Maral;
Ramayah, T.;
Mishra, Alok.
The role of absorptive capacity, communication and trust in ERP adoption.
Journal of Systems and Software
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Yazici, Ali;
Cetin, Semih.
Software evolution in Turkey.
Tehnicki Vjesnik
Academic article
Wojciechowski, Adam;
Mishra, Alok.
The 3rd workshop on social and algorithmic issues in business support : paradigms derived from text and converted into algorithms.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Münch, Jürgen;
Mishra, Deepti.
Information systems in distributed environments 2015.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Özkan, Barış;
Mishra, Alok.
A curriculum on sustainable information communication technology.
Problemy Ekorozwoju
Academic article
Akman, Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Sector diversity in green information technology practices : technology acceptance model perspective.
Computers in Human Behavior
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Münch, Jürgen;
Mishra, Deepti.
Information Systems in Distributed Environments : ISDE 2014.
Software engineering notes
Academic literature review
Yazici, Ali;
Mishra, Alok;
Kontogiorgis, Paul.
IT Service Management (ITSM) Education and Research: Global View
International Journal of Engineering Education
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Hacaloglu, Tuna;
Mishra, Alok.
Teaching Software Verification and Validation Course: A Case Study.
International Journal of Engineering Education
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Akman, Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Theory of Reasoned Action application for Green Information Technology acceptance.
Computers in Human Behavior
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Akman, Ibrahim.
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal
Academic article
Akman, Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Green information technology practices among IT professionals: Theory of planned behavior perspective.
Problemy Ekorozwoju
Academic article
Wojciechowski, Adam;
Mishra, Alok.
The 2nd workshop on social and algorithmic issues in business support-knowledge hidden in text.
Software engineering notes
Academic literature review
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Applications of Stakeholder Theory in Information Systems and Technology.
Engineering Economics
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Software project management tools : a brief comparative view.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
A curriculum for large scale software development.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Münch, Jürgen;
Mishra, Deepti.
Information systems in distributed environments : ISDE 2013.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Industry Oriented Advanced Software Engineering Education Curriculum.
Croatian Journal of Education
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Yazici, Ali;
Mishra, Deepti.
Green Information Technology/Information System Education: Curriculum Views.
Technics Technologies Education Management: TTEM
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Balgioglu, Eda;
Mishra, Alok.
Measuring Project and Quality Aspects in Agile Software Development.
Technics Technologies Education Management: TTEM
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
A Global Software Inspection Process for Distributed Software Development.
Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS)
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok;
Ostrovska, Sofiya.
Impact of physical ambiance on communication, collaboration and coordination in agile software development: An empirical evaluation.
Information and Software Technology
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Münch, Jürgen;
Mishra, Deepti.
Distributed development of information system .
Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS)
Yu, Liguo;
Mishra, Alok.
Experience in predicting fault-prone software modules using complexity metrics.
Quality Technology & Quantitative Management (QTQM)
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Research Trends in Management Issues of Global Software Development: Evaluating the Past to Envision the Future.
Journal of Global Information Technology Management
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
ERP Project Implementation: Evidence from the Oil and gas Sector.
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Object-Oriented Inheritance Metrics related with Cognitive Complexity.
Fundamenta Informaticae
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Legal Business Information System: Implementation Process View.
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
A Review of Non-Technical Issues in Global Software Development.
International journal of computer applications in technology
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Complex Software Project Development: Agile Methods Adoption.
Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
E-Government - Exploring the Different Dimensions Of Challenges, Implementation, and Success Factors.
Data Base for Advances in Information Systems
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
E-learning experience at various universities: Academics perspective.
Tehnicki Vjesnik
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Münch, Jürgen;
Mishra, Deepti.
Information systems in distributed environments : ISDE 2010.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Yazici, Ali.
An assessment of the software engineering curriculum in Turkish universities: IEEE/ACM guidelines perspective.
Croatian Journal of Education
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
A curriculum for agile software development methodologies.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Industry linked graduate software engineering curriculum.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Managing Requirements in Market-Driven Software Project - Agile Methods View.
Tehnicki Vjesnik
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Improving Baggage Tracking, Security & Customer Services with RFID in the Airline Industry.
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
ERP System Implementation in FMCG Sector.
Tehnicki Vjesnik
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Application of RFID in Aviation Industry: An Exploratory Review.
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Münch, Jürgen;
Mishra, Deepti.
A report on the "information systems in distributed environments" (ISDE) workshop at the OTM 2009 conferences.
Software engineering notes
Academic literature review
Akman, Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Predictive effect of gender and sector differences on internet usage among employees.
Engineering Economics
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Akman, Ibrahim.
Information technology in human resource management: An empirical assessment.
Public personnel management
Academic article
Akman, Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Gender, age and income differences in internet usage among employees in organizations.
Computers in Human Behavior
Academic article
Yu, Liguo;
Mishra, Alok;
Ramaswamy, Srini.
Component co-evolution and component dependency: Speculations and verifications.
IET Software
Academic article
Yu, Liguo;
Mishra, Alok.
Risk Analysis of Global Software Development and Proposed Solutions.
Automatika : Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Software Process Improvement in SMEs: A Comparative View.
Computer Science and Information Systems
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Effective Communication, Collaboration and Coordination in eXtreme Programming: Human Centric Perspective in Small Organization.
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Simplified Software Inspection in Compliance with International Standards.
Computer Standards & Interfaces
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Customer Relationship Management - Implementation Process Perspective.
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
A discussion on design factors of client-server software testability.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Some issues on scheduling estimation model for object-oriented software projects.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Akman, Ibrahim;
Mishra, Alok.
Ethical behavior issues in software use: An analysis of public and private sectors.
Computers in Human Behavior
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Design issues in client-server software maintenance.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Some observations on staff estimation metrics for object : oriented software engineering.
Software engineering notes
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
An Efficient Software Review Process for Small & Medium Enterprises.
IET Software
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Cagiltay, Nergiz Ercil;
Kilic, Ozkan.
Software engineering education: some important dimensions.
European Journal of Engineering Education
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Akman, Ibrahim;
Yazici, Ali.
Organizational software piracy: An empirical assessment.
Behaviour and Information Technology
Academic article
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Software Quality Assurance Models in SME – A Comparison.
International Journal of Information Technology and Management
Academic article
Mishra, Alok;
Akman, Ibrahim;
Yazici, Ali.
Software piracy among IT professionals in organizations.
International Journal of Information Management
Academic article
Akman, Ibrahim;
Yazici, Ali;
Mishra, Alok;
Arifoglu, Ali.
E-Government: A global view and an empirical evaluation of some attributes of citizens.
Government Information Quarterly: an international journal of information technology management, policies, and practices
Academic article
Mishra, Alok.
Achieving business benefits from enterprise systems.
Electronics information & planning
Academic article
Mishra, Alok.
Global IT Outsourcing: Benefits, Risks & Current Trends .
Electronics information & planning
Academic article
Mishra, Alok.
Web Privacy: A Commercial, Social and Technological Perspective.
Electronics information & planning
Academic article
Mishra, Alok.
Information System Process Improvement: A Managerial Perspective.
Electronics information & planning
Academic article
Mishra, Alok.
Emerging scenario of human resource management due to information technology.
Electronics information & planning
Academic article
Ciuciu, Ioana;
Panetto, Herve;
Debruyne, Christophe;
Aubry, Alexis;
Bollen, Peter;
Valencia-Garcia, Rafael.
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems : OTM 2015 Workshops .
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) (9416)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Mahmud Akhter, Shareef;
Norm, Archer;
Yogesh K., Dwivedi;
Mishra, Alok;
Sanjay K., Pandey.
Transformational Government Through eGov Practice: Socioeconomic, Cultural, and Technological Issues.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Academic monograph
Hall, Tracy;
Høst, Martin;
Niazi, Mahmood;
Mishra, Alok;
Falessi, Davide.
Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement (PROFES 2010, Limerick, Ireland, June 21-23. 2010).
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Guzel, Mehmet Serdar;
Bostanci, Erkan;
Mishra, Alok.
Mobile robot navigation with swarm intelligence using a
decentralized strategy.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Karim, Ahmad M.;
Mishra, Alok.
Novel COVID-19 recognition framework based on conic functions classifier.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Sustainable software engineering : curriculum development based on ACM/IEEE guidelines.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yu, Liguo;
Mishra, Alok.
Customer Engagement Strategies of China's E-Commerce Industry and Their Impact on China's Economy Transition.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abdalhamid, Samia;
Mohammed, Alfaroq O. M.;
Mishra, Alok.
Agile and quality : a systematic mapping study.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Alansari, Saeeda;
Mishra, Alok.
Inventory system transition towards ERP.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kadhim, Yezi;
Mishra, Alok.
Radial Basis Function (RBF) based on multistage autoencoders for Intrusion Detection system (IDS) .
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Akbulut, Sinan;
Gebreyesus, Yasmin Tesfaldet;
Mishra, Alok;
Yazici, Ali.
Systematic mapping on quality in web application testing .
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yazici, Ali;
Mishra, Alok;
Karakaya, Ziya;
Üstünkök, Tolga.
Informatics engineering education in Turkey and expectations of software industry.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gavrilović, Nebojša;
Jovanović, Slobodan;
Mishra, Alok.
Personalized learning system based on student behavior
And learning style
Mishra, Alok.
Sustainable software engineering : a move towards future.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Mishra, Alok.
Agile methods adoption in large software development projects.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Yu, Liguo;
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Scale up internet-based business through distributed data centers.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tuna, Hacaloglu;
Eren, Erhan;
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
A Software Development Process Model for Cloud by Combining Traditional Approaches.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Saleh, Majd;
Abel, Marie-Hélène;
Mishra, Alok.
An architectural model for system of information systems.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Garousi, Vahid;
Mishra, Alok;
Yazici, Ali.
Üniversite Yazılım Mühendisliği programları
müfredatının SWEBOK kılavuzu kullanılarak
değerlendirme ve iyileştirilmesi: Türkiye’de bir vaka
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Cultural Issues in Distributed Software Development: A Review.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yu, Liguo;
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
An Empirical Study of the Dynamics of GitHub Repository and Its Impact on Distributed Software Development.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Software Architecture in Distributed Software Development: A Review.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok;
Colomo-Palacios, Ricardo;
Casado-Lumbreras, Cristina.
Global Software Development and Quality Management: A Systematic Review.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Aydin, Secil;
Mishra, Alok.
Situational Requirement Method System: Knowledge Management in Business Support.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Colomo-Palacios, Ricardo;
Mishra, Alok;
Casado-Lumbreras, Cristina;
Soto-Acosta, Pedro.
E-mentoring in global software development teams : success factors to develop a common culture.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Alok;
Dwivedi, Yogesh K..
Stakeholder theory and applications in information systems.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Curriculum issues in industry oriented software engineering education.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Complak, Wojciech;
Wojciechowski, Adam;
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Use cases and object modelling using ArgoUML.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yu, Liguo;
Ramaswamy, Srini;
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Communications in Global Software Development: An Empirical Study Using GTK+ OSS Repository.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Colomo-Palacios, Ricardo;
Soto-Acosta, Pedro;
Mishra, Alok;
García-Crespo, Ángel.
Software quality management improvement through mentoring : an exploratory study from GSD projects.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
Industry Oriented Software Engineering Education.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
A Software Inspection Process for Globally Distributed Teams.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Alok;
Muench, Juergen;
Mishra, Deepti.
ISDE'10-PC Co-chairs Message.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
CRM System Implementation in a Multinational Enterprise.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Distributed Information System Development: Some Management Issues.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti.
ERP System Implementation: An Oil and Gas Exploration Sector Perspective.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Object-Oriented Inheritance Metrics: Cognitive Complexity Perspective.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Market-Driven Software Project Through Agility: Requirements Engineering Perspective.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Software Process Improvement Methodologies for Small and Medium Enterprises.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Workspace Environment for Collaboration in Small Software development Organization.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok;
Yazici, Ali.
Successful Requirement Elicitation by Combining Requirement Engineering Techniques.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Achieving Success in Supply Chain Management Software by Agility.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Deepti;
Mishra, Alok.
Adapting Test-Driven Development for Innovative Software Development Project.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishra, Alok;
Mishra, Deepti;
Akman, Ibrahim.
Information System Process Improvement: A Managerial Perspective and Proposal of a General Framework.
ACTA Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- TØL4204 - Flexible Automation and Artificial Intelligence
- TØL4207 - Manufacturing Project Planning & Control
MASG 2900 Bachelor Thesis
Popular scientific lectureMishra, Alok. (2024) Research Collaborations – Opportunities and Challenges. Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen Seminar on Indo-Norwegian Academic and Research Collaboration , Bergen 2024-03-13 - 2024-03-13
Academic lectureMishra, Alok. (2024) DRL028 Blockchain Applications in Supply Chain Management. Molde University College -Spaecialized Univ in Logistics Blockchain Applications in Supply Chain Management - Doctoral Workshop , Molde 2024-05-27 - 2024-05-31
Popular scientific lectureMishra, Alok. (2024) AI-enhanced Software Engineering. Amity University IEEE 11th International Conference on Reliability Infocom Technologies and Optimization , Noida Campus 2024-03-14 - 2024-03-15
Academic lectureMayank, Pathak; Mishra, Kamta Nath; Singh, S.P.; Mishra, Alok. (2023) An Automated Smart Centralized Vehicle Security System for Controlling the Vehicle Thefts/Hacking Using IOT and Facial Recognition. Amity University Dubai 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Knowledge Economy (ICCIKE-23) , Dubai 2023-03-09 - 2023-03-10
Academic lectureMishra, Alok. (2023) Emerging Research Areas in Software Engineering for Doctoral Students and Young Researchers. School of Computer Science & IT, Devi Ahilya University Workshop , Indore 2023-01-24 - 2023-01-25
PosterMishra, Deepti; Mishra, Alok. (2023) Projects and Research Collaboration with Indian Institutions. Research Council of Norway and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sustainable Pathways – Norway-India collaboration in research, education and innovation , Oslo 2023-06-12 - 2023-06-12
Academic lectureMishra, Alok. (2023) “Business Analytics for Management Decision Making” . JIMS Workshop for Post Graduate and Fellow Programs , New Delhi 2023-01-20 - 2023-01-20
Academic lectureMishra, Alok. (2022) Emerging trends in software engineering. Jiwaji University Webinar on Frontier in Computer Science 2022-01-29 -
Academic lectureMishra, Alok. (2022) Sustainability in software engineering. IEEE IEEE 10th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO 2022) , Uttar Pradesh 2022-10-13 - 2022-10-14
Academic lectureMishra, Alok. (2022) Additive Manufacturing Ramifications On Supply Chain Resilience . University of Brescia International Research Workshop on Circular Economy in the Era of Digitalization Brescia, Italy, 10 June 2022 , Brescia 2022-06-10 - 2022-06-10