Arve Næss
Master in Petroleum Prospecting NTNU, PhD in Recent fluvial sedimentoilogi (sediment transport mechanics in rivers).
Work experience:
Spitsbergen & Norwegian mainland. Coalminer and quarryman.
Sintef, associated reseacher (while doing PhD). Laboratory work with mineral and element characterisation by XRD, XRF (main and trace elements), diagenesis by TS and SEM studies, rock characteristic with TOC, texture analysis etc.
Statoil Research centre. Project leader. Research and development of geological modelleing procedures. Fluvial systems, Tidal system. Modelling of barriers. Development of modelling routines for RMS. Reservoir characterisation of deltaic systems. Developing sedimentary and stratigraphic models of Tilje Fm. in the Norwegian Sea.
Heidrun production geology. Lead geologist. Reservoir modelling, well planning, operational activities, offshore work on drilling production well, work on well interpretation and data bases. Geological support on production optimasation, geological input to history matcing of simulation models, IOR co-ordination, development of Field Long term plans. Commersial activities, Subsurface manager for Heidrun Redetermination. In depth knowledge of Heidrun Båt and Fangst Group reservoirs. Responisble for revising Heidrun Åre Fm. stratigraphy.
Halten area geologist. Specialist in Geology. Suppporting geological advice to regional projectrs, and modelling activities in Norwegiuan sea main fields. Responsible for arranging internal classroom courses and field course/work activities (Greenland, USA).
Halten Growth Exploration project. Working on revitalizing exploration potential in Southern Norwegian Sea. Main areas: Frøya, Froan, Trøndelag platform. Cretacous, Upper Jurassic, Mid-Jurassic Triassic and Permian.
Wide field experience from fluvial geomorphology and sediment transport in Mid-Norwegian rivers, Quarternary geology of Trøndelag. General knowledge about Norwegian bedrock geology. Marine geology surveys from Trondheimsfjorden and Skagerak. Sedimentary geology Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Isle of Whight, Spanish Pyrenees, Czeck Republic, Spitsbergen, East Greenland, Argentina, Book Cliffs in Utah and Colorado, Coast of Texas and Galveston Island.
Currently holding a Prof. 2 position at NTNU at IGP (20 %). Lecturing TGB4275 Geological Reservoir Modelling. Supervising Master students and PhD students
Diversity of interest: primarily any aspect of sedimentary geology.
Kiswaka, Emily Barnabas;
Felix, Maarten;
Næss, Arve.
Palaeodepositional conditions of Permian organic‑carbon‑rich
deposits of the Helgeland Basin, offshore mid Norway, based
on elemental proxies and core logging.
Journal of sedimentary environments
Academic article
Hammer, Erik;
Brandsegg, Kristian Bjarnøe;
Mørk, Mai Britt E.;
Næss, Arve.
Reconstruction of heterogeneous reservoir architecture based on differential decompaction in sequential re-burial modelling.
Petroleum Geoscience
Academic article
Journal publications
Kiswaka, Emily Barnabas;
Felix, Maarten;
Næss, Arve.
Palaeodepositional conditions of Permian organic‑carbon‑rich
deposits of the Helgeland Basin, offshore mid Norway, based
on elemental proxies and core logging.
Journal of sedimentary environments
Academic article
Hammer, Erik;
Brandsegg, Kristian Bjarnøe;
Mørk, Mai Britt E.;
Næss, Arve.
Reconstruction of heterogeneous reservoir architecture based on differential decompaction in sequential re-burial modelling.
Petroleum Geoscience
Academic article
- TPG4925 - Petroleum Geosciences, Master's Thesis
- GEOL3095 - Master's Thesis in Geology
- GEOL3093 - Special Course for the Master's Thesis
- TPG4570 - Petroleum Geosciences, Specialization Project
- TGB4275 - Geological Reservoir Modelling
- GEOL3092 - Special Course for the Master's Thesis
- TGB4165 - Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
- TPG4575 - Petroleum Geosciences, Specialization Course
PosterBlå, Maren Hope; Felix, Maarten; Watt, Jeremy; Næss, Arve. (2020) The Nise Formation on the Halten Terrace. EGU EGU 2020 2020-05-04 - 2020-05-08
PosterKiswaka, Emily Barnabas; Felix, Maarten; Næss, Arve. (2019) Use of elemental proxies to determine palaeodepositional conditions of Permian organic-carbon-rich intervals in the Helgeland Basin. The Geological Society of Norway Poster , Bergen 2019-01-07 - 2019-01-09
PosterKiswaka, Emily Barnabas; Felix, Maarten; Næss, Arve; Leirfall, Olav Kvamme. (2018) The Norwegian Sea area Permo-Triassic organic-carbon-rich deposits from seismic. EGU General Assembly 2018 2018-04-08 - 2018-04-13
Academic lectureKiswaka, Emily Barnabas; Felix, Maarten; Næss, Arve; Leirfall, Olav Kvamme. (2018) The Norwegian Sea area Permo-Triassic organic-carbon-rich deposits from seismic . University of Dar es Salaam in collaboration with ESARSWG Lecture , Dar es salaam 2018-10-08 - 2018-10-10