Andreas Møllerløkken
Kjemi 3, K3-162, Gløshaugen, Høgskoleringen 6
Andreas Møllerløkken has been the Head of Department of Biotechnology and Food Science since August 2021.
- Management of the Department
- Strategies and Planning
- Staff
- Economy
- PhD Medical Technology, NTNU (2008)
- PPU, NTNU (2002)
- Cand Scient Biology, NTNU (2001)
Work experience
- Senioradviser EU/international reserach collaboration, Faculty of Engineering, NTNU (2018-2021)
- Senioradviser, FMI, Norwegian Armed Forces (2017-2018)
- Associate professor ISB, NTNU (2017)
- Researcher ISB, NTNU (2013-2017)
- Post doc ISB, NTNU (2009-2013)
- Researcher ISB, NTNU (2008-2009)
Velázquez-Wallraf, Alicia;
Fernández, Antonio;
Caballero, María José;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Jepson, Paul D;
Andrada, Marisa.
Decompressive Pathology in Cetaceans Based on an Experimental Pathological Model.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Academic article
Kiboub, Fatima Zohra;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Hjelde, Astrid;
Flatberg, Arnar;
Loennechen, Øyvind;
Eftedal, Ingrid.
Blood gene expression and vascular function biomarkers in professional saturation diving.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
The future of diving research in Norway.
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Risberg, Jan;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Eftedal, Olav Sande.
Norske dykke- og behandlingstabeller.
Høgskulen på Vestlandet
Høgskulen på Vestlandet
Åsmul, Kristine;
Irgens, Ågot;
Grønning, Marit;
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
Diving and long-term cardiovascular health.
Occupational Medicine
Academic article
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
Dekompresjon ved overflateorientert dykking - en videre vurdering.
Blogg, Lesley S;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Gennser, Mikael.
RESPONSE: Car wrecks and caution: a lament on getting the facts straight in scientific reporting.
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Letter to the editor
Blogg, S. Lesley;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Gennser, Mikael.
Observed decompression sickness and venous bubbles following 18-msw dive profiles using RN Table 11.
Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine
Academic article
Bernaldo de Quirós, Yara;
Saavedra, Pedro;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Brubakk, Alf O;
Jørgensen, Arve;
González-Díaz, Oscar.
Differentiation at necropsy between in vivo gas embolism and putrefaction using a gas score.
Research in Veterinary Science
Academic article
de Quiros, Yara Bernaldo;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Havnes, Marianne Bjordal;
Brubakk, Alf O;
Gonzalez-Diaz, Oscar;
Fernandez, Antonio.
Bubbles Quantified In vivo by Ultrasound Relates to Amount of Gas Detected Post-mortem in Rabbits Decompressed from High Pressure.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Buzzacott, Peter;
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
Could some aviation deep vein thrombosis be a form of decompression sickness?.
Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis
Academic article
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Havnes, Marianne Bjordal;
Williamson, Kari.
Brain changes in U-2 pilots due to altitude exposure - NATO high altitude research at NTNU.
Website (informational material)
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Blogg, S. Lesley;
Doolette, DJ;
Nishi, RY;
Pollock, NW.
Consensus guidelines for the use of ultrasound for diving research.
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Academic article
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Williamson, Kari.
Gullstandard for dykkerforskning.
Website (informational material)
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Grønning, Marit;
Irgens, Ågot;
Åsmul, Kristine.
Forekomst av kardiovaskulær sykdom hos tidligere dykkere - en studie basert på spørreundersøkelsene Dykkerstudien 2011 og HUNT3.
Thesis at a second degree level
Sieber, Arne;
Blogg, Lesley S;
Eftedal, Ingrid;
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
The world as it might (possibly) be. Correlation of wavelength and amplitude of visual peripheral stimuli with decompression sickness in 'teckies': a triple-blinded, power-analysed study.
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Popular scientific article
Eftedal, Ingrid;
Fredriksen, Hallvard Aglen;
Hjelde, Astrid;
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
Evaluating PAI-1 as a biomarker for stress in diving: human serum total PAI-1 is unaltered after 2 h dry exposures to 280 kPa hyperbaric air.
Physiological Reports
Academic article
Havnes, Marianne Bjordal;
Kerlefsen, Yvonne;
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
S100B and NSE serum concentrations after simulated diving in rats.
Physiological Reports
Academic article
Buzzacott, Peter;
Schuster, Andreas;
Gerges, Amir;
Hemelryck, Walter;
Lambrechts, Kate;
Madden, Dennis.
A New Model of Head-Up Display Dive Computer Addressing Safety-Critical Rate of Ascent and Returning Gas Pressure - A Pilot Trial.
International Journal of Computer Science in Sport
Academic article
Blilie, Anders;
Elvetun, Øyvind Løseth;
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
The effects of four dry air dives on endothelial function, and its relationship to intravascular bubble load.
Thesis at a second degree level
Blogg, Lesley S;
Gennser, Mikael;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Ultrasound detection of vascular decompression bubbles: The influence of new technology and considerations on bubble load.
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Academic literature review
Havnes, Marianne Bjordal;
Widerøe, Marius;
Thuen, Marte;
Torp, Sverre Helge;
Brubakk, Alf O;
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
Simulated dive in rats lead to acute changes in cerebral blood flow on MRI, but no cerebral injuries to grey or white matter.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
de Quiros, YB;
Gonzalez-Diaz, O;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Brubakk, Alf O;
Hjelde, Astrid;
Saavedra, P.
Differentiation at autopsy between in vivo gas embolism and putrefaction using gas composition analysis.
International journal of legal medicine (Print)
Academic article
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Gaustad, Svein Erik;
Havnes, Marianne Bjordal;
Gutvik, Christian Ragnar;
Hjelde, Astrid;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Venous gas embolism as a predictive tool for improving CNS decompression safety.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic literature review
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Gaustad, Svein Erik;
Havnes, Marianne Bjordal;
Gutvik, Christian Ragnar;
Hjelde, Astrid;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Erratum to: Venous gas embolism as a predictive tool for improving CNS decompression safety.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Blogg, S. Lesley;
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
The Use of Venous Gas Emboli to Validate Dive Computers.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Blogg, S. Lesley;
Lang, Michael A.;
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
Proceedings of Validation of Dive Computers Workshop.
Akademika forlag
Akademika forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ljubkovic, Marko;
Dujic, Zeljko;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Bakovic, D;
Obad, Ante;
Breskovic, Toni.
Venous and Arterial Bubbles at Rest after No-Decompression Air Dives.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Kerlefsen, Yvonne;
Jenssen, Bjørn Munro;
Møllerløkken, Anders.
Methods for detecting brain damage after decompression: Are biomarkers a useful tool?.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Masters thesis
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Breskovic, Toni;
Palada, Ivan;
Valic, Zoran;
Dujic, Zeljko;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Observation of increased venous gas emboli after wet dives compared to dry dives.
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Academic article
Havnes, Marianne Bjordal;
Hjelde, Astrid;
Brubakk, Alf O;
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
S100B and its relation to intravascular bubbles following decompression.
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Academic article
Gaustad, Svein Erik;
Brubakk, Alf O;
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Catalucci, Daniele;
Condorelli, Gianluigi;
Dujic, Zeljko.
Immersion before dry simulated dive reduces cardiomyocyte function and increases mortality after decompression.
Journal of applied physiology
Academic article
Glavas, Duska;
Brubakk, Alf O;
Obad, Ante;
Bakovic, Darija;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Eftedal, Olav Sande.
High bubble grades after scuba diving at the limits of recreational diving algorithm.
European Heart Journal
Brubakk, Alf O;
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
The role of intra-vascular bubbles and the vascular endothelium in decompression sickness.
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Academic literature review
Rasdal, Kim-Vidar;
Hjelde, Astrid;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Lundset, Nina;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Aortic function in rats after decompression without ultrasonically detectable bubble formation.
Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine
Academic article
Havnes, Marianne Bjordal;
Widerøe, Marius;
Thuen, Marte;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Lack of signs of brain injury in rats on MRI after decompression.
Smithsonian Institution Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Eftedal, Ingrid.
Individual risk of decompression sickness: Possible effects of genomic or epigenomic variation altering gene expression.
Smithsonian Institution Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Løvstakken, Lasse;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Måsøy, Svein-Erik.
Current trends in ultrasound imaging technology, SURF imaging, and decompression induced microbubbles.
Smithsonian Institution Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Havnes, Marianne Bjordal;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Brubakk, Alf O.
The effect of two consecutive dives on bubble formation and endothelial function in rats.
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Academic article
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
Reduction of vascular bubbles: methods to prevent the adverse effects of decompression.
NTNU, det medisinske fakultet (ISBN 978-471-6101-2)
Doctoral dissertation
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Lipids and bubbles: are variability in bubble production after a dive correlated to serum lipid levels?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Replay to Valic, Palada, and Dujic.
Journal of applied physiology
Letter to the editor
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Gutvik, Christian;
Måsøy, Svein-Erik;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Where do bubbles form?.
European Journal of Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Nossum, Vibeke;
Hovin, Wenche;
Gennser, Mikael;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Recompression with oxygen to 160 kPa eliminates vascular bubbles, but does not prevent endothelial damage.
European Journal of Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine
Academic article
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Gutvik, Christian;
Berge, Vegard;
Jørgensen, Arve;
Løset, Are;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Recompression during decompression and effects on bubble formation in the pig.
Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine
Academic article
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Berge, Vegard;
Jørgensen, Arve;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Effect of a short-acting NO donor on bubble formation from a saturation dive in pigs.
Journal of applied physiology
Academic article
Løset, Are;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Berge, Vegard;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Post-dive bubble formation in rats: Effects of exercise 24 h ahead repeated 30 min before the dive.
Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine
Academic article
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Berge, Vegard;
Jørgensen, Arve;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Effect of short-acting NO donor on bubble formation rrom a saturation dive in pigs.
Journal of applied physiology
Academic article
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Brubakk, Alf O;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on aerobic capacity in rat.
European Journal of Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine
Academic article
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
Effekten av HBO2-behandling på fysisk yteevne hos rotte.
NTNU, Zoologisk institutt
Thesis at a second degree level
Okada, Tatsuhiro;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Gorseth, Oddvar;
Kjelstrup, Signe.
Transport and equilibrium properties of Nafion membranes with H+ and Na+ ions.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
Academic article
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Ytrehus, Tor.
Experiments on ice formation in water.
Institutt for uorganisk kjemi, NTH, Report IUK 90-8
Journal publications
Velázquez-Wallraf, Alicia;
Fernández, Antonio;
Caballero, María José;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Jepson, Paul D;
Andrada, Marisa.
Decompressive Pathology in Cetaceans Based on an Experimental Pathological Model.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Academic article
Kiboub, Fatima Zohra;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Hjelde, Astrid;
Flatberg, Arnar;
Loennechen, Øyvind;
Eftedal, Ingrid.
Blood gene expression and vascular function biomarkers in professional saturation diving.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
The future of diving research in Norway.
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Åsmul, Kristine;
Irgens, Ågot;
Grønning, Marit;
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
Diving and long-term cardiovascular health.
Occupational Medicine
Academic article
Blogg, Lesley S;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Gennser, Mikael.
RESPONSE: Car wrecks and caution: a lament on getting the facts straight in scientific reporting.
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Letter to the editor
Blogg, S. Lesley;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Gennser, Mikael.
Observed decompression sickness and venous bubbles following 18-msw dive profiles using RN Table 11.
Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine
Academic article
Bernaldo de Quirós, Yara;
Saavedra, Pedro;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Brubakk, Alf O;
Jørgensen, Arve;
González-Díaz, Oscar.
Differentiation at necropsy between in vivo gas embolism and putrefaction using a gas score.
Research in Veterinary Science
Academic article
de Quiros, Yara Bernaldo;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Havnes, Marianne Bjordal;
Brubakk, Alf O;
Gonzalez-Diaz, Oscar;
Fernandez, Antonio.
Bubbles Quantified In vivo by Ultrasound Relates to Amount of Gas Detected Post-mortem in Rabbits Decompressed from High Pressure.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Buzzacott, Peter;
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
Could some aviation deep vein thrombosis be a form of decompression sickness?.
Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis
Academic article
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Blogg, S. Lesley;
Doolette, DJ;
Nishi, RY;
Pollock, NW.
Consensus guidelines for the use of ultrasound for diving research.
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Academic article
Sieber, Arne;
Blogg, Lesley S;
Eftedal, Ingrid;
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
The world as it might (possibly) be. Correlation of wavelength and amplitude of visual peripheral stimuli with decompression sickness in 'teckies': a triple-blinded, power-analysed study.
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Popular scientific article
Eftedal, Ingrid;
Fredriksen, Hallvard Aglen;
Hjelde, Astrid;
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
Evaluating PAI-1 as a biomarker for stress in diving: human serum total PAI-1 is unaltered after 2 h dry exposures to 280 kPa hyperbaric air.
Physiological Reports
Academic article
Havnes, Marianne Bjordal;
Kerlefsen, Yvonne;
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
S100B and NSE serum concentrations after simulated diving in rats.
Physiological Reports
Academic article
Buzzacott, Peter;
Schuster, Andreas;
Gerges, Amir;
Hemelryck, Walter;
Lambrechts, Kate;
Madden, Dennis.
A New Model of Head-Up Display Dive Computer Addressing Safety-Critical Rate of Ascent and Returning Gas Pressure - A Pilot Trial.
International Journal of Computer Science in Sport
Academic article
Blogg, Lesley S;
Gennser, Mikael;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Ultrasound detection of vascular decompression bubbles: The influence of new technology and considerations on bubble load.
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Academic literature review
Havnes, Marianne Bjordal;
Widerøe, Marius;
Thuen, Marte;
Torp, Sverre Helge;
Brubakk, Alf O;
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
Simulated dive in rats lead to acute changes in cerebral blood flow on MRI, but no cerebral injuries to grey or white matter.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
de Quiros, YB;
Gonzalez-Diaz, O;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Brubakk, Alf O;
Hjelde, Astrid;
Saavedra, P.
Differentiation at autopsy between in vivo gas embolism and putrefaction using gas composition analysis.
International journal of legal medicine (Print)
Academic article
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Gaustad, Svein Erik;
Havnes, Marianne Bjordal;
Gutvik, Christian Ragnar;
Hjelde, Astrid;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Venous gas embolism as a predictive tool for improving CNS decompression safety.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic literature review
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Gaustad, Svein Erik;
Havnes, Marianne Bjordal;
Gutvik, Christian Ragnar;
Hjelde, Astrid;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Erratum to: Venous gas embolism as a predictive tool for improving CNS decompression safety.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Ljubkovic, Marko;
Dujic, Zeljko;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Bakovic, D;
Obad, Ante;
Breskovic, Toni.
Venous and Arterial Bubbles at Rest after No-Decompression Air Dives.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Breskovic, Toni;
Palada, Ivan;
Valic, Zoran;
Dujic, Zeljko;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Observation of increased venous gas emboli after wet dives compared to dry dives.
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Academic article
Havnes, Marianne Bjordal;
Hjelde, Astrid;
Brubakk, Alf O;
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
S100B and its relation to intravascular bubbles following decompression.
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Academic article
Gaustad, Svein Erik;
Brubakk, Alf O;
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Catalucci, Daniele;
Condorelli, Gianluigi;
Dujic, Zeljko.
Immersion before dry simulated dive reduces cardiomyocyte function and increases mortality after decompression.
Journal of applied physiology
Academic article
Glavas, Duska;
Brubakk, Alf O;
Obad, Ante;
Bakovic, Darija;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Eftedal, Olav Sande.
High bubble grades after scuba diving at the limits of recreational diving algorithm.
European Heart Journal
Brubakk, Alf O;
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
The role of intra-vascular bubbles and the vascular endothelium in decompression sickness.
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Academic literature review
Rasdal, Kim-Vidar;
Hjelde, Astrid;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Lundset, Nina;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Aortic function in rats after decompression without ultrasonically detectable bubble formation.
Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine
Academic article
Havnes, Marianne Bjordal;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Brubakk, Alf O.
The effect of two consecutive dives on bubble formation and endothelial function in rats.
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Academic article
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Replay to Valic, Palada, and Dujic.
Journal of applied physiology
Letter to the editor
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Gutvik, Christian;
Måsøy, Svein-Erik;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Where do bubbles form?.
European Journal of Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Nossum, Vibeke;
Hovin, Wenche;
Gennser, Mikael;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Recompression with oxygen to 160 kPa eliminates vascular bubbles, but does not prevent endothelial damage.
European Journal of Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine
Academic article
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Gutvik, Christian;
Berge, Vegard;
Jørgensen, Arve;
Løset, Are;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Recompression during decompression and effects on bubble formation in the pig.
Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine
Academic article
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Berge, Vegard;
Jørgensen, Arve;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Effect of a short-acting NO donor on bubble formation from a saturation dive in pigs.
Journal of applied physiology
Academic article
Løset, Are;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Berge, Vegard;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Post-dive bubble formation in rats: Effects of exercise 24 h ahead repeated 30 min before the dive.
Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine
Academic article
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Berge, Vegard;
Jørgensen, Arve;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Effect of short-acting NO donor on bubble formation rrom a saturation dive in pigs.
Journal of applied physiology
Academic article
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Brubakk, Alf O;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on aerobic capacity in rat.
European Journal of Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine
Academic article
Okada, Tatsuhiro;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Gorseth, Oddvar;
Kjelstrup, Signe.
Transport and equilibrium properties of Nafion membranes with H+ and Na+ ions.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
Academic article
Risberg, Jan;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Eftedal, Olav Sande.
Norske dykke- og behandlingstabeller.
Høgskulen på Vestlandet
Høgskulen på Vestlandet
Blogg, S. Lesley;
Lang, Michael A.;
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
Proceedings of Validation of Dive Computers Workshop.
Akademika forlag
Akademika forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Blogg, S. Lesley;
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
The Use of Venous Gas Emboli to Validate Dive Computers.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Havnes, Marianne Bjordal;
Widerøe, Marius;
Thuen, Marte;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Lack of signs of brain injury in rats on MRI after decompression.
Smithsonian Institution Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Eftedal, Ingrid.
Individual risk of decompression sickness: Possible effects of genomic or epigenomic variation altering gene expression.
Smithsonian Institution Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Løvstakken, Lasse;
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Måsøy, Svein-Erik.
Current trends in ultrasound imaging technology, SURF imaging, and decompression induced microbubbles.
Smithsonian Institution Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Brubakk, Alf O.
Lipids and bubbles: are variability in bubble production after a dive correlated to serum lipid levels?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
Dekompresjon ved overflateorientert dykking - en videre vurdering.
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Grønning, Marit;
Irgens, Ågot;
Åsmul, Kristine.
Forekomst av kardiovaskulær sykdom hos tidligere dykkere - en studie basert på spørreundersøkelsene Dykkerstudien 2011 og HUNT3.
Thesis at a second degree level
Blilie, Anders;
Elvetun, Øyvind Løseth;
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
The effects of four dry air dives on endothelial function, and its relationship to intravascular bubble load.
Thesis at a second degree level
Kerlefsen, Yvonne;
Jenssen, Bjørn Munro;
Møllerløkken, Anders.
Methods for detecting brain damage after decompression: Are biomarkers a useful tool?.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Masters thesis
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
Reduction of vascular bubbles: methods to prevent the adverse effects of decompression.
NTNU, det medisinske fakultet (ISBN 978-471-6101-2)
Doctoral dissertation
Møllerløkken, Andreas.
Effekten av HBO2-behandling på fysisk yteevne hos rotte.
NTNU, Zoologisk institutt
Thesis at a second degree level
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Ytrehus, Tor.
Experiments on ice formation in water.
Institutt for uorganisk kjemi, NTH, Report IUK 90-8
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Havnes, Marianne Bjordal;
Williamson, Kari.
Brain changes in U-2 pilots due to altitude exposure - NATO high altitude research at NTNU.
Website (informational material)
Møllerløkken, Andreas;
Williamson, Kari.
Gullstandard for dykkerforskning.
Website (informational material)
Popular scientific lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2018) Baromedisin. Draugen Froskemannsklubb Klubbkveld Draugen Froskemannsklubb , Trondheim 2018-02-27 - 2018-02-27
Academic lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2018) Scoring systems for gas bubbles. National centre for Hyperbaric Medicine Baltic International Symposium on Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine , Gdynia 2018-05-31 - 2018-06-02
Academic lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2018) Gas bubbles in divers. National centre for Hyperbaric Medicine Baltic International Symposium on Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine , Gdynia 2018-05-31 - 2018-06-02
Academic lectureHavnes, Marianne Bjordal; Widerøe, Marius; Torp, Sverre Helge; Munkeby, Berit Holthe; Møllerløkken, Andreas. (2018) A translational approach to the pathophysiology of white matter hyperintensities in high altitude air pilots. Aerospace Medical Association AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting , Dallas, TX 2018-05-06 - 2018-05-10
LectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2018) Baromedisin Havsport. Havsport dykkersenter Klubbkvled Havsport dykkersenter , Trondheim 2018-05-24 - 2018-05-24
PosterKiboub, Fatima Zohra; Eftedal, Ingrid; Møllerløkken, Andreas; Hjelde, Astrid; Loennechen, Øyvind. (2017) The outcome of saturation diving on endothelial function and biomarkers of vascular health in professional offshore divers (2017). The European Underwater and Baromedical Society 43rd Annual Meeting of the European Underwater and Baromedical Society , Ravenna 2017-09-13 - 2017-09-17
Academic lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2017) Decompression stress - using barophysiology as a model. Society for Experimental Biology SEB Humanature , London 2017-11-11 - 2017-11-12
LectureMøllerløkken, Andreas; Havnes, Marianne Bjordal. (2017) The Trondheim Effort. NATO NATO HFM RTG Hypobaric Exposure , Soesterberg 2017-07-05 - 2017-07-06
Academic lectureEftedal, Ingrid; Flatberg, Arnar; Kiboub, Fatima Zohra; Møllerløkken, Andreas; Hjelde, Astrid; Dujic, Zeljko. (2016) The peripheral blood transcriptome reflects leukocyte fractions and activity: applications in diving. European Underwater & Baromedical Society 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the EUBS , Geneva 2016-09-13 - 2016-09-16
Academic lectureKiboub, Fatima Zohra; Hjelde, Astrid; Møllerløkken, Andreas; Loennechen, Øyvind; Eftedal, Ingrid. (2016) The outcome of saturation diving on endothelial function and biomarkers of vascular health in professional offshore divers. European Underwater & Baromedical Society 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the EUBS , Geneva 2016-09-13 - 2016-09-16
Academic lecturede Quiros, Yara Bernaldo; Moore, Michael J.; Arbelo, M; Sierra, E; Niemeyer, M; Møllerløkken, Andreas. (2016) Gas score index as an additional tool for the diagnosis of gas embolism cases, and gas and fat embolism diagnosis. NOAA 2016 National Marine Animal Health & Stranding Network Conference , Shepherdstown, WV 2016-09-06 - 2016-09-09
PosterBuzzacott, Peter; Møllerløkken, Andreas. (2016) Could commercial aviation cabin decompression cause vascular bubble formation?. Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society UHMS 2016 , Las Vegas 2016-06-09 - 2016-06-11
PosterHavnes, Marianne Bjordal; Hjelde, Astrid; Lie, Ingunn; Møllerløkken, Andreas. (2015) A simulated Heliox dive to 750 kPa and blood-brain barrier permeability in rats. European Underwater & Baromedical Society meeting 2015-08-19 - 2015-08-22
LectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2015) Langtidseffekt av dykking - et innblikk i noe av forskningen ved NTNU. Abyss AS og DeepX Abyss dykkerseminar , Kristiansund 2015-10-26 - 2015-10-26
Popular scientific lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2015) Nytt fra EUBS og Ultrasound 2015. Norsk Baromedisinsk Forening Medlemsmøte Norsk Baromedisinsk Forening , Oslo Universitetssykehus, Ullevål 2015-09-11 - 2015-09-11
LectureMøllerløkken, Andreas; Blogg, Lesley S; Pollock, Neal; Nishi, Ron. (2015) Monitoring protocols for meaningful data. Scott Haldane Diving Medicine Ultrasound 2015 , Karlskrona 2015-08-25 - 2015-08-26
PosterLie, Ingunn; Havnes, Marianne Bjordal; Hjelde, Astrid; Eftedal, Ingrid; Møllerløkken, Andreas. (2015) Hyperoxia and mitochondrial respiration - evaluation of mitochondrial respiration and ROS production in an animal model of diving. EUBS EUBS 2015 , Amsterdam 2015-08-19 - 2015-08-22
PosterMøllerløkken, Andreas; Blogg, Lesley S; Mueller, Bernd; Risberg, Jan; Eftedal, Ingrid. (2015) Decompression sickness after a chamber dive to 18 msw for 100 min. Scott Haldane Diving Medicine Ultrasound 2015 , Karlskrona 2015-08-25 - 2015-08-26
PosterMøllerløkken, Andreas; Blogg, Lesley S; Mueller, Bernd; Risberg, Jan; Eftedal, Ingrid. (2015) Decompression sickness after a chamber dive to 18 msw for 100 min. UHMS UHMS , Montreal 2015-06-18 - 2015-06-20
LectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2015) Consensus guidelines for the use of ultrasound for diving research. Norsk Baromedisinsk Forening Julemøte Norsk Baromedisinsk Forening , Falck Nutec, Bergen 2015-12-04 - 2015-12-04
LectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2015) 3B Bobler-Blodkar-Bends. Pingvinen froskemannsklubb Medlemsmøte Pingvinen Froskemannsklubb , Trondheim 2015-04-14 - 2015-04-14
LectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2015) My research at NTNU. Universitetet i Århus Fagmøte med gruppe for omgivelsesfysiologi, Universitetet i Århus , Århus 2015-02-12 - 2015-02-13
Popular scientific lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2015) Bobler-blodkar-bends, og litt til. Norsk Grottedykkerforbund Årsmøte Norsk Grottedykkerforbund , Trondheim 2015-05-09 - 2015-05-09
Popular scientific lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2014) Bobledanning etter dekompresjon. NTNU gruppe for barofysiologi Oppsummeringsmøte etter studien Gjentatte dykk: effekter på hjerte- karsystemet , NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet 2014-05-13 - 2014-05-13
LectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2014) Vaskulære bobler etter kammerdykk - hvor, hvor ofte og hvorfor. Norsk Baromedisinsk Forening Medlemsmøte i Norsk Baromedisinsk Forening , Trondheim 2014-09-12 - 2014-09-12
Popular scientific lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2014) Gruppe for Barofysiologi. Norsk Baromedisinsk Forening Medlemsmøte i Norsk Baromedisinsk Forening , Trondheim 2014-09-12 - 2014-09-12
Popular scientific lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2014) The Barophysiology Group at NTNU and its research-activity. Dykkegruppa NTNUI Møte med dykkergruppa, NTNUI , Trondheim 2014-11-06 - 2014-11-06
Academic lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas; Blogg, Lesley S. (2014) Venous gas emboli after a chamber dive to 18 msw for 100 min - implications for measurement protocols. European Underwater and Baromedical Society EUBS 2014 , Wiesbaden 2014-09-24 - 2014-09-27
PosterBuzzacott, Peter; Schuster, Andreas; Gerges, A; Hemelryck, W; Lambrechts, Kate; Madden, Dennis. (2014) A new model of head-up display dive computer addressing safety-critical rate of ascent and returning gas pressure: a pilot trial. European Underwater and Baromedical Society EUBS 2014 , Wiesbaden 2014-09-24 - 2014-09-27
PosterRief, Sebastian; Schuster, Andreas; Gajsek, Urska; Møllerløkken, Andreas; Sieber, Arne. (2014) Digital diver - data collection and evaluation with a tablet PC. European Underwater and Baromedical Society EUBS 2014 , Wiesbaden 2014-09-24 - 2014-09-27
LectureMøllerløkken, Andreas; Havnes, Marianne Bjordal. (2014) Vascular bubbles/micro emboli in decompression. Methods for detection in man- & animal studies. Fagmøte/workshop Flymedisinsk institutt og US Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine med tema: Trykkfallsyke/mikroembolier/MR-hjerneforandringer/påvirkning av kognitiv funksjon ved ikke hypoksisk høydeeksponering 2014-10-02 - 2014-10-02
Popular scientific lectureBlilie, Anders; Elvetun, Øyvind Løseth; Møllerløkken, Andreas. (2014) Blodårefunksjon etter dykking. NTNU gruppe for barofysiologi Oppsummeringsmøte etter studien Gjentatte dykk: effekter på hjerte- karsystemet , NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet 2014-05-13 - 2014-05-13
Academic lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2013) Ultrasound for decompression research - a translational approach. Seabear Diving Technology Marie Curie - Phypode , Croatia 2013-06-15 - 2013-06-23
InterviewSolbu, Erlend Lånke; Eftedal, Ingrid; Møllerløkken, Andreas. (2013) Vil komme til bunns i dykkersykemysteriet. NRK Viten NRK Viten [Internet] 2013-08-30
PosterMøllerløkken, Andreas; Hundseth, Torbjørn; Brubakk, Alf O. (2012) Dive Log Pool - A database for collecting dive-data. Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society 45th UHMS Annual Scientific Meeting , Phenix 2012-06-20 - 2012-06-24
PosterWiderøe, Marius; Havnes, Marianne Bjordal; Møllerløkken, Andreas; Brubakk, Alf O; Thuen, Marte. (2011) Does decompression sickness lead to brain injuries?. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM 19th Annual meeting , Montreal 2011-05-07 - 2011-05-13
PosterTangelder, Yonne Charlotte; Gaustad, Svein Erik; Havnes, Marianne Bjordal; Møllerløkken, Andreas. (2011) Exercise Participation among Saturation Divers employed In Norway: a Focus Group Study. Earopean Underwater and Baromedical Society EUBS 2011 , Gdansk 2011-08-24 - 2011-08-27
PosterGaustad, Svein Erik; Kondratiev, Timofei; Møllerløkken, Andreas; Wisløff, Ulrik; Brubakk, Alf O; Tveita, Torkjel. (2010) Dynamic changes in cardiovascular function during diving and decompression at different core temperatures. EUBS , Istanbul 2010-09-10 -
Academic lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2009) Imaging bubbles - using ultrasound for decompression evaluation. British Hyperbaric Association EUBS 2009 , Aberdeen 2009-08-25 - 2009-08-28
Academic lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2008) The epigenetics of DCS. Baromedical and Envirnomental Physiology Group, NTNU The future of diving: 100 years of Haldane and beyond , Medisinsk teknisk forskningssenter, Trondheim 2008-12-18 - 2008-12-19
PosterGaustad, Svein Erik; Wisløff, Ulrik; Møllerløkken, Andreas; Høydal, Morten; Brubakk, Alf O. (2008) Immersion prior to a dive reduces heart function and increases mortality after decompression. Undersea and Hyperbaric medicine , Salt Lake City 2008-06-24 - 2008-06-28
Popular scientific lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2008) Reduction of vascular bubbles: methods to reduce the adverse effects of decompression. Norsk Baromedisinsk Forening , Bergen 2008-03-07 - 2008-03-07
Popular scientific lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas; Gaustad, Svein Erik; Brubakk, Alf O. (2008) Det gode stress. DG, NTNUI Møte i DG, NTNUI , Dypet, Moholt 2008-10-09 - 2008-10-09
Academic lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2007) Exercise & Diving. European Underwater and Baromedical Society EUBS 2007 , Sharm el-Sheikh 2007-09-08 - 2007-09-15
Academic lectureGutvik, Christian; Møllerløkken, Andreas; Brubakk, Alf O. (2007) Difference in bubble formation using deep dive stops is dependent on bottom time. Experimental findings and theoretical sypport. EUBS European Underwater Baromedical Society Annual Meeting , Sharm el-sheikh 2007-10-08 - 2007-10-15
Academic lectureGutvik, Christian; Møllerløkken, Andreas; Brubakk, Alf O. (2007) Difference in Bubble Formation Using Deep Stops is Dependent on Bottom Time; Experimental Findings and Theoretical Support. Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine Society Annual Meeting 2007 , Maui, Hawaii 2007-06-13 - 2007-06-16
Academic lectureGutvik, Christian; Møllerløkken, Andreas; Brubakk, Alf O. (2007) Difference in Bubble Formation Using Deep Stops is Dependent on Bottom Time; Experimental Findings and Theoretical Support. European Undersea and Baromedical Society Annual Meeting 2007 , Sharm El Sheikh 2007-09-09 - 2007-09-15
Academic lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas; Gutvik, Christian; Måsøy, Svein-Erik; Brubakk, Alf O. (2007) Where do bubbles form?. European Underwater and Baromedical Society EUBS 2007 , Sharm el-Sheikh 2007-09-08 - 2007-09-15
PosterGutvik, Christian; Møllerløkken, Andreas; Brubakk, Alf O. (2007) Difference in bubble formation using deep stops is dependent on bottom time: experimental findings and theoretical support. Norsk Undervannsintervensjon (NUI) Dykkeseminaret , Bergen 2007-11-14 - 2007-11-15
PosterMøllerløkken, Andreas; Gutvik, Christian; Måsøy, Svein-Erik; Brubakk, Alf O. (2007) Where do bubbles form?. Norsk Undervannsintervensjon (NUI) Dykkeseminaret , Bergen 2007-11-14 - 2007-11-15
InterviewMøllerløkken, Andreas; Gutvik, Christian; Tunstad, Hege. (2006) Trygt opp fra dypet. Gemini Gemini [Newspaper] 2006-06-14
Academic lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas; Eftedal, Olav; Brubakk, Alf O. (2006) Bubblegrade vs number of bubbles. European Underwater and Baromedical Society 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the EUBS 2006 , Bergen 2006-08-23 - 2006-08-26
Academic lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2006) Ultrasound for animal studies. Gruppe for baromedisin og miljøfysiologi v/Alf O Brubakk Ultrasound for monitoring decompression: Theory and practice , Trondheim og Stokkøya 2006-08-28 - 2006-09-03
PosterGutvik, Christian; Møllerløkken, Andreas; Brubakk, Alf O. (2006) Parameter Estimation on the Copernicus Bubble Model Using Human Doppler Data. Undersea and hyperbaric medical society UHMS annual scientific meeting , Orlando, Florida 2006-06-22 - 2006-06-24
PosterMøllerløkken, Andreas; Nossum, Vibeke; Hovin, Wenche; Brubakk, Alf O. (2005) Recompression with oxygen to 160 kPa eliminates vascular gas bubbles in the pulmonary artery, but does not prevent injury to the endothelium and the cns. 31st Annuall Meeting of the European Underwater & Baromedical Society , Barcelona 2005-09-07 - 2005-09-10
Academic lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas; Gutvik, Christian; Berge, Vegard; Jørgensen, Arve; Løset, Are; Brubakk, Alf O. (2005) Recompression during decompression reduce bubble formation in the pig: further support for a gas phase model of decompression. 31 Annual Meeting of the European Underwater & Baromedical Society , Barcelona 2005-09-07 - 2005-09-10
Popular scientific lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas; Nossum, Vibeke; Hovin, Wenche; Brubakk, Alf O. (2005) In-water rekompresjon som førstehjelp ved DCS. NUI Dykkeseminaret 2005 , Bergen 2005-11-09 - 2005-11-10
Popular scientific lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2005) Hvem er jeg, og hva gjør jeg?. Midt-Skandinavisk vintermøte i ekstremmiljøfysiologi , Åre 2005-02-17 - 2005-02-20
Popular scientific lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas; Hovin, Wenche. (2005) Amis 2000, vårt nye hjelpemiddel. FOI dykk, desember 2005 , Trondheim 2005-12-08 - 2005-12-09
PosterMøllerløkken, Andreas; Brubakk, Alf O; Lundsett, Nina. (2004) The effect of nitric oxide on vascular bubble formation in pigs. EUBS 2004 , Ajaccio 2004-09-15 - 2004-09-19
Popular scientific lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (2004) Griser uten bobler. NUI Dykkeseminar , Trondheim 2004-10-30 - 2004-10-30
PosterRasten, Egil; Børresen, Børre; Hagen, Georg K; Møllerløkken, Andreas; Tunold, Reidar. (2000) Catalysts for water electrolysis using polymer electrolyte. The 197th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society , Toronto, May 14.-18. 2000
Academic lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas; Børresen, Børre. (2000) Status for brenselcelleteknologi og muligheter for Norge � med fokus på PEM-brenselceller. Workshop: �Ny energi til norsk industri� , Haugesund, Norway, 2.-3.November 2000
Popular scientific lectureNæsje, Pål; Kjølle, Gerd; Møllerløkken, Andreas. (2000) Integrerte energisystemer 2025 - en fremtidsvisjon. , Trondheim, 31. mai 2000
Popular scientific lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (1999) PEM fuel cell activities at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Symposium on Materials and Methods in Polymer Fuel Cell Research , KTH, Sweden, March 10.-11. 1999
PosterMøllerløkken, Andreas. (1998) Factors affecting PEFC performance and reproducibility. 1998 Fuel Cell Seminar , Palm Springs, California, November 16-19, 1998
Popular scientific lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas; Vie, Preben Joakim Svela. (1997) Separation of potential losses in single polymer fuel cells � effect of different assembling procedures. Nordic Workshop on Experimental and Theoretical Methods in Fuel Cell Research , Geilo, Norway, March 5. - 7. 1997.
Popular scientific lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (1996) Solid Polymer Fuel Cell Research at the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, NTNU. Nordic Workshop on Polymer based Fuel Cells and Batteries , Helsinki, February 19. - 20. 1996.
Popular scientific lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (1996) Brenselceller, muligheter og utfordringer. Forum for fysikk og kjemi, Universitetet i Bergen , Bergen, 24.oktober 1996
Popular scientific lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (1996) Performance improvements by addition of acetylene black to polymer fuel cell electrodes. ? , Chalmers Teknikpark, Gothenburg, November 11. - 12. 1996
Popular scientific lectureMøllerløkken, Andreas. (1995) Preparation and Evaluation of Thin Film Electrodes for Solid Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells. Seminar on Fuel Cell Research with emphasis on Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells , Chalmers Teknikpark, Gothenburg, October 3. - 4. 1995
PosterOttøy, Magnar; Møllerløkken, Andreas; Kjelstrup, Signe. (1992) Membrane Transference Numbers from Irreversible Thermodynamics. Polymer Electrolytes for Fuel Cells , Stockholm-Helsinki, August 24. - 25. 1992
Academic lectureOliveira, Miguel Angelo; Møllerløkken, Andreas; Haaland, Herborg; Rosenlund, Grete. (1992) The Effects of Process Parameters on the Expansion of Extruded Fish Feeds. 2nd Int. Rutgers Symp. on extrusion and reology of food , July 31.- Aug.3, 1990, New Bruinswick