Course - Natural Science 2 (1-7) - MGLU3107
MGLU3107 - Natural Science 2 (1-7)
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: Aggregate score
Grade: Letter grades
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Grade deviation | Examination aids |
Research and Development Assignment | 0/100 | Passed / Not Passed | ||
School exam. Biology and didactics | 49/100 | 4 hours | Letter grades | HJELPEMIDD |
Oral exam. Physics and chemistry | 51/100 | 40 minutes | Letter grades | HJELPEMIDD |
Course content
Science 2 (1-7) draws it’s knowledge from science education, biology, physics, chemistry, technology and mathematics. The course builds on the Science 1 course. Science 2 focuses especially on environmental and sustainable development education. The student will be trained in building progression from starting science education to teaching of more advanced and complex terms. The course will develop the student’s competence in leading inquiry based teaching and learning and to build on pupils’ inquiry skills. The student will be able to facilitate learning that will give pupils a sound foundation for further learning of science in lower secondary school. Science education and science content is taught in an integrated way in order to give the student a good basis as a science teacher. This course description for Science 2 for 1st to 7th is based on national guidelines for teacher education 1st - 7th grade from 2016.
Learning outcome
The student
- has knowledge on teaching methods that promote interdisciplinary learning
- has knowledge on argumentation and how to facilitate the use of argumentation in science teaching
- has in-depth knowledge on inquiry based teaching
- can evaluate and use relevant teaching aids and digital tools in science education
- has knowledge of inorganic and organic substances and their significance for living organisms and the environment
- has knowledge of basic models and theories for describing evolution and genetic variation
- has knowledge of gravity, electromagnetic fields, electronics and atomic physics and nuclear physics
- have knowledge of orders of magnitude in nature, in time and space
- have knowledge of phenomena outside the solar system and how the universe has arisen and evolved
- has in-depth knowledge of education for sustainable development, with a focus on progression from knowledge to system understanding
- have knowledge of cycles in nature and how they can be linked to networks in nature and to environmental issues
- has knowledge of renewable and non-renewable energy sources and can link them to social, environmental and ethical issues
- has knowledge of weather systems and climate systems both locally and globally
- has knowledge of interdisciplinary teaching that promotes children’s and young people's action competence for a sustainable life in the future
- have basic knowledge of how to develop a research design
- have basic knowledge of principles of research ethics and privacy
- have basic knowledge of academic writing
The student
- can make chemical mixtures and solutions
- can facilitate practical teaching in science and technology for the youngest pupils that provides good progression between different levels
- can use creative teaching processes where scientific concepts are used to describe and explain the form and function of some technological products
- can use integrated science teaching and use science as a directing subject in interdisciplinary contexts such as technology and design
- can discuss issues related to climate change and use different representations to visualize weather systems and climate systems
- can analyze, evaluate and document students' learning in science and provide learning-promoting feedback adapted to students' prerequisites and needs
- can seek out, evaluate and refer to scientific and science didactic research, information and subject matter and apply this in teaching and discussion with colleagues
- can use integrated science teaching and use science as a directing subject in interdisciplinary contexts related to education for sustainable development
The student
- can link the role as a science teacher to ethical, social, economic and political issues concerning science and technology in society
- has insight into subject didactic research on teaching and learning in science with a focus on progression and depth in concept formation, critical thinking and argumentation
- has insight into theory of science and methods within science didactic research and can contribute and participate in projects to develop teaching practice in science
Learning methods and activities
Various types of teaching tailored to different parts of the subject will be used. Experience- and inquiry-based learning based on student-active learning elements such as fieldwork (observation, investigations and investigation in nature), laboratory work (experiments) and argumentation are central. Introduction to, and use of simple ICT tools for scientific content and didactics, for animations, simulations and modeling within science themes is part of the building of students' digital competence. Lectures and classroom teaching, will be used to provide an overview, clarify academic problems, present key knowledge and work with examples and assignments. Student-active forms of work with self-study, individual work and work in groups with assignments and projects are important parts of the study. Literature, teaching materials and other learning sources will be provided in both Norwegian and English. Students are expected to master both languages at a level that enables the use of these learning sources. Furthermore, students are expected to actively use the university's library and other sources of information and learning and to be prepared for the planned teaching.
The Research and Development Assignment that is part of the course is an independent work with individual guidance. It is expected that students seek out learning material through self-study outside the organized teaching time, through work in groups and through the digital learning platform. The details regarding the organization of the teaching can be found in the semester plan.
Compulsory assignments
- mandatory assignments according to emnebeskrivelse
Further on evaluation
Compulsory assignments
- Skills training with reports. 75 % participation is required for laboratory work. Compulsory participation is required for laboratory work, as described in the semester plan.
- Essays and tests covering selected teaching goals and/or reports (orally, digitally or written) from field work, excursions, praxis or laboratory work.
- Seminars related to the Research and Development Assignment. 75 % participation is required
- Texts related to the work on the Research and Development Assignment.
No compensatory work is given for lack of mandatory presence.
Mandatory work requirements are assessed as approved / not approved.
Assessments are given as 3 partial assessments:
- Written exam (biology and didactics), 4 hours, individual, grade A-F. Permitted aids: The curriculum in science in Norwegian school and the Core Curriculum for Norwegian school.
- Oral exam (physics and chemistry), 40 minutes with 30 minutes preparation. Individual, grade A-F. Permitted aids: The curriculum in science in Norwegian school and the Core Curriculum for Norwegian school. Tables in physics and chemistry without notes. Specific, simple calculator, cf. NTNU regulations
- Research and Development Assignment, individual. Grade passed/not passed. If the R&D assignment is not approved, you have opportunity to submit an improved assignment for assessment only once (counted as exam attempt number two). At the third exam attempt, a completely new assignment must be submitted. . There is an opportunity to complain about partial assessments in the course.
Specific conditions
Admission to a programme of study is required:
Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education for Years 1-7 (MGLU1-7) - some programmes
Recommended previous knowledge
The students should have participated in Science 1 (30 sp) or similar courses in order to start the Science 2 course. Participated in this context means that all compulsory assignments from Science 1 are approved.
Course materials
The final reading list will be announced on Blackboard before the start of semester.
Credit reductions
Course code | Reduction | From | To |
LGU14011 | 15.0 | AUTUMN 2018 |
Version: A
30.0 SP
Study level: Third-year courses, level III
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: SPRING 2025
Language of instruction: -
Location: Trondheim
- Teacher Education
- Life Sciences
Department with academic responsibility
Department of Teacher Education
Examination arrangement: Aggregate score
- Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
- Autumn UTS School exam. Biology and didactics 49/100 HJELPEMIDD 2024-11-22 09:00 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates - Autumn UTS Research and Development Assignment 0/100 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates - Autumn UTS Oral exam. Physics and chemistry 51/100 HJELPEMIDD
Room Building Number of candidates - Spring ORD School exam. Biology and didactics 49/100 HJELPEMIDD 2025-05-31 09:00 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates SL310 hvit sone Sluppenvegen 14 15 -
Research and Development Assignment
09:00 -
Room Building Number of candidates -
Oral exam. Physics and chemistry
2025-06-05 - 2025-06-06
Room Building Number of candidates
- * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.
For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"