Birgit Maixner
Associate professor in archaeology and curator of the Iron Age, Viking Age and Medieval collections at the NTNU University Museum.
- NIDARK – The revitalization of archaeological objects and documentation from the medieval town Nidaros
- Iron Age to Historical Archaeology (IAHA) Research Group (2023-present)
- Organising landscape (2016-2019: coordinator, 2019-2022: member)
- EAA Community on fortification research (COMFORT) (2019-2022: vize chair)
- The Urnes Project (member)
- NEXUS NIDAROS: Transitions and Traditions (member)
- 2018-2019: NTNU´s mentor programme for female associate professors
- 2017-2018: NTNU leadership development programme for research group leaders
- 2017: University pedagogy (Pedup), NTNU
- 2011-2012: Courses in archive management (50 credits), University of Oslo
- 2003: PhD in archaeology, Kiel University
- 2000: Magistra Artium (archaeology, history, European ethnology), Kiel University
- 2016-present: Associate professor at the NTNU University Museum. 2016-2022 Head of cultural historical collections, 2016-present curator of the Iron Age, Viking Age and Medieval collections
- 2016: Archivist, Nesodden municipality, Norway
- 2015: Adviser, Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo
- 2012-2015: Researcher, Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo
- 2012: Archivist, Nesodden municipality, Norway
- 2009-2010: Senior Fellow, Excellence Cluster TOPOI “The Formation and Transformation of Space and Knowledge in Ancient Civilizations”, Freie Universität Berlin
- 2006-2009: Curator, Archäologisches Landesmuseum, Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesmuseen Schloß Gottorf, Germany
- 2005: Project researcher in the Tissø-Project, The National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen
- 2024: David Whitehouse Research Residency for Scholars 2024. The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning
- 2020: Skill development stipend for female associate professors, NTNU
- (2006-2008): Post doctoral fellowship, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), for stay at the Center for Viking and Medieval Studies/University of Oslo, Norway: obtained, but not accepted due to job offer at Archäologisches Landesmuseum, Schleswig
- 2004-2005: Travel Grant, German Archaeological Institute (DAI) (Italy, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Scotland, Ireland, UK)
- 2002-2003: PhD scholarship, Kiel University
- 2000-2002: PhD scholarship, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), for stay at the Center for Viking and Medieval Studies, University of Oslo
- 1997-1998: Student scholarship, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), for stay at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University
- 2018-2023: main supervisor for 1 PhD student (finished), NTNU
- 2016-present: main supervisor for 3 master students (2 finished, 1 in progress), NTNU
- 2016-present: Lectures in archaeology, and in archive and collection management, NTNU
- 2010: Seminar in archaeology, Excellence Cluster TOPOI, Freie Universität Berlin
- 2021: Co-organizer of the session «Towards an International Archaeology of Fortifications: Methodologies and Interpretations» (27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Kiel)
- 2020: Co-organizer of the international workshop «The setting of fortifications in the natural and cultural landscape» (05.-06.03.2020, Schleswig)2020: Co-organizer of the international workshop «Organizing landscapes in Early Medieval Northern Europe»
- 2018-present: Organizer, Series of lectures linked to the project NIDARK – The revitalization of archaeological objects and documentation from the medieval town Nidaros,Trondheim
- 2018: Co-organizer, Symposium «Royal Saints, Kings and People. St. Olav in Context», Trondheim
- 2017: Co-organizer, Symposium «Challenging 997: Church – Town – Saint. St. Clement´s church and the development of Trondheim 900-1150”, Trondheim
- 2017: Organizer, Workshop “Stedsnavn og kulturminner i et landskapsperspektiv”, Trondheim
- 2010: Co-organizer, Symposium «Das Fränkische Reich als Vorbild? Zur Dialektik von Akkulturation und skandinavischer Identitätenkonstituierung während der Wikingerzeit“, Paderborn
- 2018-2021, 2021-2023: Member of the Department Council at the Department of Archaeology and Cultural History, NTNU
- 2016-present: Coordinator of the loan commitee of the Collections of cultural history at the NTNU University Museum, NTNU
- 2016-2022: Head of Collections of cultural history at the NTNU University Museum, NTNU
- 2023: Responsible curator for the single showcase exhibition "En sølvskatt fra vikingtiden", NTNU University Museum
- 2018: Responsible curator for the single showcase special exhibition «Himmelens glans. Middelalderens emaljearbeider fra Limoges», NTNU University Museum
- 2006-2009: Responsible curator for the new permanent exhibition at the Wikinger Museum Haithabu, Schleswig
- 2004: Responsible curator for one showcase of the special exhibition ”Aktuelle Forschung in Haithabu”, Wikinger Museum Haithabu, Schleswig, and Moesgård Museum, Århus
My primary research interest within archaeology is the Iron Age and Early Medieval period in Northern Europe, with a special focus on decorated metalwork, glass beads, places of trade and production, and the relationship between place names and archaeological monuments in the cultural landscape.
My first research area is decorated metalwork from the Viking period. In my doctoral thesis, I investigated trefoil brooches from Scandinavia with regard to their typology, dating, decoration, function, and production. In a later work, I have examined the cultural contacts between Scandinavia and the Continent in the Viking Age, as they are evident on high status metalwork by processes of adaption and reception.
My second research area is about sites of trade and production, exchange, and access to resources in the first millennium AD in Scandinavia. I have investigated this topic from various angles, studying metal detector finds from a production site affiliated with an Iron Age manor at Missingen, Østfold, investigating the maritime place name *Sæheimr in Scandinavia as a possible indicator of Iron Age landing sites, exploring the maritime-economic network between Viking Age central farms around the Trondheimsfjorden, analyzing the landscape of communication around the Urnes stave church, and discussing long-distance trade in the early Viking Age between Ribe and Northern Norway based on eight-century glass beads.
My current research project for my sabbatical in the academic year 2023/2024 is about glass beads of the Viking Age.
Besides, I have a third, small field of research, which is about metal detector finds and cultural heritage management.
Grav, Ellen J. ;
Maixner, Birgit;
Sauvage, Raymond;
Skoglund, Fredrik Kvarme;
Risvaag, Jon Anders;
Alsli, Lise Mariann Bolstad.
Museal utstilling
Museum exhibition
Maixner, Birgit;
Hellan, Terje Masterud.
Viking Period Trade and Communication in the Vinjefjord and Hemnfjord Areas, in Light of Topography, Place Names, Silver Coins and Imported Beads.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maixner, Birgit;
Randerz, Ellen L.Wijgård;
Grav, Ellen J. ;
Cyvin, Øylov Emma;
Sandbakk, Elin;
Sauvage, Raymond.
En sølvskatt fra vikingtiden.
Monterutstilling i Suhmhuset
Museum exhibition
Maixner, Birgit.
Gjemt og aldri hentet. En ny sølvskatt fra vikingtiden fra Kongshaugplatået ved Stjørdal.
Popular scientific article
Fredriksen, Caroline;
Maixner, Birgit;
Brattli, Terje;
Risbøl, Ole.
«Funnet med metallsøker i dyrket mark»: En relasjonell studie av norsk praksis overfor privat metallsøking og pløyelagsfunn som vitenskapelig kildemateriale.
Doctoral dissertation
Maixner, Birgit.
Place names as a resource for evaluating Iron Age central place complexes in the coastal landscape of northern Trøndelag, Central Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maixner, Birgit.
Auranområdet i jernalderen og vikingtiden.
Popular scientific article
Maixner, Birgit.
Doppsko og spenne fra vikingtiden.
Museumsforlaget AS
Popular scientific chapter/article
Ibsen, Timo;
Ilves, Kristin;
Maixner, Birgit;
Messal, Sebastian;
Schneeweiß, Jens.
Introduction – ‘Fortifications in their Natural and Cultural
Landscape: From Organising Space to the Creation of Power’.
Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GMBH
Ibsen, Timo;
Ilves, Kristin;
Maixner, Birgit;
Messal, Sebastian;
Schneeweiß, Jens.
Fortifications in their natural and cultural Landscape : From organising space to the creation of power.
Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GMBH
Schriften des Museums für Archäologie Schloss Gottorf - Ergänzungsreihe (15)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Maixner, Birgit.
The Vesterfjellet hillfort on the island of Jøa on the coast of
central Norway: Point of lookout or refuge?.
Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GMBH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maixner, Birgit.
The Landscape of Urnes: Settlement, Communication, and
Resources in the Viking and Early Middle Ages.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maixner, Birgit.
Urban Market Production and Coastal Trade in the Early Viking Age. A Study of Eighth-Century AD Blue Period Millefiori Beads
in Central and Northern Norway.
Journal of Urban Archaeology (JUA)
Academic article
Maixner, Birgit.
Connected by water, no matter how far. Viking Age central farms at the Trondheimsfjorden, Norway, as gateways between waterscapes and landscapes
Archäologische Informationen
Academic article
Ibsen, Timo;
Maixner, Birgit;
Messal, Sebastian.
First workshop of the EAA “Community on Fortification Research (COMFORT)”, 5 /6 March 2020.
The European Archaeologist
Short communication
von Carnap-Bornheim, Claus;
Jöns, Hauke;
Maixner, Birgit;
Müller-Wille, Michael.
Handelsemporien und frühe Städte. Mittelalterlicher Handel im Nord- und Ostseeraum.
Konrad Theiss Verlag
Maixner, Birgit.
*Sæheimr: Just a Settlement by the Sea? Dating, Naming Motivation and Function of an Iron Age Maritime Place Name in Scandinavia.
Journal of Maritime Archaeology
Academic article
Tiller, Kristin;
Ellingsen, Ellen J. Grav;
Ekrem, Torbjørn;
Alsli, Lise Mariann Bolstad;
Austrheim, Gunnar;
Bendiksby, Mika.
(Dis)Harmoni i hjemlandet – Masterplan for Nye Hovedutstillinger ved NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet.
(DIS)HARMONI I HJEMLANDET Masterplan for Nye Hovedutstillinger ved NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet
Other presentation
Maixner, Birgit;
Sylvester, Morten;
Sandbakk, Elin;
Pawel, Daniela;
Skjelbakken, Roger;
Cyvin, Øylov Emma.
Himmelens glans – Middelalderens emaljearbeider fra Limoges.
Museum exhibition
Stenvik, Lars Fredrik;
Callanan, Martin;
Fossum, Birgitta;
Dunfjeld Aagård, Lisa;
Fjellheim, Jenny;
Sandbakk, Elin.
Hvem Eier Historien?.
Hvem eier historien? Tråante 2017 utstilling
Museum exhibition
Maixner, Birgit.
Metallsøkprosjekt Missingen/Åkeberg– et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom forvaltningen og frivillige rundt en storgård fra jernalderen.
Portal forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maixner, Birgit.
Missingen/Åkeberg i Østfold - En storgård fra jernalderen med tilknyttet håndverkssenter.
Academic article
Maixner, Birgit.
One law - Different administrative policies. Norwegian administrative practice with regard to private metal detecting in plough soil and its consequences.
Academic article
Maixner, Birgit.
Fränkische Rangzeichen und ihre Rezeption im wikingerzeitlichen Skandinavien.
Brill | Fink
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maixner, Birgit.
Haithabu – Fernhandelszentrum zwischen den Welten. Begleitband zur Ausstellung im Wikinger Museum Haithabu.
Archäologisches Landesmuseum in der Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesmuseen Schloß Gottorf, Ralf Bleile, Claus von Carnap-Bornheim
Popular scientific book
Maixner, Birgit.
Die gegossenen kleeblattförmigen Fibeln der Wikingerzeit aus Skandinavien.
Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie (116)
Academic monograph
Maixner, Birgit.
Die tierstilverzierten Metallarbeiten der Wikingerzeit aus Birka unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Borrestils.
Wachholtz Verlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Maixner, Birgit.
Gjemt og aldri hentet. En ny sølvskatt fra vikingtiden fra Kongshaugplatået ved Stjørdal.
Popular scientific article
Maixner, Birgit.
Auranområdet i jernalderen og vikingtiden.
Popular scientific article
Maixner, Birgit.
Urban Market Production and Coastal Trade in the Early Viking Age. A Study of Eighth-Century AD Blue Period Millefiori Beads
in Central and Northern Norway.
Journal of Urban Archaeology (JUA)
Academic article
Maixner, Birgit.
Connected by water, no matter how far. Viking Age central farms at the Trondheimsfjorden, Norway, as gateways between waterscapes and landscapes
Archäologische Informationen
Academic article
Ibsen, Timo;
Maixner, Birgit;
Messal, Sebastian.
First workshop of the EAA “Community on Fortification Research (COMFORT)”, 5 /6 March 2020.
The European Archaeologist
Short communication
Maixner, Birgit.
*Sæheimr: Just a Settlement by the Sea? Dating, Naming Motivation and Function of an Iron Age Maritime Place Name in Scandinavia.
Journal of Maritime Archaeology
Academic article
Maixner, Birgit.
Missingen/Åkeberg i Østfold - En storgård fra jernalderen med tilknyttet håndverkssenter.
Academic article
Maixner, Birgit.
One law - Different administrative policies. Norwegian administrative practice with regard to private metal detecting in plough soil and its consequences.
Academic article
Ibsen, Timo;
Ilves, Kristin;
Maixner, Birgit;
Messal, Sebastian;
Schneeweiß, Jens.
Fortifications in their natural and cultural Landscape : From organising space to the creation of power.
Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GMBH
Schriften des Museums für Archäologie Schloss Gottorf - Ergänzungsreihe (15)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Maixner, Birgit.
Haithabu – Fernhandelszentrum zwischen den Welten. Begleitband zur Ausstellung im Wikinger Museum Haithabu.
Archäologisches Landesmuseum in der Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesmuseen Schloß Gottorf, Ralf Bleile, Claus von Carnap-Bornheim
Popular scientific book
Maixner, Birgit.
Die gegossenen kleeblattförmigen Fibeln der Wikingerzeit aus Skandinavien.
Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie (116)
Academic monograph
Part of book/report
Maixner, Birgit;
Hellan, Terje Masterud.
Viking Period Trade and Communication in the Vinjefjord and Hemnfjord Areas, in Light of Topography, Place Names, Silver Coins and Imported Beads.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maixner, Birgit.
Place names as a resource for evaluating Iron Age central place complexes in the coastal landscape of northern Trøndelag, Central Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maixner, Birgit.
Doppsko og spenne fra vikingtiden.
Museumsforlaget AS
Popular scientific chapter/article
Ibsen, Timo;
Ilves, Kristin;
Maixner, Birgit;
Messal, Sebastian;
Schneeweiß, Jens.
Introduction – ‘Fortifications in their Natural and Cultural
Landscape: From Organising Space to the Creation of Power’.
Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GMBH
Maixner, Birgit.
The Vesterfjellet hillfort on the island of Jøa on the coast of
central Norway: Point of lookout or refuge?.
Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GMBH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maixner, Birgit.
The Landscape of Urnes: Settlement, Communication, and
Resources in the Viking and Early Middle Ages.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
von Carnap-Bornheim, Claus;
Jöns, Hauke;
Maixner, Birgit;
Müller-Wille, Michael.
Handelsemporien und frühe Städte. Mittelalterlicher Handel im Nord- und Ostseeraum.
Konrad Theiss Verlag
Maixner, Birgit.
Metallsøkprosjekt Missingen/Åkeberg– et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom forvaltningen og frivillige rundt en storgård fra jernalderen.
Portal forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maixner, Birgit.
Fränkische Rangzeichen und ihre Rezeption im wikingerzeitlichen Skandinavien.
Brill | Fink
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Maixner, Birgit.
Die tierstilverzierten Metallarbeiten der Wikingerzeit aus Birka unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Borrestils.
Wachholtz Verlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fredriksen, Caroline;
Maixner, Birgit;
Brattli, Terje;
Risbøl, Ole.
«Funnet med metallsøker i dyrket mark»: En relasjonell studie av norsk praksis overfor privat metallsøking og pløyelagsfunn som vitenskapelig kildemateriale.
Doctoral dissertation
Grav, Ellen J. ;
Maixner, Birgit;
Sauvage, Raymond;
Skoglund, Fredrik Kvarme;
Risvaag, Jon Anders;
Alsli, Lise Mariann Bolstad.
Museal utstilling
Museum exhibition
Maixner, Birgit;
Randerz, Ellen L.Wijgård;
Grav, Ellen J. ;
Cyvin, Øylov Emma;
Sandbakk, Elin;
Sauvage, Raymond.
En sølvskatt fra vikingtiden.
Monterutstilling i Suhmhuset
Museum exhibition
Tiller, Kristin;
Ellingsen, Ellen J. Grav;
Ekrem, Torbjørn;
Alsli, Lise Mariann Bolstad;
Austrheim, Gunnar;
Bendiksby, Mika.
(Dis)Harmoni i hjemlandet – Masterplan for Nye Hovedutstillinger ved NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet.
(DIS)HARMONI I HJEMLANDET Masterplan for Nye Hovedutstillinger ved NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet
Other presentation
Maixner, Birgit;
Sylvester, Morten;
Sandbakk, Elin;
Pawel, Daniela;
Skjelbakken, Roger;
Cyvin, Øylov Emma.
Himmelens glans – Middelalderens emaljearbeider fra Limoges.
Museum exhibition
Stenvik, Lars Fredrik;
Callanan, Martin;
Fossum, Birgitta;
Dunfjeld Aagård, Lisa;
Fjellheim, Jenny;
Sandbakk, Elin.
Hvem Eier Historien?.
Hvem eier historien? Tråante 2017 utstilling
Museum exhibition
Popular scientific lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2024) Exploring the phenomenon of Viking Period Middle Eastern mosaic glass beads . Corning Museum of Glass David Whitehouse Research Residency for Scholars Lecture , Corning NY 2024-04-18 - 2024-04-18
LectureMaixner, Birgit. (2024) The value of small applications. Department of Archaeology and Cultural History Department of Archaeology and Cultural History: Research Day , Trondheim 2024-04-05 - 2024-04-05
Popular scientific lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2024) Heims nettverk og forbindelser i vikingtiden. Heim kommune Kulturminnedagen 7. september 2024 , Kyrksæterøra 2024-09-07 - 2024-09-07
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2024) Mosaic-eye beads between Abbasids and Vikings. Iron Age to Historical Archaeology research group Odense Meets Trondheim: Problems and Possibilities in Archaeological and Historical Research , Trondheim 2024-09-30 - 2024-09-30
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2023) Implications for the chronology and contacts of graves in Viking-age Norway in light of the results from the Northern Emporium project, using the example of glass beads. Aarhus Universitet, UrbNet, Sydvestjyske Museer Northern Emporium Concluding Symposium: New Light on Emporia and Networks , Aarhus 2023-10-26 - 2023-10-27
InterviewKlakegg-Thorp, Thomas; Maixner, Birgit. (2023) Fant sjelden sølvmynt fra 900-tallet: – Kan vise at det foregikk handel i området. Fosna-Folket Fosna-Folket [Newspaper] 2023-10-02
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2023) Norwegian seats of power (second half of the first millennium AD). ZBSA, Uppsala Universitet, Stockholm University m.fl. Northern and East-Central European architecture and landscape of power (late first millennium AD to 1300 AD) – was there a development of its own or a Frankish-Late Antique transfer of ideas? , Uppsala 2023-06-15 - 2023-06-17
InterviewSagbakken, Borgar; Maixner, Birgit. (2023) Pawel fant to vikingskatter som er over 1100 år gammel - Spennende å se det utstilt. Bladet. Lokalavis for Malvik, Meråker og Stjørdal Bladet. Lokalavis for Malvik, Meråker og Stjørdal [Newspaper] 2023-03-07
InterviewMaixner, Birgit; Langton, James. (2023) How the price of Viking cows was measured in dirhams. The National The National [Newspaper] 2023-01-29
InterviewMacedo, Lars Lilleby; Maixner, Birgit; Reiersen, Håkon. (2022) Oppsiktsvekkende gullfunn i Eggelia kan gjøre at norgeshistorien må omskrives – kan være biten som har manglet. Steinkjer-Avisa Steinkjer-Avisa [Newspaper] 2022-01-21
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit; Hellan, Terje Masterud. (2022) Iron Age and Viking Period trade and communication in the Vinje- and Hemnfjord-area. NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet E39 Betna – Stormyra – Anthology workshop , Trondheim 2022-02-09 - 2022-02-10
LectureMaixner, Birgit. (2022) Introduksjon. NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet NIDARK – Avslutningsseminar , Trondheim 2022-03-11 - 2022-03-11
PosterMaixner, Birgit. (2022) Urban market production and coastal trade in the early Viking Age: The example of ‘blue period’ millefiori beads in central and northern Norway . 19th Viking Congress Organising Commitee 19th Viking Congress, 2022 , Liverpool 2022-07-23 - 2022-07-29
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2022) En høvding ved hvert hjørne – Jernalderens maktlandskap i det nord-trønderske kystområdet. Kulturhistorisk museum, Universitetet i Oslo Workshop om Hundorp og maktsenterutviklingen i jernalder , Hundorp 2022-06-16 - 2022-06-17
InterviewKvalpskarmo hansen, Frid; Maixner, Birgit. (2022) Viking Age silver treasure found in Stjørdal municipality . Norwegian SciTech News Norwegian SciTech News [Internet] 2022-11-03
InterviewSagbakken, Borgar; Maixner, Birgit. (2022) Pawel fant 1100 år gammel vikingskatt. Bladet. Lokalavis for Malvik, Meråker og Stjørdal Bladet. Lokalavis for Malvik, Meråker og Stjørdal [Newspaper] 2022-10-22
Popular scientific lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2022) Sølvskatten fra Kongshaugplatået. Stjørdal historielag Foredragskveld , Stjørdal 2022-11-15 - 2022-11-15
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2022) Dating, naming motivation and function of the maritime place-name *Sæheimr in Scandinavia. University of Helsinki 7thIinternational Congress for Underwater Archaeology , Helsinki 2022-06-06 - 2022-06-10
InterviewHatland, Lena Erikke; Maixner, Birgit. (2022) Uheldig viking mistet sølvskatt i Stjørdal: – Et eksepsjonelt funn. NRK NRK [Internet] 2022-10-22
InterviewKvalpskarmo hansen, Frid; Maixner, Birgit. (2022) Sølvskatt fra vikingtid funnet i Stjørdal . Gemini - Forskningsnytt fra NTNU og SINTEF Gemini - Forskningsnytt fra NTNU og SINTEF [Internet] 2022-10-26
Popular scientific lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2022) Vikingtidens handel og kontakt i lys av stedsnavn og importerte perler. NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet 39 Betna - Stormyra - Seminar med Statens Vegvesen , Trondheim 2022-11-09 - 2022-11-09
LectureMaixner, Birgit. (2021) Rutiner ved innlevering av funn - og utfordringer i praksis - eller - Å samle er å velge’. NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Regionmøte 2021 , digitalt møte 2021-03-11 - 2021-03-12
LectureMaixner, Birgit. (2020) The conception of the permanent exhibition at the Wikinger Museum Haithabu. Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology and IAK, NTNU The setting of fortifications in the natural and cultural landscape , Schleswig 2020-03-05 - 2020-03-06
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2020) Hillforts at the coast of Trøndelag, Norway. Case studies from the Vikna‐area. Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology and IAK, NTNU The setting of fortifications in the natural and cultural landscape , Schleswig 2020-03-05 - 2020-03-06
InterviewBørstad, Johannes; Kringstad, Kirsti; Maixner, Birgit. (2020) Stig fikk skjelven da han skjønte hva han hadde funnet. NRK Trøndelag NRK Trøndelag [Internet] 2020-03-23
InterviewHansen, Frid Kvalpskarmo; Maixner, Birgit. (2020) Place names describe Scandinavia in the Iron and Viking Ages . Norwegian SciTech News Norwegian SciTech News [Internet] 2020-03-12
InterviewPedersen-Engesvik, Gøril; Maixner, Birgit. (2020) Stedsnavnet Sem forteller en skjult historie. Trønder-Avisa Trønder-Avisa [Newspaper] 2020-03-14
InterviewBergh, Nicholas; Maixner, Birgit. (2020) Har løst ring-mysterium. Aftenposten Junior Aftenposten Junior [Newspaper] 2020-10-20
InterviewMunsterhjelm, Erik; Maixner, Birgit. (2020) Allerede i jernalderen var Sem et sentralt sted. Tønsbergs Blad Tønsbergs Blad [Newspaper] 2020-04-04
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2020) Iron Age settlement development and spatial organisation at the coast of Trøndelag. NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Organizing landscapes in Early Medieval Northern Europe , Trondheim 2020-02-27 - 2020-02-28
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2020) Beacons at the Trøndelag coast, Norway – sea marks or relicts of a Scandinavian Iron Age military communication?. European Association of Archaeologists EAA Annual Meeting 2020 Budapest , Virtual 2020-08-26 - 2020-08-30
InterviewLandsverk, Johanne; Maixner, Birgit. (2020) Aha-opplevinga. Kvifor vart mange liknande metallfunn gjorde på stader med samme namn? Birgit Maixner fekk ein idé. Forskerforum. Tidsskrift for Forskerforbundet Forskerforum. Tidsskrift for Forskerforbundet [Business/trade/industry journal] 2020-09-01
InterviewHansen, Frid Kvalpskarmo; Maixner, Birgit. (2020) Stednavn-koden. [Internet] 2020-04-08
InterviewBørstad, Johannes; Maixner, Birgit. (2020) Var uenig om funnet: Nå har de løst gullring-gåte. NRK Trøndelag NRK Trøndelag [Newspaper] 2020-10-13
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2020) Stedsnavn som verktøy for rekonstruksjonen av jernalderens kystlandskap i Midt-Norge – utfordringer og perspektiv. ArcNames-projektet i samarbeid med Språksamlingene ved UiB Stedsnavns plass i norsk arkeologi , Bergen (Zoom) 2020-10-20 - 2020-10-20
InterviewKvalpskarmo hansen, Frid; Maixner, Birgit. (2020) Stedsnavn-koden . [Internet] 2020-04-08
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2020) The landscape of Urnes: settlement, communication, and resources in the Viking and Early Middle Ages. Nexus Nidaros forskergruppe Nexus Nidaros Forskerseminar , Trondheim 2020-01-10 - 2020-01-10
Popular scientific lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2019) Viggja – stormannsgård og ankringsplass i vikingtiden. Viggja vel Kulturkveld med tema "Vikingtid og middelalder på Viggja" , Viggjarheim, Viggja 2019-03-14 - 2019-03-14
Popular scientific lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2019) Auran – Et vikingtidens stormannssete belyst ved metallsøkerfunn . NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Finnerens dag 2019 , NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet 2019-11-02 - 2019-11-02
Popular scientific lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2019) Introduksjon. NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Finnerens dag 2019 , NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet 2019-11-02 - 2019-11-02
Popular scientific lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2019) Best praksis for metallsøking i felt. NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Finnerens dag 2019 , NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet 2019-11-02 - 2019-11-02
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2019) Connected by water, no matter how far. Water-bound relationship between Viking chieftain seats around the Trondheimsfjord, Norway. European Association of Archaeologists 25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists , Bern 2019-09-04 - 2019-09-07
PosterMaixner, Birgit. (2019) Viking manor and harbour at Viggja: A gateway for long-distance trade in Central Norway?. Rijksmuseum van Oudheden Third Dorestad Congress 2019 , Leiden 2019-06-12 - 2019-06-15
LectureJohansen, Torkel; Maixner, Birgit. (2019) NIDARK-prosjektet. Solveig Bakken Kvikklunsj , NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet 2019-03-18 - 2019-03-18
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2018) Himmelens glans: Middelalderens emaljearbeider fra Limoges i NTNU Vitenskapsmuseets samlinger. Prosjektet NIDARK ved NTNU Vitenskapmuseet NIDARK-foredragsrekke , Trondheim 2018-11-28 - 2018-11-28
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2018) Enamels of Limoges. Institutt for historiske studier, NTNU Royal Saints, Kings and People. St Olaf in Context , Trondheim 2018-11-29 - 2018-11-30
LectureMaixner, Birgit. (2018) Samlingsforvaltning, generell orientering. NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Regionalt samarbeidsmøte i forvaltningen , Trondheim 2018-03-20 - 2018-03-21
Popular scientific lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2018) Auran – En stormannsgård ved Trondheimsfjorden i yngre jernalder og tidlig middelalder. Skatval Historielag Kveldsmøte med foredrag , Skatval 2018-10-30 - 2018-10-30
LectureMaixner, Birgit; Johansen, Torkel. (2018) Orientering om NIDARK. NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Regionalt samarbeidsmøte i forvaltningen , Trondheim 2018-03-20 - 2018-03-21
LectureMaixner, Birgit. (2017) Kulturminner i jordbrukslandskapet (pløyd jord). Levanger Historielag Kulturminner i jordbrukslandskapet , Levanger bibliotek 2017-04-28 - 2017-04-28
LectureMaixner, Birgit. (2017) Beste praksis for metallsøking? Hvor og hvordan bør det søkes? Hva bør samles inn og dokumenteres?. NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Fagkveld om metallsøking og arkeologi , NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet 2017-04-24 - 2017-04-24
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2017) Manor, Market and Church: Archaeological Evidence of Early Medieval Manors in the Surroundings of Trondheim. Nexus Nidaros, NTNU Challenging 997: Church - Town - Saint. St Clement´s church and the development of Trondheim 900-1150 , The Archbishop´s Palace, Trondheim 2017-11-30 - 2017-12-01
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2017) Stedsnavnet «Sæheimr». NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Stedsnavn og kulturminner i et landskapsperspektiv , NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet 2017-09-12 - 2017-09-12
LectureMaixner, Birgit. (2017) Samlingene: Samlingsforvaltning, aktivitet og prioriteringer på samlingsgruppa, innlevering av funn og §9-saker. NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Regionalt samarbeidsmøte i forvaltningen , NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet 2017-04-05 - 2017-04-05
LectureMaixner, Birgit; Risbøl, Ole. (2017) Oppsummering og sammenfatting. Hvordan jobbe sammen? Forskning- og samarbeidsmuligheter, sosiale søk og sikring. NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Fagkveld om metallsøking og arkeologi , NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet 2017-04-24 - 2017-07-24
LectureMaixner, Birgit. (2017) Beste praksis for metallsøking? Hvor og hvordan bør det søkes? Hva bør samles inn og dokumenteres?. Levanger Historielag Kulturminner i jordbrukslandskapet , Levanger bibliotek 2017-04-28 - 2017-04-28
InterviewHaudemann-Andersen, Jørn; Maixner, Birgit. (2017) Fant nesten 400 gram gull - får den største finnerlønnen på over 40 år. NRK NRK [Internet] 2017-03-08
InterviewLervik, Frank; Maixner, Birgit. (2017) Sjekk hva Magnus får i finnerlønn etter gullfunnet i Skaun. Han får den største finnerlønnen på over 40 år, men synes likevel den er merkelig lav. Adressavisen Adressavisen [Internet] 2017-03-08
InterviewHaugan, Gaute Ulvik; Maixner, Birgit. (2017) Ber om lønn for funn av kulturskatter. Vitenskapsmuseet har ryddet i skuffene. Nå ber de Riksantikvaren belønne metallsøkerfunn gjort siden 2011. Trønder-Avisa Trønder-Avisa [Newspaper] 2017-02-23
InterviewFolde, Stian Moan; Maixner, Birgit. (2017) Det er ikke bare gull som glitrer. Gatemagasinet Sorgenfri Gatemagasinet Sorgenfri [Newspaper] 2017-02-01
InterviewAasheim, Tore; Maixner, Birgit. (2017) Nå kommer vikingarven tilbake til Oppdal. Opdalingen Opdalingen [Newspaper] 2017-01-20
InterviewBirger, Aarmo; Maixner, Birgit. (2017) Fant vikingøks på Kongsmoen. Namdalsavisa Namdalsavisa [Newspaper] 2017-08-25
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2016) Hva er arkeologi?. Institutt for historiske studier, NTNU Prøveforelesning på Institutt for historiske studier , Trondheim 2016-04-04 - 2016-04-04
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2016) Forskning – forvaltning – samling. Vitenskapelige samlinger som kunnskapsressurs. NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Prøveforelesning på NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet , NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet 2016-05-25 - 2016-05-25
InterviewVespestad, Linda; Martinsen, Julian Robert Post; Maixner, Birgit. (2015) Trodde han fant søppel, var arkeologisk sensasjon. NRK NRK [Internet] 2015-10-23
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2015) From aristocratic market place to royal manor: Landing places at estuaries in South-Eastern Norway in a long term perspective from the Roman Period to the Middle Ages. European Association of Archaeologists 21th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists , Glasgow 2015-09-02 - 2015-09-05
InterviewFjeld, Knut; Martinsen, Julian Robert Post; Maixner, Birgit; Larsen, Jan Henning. (2015) Smeddepot fra jernalderen inneholdt 32 gjenstander. Julaften i oktober for metallsøker Terje. Østlendingen Østlendingen [Newspaper] 2015-10-16
InterviewMelgård, Marianne L. L.; Maixner, Birgit. (2015) Detektoristens dilemma. Arkeologene jublet over funnet av et høvdingssete fra romersk tid på et jorde i Østfold. Birgit Maixner skapte bølger da hun fikk amatører med på utgravingen. Klassekampen Klassekampen [Newspaper] 2015-05-22
InterviewHansteen, Terje; Maixner, Birgit. (2015) Sensasjonen ved E6. Aftenposten Historie Aftenposten Historie [Business/trade/industry journal] 2015-04-23
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2014) Ulike kilder, ulike svar - Om metallsøk på Missingen/Åkeberg i Østfold. Forskning i fellesskap Høstseminar agrarnettverk , Oslo 2014-12-01 - 2014-12-02
InterviewSchmidt, Martin Tangen; Erlingsen, Hilde; Maixner, Birgit. (2014) Unike funn fra romertid til vikingtid. Et løpende prosjekt mellom arkeologer, grunneiere og ivrige metallsøkere har avdekket spektakulært funn i Råde. NRK NRK [TV] 2014-12-18
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2014) Specialization and standardization - an inevitable interdependence? Some reflections concerning the production of Viking Age decorated cast metalwork. European Association of Archaeologists 20th Annual Meeting of European Association of Archaeologists , Istanbul 2014-09-10 - 2014-09-14
InterviewOlsen, Lotte; Maixner, Birgit. (2014) Fant mer enn 1000 år gammelt smykke – Gir et fantastisk innblikk i bosettingshistorien. NRK NRK [TV] 2014-04-05
InterviewSanden, Anders Engen; Maixner, Birgit. (2014) Fant skjulte skatter fra fortiden. Et 30-talls frivillige metallsøkere gjorde flere spektakulære funn i Råde i helgen. Moss Avis Moss Avis [Newspaper] 2014-04-07
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2014) Metallsøkprosjekt Missingen/Åkeberg - et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom forskning, forvaltning og frivillige rundt en storgård fra jernalder. Det Norske Arkeologmøtet NAM 2014 , Stavanger 2014-11-06 - 2014-11-08
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2014) Pilotprosjekt Missingen. Kulturhistorisk museum, Universitet i Oslo Pløyejord som Kontekst: Nye perspektiver for Forskning, Forvaltning og Formidling , Oslo 2014-04-28 - 2014-04-28
LectureMaixner, Birgit. (2014) Forvaltning av metallsøkerfunn på KHM - rutiner og tidsbruk. Riksantikvaren Høstmøtet - Riksantikvarens kulturminnekonferanse , Oslo 2014-11-20 - 2014-11-21
Popular scientific lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2014) Produksjon og distribusjon av vikingtidens støpte dekorerte metallarbeider - En tilnærming på makro- og mikronivå. Norges Metallsøker Forening Foredragskveld Norges Metallsøker Forening , Oslo 2014-06-05 - 2014-06-05
Academic lectureMaixner, Birgit. (2013) Produksjon og distribusjon av vikingtidens støpte dekorerte metallarbeider - En tilnærming på makro- og mikronivå. UiO. Kulturhistorisk museums forskergruppe for vikingtid Markedets makt? Handel, håndverk og råvarer i vikingtid og tidlig middelalder , Oslo 2013-12-04 - 2013-12-06