Anne Margrethe Fiskvik
Anne Fiskvik has a background as professional dancer, choreographer, dance teacher and dance/movement therapist. Her dissertation (2006) investigates the relationship between music and dance from historical and analytical levels. It was the first doctral dissertation published in Norway on dance research. In addition to her interest in relationships between dance and music, Fiskvik has done extensive research on Norwegian dance history, with an emphasis on the eighteenth and nineteenth centures, as well as the first decades of the twentieth century. She is also interested in dance as popular culture, and in the healing possibilities that are inherent in dance and movement.
Fiskvik is chair of dance studies at NTNU (since 2013), and leader of the international master program in dance studies, "NoMads". She loves to teach and interact with and learn from her students. She also want to develop Dance Studies and the newest contributions are courses in "Dance pedagogics and coaching" and "Dance and health".
Fiskvik is invited to be a keynote speaker for the International Music Research School, taking place in Trondheim in October 2018.
Fiskvik is currently working on two different books on Norwegian dance history, estimated publishing spring 2020.
Fiskvik is part of t he research project "The Minuet in Norden", a book project with researchers from Nordic countries, investigating the Minuet's role in the Nordic countries from the seventeenth century and onwards.
From 2008-2019 (ongoing) she has been part of "Dance in Nordic Spaces", imitated and funded by the Swedish “Riksbankens Jubileumsfond”. ( This project has produced two volumes and a special issue /Dance Research Journal that will be published in the fall of 2019.
Fiskvik has also been part of the project "Performing Arts between dilettantism and professionalism" (pARTs), funded by NFR/HF (2011-2015). A first volume was published in 2014, and work with volume 2 and 3 are ongoing. Fiskvik is one of the editors of volume 2.
Fiskvik is in charge of the area "Dance" at the Norwegian "Store norske leksikon på nett" (
Fiskvik is the main contributor to the large, international research projedct "Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception" (published by by DeGruyter). She has contributed numerous articles to this encyclopaedia on topics such as the role of social and liturgical dance in the Bible, the use of biblical themes among dance artists past and present.
OTHER WORK (selction)
Fiskvik has been member of various comittees for evaluations of professor comtenece, emplyment for instiutitions in Nordic /European countries as well and doctoral work
Fiskvik was nominated to be part of the Norwegian Cultural Coucil's committee on Dance (Faglig utvalg for dans), 2016-2018, and 2018-2020. This committee reviews applications and make decisions on funding for Norwegian dance artists.
Work for the UHR (Swedish council for higher education) since 2004, currently member of a committee evaluating teacher trainings 2018-2019. Previously member of a committee evaluating aesthetic subjects (2013).
She has done different accreditation work for Danmarks Akkrediteringsinstiusjon / The Danish Accreditation institution (2017-2018/ongoing).
Fiskvik was the leader of the international conference "DanceAction" 8.-11-juni 2013. This conference brought together 200 dance scholars form the entire world and was a collaboration between NTNU Dance studies, Society of Dance History Scholars (SDHS) and Nofod.
Leader for the National council on dance (NaFad), 2008-2012.
Comitte member of NOFOD (Nordisk forening for danseforskning), 2006-2013.
Fiskvik, Anne Margrethe.
Dance_ A way towards health and well being. .
Dance Articulated
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Selvik, Randi Margrete;
Gladsø, Svein;
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Performing Arts in Changing Societies:
Opera, Dance, and Theatre in European and Nordic Countries around 1800.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
‘Nemo ei in orbe terrarum in artibus par est’: The Rope and Wire Repertoire of Itinerant Artist Michael Stuart.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Renegotiating Identity Markers in Contemporary Halling Practices.
Dance Research Journal
Academic article
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
"Let no one invite me, for I do not dance." Kierkegaard's Attitudes toward Dance.
Northwestern University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Svarstad, Elizabeth;
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Gladsø, Svein.
"Accuracy in dance and steps and manners”. Dance as a social education in Norway 1750–1820.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Det humanistiske fakultet
Doctoral dissertation
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Where highbrow taste meets itinerant dance in eighteenth-century scandinavia: the dance entrepreneur Martin Nürenbach
1700-tal: Nordic Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Academic article
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
La Famille Dansant. Investigating the Family Structure and Repertory of the Johannesénske Balletselskab.
Nordic Theatre Studies
Academic article
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Itinerant challenges and newspaper support:
The Johannesénske Balletselskab’s Norwegian tour 1878-1879.
På Spissen
Academic article
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Information uti Dands i Christiania 1769-1773.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Graham, Martha.
Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter)
Encyclopedia article
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Working in Nordic Dance Venues.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
"At danse musikken" Musikkvisualisering i Kristiania anno 1909.
Studia Musicologica Norvegica
Academic article
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Tracing the Achivements of Augusta Johannesén 1880-1895.
Nordic Journal of Dance: practice, education and research
Academic article
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
"Shaping the image of a “soulful barefoot dancer".
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Okstad, Kari Margrete;
Stranden, Marit;
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Egil Bakka - educator and researcher.
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Stranden, Marit.
(Re)Searching the Field. Festschrift in Honour of Egil Bakka.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Halling as a Tool for Nationalist Strategies.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Berg, Thoralf;
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Gjervan, Ellen Karoline;
Gladsø, Svein;
Selvik, Randi Margrete;
Skagen, Annabella.
Kunstfagenes kilder : Åpen fagkonferanse om status og utfordringer for arkiv og samlinger innen dans, teater og musikk i Norge og Skandianavia. 10.-11. november 2011, Arkivsenteret Dora, Trondheim. Rapport.
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Halling Meets Freier Tanz and Creates a Hybrid Dance in Oslo,Norway, 1948.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Kvam, Hilde.
Chopin i Dansebilleder. – En analyse av Gyda Christiensens “danseeksperiment” våren 1909.
Institutt for kunst- og medievitenskap
Masters thesis
Bakka, Egil;
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Tracing Dance Fields.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil;
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Damsholt, Inger;
Hammergren, Lena;
Hoppu, Petri;
Nilsson, Mats.
Reflexsive Notes: A Conclusion.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Kreativ dans.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Mæland, Siri;
Torvik, Eli;
Eeg-Tverbakk, Camilla;
Haraldsen, Heidi M..
Dans,estetikk og samfunn.
Tell Forlag
Tell Forlag
Haraldsen, Heidi Marian;
Fiskvik, Anne.
Dans, estetikk og samfunn : 1 og 2.
Tell forlag
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Forskning på forholdet mellom dans og musikk: metoder og innfallsvinkler.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
"Genreblanding i norsk teaterdans – eksemplet ”Veslefrikk med fela”.
Norsk folkemusikklags skrifter
Academic article
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Ildfuglen i et koreomusikalsk lys.
Studia Musicologica Norvegica
Academic article
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Koreomusikalsk praksis i et kildehistorisk lys.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Bakka, Egil.
Vincenzo galeotti's Norwegian Springdance - Stereotype or Fantasy?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
"Dance migration and Norwegian early 'fri' dans".
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Bakka, Egil.
Koreomusikalsk idealisering og praksis. En komparativ koreomusikalsk analyse av 13 versjoner av balletten Ildfuglen.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (136)
Doctoral dissertation
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
”Towards a Norwegian National Dance”.
Musikklidenskapelig årbok
Academic article
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Bakka, Egil.
Dance Knowledge. Danskunnskap. International Conference on Cognitive Aspects of Dance. Proceedings from 6th NOFOD Conference, Trondheim January 10-13 2002. I.
Rådet for folkemusikk og folkedans og Nordisk forum for danseforskning
Toussaint, Gerthory;
Pedersen, Atle;
Oterhals, Geir;
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C;
Bongaardt, Robert.
La det swinge! Om kropp og bevegelse.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Vereijken, Beatrix.
”Kroppen i bevegelse: Jakten på rytmen”.
Psykologisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Journal publications
Fiskvik, Anne Margrethe.
Dance_ A way towards health and well being. .
Dance Articulated
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Renegotiating Identity Markers in Contemporary Halling Practices.
Dance Research Journal
Academic article
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Where highbrow taste meets itinerant dance in eighteenth-century scandinavia: the dance entrepreneur Martin Nürenbach
1700-tal: Nordic Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Academic article
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
La Famille Dansant. Investigating the Family Structure and Repertory of the Johannesénske Balletselskab.
Nordic Theatre Studies
Academic article
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Itinerant challenges and newspaper support:
The Johannesénske Balletselskab’s Norwegian tour 1878-1879.
På Spissen
Academic article
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
"At danse musikken" Musikkvisualisering i Kristiania anno 1909.
Studia Musicologica Norvegica
Academic article
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Tracing the Achivements of Augusta Johannesén 1880-1895.
Nordic Journal of Dance: practice, education and research
Academic article
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
"Genreblanding i norsk teaterdans – eksemplet ”Veslefrikk med fela”.
Norsk folkemusikklags skrifter
Academic article
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Ildfuglen i et koreomusikalsk lys.
Studia Musicologica Norvegica
Academic article
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
”Towards a Norwegian National Dance”.
Musikklidenskapelig årbok
Academic article
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Vereijken, Beatrix.
”Kroppen i bevegelse: Jakten på rytmen”.
Psykologisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Selvik, Randi Margrete;
Gladsø, Svein;
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Performing Arts in Changing Societies:
Opera, Dance, and Theatre in European and Nordic Countries around 1800.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Stranden, Marit.
(Re)Searching the Field. Festschrift in Honour of Egil Bakka.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Mæland, Siri;
Torvik, Eli;
Eeg-Tverbakk, Camilla;
Haraldsen, Heidi M..
Dans,estetikk og samfunn.
Tell Forlag
Tell Forlag
Haraldsen, Heidi Marian;
Fiskvik, Anne.
Dans, estetikk og samfunn : 1 og 2.
Tell forlag
Part of book/report
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
‘Nemo ei in orbe terrarum in artibus par est’: The Rope and Wire Repertoire of Itinerant Artist Michael Stuart.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
"Let no one invite me, for I do not dance." Kierkegaard's Attitudes toward Dance.
Northwestern University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Information uti Dands i Christiania 1769-1773.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Graham, Martha.
Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter)
Encyclopedia article
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Working in Nordic Dance Venues.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
"Shaping the image of a “soulful barefoot dancer".
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Okstad, Kari Margrete;
Stranden, Marit;
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Egil Bakka - educator and researcher.
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Halling as a Tool for Nationalist Strategies.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Halling Meets Freier Tanz and Creates a Hybrid Dance in Oslo,Norway, 1948.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil;
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Tracing Dance Fields.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bakka, Egil;
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Damsholt, Inger;
Hammergren, Lena;
Hoppu, Petri;
Nilsson, Mats.
Reflexsive Notes: A Conclusion.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Kreativ dans.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Forskning på forholdet mellom dans og musikk: metoder og innfallsvinkler.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
Koreomusikalsk praksis i et kildehistorisk lys.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Bakka, Egil.
Vincenzo galeotti's Norwegian Springdance - Stereotype or Fantasy?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete.
"Dance migration and Norwegian early 'fri' dans".
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Toussaint, Gerthory;
Pedersen, Atle;
Oterhals, Geir;
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C;
Bongaardt, Robert.
La det swinge! Om kropp og bevegelse.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Svarstad, Elizabeth;
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Gladsø, Svein.
"Accuracy in dance and steps and manners”. Dance as a social education in Norway 1750–1820.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Det humanistiske fakultet
Doctoral dissertation
Berg, Thoralf;
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Gjervan, Ellen Karoline;
Gladsø, Svein;
Selvik, Randi Margrete;
Skagen, Annabella.
Kunstfagenes kilder : Åpen fagkonferanse om status og utfordringer for arkiv og samlinger innen dans, teater og musikk i Norge og Skandianavia. 10.-11. november 2011, Arkivsenteret Dora, Trondheim. Rapport.
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Kvam, Hilde.
Chopin i Dansebilleder. – En analyse av Gyda Christiensens “danseeksperiment” våren 1909.
Institutt for kunst- og medievitenskap
Masters thesis
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Bakka, Egil.
Koreomusikalsk idealisering og praksis. En komparativ koreomusikalsk analyse av 13 versjoner av balletten Ildfuglen.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (136)
Doctoral dissertation
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete;
Bakka, Egil.
Dance Knowledge. Danskunnskap. International Conference on Cognitive Aspects of Dance. Proceedings from 6th NOFOD Conference, Trondheim January 10-13 2002. I.
Rådet for folkemusikk og folkedans og Nordisk forum for danseforskning
- DANS3009 - Dance, displacement, diaspora 1
- DANS1102 - Dansepedagogikk og treningsledelse
- DANS1101 - Dans, bevegelse og helse
- DANS3010 - Masteroppgave i dans
- DANS3013 - Individuelt prosjekt 4
- DANS3003 - Danseanalyse
- DANS3004 - Individuelt prosjekt 2
- DANS3016 - Dansehistorie
- DANS3017 - Decolonising Ethnochoreology and the Anthropology of Dance: an Introduction
- DANS3007 - Dissertation 1: Ethnographic Research Methodology and Archiving
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2016) Doubly marginalized? Scrutinizing the endeavours of two itinerant, female and “world famous” artists. PArts Re-searching relevance.Questioning canons of music, dance and theatre around 1800 , Ringve Museum, Trondheim, Norway 2016-01-16 - 2016-01-18
Popular scientific lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2014) Danseundervisning i Trondheim rundt 1790. forskningsdagene NTNU/Kunnskapsbyen/Trøndelag teater Forskningsdagene 2014: 1790-tallet. Kunst og selskapsliv i oppgangstider , Teatercafeen, Trøndelag teater 2014-09-20 - 2014-09-20
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2013) Globalizing Norway’s national dance: Halling far away from ’home’. NTNU, program for dansevitenskap/Nofod/SDHS DanceAction(s) , NTNU, Dragvoll 2013-06-08 - 2013-06-11
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2013) Social Dance Practice(s) in Christiania 1769-1773. Norsk Selskap for 1700-tallsstudier The eighteenth century in practice , Lysebu, Oslo 2013-08-28 - 2013-08-31
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2013) Itinerant Dance Artists in Christiania, 1769-1773. pARTS, NTNU Plays, Places and Participants , Suhmhuset, NTNU 2013-11-04 - 2013-11-06
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2013) Menuetten i Norsk Kildemateriale 1750-1800. Nordisk förening för folkdansforskning (Nff) Menuetten i Norden – i praktik och teori , Gøteborg 2013-09-20 - 2013-09-22
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2012) Dansemestre i Norge 1770-1800: lidenskap kanskje, men knapt levebrød... pARTS, NTNU Lidenskap eller levebrød - dans, teater og musikk i tidlig norsk offentlighet , Suhmhuset, NTNU 2012-11-26 - 2012-11-28
Academic lectureKaroblis, Gediminas; Bakka, Egil; Fiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2010) "Triangulation of dance analysis" (a part of panel "Field Works: Towards Collaborative Research Practices in Dance Work in Progress"). De Montfort University DANCE ETHNOGRAPHY FORUM , Leicester 2010-01-30 - 2010-01-30
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Fiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2009) Vincenzo Galeotti and the Norwegian Springdance. Dance Department, UC Riverside og Dansevitskap, NTNU Dance across classes and centuries. Popular and theatrical dance interacting , University of California, Riverside 2009-11-22 - 2009-11-23
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2008) "Dance as nationbuilding strategy: Firebird and Halling". Universitetet i Stockholm/NOMADS NOMADS Course - Dance and Cultural Theory , Stockholm 2008-04-07 - 2008-04-11
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2008) Advocates of Norwegian Theatre Dance. NOFOD Dance. Movement. Mobility. 9th international NOFOD Conference 2008. , Universitet i Tampere 2008-10-23 - 2008-10-26
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2008) "Continuity and Change: Performance Practices of the Norwegian Halling in the Twentieth Century". Dance Ethnography Forum 2008 Dance Ethnography Forum 2008 , DE MONTFORT UNIVERSITY, LEICESTER 2008-01-26 - 2008-01-26
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2008) "Transmitting Dance as a Cultural heritage: Embodying Identities in Movement". ICTM 25th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology , Kuala Lumpur 2008-08-11 - 2008-08-17
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2008) "Lillebil Ibsen in Berlin". Society of Dance History Scholars - Annual Conference 2008 "Looking Back - Moving Forward" , Saratoga Springs 2008-06-12 - 2008-06-15
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2008) "Der Tanz der Grete Wiesenthal. Bewegung in Zeit und Ort -Zusammenfassung der Tagung aus skandinavischer Sicht". Universität Salzburg. Instiut für Musik und Tanz Der Tanz der Grete Wiesenthal. , Salzburg 2008-05-02 - 2008-05-04
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2008) "Source material for Dance History – problems and perspectives". NOMADS NOMADS Course - Dance History , Universitetet i Købehavn 2008-09-30 - 2008-10-03
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2008) "From ‘Folkloristic Icon’ to High Culture: Norwegian Folkdance as Theatre Art". University of Cape Town / Confluences 5 Confluences 5: "High Culture. Low Culture" , Cape Town 2008-07-16 - 2008-07-20
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete; Bakka, Egil. (2008) Vincenzo Galoeotti’s Springdance – Stereotype or Fantasy. 2.Rotenfelzer Tanzsymphosion Vom Schäferidyll zur Revolution. Europäische Tanzkultur im 18. Jahrhundert , Burg Rothenfels 2008-05-21 - 2008-05-25
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2008) Genreblanding i norsk teaterdans – eksemplet ”Veslefrikk med fela”. Norsk Folkemusikklag Når musikk- og dansekulturar møtast , Dale-Gudbrands Gard på Hundorp 2008-02-08 - 2008-02-10
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2008) "Tracing Dance History through Source Material". University of Surrey, Department of Dance Studies Ph.D seminar , Surrey 2008-11-21 - 2008-11-21
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2008) "Halling as Popular Dance". University of Surrey, Department of Dance Studies Ph.D seminar , Surrey 2008-11-21 - 2008-11-21
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Fiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2008) "Dance in Nordic Spaces. Tracing dance fields: a pilot study". Nordisk forum for danseforskning Dance - Movement - Mobility - 9th international NOFOD Conference , Tampere 2008-10-23 - 2008-10-26
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Fiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2008) "Vincezo Galeotti's Norwegian Springdance - Stereotype or Fantasy". Rothenfelser 2. Tanzsymposium, 2008 Tanzsymposium: Vom Schäferidyll zur Revolution 2008 , Burg Rothenfels 2008-05-21 - 2008-05-25
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2008) "Dance and Cultural Politics in Norway: a 'national' rather than 'royal' dance. I: Dunin, Elise I (Red: Transmitting Dance as Cultural Heritage. Proceedings 25th Symphosium Kuala Lumpur: IcTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology. Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 2009. ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology ICTM Symphosium Kuala Lumpur 2008 , Kuala Lumpur 2008-08-10 - 2008-08-18
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2007) "From traditional to popular.: A choreomusical analysis of Hallingdans in the Norwegian TV Version of 'So you think you can dance". CPD – Popular dance and Music Conference 2008 CPD – Popular dance and Music Conference , University of Surrey 2007-10-20 - 2007-10-20
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2007) "Dance migration and Norwegian early 'fri' dans". Congress on Research in Dance (CORD) 40th annual conference Congress on Research in Dance (CORD) 40th annual conference , Colombia University, New York, USA 2007-11-08 - 2007-11-11
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2007) "From Traditional to Popular Dance: Contemporary Norwegian Halling". University of Oregon Invitert gjesteforelesning , Eugene 2007-11-06 - 2007-11-06
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2007) Norwegian Dance Film: “Veslefrikk” (1953). Manchester Metropolitan Univerity UK Internasjonal konferanse , Manchester 2007-06-12 - 2007-06-14
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2006) "Dans som nasjonsbyggende strategi – to eksempler". Stockholms universitet MA-kurs Danseteori , Stockholm 2006-09-12 - 2006-09-12
Academic lectureFiskvik, Anne Margrete. (2006) "Dansehistorisk kildemateriale – problemer og innfallsvinkler". Københavns universitet MA-kurs Dansehistorie , København 2006-04-04 -
Academic lectureFiskvik, A.; Vereijken, Beatrix; Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C; Pedersen, Arve Vorland; Bongaardt, Robert. (2002) The body in motion as a scientific phenomenon. International conference on cognitive aspects of dance , Trondheim 2002-01-01 - 2002-01-15