Maria I. M. Febri
Maria I.M. Febri is an Associate Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Teacher Education, Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences, in Trondheim, Norway.
She has a PhD degree from University Grenoble I, France, in physics, materials science and structure, in the subject of synthesis and characterization of rare earth based magnetic alloys. In her subsequent career, she worked for five years as researcher in Material Science Research Center in BATAN, Jakarta, Indonesia, her home country, continuing the development of new, advanced magnetic materials. She has had experience in coordinating a research team and being a member of referee committee. Since 2007 and after the pedagogy study (PPU) in NTNU, Maria I.M. Febri has gone into teaching career in Norway where she now lives. She has had teaching experience in mathematics and physics at various level, high school and teacher education at university. Since 2012, she has been working as teacher educator and researcher at Sør-Trøndelag University College which, after merging with NTNU in 2016, now become Department of Teacher Education, ILU-NTNU. She teaches physics, physics education and science education at pre-service and in-service teachers, at bachelor and master level. She supervises master students (2017-now) and PhD candidates (2019-now). She has in addition being involved in teacher professional development and school based development as part of her research in science education.
Maria I.M. Febri has been a team member in the development of science teacher-training curriculum, included courses for initial teacher training, further education for in-service teachers, and master courses in science education.
She is member of the International Centre for STEM Education (ICSE) consortium ( and has taken part in several EU funded and national projects:
- MOST - Meaningful Open Schooling Connects Schools to Communities. Horizon2020. 2020-2023 (ongoing).
- Erasmus+ project IncluSMe: Intercultural learning in mathematics and science initial teacher education (2016-19) where she was NTNU's team leader.
- PRIMAS (Promoting Inquiry in Mathematics and Science education across Europe), 2010-13,
- mascil (Mathematics and Science for life),2013-16,
- FaSMEd (Formative Assessment in Science and Mathematics Education), 2014-16,
- member of European Impact Board (EIB) for EU project MaSDiV,, 2017-2020, a university-ministry tandem project on development, implementation and dissemination of teacher professional development modules related to intercultural learning.
- CriThiSE - Critical Thinking in Science Education, 2020-2023.
- The literacy project (Literacy og faglighet i skole og arbeidsliv) (ILU, NTNU), 2016 - 2023.
More specifically on Scientific literacy
Her current research is within the scope of:
- MOST-project (see above)
- NORHED II - Enhancing the quality of science and mathematics education in Ethiopia and South Sudan (2021-26) (ongoing)
Maria I.M. Febri is member of the research groups:
- Lesson design study and teaching resources'
- Naturfaglig literacy i skolen og lærerutdanning
Main research interests within Science Education/ Physics Education:
-Inquiry Based Learning and Conceptual Understanding
-Inquiry Based Learning and Scientific Literacy
-Teacher professional development
Belayneh, Ehtegebreal Aregehagn;
Lykknes, Annette;
Getahun, Dawit Asrat;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya.
Representation of Image Formation—Observation in Optics in Ethiopian Textbooks: Student Learning Difficulties as an Analytical Tool.
Education Sciences
Academic article
Belayneh, Ehtegebreal Aregehagn;
Lykknes, Annette;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Ayene, Mengesha.
The Transformative Effects of Guided Inquiry-based Learning on Scientific Knowledge of Vision.
African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (AJRMSTE)
Academic article
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Pepin, Birgit.
Science teachers’ interactions with resources for formative assessment purposes.
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability
Academic article
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved.
Pre-Service Teachers’ Challenges and Affordances in Implementing Inquiry-Based Science Teaching at Lower Primary.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lund, Anne Carine Bonnevie;
Cyvin, Jardar;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya.
Intercultural science learning outside of school.
Acher, Andrés;
Sillasen, Martin Krabbe;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Karlström, Matti;
Hamzaand, Karim.
Teaching Practices in Preservice Science Teacher Education.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Cyvin, Jardar;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved.
‘Walking a graph’ – primary school students’ experimental session on functions and graphs.
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cyvin, Jardar;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya.
Mangfold i naturen, mangfold i skolen.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Karlsen, Solveig;
Døivoldsmo, Brit;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Jensen, Inger Kristine;
Reier-Røberg, Kjetil;
Stoll, Karin.
Nasjonale retningslinjer for naturfag i grunnskolelærerutdanningen 1-7 og 5-10.
Other product
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Cyvin, Jardar Karel;
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved.
FaSMEed toolkit.
Digital learning tools
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Dahl, Heidi;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved.
Enhancing Teachers’ Professional Knowledge in Connecting the World of Work to Inquiry Based Science Teaching: Case of Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved.
Implementing IBL and WoW in primary science in Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Dahl, Heidi.
Deliverable 9.2: Promotion of European Networks.
mascil project
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Dahl, Heidi.
Deliverable 9.1: Collection of "problems of the month".
mascil project
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Cyvin, Jardar Karel;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Pepin, Birgit.
Deliverable 5.3: Cross comparative analysis of
country studies.
FaSMEd project
Pepin, Birgit;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Cyvin, Jardar Karel;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved.
Deliverable 5.2: Cross comparative analysis of case studies.
FaSMEd project
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya.
To float or not to float? That is the question.
Karo-Karo, A.;
Suharpiyu, -;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Mujamilah, -;
Yuliantini, Evi;
Purwanto, Setyo.
Aplikasi Resin Poliester and Epoksi dalam Pengembangan Rigid Bonded Magnet.
Indonesian Journal of Materials Science
Academic article
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Mashadi, -.
The effect of low-temperature vacuum annealing on Terfenol-D made by the reduction-diffusion method.
Indonesian Journal of Materials Science
Academic article
Mujamilah, -;
Ridwan, -;
Muslich, M.R.;
Purwanto, Setyo;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Mulyana, Yohannes Anda.
Seminar Nasional Bahan Magnet
Academic article
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya.
Laporan Akhir RUT V, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Proses Pembuatan Bahan Unggul Magnetostriktif (Tb,Dy) Fe2.
National Office of Research and Technology of Indonesia
Karo-Karo, A.;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Wahyudianingsih, -;
Sudirman, -.
Komposit Magnetostriktif Terfenol-D Berperekat Resin Epoksi.
Indonesian Journal of Materials Science
Academic article
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Lahagu, Ivonne M.;
Triyono, Djoko;
Yamauchi, H.;
Yamaguchi, Y..
Preliminary Investigation of Magnetostriction of Terfenol-D Composite made of Powder Obtained by the RD Method.
Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Sains Materi III
Academic article
Peuzin, J.C.;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya.
Medium and High Frequency Applications of Magnetic Materials.
Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Sains Materi III
Academic article
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya.
Laporan Kemajuan "Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pembuatan Bahan Unggul Magnetostriktiv (TB,R)Fe”.
National Office of Research and Technology of Indonesia
Lahagu, Ivonne M.;
Karo-Karo, A.;
Sudirman, -;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya.
Resin Epoksi Sebagai Matriks dalam Komposit Magnetostriktif.
Prosiding SemNas VII Kimia dalam Industri dan Lingkungan
Academic article
Kramp, S.;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Joubert, Jean Claude.
A Low Temperature Route for the Synthesis of Rare Earth Transition Metal Borides and Their Hydrides.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry
Academic article
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Mashadi, -;
Mulyana, Yohannes Anda.
Sintesis paduan Nd2Fe14B dengan metoda kimiawi reduksi-difusi .
Prosiding Seminar Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir
Academic article
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Ezekwenna, P.;
Chaudouët, Patrick;
l'Héritier, Philippe;
Joubert, Jean Claude.
A new method of nitrogenation of RE-TM alloys via chemical
reaction with sodium azide as an oxygen-free nitrogen source.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Academic article
Ezekwenna, P.;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
l'Héritier, Philippe;
Joubert, Jean Claude.
A new method of nitrogenation of M2Fe17 powder alloy via chemical reaction with sodium azide (NaN3) as a nitrogen source (M = Y or Ln).
Journal of Materials Chemistry
Academic article
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Chenevier, Bernard;
Joubert, Jean Claude.
Synthesis of soft ferromagnetic nanocomposites by controlled diffusion-segregation in Nd2(Fe,Co)14B.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Academic article
Kramp, S.;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
l'Héritier, Philippe;
Ezekwenna, P.;
Joubert, Jean Claude.
Synthesis of magnetic intermetallics and their interstitial hydrides.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Academic article
Ram, S.;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Fecht, H.J.;
Joubert, Jean Claude.
Synthesis of Nd2Fe14B nanocrystals using interstitial hydrides.
Nanostructured materials
Academic article
Journal publications
Belayneh, Ehtegebreal Aregehagn;
Lykknes, Annette;
Getahun, Dawit Asrat;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya.
Representation of Image Formation—Observation in Optics in Ethiopian Textbooks: Student Learning Difficulties as an Analytical Tool.
Education Sciences
Academic article
Belayneh, Ehtegebreal Aregehagn;
Lykknes, Annette;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Ayene, Mengesha.
The Transformative Effects of Guided Inquiry-based Learning on Scientific Knowledge of Vision.
African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (AJRMSTE)
Academic article
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Pepin, Birgit.
Science teachers’ interactions with resources for formative assessment purposes.
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability
Academic article
Karo-Karo, A.;
Suharpiyu, -;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Mujamilah, -;
Yuliantini, Evi;
Purwanto, Setyo.
Aplikasi Resin Poliester and Epoksi dalam Pengembangan Rigid Bonded Magnet.
Indonesian Journal of Materials Science
Academic article
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Mashadi, -.
The effect of low-temperature vacuum annealing on Terfenol-D made by the reduction-diffusion method.
Indonesian Journal of Materials Science
Academic article
Mujamilah, -;
Ridwan, -;
Muslich, M.R.;
Purwanto, Setyo;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Mulyana, Yohannes Anda.
Seminar Nasional Bahan Magnet
Academic article
Karo-Karo, A.;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Wahyudianingsih, -;
Sudirman, -.
Komposit Magnetostriktif Terfenol-D Berperekat Resin Epoksi.
Indonesian Journal of Materials Science
Academic article
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Lahagu, Ivonne M.;
Triyono, Djoko;
Yamauchi, H.;
Yamaguchi, Y..
Preliminary Investigation of Magnetostriction of Terfenol-D Composite made of Powder Obtained by the RD Method.
Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Sains Materi III
Academic article
Peuzin, J.C.;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya.
Medium and High Frequency Applications of Magnetic Materials.
Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Sains Materi III
Academic article
Lahagu, Ivonne M.;
Karo-Karo, A.;
Sudirman, -;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya.
Resin Epoksi Sebagai Matriks dalam Komposit Magnetostriktif.
Prosiding SemNas VII Kimia dalam Industri dan Lingkungan
Academic article
Kramp, S.;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Joubert, Jean Claude.
A Low Temperature Route for the Synthesis of Rare Earth Transition Metal Borides and Their Hydrides.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry
Academic article
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Mashadi, -;
Mulyana, Yohannes Anda.
Sintesis paduan Nd2Fe14B dengan metoda kimiawi reduksi-difusi .
Prosiding Seminar Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir
Academic article
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Ezekwenna, P.;
Chaudouët, Patrick;
l'Héritier, Philippe;
Joubert, Jean Claude.
A new method of nitrogenation of RE-TM alloys via chemical
reaction with sodium azide as an oxygen-free nitrogen source.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Academic article
Ezekwenna, P.;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
l'Héritier, Philippe;
Joubert, Jean Claude.
A new method of nitrogenation of M2Fe17 powder alloy via chemical reaction with sodium azide (NaN3) as a nitrogen source (M = Y or Ln).
Journal of Materials Chemistry
Academic article
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Chenevier, Bernard;
Joubert, Jean Claude.
Synthesis of soft ferromagnetic nanocomposites by controlled diffusion-segregation in Nd2(Fe,Co)14B.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Academic article
Kramp, S.;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
l'Héritier, Philippe;
Ezekwenna, P.;
Joubert, Jean Claude.
Synthesis of magnetic intermetallics and their interstitial hydrides.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Academic article
Ram, S.;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Fecht, H.J.;
Joubert, Jean Claude.
Synthesis of Nd2Fe14B nanocrystals using interstitial hydrides.
Nanostructured materials
Academic article
Part of book/report
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved.
Pre-Service Teachers’ Challenges and Affordances in Implementing Inquiry-Based Science Teaching at Lower Primary.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Acher, Andrés;
Sillasen, Martin Krabbe;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Karlström, Matti;
Hamzaand, Karim.
Teaching Practices in Preservice Science Teacher Education.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Cyvin, Jardar;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved.
‘Walking a graph’ – primary school students’ experimental session on functions and graphs.
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cyvin, Jardar;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya.
Mangfold i naturen, mangfold i skolen.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Dahl, Heidi;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved.
Enhancing Teachers’ Professional Knowledge in Connecting the World of Work to Inquiry Based Science Teaching: Case of Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved.
Implementing IBL and WoW in primary science in Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya.
To float or not to float? That is the question.
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Dahl, Heidi.
Deliverable 9.2: Promotion of European Networks.
mascil project
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Dahl, Heidi.
Deliverable 9.1: Collection of "problems of the month".
mascil project
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Cyvin, Jardar Karel;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Pepin, Birgit.
Deliverable 5.3: Cross comparative analysis of
country studies.
FaSMEd project
Pepin, Birgit;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Cyvin, Jardar Karel;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved.
Deliverable 5.2: Cross comparative analysis of case studies.
FaSMEd project
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya.
Laporan Akhir RUT V, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Proses Pembuatan Bahan Unggul Magnetostriktif (Tb,Dy) Fe2.
National Office of Research and Technology of Indonesia
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya.
Laporan Kemajuan "Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pembuatan Bahan Unggul Magnetostriktiv (TB,R)Fe”.
National Office of Research and Technology of Indonesia
Karlsen, Solveig;
Døivoldsmo, Brit;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Jensen, Inger Kristine;
Reier-Røberg, Kjetil;
Stoll, Karin.
Nasjonale retningslinjer for naturfag i grunnskolelærerutdanningen 1-7 og 5-10.
Other product
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Cyvin, Jardar Karel;
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved.
FaSMEed toolkit.
Digital learning tools
Lund, Anne Carine Bonnevie;
Cyvin, Jardar;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya.
Intercultural science learning outside of school.
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lectureFebri, Maria Immaculata Maya. (2024) CURIOSITY DRIVEN INQUIRY OF REAL-LIFE COMPLEX PROBLEMS IN PHYSICS; EXPERIENCES FROM SCIENCE TEACHER EDUCATION . The Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education NFSUN 2024: Revisioning STEAM education in times of Climate Change , Reykjavik 2024-06-05 - 2024-06-07
Academic lectureFebri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Rikheim, Øistein Villa; Thu, Hanne Valde; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved. (2023) Symposium: Drawing rich pictures of open schooling and its implications for sustainability and science education. Our contribution: OPEN SCHOOLING FOR SCIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY EDUCATION - CASE STUDIES FROM NORWAY . Hacettepe Univ, Gazi Univ, Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Univ ESERA 2023, THE 15TH CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN SCIENCE EDUCATION RESEARCH ASSOCIATION (ESERA) , Cappadocia 2023-08-28 - 2023-09-01
Academic lectureThu, Hanne Valde; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Grindeland, John Magne; Malmo, Jan Tore. (2023) Context-based teaching for students’ sustainability consciousness . Utrecht University, Naturalis, the ICSE Consortium, MOST Educating the educators IV, International conference, STEM & OPEN SCHOOLING FOR SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION , Leiden 2023-05-11 - 2023-05-12
Academic lectureFebri, Maria Immaculata Maya. (2021) Teacher Professional Development in a Literacy and Inquiry-Based Learning Project. VIA University College Nordiske Forskersymposium om Undervisning i Naturfag (NFSUN) 2021 , Aarhus 2021-06-01 - 2021-06-02
Academic lectureZeray, Abrham Kassa; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Getahun, Dawit Asrat. (2021) Conceptual Understanding of Heat, Internal Energy and Temperature of Secondary School Students in Ethiopia. University of Minho European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) 2021 , Braga 2021-08-30 - 2021-09-03
Academic lectureStaberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Munkebye, Eli; Daus, Stephan; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Gericke, Niklas. (2021) Primary Teachers' Perception of Critical Thinking. University of Minho European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) 2021 , Braga 2021-08-30 - 2021-09-03
Academic lectureAregehagn , Ehtegebreal; Ayene , Mengesha; Lykknes, Annette ; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya. (2021) Enhancing Students' Conceptual Understanding of Light and Vision Through Guided Inquiry-Based Learning. VIA University College Nordiske Forskersymposium om Undervisning i Naturfag (NFSUN) 2021 , Aarhus 2021-06-01 - 2021-06-02
Academic lectureLund, Anne Carine Bonnevie; Cyvin, Jardar; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Evagorou, Maria; Ariza, Marta R.. (2019) Exploring Pre-Service Teachers Views And Experiences About International Learning In Science During An International Summer School. European Science Education Research Association ESERA 2019 , Bologna 2019-08-26 - 2019-08-30
Academic lectureCyvin, Jardar; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Lund, Anne Carine Bonnevie. (2019) Outdoor science learning in a multicultural classroom: Students’ perspectives . International Centre for STEM Education Educating the Educators III , Freiburg 2019-10-07 - 2019-10-08
Academic lectureFebri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved. (2019) Pre-Service Teachers’ Challenges and Affordances in Implementing Inquiry-Based Science Teaching at Lower Primary. NEW PERSPECTIVES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION NPSE 2019 , Firenze 2019-03-21 - 2019-03-22
Academic lectureFebri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved. (2019) How do the 5E-model and the Nysgjerrigper method support or not support the implementation of inquiry-based learning at lower primary?. ICSE, International Center for STEM Education Educating the Educators III , Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg 2019-10-07 - 2019-10-08
Academic lectureFebri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved. (2019) Inquiry Based Science Education and Teacher Professional Development. Bahir Dar University International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education: Making Science and Mathematics Teaching and Learning Impactful , Bahir Dar 2019-10-23 - 2019-10-24
PosterFebri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Cyvin, Jardar; Lund, Anne Carine Bonnevie; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved. (2018) Intellectual Output 11:Intercultural science learning outside of school. Constantine the Philosopher University International Conference of Interdisciplinary STEM Studies , Nitra 2018-08-28 - 2018-08-28
Academic lectureStaberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Sikko, Svein Arne; Andras, Szilard; Zsombori, Gabriella. (2018) Bridging the gap between research and practice in teacher professional development (TPD): Teachers as facilitators of inquiry based learning TPD in Norway and Romania. Malmö University The XVIII Symposium of the International Organization for Science and Technology Education (IOSTE) , Malmö 2018-08-13 - 2018-08-17
Academic lectureHaugstad, Kristin Elisabeth; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya. (2018) Pre-service Teachers Understanding of Floating and Sinking in Inquiry-Based Learning Approach. Malmö University The XVIII Symposium of the International Organization for Science and Technology Education (IOSTE) , Malmö 2018-08-13 - 2018-08-17
Academic lectureCyvin, Jardar; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Lund, Anne Carine Bonnevie; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved. (2018) Interkulturalitet og inkluderende praksis i naturfag i lærerutdanning (IncluSMe-prosjektet). Naturfagsenteret og NNN Hell-seminaret , Hell 2018-11-14 - 2018-11-16
Academic lectureStaberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Cyvin, Jardar; Sikko, Svein Arne; Gjøvik, Øistein; Pepin, Birgit. (2017) Connecting orchestration and formative assessment in the technology rich science classroom. NTNU Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education 2017 , Trondheim 2017-06-07 - 2017-06-09
LectureHaugstad, Kristin Elisabeth; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya. (2017) Pre-service teacher understanding of buoyancy: case of primary school science teacher. NTNU Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education 2017 , Trondheim 2017-06-06 - 2017-06-09
Academic lectureSikko, Svein Arne; Gjøvik, Øistein; Cyvin, Jardar; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved. (2017) ‘Walking a graph’ – primary school students’ experimental session on functions and graphs. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education The Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education , Dublin 2017-02-01 - 2017-02-05
Academic lectureFebri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Malmo, Jan Tore. (2017) Language Interference in Understanding of Newton's 3rd law: Case of Norwegian Primary School Pre-service Teachers. NTNU The Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education 2017 , Trondheim 2017-06-07 - 2017-06-19
Academic lectureFebri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved. (2017) Teaching Practices Promoting Enactment of Inquiry in Early Primary Schools. Dublin City University and the University of Limerick European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) 2017 , Dublin 2017-08-21 - 2017-08-25
Academic lectureEngeln, Katrin; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya. (2017) Continued Professional Development: The Impact of Teaching Material across Europe. Dublin City University and the University of Limerick European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) 2017 , Dublin 2017-08-21 - 2017-08-25
LectureSikko, Svein Arne; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Cyvin, Jardar; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Dahl, Heidi. (2017) IBL og WoW i profesjonsutvikling for lærere innen realfag gjennom kaskademodell og leksjonsstudier. Fakultet for samfunns- og utdanningsvitenskap NTNU Forskning for et bedre samfunn. SU-fakultetets oppstartskonferanse , Trondheim 2017-03-16 - 2017-03-16
PosterCyvin, Jardar; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Gjøvik, Øistein; Sikko, Svein Arne; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved. (2017) Det digitale-analoge aspektet ved verktøy for formativ vurdering. NTNU SU-fakultetets forskningskonferanse (NTNU) , Trondheim 2017-03-16 - 2017-03-16
Academic lectureCyvin, Jardar; Gjøvik, Øistein; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Sikko, Svein Arne; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved. (2016) Innovative ICT-based teaching materials in mathematics and science. mascil & DZM EDUCATING THE EDUCATORS 2nd conference on international approaches to scaling-up professional development in maths and science education , Freiburg 2016-11-07 -
Academic lectureStaberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Sikko, Svein Arne; Dahl, Heidi. (2016) Impact of Multiplier Concept on Teachers’ Professional Knowledge. Mascil and DZLM Educating the educators II - international approaches to scaling-up professional development in maths and science education , Freiburg 2016-11-07 - 2016-11-08
LectureGjøvik, Øistein; Sikko, Svein Arne; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Cyvin, Jardar; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya. (2016) FasMED Symposium. NTNU Den 14. nordisk lærerutdanningskonferansen , Trondheim 2016-05-10 - 2016-05-13
Academic lectureStaberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Sikko, Svein Arne; Dahl, Heidi; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya. (2016) Combining Inquiry Based Learning and World of Work: Preliminary Study of Teachers’ Professional Development . NTNU Den 14. nordiske lærerutdanningskonferansen , Trondheim 2016-05-10 - 2016-05-13
Academic lectureFebri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Sikko, Svein Arne; Dahl, Heidi; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved. (2016) Enhancing Teachers’ Professional Knowledge in Connecting the World of Work to Inquiry Based Science Teaching: Case of Norway. 5th International Conference New Perspectives in Science Education , Florence 2016-03-17 - 2016-03-18
PosterPepin, Birgit; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Cyvin, Jardar; Gjøvik, Øistein; Sikko, Svein Arne. (2016) The digital-analog spectrum of tools for formative assessment. Department of Education, Maynooth University FaSMEd Project Final Meeting and Conference , Maynooth 2016-11-01 - 2016-11-02
Academic lectureFebri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved. (2015) Implementing IBL and WoW in primary science in Norway. ESERA ESERA2015: 11th conference of European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) , University of Helsinki 2015-08-31 - 2015-09-04
Academic lectureFebri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved. (2014) Professional development of a teacher's practice - a case study within PRIMAS project. University of Helsinki Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education (NFSUN) 2014 , Helsinki 2014-06-04 - 2014-06-06
Academic lecturePepin, Birgit; Sikko, Svein Arne; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Dahl, Heidi. (2014) Mathematics and Science Teachers' Use of Resources: What counts as a resource?. mascil and DZLM Educating the Educators. Conference on international approaches to scaling-up profesional development in maths and science education , Essen 2014-12-15 - 2014-12-16
Academic lectureFebri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Karo-Karo, Aloma; Mashadi, -; Mulyana, Yohannes Anda; Santoso, Eddy; Sudirman, -. (1999) Synthesis and Characterizations of Magnetostrictive Terfenol-D Alloy Made by the RD Methods and its Composites. Shinshu University The 2nd Magneto-Electronics International Symposium , Nagano 1999-10-20 - 1999-10-22
Academic lectureRidwan, -; Manaf, Azwar; Mujamilah, -; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Purwanto, Setyo; Wei, Y.Q.. (1999) Progress Report of Asia Pacific Research Collaboration 1999: Current Status of Research and Development on Magnetic Materials in Indonesia. National Energy Agncy of Indonesia, BATAN Workshop on the Utilization of Research Reactors , Yogyakarta and Serpong 1999-02-08 - 1999-02-14
Academic lectureFebri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Bahrum, Epung S.; Pandiangan, Tumpal. (1998) Karakterisasi fasa hidrida RFe2Hx hasil samping proses sintesis reduksi difusi padian RFe2. Indonesian Physics Society (IPS), Gajah Mada University XVII National Physics Symposium and AAPPS Seminar on Physics of Materials , Yogyakarta 1998-12-08 - 1998-12-10
Academic lectureRidwan, -; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Purwanto, Setyo; Sukirman, Engkir; Wuryanto, -. (1997) Riset Ilmu Bahan dalam Bidang ke-Energian (The Role of Materials Science Research in the Energy Sector). Bandung Institute of Technology Seminar Nasional Teknologi Transformasi Energi Masa Depan Menuju Era Globalisasi Ekonomi , Bandung 1997-08-18 - 1997-08-22
LectureFebri, Maria Immaculata Maya. (1997) Sintesis Paduan R-M-X dengan Metoda ORD dan Karakterisasinya . National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia, BATAN Risalah Presentasi Ilmiah, Hasil studi program doktor dan magister , Serpong 1997-03-15 - 1997-03-15
Academic lectureFebri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Gimenez, Isabelle; Joubert, Jean Claude. (1994) The use of thermomagnetic measurements to control the synthesis of RMH intermetallic hydrides by chemical reactions at low and moderate temperatures. Société Francaise de Métallurgie et des Matériaux Powder Metallurgy World Congress , Paris 1994-06-06 - 1994-06-09
Academic lectureFebri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Claude, Elisabeth; Chaudouët, Patrick; Joubert, Jean Claude. (1994) Synthesis of fine grain binary and ternary intermetallic RM compounds by reduction-diffusion in molten calcium(R= rare earth, M= 3 d transition metal). Société Francaise de Métallurgie et des Matériaux Powder Metallurgy World Congress , Paris 1994-06-06 - 1994-06-09