Ann Elida Eide
Ann Elida Eide is Associate Professor at the Institute for Industrial Economics and Technology Management, and she is also part of Engage Center of Excellence in Education. Eide received her degree MSc in Finance from NHH, and has previously worked several years for a startup company. Currently she investigates research problems at the intersection of international entrepreneurship, digitalization and environmental sustainability. In 2020, Eide defended her doctoral thesis on the role of managers in international small business.
Hermundsdottir, Fanny;
Bjørgum, Øyvind;
Eide, Ann Elida.
Transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy: Identifying the necessary dynamic capabilities for a transition among Norwegian oil and gas companies.
Business Strategy and the Environment (BSE)
Academic article
Politis, Diamanto;
Aaboen, Lise;
Eide, Ann Elida;
Haneberg, Dag Håkon Andre Åsmundhavn.
Re-viewing entrepreneurial universities through alumni engagement.
Small Business Economics
Academic article
Eide, Ann Elida;
Bjørgum, Øyvind;
Sæther, Erik Andreas.
Bærekraft i norske farvann: Hvem driver det grønne skiftet til havs, og hva kan gjøres for å akselerere det?.
Økonomisk fiskeriforskning: Ledelse, marked, økonomi
Academic article
Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen;
Aadland, Torgeir;
Eide, Ann Elida;
Haneberg, Dag Håkon.
Drivers for agility in times of crisis.
European Business Review
Academic article
Eide, Ann Elida;
Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen.
Forsket på andres sjokkdigitalisering – opplevde det samme selv.
Magma forskning og viten
Interview Journal
Eide, Ann Elida;
Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen;
Alsos, Gry Agnete.
Sjokkdigitalisering i krisetider. Digitalisering i norske verksemder i lys av covid-19 .
Magma forskning og viten
Academic article
Hermundsdottir, Fanny;
Eide, Ann Elida;
Aspelund, Arild.
Bærekraftig ledelse.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eide, Ann Elida;
Madsen, Tage Koed.
Top management teams and the internationalization of SMEs: the importance of team composition and strategic orientations.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hermundsdottir, Fanny;
Eide, Ann Elida;
Aspelund, Arild.
Sustainability innovations in the manufacturing industry: a comparison of circular and climate innovation initiatives.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hermundsdottir, Fanny;
Eide, Ann Elida;
Aspelund, Arild.
Bærekraftig omstilling og konkurransekraft i norsk industri - hvem drar lasset?.
Magma forskning og viten
Academic article
Eide, Ann Elida;
Moen, Øystein;
Madsen, Tage Koed;
Azari, Mohammad Javadinia.
Growth aspirations in SMEs: managerial determinants and organizational outcomes.
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
Academic article
Sæther, Erik Andreas;
Eide, Ann Elida;
Bjørgum, Øyvind.
Sustainability among Norwegian maritime firms: Green strategy and innovation as mediators of long‐term orientation and emission reduction.
Business Strategy and the Environment (BSE)
Academic article
Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen;
Eide, Ann Elida.
Forretningsliv på digitale flater: Det handler (fortsatt) om relasjoner.
Preprint: technical report
Eide, Ann Elida.
The Role of Managers in International Small Business.
Doctoral dissertation
Eide, Ann Elida;
Sæther, Erik Andreas;
Aspelund, Arild.
An investigation of leaders' motivation, intellectual leadership, and sustainability strategy in relation to Norwegian manufacturers’ performance.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Azari, Mohammad Javadinia;
Aspelund, Arild;
Eide, Ann Elida.
Knowledge integration in international SMEs – The effects on firm innovation and performance.
Cogent Business & Management
Academic article
Journal publications
Hermundsdottir, Fanny;
Bjørgum, Øyvind;
Eide, Ann Elida.
Transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy: Identifying the necessary dynamic capabilities for a transition among Norwegian oil and gas companies.
Business Strategy and the Environment (BSE)
Academic article
Politis, Diamanto;
Aaboen, Lise;
Eide, Ann Elida;
Haneberg, Dag Håkon Andre Åsmundhavn.
Re-viewing entrepreneurial universities through alumni engagement.
Small Business Economics
Academic article
Eide, Ann Elida;
Bjørgum, Øyvind;
Sæther, Erik Andreas.
Bærekraft i norske farvann: Hvem driver det grønne skiftet til havs, og hva kan gjøres for å akselerere det?.
Økonomisk fiskeriforskning: Ledelse, marked, økonomi
Academic article
Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen;
Aadland, Torgeir;
Eide, Ann Elida;
Haneberg, Dag Håkon.
Drivers for agility in times of crisis.
European Business Review
Academic article
Eide, Ann Elida;
Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen.
Forsket på andres sjokkdigitalisering – opplevde det samme selv.
Magma forskning og viten
Interview Journal
Eide, Ann Elida;
Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen;
Alsos, Gry Agnete.
Sjokkdigitalisering i krisetider. Digitalisering i norske verksemder i lys av covid-19 .
Magma forskning og viten
Academic article
Hermundsdottir, Fanny;
Eide, Ann Elida;
Aspelund, Arild.
Bærekraftig omstilling og konkurransekraft i norsk industri - hvem drar lasset?.
Magma forskning og viten
Academic article
Eide, Ann Elida;
Moen, Øystein;
Madsen, Tage Koed;
Azari, Mohammad Javadinia.
Growth aspirations in SMEs: managerial determinants and organizational outcomes.
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
Academic article
Sæther, Erik Andreas;
Eide, Ann Elida;
Bjørgum, Øyvind.
Sustainability among Norwegian maritime firms: Green strategy and innovation as mediators of long‐term orientation and emission reduction.
Business Strategy and the Environment (BSE)
Academic article
Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen;
Eide, Ann Elida.
Forretningsliv på digitale flater: Det handler (fortsatt) om relasjoner.
Preprint: technical report
Eide, Ann Elida;
Sæther, Erik Andreas;
Aspelund, Arild.
An investigation of leaders' motivation, intellectual leadership, and sustainability strategy in relation to Norwegian manufacturers’ performance.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Azari, Mohammad Javadinia;
Aspelund, Arild;
Eide, Ann Elida.
Knowledge integration in international SMEs – The effects on firm innovation and performance.
Cogent Business & Management
Academic article
Part of book/report
Hermundsdottir, Fanny;
Eide, Ann Elida;
Aspelund, Arild.
Bærekraftig ledelse.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eide, Ann Elida;
Madsen, Tage Koed.
Top management teams and the internationalization of SMEs: the importance of team composition and strategic orientations.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hermundsdottir, Fanny;
Eide, Ann Elida;
Aspelund, Arild.
Sustainability innovations in the manufacturing industry: a comparison of circular and climate innovation initiatives.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eide, Ann Elida.
The Role of Managers in International Small Business.
Doctoral dissertation
Academic lectureDybendal, Benjamin Holen; Aadland, Torgeir; Sigmundsson, Hermundur; Eide, Ann Elida. (2023) So entrepreneurial skills develop through entrepreneurship education, but how?. 3E 2023 Conference , Århus 2023-05-10 - 2023-05-12
Academic lecturePolitis, Diamanto; Aaboen, Lise; Eide, Ann Elida; Haneberg, Dag Håkon. (2021) Buddies, boomerangs and builders: alumni engagement in entrepreneurship education ecosystems. 3E ECSB Entrepreneurship Education Conference , Online/Trondheim 2021-05-05 - 2021-05-07
Academic lectureEide, Ann Elida; Aadland, Torgeir. (2021) Using prior experience in the quest for novel opportunities – can entrepreneurial intuition be taught?. ECSB og NTNU 3E , Digital/NTNU 2021-05-05 - 2021-05-07