Annjo Klungervik Greenall
Professor of English Language and Translation Studies at the Department of Language and Literature at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. In 2002 I defended my PhD thesis on Paul Grice's Cooperative Principle. My other specialisms are sociolinguistics and translation studies. Most of my teaching is currently within translation studies.
Research interests:
- English as a global language (in translation)
- Translation of 'expressive language' (e.g. humour, politeness, swearing)
- Song translation
- Non-professional vs. professional translation
- Risk perception and risk management in translation and localisation processes
I supervise MA and PhD theses within a broad range of areas within translation studies. Here's a list of some of the MA theses I have supervised: If you have an idea for a project, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Project participation and leadership:
I have previously participated in the international research project Voices of Translation: Rewriting Literary Texts in a Scandinavian Context (UiO), been co-editor of the book Textual and Contextual Voices of Translation, in addition to a special issue of Perspectives. I recently published the book Song Translation: Lyrics in Contexts, co-edited with colleagues from Østfold University College, University of Helsinki and Ionian University, Korfu. I have also led the project Internationalization and localization of the mobile application Lillemini: Processes, challenges, risks, and quality, funded by the Regional Research Fund, Trøndelag.
Editorial work:
I am one of four editors of the journal Nordisk tidsskrift for oversettelses- og tolkeforskning [Nordic Journal for Research within Translation and Interpreting].
I'm a member of IATIS (International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies), and Norsk forening for oversettelses- og tolkeforskning [Norwegian Association for Research within Translation and Interpreting].
Translation projects:
In 2012 I released a CD with my own translations into Norwegian of a selection of songs from Billie Holiday's reportoire (Eg vandrar langs kaiane, Øra Fonogram). In 2018 I released a second CD containing translations of English-language, Norwegian pop-songs into Norwegian (Løgn og forbannet gjendiktning, Øra Fonogram). Both are available in iTunes, and on YouTube.
Popular dissemination:
In addition to publishing articles for a broader audience in the daily press, appearing on radio and giving talks at various kinds of event (see CRIStin), I sometimes publish short articles on my blog, on the topic 'English in Norway' (in Norwegian). I have also produced content for Gyldendal's online learning platform Salaby.
Nygård, Ane;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Er oppgaven skrevet av eleven eller kunstig intelligens? Her er 4 ting du kan se etter.
Feature article
Nygård, Ane;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Testing teachers' abilities to distinguish between translations
produced by students, Google Translate and ChatGPT.
Masters thesis
Harstad, Malin;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Translators' Attitudes Towards Translation Technology and Their
Perceptions of the Future.
Masters thesis
Ringrose, Miriam;
Busby, Nicole Louise;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
ChatGPT and differentiated reading materials:
The possibilities and limitations of AI-generated
graded readers for an ESL context.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Re-borrowing of swearwords in the English translations of Jo Nesbø’s Harry Hole novels.
Journal of Pragmatics
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Schmidt-Melbye, Inger Hesjevoll.
Perceptions and management of risk in the translation of a Norwegian-language health app into English.
Academic article
Lauve, Hedda;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Code-Switching, Gaming and Gender: Exploring The Use of a Cooperative Entertainment Game in Two Norwegian Upper Secondary English Classrooms.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Aranda, Lucía.
The (non-)translation of English-language, embedded social media quotes in Norwegian and Spanish online news texts: Effects of assumed levels of reader proficiency?.
Meta : Journal des traducteurs
Academic article
Hjelle, Lars;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
The new role of professional
translators as post-editors and
translation technology consultants:
A qualitative systematic review considering the
translator's role in a technology-driven industry.
Masters thesis
Topphol, Dagny Karin;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
A Comparative Analysis of Translator Style in the Translation of Jo Nesbø's Harry Hole Series
Masters thesis
Stålem Haugnes, Mona Marina;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
The (Non-) Influence of Woke on
Norwegian Subtitling of African
American Vernacular English:
A Diachronic Study.
NTNU Trondheim
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Maren Elise, Sæther.
The word bitch in Quentin Tarantino movies subtitled into Norwegian.
NTNU Trondheim
Masters thesis
Gran, Ingrid Emilie;
Dahl, Anne;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Translated versus Directly Written Texts: Differences in the Quality of Second-Language Learners’ Writing?.
NTNU Trondheim
Masters thesis
Ingrid Skrivervik, Sultani;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
An investigation of the development
of the current trend toward an
increase in lyric translation in
Norwegian popular music.
NTNU Trondheim
Masters thesis
Sørli, Jakob;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
A diachronic study of norms and the
subtitling of pejorative language.
NTNU Trondheim
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Franzon, Johan F. I.;
Kvam, Sigmund;
Parianou, Anastasia.
Making a case for a descriptive-explanatory approach to song translation research: Concepts, trends, models.
Frank & Timme
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Meisfjord, Hedvig Marie;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
The use of Anglicisms among Norwegian youtubers.
Masters thesis
Fornes, Ingrid;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
The use of English in Norwegian restaurants as perceived by the management, servers and guests.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Mapping semantic (and other) similarities between source and target texts in singable song translation using Fillmore's scenes-and-frames approach.
Frank & Timme
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Franzon, Johan F.I.;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Kvam, Sigmund;
Parianou, Anastasia.
Song Translation: Lyrics in Contexts.
Frank & Timme
TransÜD. Arbeiten zur Theorie und Praxis des Übersetzens (113)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Bjørnhaug, Ragnhild;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Mæhlum, Brit Kirsten.
Language Choice in Music:
A Sociolinguistic Study on Motivations behind
Language Choice in Pop Music in Norway.
Masters thesis
Oda, Frøshaug;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
On Gender-Confused Wolves and Drama Kings: the Translation of Audiovisual Humor in Shrek 2.
Masters thesis
Duklæt, Tryggve;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Mohr, Susanne.
Indexicality, identity, and authenticity in Norwegian hip-hop code-switching.
Masters thesis
Bjellvåg, Emilie;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Anglicisation in audiovisual translation for children in Norway. A study of British and American animated TV-series for children dubbed into Norwegian.
Masters thesis
Ulvestad, Anniken;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Views on Translation in Language Teaching and Learning.
Masters thesis
Enger, Isak;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Hårstad, Stian.
Language Variation Online: A Case Study of Two Internet Users' Writing on Four Online Platforms.
Masters thesis
Muren, Tuva;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Dahl, Anne.
Translation of Culture-Specific Items in The Name of the Wind.
Masters thesis
Slettestøl, Marte Sundstrøm;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Trump, Twitter and Sexism. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Donald Trump's Twitter with regards to Sexism.
Masters thesis
Krohn, Silje Karoline Kleiva;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
I had never heard about 'hooke' before I saw Skam - A Study of the Use of Anglicisms in Urban and Rural Youth Language as Depicted in the TV-series Skam and Lovleg.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
«Uff da» og andre norske sukk og stønn i utlandet.
Popular scientific article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Løfaldli, Eli.
Translation and Adaptation as Recontextualization: The Case of The Snowman.
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Eit essay om songar på vandring: Dance with a Stranger på nynorsk, Alf Prøysen på spansk, og Bruno Mars på hawaiisk.
Popular scientific article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
NTNU trenger aloha.
Popular scientific article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Kalland, Hege Oddan.
Oversettelser av Trumps kontroversielle uttalelser speiler norske avisers politiske ståsted.
Feature article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Alvstad, Cecilia;
Jansen, Hanne;
Taivalkoski-Shilov, Kristiina.
Introduction: voice, ethics and translation.
Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Mitchell, Domhnall Martin.
Poems to be recited or lyrics to be sung? Bob Dylan in Norwegian translation.
mTm A Translation Journal
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Vi bruker mange engelske ord i norsk – bør vi slutte med det?.
Salaby - Gyldendals digitale læringsunivers for barnehage og grunnskole
Popular scientific article
Aksnes, Vilde Evensen;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Google Translate: Friend or foe? An exploration of the use and attitudes to the use of Google Translate among teachers and pupils in two Norwegian upper secondary schools.
Masters thesis
Bjørkedal, Idunn Håvik;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
What happened to "ass"? A study of the fansubbing of Norwegian slang into English in the TV-show Skam and its effects on characterization.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
The discursive (re-)construction of translational ethics.
Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice
Academic article
Ilic, Ivana;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
En annotert oversettelse til serbisk av Alf Prøysens fortellinger om Teskjekjerringa, med fokus på kulturspesifikke elementer.
Masters thesis
Drevvatne, Katrine;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Audiovisual translation of Disney songs into Norwegian: An analysis of singability, sense, naturalness, rhythm and rhyme.
Masters thesis
Alander, Elin;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
The TV-series Sherlock subtitled into Norwegian: The case of politeness.
Masters thesis
Grinde, Sigrid Lovise;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Translations of sexual terminology in Fifty Shades of Grey into Scandinavian languages: A descriptive-explanatory study.
Masters thesis
Førde, Elisabeth;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
"A very nice well-spoken gentle hobbit is Mr. Bilbo, as I've always said": A study of the translation of linguistic variation in The Lord of the Rings into Norwegian.
Masters thesis
Granøien, Erlend Ødegård;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Forms and functions of code-switching in Business English as a Lingua Franca.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Högberg, Martin.
Greenall, Högberg & the Language: Løgn og forbannet gjendiktning.
Music - composition
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Warholm, Siri Sunnset.
Erlend Loe's style in translation: The differing voices of first- and second-language translators.
mTm A Translation Journal
Academic article
Alvstad, Cecilia;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Jansen, Hanne;
Taivalkoski-Shilov, Kristiina.
Introduction:Textual and contextual voices of translation.
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
The Scandinavian singer-translator's multi semiotic voice as performance.
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alvstad, Cecilia;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Jansen, Hanne;
Taivalkoski-Shilov, Kristiina.
Textual and Contextual Voices of Translation.
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Benjamins Translation Library (137)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Fast forward to the past? Popular-song-translation communities as spaces for language acquisition and learning.
Vita Traductiva
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Högberg, Martin.
Engelskspråklige, norske pophits på nynorsk.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Högberg, Martin.
Norske, engelskspråklige pophits på nynorsk.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Chen, Ding.
A Linguistic Evaluation of the Output Quality of 'Google Translate' and 'Bing Translator' in Chinese-English Translation.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Martinsen, Juliana.
A Comparative Study of Norwegian and French Dubbing and Subtitling Strategies in the Film Frozen.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Herseth, Tonje Milli.
Culture-Specific Items in Nordic Noir: A Descriptive Translation Study with Focus on Three Novels by Jo Nesbø.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Kalland, Hege Oddan.
Translating Trumpisms into Norwegian.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Angelsen, Anja Katrine;
Goloubintseff, José Gustavo Góngora.
Mouse vs. Ratón: A Study of Hybridity in the form of Language Mixing in English-to-Spanish Translations of Wikipedia Articles.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Profesjonelle oversettere, amatøroversettere og språkendring.
Oversatt sakprosa
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Dylan-oversettelser – innspill til den norske språkdebatten?.
Annjo Greenall. En blogg om engelsk i Norge
Popular scientific article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Borthen, Kaja;
Yeung, Ching.
A Relevance-Theoretic Approach to the English Translation of the Cantonese sentence-final particle laa.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Eggen, Julie Bettina Saltvik.
Perceptions of Panem: How the Translation of Culture-Specific Items in The Hunger Games affects the Norwegian Reader's Interpretation of the Fictional Universe.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Borthen, Kaja;
Awiba, Stephen.
Tickling the Non-Akan Speaker: The Subtitling of Verbal Humour in Akan Dramatic Discourse.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Grinde, Martha Helene Grøtt.
Loan Translations in Norwegian Magazines - det er min kopp te.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Grongstad, Amanda Grønningsæter.
Subtitlers on Subtitling: A Qualitative Study of Norwegian Subtitler's Perceptions of their Working Conditions and the Task of Subtitling from English to Norwegian.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Högberg, Martin.
Pop som poesi: Engelskspråklig norsk pop i nynorsk oversettelse.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Högberg, Martin.
Konsert på Oversatte dager 2016.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Högberg, Martin.
Norsk på nynorsk.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Translating Naïvism
A comparative study of L1 versus L2 translation
of style in Erlend Loe’s Naiv. Super. and Doppler.
NTNU grafisk senter
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
"Nobody's American."
A study of hybridity in Neil Gaiman’s American
Gods and its Norwegian translation.
NTNU grafisk senter
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
In the beginning was the Word
A comparison of two recent Bible translations into English and Norwegian and their reception.
NTNU grafisk senter
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Textsetting in translation: Rhythmical (non-)equivalence in the works of three Scandinavian ‘singer-translators’.
Peter Lang Publishing Group
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Thorén, Benedicte Johnsen.
Singing English: Songs and Songs Lyrics in the Norwegian ELF Classroom.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Translators’ voices in Norwegian retranslations of Bob Dylan’s songs.
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Nordisk litterær oversettelse i makro- og mikroperspektiv. Anmeldelse av Jakob Lothe, Ástrádur Eysteinsson og Mats Janssons (red.) Nordic Responses: Translation, History, Literary Culture.
Norsk Litteraturvitenskapelig Tidsskrift
Book review
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Cultural mélange in textual and non-textual aesthetic practices : some considerations.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Norwegian-English codeswitching in popular music lyrics 1960s-2000s.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Mitchell, Domhnall Martin.
Cultural mélange in aesthetic practices.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Nybakk, Linn Mari.
Representations of linguistic Variation and Audiovisual Translation. A study of American animated films and their Norwegian dubbed Translations.
Masters thesis
Weston, Daniel;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Kovera, Alisa.
The Purpose and Function of Code-switching in Nabokov's Pnin and Three of its Russian Translations.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Risan, Maiken.
"Fake it till you make it" - Attitudes towards L2 accents among prospektive teachers in Norway.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Hesstvedt, Marte.
Hybrid texts in translation. A comparative study of the Norwegian and Spanish translations of Julia Alvarez'a In the Time of the Butterflies.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Selle, Marianne.
The Norwegian Translation of Harr Potter and the Deathly Hallows:A comparative Study of book and films.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Zhgileva, Daria.
English as a Lingua Franca in a Norwegian Company. The case of Statoil.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Scandinavian Popular Song Translations in the Late Twentieth and Early Twenty-First Centuries and Their Skopoi.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Sund, Øyvind.
On Language Choice, Code-Switching and Vocal Performance in Norwegian and Swedish Extreme Metal Music
A Sociolinguistic Study
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Å tenke på engelsk.
Feature article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Billie Holiday, authenticity and translation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Storaas, Vigleik.
Inderleg og blått: Konsert.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Billie Holiday på nynorsk: Minikonsert.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Evaluation in translation: Critical points of translator decision-making.
Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice
Book review
Pettersson, Heidi Rønning;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
"Fighting mad to write her story" A Study of the Norwegian Translations of Jean Rhys' Post-colonial Novel Wide Sargasso Sea.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Stedje, grisen, og oversetterens stemme - Billie Holiday på nynorsk.
Bøygen: Organ for nordisk språk og litteratur
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Landstad, Liv Bente;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
To Translate or Not to Translate: Ethical issues in adapting "2083 - The European Declaration of Independence" for the Danish stage.
Masters thesis
Ankervold, Håkon;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
English as a Second Language in a "Gamer" Culture: Code-Switching as an Expression of Acquisition.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
The knowledgeable audience as critic: An empirical study of folk perceptions of good and bad translations in subtitles.
Four Courts Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Konsert med sanger fra Billie Holidays reportoir på norsk, på Familien.
Musical performance
Løkslett, Christina;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Varieties of English and The Generation of Humor. A Study of Manuel, José, Taaj and Raj.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Konsert med sanger fra Billie Holidays repertoir oversatt til nynorsk.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Attracting international students by means of the web: Transadaptation, domestication and cultural suppression.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Eg vandrar langs kaiane - releasekonsert.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Tips til deg som skriver sangtekster på engelsk.
Desibel musikkmagasin
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Kunstpop og nesten bra engelsk.
Feature article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Eg vandrar langs kaiane.
Music – recorded product
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Oversettelsens mange ansikter: 'Calque' i norske medier.
RISS : magasin for studentar og tilsette ved Institutt for nordistikk og litteraturvitskap, Universitetet i Trondheim
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
The non-translation of swearing in subtitling: Loss of social implicature?.
Peter Lang Publishing Group
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Konsert med sanger fra Billie Holidays repertoir på norsk, under Dei Nynorske Festspela i Volda.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Konsert med sanger fra Billie Holidays repertoir på norsk v/åpningen av Olav H. Hauge-senteret i Ulvik, Hardanger.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Translating breaches of intersubjective constraints on interaction: The case of swearing in Roddy Doyle's novel The Commitments.
Meta : Journal des traducteurs
Academic article
Riksfjord, Thomas;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Managing English in a Neo-Babelian Context.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Evjen, Kristine;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Friend or Foe? The Use of Translation as a Didactic Tool in English Teaching in Norwegian Schools.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Hovland, Marianne;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
The subtitling of face-threatening acts in Jane Austen's "Persuasion".
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Vilhjalmsson, Pål Sverre;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." The rendering of African-American Vernacular English dialogue in Norwegian subtitles.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Eggen, Inger Mari Hansen;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Culture Specific Items in Legal Translation: The Case of EU Legal Texts in Norway.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Ibrahimpasic, Dina;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Translating Humor in Subtitling: The Case of Vicky Pollard in Little Britain.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Sanger fra Billie Holidays repertoir på norsk. Konsert på Teatercaféen, Trøndelag Teater.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Løkken, May Bente Norum.
A universe more childish? A comparison of the potential connotations created by the original names and translated Norwegian names in Harry Potter.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Olsen, Tora.
The Norwegian Translation of Harry Potter - bringing down the magical brick wall?.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Fjeldaas, Kyrre Hegge.
The cultural influence on translations between Britain and Norway.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Storaas, Vigleik.
Good morgon, hjarte (Good morning heartache): Bille Holiday in Norwegian.
Art in Translation
Other presentation
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Sandbakk, Ernst-Wiggo;
Alterhaug, Bjørn.
Billie Holiday på norsk.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Billie Holiday på norsk.
Julejazzen 2009
Other presentation
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Shut up, dog.
Feature article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Rybaks Sommerrot.
Feature article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Gricean theory and linguicism: Infringements and physical violence in the relationship between Manuel and Basil Fawlty.
Journal of Pragmatics
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Towards a new theory of flouting.
Journal of Pragmatics
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Pettersen, Elisabeth.
Translating Humerous Wordplay int hte American Sitcom Friends:A Comparison.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Irgemo, Siv Astrid.
What the fuck just happened? A comparison of translation sttrategies when used in subtiteling construcions with the swear word fuck in movies Born on the fourth of July and Crash.
Masters thesis
Ellingssund, Astrid Ekroll;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Washback in EFL Instruction in Norwegian Upper Secondary School: has the new Eng1002/03 exam led to positive washback effects in EFL instruction on the English foundation course?.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
'Another way of saying the same thing': Gricean nondetachability and translation.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Andersen, Ida Oddvin.
The role of camp talk and solidarity in the melioration of pejarative epithets in Will&Grace.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Translation as dialogue.
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
To translate or not to translate: Attitudes to English loanwords in Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Maxims and flouting.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
MT in the EU: Globalization, gisting, and the increasing acceptance of context-heavy interpretation.
Translation Studies in the New Millennium: An International Journal of Translation and Interpreting
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Monologism and dialogism in machine and human translation.
Translation Studies in the New Millennium: An International Journal of Translation and Interpreting
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Phillipson. English-Only Europe? Challenging Language Policy.
Journal of Sociolinguistics
Book review
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Towards a socio-cognitive account of flouting and flout-based meaning.
Det historisk-filosofiske fakultet, NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Tanker mellom to språk.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
De ti tusen bud.
Popular scientific article
Journal publications
Nygård, Ane;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Er oppgaven skrevet av eleven eller kunstig intelligens? Her er 4 ting du kan se etter.
Feature article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Re-borrowing of swearwords in the English translations of Jo Nesbø’s Harry Hole novels.
Journal of Pragmatics
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Schmidt-Melbye, Inger Hesjevoll.
Perceptions and management of risk in the translation of a Norwegian-language health app into English.
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Aranda, Lucía.
The (non-)translation of English-language, embedded social media quotes in Norwegian and Spanish online news texts: Effects of assumed levels of reader proficiency?.
Meta : Journal des traducteurs
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
«Uff da» og andre norske sukk og stønn i utlandet.
Popular scientific article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Løfaldli, Eli.
Translation and Adaptation as Recontextualization: The Case of The Snowman.
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Eit essay om songar på vandring: Dance with a Stranger på nynorsk, Alf Prøysen på spansk, og Bruno Mars på hawaiisk.
Popular scientific article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
NTNU trenger aloha.
Popular scientific article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Kalland, Hege Oddan.
Oversettelser av Trumps kontroversielle uttalelser speiler norske avisers politiske ståsted.
Feature article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Alvstad, Cecilia;
Jansen, Hanne;
Taivalkoski-Shilov, Kristiina.
Introduction: voice, ethics and translation.
Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Mitchell, Domhnall Martin.
Poems to be recited or lyrics to be sung? Bob Dylan in Norwegian translation.
mTm A Translation Journal
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Vi bruker mange engelske ord i norsk – bør vi slutte med det?.
Salaby - Gyldendals digitale læringsunivers for barnehage og grunnskole
Popular scientific article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
The discursive (re-)construction of translational ethics.
Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Warholm, Siri Sunnset.
Erlend Loe's style in translation: The differing voices of first- and second-language translators.
mTm A Translation Journal
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Fast forward to the past? Popular-song-translation communities as spaces for language acquisition and learning.
Vita Traductiva
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Profesjonelle oversettere, amatøroversettere og språkendring.
Oversatt sakprosa
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Dylan-oversettelser – innspill til den norske språkdebatten?.
Annjo Greenall. En blogg om engelsk i Norge
Popular scientific article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Translators’ voices in Norwegian retranslations of Bob Dylan’s songs.
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Nordisk litterær oversettelse i makro- og mikroperspektiv. Anmeldelse av Jakob Lothe, Ástrádur Eysteinsson og Mats Janssons (red.) Nordic Responses: Translation, History, Literary Culture.
Norsk Litteraturvitenskapelig Tidsskrift
Book review
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Å tenke på engelsk.
Feature article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Evaluation in translation: Critical points of translator decision-making.
Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice
Book review
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Stedje, grisen, og oversetterens stemme - Billie Holiday på nynorsk.
Bøygen: Organ for nordisk språk og litteratur
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Attracting international students by means of the web: Transadaptation, domestication and cultural suppression.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Tips til deg som skriver sangtekster på engelsk.
Desibel musikkmagasin
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Kunstpop og nesten bra engelsk.
Feature article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Oversettelsens mange ansikter: 'Calque' i norske medier.
RISS : magasin for studentar og tilsette ved Institutt for nordistikk og litteraturvitskap, Universitetet i Trondheim
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Translating breaches of intersubjective constraints on interaction: The case of swearing in Roddy Doyle's novel The Commitments.
Meta : Journal des traducteurs
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Shut up, dog.
Feature article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Rybaks Sommerrot.
Feature article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Gricean theory and linguicism: Infringements and physical violence in the relationship between Manuel and Basil Fawlty.
Journal of Pragmatics
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Towards a new theory of flouting.
Journal of Pragmatics
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
MT in the EU: Globalization, gisting, and the increasing acceptance of context-heavy interpretation.
Translation Studies in the New Millennium: An International Journal of Translation and Interpreting
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Monologism and dialogism in machine and human translation.
Translation Studies in the New Millennium: An International Journal of Translation and Interpreting
Academic article
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Phillipson. English-Only Europe? Challenging Language Policy.
Journal of Sociolinguistics
Book review
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
De ti tusen bud.
Popular scientific article
Artistic productions
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Högberg, Martin.
Greenall, Högberg & the Language: Løgn og forbannet gjendiktning.
Music - composition
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Högberg, Martin.
Engelskspråklige, norske pophits på nynorsk.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Högberg, Martin.
Norske, engelskspråklige pophits på nynorsk.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Högberg, Martin.
Pop som poesi: Engelskspråklig norsk pop i nynorsk oversettelse.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Högberg, Martin.
Konsert på Oversatte dager 2016.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Högberg, Martin.
Norsk på nynorsk.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Storaas, Vigleik.
Inderleg og blått: Konsert.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Billie Holiday på nynorsk: Minikonsert.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Konsert med sanger fra Billie Holidays reportoir på norsk, på Familien.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Konsert med sanger fra Billie Holidays repertoir oversatt til nynorsk.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Eg vandrar langs kaiane - releasekonsert.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Konsert med sanger fra Billie Holidays repertoir på norsk, under Dei Nynorske Festspela i Volda.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Konsert med sanger fra Billie Holidays repertoir på norsk v/åpningen av Olav H. Hauge-senteret i Ulvik, Hardanger.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Sanger fra Billie Holidays repertoir på norsk. Konsert på Teatercaféen, Trøndelag Teater.
Musical performance
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Sandbakk, Ernst-Wiggo;
Alterhaug, Bjørn.
Billie Holiday på norsk.
Musical performance
Franzon, Johan F.I.;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Kvam, Sigmund;
Parianou, Anastasia.
Song Translation: Lyrics in Contexts.
Frank & Timme
TransÜD. Arbeiten zur Theorie und Praxis des Übersetzens (113)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Alvstad, Cecilia;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Jansen, Hanne;
Taivalkoski-Shilov, Kristiina.
Textual and Contextual Voices of Translation.
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Benjamins Translation Library (137)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Mitchell, Domhnall Martin.
Cultural mélange in aesthetic practices.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Franzon, Johan F. I.;
Kvam, Sigmund;
Parianou, Anastasia.
Making a case for a descriptive-explanatory approach to song translation research: Concepts, trends, models.
Frank & Timme
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Mapping semantic (and other) similarities between source and target texts in singable song translation using Fillmore's scenes-and-frames approach.
Frank & Timme
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alvstad, Cecilia;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Jansen, Hanne;
Taivalkoski-Shilov, Kristiina.
Introduction:Textual and contextual voices of translation.
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
The Scandinavian singer-translator's multi semiotic voice as performance.
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Textsetting in translation: Rhythmical (non-)equivalence in the works of three Scandinavian ‘singer-translators’.
Peter Lang Publishing Group
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Cultural mélange in textual and non-textual aesthetic practices : some considerations.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Norwegian-English codeswitching in popular music lyrics 1960s-2000s.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Scandinavian Popular Song Translations in the Late Twentieth and Early Twenty-First Centuries and Their Skopoi.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Billie Holiday, authenticity and translation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
The knowledgeable audience as critic: An empirical study of folk perceptions of good and bad translations in subtitles.
Four Courts Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
The non-translation of swearing in subtitling: Loss of social implicature?.
Peter Lang Publishing Group
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
'Another way of saying the same thing': Gricean nondetachability and translation.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Translation as dialogue.
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
To translate or not to translate: Attitudes to English loanwords in Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Maxims and flouting.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Tanker mellom to språk.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nygård, Ane;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Testing teachers' abilities to distinguish between translations
produced by students, Google Translate and ChatGPT.
Masters thesis
Harstad, Malin;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Translators' Attitudes Towards Translation Technology and Their
Perceptions of the Future.
Masters thesis
Ringrose, Miriam;
Busby, Nicole Louise;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
ChatGPT and differentiated reading materials:
The possibilities and limitations of AI-generated
graded readers for an ESL context.
Masters thesis
Lauve, Hedda;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Code-Switching, Gaming and Gender: Exploring The Use of a Cooperative Entertainment Game in Two Norwegian Upper Secondary English Classrooms.
Masters thesis
Hjelle, Lars;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
The new role of professional
translators as post-editors and
translation technology consultants:
A qualitative systematic review considering the
translator's role in a technology-driven industry.
Masters thesis
Topphol, Dagny Karin;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
A Comparative Analysis of Translator Style in the Translation of Jo Nesbø's Harry Hole Series
Masters thesis
Stålem Haugnes, Mona Marina;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
The (Non-) Influence of Woke on
Norwegian Subtitling of African
American Vernacular English:
A Diachronic Study.
NTNU Trondheim
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Maren Elise, Sæther.
The word bitch in Quentin Tarantino movies subtitled into Norwegian.
NTNU Trondheim
Masters thesis
Gran, Ingrid Emilie;
Dahl, Anne;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Translated versus Directly Written Texts: Differences in the Quality of Second-Language Learners’ Writing?.
NTNU Trondheim
Masters thesis
Ingrid Skrivervik, Sultani;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
An investigation of the development
of the current trend toward an
increase in lyric translation in
Norwegian popular music.
NTNU Trondheim
Masters thesis
Sørli, Jakob;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
A diachronic study of norms and the
subtitling of pejorative language.
NTNU Trondheim
Masters thesis
Meisfjord, Hedvig Marie;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
The use of Anglicisms among Norwegian youtubers.
Masters thesis
Fornes, Ingrid;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
The use of English in Norwegian restaurants as perceived by the management, servers and guests.
Masters thesis
Bjørnhaug, Ragnhild;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Mæhlum, Brit Kirsten.
Language Choice in Music:
A Sociolinguistic Study on Motivations behind
Language Choice in Pop Music in Norway.
Masters thesis
Oda, Frøshaug;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
On Gender-Confused Wolves and Drama Kings: the Translation of Audiovisual Humor in Shrek 2.
Masters thesis
Duklæt, Tryggve;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Mohr, Susanne.
Indexicality, identity, and authenticity in Norwegian hip-hop code-switching.
Masters thesis
Bjellvåg, Emilie;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Anglicisation in audiovisual translation for children in Norway. A study of British and American animated TV-series for children dubbed into Norwegian.
Masters thesis
Ulvestad, Anniken;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Views on Translation in Language Teaching and Learning.
Masters thesis
Enger, Isak;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Hårstad, Stian.
Language Variation Online: A Case Study of Two Internet Users' Writing on Four Online Platforms.
Masters thesis
Muren, Tuva;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Dahl, Anne.
Translation of Culture-Specific Items in The Name of the Wind.
Masters thesis
Slettestøl, Marte Sundstrøm;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Trump, Twitter and Sexism. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Donald Trump's Twitter with regards to Sexism.
Masters thesis
Krohn, Silje Karoline Kleiva;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
I had never heard about 'hooke' before I saw Skam - A Study of the Use of Anglicisms in Urban and Rural Youth Language as Depicted in the TV-series Skam and Lovleg.
Masters thesis
Aksnes, Vilde Evensen;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Google Translate: Friend or foe? An exploration of the use and attitudes to the use of Google Translate among teachers and pupils in two Norwegian upper secondary schools.
Masters thesis
Bjørkedal, Idunn Håvik;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
What happened to "ass"? A study of the fansubbing of Norwegian slang into English in the TV-show Skam and its effects on characterization.
Masters thesis
Ilic, Ivana;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
En annotert oversettelse til serbisk av Alf Prøysens fortellinger om Teskjekjerringa, med fokus på kulturspesifikke elementer.
Masters thesis
Drevvatne, Katrine;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Audiovisual translation of Disney songs into Norwegian: An analysis of singability, sense, naturalness, rhythm and rhyme.
Masters thesis
Alander, Elin;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
The TV-series Sherlock subtitled into Norwegian: The case of politeness.
Masters thesis
Grinde, Sigrid Lovise;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Translations of sexual terminology in Fifty Shades of Grey into Scandinavian languages: A descriptive-explanatory study.
Masters thesis
Førde, Elisabeth;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
"A very nice well-spoken gentle hobbit is Mr. Bilbo, as I've always said": A study of the translation of linguistic variation in The Lord of the Rings into Norwegian.
Masters thesis
Granøien, Erlend Ødegård;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Forms and functions of code-switching in Business English as a Lingua Franca.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Chen, Ding.
A Linguistic Evaluation of the Output Quality of 'Google Translate' and 'Bing Translator' in Chinese-English Translation.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Martinsen, Juliana.
A Comparative Study of Norwegian and French Dubbing and Subtitling Strategies in the Film Frozen.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Herseth, Tonje Milli.
Culture-Specific Items in Nordic Noir: A Descriptive Translation Study with Focus on Three Novels by Jo Nesbø.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Kalland, Hege Oddan.
Translating Trumpisms into Norwegian.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Angelsen, Anja Katrine;
Goloubintseff, José Gustavo Góngora.
Mouse vs. Ratón: A Study of Hybridity in the form of Language Mixing in English-to-Spanish Translations of Wikipedia Articles.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Borthen, Kaja;
Yeung, Ching.
A Relevance-Theoretic Approach to the English Translation of the Cantonese sentence-final particle laa.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Eggen, Julie Bettina Saltvik.
Perceptions of Panem: How the Translation of Culture-Specific Items in The Hunger Games affects the Norwegian Reader's Interpretation of the Fictional Universe.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Borthen, Kaja;
Awiba, Stephen.
Tickling the Non-Akan Speaker: The Subtitling of Verbal Humour in Akan Dramatic Discourse.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Grinde, Martha Helene Grøtt.
Loan Translations in Norwegian Magazines - det er min kopp te.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Grongstad, Amanda Grønningsæter.
Subtitlers on Subtitling: A Qualitative Study of Norwegian Subtitler's Perceptions of their Working Conditions and the Task of Subtitling from English to Norwegian.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Translating Naïvism
A comparative study of L1 versus L2 translation
of style in Erlend Loe’s Naiv. Super. and Doppler.
NTNU grafisk senter
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
"Nobody's American."
A study of hybridity in Neil Gaiman’s American
Gods and its Norwegian translation.
NTNU grafisk senter
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
In the beginning was the Word
A comparison of two recent Bible translations into English and Norwegian and their reception.
NTNU grafisk senter
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Thorén, Benedicte Johnsen.
Singing English: Songs and Songs Lyrics in the Norwegian ELF Classroom.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Nybakk, Linn Mari.
Representations of linguistic Variation and Audiovisual Translation. A study of American animated films and their Norwegian dubbed Translations.
Masters thesis
Weston, Daniel;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Kovera, Alisa.
The Purpose and Function of Code-switching in Nabokov's Pnin and Three of its Russian Translations.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Risan, Maiken.
"Fake it till you make it" - Attitudes towards L2 accents among prospektive teachers in Norway.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Hesstvedt, Marte.
Hybrid texts in translation. A comparative study of the Norwegian and Spanish translations of Julia Alvarez'a In the Time of the Butterflies.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Selle, Marianne.
The Norwegian Translation of Harr Potter and the Deathly Hallows:A comparative Study of book and films.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Zhgileva, Daria.
English as a Lingua Franca in a Norwegian Company. The case of Statoil.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Sund, Øyvind.
On Language Choice, Code-Switching and Vocal Performance in Norwegian and Swedish Extreme Metal Music
A Sociolinguistic Study
Masters thesis
Pettersson, Heidi Rønning;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
"Fighting mad to write her story" A Study of the Norwegian Translations of Jean Rhys' Post-colonial Novel Wide Sargasso Sea.
Masters thesis
Landstad, Liv Bente;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
To Translate or Not to Translate: Ethical issues in adapting "2083 - The European Declaration of Independence" for the Danish stage.
Masters thesis
Ankervold, Håkon;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
English as a Second Language in a "Gamer" Culture: Code-Switching as an Expression of Acquisition.
Masters thesis
Løkslett, Christina;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Varieties of English and The Generation of Humor. A Study of Manuel, José, Taaj and Raj.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Riksfjord, Thomas;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Managing English in a Neo-Babelian Context.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Evjen, Kristine;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Friend or Foe? The Use of Translation as a Didactic Tool in English Teaching in Norwegian Schools.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Hovland, Marianne;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
The subtitling of face-threatening acts in Jane Austen's "Persuasion".
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Vilhjalmsson, Pål Sverre;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." The rendering of African-American Vernacular English dialogue in Norwegian subtitles.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Eggen, Inger Mari Hansen;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Culture Specific Items in Legal Translation: The Case of EU Legal Texts in Norway.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Ibrahimpasic, Dina;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Translating Humor in Subtitling: The Case of Vicky Pollard in Little Britain.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Løkken, May Bente Norum.
A universe more childish? A comparison of the potential connotations created by the original names and translated Norwegian names in Harry Potter.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Olsen, Tora.
The Norwegian Translation of Harry Potter - bringing down the magical brick wall?.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Fjeldaas, Kyrre Hegge.
The cultural influence on translations between Britain and Norway.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Pettersen, Elisabeth.
Translating Humerous Wordplay int hte American Sitcom Friends:A Comparison.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Irgemo, Siv Astrid.
What the fuck just happened? A comparison of translation sttrategies when used in subtiteling construcions with the swear word fuck in movies Born on the fourth of July and Crash.
Masters thesis
Ellingssund, Astrid Ekroll;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Washback in EFL Instruction in Norwegian Upper Secondary School: has the new Eng1002/03 exam led to positive washback effects in EFL instruction on the English foundation course?.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Andersen, Ida Oddvin.
The role of camp talk and solidarity in the melioration of pejarative epithets in Will&Grace.
Masters thesis
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Towards a socio-cognitive account of flouting and flout-based meaning.
Det historisk-filosofiske fakultet, NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik;
Storaas, Vigleik.
Good morgon, hjarte (Good morning heartache): Bille Holiday in Norwegian.
Art in Translation
Other presentation
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Billie Holiday på norsk.
Julejazzen 2009
Other presentation
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
Eg vandrar langs kaiane.
Music – recorded product
Programme participationGreenall, Annjo Klungervik; Sjo, Klara; Svennevig, Jan. (2024) Skuddår, skyveår, hoppeår, og spasergarderobe. NRK NRK [Radio] 2024-01-19
Programme participationHusby, Olaf Anders; Greenall, Annjo Klungervik; Hårstad, Stian. (2024) Hvor ligger den puristiske språkkjertelen?. NRK P2 Språksnakk NRK P2 Språksnakk [Radio] 2024-05-10
Programme participationGreenall, Annjo Klungervik; Riksem, Brita Ramsevik; Sjo, Klara. (2024) Fløteputt og renkesmed. NRK NRK [Radio] 2024-09-20
Programme participation
Programme participation
Popular scientific lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2023) Ekspertforedraget: Anglisismer og kontaminasjon av språket?. NFFO (Norsk faglitterær forfatter- og oversetterforening NFFOs oversetterseminar 2023 , Oslo 2023-11-18 - 2023-11-19
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik; Aranda, Lucia. (2022) Translation vs. Non-Translation of English-Language Social Media Quotes in Norwegian and Spanish Digital News Texts: Effects of Assumed Levels of Reader Proficiency?. XXXIV e Congrès de l’Association canadienne de traductologie 34th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Translation Studies , Online 2022-05-16 - 2022-05-18
Programme participationNygård, Mari; Greenall, Annjo Klungervik; Husby, Olaf Anders. (2022) Gøy, leverom og for eksempel for eksempel. NRK P2, Språksnakk NRK P2, Språksnakk [Radio] 2022-11-18
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik; Schmidt-Melbye, Inger Hesjevoll. (2022) Using think-aloud protocol (TAP) to study the perception and negotiation of ‘risk’ in the process of translating health-related information in a Norwegian mobile application. UiO og OsloMet 10th EST Congress: Advancing Translation Studies , Oslo 2022-06-22 -
Programme participationNygård, Mari; Greenall, Annjo Klungervik; Uppstad, Per Henning. (2022) Bjuda på,rundbrenner og "takk skal du få". Språksnakk. NRK P2 NRK P2 [Radio] 2022-09-09
InterviewGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2022) Språkforsker om engelske titler som 'devops': - Får assosiasjoner til hunder. Annjo Klungervik Greenall mener vi bør få mer norsk inn i norske utviklingsavdelinger. [Business/trade/industry journal] 2022-06-14
Programme participationGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2021) Norskengelsk uttale, ord som viser medfølelse, oversettelse av sangtekster. NRK NRK [Radio] 2021-03-05
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2021) Every time we meet: Comparing English-language pop songs and their translations into Norwegian . The Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters KäTu2021 , Digital konferanse 2021-05-20 - 2021-05-22
Academic lectureSchmidt-Melbye, Inger Hesjevoll; Greenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2021) «The localization of a mobile app offering health-related advice to parents with infants: some preliminary results” . Forskergruppen NaPP Digital workshop on non-professional/paraprofessional translation in professional practices , Zoom 2021-12-10 - 2021-12-10
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2020) Paraprofessional translation in Norwegian professional practices. SEKOM, ISL, NTNU ALAPP 2020 , Digital konferanse 2020-09-16 - 2020-09-17
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2019) Norske popartisters sangtekster og språkvalgets kval 1960-2020. Oversettelse, engelsk, språkveksling eller 'internasjonalisert norsk'?. Forskergruppen Omskrivingens politikk Omskrivingens politikk , NTNU, Trondheim 2019-12-05 - 2019-12-05
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2017) Ethics of para-professional translation. Voices of Translation (project), UiO Voice, Translation, and Ethics , Oslo 2017-03-15 - 2017-03-16
LectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2017) Globalisation, technology, translation and the beginning of the end of English as a lingua franca. Fremmedspråksenteret Språkdagkonferanse 2017 2017-09-26 - 2017-09-26
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2017) Is there a translator in the house? On varying translator roles and how bad things can get. Keene University, Goldsmith's University of London Perspectives on Language and Translation Work in Business Communities , London 2017-09-15 - 2017-09-15
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2017) Towards a dialogical model of ethics in translation. University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies, ULICES jet3 Voice in Translation: Ethical Issues. 3rd. ULICES Conference on Translation Studies , Lisbon 2017-11-06 - 2017-11-06
Academic lectureLøfaldli, Eli; Greenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2017) Translation and Adaptation as Recontextualization: The Case of Nordic Noir. University of Cyprus Intersemiotic Translation, Adaptation, Transposition: Saying Almost the Same Thing? , Nicosia 2017-11-10 - 2017-11-12
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2016) Translation and linguacultural change: English-based calques and loan translations in Norwegian news on the Net. University of Hawai’i at Manoa 5th Asia-Pacific Forum on Translation and Intercultural Studies , Honolulu, HI 2016-10-28 - 2016-10-30
Popular scientific lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik; Stokseth, Lene. (2016) Pinlige oversettertabber. Norsk faglitterær forfatterforening Pinlige tabber og fantastisk fagformidling , Bergen 2016-09-13 - 2016-09-13
Popular scientific lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik; Øverås, Kirsten Marie. (2016) Amatøroversettelse - utidig tilsnikelse, nødvendig onde eller demokratiserende praksis?. Oversatte dager 2016 2016-02-19 - 2016-02-19
InterviewGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2016) Norske aviser knoter med oversettelsene. Dagbladet Dagbladet [Newspaper] 2016-02-20
InterviewGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2016) Direkteoversettelser fra engelsk til norsk i norsk dags- og ukepresse. Språkteigen Språkteigen [Radio] 2016-03-27
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2016) From Bob Dylan in Norwegian to Alf Prøysen in Spanish: Popular song translation as individual expression, cultural appropriation, and cultural exchange. National University of Córdoba, School of Languages IV International Conference on Translation Studies: About Relational Translation , Córdoba 2016-08-02 - 2016-08-05
Popular scientific lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik; Solberg, Ida Hove. (2015) Samtale om oversettelsens politiske aspekt. Litterært kollektiv Litteraturfestivalen Ugress 2015-09-15 - 2015-09-15
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik; Mitchell, Domhnall Martin. (2015) "Sangbar tekst eller deklamerbar diktning: Bob Dylan i norsk oversettelse.". Linnéuniversitetet i Växjö m. Svenskt visearkiv/musikkverket Det Sjunga Ordet: Konferens om mötet mellan text, musik och framförande , Växjö 2015-11-25 - 2015-11-27
Popular scientific lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2015) 5 gode grunner til å oversette fra engelsk - eksempler fra skandinavisk sangoversettelse. Norsk faglitterær forfatter- og oversetterforening Oversatt, men ikke oversett , Bergen 2015-04-14 - 2015-04-14
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2015) Functions of English-Norwegian code-switching in popular music, 1965 to 2015. The Sociolinguistics of Globalisation: (De)centering and (de)standardization 2015-06-03 - 2015-06-06
LectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2014) Norsk/engelsk kodeveksling i populærmusikalske tekster fra 1960 og fram til i dag. Institutt for språk og litteratur Språkdagen 2014 , Trondheim 2014-02-07 - 2014-02-07
InterviewGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2014) Pop med språkblanding. NRK P2, Språkteigen NRK P2, Språkteigen [Radio] 2014-05-11
InterviewGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2014) Engelsk i norske poptekster. NRK P2, Språkteigen NRK P2, Språkteigen [Radio] 2014-05-04
LectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2014) Den norske Dylan-oversetteren - medium eller poet?. Norsk faglitterær forfatter- og oversetterforening Oversetterseminaret , Oslo 2014-10-02 - 2014-10-02
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2014) Die Wencke, A-ha and Kaizers Orchestra: Linguistic internationalization strategies in Norwegian popular music from 1960 - 2013. The Languages of Popular Music: Communicating Regional Musics in a Globalized World 2014-09-29 - 2014-10-02
InterviewGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2014) NATO-sjef Stoltenberg snakker engelsk med norsk aksent. Kan dette være en fordel?. NRK P2, Språkteigen NRK P2, Språkteigen [Radio] 2014-10-19
LectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2014) Kodeveksling i norske sangtekster: 1960-2014. Sør-Trøndelag Fylkeskommune Nettverkssamling i engelsk , Melhus vgs. 2014-03-12 - 2014-03-12
Popular scientific lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2013) Inderleg og blått: Ein samtale med Håvard Rem om omsetjing og gjendikting. bLEST Litteraturfestival , Tysvær 2013-11-06 - 2013-11-06
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2013) Scandinavian 'singer-translators' in the 90s and 00s: Sociocultural functions. Nordic Translation Conference 2013 2013-04-04 - 2013-04-06
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2013) Norwegian/English code switching in song lyrics (1960s to 2000s): From denotative to connotative function. Institutt for moderne fremmedspråk Cultural Mélange in Aesthetic Expressions , Trondheim 2013-01-11 - 2013-02-12
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2013) Sangoversettelsens liv i de musikalske marginene: Joplin, Dylan og Sting på svensk, dansk og norsk. Nordica, Finska, Finskugriska och Nordiska Institutionen Marginalia. Musiktextsymposium , Helsinki 2013-01-31 - 2013-01-31
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2012) Billie Holiday, authenticity, and translation. Svenskt Visarkiv 10th Nordic Jazz Conference , Stockholm 2012-08-30 - 2012-08-31
Popular scientific lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2012) Valg av sangspråk (engelsk eller norsk). Nynorsk kultursentrum Dei nynorske festspela , Hovdebygda, Volda 2012-06-28 - 2012-06-29
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2012) Rhythmical (non-)equivalence in the works of three Scandinavian singer-translators. Sapienza Università di Roma Metrics, Music and Mind: Linguistic, metrical and cognitive implications in sung verse , Roma 2012-02-23 - 2012-02-25
InterviewGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2012) Norske artister for dårlige i engelsk?. Kulturnytt, NRK P2 Kulturnytt, NRK P2 [Radio] 2012-04-19
InterviewGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2012) Å oversette sanger er som å løse Sudoku. Språkteigen, NRK P2 Språkteigen, NRK P2 [Radio] 2012-09-16
InterviewGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2012) Engelsk gjør store byks. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2012-12-27
InterviewGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2012) Med Billie Holiday på nynorsk. Dag og Tid Dag og Tid [Newspaper] 2012-05-11
InterviewGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2012) Synger standardjazz i nynorsk versjon. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2012-05-04
Programme participationGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2011) Intervju i Midt-Nytt angående studioinnspilling av oversatte sanger fra Billie Holidays repertoir, 15.12.2011. Trondheim Trondheim [TV] 2011-12-15
Popular scientific lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2011) Om å oversette Billie Holiday. Foredrag ved åpningen av Olav H. Hauge-senteret i Ulvik, Hardanger. Nynorsk kultursentrum Åpningen av Olav H. Hauge-senteret i Ulvik, Hardanger , Ulvik 2011-01-13 - 2011-01-13
Popular scientific lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2011) Om å oversette Billie Holiday. Foredrag på Teatercaféen, Trøndelag Teater. Trøndelag Teater Lørdagscafé , Trondheim 2011-10-08 - 2011-10-08
InterviewGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2010) Helt naturlig å bruke engelsk. Aftenposten Aftenposten [Newspaper] 2010-12-27
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2010) 'Anything I do sing - it's part of my life': On translating Billie Holiday into Norwegian. University of Iceland Art in translation: International conference on Language and the Arts , Reykjavik 2010-05-27 - 2010-05-29
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2010) Hybrid texts in a non-postcolonial context, and their translation. University of Oslo Voice in translation , Blindern 2010-02-25 - 2010-02-25
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2010) Å oversette globaliserte kulturer: Hybride/globaliserte kildetekster i en ikke-postkolonial kontekst. Institutt for moderne fremmedspråk, NTNU Translating cultures , Trondheim 2010-02-01 - 2010-02-02
Popular scientific lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2010) Oversettelsesproblematikk. NTNU Åpen dag på Dragvoll , Trondheim 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-01
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2009) The knowledgeable audience as critic: an empirical study of folk perceptions of good and bad translation in subtitles. Translation Studies Group, Trinity College Dublin Translation right or wrong , Trinity College Dublin 2009-03-06 - 2009-03-07
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2009) Resepsjon av filmteksting fra engelsk til norsk. En (liten) empirisk studie. Institutt for moderne fremmedspråk Å oversette kulturer , Trondheim 2009-05-04 - 2009-05-04
InterviewGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2009) Julejazz på Hotell Britannia. Byavisa Byavisa [Newspaper] 2009-12-15
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2008) The non-translation of swearing in subtitling: Loss of social implicature?. University of Montpellier 3 Audiovisual Translation: Multidisciplinary Approaches , Montpellier 2008-06-19 - 2008-06-21
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2008) Attracting international students by means of the web: Transadaptation, misinformation, and cultural neutralization?. Cultural and Linguistic Practices in the Intn. University Transnational Student Mobility , Roskilde 2008-12-15 - 2008-12-17
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2006) Språkdag, språkår og språkpolitikk: EUs visjoner og norske realiteter. IFS og INL ved NTNU Den europeiske språkdagen , NTNU, Dragvoll 2006-09-26 -
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2005) Alfred Schutz' relevance structures: A phenomenological foundation for a new theory of non-fulfilment of 'maxims'. International Pragmatics Association 9th International Pragmatics Conference , Riva del Garda 2005-07-10 - 2005-07-15
InterviewGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2004) Ikke fuck med norsken min. [Internet] 2004-11-03
PosterGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2003) Flouting as imposed thematic relevance. 8th International Pragmatics Conference , Toronto, Canada 2003-07-18 -
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2003) To translate or not to translate: Attitudes to English loanwords in Norwegian. The consequences of mobility: Linguistic and sociocultural contact zones , Roskilde Universitet, Roskilde, Danmark 2003-05-24 -
Popular scientific lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2003) Oversettelse som dialog: Menneske og maskin i et Bakhtinsk perspektiv. Presentasjonsseminar for Globaliseringsprosjektet , NTNU, Trondheim 2003-05-07 -
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2002) Dialogism and monologism in human and machine translation. Translation Studies in the New Millennium , Ankara, Tyrkia 2002-10-18 -
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2002) Translation as dialogue. Translation Studies: A Crossroads of Disciplines , Lisboa, Portugal 2002-11-15 -
Popular scientific lectureAngelsen, Anja; Greenall, Annjo Klungervik; Løfaldli, Eli. (2002) The EDIT project, and some reflections on translation from a dialogical perspective. The English Department Research Seminar , Trondheim 2002-03-15 -
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2001) Towards a socio-cognitive account of flouting and flout-based meaning. Engelska Institutionen, Stockholms Universitet , Stockholm, Sverige 2001-03-12 -
Popular scientific lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (2001) What is a Gricean maxim?. Språknormer, kommunikasjon og makt , Bergen, Norge 2001-06-29 -
Popular scientific lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (1999) Re-contextualizing Grice: towards a socio-cognitive account of flouting. The Engelsk Institutt Research Seminar , Dragvoll, 8/11
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (1998) Analyse av skrevne tekster ved hjelp av begreper fra pragmatikken. Institutt for Anvendt Språkvitenskap, NTNU , Trondheim, Norge 1998-11-07 -
Academic lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (1997) Analyse av samtale ved hjelp av begreper fra pragmatikken. Institutt for Anvendt Språkvitenskap, NTNU , Trondheim, Norge 1997-02-07 -
Popular scientific lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (1997) Grice beyond 2000: a dialogistically-based re-interpretation of the Cooperative Principle. Språklige data og lingvistiske problemstillinger , Bergen, Norge 1997-07-11 -
Popular scientific lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (1996) Reformulating the Cooperative Principle: a corpus-based approach. Seminar for Ph.D. students in English linguistics , Vatnahalsen, Norge 1996-10-06 -
Popular scientific lectureGreenall, Annjo Klungervik. (1996) Reformulating the Cooperative Principle: a corpus-based approach. Seminar for Ph.D. students in English linguistics , Vatnahalsen, Norge 1996-10-06 -