Carl Fredrik Berg
Hannanu, Muhammad Iffan;
Hovd, Morten;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Using Partial Least Squares Regression in a Spectral Method for History Matching.
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Golestan, Mohammad Hossein;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Simulations of CO2 Dissolution in Porous Media Using the Volume-of-Fluid Method.
Academic article
Bellout, Mathias Chakib Rodriguez;
Lima Silva, Thiago;
Bakke, Jan Øystein Haavig;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Derivative-free search approaches for optimization of well inflow control valves and controls.
Computational Geosciences
Academic article
Haghanihasanabadi, Reza;
Gahrooei, Hamidreza Erfani;
McClure, James E.;
Flekkøy, Eirik Grude;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Color-gradient-based phase-field equation for multiphase flow.
Physical Review E (PRE)
Academic article
Alzubaidi, Fatimah;
McClure, James E.;
Pedersen, Håkon;
Hansen, Alex;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Mostaghimi, Peyman.
The Impact of Wettability on the Co-moving Velocity of Two-Fluid Flow in Porous Media.
Transport in Porous Media
Academic article
Sutoyo, Handita Reksi Dwitantra;
Schümann, Heiner;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
The effect of hydrocarbon prices and CO2 emission taxes on drainage strategies.
Geoenergy Science and Engineering
Academic article
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Sahimi, Muhammad.
Relation between critical exponent of the conductivity and the morphological exponents of percolation theory.
Physical Review E (PRE)
Academic article
Diaa-Eldeen, Tarek;
Hovd, Morten;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Polynomial Chaos Expansion for Uncertainty Quantification in Closed-Loop Reservoir Management.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haghanihasanabadi, Reza;
Gahrooei, Hamidreza Erfani;
McClure, James E.;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
A note on the summation relation in phase-field equations.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Gahrooei, Hamidreza Erfani;
Haghanihasanabadi, Reza;
McClure, James;
Boek, Edo;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Spatial Characterization of Wetting in Porous Media Using Local Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations.
Transport in Porous Media
Academic article
Angga, I Gusti Agung Gede;
Bergmo, Per Eirik Strand;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Joint well-placement and well-control optimization for energy-efficient water flooding of oil fields.
Geoenergy Science and Engineering
Academic article
Sutoyo, Handita Reksi Dwitantra;
Angga, I Gusti Agung Gede;
Schümann, Heiner;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Energy efficiency of oil and gas production plant operations.
Geoenergy Science and Engineering
Academic article
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Sahimi, Muhammad.
Percolation and conductivity in evolving disordered media.
Physical Review E (PRE)
Academic article
Yan, Lifei;
Golestan, Mohammad Hossein;
Zhou, Wenyu;
Hassanizadeh, S. Majid;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Raoof, Amir.
Direct Evidence of Salinity Difference Effect on Water Transport in Oil: Pore-Scale Mechanisms.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Yan, Lifei;
Golestan, Mohammad Hossein;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Zhou, Wenyu;
Hassanizadeh, S. Majid;
Raoof, Amir.
Microfluidic Experiments on Constrained Oil Remobilization Induced by Water Transport in the Oil Phase.
Chawshin, Kurdistan;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Varagnolo, Damiano;
Lopez, Olivier.
Automated porosity estimation using CT-scans of extracted core data.
Computational Geosciences
Academic article
Diaa-Eldeen, Tarek;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Hovd, Morten.
Observability-Aware Ensemble Kalman Filter for Reservoir Model Updating.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yan, Lifei;
Chang, Yuanhao;
Hassanizadeh, S. Majid;
Xiao, Senbo;
Raoof, Amir;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
A quantitative study of salinity effect on water diffusion in n-alkane phases: From pore-scale experiments to molecular dynamic simulation.
Academic article
McClure, James E.;
Garing, Charlotte;
Herring, Anna L.;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Editorial: Pore-Scale Microstructure, Mechanisms, and Models for Subsurface Flow and Transport.
Frontiers in water
Gahrooei, Hamidreza Erfani;
Babaei, Masoud;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Joekar-Niasar, Vahid.
Scaling CO<inf>2</inf> convection in confined aquifers: Effects of dispersion, permeability anisotropy and geochemistry.
Advances in Water Resources
Academic article
McClure, James E;
Fan, Ming;
Berg, Steffen;
Armstrong, Ryan T.;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Li, Zhe.
Relative permeability as a stationary process: Energy fluctuations in immiscible displacement.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Angga, I Gusti Agung Gede;
Bellout, Mathias;
Bergmo, Per Eirik Strand;
Slotte, Per Arne;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Collaborative optimization by shared objective function data.
Academic article
Mushabe, Raymond;
Azizov, Ilgar;
Adejumo, Gbadebo Nafiu;
van der Net, Antje;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Ion Composition Effect on Spontaneous Imbibition in Limestone Cores.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Angga, I Gusti Agung Gede;
Bellout, Mathias;
Kristoffersen, Brage Strand;
Bergmo, Per Eirik Strand;
Slotte, Per Arne;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Effect of CO2 tax on energy use in oil production: waterflooding optimization under different emission costs.
SN Applied Sciences
Academic article
Angga, I Gusti Agung Gede;
Sutoyo, Handita Reksi Dwitantra;
Bellout, Mathias;
Bergmo, Per Eirik Strand;
Slotte, Per Arne;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Effects of Well Placement on CO2 Emissions from Waterflooding Operation
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Diaa-Eldeen, Tarek;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Hovd, Morten.
System-Theoretic Ensemble Generation in Ensemble-Based History Matching.
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nguyen, van Nghia;
Chawshin, Kurdistan;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Varagnolo, Damiano.
Shuffle & untangle: novel untangle methods for solving the tanglegram layout problem.
Bioinformatics Advances
Academic article
Chawshin, Kurdistan;
Gonzalez, Andres;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Varagnolo, Damiano;
Heidari, Zoya;
Lopez, Olivier.
Classifying Lithofacies from Textural Features in Whole Core CT-Scan Images.
SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering
Academic article
Chawshin, Kurdistan;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Varagnolo, Damiano;
Lopez, Olivier.
A Deep-Learning Approach for Lithological Classification Using 3D Whole Core CT-Scan Images.
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Kristoffersen, Brage Strand;
Bellout, Mathias;
Silva, Thiago Lima;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
An Automatic Well Planner for Complex Well Trajectories.
Mathematical Geosciences
Academic article
Kristoffersen, Brage Strand;
Bellout, Mathias;
Silva, Thiago Lima;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Reduced well path parameterization for optimization problems through machine learning.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Kristoffersen, Brage Strand;
Silva, Thiago Lima;
Bellout, Mathias;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Efficient well placement optimization under uncertainty using a virtual drilling procedure.
Computational Geosciences
Academic article
Chawshin, Kurdistan;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Varagnolo, Damiano;
Lopez, Olivier.
Lithology classification of whole core CT scans using convolutional neural networks.
SN Applied Sciences
Academic article
Chawshin, Kurdistan;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Automated Lithology Classification Employing Whole Core CT-Scans.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2021/316)
Doctoral dissertation
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Kennedy, W. David;
Herrick, David C..
Conductivity in partially saturated porous media described by porosity, electrolyte saturation and saturation-dependent tortuosity and constriction factor.
Geophysical Prospecting
Academic article
Kristoffersen, Brage Strand;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Machine learning procedures for automatic well planning in reservoir simulation models.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2021/404)
Doctoral dissertation
Hosseinzade Khanamiri, Hamid;
Slotte, Per Arne;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Contact Angles in Two-Phase Flow Images.
Transport in Porous Media
Academic article
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Slotte, Per Arne;
Hosseinzade Khanamiri, Hamid.
Geometrically derived efficiency of slow immiscible displacement in porous media.
Physical Review E (PRE)
Academic article
Slotte, Per Arne;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Hosseinzade Khanamiri, Hamid.
Predicting Resistivity and Permeability of Porous Media Using Minkowski Functionals.
Transport in Porous Media
Academic article
Kristoffersen, Brage Strand;
Silva, Thiago Lima;
Bellout, Mathias;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
An Automatic Well Planner for Efficient Well Placement Optimization Under Geological Uncertainty .
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Danilova, Anna;
Liu, Ming.
Upscaling of polymer adsorption.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Zhou, Yingfang;
Muggeridge, Ann;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
King, Peter.
Effect of Layering on Incremental Oil Recovery From Tertiary Polymer Flooding.
SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering
Academic article
Ramstad, Thomas;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Thompson, Karsten.
Pore-Scale Simulations of Single- and Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media: Approaches and Applications.
Transport in Porous Media
Academic article
Hosseinzade Khanamiri, Hamid;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Slotte, Per Arne;
Schlüter, Steffen;
Torsæter, Ole.
Description of Free Energy for Immiscible Two‐Fluid Flow in Porous Media by Integral Geometry and Thermodynamics.
Water Resources Research
Academic article
Krogstad, Stein;
Lie, Knut-Andreas;
Nilsen, Halvor Møll;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Kippe, Vegard.
Efficient flow diagnostics proxies for polymer flooding.
Computational Geosciences
Academic article
Ghanbarian, Behzad;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Formation factor in Bentheimer and Fontainebleau sandstones: Theory compared with pore-scale numerical simulations.
Advances in Water Resources
Academic article
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Lopez, Olivier;
Berland, Håvard.
Industrial applications of digital rock technology.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Hilden, Sindre Tonning;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
An Analysis of Unsteady Flooding Processes: Varying Force Balance and the Applicability of Steady-State Upscaling.
Transport in Porous Media
Academic article
Krogstad, Stein;
Lie, Knut-Andreas;
Nilsen, Halvor Møll;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Kippe, Vegard.
Flow diagnostics for optimal polymer injection strategies.
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Odsæter, Lars Hov;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Rustad, Alf Birger.
Rate Dependency in Steady-State Upscaling.
Transport in Porous Media
Academic article
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
van Roosmalen, Adam-Christiaan.
Representations of thread quivers.
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
Academic article
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
van Roosmalen, Adam-Christiaan.
Hereditary categories with Serre duality which are generated by preprojectives.
Journal of Algebra
Academic article
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
van Roosmalen, Adam-Christiaan.
The quiver of projectives in hereditary categories with Serre duality.
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Academic article
Journal publications
Golestan, Mohammad Hossein;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Simulations of CO2 Dissolution in Porous Media Using the Volume-of-Fluid Method.
Academic article
Bellout, Mathias Chakib Rodriguez;
Lima Silva, Thiago;
Bakke, Jan Øystein Haavig;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Derivative-free search approaches for optimization of well inflow control valves and controls.
Computational Geosciences
Academic article
Haghanihasanabadi, Reza;
Gahrooei, Hamidreza Erfani;
McClure, James E.;
Flekkøy, Eirik Grude;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Color-gradient-based phase-field equation for multiphase flow.
Physical Review E (PRE)
Academic article
Alzubaidi, Fatimah;
McClure, James E.;
Pedersen, Håkon;
Hansen, Alex;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Mostaghimi, Peyman.
The Impact of Wettability on the Co-moving Velocity of Two-Fluid Flow in Porous Media.
Transport in Porous Media
Academic article
Sutoyo, Handita Reksi Dwitantra;
Schümann, Heiner;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
The effect of hydrocarbon prices and CO2 emission taxes on drainage strategies.
Geoenergy Science and Engineering
Academic article
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Sahimi, Muhammad.
Relation between critical exponent of the conductivity and the morphological exponents of percolation theory.
Physical Review E (PRE)
Academic article
Haghanihasanabadi, Reza;
Gahrooei, Hamidreza Erfani;
McClure, James E.;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
A note on the summation relation in phase-field equations.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Gahrooei, Hamidreza Erfani;
Haghanihasanabadi, Reza;
McClure, James;
Boek, Edo;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Spatial Characterization of Wetting in Porous Media Using Local Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations.
Transport in Porous Media
Academic article
Angga, I Gusti Agung Gede;
Bergmo, Per Eirik Strand;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Joint well-placement and well-control optimization for energy-efficient water flooding of oil fields.
Geoenergy Science and Engineering
Academic article
Sutoyo, Handita Reksi Dwitantra;
Angga, I Gusti Agung Gede;
Schümann, Heiner;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Energy efficiency of oil and gas production plant operations.
Geoenergy Science and Engineering
Academic article
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Sahimi, Muhammad.
Percolation and conductivity in evolving disordered media.
Physical Review E (PRE)
Academic article
Yan, Lifei;
Golestan, Mohammad Hossein;
Zhou, Wenyu;
Hassanizadeh, S. Majid;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Raoof, Amir.
Direct Evidence of Salinity Difference Effect on Water Transport in Oil: Pore-Scale Mechanisms.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Chawshin, Kurdistan;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Varagnolo, Damiano;
Lopez, Olivier.
Automated porosity estimation using CT-scans of extracted core data.
Computational Geosciences
Academic article
Yan, Lifei;
Chang, Yuanhao;
Hassanizadeh, S. Majid;
Xiao, Senbo;
Raoof, Amir;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
A quantitative study of salinity effect on water diffusion in n-alkane phases: From pore-scale experiments to molecular dynamic simulation.
Academic article
McClure, James E.;
Garing, Charlotte;
Herring, Anna L.;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Editorial: Pore-Scale Microstructure, Mechanisms, and Models for Subsurface Flow and Transport.
Frontiers in water
Gahrooei, Hamidreza Erfani;
Babaei, Masoud;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Joekar-Niasar, Vahid.
Scaling CO<inf>2</inf> convection in confined aquifers: Effects of dispersion, permeability anisotropy and geochemistry.
Advances in Water Resources
Academic article
McClure, James E;
Fan, Ming;
Berg, Steffen;
Armstrong, Ryan T.;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Li, Zhe.
Relative permeability as a stationary process: Energy fluctuations in immiscible displacement.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Angga, I Gusti Agung Gede;
Bellout, Mathias;
Bergmo, Per Eirik Strand;
Slotte, Per Arne;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Collaborative optimization by shared objective function data.
Academic article
Mushabe, Raymond;
Azizov, Ilgar;
Adejumo, Gbadebo Nafiu;
van der Net, Antje;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Ion Composition Effect on Spontaneous Imbibition in Limestone Cores.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Angga, I Gusti Agung Gede;
Bellout, Mathias;
Kristoffersen, Brage Strand;
Bergmo, Per Eirik Strand;
Slotte, Per Arne;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Effect of CO2 tax on energy use in oil production: waterflooding optimization under different emission costs.
SN Applied Sciences
Academic article
Nguyen, van Nghia;
Chawshin, Kurdistan;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Varagnolo, Damiano.
Shuffle & untangle: novel untangle methods for solving the tanglegram layout problem.
Bioinformatics Advances
Academic article
Chawshin, Kurdistan;
Gonzalez, Andres;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Varagnolo, Damiano;
Heidari, Zoya;
Lopez, Olivier.
Classifying Lithofacies from Textural Features in Whole Core CT-Scan Images.
SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering
Academic article
Kristoffersen, Brage Strand;
Bellout, Mathias;
Silva, Thiago Lima;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
An Automatic Well Planner for Complex Well Trajectories.
Mathematical Geosciences
Academic article
Kristoffersen, Brage Strand;
Bellout, Mathias;
Silva, Thiago Lima;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Reduced well path parameterization for optimization problems through machine learning.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Kristoffersen, Brage Strand;
Silva, Thiago Lima;
Bellout, Mathias;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Efficient well placement optimization under uncertainty using a virtual drilling procedure.
Computational Geosciences
Academic article
Chawshin, Kurdistan;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Varagnolo, Damiano;
Lopez, Olivier.
Lithology classification of whole core CT scans using convolutional neural networks.
SN Applied Sciences
Academic article
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Kennedy, W. David;
Herrick, David C..
Conductivity in partially saturated porous media described by porosity, electrolyte saturation and saturation-dependent tortuosity and constriction factor.
Geophysical Prospecting
Academic article
Hosseinzade Khanamiri, Hamid;
Slotte, Per Arne;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Contact Angles in Two-Phase Flow Images.
Transport in Porous Media
Academic article
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Slotte, Per Arne;
Hosseinzade Khanamiri, Hamid.
Geometrically derived efficiency of slow immiscible displacement in porous media.
Physical Review E (PRE)
Academic article
Slotte, Per Arne;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Hosseinzade Khanamiri, Hamid.
Predicting Resistivity and Permeability of Porous Media Using Minkowski Functionals.
Transport in Porous Media
Academic article
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Danilova, Anna;
Liu, Ming.
Upscaling of polymer adsorption.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Zhou, Yingfang;
Muggeridge, Ann;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
King, Peter.
Effect of Layering on Incremental Oil Recovery From Tertiary Polymer Flooding.
SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering
Academic article
Ramstad, Thomas;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Thompson, Karsten.
Pore-Scale Simulations of Single- and Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media: Approaches and Applications.
Transport in Porous Media
Academic article
Hosseinzade Khanamiri, Hamid;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Slotte, Per Arne;
Schlüter, Steffen;
Torsæter, Ole.
Description of Free Energy for Immiscible Two‐Fluid Flow in Porous Media by Integral Geometry and Thermodynamics.
Water Resources Research
Academic article
Krogstad, Stein;
Lie, Knut-Andreas;
Nilsen, Halvor Møll;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Kippe, Vegard.
Efficient flow diagnostics proxies for polymer flooding.
Computational Geosciences
Academic article
Ghanbarian, Behzad;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Formation factor in Bentheimer and Fontainebleau sandstones: Theory compared with pore-scale numerical simulations.
Advances in Water Resources
Academic article
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Lopez, Olivier;
Berland, Håvard.
Industrial applications of digital rock technology.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Hilden, Sindre Tonning;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
An Analysis of Unsteady Flooding Processes: Varying Force Balance and the Applicability of Steady-State Upscaling.
Transport in Porous Media
Academic article
Odsæter, Lars Hov;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Rustad, Alf Birger.
Rate Dependency in Steady-State Upscaling.
Transport in Porous Media
Academic article
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
van Roosmalen, Adam-Christiaan.
Representations of thread quivers.
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
Academic article
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
van Roosmalen, Adam-Christiaan.
Hereditary categories with Serre duality which are generated by preprojectives.
Journal of Algebra
Academic article
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
van Roosmalen, Adam-Christiaan.
The quiver of projectives in hereditary categories with Serre duality.
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Academic article
Part of book/report
Hannanu, Muhammad Iffan;
Hovd, Morten;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Using Partial Least Squares Regression in a Spectral Method for History Matching.
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Diaa-Eldeen, Tarek;
Hovd, Morten;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Polynomial Chaos Expansion for Uncertainty Quantification in Closed-Loop Reservoir Management.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yan, Lifei;
Golestan, Mohammad Hossein;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Zhou, Wenyu;
Hassanizadeh, S. Majid;
Raoof, Amir.
Microfluidic Experiments on Constrained Oil Remobilization Induced by Water Transport in the Oil Phase.
Diaa-Eldeen, Tarek;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Hovd, Morten.
Observability-Aware Ensemble Kalman Filter for Reservoir Model Updating.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Angga, I Gusti Agung Gede;
Sutoyo, Handita Reksi Dwitantra;
Bellout, Mathias;
Bergmo, Per Eirik Strand;
Slotte, Per Arne;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Effects of Well Placement on CO2 Emissions from Waterflooding Operation
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Diaa-Eldeen, Tarek;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Hovd, Morten.
System-Theoretic Ensemble Generation in Ensemble-Based History Matching.
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chawshin, Kurdistan;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Varagnolo, Damiano;
Lopez, Olivier.
A Deep-Learning Approach for Lithological Classification Using 3D Whole Core CT-Scan Images.
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Kristoffersen, Brage Strand;
Silva, Thiago Lima;
Bellout, Mathias;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
An Automatic Well Planner for Efficient Well Placement Optimization Under Geological Uncertainty .
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Krogstad, Stein;
Lie, Knut-Andreas;
Nilsen, Halvor Møll;
Berg, Carl Fredrik;
Kippe, Vegard.
Flow diagnostics for optimal polymer injection strategies.
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chawshin, Kurdistan;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Automated Lithology Classification Employing Whole Core CT-Scans.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2021/316)
Doctoral dissertation
Kristoffersen, Brage Strand;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
Machine learning procedures for automatic well planning in reservoir simulation models.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2021/404)
Doctoral dissertation
- TPG4160 - Reservoir Simulation
- PG8600 - Development of Numerical Reservoir Models
- TPG4560 - Petroleum Engineering, Specialization Project
- TPG4155 - Computer Methods in Engineering
- TPG4112 - Geomechanics and Flow in Porous Media
- TPG4255 - CO2 Storage: Operation and Integrity of Engineered CO2 Storage
- PG8607 - Numerical Methods in Reservoir Simulation
- TPG4565 - Petroleum Engineering, Specialization Course
- TPG4105 - Petroleum Engineering, Basic Course
- TPG4920 - Petroleum Engineering, Master's Thesis
LectureHaghani, Reza; Gahrooei, Hamidreza Erfani; McClure, James; Boek, Edo; Berg, Carl Fredrik. (2024) Spatial characterization of wetting in porous media using local lattice-Boltzmann simulations. Interpore Interpore 2024 - 16th annual meeting , Qingdao, China 2024-05-12 - 2024-05-17
LectureBerg, Carl Fredrik. (2024) Relations between evolving micro-structures and effective transport properties. SPWLA Houston Chapter SPWLA Houston meeting , Online 2024-09-18 - 2024-09-18
LectureBerg, Carl Fredrik; Ringstad, Cathrine. (2024) Norway’s CCS Partnership between the State, Industries, Academia, and NGO’s. Thailand CCUS Alliance International CCS symposium: A supercritical research toward industrial solution , Bangkok, Thailand 2024-06-06 - 2024-06-06
Academic lectureHannanu, Muhammad Iffan; Hovd, Morten; Berg, Carl Fredrik. (2024) Using Partial Least Squares Regression in a Spectral Method for History Matching. EAGE European Conference on the Mathematics of Geological Reservoirs (ECMOR) 2024 , Oslo 2024-09-02 - 2024-09-05
Academic lectureGrimstad, Alv-Arne; Bergmo, Per Eirik Strand; Holt, Torleif; Berg, Carl Fredrik; Phoo Pwint, Nandar. (2024) Oil field drainage with variable low-emission energy supply. Norsk pPtroleumsforening Reservoir and production management , Sola, Stavanger 2024-11-26 - 2024-11-27
PosterYun, Tae Kwon; Macut, Mateja; Schulze, Katja; Ringrose, Philip; Berg, Carl Fredrik. (2024) CO2 storage in saline aquifers: multi-scale processes visualized using the Sleipner case. EGU EGU General Assembly 2024 , Vienna, Austria 2024-04-14 - 2024-04-19
Academic lectureDiaa-Eldeen, Tarek; Hovd, Morten; Berg, Carl Fredrik. (2023) Polynomial Chaos Expansion for Uncertainty Quantification in Closed-Loop Reservoir Management. IEEE IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications , Bridgetown 2023-06-16 - 2023-08-18
Academic lectureBerg, Carl Fredrik; Chawshin, Kurdistan; Varagnolo, Damiano. (2023) Machine-learning based automated lithology classification. Intpart IX Oil and Gas Production Optimization Workshop: The Digital Transformation for Sustainable Production , Petrobras Research Center – CENPES, Rio de Janeiro 2023-03-02 - 2023-03-03
Academic lectureAngga, I Gusti Agung Gede; Bergmo, Per Eirik Strand; Berg, Carl Fredrik. (2023) Effect of CO2 tax on energy use in oil production: waterflooding optimization under different emission costs. Intpart IX Oil and Gas Production Optimization Workshop: The Digital Transformation for Sustainable Production , Petrobras Research Center – CENPES, Rio de Janeiro 2023-03-02 - 2023-03-03
PosterHaghanihasanabadi, Reza; Gahrooei, Hamidreza Erfani; McClure, James E.; Flekkøy, Eirik Grude; Berg, Carl Fredrik. (2023) A color-gradient-based phase-field equation for multiphase flow. InterPore 15th Annual International Conference on Porous Media , Edinburgh, Scotland 2023-05-22 - 2023-05-25
PosterHaghanihasanabadi, Reza; Gahrooei, Hamidreza Erfani; McClure, James E.; Flekkøy, Eirik Grude; Berg, Carl Fredrik. (2023) Symmetrizing multiphase flow equations for improved accuracy. InterPore 15th Annual International Conference on Porous Media , Edinburgh, Scotland 2023-05-22 - 2023-05-25
LectureDiaa-Eldeen, Tarek; Hovd, Morten; Berg, Carl Fredrik. (2023) Spectral Methods for Stochastic Surrogate Modeling of Subsurface Flow Dynamics. IAMG The 22nd annual conference of the IAMG , Trondheim 2023-08-05 - 2023-08-12
Academic lectureMcClure, James E; Fang, Ming; Berg, Steffen; Armstrong, Ryan T.; Berg, Carl Fredrik; Li, Zhe. (2023) Derivation of a representative elementary volume (REV) for upscaled two-phase flow in porous media. Society of Core Analysts The 36th International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts , Abu Dhabi, UAE 2023-10-09 - 2023-10-12
PosterAngga, I Gusti Agung Gede; Bellout, Mathias; Bergmo, Per Eirik Strand; Slotte, Per Arne; Berg, Carl Fredrik. (2022) Collaborative optimization by shared objective function data. SINTEF Geilo Winter School , Online 2022-01-24 - 2022-01-28
Academic lectureDiaa-Eldeen, Tarek; Berg, Carl Fredrik; Hovd, Morten. (2022) Observability-Aware Ensemble Kalman Filter for Reservoir Model Updating. 2022 European Control Conference (ECC) 2022-07-12 - 2022-07-15
Academic lectureDiaa-Eldeen, Tarek; Berg, Carl Fredrik; Hovd, Morten. (2022) System-Theoretic Ensemble Generation in Ensemble-Based History Matching. ECMOR 2022 2022-09-05 - 2022-09-07
Academic lectureDiaa-Eldeen, Tarek; Berg, Carl Fredrik; Hovd, Morten. (2022) Observability-based ensemble initiation for the EnKF in history matching problems. The 17th international EnKF workshop (2022) 2022-05-30 - 2022-06-02
LectureBerg, Carl Fredrik; Chawshin, Kurdistan; Varagnolo, Damiano. (2022) Machine learning in Formation Evaluation. Innovation Norway November Conference , Prodigy Hotel, Centro – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2022-11-07 - 2022-11-09
PosterHaghanihasanabadi, Reza; Berg, Carl Fredrik; Flekkøy, Eirik Grude. (2022) Extended Allen-Chan phase-field equation for ternary fluid flows and phase-change process in binary fluid flows. InterPore InterPore 2022 , Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates & Online 2022-05-30 - 2022-06-02
PosterGahrooei, Hamidreza Erfani; Haghanihasanabadi, Reza; Slotte, Per Arne; McClure, James E.; Berg, Carl Fredrik. (2022) Local wettability characterization of porous media under two-phase conditions using lattice-Boltzmann simulations. InterPore InterPore 2022 , Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates & Online 2022-05-30 - 2022-06-02
Academic lectureMushabe, Raymond; Adejumo, Gbadebo; Azizov, Ilgar; Berg, Carl Fredrik; van der Net, Antje. (2022) Ion composition effect on spontaneous imbibition in limestone cores. InterPore InterPore 2022 , Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates & Online 2022-05-30 - 2022-06-02
PosterYan, Lifei; Golestan, Mohammad Hossein; Zhou, Wenyu; Hassanizadeh, S. Majid; Berg, Carl Fredrik. (2021) Impact of osmosis and emulsification on constrained oil remobilization in pore-scale experiments. InterPore InterPore2021 Online Conference , Online 2021-05-31 - 2021-06-04
Academic lectureKjelstrup, Signe; Bedeaux, Dick; Gjennestad, Magnus Aashammer; Rauter, Michael Tobias; Berg, Carl Fredrik; Hansen, Alex. (2021) From Pore Scale to Darcy Scale with Entropy Production as Tool. Milan Polytechnical University SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Methods in Geoscience, GS21 , Milan 2021-06-21 - 2021-06-24
Academic lectureKjelstrup, Signe; Bedeaux, Dick; Galteland, Olav; Rauter, Michael Tobias; Berg, Carl Fredrik; Hansen, Alex. (2021) Energy dissipation in porous media flow. Interpore2021 Interpore , Edinburgh 2021-05-31 - 2021-06-04
Academic lectureKjelstrup, Signe; Bedeaux, Dick; Galteland, Olav; Rauter, Michael Tobias; Berg, Carl Fredrik; Hansen, Alex. (2021) Energy dissipation as heat in porous media flow. International Society for Porous Media InterPore 2021 , Online 2021-05-31 - 2021-06-04
Academic lectureBerg, Carl Fredrik; Slotte, Per Arne; Long-Sanouiller, Haili; Gahrooei, Hamidreza Erfani. (2021) Approximating free energy change for imaged displacement processes to assess wettability. Interpore Norway Interpore Norway 4th National Workshop , Bergen 2021-12-01 - 2021-12-01
Academic lectureBerg, Carl Fredrik. (2021) Wettability and efficiency of quasi-static displacements. Njord center, UiO Njord seminar , Online 2021-01-22 - 2021-01-22
Academic lectureAngga, I Gusti Agung Gede; Berg, Carl Fredrik; Bergmo, Per Eirik Strand. (2021) PhD presentation: Reduction of emissions from hydrocarbon production through energy-efficient drainage strategies. SINTEF LowEmission Consortium Days , Trondheim, Norway 2021-11-17 - 2021-11-18
PosterAngga, I Gusti Agung Gede; Sutoyo, Handita Reksi Dwitantra; Berg, Carl Fredrik. (2021) Integrating subsurface and topside models for reducing carbon emission in optimization of hydrocarbon production. SINTEF LowEmission Consortium Days , Trondheim, Norway 2021-11-17 - 2021-11-18
Academic lectureOmran, Mohamed Ahmed Fathy Abdelshafy; Berg, Carl Fredrik. (2020) Applying new rock typing methods, and modelling for conventional & unconventional reservoirs. International Petroleum Technology Conference , Dhahran 2020-01-13 - 2020-01-15
Academic lectureKristoffersen, Brage Strand; Silva, Thiago Lima; Bellout, Mathias; Berg, Carl Fredrik. (2020) An Automatic Well Planner for Efficient Well Placement Optimization Under Geological Uncertainty. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers ECMOR XVII , Online 2020-09-14 - 2020-09-17
Academic lectureAngga, I Gusti Agung Gede; Kristoffersen, Brage Strand; Bellout, Mathias; Berg, Carl Fredrik; Slotte, Per Arne; Bergmo, Per Eirik Strand. (2020) Development of low-emission subsurface drainage strategies. LowEmission Research Centre - SINTEF LowEmission Webinar , Online 2020-10-08 - 2020-10-08
PosterGolestan, Mohammad Hossein; Aursjø, Olav; Berg, Carl Fredrik. (2018) Lattice-Boltzmann Simulation of Osmosis Effect During Low-Salinity Waterflooding. Interpore Interpore Norway 2018 , Oslo 2018-11-09 - 2018-11-09
Academic lecturePollen, Erik Norrud; Berg, Carl Fredrik. (2018) Experimental Investigation of Osmosis as a Mechanism for Low-Salinity EOR. Society of Petroleum Engineers Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference , Abu Dhabi 2018-11-12 - 2018-11-15
Academic lectureHosseinzade Khanamiri, Hamid; Berg, Carl Fredrik; Slotte, Per Arne; Torsæter, Ole; Schlüter, Steffen. (2018) Energy Description for Immiscible Two-Fluid Flow in Porous Media by Integral Geometry and Thermodynamics. European Mechanics Society European Fluid Mechanics Conference (EFMC2018) 2018-11-09 - 2018-11-13
Academic lectureBerg, Carl Fredrik. (2018) Can Minkowski functionals describe energy change during quasi-static displacement?. Interpore Interpore 2nd National Workshop on Porous Media , Oslo 2018-11-09 - 2018-11-09