Anne Marit Myrstad
Anne Marit Myrstad is a Professor of Film Studies. She has work experience as a teacher, cultural worker and as a Film archivist at the National Library of Norway. At NTNU she has worked as Head of, and Research fellow a,t the former Centre for Women's Research, and as Associate Professor in Media Studies, then Film Studies at the Department of Art and Media Studies. Myrstas served as Head of Department from 2009 till 2017.
Myrstad's main research interest is Norwegian film production within a history of culture and cultural studies perspective. Gender constructions, ideas of nation and national identities are recurring thematics. Myrstad has studied, for instance, fiction films from the silent area, the commercial film genre housewife film, modernist and other films with a female lead. A resent study on the state financed film company Norsk Film A/S, differs in taking a production studies approach.
Ongoing research
1. Woman on Screen. Leading ladies in Norwegian film history
This ‘umbrella’ project contains analyses of female protagonists in Norwegian film history from silent fictions to feature film productions after 2000. The analyses concern narrative agency and visual style and discusses the performances in relation to female stereotypes in western cinema and discourses of ethnicity, whiteness and/or class in a Norwegian and Nordic context. For the time being the project is concentrated on Norwegian silent heroines in a context of Eugenics, Whiteness and Nordic femininity.
2. Queer repreentations in Norwegian film history. This project is part of the nations Queer culture year 2022 and the National Librarys exibition and seminar on queer in Norwegian film history. My study aim to highlight unspoken or ambiguous queer motives and characters in Norwegian cinema, and discuss the role of these ambiguities in future writings on the history of queer in Norwegian film production.
3. Feminist film history in Scandinavia: new approaches, methodologies, and connections. This project aim to investigate and strengten feminist film history as a field within Scandinavian film studies and archiving. In 2022 and 2023 the work will be conducted through a series of workshops mapping the field and discussing future develpoments. The project is initiated by the Universities of Copenhagen and Stockholm, the Swedish Film Institute and Norway's National Library.
Teaching areas
I have taught photography and visual culture, gender and media, but first and foremost film studies at every academic level, and with a focus on fiction film history, film theory and prominent research traditions of this disipline.
2. Skeive representasjoner i norsk film. I forbindelse med Skeivt kulturår 2022 hvor utstilling og seminar på Nasjonalbiblioteket er en av markeringene, jobber jeg i dette prosjketet med de mer uuttalt skeive motiv og rollefigurer i norsk film og da som et mulig bidrag til skeiv filmhistorieskriving.
3. Feminist film history in Scandinavia: new approaches, methodologies, and connections. Prosjektet er i utgangspunktet en workshopserie gjennom 2022 og 2023 som er kommet i stand på initiativ fra Københavns Universitet, Stockholms universitet, Svenska filminstitutet og Nasjonalbiblioteket og med støtte fra NOS-HS.
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Filmens nasjonalteater.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Kunstnerisk triumf, krevende produksjonsforhold.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Day-time cinema in the 1950ies and 60ies; a forgotten cinema-culture in the housewife's golden age.
Academic article
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Soft strength, mild mystery: Female characters in the films of Joachim Trier.
Journal of Scandinavian Cinema
Academic article
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
"Kvinnens plass"- mors yrkeskarriere som filmatisk konflikt.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Hjemløs? Kvinnekarakteren i 1960-tallets norske kunstfilm.
Pax Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Filmsensur og samfunnsmoral - tilfellet Fernanda Nissen.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Gurly Drangsholt.
Website (informational material)
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
"Fernanda Nissen". .
Website (informational material)
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Husmora i fokus : den norske husmorfilmen 1953-1972.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic monograph
Diesen, Jan Anders;
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Fante-Anne og det nasjonale gjennombruddet i norsk film. (med engelsk oversettelse i samme hefte).
Other presentation
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Den gang Husmorfilmen fantes.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Dumme menn og troll til kjærringer : hva husmødre fikk le av i de norske Husmorfilmene.
Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning
Academic article
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Filmhistorie som vitenskap, et filmhistoriografisk tilbakeblikk.
Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Far From Heaven. Mellom tap og begjær, en amerikansk hustrus historie.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gjelsvik, Anne;
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
"Filmens bilder av kvinner og menn".
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Day-time cinema in the 1950ies and 60ies; a forgotten cinema-culture in the housewife's golden age.
Academic article
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Soft strength, mild mystery: Female characters in the films of Joachim Trier.
Journal of Scandinavian Cinema
Academic article
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Dumme menn og troll til kjærringer : hva husmødre fikk le av i de norske Husmorfilmene.
Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning
Academic article
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Husmora i fokus : den norske husmorfilmen 1953-1972.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic monograph
Part of book/report
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Filmens nasjonalteater.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Kunstnerisk triumf, krevende produksjonsforhold.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
"Kvinnens plass"- mors yrkeskarriere som filmatisk konflikt.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Hjemløs? Kvinnekarakteren i 1960-tallets norske kunstfilm.
Pax Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Filmsensur og samfunnsmoral - tilfellet Fernanda Nissen.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Den gang Husmorfilmen fantes.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Filmhistorie som vitenskap, et filmhistoriografisk tilbakeblikk.
Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Far From Heaven. Mellom tap og begjær, en amerikansk hustrus historie.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gjelsvik, Anne;
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
"Filmens bilder av kvinner og menn".
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Diesen, Jan Anders;
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Fante-Anne og det nasjonale gjennombruddet i norsk film. (med engelsk oversettelse i samme hefte).
Other presentation
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
Gurly Drangsholt.
Website (informational material)
Myrstad, Anne Marit.
"Fernanda Nissen". .
Website (informational material)
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lectureMyrstad, Anne Marit. (2018) Femininity for a New Nation; Leading ladies in Norwegian Silent Fiction of the 1920s. Doing Women’s Film and Television History Network Doing Women’s Film and Television History IV: Calling the Shots – Then, Now, and Next , University of Southhampton, 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-25