Bernt Rønning
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Pepke, Michael Le;
Søraker, Jørgen Skavdal;
David, Gabriel;
Araya Ajoy, Yimen Gerardo;
Wright, Jonathan.
Long-distance dispersal in the short-distance dispersing house sparrow (Passer domesticus).
Ecology and Evolution
Academic article
Khan, Essa Ahsan;
Greve, Melissa;
Russell, Isabelle;
Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej;
Lundregan, Sarah;
Jensen, Henrik.
Lead exposure is related to higher infection rate with the gapeworm in Norwegian house sparrows (Passer domesticus).
Environmental Pollution (1987)
Academic article
Nafstad, Ådne Messel;
Rønning, Bernt;
Aase, Kenneth;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte.
Spatial variation in the evolutionary potential and constraints of basal metabolic rate and body mass in a wild bird.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Academic article
Nybø, Karina;
Jensen, Henrik;
Rønning, Bernt;
Nafstad, Ådne Messel.
The effect of haemoglobin concentration on the thermal conductance and metabolic rate of house sparrows.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Pepke, Michael Le;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Rønning, Bernt;
Jensen, Henrik;
Boner, Winnie;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Artificial size selection experiment reveals telomere length dynamics and fitness consequences in a wild passerine.
Molecular Ecology
Academic article
Vaagland, Henriette;
Pedersen, Lisbeth;
Ghalambor, Dionna;
Maaseide, Birte Margrete Torp;
Rønning, Bernt;
Brandtzæg, Nils Einar.
Skattejakt i naturen.
Other presentation
Knudsen, Sofie Moe;
Jensen, Henrik;
Nafstad, Ådne Messel;
Burnett, Hamish Andrew;
Reid, Jane Margaret;
Rønning, Bernt.
The effects of inbreeding on resting metabolic rate and thermal conductance in wild house sparrows (Passer domesticus).
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pärn, Henrik;
Rønning, Bernt;
Jensen, Henrik.
Spatial structure and dispersal dynamics in a house sparrow metapopulation.
Journal of Animal Ecology
Academic article
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen;
Niskanen, Alina Katariina;
Froy, Hannah;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Rønning, Bernt.
Variation in generation time reveals density regulation as an important driver of pace of life in a bird metapopulation.
Ecology Letters
Academic article
Saatoglu, Fikriye Dilan;
Niskanen, Alina Katariina;
Kuismin, Markku;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen.
Dispersal in a house sparrow metapopulation: An integrative case study of genetic assignment calibrated with ecological data and pedigree information.
Molecular Ecology
Academic article
Kvello, Pål;
Barstad, Stine Slaatsveen;
Rønning, Bernt;
Moen, Elin Tronsaune;
Østerlie, Ove.
Omvendt undervisning versus tradisjonell undervisning i
naturfag på ungdomsskolen: En studie av elevers motivasjon,
forberedelser og læringsutbytte.
Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO)
Academic article
Niskanen, Alina Katariina;
Billing, Anna Maria;
Holand, Håkon;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen;
Husby, Arild.
Consistent scaling of inbreeding depression in space and time in a house sparrow metapopulation.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Lilleng, Simen;
Wright, Jonathan;
Jensen, Henrik;
Rønning, Bernt.
Individual variation and indirect social effects in producer-scrounger behaviour in groups of house sparrows, Passer domesticus.
Masters thesis
Gjestrud Julseth, Martin;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Rønning, Bernt;
Pepke, Michael Le;
Skei, Jon Kristian;
Kvalnes, Thomas.
The effect of arthropod availability
on reproductive phenology and
success in a multi-brooded
passerine Passer domesticus.
Masters thesis
Thurmann-Nielsen, Cathrine Framstad;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pepke, Michael Le;
Rønning, Bernt;
Kvalnes, Thomas.
Nest Microclimate in Relation to Maternal Phenotypic Quality and Reproductive Success in a Wild Population of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus).
Masters thesis
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Rønning, Bernt;
Holand, Håkon;
Myhre, Ane Marlene.
Characterizing morphological (co)variation using structural equation models: Body size, allometric relationships and evolvability in a house sparrow metapopulation.
Academic article
Lundregan, Sarah;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Gohli, Jostein;
Niskanen, Alina Katariina;
Kemppainen, Petri;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Inferences of genetic architecture of bill morphology in house sparrow using a high-density SNP array point to a polygenic basis.
Molecular Ecology
Academic article
Jakobsen, Marte;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pedersen, Michael Pepke;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Rønning, Bernt.
Spatiotemporal variation and fitness consequences of blood hemoglobin concentration in free-living house sparrow (Passer domesticus) nestlings.
Masters thesis
Pettersen, Nils Håkon;
Wright, Jonathan;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Rønning, Bernt.
Indirect social effects of the individual strategy in producer-scrounger foraging interactions.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Rønning, Bernt;
Pärn, Henrik.
Reversal of response to artificial selection on body size in a wild passerine bird.
Academic article
Silva, Catarina;
McFarlane, S. Eryn;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Rönnegård, Lars;
Billing, Anna Maria;
Kvalnes, Thomas.
Insights into the genetic architecture of morphological and sexually selected traits in two passerine bird species.
Academic article
Kemppainen, Petri;
Rønning, Bernt;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Billing, Anna Maria.
Controlling for P-value inflation in allele frequency change in experimental evolution and artificial selection experiments.
Molecular Ecology Resources
Academic article
Rønning, Bernt;
Broggi, Juli;
Bech, Claus;
Moe, Børge;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pärn, Henrik.
Is basal metabolic rate associated with recruit production and survival in free-living house sparrows?.
Functional Ecology
Academic article
Tennfjord, Øystein Øy;
Jensen, Henrik;
Rønning, Bernt;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie.
The Genetics of Basal Metabolic Rate in free-living Populations of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus).
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Olberg, Stefan;
Rønning, Bernt;
Laugsand, Arne Endre;
Schreiber, Jan.
The Beetles on tour! Indre Troms, 24.juni - 1.juli 2016.
Popular scientific article
Nossen, Ida;
Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej;
Dimmen, Malene Vågen;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Polder, Anuschka.
Steroids in house sparrows (Passer domesticus): Effects of POPs and male quality signalling.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Hammerås, John;
Wright, Jonathan;
Jensen, Henrik;
Pärn, Henrik;
Rønning, Bernt.
Covarying Behaviours and Innovation in a House Sparrow Metapopulation.
MSc Thesis, NTNU
Masters thesis
Wright, Jonathan;
Finnøen, Mette Helene;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Rønning, Bernt.
Personality and pace-of-life behavioral syndromes in a model species, the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus).
MSc Thesis, NTNU
Masters thesis
Olsen, Mirja Carola;
Wright, Jonathan;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Rønning, Bernt.
Linking variation in personality and behavioural syndromes to social foraging and producer-scrounger effects in house sparrows (Passer domesticus).
MSc Thesis, NTNU
Masters thesis
Wright, Jonathan;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pärn, Henrik;
Rønning, Bernt;
Sommerli, Sindre Lysfjord.
Personality and Innovation in House Sparrows: Evolutionary and Demographic Consequences of Individual Phenotypic Differences.
MSc Thesis, NTNU
Masters thesis
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik;
Pärn, Henrik;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Boner, Winnie;
Gillespie, Robert.
On being the right size: Increased body size is associated with reduced telomere length under natural conditions.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences
Academic article
Rønning, Bernt;
Moe, Børge;
Berntsen, Johan Henrik Hårdensson;
Noreen, Elin;
Bech, Claus.
Is the rate of metabolic ageing and survival determined by basal metabolic rate in the zebra finch?.
Academic article
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Billing, Anna Maria;
Rønning, Bernt;
Pedersen, Sindre Andre;
Pärn, Henrik;
Slate, Jon.
The easy road to genome-wide medium density SNP screening in a non-model species: development and application of a 10K SNP-chip for the house sparrow (Passer domesticus).
Molecular Ecology Resources
Academic article
Broggi, Juli;
Langset, Magdalene;
Rønning, Bernt;
Welcker, Jorg;
Bech, Claus.
Parent Kittiwakes experience a decrease in cell-mediated immunity as they breed.
Journal of Ornithology = Journal fur Ornithologie
Academic article
Moe, Børge;
Stempniewicz, Lech;
Jakubas, Dariusz;
Angelier, Frédéric;
Chastel, Olivier;
Frode, Dinessen.
Climate change and phenological responses of two seabird species breeding in the high-Arctic.
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Academic article
Moe, Børge;
Rønning, Bernt;
Verhulst, Simon;
Bech, Claus.
Metabolic ageing in individual zebra finches.
Biology Letters
Academic article
Rønning, Bernt;
Mortensen, Anne Skjetne;
Moe, Børge;
Chastel, Olivier;
Arukwe, Augustine;
Bech, Claus.
Food restriction in young Japanese quails: effects of growth, metabolism, plasma thyroid hormones and mRNA species in the thyroid hormone signalling pathway.
Journal of Experimental Biology
Academic article
Rønning, Bernt;
Moe, Børge;
Chastel, Olivier;
Broggi, Juli;
Langset, Magdalene;
Bech, Claus.
Metabolic adjustments in breeding female kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) includes changes in kidney metabolic intensity.
Journal of Comparative Physiology. B, Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology
Academic article
Rønning, Bernt.
Sources of inter- and intra-individual variation in basal metabolic rate in the zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Doctoral dissertation
Bech, Claus;
Rønning, Bernt;
Verhulst, Simon;
Noreen, Elin;
Berntsen, Johan Henrik Hårdensson;
Moe, Børge.
Metabolic senescence in a small passerine bird, the zebra finch.
Acta Physiologica
Rønning, Bernt;
Bech, Claus;
Moe, Børge;
Jensen, Henrik.
Repeatability and heritability of basal metabolic rate in the zebra finch.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A
Bech, Claus;
Moe, Børge;
Rønning, Bernt.
Exercise-induced VO2 max does not correlate with BMR in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata).
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A
Rønning, Bernt;
Jensen, Henrik;
Moe, Børge;
Bech, Claus.
Basal metabolic rate: heritability and genetic correlations with morphological traits in the zebra finch.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Academic article
Rønning, Bernt;
Moe, Børge;
Bech, Claus.
Long-term repeatability makes basal metabolic rate a likely heritable trait in the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata.
Journal of Experimental Biology
Academic article
Bech, Claus;
Rønning, Bernt;
Moe, Børge.
Individual variation in basal metabolism of Zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata: no effect of food quality during early development.
Excerpta Medica: International Congress Series
Academic article
Rønning, Bernt.
Repeterbarhet og arvbarhet av basal metabolisk rate hos sebrafink (Taeniopygia guttata).
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Thesis at a second degree level
Journal publications
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Pepke, Michael Le;
Søraker, Jørgen Skavdal;
David, Gabriel;
Araya Ajoy, Yimen Gerardo;
Wright, Jonathan.
Long-distance dispersal in the short-distance dispersing house sparrow (Passer domesticus).
Ecology and Evolution
Academic article
Khan, Essa Ahsan;
Greve, Melissa;
Russell, Isabelle;
Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej;
Lundregan, Sarah;
Jensen, Henrik.
Lead exposure is related to higher infection rate with the gapeworm in Norwegian house sparrows (Passer domesticus).
Environmental Pollution (1987)
Academic article
Nafstad, Ådne Messel;
Rønning, Bernt;
Aase, Kenneth;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte.
Spatial variation in the evolutionary potential and constraints of basal metabolic rate and body mass in a wild bird.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Academic article
Pepke, Michael Le;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Rønning, Bernt;
Jensen, Henrik;
Boner, Winnie;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Artificial size selection experiment reveals telomere length dynamics and fitness consequences in a wild passerine.
Molecular Ecology
Academic article
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pärn, Henrik;
Rønning, Bernt;
Jensen, Henrik.
Spatial structure and dispersal dynamics in a house sparrow metapopulation.
Journal of Animal Ecology
Academic article
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen;
Niskanen, Alina Katariina;
Froy, Hannah;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Rønning, Bernt.
Variation in generation time reveals density regulation as an important driver of pace of life in a bird metapopulation.
Ecology Letters
Academic article
Saatoglu, Fikriye Dilan;
Niskanen, Alina Katariina;
Kuismin, Markku;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen.
Dispersal in a house sparrow metapopulation: An integrative case study of genetic assignment calibrated with ecological data and pedigree information.
Molecular Ecology
Academic article
Kvello, Pål;
Barstad, Stine Slaatsveen;
Rønning, Bernt;
Moen, Elin Tronsaune;
Østerlie, Ove.
Omvendt undervisning versus tradisjonell undervisning i
naturfag på ungdomsskolen: En studie av elevers motivasjon,
forberedelser og læringsutbytte.
Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO)
Academic article
Niskanen, Alina Katariina;
Billing, Anna Maria;
Holand, Håkon;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen;
Husby, Arild.
Consistent scaling of inbreeding depression in space and time in a house sparrow metapopulation.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Rønning, Bernt;
Holand, Håkon;
Myhre, Ane Marlene.
Characterizing morphological (co)variation using structural equation models: Body size, allometric relationships and evolvability in a house sparrow metapopulation.
Academic article
Lundregan, Sarah;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Gohli, Jostein;
Niskanen, Alina Katariina;
Kemppainen, Petri;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Inferences of genetic architecture of bill morphology in house sparrow using a high-density SNP array point to a polygenic basis.
Molecular Ecology
Academic article
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Rønning, Bernt;
Pärn, Henrik.
Reversal of response to artificial selection on body size in a wild passerine bird.
Academic article
Silva, Catarina;
McFarlane, S. Eryn;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Rönnegård, Lars;
Billing, Anna Maria;
Kvalnes, Thomas.
Insights into the genetic architecture of morphological and sexually selected traits in two passerine bird species.
Academic article
Kemppainen, Petri;
Rønning, Bernt;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Billing, Anna Maria.
Controlling for P-value inflation in allele frequency change in experimental evolution and artificial selection experiments.
Molecular Ecology Resources
Academic article
Rønning, Bernt;
Broggi, Juli;
Bech, Claus;
Moe, Børge;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pärn, Henrik.
Is basal metabolic rate associated with recruit production and survival in free-living house sparrows?.
Functional Ecology
Academic article
Olberg, Stefan;
Rønning, Bernt;
Laugsand, Arne Endre;
Schreiber, Jan.
The Beetles on tour! Indre Troms, 24.juni - 1.juli 2016.
Popular scientific article
Nossen, Ida;
Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej;
Dimmen, Malene Vågen;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Polder, Anuschka.
Steroids in house sparrows (Passer domesticus): Effects of POPs and male quality signalling.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik;
Pärn, Henrik;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Boner, Winnie;
Gillespie, Robert.
On being the right size: Increased body size is associated with reduced telomere length under natural conditions.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences
Academic article
Rønning, Bernt;
Moe, Børge;
Berntsen, Johan Henrik Hårdensson;
Noreen, Elin;
Bech, Claus.
Is the rate of metabolic ageing and survival determined by basal metabolic rate in the zebra finch?.
Academic article
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Billing, Anna Maria;
Rønning, Bernt;
Pedersen, Sindre Andre;
Pärn, Henrik;
Slate, Jon.
The easy road to genome-wide medium density SNP screening in a non-model species: development and application of a 10K SNP-chip for the house sparrow (Passer domesticus).
Molecular Ecology Resources
Academic article
Broggi, Juli;
Langset, Magdalene;
Rønning, Bernt;
Welcker, Jorg;
Bech, Claus.
Parent Kittiwakes experience a decrease in cell-mediated immunity as they breed.
Journal of Ornithology = Journal fur Ornithologie
Academic article
Moe, Børge;
Stempniewicz, Lech;
Jakubas, Dariusz;
Angelier, Frédéric;
Chastel, Olivier;
Frode, Dinessen.
Climate change and phenological responses of two seabird species breeding in the high-Arctic.
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Academic article
Moe, Børge;
Rønning, Bernt;
Verhulst, Simon;
Bech, Claus.
Metabolic ageing in individual zebra finches.
Biology Letters
Academic article
Rønning, Bernt;
Mortensen, Anne Skjetne;
Moe, Børge;
Chastel, Olivier;
Arukwe, Augustine;
Bech, Claus.
Food restriction in young Japanese quails: effects of growth, metabolism, plasma thyroid hormones and mRNA species in the thyroid hormone signalling pathway.
Journal of Experimental Biology
Academic article
Rønning, Bernt;
Moe, Børge;
Chastel, Olivier;
Broggi, Juli;
Langset, Magdalene;
Bech, Claus.
Metabolic adjustments in breeding female kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) includes changes in kidney metabolic intensity.
Journal of Comparative Physiology. B, Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology
Academic article
Bech, Claus;
Rønning, Bernt;
Verhulst, Simon;
Noreen, Elin;
Berntsen, Johan Henrik Hårdensson;
Moe, Børge.
Metabolic senescence in a small passerine bird, the zebra finch.
Acta Physiologica
Rønning, Bernt;
Bech, Claus;
Moe, Børge;
Jensen, Henrik.
Repeatability and heritability of basal metabolic rate in the zebra finch.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A
Bech, Claus;
Moe, Børge;
Rønning, Bernt.
Exercise-induced VO2 max does not correlate with BMR in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata).
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A
Rønning, Bernt;
Jensen, Henrik;
Moe, Børge;
Bech, Claus.
Basal metabolic rate: heritability and genetic correlations with morphological traits in the zebra finch.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Academic article
Rønning, Bernt;
Moe, Børge;
Bech, Claus.
Long-term repeatability makes basal metabolic rate a likely heritable trait in the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata.
Journal of Experimental Biology
Academic article
Bech, Claus;
Rønning, Bernt;
Moe, Børge.
Individual variation in basal metabolism of Zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata: no effect of food quality during early development.
Excerpta Medica: International Congress Series
Academic article
Nybø, Karina;
Jensen, Henrik;
Rønning, Bernt;
Nafstad, Ådne Messel.
The effect of haemoglobin concentration on the thermal conductance and metabolic rate of house sparrows.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Knudsen, Sofie Moe;
Jensen, Henrik;
Nafstad, Ådne Messel;
Burnett, Hamish Andrew;
Reid, Jane Margaret;
Rønning, Bernt.
The effects of inbreeding on resting metabolic rate and thermal conductance in wild house sparrows (Passer domesticus).
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Lilleng, Simen;
Wright, Jonathan;
Jensen, Henrik;
Rønning, Bernt.
Individual variation and indirect social effects in producer-scrounger behaviour in groups of house sparrows, Passer domesticus.
Masters thesis
Gjestrud Julseth, Martin;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Rønning, Bernt;
Pepke, Michael Le;
Skei, Jon Kristian;
Kvalnes, Thomas.
The effect of arthropod availability
on reproductive phenology and
success in a multi-brooded
passerine Passer domesticus.
Masters thesis
Thurmann-Nielsen, Cathrine Framstad;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pepke, Michael Le;
Rønning, Bernt;
Kvalnes, Thomas.
Nest Microclimate in Relation to Maternal Phenotypic Quality and Reproductive Success in a Wild Population of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus).
Masters thesis
Jakobsen, Marte;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pedersen, Michael Pepke;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Rønning, Bernt.
Spatiotemporal variation and fitness consequences of blood hemoglobin concentration in free-living house sparrow (Passer domesticus) nestlings.
Masters thesis
Pettersen, Nils Håkon;
Wright, Jonathan;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Rønning, Bernt.
Indirect social effects of the individual strategy in producer-scrounger foraging interactions.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Tennfjord, Øystein Øy;
Jensen, Henrik;
Rønning, Bernt;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie.
The Genetics of Basal Metabolic Rate in free-living Populations of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus).
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Hammerås, John;
Wright, Jonathan;
Jensen, Henrik;
Pärn, Henrik;
Rønning, Bernt.
Covarying Behaviours and Innovation in a House Sparrow Metapopulation.
MSc Thesis, NTNU
Masters thesis
Wright, Jonathan;
Finnøen, Mette Helene;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Rønning, Bernt.
Personality and pace-of-life behavioral syndromes in a model species, the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus).
MSc Thesis, NTNU
Masters thesis
Olsen, Mirja Carola;
Wright, Jonathan;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Rønning, Bernt.
Linking variation in personality and behavioural syndromes to social foraging and producer-scrounger effects in house sparrows (Passer domesticus).
MSc Thesis, NTNU
Masters thesis
Wright, Jonathan;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pärn, Henrik;
Rønning, Bernt;
Sommerli, Sindre Lysfjord.
Personality and Innovation in House Sparrows: Evolutionary and Demographic Consequences of Individual Phenotypic Differences.
MSc Thesis, NTNU
Masters thesis
Rønning, Bernt.
Sources of inter- and intra-individual variation in basal metabolic rate in the zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Doctoral dissertation
Rønning, Bernt.
Repeterbarhet og arvbarhet av basal metabolisk rate hos sebrafink (Taeniopygia guttata).
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Thesis at a second degree level
Vaagland, Henriette;
Pedersen, Lisbeth;
Ghalambor, Dionna;
Maaseide, Birte Margrete Torp;
Rønning, Bernt;
Brandtzæg, Nils Einar.
Skattejakt i naturen.
Other presentation
Knowledge Transfer
PosterKhan, Essa Ahsan; Russell, Isabelle; Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej; Lundregan, Sarah; Jensen, Henrik; Rønning, Bernt. (2022) Lead exposure is related to higher infection rate with the gapeworm in Norwegian house sparrows (Passer domesticus). UiT The Arctic University of Norway (Tromsø) 9th Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium: Towards a Clean Ocean , Tromsø 2022-06-08 - 2022-06-10
Popular scientific lectureErvik, Hilde; Rønning, Bernt; Remmen, Kari Beate. (2022) Masterstudenter i naturfagdidaktikk – studentenes erfaringer fra samarbeid med arbeidslivet om temaet bærekraftig utvikling i havet . Institutt for lærerutdanning, NTNU ILU-seminar , Clarion Hotel & Congress Trondheim 2022-10-10 - 2022-10-10
LectureErvik, Hilde; Rønning, Bernt; Kari Beate, Remmen. (2022) Masterstudenter i naturfagdidaktikk – erfaringer fra samarbeid med arbeidslivet om temaet bærekraftig utvikling i hav. NTNU Læringsfestivalen NTNU 2022 2022-05-09 - 2022-05-10
LectureSaatoglu, Fikriye Dilan; Froy, Hannah; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Kvalnes, Thomas; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Ranke, Peter Sjolte. (2020) Fitness consequences of dispersal in a house sparrow metapopulation. Nordic Society Oikos Oikos 2020 , Reykjavik 2020-03-03 - 2020-03-05
InterviewLorentzen, Stein; Ervik, Hilde; Rønning, Bernt. (2020) Forskere fant opp til 20 prosent plast i jordsmonnet ved strender i Trøndelag. [Internet] 2020-09-29
Programme participationErvik, Hilde; Rønning, Bernt. (2020) Plastsøppel i jord. NRK Norge i dag NRK Norge i dag [TV] 2020-09-29
Academic lectureSaatoglu, Dilan; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Kuismin, Markku; Kvalnes, Thomas; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Ranke, Peter Sjolte. (2019) Dispersal - genetic detection and fitness consequences. Kaamos symposium , Oulu 2019-12-11 - 2019-12-12
PosterSaatoglu, Dilan; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Kvalnes, Thomas; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Froy, Hannah. (2019) Fitness consequences of dispersal in a house sparrow metapopulation. European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) 2019 Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) , Turku 2019-08-19 - 2019-08-24
Academic lectureNiskanen, Alina Katariina; Billing, Anna Maria; Holand, Håkon; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Huisman, Jisca; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen. (2019) Inbreeding depression in a house sparrow metapopulation. University of Oulu Molecular Ecology and Evolution Lab meeting , Oulu 2019-01-24 - 2019-01-24
Academic lectureNiskanen, Alina Katariina; Billing, Anna Maria; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Muff, Stefanie; Husby, Arild; Holand, Håkon. (2018) Inbreeding depression in a house sparrow metapopulation. European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) Second Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology , Montpellier 2018-08-19 - 2018-08-22
PosterLundregan, Sarah; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Gohli, Jostein; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Kemppainen, Petri; Ringsby, Thor Harald. (2018) Investigating the genetic architecture of bill morphology in a free-living house sparrow metapopulation using a 200K SNP array. Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics, NTNU Oikos 2018 , Trondheim 2018-02-20 - 2018-02-22
PosterSaatoglu, Dilan; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Myhre, Ane Marlene. (2018) Dispersal and its Fitness consequences in a house sparrow metapopulation - identifying "cryptic" dispersers using a genetic assignment method. European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) Second Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology , Montpellier 2018-08-19 - 2018-08-22
PosterBohm, Sina; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Saatoglu, Dilan; Pärn, Henrik; Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen. (2018) Interactions between inbreeding and dispersal in a house sparrows metapopulation. European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) Second Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology , Montpellier 2018-08-19 - 2018-08-22
PosterNiskanen, Alina Katariina; Billing, Anna Maria; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Muff, Stefanie; Husby, Arild; Holand, Håkon. (2018) Inbreeding depression in house sparrows. Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics, NTNU Oikos 2018 , Trondheim 2018-02-20 - 2018-02-22
Academic lectureSaatoglu, Dilan; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Myhre, Ane Marlene. (2018) Discovering dispersers by genetic stock identification method in a house sparrow metapopulation. Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics, NTNU Oikos 2018 , Trondheim 2018-02-20 - 2018-02-22
PosterPedersen, Michael Pepke; Kvalnes, Thomas; Rønning, Bernt; Boner, Winnie; Jensen, Henrik; Wright, Jonathan. (2017) Telomere dynamics of wild house sparrows under artificial body size selection. Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics, NTNU 8th International Hole-Nesting Birds Conference , Trondheim 2017-10-30 - 2017-11-02
PosterPedersen, Michael Pepke; Kvalnes, Thomas; Rønning, Bernt; Boner, Winnie; Jensen, Henrik; Wright, Jonathan. (2017) Consequences of opposing body size selection regimes on telomere dynamics in wild house sparrows. European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) 16th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) , Groningen 2017-08-20 - 2017-08-25
Academic lectureNiskanen, Alina Katariina; Billing, Anna Maria; Hagen, Ingerid; Holand, Håkon; Rønning, Bernt; Kvalnes, Thomas. (2017) Inbreeding depression in island populations of house sparrows. Seminar at the Department of Ecology and Genetics , University of Oulu 2017-06-19 -
Academic lectureKvalnes, Thomas; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Rønning, Bernt; Pärn, Henrik. (2017) Reversal of response to artificial selection on body size in a wild passerine bird. Hole-Nesting Bird Conference 2017 2017-10-30 - 2017-11-02
PosterGohli, Jostein; Silva, Catarina; Kvalnes, Thomas; Myhre, Ane Marlene; Rønning, Bernt; Pärn, Henrik. (2017) Genetic basis for wing length variation in the house sparrow. European Society for Evolutionary Biology ESEB XVI Congress , Groningen 2017-08-20 - 2017-08-25
PosterHusby, Arild; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Kvalnes, Thomas; Holand, Håkon. (2017) Unbiased genetic variance estimation using variation in IBD sharing among full sibs. European Society for Evolutionary Biology ESEB XVI Congress , Groningen 2017-08-20 - 2017-08-25
PosterSaatoglu, Dilan; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Pärn, Henrik; Myhre, Ane Marlene. (2017) Genetic assignment of dispersers and patterns of dispersal in a house sparrow metapopulation. Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics, NTNU 8th International Hole-Nesting Birds Conference , Trondheim 2017-10-30 - 2017-11-02
Academic lectureSaatoglu, Dilan; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Myhre, Ane Marlene; Holand, Håkon; Kvalnes, Thomas. (2017) Investigating the genetic basis of dispersal in house sparrow metapopulation. University of Quebec Wild Animal Model Biennial Meeting , Montreal 2017-07-03 - 2017-07-07
Academic lectureNiskanen, Alina Katariina; Billing, Anna Maria; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Husby, Arild; Holand, Håkon; Rønning, Bernt. (2017) Genomics of inbreeding depression in house sparrows. University of Quebec Wild Animal Model Biennial Meeting , Montreal 2017-07-03 - 2017-07-07
PosterNiskanen, Alina Katariina; Billing, Anna Maria; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Husby, Arild; Holand, Håkon; Rønning, Bernt. (2017) Inbreeding depression in lifetime reproductive success of house sparrows. European Society for Evolutionary Biology ESEB XVI Congress , Groningen 2017-08-20 - 2017-08-25
PosterRønning, Bernt; Tennfjord, Øystein Øy; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Kvalnes, Thomas; Pärn, Henrik; Kemppainen, Petri. (2017) Basal metabolic rate in Wild house sparrow populations: genetic basis and effects on fitness. European Society for Evolutionary Biology ESEB XVI Congress , Groningen 2017-08-20 - 2017-08-25
Academic lectureNiskanen, Alina Katariina; Billing, Anna Maria; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Husby, Arild; Holand, Håkon; Rønning, Bernt. (2017) Inbreeding depression in Lifetime reproductive success of house sparrows. Cambridge University 50th Population Genetics Group Meeting , Cambridge 2017-01-05 - 2017-01-07
PosterNiskanen, Alina Katariina; Billing, Anna Maria; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Husby, Arild; Holand, Håkon; Rønning, Bernt. (2017) Inbreeding depression in lifetime reproductive success of house sparrows. Detecting the Genomic Signal of Polygenic Adaptation and the Role of Epistasis in Evolution , Zurich 2017-08-31 - 2017-09-01
PosterKvalnes, Thomas; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Rønning, Bernt; Pärn, Henrik. (2017) Reversal of response to artificial selection on body size in a wild passerine . The 2017 Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology 2017-08-20 - 2017-08-25
LectureJensen, Henrik; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Husby, Arild; Silva, Catarina; Kemppainen, Petri; Myhre, Ane Marlene. (2016) Mapping of genes for fitness-related traits in house sparrows. Norwegian Institute of Nature Research Workshop Genetikk i NFR-prosjektet ECOFUNC , Trondheim 2016-06-02 - 2016-06-02
LectureKemppainen, Petri; Jensen, Henrik; Kvalnes, Thomas; Rønning, Bernt; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2016) Genomic signatures of artificial selection in natural house sparrow populations. Centre for biodiversity dynamics, NTNU CBD-SAB meeting 2016 , Trondheim 2016-01-19 - 2016-01-20
LectureJensen, Henrik; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Husby, Arild; Silva, Catarina; Kemppainen, Petri; Myhre, Ane Marlene. (2016) Mapping of genes for fitness-related morphology in house sparrows. Centre for biodiversity dynamics, NTNU CBD-SAB meeting 2016 , Trondheim 2016-01-19 - 2016-01-20
Popular scientific lectureJensen, Henrik; Rønning, Bernt; Kvalnes, Thomas. (2016) Gråspurven - en modellart for forskning innen økologi, evolusjon og bevaringsbiologi. Norges Bondelag Åpen Gård , Åfjord 2016-08-28 - 2016-08-28
Academic lectureKemppainen, Petri; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Kvalnes, Thomas; Rønning, Bernt; Pärn, Henrik; Ringsby, Thor Harald. (2016) Genomic signatures of artificial selection in natural house sparrow populations. The American Society of Naturalists 21st-Century Naturalists: Unifying Biological Principles across Disciplines , Pacific Grove, California 2016-01-10 - 2016-01-14
LectureJensen, Henrik; Rønning, Bernt; Billing, Anna Maria; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Husby, Arild; Kvalnes, Thomas. (2015) Can we learn anything about evolution and genetics from studies of house sparrows?. Deptartment of Biology, NTNU Forsker til lunsj , Trondheim 2015-01-09 - 2015-01-09
PosterJensen, Henrik; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Kemppainen, Petri; Billing, Anna Maria; Pärn, Henrik; Rønning, Bernt. (2015) Mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for fitness-related morphology in the house sparrow. European Society for Evolutionary Biology Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology , Lausanne 2015-08-10 - 2015-08-14
Popular scientific lectureMyhre, Ane Marlene; Rønning, Bernt; Jensen, Henrik. (2012) Gråspurvprosjektet. Informasjonsmøte for studenter , Trondheim 2012-10-01 - 2012-10-01
Academic lectureMoe, Børge; Stempniewicz, Lech; Angelier, Frédéric; Barbraud, C; Chastel, Olivier; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing. (2007) Adverse response of planktivorous and piscivorous seabirds for climate change in arctic. The Waterbird Society 31st Annual Meeting of the Waterbird Society , Barcelona 2007-10-30 - 2007-11-03
Academic lectureBech, Claus; Moe, Børge; Rønning, Bernt; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing; Chastel, O.; Angelier, F.. (2007) Variable BMR in Kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla): when is it 'true' BMR?. University of Groningen Causes and consequences of individual variation in (basal) metabolic rate , Groningen 2007-01-25 - 2007-01-26
Academic lectureRønning, Bernt; Jensen, Henrik; Moe, Børge; Bech, Claus. (2007) Basal metabolic rate: heritability and genetic correlations to morphological traits in the zebra finch. University of Groningen Causes and consequences of individual variation in (basal) metabolic rate , Groningen 2007-01-25 - 2007-01-26
Academic lectureRønning, Bernt; Moe, Børge; Bech, Claus. (2005) Long-term repeatability of basal metabolic rate in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). University of Otago, New Zealand Australian and New Zealand Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry Conference 2005 , Dunedin, New Zealand 2005-12-09 - 2005-12-11
Academic lectureBech, Claus; Rønning, Bernt; Moe, Børge. (2004) Individual variation in the basal metabolic rate of Zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata: causes and consequenses. International Conference of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry , Ithala 2004-08-07 - 2004-08-13