Barbara Zyzak
Dr. Barbara Zyzak is Associate Professor of Public Policy and Administration, study program coordinator and member of the two research groups on Public Policy and Administration, and Digitalization and Social Life at the Department of Sociology and Political Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She holds a Ph.D. in Public Administration from the University of Agder, Norway (2020); BA (2008), and MA (2011) in Political Science from the School of Business National Louis University, Poland. Previously, she taught at the Department of Administration and Organizational Science at the University of Bergen (2020-2021). She has experience with international and regional research projects at the Agder Research/NORCE (2012-2018). Zyzak serves as the New Researchers Coordinator at the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM). Her fields of research and teaching are public management and leadership, network governance, managerial networking, meta-organizations, public sector's digital transformation. She has published articles in Public Management Review, Higher Education Policy, International Journal of Cultural Policy, Nordic Journal of Innovation in the Public Sector, book chapters, and a book.
Zyzak, Barbara ;
Martinussen, Pål Erling.
OK computer: applying the public service logic on digital health services.
Public Management Review
Academic article
Zyzak, Barbara Krystyna.
Importance of Managerial Networking for Innovation in Governance Networks .
Nordic Journal of Innovation in the Public Sector
Academic article
Sienkiewicz-Malyjurek, Katarzyna;
Zyzak, Barbara Krystyna.
Overcoming social and ethical challenges of AI through organizational resilience. A PLS-SEM approach.
Telematics and informatics
Academic article
Zyzak, Barbara Krystyna;
Sienkiewicz-Malyjurek, Katarzyna;
Jensen, Magnus Rom.
Public Value Management in Digital Transformation: A Scoping Review.
International Journal of Public Sector Management
Academic article
Zyzak, Barbara Krystyna.
The upcoming activities for new researchers. IRSPM 2024.
Zyzak, Barbara Krystyna.
Network bandwidth management in public administration:
definition and mechanisms .
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zyzak, Barbara.
Managing Collaborative Arrangements: Challenges associated with managing secondary structures
Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder (292)
Doctoral dissertation
Zyzak, Barbara;
Jacobsen, Dag Ingvar.
External managerial networking in meta-organizations. Evidence from regional councils in Norway.
Public Management Review
Academic article
Guribye, Eugene;
Pustulka, Paula;
Slusarczyk, Magdalena;
Zyzak, Barbara.
Left to their own devices? : on the role of Polish migrant organisations in Norway.
Peter Lang Publishing Group
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hauge, Elisabeth S.;
Pinheiro, Romulo;
Zyzak, Barbara.
Knowledge bases and regional development: collaborations between higher education and cultural creative industries.
International Journal of Cultural Policy
Academic article
Karlsen, James Tommy;
Beseda, Jan;
Šima, Karel;
Zyzak, Barbara.
Outsiders or Leaders? The Role of Higher Education Institutions in the Development of Peripheral Regions.
Higher Education Policy
Academic article
Zyzak, Barbara.
Breakdown of Inter-Organizational Cooperation: The case of regional councils in Norway.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zyzak, Barbara;
Pinheiro, Romulo;
Hauge, Elisabeth S..
Network ties between universities and cultural and creative industries.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zyzak, Barbara.
Nie dla Unii Europejskiej, Tak dla Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego. Norwegia a Europa w latach 1945–2009.
Wydawnictwu Adam Marszalek
Wydawnictwu Adam Marszalek
Academic monograph
Pinheiro, Romulo ;
Hauge, Elisabeth S.;
Zyzak, Barbara.
Samarbeid mellom akademia og kreative næringer. En kvalitativ analyse i Agder-regionen.
FoU rapport (9/2013)
Karlsen, James Tommy;
Pinheiro, Romulo ;
Zyzak, Barbara;
Flåten, Bjørn-Tore;
Isaksen, Arne.
Kunnskap og innovasjon i Agder.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Hauge, Elisabeth S.;
Wærdahl, Randi;
Pinheiro, Romulo ;
Bakke, Kathrine;
Zyzak, Barbara.
Kompetanseutfordringer på Agder. Forprosjekt om mulige forbindelseslinjer mellom velferd, kompetanse og arbeids- og næringsliv.
Wallevik, Kristin;
Ricke, Michael Aloysius;
Jørgensen, Geir;
Svarstad, Christine;
Hernes, Helge;
Karlsen, James Tommy.
Krise, omstilling og vekst - en regionanalyse av Sørlandet.
Journal publications
Zyzak, Barbara ;
Martinussen, Pål Erling.
OK computer: applying the public service logic on digital health services.
Public Management Review
Academic article
Zyzak, Barbara Krystyna.
Importance of Managerial Networking for Innovation in Governance Networks .
Nordic Journal of Innovation in the Public Sector
Academic article
Sienkiewicz-Malyjurek, Katarzyna;
Zyzak, Barbara Krystyna.
Overcoming social and ethical challenges of AI through organizational resilience. A PLS-SEM approach.
Telematics and informatics
Academic article
Zyzak, Barbara Krystyna;
Sienkiewicz-Malyjurek, Katarzyna;
Jensen, Magnus Rom.
Public Value Management in Digital Transformation: A Scoping Review.
International Journal of Public Sector Management
Academic article
Zyzak, Barbara;
Jacobsen, Dag Ingvar.
External managerial networking in meta-organizations. Evidence from regional councils in Norway.
Public Management Review
Academic article
Hauge, Elisabeth S.;
Pinheiro, Romulo;
Zyzak, Barbara.
Knowledge bases and regional development: collaborations between higher education and cultural creative industries.
International Journal of Cultural Policy
Academic article
Karlsen, James Tommy;
Beseda, Jan;
Šima, Karel;
Zyzak, Barbara.
Outsiders or Leaders? The Role of Higher Education Institutions in the Development of Peripheral Regions.
Higher Education Policy
Academic article
Zyzak, Barbara.
Nie dla Unii Europejskiej, Tak dla Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego. Norwegia a Europa w latach 1945–2009.
Wydawnictwu Adam Marszalek
Wydawnictwu Adam Marszalek
Academic monograph
Part of book/report
Zyzak, Barbara Krystyna.
Network bandwidth management in public administration:
definition and mechanisms .
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Guribye, Eugene;
Pustulka, Paula;
Slusarczyk, Magdalena;
Zyzak, Barbara.
Left to their own devices? : on the role of Polish migrant organisations in Norway.
Peter Lang Publishing Group
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zyzak, Barbara.
Breakdown of Inter-Organizational Cooperation: The case of regional councils in Norway.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zyzak, Barbara;
Pinheiro, Romulo;
Hauge, Elisabeth S..
Network ties between universities and cultural and creative industries.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Karlsen, James Tommy;
Pinheiro, Romulo ;
Zyzak, Barbara;
Flåten, Bjørn-Tore;
Isaksen, Arne.
Kunnskap og innovasjon i Agder.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Zyzak, Barbara.
Managing Collaborative Arrangements: Challenges associated with managing secondary structures
Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder (292)
Doctoral dissertation
Pinheiro, Romulo ;
Hauge, Elisabeth S.;
Zyzak, Barbara.
Samarbeid mellom akademia og kreative næringer. En kvalitativ analyse i Agder-regionen.
FoU rapport (9/2013)
Hauge, Elisabeth S.;
Wærdahl, Randi;
Pinheiro, Romulo ;
Bakke, Kathrine;
Zyzak, Barbara.
Kompetanseutfordringer på Agder. Forprosjekt om mulige forbindelseslinjer mellom velferd, kompetanse og arbeids- og næringsliv.
Wallevik, Kristin;
Ricke, Michael Aloysius;
Jørgensen, Geir;
Svarstad, Christine;
Hernes, Helge;
Karlsen, James Tommy.
Krise, omstilling og vekst - en regionanalyse av Sørlandet.
Zyzak, Barbara Krystyna.
The upcoming activities for new researchers. IRSPM 2024.
Academic lectureZyzak, Barbara Krystyna. (2024) Unpacking challenges and barriers to coordination in collaborative platforms. University of Washington, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance Public Management Research Conference (PMRC) , Seattle, Washinton 2024-06-27 - 2024-06-29
Academic lectureZyzak, Barbara Krystyna; Farsund, Arild Aurvåg. (2023) Coordination of Complex System: Meta-organization on Government Levels. IRSPM International Research Society in Public Management 2023-04-03 - 2023-04-05
Academic lectureZyzak, Barbara Krystyna; Sienkiewicz-Malyjurek, Katarzyna. (2023) Influence of organizational learning culture on managerial challenges of artificial intelligence adoption and utilization in city governments. The European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) 2023-09-05 - 2023-09-08
LectureZyzak, Barbara Krystyna. (2023) Fra Public Sector til Public Service Logic: En brukerorientert tilnærming til offentlige tjenester. Digitaliseringsdirektoratet Faglunsj , Digital 2023-02-27 - 2023-02-27
Academic lectureZyzak, Barbara Krystyna; Martinussen, Pål Erling. (2022) Increasing visibility of end-users in public value creation. Applying Public Service Logic (PSL) to digitalization of health care services in Norway. International Research Society for Public Management , Virtual konferanse 2022-04-19 - 2022-04-22
Academic lectureZyzak, Barbara. (2022) Utilization of digital technology in public administration networks: Systematic literature review and research agenda. European Group for Public Administration and The Instituto Nacional de Administraçäo (INA, Portugal) European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) , Lisbon, Portugal 2022-09-06 - 2022-09-09
Academic lectureZyzak, Barbara. (2022) OK Computer: Applying the Public Service Logic on digital health services. European Group for Public Administration and The Instituto Nacional de Administraçäo (INA, Portugal) European Group for Public Administration (RGPA) , Lisbon, Portugal 2022-09-06 - 2022-09-09
Academic lectureZyzak, Barbara Krystyna; Sienkiewicz-Małyjure, Katarzyna. (2022) Digital technology impact on networks in public administration: systematic literature review and research agenda. International Research Society for Public Management 2022-04-19 - 2022-04-22
Academic lectureZyzak, Barbara Krystyna. (2021) Do resources make organizations more agile? . The European Group For Public Administration 2021-09-07 - 2021-09-10
Academic lectureZyzak, Barbara Krystyna. (2021) Network bandwidth management. International Research Society for Public Management 2021-04-20 - 2021-04-23
Academic lectureZyzak, Barbara. (2020) The impact of managerial networking on innovation outcomes in the public sector. University of Stavanger 5th PUBSIC 2020 Innovation in Public Services and Public Policy Conference , Stavanger 2020-01-29 - 2020-01-31
Academic lectureZyzak, Barbara. (2019) Public Sector Innovation Capacity: Networking and the Role of Value Adding Connector. Victoria University of Wellington International Research Society for Public Management , Wellington 2019-04-15 - 2019-04-18
Academic lectureZyzak, Barbara. (2018) Managerial networking in meta-organisations. Evidence from regional councils in Norway. Aarhus University Nordiske kommuneforskerkonferansen (NORKOM-konferansen) , Aarhus 2018-11-30 - 2018-12-02
Academic lectureZyzak, Barbara. (2016) Breakdown of inter-organisational relations. The case of regional councils in Norway . The International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) 2016-04-13 - 2016-04-15
LectureZyzak, Barbara. (2014) Governance networks as a collaborative platform for governmental and non-governmental actors. The case of regional councils in Norway. Carleton University Eighteenth Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) , Ottawa 2014-04-09 - 2014-04-11
Academic lectureZyzak, Barbara. (2014) Network breakdown.The case of regional councils in Norway. Syddansk Universitet XXIII (23.) Nordisk Kommuneforskningskonference , Odense 2014-11-27 - 2014-11-29
Academic lecturePinheiro, Romulo ; Zyzak, Barbara; Hauge, Elisabeth S.. (2013) Patterns of collaboration between academia and the creative sector: Mutual disrespect or intertwined agendas?. Kings College Association for Urban Creativity Annual Conference , London 2013-05-31 - 2013-06-02