Carlos Alberto Dorao
I am professor at the Department of Energy and Process Technology, NTNU.
I have an engineering degree in Nuclear Engineering from Balseiro Institute, Argentina, and a PhD degree in Chemical Engineering from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU, Norway. I worked as a researcher at the Bariloche Atomic Center, Argentina from 2001 to 2002, and researcher in SINTEF Materials, Norway from 2006-2008. I joined the Department of Energy and Process Engineering in 2008.
My research interests are related to the understanding of heat and mass transfer, and fluid mechanics processes which transport energy and mass in nuclear and conventional systems and govern the system performance and safety. In addition, I am working with acoustic fluidic related to the design to flow and particle manipulation at the micro scale.
Cardoso Cunha, Vitor Heitor;
Garcia Hahn, Julián Nicolás;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Investigation of the effect of curvature on the local mass flux of evaporating droplets using a phase field method.
International Journal of Multiphase Flow
Academic article
Cardoso Cunha, Vitor Heitor;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Influence of liquid-vapor phase change on the self-propelled motion of droplets on wettability gradient surfaces.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Saldana, Diego Sanchez;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Acoustic micro-beam vortex generator for flow actuation inside droplets.
Academic article
Almanza Alvarez, Gonzalo;
Trujillo, Ricardo Matias;
Saldana, Diego Sanchez;
Røsand, Øystein;
Høydal, Morten;
Fernandino, Maria.
Effect of the shear rate and residence time on the lysis of AC16 human cardiomyocyte cells via surface acoustic waves.
Academic article
Zamani Asl, Mohammad Mehdi;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Giacomello, Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Digital holographic microscopy for measurement of instantaneous contact angle of an evaporating droplet.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Zhang, Wenjing;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Relaxation phase during droplet impact on superhydrophobic surfaces with high contact angle hysteresis.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Park, Il Woong;
Ribe, Jonas Myren;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
The Criterion of the Cassie–Baxter and Wenzel Wetting Modes and the Effect of Elastic Substrates on It.
Advanced Materials Interfaces
Academic article
Trujillo, Ricardo Matias;
Almanza Alvarez, Gonzalo;
Saldana, Diego Sanchez;
Røsand, Øystein;
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Fernandino, Maria.
In-droplet cell lysis of AC16 human cardiomyocyte cells via surface acoustic waves.
Lab on a Chip
Academic article
Liao, Kun;
Yang, Zhaochu;
Dong, Tao;
Zhao, Libo;
Pires, Nuno Miguel Matos;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Exploring the Intersection of Brain–Computer Interfaces and Quantum Sensing: A Review of Research Progress and Future Trends.
Advanced Quantum Technologies
Academic literature review
Ding, Wenwu;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Improving superamphiphobicity by mimicking tree-branch topography.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
Academic article
Ding, Wenwu;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Toward Surfaces with Droplet Impact Robustness and Low Contact Angle Hysteresis.
Advanced Materials Interfaces
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
The heat transfer coefficient similarity between binary and single component flow condensation inside plain pipes.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
Ding, Wenwu;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Anisotropic wetting and final shape of droplets impacting on micropillars with non-vertical lateral walls.
AIP Advances
Academic article
Paul, Subhanker;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
On the scaling of convective boiling heat transfer coefficient.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
Paul, Subhanker;
Paul, Suparna;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Reconsidering the influence of the mass flux during nucleate flow boiling in a horizontal heated pipe.
AIP Advances
Academic article
Yu, Xiongjiang;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Droplet evaporation during dropwise condensation due to deposited volatile organic compounds.
AIP Advances
Academic article
Kwakkel, Marcel;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
A redefined energy functional to prevent mass loss in phase-field methods.
AIP Advances
Academic article
Paul, Subhanker;
Paul, Suparna;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
The overlooked role of pressure oscillations on heat transfer deterioration during self-sustained flow oscillations.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Zhang, Wenjing;
Ding, Wenwu;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Water-repellent surfaces consisting of nanowires on micro-pyramidal structures.
ACS Applied Nano Materials
Academic article
Muszynski, Tomasz;
Andrzejczyk, Rafal;
Park, Il Woong;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of the silicone-based plate heat exchanger.
Archives of Thermodynamics
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
On the heat transfer deterioration during condensation of binary mixtures.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Auliano, Manuel;
Auliano, Damiano;
Fernandino, Maria;
Asinari, Pietro;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Can Wicking Control Droplet Cooling?.
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Ryu, Jeongrim;
Fernandino, Maria.
Law of resistance in two-phase flows inside pipes.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Ding, Wenwu;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Conical micro-structures as a route for achieving super-repellency in surfaces with intrinsic hydrophobic properties.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Zhang, Wenjing;
Ding, Wenwu;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Water-Repellent Surfaces Consisting of Nanowires on Micro-Pyramidal Structures.
ACS Applied Nano Materials
Academic article
Park, Il Woong;
Ryu, Jeongrim;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Can flow oscillations during flow boiling deteriorate the heat transfer coefficient?.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Auliano, Manuel;
Auliano, Damiano;
Fernandino, Maria;
Zhang, Peng;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Water droplet dynamics on a heated nanowire surface.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Muszynski, Tomasz;
Andrzejczyk, Rafal;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Experimental validation of pressure drop models during flow boiling of R134a – effect of flow acceleration and entrainment.
MATEC Web of Conferences
Academic article
Park, Keunsoo;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Thermal two-phase flow with a phase-field method.
International Journal of Multiphase Flow
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Drewes, S;
Fernandino, Maria.
Can the heat transfer coefficients for single-phase flow and for convective
flow boiling be equivalent?.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Park, Il Woong;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
On the occurrence of superimposed density wave oscillations on pressure drop oscillations and the influence of a compressible volume.
AIP Advances
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Simple and general correlation for heat transfer during flow condensation inside plain pipes.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
Park, Il Woong;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Wetting State Transitions over Hierarchical Conical Microstructures.
Advanced Materials Interfaces
Academic article
Park, Il Woong;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Experimental study on the characteristics of pressure drop oscillations and their interaction with short-period oscillation in a horizontal tube.
International journal of refrigeration
Academic article
Muszynski, Tomasz;
Andrzejczyk, Rafal;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Experimental Investigations On The Momentum Pressure Drop During Flow Boiling Of R134a.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Auliano, Manuel;
Fernandino, Maria;
Zhang, Peng;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Water droplet impacting on overheated random Si nanowires.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
Muszynski, Tomasz;
Andrzejczyk, Rafal;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Etudes experimentales detaillees sur la chute de pression frictionnelle du R134a lors de l'ebullition en ecoulement dans un canal de 5 mm de diametre : influence de la composante d'acceleration de la chute de pression
Detailed experimental investigations on frictional pressure drop of R134a during flow boiling in 5 mm diameter channel: The influence of acceleration pressure drop component.
International journal of refrigeration
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Blanco, Oscar;
Fernandino, Maria.
Experimental Study of Horizontal Flow Boiling Heat Transfer of R134a at a Saturation Temperature of 18.6 °C.
Journal of heat transfer
Academic article
Park, Keunsoo;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Gerritsma, Marc.
The least-squares spectral element method for phase-field models for isothermal fluid mixture.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Academic article
Kandlikar, Satish;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Plawsky, Joel;
Stephan, Peter.
Special Issue From International Workshop on New Understanding in Nanoscale/Microscale Phase Change Phenomena Held in Trondheim, Norway, June 12-16, 2016.
Journal of heat transfer
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Langeland, Tore;
Fernandino, Maria.
Effect of heating profile on the characteristics of pressure drop oscillations.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Andrzejczyk, Rafal;
Muszynski, Tomasz;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Experimental investigations on adiabatic frictional pressure drops of R134a during flow in 5 mm diameter channel.
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Dominant dimensionless groups controlling heat transfer coefficient during flow condensation inside pipes.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
Muszynski, Tomasz;
Andrzejczyk, Rafal;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Investigations on mixture preparation for two phase adiabatic pressure drop of R134a flowing in 5 mm diameter channel.
Archives of Thermodynamics
Academic article
Park, Keunsoo;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Phase-Field Models for Two-Phase Flows Using the Least-Squares Method.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Sporleder, Federico;
Carella, Alfredo Raúl;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Ludueña, Leandro.
Novel approach for modeling the dynamic of finer breakage in polymer matrix during capillary extrusion.
Advances in Polymer Technology
Academic article
Park, Keunsoo;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Numerical solution of coupled cahn-hilliard and navier-stokes system using the least-squares spectral element method.
Fluids Engineering Division (FED)
Academic article
Park, Keunsoo;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Numerical Solution of Incompressible Cahn-Hilliard and Navier-Stokes System with Large Density and Viscosity Ratio Using the Least-Squares Spectral Element Method.
Journal of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (JFFHMT)
Academic article
Deng, Han;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Modeling of annular-mist flow during mixtures boiling.
Applied Thermal Engineering
Academic article
Deng, Han;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
A numerical investigation of flow boiling of non-azeotropic and near-azeotropic binary mixtures.
International journal of refrigeration
Academic article
Edvardsen, Svein;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Nydal, Ole Jørgen.
Experimental and numerical study of single-phase pressure drop in downhole shut-in valve.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
Academic article
Deng, Han;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Numerical study of the condensation length of binary zeotropic
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Effect of inlet pressure and temperature on density wave oscillations in a horizontal channel.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Sørum, Mikkel;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Experimental study of the heat transfer coefficient deterioration during density wave oscillations.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Edvardsen, Svein;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Doctoral dissertation
Edvardsen, Svein;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Nydal, Ole Jørgen.
Experimental and numerical study of two-phase pressure drop in
downhole shut-in valve with Unified Comprehensive Model
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
Academic article
Edvardsen, Svein;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Nydal, Ole Jørgen.
Multiphase flow in complex valve geometry.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Edvardsen, Svein;
Nydal, Ole Jørgen;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Two-phase Flow in a Down-hole Shut-in Valve.
BHR Group
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Deng, Han;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Simulation Of Binary Mixtures Condensation Using Higher Order Methods.
WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Ugueto, Luis;
Manavela Chiapero, Ezequiel;
Fernandino, Maria.
Experimental study of density wave oscillations in horizontal, straight tube evaporator.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Fernandino, Maria;
La Forgia, Nicolas;
Vera Palazon, Antonio Jose;
Bjerknes, Jenny;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Controlling micro-sized droplet generation using electrical pulses for studying liquid-liquid systems.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Manavela Chiapero, Ezequiel;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Experimental study of pressure drop oscillations in parallel horizontal channels.
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow
Academic article
Manavela Chiapero, Ezequiel;
Doder, Dejan;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Experimental parametric study of the pressure drop characteristic curve in a horizontal boiling channel.
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
Academic article
Manavela Chiapero, Ezequiel;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Experimental results on boiling heat transfer coefficient, frictional pressure drop and flow patterns for R134a at a saturation temperature of 34°C.
International journal of refrigeration
Academic article
Deng, Han;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Numerical study of heat and mass transfer of binary mixtures condensation in mini-channels ☆.
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
La Forgia, Nicolas;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Numerical Simulation of Evaporation Process of Two-Phase Flow in Small-Diameter Channels.
Heat Transfer Engineering
Academic article
Carella, Alfredo Raúl;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Least-Squares Spectral Method for the solution of a fractional advection-dispersion equation.
Journal of Computational Physics
Academic article
Castillo Moreno, Luis Alexander;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Decision-making in the oil and gas projects based on game theory: Conceptual process design.
Energy Conversion and Management
Academic article
Castillo Moreno, Luis Alexander;
Majzoub Dahouk, M;
Di Scipio, S;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Conceptual analysis of the precooling stage for LNG processes.
Energy Conversion and Management
Academic article
Castillo Moreno, Luis Alexander;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
On the conceptual design of pre-cooling stage of LNG plants using propane or an ethane/propane mixture.
Energy Conversion and Management
Academic article
Manavela Chiapero, Ezequiel;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Numerical analysis of pressure drop oscillations in parallel channels.
International Journal of Multiphase Flow
Academic article
Manavela Chiapero, Ezequiel;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
On the influence of heat flux updating during pressure drop oscillations - A numerical analysis.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
Ruspini, Leonardo Carlos;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Experimental and modelling study of two-phase flow instabilities in a single channel.
Doctoral dissertation
Castillo Moreno, Luis Alexander;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
An integrated framework for decision making on liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects.
Doctoral dissertation
Manavela Chiapero, Ezequiel;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Study of the influence of axial conduction in a boiling heated pipe.
Chemical engineering research & design
Academic article
Carella, Alfredo Raúl;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Spectral Finite Element Methods for solving Fractional Differential Equations with applications in Anomalous Transport.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Doctoral dissertation
Carella, Alfredo Raúl;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Modeling of fractional diffusion on a catalytic particle under different flow conditions.
Defect and Diffusion Forum
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Dispersion phenomena in gas liquid systems.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
Academic article
Pacio, Julio Cesar;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Multiscale thermo-hydraulic modeling of cryogenic heat exchangers.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Ruspini, Leonardo Carlos;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Two-Phase Flow Instabilities in Boiling and Condensing Systems.
Journal of Power and Energy Systems
Academic article
Manavela Chiapero, Ezequiel;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Review on pressure drop oscillations in boiling systems.
Nuclear Engineering and Design
Academic article
Grimes, Brian Arthur;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Opedal, Nils van der Tuuk;
Kralova, Iva;
Sørland, Geir Humborstad;
Sjøblom, Johan.
Population Balance Model for Batch Gravity Separation of Crude Oil and Water Emulsions. Part II: Comparison to Experimental Crude Oil Separation Data.
Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology
Academic article
Castillo Moreno, Luis Alexander;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Consensual decision-making model based on game theory for LNG processes.
Energy Conversion and Management
Academic article
Nayak, Ameeya Kumar;
Borka, Zsolt;
Patruno, Luciano Emanuel;
Sporleder, Federico;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
A Combined Multifluid-Population Balance Model for Vertical Gas-Liquid Bubble-Driven Flows Considering Bubble Column Operating Conditions.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
The least squares spectral element method for the Cahn-Hilliard equation.
Applied Mathematical Modelling
Academic article
Ruspini, Leonardo Carlos;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Simulation of a natural circulation loop using a least squares hp-adaptive solver.
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
Academic article
Sporleder, Federico;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Model based on population balance for the simulation of bubble columns using methods of the least-square type.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Pacio, Julio Cesar;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
A review on heat exchanger thermal hydraulic models for cryogenic applications.
Cryogenics (Guildford)
Academic literature review
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Simulation of transients in natural gas pipelines.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
Academic article
Manavela Chiapero, Ezequiel;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Parametric study of pressure characteristic curve in a boiling channel.
Computational Thermal Sciences
Academic article
Castillo Moreno, Luis Alexander;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
International Institute of Refrigeration
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pacio, Julio Cesar;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
International Institute of Refrigeration
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pacio, Julio Cesar;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Sensitivity Analysis of Heat Exchangers Using Perturbative Methods.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pacio, Julio Cesar;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria;
Pettersen, Jostein.
Multiscale thermo-hydraulic modeling of cryogenic heat exchangers.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Doctoral dissertation
Ruspini, Leonardo Carlos;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Study of fast transient phenomena in the transportation of super-critical fluids.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zhao, He;
Ecault, Romain;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Munkejord, Svend Tollak.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pacio, Julio Cesar;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Actes du ... Congres international du froid
Academic article
Castillo, L;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Actes du ... Congres international du froid
Academic article
Patruno, Luciano Emanuel;
Marchetti, Jorge Mario;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne;
Tayebi, Davoud.
Scrubber Separation-Droplet Entrainment in High-Pressure Gas/Liquid Separation.
Oil and Gas Facilities
Academic article
Carella, Alfredo;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Solution of a Cattaneo-Maxwell diffusion model using a Spectral element least-squares method.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
Academic article
Castillo Moreno, Luis Alexander;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Influence of the plot area in an economical analysis for selecting small scale LNG technologies for remote gas production.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
Academic article
Ruspini, Leonardo Carlos;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Dynamic simulation of Ledinegg instability.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
Academic article
Patruno, Luciano Emanuel;
Ystad, Paul Andreas Marchioro;
Jenssen, Carl Birger B.;
Marchetti, Jorge Mario;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne.
Liquid entrainment-Droplet size distribution for a low surface tension mixture.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Sporleder, Federico;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Simulation of chemical reactors using the least-squares spectral element method.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Zhu, Zhengjie;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Mass Conservative Solution of the Population Balance Equation Using the Least-Squares Spectral Element Method.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Pacio, Julio Cesar;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
A study of the effect of flow maldistribution on heat transfer performance in evaporators.
Nuclear Engineering and Design
Academic article
Patruno, Luciano Emanuel;
Ystad, Paul Andreas Marchioro;
Marchetti, Jorge Mario;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Liquid entrainment from a wetted wire exposed to a high gas flow rate in cross flow.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Grimes, Brian Arthur;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Nordgård, Erland;
Sjøblom, Johan.
Analysis of dynamic surfactant mass transfer and its relationship to the transient stabilization of coalescing liquid-liquid dispersions.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
Academic article
Patruno, Luciano E;
Marchetti, Jorge Mario;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Droplet size distribution after liquid entrainment in horizontal stratified two-phase three-field dispersed flow.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Tobiesen, Finn Andrew;
Fernandino, Maria.
An improved flowsheet simulation approach for advanced CO2 absorption process design and optimization.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria;
Patruno, Luciano E;
Dupuy, Pablo Matias;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne.
Macroscopic description of droplet-film interaction for gas-liquid systems.
Applied Mathematical Modelling
Academic article
Patruno, Luciano E;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Analysis of breakage kernels for population balance modelling.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Patruno, Luciano E;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
On the modelling of droplet–film interaction considering entrainment, deposition and breakage processes.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne.
hp-Adaptive spectral element solver for reactor modeling.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Simulation of thermal disturbances with finite wave speeds using a high order method.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Academic article
Waghmare, Y. G.;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle;
Knopf, F. Carl;
Rice, R. G..
Bubble Size Distribution for A Bubble Column Reactor Undergoing Forced Oscillations.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Time-property leastsquares spectral method for population balance equations.
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry
Academic article
Zhu, Zhengjie;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Solution of bubble number density with breakage and coalescence in a bubble column by Least-Squares Method.
Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, An International Journal (CFD)
Academic article
Sporleder, Federico;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Spectral Element Method for the Simulation of Natural Gas Conversion Processes.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Patruno, Luciano E;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Dupuy, Pablo Matias;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Identification of droplet breakage Kernel for population balance modelling.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Application of high order methods for the simulation of heat exchanger models.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ruspini, Leonardo Carlos;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Solving thermo-hydraulic models using a high order method.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zhu, Zhengjie;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Lucas, Damien Yves Baptiste;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
On the Coupled Solution of a Combined Population Balance Model Using the Least-Squares Spectral Element Method.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Zhu, Zhengjie;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
A least-squares method with direct minimization for the solution of the breakage-coalescence population balance equation.
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Patruno, Luciano E;
Dupuy, Pablo Matias;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne.
Modeling of droplet–droplet interaction phenomena in gas–liquid systems for natural gas processing.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Lucas, Dirk;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Prediction of the evolution of the dispersed phase in bubbly flow problems.
Applied Mathematical Modelling
Academic article
Patruno, Luciano E;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Modelling and Simulation of Droplet Distribution from Entrained Liquid Film in Gas-Liquid Systems.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
hp-adaptive least squares spectral element method for population balance equations.
Applied Numerical Mathematics
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Time-space property least squares spectral methold for population balance problems.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
A parallel time-space least-squares spectral element solver for incompressible flow problems.
Applied Mathematics and Computation
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Least-squares spectral method for solving advective population balance problems.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Academic article
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Jacobi Galerkin Spectral Method for Cylindrical and Spherical Geometries.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Application of the least-squares method for solving population balance problems in Rd+1.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Numerical calculation of the moments of the population balance equation.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
The quadrature method of monents and its relationship with the method of weighted residuals.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
High Order Methods for the Solution of the Population Balance Equation with Applications to Bubbly Flows.
Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologi, NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
A least squares method for the solution of population balance problems.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle;
Lindborg, Håvard;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Modeling of bubble column reactors: Progress and limitations.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic literature review
Bertola, Francesco;
Grundseth, Joanna;
Hagesæther, Lars;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Hjarbo, Kai;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne.
Numerical Analysis and Experimental Validation of Bubble Size Distributions in Two-Phase Bubble Column Reactors.
Multiphase Science and Technology
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Time-Space Least-Squares Spectral element Method for Poppulation Balance Equations.
Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences
Academic article
Journal publications
Cardoso Cunha, Vitor Heitor;
Garcia Hahn, Julián Nicolás;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Investigation of the effect of curvature on the local mass flux of evaporating droplets using a phase field method.
International Journal of Multiphase Flow
Academic article
Cardoso Cunha, Vitor Heitor;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Influence of liquid-vapor phase change on the self-propelled motion of droplets on wettability gradient surfaces.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Saldana, Diego Sanchez;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Acoustic micro-beam vortex generator for flow actuation inside droplets.
Academic article
Almanza Alvarez, Gonzalo;
Trujillo, Ricardo Matias;
Saldana, Diego Sanchez;
Røsand, Øystein;
Høydal, Morten;
Fernandino, Maria.
Effect of the shear rate and residence time on the lysis of AC16 human cardiomyocyte cells via surface acoustic waves.
Academic article
Zamani Asl, Mohammad Mehdi;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Giacomello, Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Digital holographic microscopy for measurement of instantaneous contact angle of an evaporating droplet.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Zhang, Wenjing;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Relaxation phase during droplet impact on superhydrophobic surfaces with high contact angle hysteresis.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Park, Il Woong;
Ribe, Jonas Myren;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
The Criterion of the Cassie–Baxter and Wenzel Wetting Modes and the Effect of Elastic Substrates on It.
Advanced Materials Interfaces
Academic article
Trujillo, Ricardo Matias;
Almanza Alvarez, Gonzalo;
Saldana, Diego Sanchez;
Røsand, Øystein;
Høydal, Morten Andre;
Fernandino, Maria.
In-droplet cell lysis of AC16 human cardiomyocyte cells via surface acoustic waves.
Lab on a Chip
Academic article
Liao, Kun;
Yang, Zhaochu;
Dong, Tao;
Zhao, Libo;
Pires, Nuno Miguel Matos;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Exploring the Intersection of Brain–Computer Interfaces and Quantum Sensing: A Review of Research Progress and Future Trends.
Advanced Quantum Technologies
Academic literature review
Ding, Wenwu;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Improving superamphiphobicity by mimicking tree-branch topography.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
Academic article
Ding, Wenwu;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Toward Surfaces with Droplet Impact Robustness and Low Contact Angle Hysteresis.
Advanced Materials Interfaces
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
The heat transfer coefficient similarity between binary and single component flow condensation inside plain pipes.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
Ding, Wenwu;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Anisotropic wetting and final shape of droplets impacting on micropillars with non-vertical lateral walls.
AIP Advances
Academic article
Paul, Subhanker;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
On the scaling of convective boiling heat transfer coefficient.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
Paul, Subhanker;
Paul, Suparna;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Reconsidering the influence of the mass flux during nucleate flow boiling in a horizontal heated pipe.
AIP Advances
Academic article
Yu, Xiongjiang;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Droplet evaporation during dropwise condensation due to deposited volatile organic compounds.
AIP Advances
Academic article
Kwakkel, Marcel;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
A redefined energy functional to prevent mass loss in phase-field methods.
AIP Advances
Academic article
Paul, Subhanker;
Paul, Suparna;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
The overlooked role of pressure oscillations on heat transfer deterioration during self-sustained flow oscillations.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Zhang, Wenjing;
Ding, Wenwu;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Water-repellent surfaces consisting of nanowires on micro-pyramidal structures.
ACS Applied Nano Materials
Academic article
Muszynski, Tomasz;
Andrzejczyk, Rafal;
Park, Il Woong;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of the silicone-based plate heat exchanger.
Archives of Thermodynamics
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
On the heat transfer deterioration during condensation of binary mixtures.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Auliano, Manuel;
Auliano, Damiano;
Fernandino, Maria;
Asinari, Pietro;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Can Wicking Control Droplet Cooling?.
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Ryu, Jeongrim;
Fernandino, Maria.
Law of resistance in two-phase flows inside pipes.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Ding, Wenwu;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Conical micro-structures as a route for achieving super-repellency in surfaces with intrinsic hydrophobic properties.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Zhang, Wenjing;
Ding, Wenwu;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Water-Repellent Surfaces Consisting of Nanowires on Micro-Pyramidal Structures.
ACS Applied Nano Materials
Academic article
Park, Il Woong;
Ryu, Jeongrim;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Can flow oscillations during flow boiling deteriorate the heat transfer coefficient?.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Auliano, Manuel;
Auliano, Damiano;
Fernandino, Maria;
Zhang, Peng;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Water droplet dynamics on a heated nanowire surface.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Muszynski, Tomasz;
Andrzejczyk, Rafal;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Experimental validation of pressure drop models during flow boiling of R134a – effect of flow acceleration and entrainment.
MATEC Web of Conferences
Academic article
Park, Keunsoo;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Thermal two-phase flow with a phase-field method.
International Journal of Multiphase Flow
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Drewes, S;
Fernandino, Maria.
Can the heat transfer coefficients for single-phase flow and for convective
flow boiling be equivalent?.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Park, Il Woong;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
On the occurrence of superimposed density wave oscillations on pressure drop oscillations and the influence of a compressible volume.
AIP Advances
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Simple and general correlation for heat transfer during flow condensation inside plain pipes.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
Park, Il Woong;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Wetting State Transitions over Hierarchical Conical Microstructures.
Advanced Materials Interfaces
Academic article
Park, Il Woong;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Experimental study on the characteristics of pressure drop oscillations and their interaction with short-period oscillation in a horizontal tube.
International journal of refrigeration
Academic article
Muszynski, Tomasz;
Andrzejczyk, Rafal;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Experimental Investigations On The Momentum Pressure Drop During Flow Boiling Of R134a.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Auliano, Manuel;
Fernandino, Maria;
Zhang, Peng;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Water droplet impacting on overheated random Si nanowires.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
Muszynski, Tomasz;
Andrzejczyk, Rafal;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Etudes experimentales detaillees sur la chute de pression frictionnelle du R134a lors de l'ebullition en ecoulement dans un canal de 5 mm de diametre : influence de la composante d'acceleration de la chute de pression
Detailed experimental investigations on frictional pressure drop of R134a during flow boiling in 5 mm diameter channel: The influence of acceleration pressure drop component.
International journal of refrigeration
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Blanco, Oscar;
Fernandino, Maria.
Experimental Study of Horizontal Flow Boiling Heat Transfer of R134a at a Saturation Temperature of 18.6 °C.
Journal of heat transfer
Academic article
Park, Keunsoo;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Gerritsma, Marc.
The least-squares spectral element method for phase-field models for isothermal fluid mixture.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Academic article
Kandlikar, Satish;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Plawsky, Joel;
Stephan, Peter.
Special Issue From International Workshop on New Understanding in Nanoscale/Microscale Phase Change Phenomena Held in Trondheim, Norway, June 12-16, 2016.
Journal of heat transfer
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Langeland, Tore;
Fernandino, Maria.
Effect of heating profile on the characteristics of pressure drop oscillations.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Andrzejczyk, Rafal;
Muszynski, Tomasz;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Experimental investigations on adiabatic frictional pressure drops of R134a during flow in 5 mm diameter channel.
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Dominant dimensionless groups controlling heat transfer coefficient during flow condensation inside pipes.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
Muszynski, Tomasz;
Andrzejczyk, Rafal;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Investigations on mixture preparation for two phase adiabatic pressure drop of R134a flowing in 5 mm diameter channel.
Archives of Thermodynamics
Academic article
Sporleder, Federico;
Carella, Alfredo Raúl;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Ludueña, Leandro.
Novel approach for modeling the dynamic of finer breakage in polymer matrix during capillary extrusion.
Advances in Polymer Technology
Academic article
Park, Keunsoo;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Numerical solution of coupled cahn-hilliard and navier-stokes system using the least-squares spectral element method.
Fluids Engineering Division (FED)
Academic article
Park, Keunsoo;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Numerical Solution of Incompressible Cahn-Hilliard and Navier-Stokes System with Large Density and Viscosity Ratio Using the Least-Squares Spectral Element Method.
Journal of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (JFFHMT)
Academic article
Deng, Han;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Modeling of annular-mist flow during mixtures boiling.
Applied Thermal Engineering
Academic article
Deng, Han;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
A numerical investigation of flow boiling of non-azeotropic and near-azeotropic binary mixtures.
International journal of refrigeration
Academic article
Edvardsen, Svein;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Nydal, Ole Jørgen.
Experimental and numerical study of single-phase pressure drop in downhole shut-in valve.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
Academic article
Deng, Han;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Numerical study of the condensation length of binary zeotropic
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Effect of inlet pressure and temperature on density wave oscillations in a horizontal channel.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Sørum, Mikkel;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Experimental study of the heat transfer coefficient deterioration during density wave oscillations.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Edvardsen, Svein;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Nydal, Ole Jørgen.
Experimental and numerical study of two-phase pressure drop in
downhole shut-in valve with Unified Comprehensive Model
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
Academic article
Edvardsen, Svein;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Nydal, Ole Jørgen.
Multiphase flow in complex valve geometry.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Deng, Han;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Simulation Of Binary Mixtures Condensation Using Higher Order Methods.
WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Ugueto, Luis;
Manavela Chiapero, Ezequiel;
Fernandino, Maria.
Experimental study of density wave oscillations in horizontal, straight tube evaporator.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Fernandino, Maria;
La Forgia, Nicolas;
Vera Palazon, Antonio Jose;
Bjerknes, Jenny;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Controlling micro-sized droplet generation using electrical pulses for studying liquid-liquid systems.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Manavela Chiapero, Ezequiel;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Experimental study of pressure drop oscillations in parallel horizontal channels.
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow
Academic article
Manavela Chiapero, Ezequiel;
Doder, Dejan;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Experimental parametric study of the pressure drop characteristic curve in a horizontal boiling channel.
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
Academic article
Manavela Chiapero, Ezequiel;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Experimental results on boiling heat transfer coefficient, frictional pressure drop and flow patterns for R134a at a saturation temperature of 34°C.
International journal of refrigeration
Academic article
Deng, Han;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Numerical study of heat and mass transfer of binary mixtures condensation in mini-channels ☆.
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
La Forgia, Nicolas;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Numerical Simulation of Evaporation Process of Two-Phase Flow in Small-Diameter Channels.
Heat Transfer Engineering
Academic article
Carella, Alfredo Raúl;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Least-Squares Spectral Method for the solution of a fractional advection-dispersion equation.
Journal of Computational Physics
Academic article
Castillo Moreno, Luis Alexander;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Decision-making in the oil and gas projects based on game theory: Conceptual process design.
Energy Conversion and Management
Academic article
Castillo Moreno, Luis Alexander;
Majzoub Dahouk, M;
Di Scipio, S;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Conceptual analysis of the precooling stage for LNG processes.
Energy Conversion and Management
Academic article
Castillo Moreno, Luis Alexander;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
On the conceptual design of pre-cooling stage of LNG plants using propane or an ethane/propane mixture.
Energy Conversion and Management
Academic article
Manavela Chiapero, Ezequiel;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Numerical analysis of pressure drop oscillations in parallel channels.
International Journal of Multiphase Flow
Academic article
Manavela Chiapero, Ezequiel;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
On the influence of heat flux updating during pressure drop oscillations - A numerical analysis.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
Manavela Chiapero, Ezequiel;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Study of the influence of axial conduction in a boiling heated pipe.
Chemical engineering research & design
Academic article
Carella, Alfredo Raúl;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Modeling of fractional diffusion on a catalytic particle under different flow conditions.
Defect and Diffusion Forum
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Dispersion phenomena in gas liquid systems.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
Academic article
Ruspini, Leonardo Carlos;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Two-Phase Flow Instabilities in Boiling and Condensing Systems.
Journal of Power and Energy Systems
Academic article
Manavela Chiapero, Ezequiel;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Review on pressure drop oscillations in boiling systems.
Nuclear Engineering and Design
Academic article
Grimes, Brian Arthur;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Opedal, Nils van der Tuuk;
Kralova, Iva;
Sørland, Geir Humborstad;
Sjøblom, Johan.
Population Balance Model for Batch Gravity Separation of Crude Oil and Water Emulsions. Part II: Comparison to Experimental Crude Oil Separation Data.
Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology
Academic article
Castillo Moreno, Luis Alexander;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Consensual decision-making model based on game theory for LNG processes.
Energy Conversion and Management
Academic article
Nayak, Ameeya Kumar;
Borka, Zsolt;
Patruno, Luciano Emanuel;
Sporleder, Federico;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
A Combined Multifluid-Population Balance Model for Vertical Gas-Liquid Bubble-Driven Flows Considering Bubble Column Operating Conditions.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
The least squares spectral element method for the Cahn-Hilliard equation.
Applied Mathematical Modelling
Academic article
Ruspini, Leonardo Carlos;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Simulation of a natural circulation loop using a least squares hp-adaptive solver.
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
Academic article
Sporleder, Federico;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Model based on population balance for the simulation of bubble columns using methods of the least-square type.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Pacio, Julio Cesar;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
A review on heat exchanger thermal hydraulic models for cryogenic applications.
Cryogenics (Guildford)
Academic literature review
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Simulation of transients in natural gas pipelines.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
Academic article
Manavela Chiapero, Ezequiel;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Parametric study of pressure characteristic curve in a boiling channel.
Computational Thermal Sciences
Academic article
Pacio, Julio Cesar;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Actes du ... Congres international du froid
Academic article
Castillo, L;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Actes du ... Congres international du froid
Academic article
Patruno, Luciano Emanuel;
Marchetti, Jorge Mario;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne;
Tayebi, Davoud.
Scrubber Separation-Droplet Entrainment in High-Pressure Gas/Liquid Separation.
Oil and Gas Facilities
Academic article
Carella, Alfredo;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Solution of a Cattaneo-Maxwell diffusion model using a Spectral element least-squares method.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
Academic article
Castillo Moreno, Luis Alexander;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Influence of the plot area in an economical analysis for selecting small scale LNG technologies for remote gas production.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
Academic article
Ruspini, Leonardo Carlos;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Dynamic simulation of Ledinegg instability.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
Academic article
Patruno, Luciano Emanuel;
Ystad, Paul Andreas Marchioro;
Jenssen, Carl Birger B.;
Marchetti, Jorge Mario;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne.
Liquid entrainment-Droplet size distribution for a low surface tension mixture.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Sporleder, Federico;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Simulation of chemical reactors using the least-squares spectral element method.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Zhu, Zhengjie;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Mass Conservative Solution of the Population Balance Equation Using the Least-Squares Spectral Element Method.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Pacio, Julio Cesar;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
A study of the effect of flow maldistribution on heat transfer performance in evaporators.
Nuclear Engineering and Design
Academic article
Patruno, Luciano Emanuel;
Ystad, Paul Andreas Marchioro;
Marchetti, Jorge Mario;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Liquid entrainment from a wetted wire exposed to a high gas flow rate in cross flow.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Grimes, Brian Arthur;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Nordgård, Erland;
Sjøblom, Johan.
Analysis of dynamic surfactant mass transfer and its relationship to the transient stabilization of coalescing liquid-liquid dispersions.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
Academic article
Patruno, Luciano E;
Marchetti, Jorge Mario;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Droplet size distribution after liquid entrainment in horizontal stratified two-phase three-field dispersed flow.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Tobiesen, Finn Andrew;
Fernandino, Maria.
An improved flowsheet simulation approach for advanced CO2 absorption process design and optimization.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria;
Patruno, Luciano E;
Dupuy, Pablo Matias;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne.
Macroscopic description of droplet-film interaction for gas-liquid systems.
Applied Mathematical Modelling
Academic article
Patruno, Luciano E;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Analysis of breakage kernels for population balance modelling.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Patruno, Luciano E;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
On the modelling of droplet–film interaction considering entrainment, deposition and breakage processes.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne.
hp-Adaptive spectral element solver for reactor modeling.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Simulation of thermal disturbances with finite wave speeds using a high order method.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Academic article
Waghmare, Y. G.;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle;
Knopf, F. Carl;
Rice, R. G..
Bubble Size Distribution for A Bubble Column Reactor Undergoing Forced Oscillations.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Time-property leastsquares spectral method for population balance equations.
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry
Academic article
Zhu, Zhengjie;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Solution of bubble number density with breakage and coalescence in a bubble column by Least-Squares Method.
Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, An International Journal (CFD)
Academic article
Sporleder, Federico;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Spectral Element Method for the Simulation of Natural Gas Conversion Processes.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Patruno, Luciano E;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Dupuy, Pablo Matias;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Identification of droplet breakage Kernel for population balance modelling.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Zhu, Zhengjie;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Lucas, Damien Yves Baptiste;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
On the Coupled Solution of a Combined Population Balance Model Using the Least-Squares Spectral Element Method.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Zhu, Zhengjie;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
A least-squares method with direct minimization for the solution of the breakage-coalescence population balance equation.
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Patruno, Luciano E;
Dupuy, Pablo Matias;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne.
Modeling of droplet–droplet interaction phenomena in gas–liquid systems for natural gas processing.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Lucas, Dirk;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Prediction of the evolution of the dispersed phase in bubbly flow problems.
Applied Mathematical Modelling
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
hp-adaptive least squares spectral element method for population balance equations.
Applied Numerical Mathematics
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Time-space property least squares spectral methold for population balance problems.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
A parallel time-space least-squares spectral element solver for incompressible flow problems.
Applied Mathematics and Computation
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Least-squares spectral method for solving advective population balance problems.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Academic article
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Jacobi Galerkin Spectral Method for Cylindrical and Spherical Geometries.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Application of the least-squares method for solving population balance problems in Rd+1.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Numerical calculation of the moments of the population balance equation.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
The quadrature method of monents and its relationship with the method of weighted residuals.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
A least squares method for the solution of population balance problems.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle;
Lindborg, Håvard;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Modeling of bubble column reactors: Progress and limitations.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic literature review
Bertola, Francesco;
Grundseth, Joanna;
Hagesæther, Lars;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Hjarbo, Kai;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne.
Numerical Analysis and Experimental Validation of Bubble Size Distributions in Two-Phase Bubble Column Reactors.
Multiphase Science and Technology
Academic article
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Time-Space Least-Squares Spectral element Method for Poppulation Balance Equations.
Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences
Academic article
Part of book/report
Edvardsen, Svein;
Nydal, Ole Jørgen;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Two-phase Flow in a Down-hole Shut-in Valve.
BHR Group
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Castillo Moreno, Luis Alexander;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
International Institute of Refrigeration
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pacio, Julio Cesar;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
International Institute of Refrigeration
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pacio, Julio Cesar;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Sensitivity Analysis of Heat Exchangers Using Perturbative Methods.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ruspini, Leonardo Carlos;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Study of fast transient phenomena in the transportation of super-critical fluids.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zhao, He;
Ecault, Romain;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Munkejord, Svend Tollak.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Application of high order methods for the simulation of heat exchanger models.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ruspini, Leonardo Carlos;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria.
Solving thermo-hydraulic models using a high order method.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Patruno, Luciano E;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle.
Modelling and Simulation of Droplet Distribution from Entrained Liquid Film in Gas-Liquid Systems.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Park, Keunsoo;
Fernandino, Maria;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Phase-Field Models for Two-Phase Flows Using the Least-Squares Method.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Edvardsen, Svein;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Doctoral dissertation
Ruspini, Leonardo Carlos;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Experimental and modelling study of two-phase flow instabilities in a single channel.
Doctoral dissertation
Castillo Moreno, Luis Alexander;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
An integrated framework for decision making on liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects.
Doctoral dissertation
Carella, Alfredo Raúl;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Spectral Finite Element Methods for solving Fractional Differential Equations with applications in Anomalous Transport.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Doctoral dissertation
Pacio, Julio Cesar;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
Multiscale thermo-hydraulic modeling of cryogenic heat exchangers.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Pacio, Julio Cesar;
Dorao, Carlos Alberto;
Fernandino, Maria;
Pettersen, Jostein.
Multiscale thermo-hydraulic modeling of cryogenic heat exchangers.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Doctoral dissertation
Dorao, Carlos Alberto.
High Order Methods for the Solution of the Population Balance Equation with Applications to Bubbly Flows.
Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologi, NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
- TEP4130 - Heat and Mass Transfer
- TEP4926 - Thermo- and Fluid Dynamics, Master's Thesis
- TEP4906 - Sustainable energy systems, master thesis
- TEP4541 - Thermo- and Fluid Dynamics, Specialisation Project
- TEP4521 - Sustainable Energy Systems, Specialization Project
- EP8413 - Directed study course in Thermo-fluid dynamics
- IFEL8001 - Research based innovation for engineers
- EP8989 - Microfluidics
- TEP4506 - Sustainable Energy Systems, Specialization Course
LectureYassin, Karim Mohammed Abdalwaged; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Fernandino, Maria. (2024) Experimental Study of The Effect of The Heating Profile on The Characteristics of The Geysering Instability. The 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation, and Safety 2024-08-25 - 2024-08-28
LectureDorao, Carlos Alberto; Fernandino, Maria. (2024) Experimental investigation of flow boiling regimes in a horizontal heated pipe. The 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation, and Safety 2024-08-25 -
Academic lectureCardoso Cunha, Vitor Heitor; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Fernandino, Maria. (2024) A diffuse interface model for liquid-vapor phase transitions of deformed droplets based on van der Waals' gradient theory. 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2024) , Lisbon 2024-06-03 - 2024-06-07
Academic lectureCardoso Cunha, Vitor Heitor; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Fernandino, Maria. (2023) Condensation of a sessile droplet on a surface with a wettability gradient. 22nd Computational Fluids Conference (CFC2023) 2023-04-25 - 2023-04-28
Academic lectureGarcía Hahn, Julián Nicolás; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Fernandino, Maria. (2022) Investigation of Interfacial Mass Transfer During Dropwise Condensation Using the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg Equations with a van der Waals Fluid. NOACM, NTNU, SINTEF 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS Congress 2022) , Oslo 2022-06-05 - 2022-06-09
Academic lectureCardoso Cunha, Vitor Heitor; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Fernandino, Maria. (2022) Evaporation of a Suspended Droplet Using a Space-Time Least-Squares Spectral Element Method with C1 Hermite Elements for the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg Equations. NOACM, NTNU, SINTEF 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS Congress 2022) , Oslo 2022-06-05 - 2022-06-09
Academic lecturePark, Il Woong; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2018) Effect of the pressure drop oscillation on the local heat transfer coefficient in a heated horizontal pipe. International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels 2018-06-10 - 2018-06-13
Academic lectureDorao, Carlos Alberto; Morin, F; Fernandino, Maria. (2018) Experimental Study of Nucleate Flow Boiling to Convective Flow Boiling Transition in a Horizontal Heated Pipe. ASME 2018 16th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels 2018-06-10 - 2018-06-13
Academic lecturePark, Il Woong; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2018) Controlling the wetting state with bio-mimetic hierarchical conical microstructures. ASME 2018 16th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels 2018-06-10 - 2018-06-13
Academic lectureDorao, Carlos Alberto. (2018) Heat transfer during convective flow boiling. Fluidos 2018 2018-11-07 - 2018-11-09
Academic lectureMuszynski, Tomasz; Andrzejczyk, Rafal; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2018) Experimental validation of pressure drop models during flow boiling of R134a – effect of flow acceleration and entrainment. XI International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT 2018) 2018-05-21 - 2018-05-24
Academic lectureAuliano, Manuel; Fernandino, Maria; Zhang, Peng; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2017) THE LEIDENFROST PHENOMENON ON SUB-MICRON TAPERED PILLARS. ASME 2017 15th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels 2017-08-27 - 2017-08-31
LecturePark, Il Woong; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2017) Study of the Wetting Characteristics of Patterned Silicon Micro Conical Structure. ASME 2017 15th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels 2017-08-27 - 2017-08-31
Academic lecturePark, Keunsoo; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2016) Least-Squares Method for Incompressible Two-phase Flow with Large Density and Viscosity Differences. The World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (MHMT2016) , Prague 2016-04-04 - 2016-04-05
LectureAuliano, Manuel; Fernandino, Maria; Peng, Zhang; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2016) The Leidenfrost phenomenon on silicon nanowires. ASME 2016 14th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-14
LectureDeng, Han; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2016) Flow boiling in a horizontal tube at high vapor qualities. ASME 2016 14th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-14
Academic lectureLa Forgia, Nicolas; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Fernandino, Maria. (2016) Experimental investigation and discussion of heat transfer mechanisms during flow boiling in mini-channels using R134a. Heat Transfer, Fluid Engineering & Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels (HT/FE/ICNMM) , Washington DC 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-14
Academic lecturePark, Keunsoo; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2016) Numerical Solution of Coupled Cahn-Hilliard and Navier-Stokes System Using the Least-Squares Spectral Element Method. Heat Transfer, Fluid Engineering & Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels (HT/FE/ICNMM) , Washington DC 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-14
PosterPark, Keunsoo; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2016) Phase field models for two-phase flow. International Workshop on New Understanding in Nanoscale/Microscale Phase Change , Trondheim 2016-06-12 - 2016-06-16
Academic lectureFernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2016) Pressure drop during subcooled flow boiling. International Workshop on New Understanding in Nanoscale/Microscale Phase Change , Trondheim 2016-06-12 - 2016-06-16
LecturePark, Il Woong; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2016) Effect of Micropillar Characteristics on Leidenfrost Temperature of Impacting Droplets. ASME ASME 2016 14th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels collocated with the ASME 2016 Heat Transfer Summer Conference and the ASME 2016 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting , Washington, DC 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-14
Academic lectureDorao, Carlos Alberto. (2015) Two phase flow instabilities in single and multiple channels. Rochester Institute of Technology Seminar 2015-08-27 - 2015-08-27
LecturePark, Keunsoo; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Chiapero, EM; Fernandino, Maria. (2015) THE LEAST SQUARES SPECTRAL ELEMENT METHOD FOR THE NAVIER- STOKES AND CAHN-HILLIARD EQUATIONS. ASME-JSME-KSME 2015 Joint Fluids Engineering Conference , Seoul 2015-07-26 - 2015-07-31
Academic lectureDeng, Han; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2015) Modelling of in-tube binary mixtures condensation in annular-mist flow with entrainment and deposition. International Institute of Refrigeration 24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration , Yokohama 2015-08-16 - 2015-08-22
Academic lectureDeng, Han; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2015) Modelling of annular-mist flow during mixture boiling. 9th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer , Boulder, Colorado 2015-04-26 - 2015-04-30
LecturePark, Il Woong; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2015) Effect of the mass flow rate and the subcooling temperature on pressure drop oscillations in a horizontal pipe. 24th International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe , Portoroz 2015-09-14 - 2015-09-17
LectureDorao, Carlos Alberto. (2015) Effect of a bypass line on the characteristics of density wave oscillations. 26th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP-26) 2015-09-27 - 2015-10-01
LectureFernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2015) Subcooled boiling pressure drop in a small diameter horizontal tube. 26th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP-26) 2015-09-27 - 2015-10-01
InterviewDorao, Carlos Alberto. (2014) Unge, smarte - og pengesterke. [Newspaper] 2014-02-12
LectureEdvardsen, Svein; Nydal, Ole Jørgen; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2014) Two-phase Flow in a Down-hole Shut-in Valve. 9th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology Multiphase 2014 2014-06-11 - 2014-06-13
InterviewDorao, Carlos Alberto. (2014) Fann opp ny metode for å separere olje og gass. [Internet] 2014-10-14
LectureEdvardsen, Svein; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Nydal, Ole Jørgen. (2014) Two-phase flow in a down hole shut-in valve. 3rd Trondheim Gas Technology Conference 2014-06-04 - 2014-06-05
Academic lectureDeng, Han; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2014) Numerical Study on the Condensation Length of Binary Zeotropic Mixtures. Gas Technology Centre NTNU-SINTEF (GTS) 3rd Trondheim Gas Technology Conference , Trondheim 2014-06-04 - 2014-06-05
Academic lectureDeng, Han; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2014) Simulation Of Binary Mixtures Condensation Using Higher Order Methods. Lund University of Technology and Wessex Institute HEAT TRANSFER 2014 , A Coruña 2014-07-02 - 2014-07-04
Academic lectureDorao, Carlos Alberto; Ugueto, Luis; Manavela Chiapero, Ezequiel; Fernandino, Maria. (2013) Experimental study of density wave oscillations in horizontal, straight tube evaporator. 8th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flow 2013-12-13 - 2013-12-15
Academic lectureFernandino, Maria; La Forgia, Nicolas; Vera, Antonio J.; Bjerknes, Jenny; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2013) Controlling micro-sized droplet generation using electrical pulses for studying liquid-liquid systems. 8th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flow 2013-12-13 - 2013-12-15
Academic lecture
Academic lectureLa Forgia, Nicolas; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2012) Numerical simulation of evaporation process of two-phase flow in small diameter channels. ECI 8th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer 2012-06-03 - 2012-06-07
Academic lectureManavela Chiapero, Ezequiel; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2011) Mal distribution phenomena induced by multiple solutions in parallel channels heat exchangers. 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermohydraulics 2011-09-25 - 2011-09-30
Academic lectureRuspini, Leonardo Carlos; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Fernandino, Maria. (2011) Modeling of dynamic oscillations in boiling systems. 19th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering 2011-10-24 - 2011-10-25
Academic lectureManavela Chiapero, Ezequiel; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2011) Numerical analysis of the influence of pipe thermal capacity during pressure drop oscillations. 2nd Trondheim Gas Technology Center Conference 2011-11-02 - 2011-11-03
Academic lecturePacio, Julio Cesar; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2011) Modeling two phase heat exchanger in the annular mist flow regime considering entrainment and deposition phenomena. ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2011-06-24 - 2011-06-29
Academic lecturecastillo, luis; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2011) Evaluation and selection of the pre-cooling stage for LNG processes. 23rd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration 2011-08-21 - 2011-08-26
Academic lectureRuspini, Leonardo Carlos; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2011) Study of Density Wave Phenomena in Boiling and Condensing Two-Phase Flow Systems. 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics (NURETH-14) 2011-09-25 - 2011-09-30
Academic lectureLa Forgia, Nicolas; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2011) Numerical simulation of adiabatic two-phase flow in microchannels. ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2011-06-24 - 2011-06-29
Academic lecturePacio, Julio Cesar; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2011) Design considerations for the sizing of high-effectiveness two-phase flow heat exchangers. 23rd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration 2011-08-21 - 2011-08-26
Academic lectureManavela Chiapero, Ezequiel; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2011) Numerical study of pressure drop oscillations in parallel channels. ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2011-06-24 - 2011-06-29
Academic lectureStrømsvåg, Dag; Ruspini, Leonardo Carlos; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2011) Influence of subcooling on density wave oscillations in a heated pipe. 8th Int. Conf. on CFD in Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries 2011-06-21 - 2011-06-23
Academic lectureZhao, He; Ecault, Romain; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Munkejord, Svend Tollak. (2011) SPLASHING OF WATER DROPLETS ON A TILTED FLOWING LIQUID FILM. DIPSI Workshop 2011 on Droplet Impact Phenomena & Spray Investigation 2011-05-27 -
PosterNayak, Ameeya Kumar; Borka, Zsolt; Patruno, Luciano Emanuel; Sporleder, Federico; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2010) A Combined Multifluid-Population Balance Model for Vertical Gas-Liquid Bubble Driven Flows. 4th International Conference on Population Balance (PBM2010) , Berlin 2010-09-15 - 2010-09-17
Academic lectureCastillo Moreno, Luis Alexander; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2010) Methodology for the selection of small scale LNG technologies for remote gas production. 2010 AICHE annual meeting 2010-11-07 - 2010-11-12
Academic lectureRuspini, Leonardo Carlos; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Fernandino, Maria. (2010) Experimental design of a heated single channel system to study thermal-hydraulic instabilities in two-phase flows. Experimental fluid mechanics 2010 2010-11-24 - 2010-11-26
Academic lectureManavela Chiapero, Ezequiel; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2010) Numerical simulation of pressure drop oscillations. Experimental fluid mechanics 2010 2010-11-24 - 2010-11-26
PosterNayak, Ameeya Kumar; Borka, Zsolt; Patruno, Luciano Emanuel; Sporleder, Federico; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2010) A combined Multifluid-Population Balance Model for Bubbly Flows. 4th International Conference on Population Balance Modelling , Berlin 2010-09-15 - 2010-09-17
Academic lectureCarella, Alfredo Raúl; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2010) Migration of Species into a Particle Under Different Flow Conditions. Sixth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics - ICCFD6 , St. Petersburg 2010-07-12 - 2010-07-16
Academic lectureCarella, Alfredo Raúl; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Jakobsen, Jana Poplsteinova. (2010) Simulation of gas flow around a particle using a Cattaneo diffusion model. 6th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids 2010-06-06 - 2010-06-07
Academic lectureCarella, Alfredo Raúl; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Jakobsen, Jana Poplsteinova. (2010) Fractional diffusion modeling inside a catalytic particle in a gas flow. 4th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting 2010-07-08 - 2010-07-09
Academic lecturePacio, Julio Cesar; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2010) A homogenization approach for studying two phase heat exchanger performance. 8th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-8) 2010-10-10 - 2010-10-14
Academic lecturePacio, Julio Cesar; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2010) Numerical analysis of the effect of two phase flow maldistribution on heat transfer performance. American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting , San Diego, CA 2010-06-13 - 2010-06-17
Academic lecturePacio, Julio Cesar; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2010) Modeling of heat transfer phenomena in annular-mist flow considering entrainment and deposition. Multiphase Flows: Simulation, Experiment and Application 2010-06-22 - 2010-06-24
Academic lectureManavela Chiapero, Ezequiel; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2010) Mal-distribution phenomena induced by multiple solutions in parallel channels heat exchangers. Multiphase flows: Simulation, Experiment and Application 2010-06-22 - 2010-06-24
PosterDorao, Carlos Alberto; Jakobsen, Jana Poplsteinova. (2010) Fractional derivative model for species diffusion into a particle. The Sixth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics 2010-07-12 - 2010-07-16
Academic lecturePatruno, Luciano E; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle; Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne. (2009) Statistical modelling of mist flows. OMAE09 – International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering , Honolulu, Hawaii 2009-05-31 - 2009-06-05
Academic lectureRuspini, Leonardo Carlos; Fernandino, Maria; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2009) Dynamic simulation of two phase Ledinegg instability. 1st Trondheim Gas Technology Conference 2009-10-21 - 2009-10-22
Academic lecturePatruno, Luciano E; Marchetti, Jorge Mario; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle; Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne. (2009) Droplet Size Distribution after Liquid Entrainment in Horizontal Stratified Two-Phase Three-Field Dispersed Flow. 1st Trondheim Gas Technology Conference (TGTC-1) , Trondheim 2009-10-21 - 2009-10-22
Academic lecturePatruno, Luciano E; Marchetti, Jorge Mario; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2009) Modelling of Droplet Entrainment in Annular Two-Fluid Three-Phase Dispersed Flow. 13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-13) , Kanazawa 2009-09-27 - 2009-10-02
Academic lecturePacio, Julio Cesar; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2009) Application of high order methods for the simulation of heat exchanger models. Mekit'09 2009-05-26 - 2009-05-27
Academic lectureRuspini, Leonardo Carlos; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Fernandino, Maria. (2009) Solving thermo-hydraulic models using a high order method. Mekit'09 2009-05-26 - 2009-05-26
Academic lectureCarella, Alfredo Raúl; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Jakobsen, Jana Poplsteinova. (2009) On the solution of the Cattaneo-Maxwell's model for anomalous diffusion inside a catalitic particle. 1st Trondheim Gas Technology Conference 2009-10-21 - 2009-10-22
Academic lecturePacio, Julio Cesar; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2009) Optimization of two phase heat exchangers. First International Conference on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems 2009-09-08 - 2009-09-10
Academic lectureManavela, Chiapero Ezequiel; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Fernandino, Maria. (2009) Simulation of two-phase flow under constant heat flux using high order methods. First International Conference on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems , Napoli 2009-09-08 - 2009-09-10
Academic lectureSporleder, Federico; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2009) Simulation of Natural Gas Conversion Processes Using the Least Squares Spectral Element Method. Organized by Institute for Parallel Processing of the Bulgar 7th International Conference on "Large-Scale Scientific Computations , Sozopol 2009-06-04 - 2009-06-08
Academic lectureDorao, Carlos Alberto; Fernandino, Maria. (2009) Thermo-hydraulic simulation of heated pipes. International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods 2009 2009-06-22 - 2009-06-26
Academic lecturePacio, Julio Cesar; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Fernandino, Maria. (2009) Sensitivity analysis of heat exchangers models using perturbation theory. International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods 2009 2009-06-22 - 2009-06-26
PosterTobiesen, Finn Andrew; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Fernandino, Maria. (2009) Challenges in the simulation of CO2 absorption columns. The 5th Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage 2009-06-16 - 2009-06-17
Posterjohannessen, b; Carella, Alfredo Raúl; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Jakobsen, Jana Poplsteinova. (2009) Micro macro scale simulation of anomalous transport. 1st Trondheim Gas Technology Conference 2009-10-21 - 2009-10-21
PosterManavela Chiapero, Ezequiel; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Fernandino, Maria. (2009) Study of multiple solutions in two-phase flow in parallel channels. 1st Trondheim Gas Technology Conference 2009-10-21 - 2009-10-22
PosterSporleder, Federico; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2009) Reactive Flow Simulation using the Least-Squares Finite Element Method. 1st Trondheim Gas Technology Conference , Trondheim 2009-10-21 - 2009-10-22
PosterPatruno, Luciano E; Dupuy, Pablo Matias; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2009) A Regularization Method for Recovering a Breakage Rate Function Model using Bounded Data Uncertainties. 1st Trondheim Gas Technology Conference , Trondheim 2009-10-21 - 2009-10-22
PosterPacio, Julio Cesar; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2009) Optimization of a LNG thermal process. Case study: the PRICO cycle. 1st Trondheim Gas Technology Conference 2009-10-21 - 2009-10-22
Academic lecturePatruno, Luciano E; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2008) Analysis of breakage kernels for population balance modelling. Mexican Congress On Chemical Reaction Engineering , Ixtapa - Sihuatanejo 2008-06-15 - 2008-06-19
Academic lectureSporleder, Federico; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2008) Spectral Element Method for the simulation of Natural Gas Conversion processes. International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2008 , Hersonissos, Crete 2008-09-25 - 2008-09-30
Academic lectureZhu, Zhengjie; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2008) Modelling of bubble column with bubble number density equation using least-squares method. 6th International Conference on CFD in Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries 2008-06-10 - 2008-06-12
Academic lectureSporleder, Federico; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2008) Spectral element method for simulation of natural gas conversion processes. 6th International Conference of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering , Crete 2008-09-25 - 2008-09-30
PosterZhu, Zhengjie; Patruno, Luciano E; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Lucas, Dirk; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2008) Simulation of bubble coalescence in bubble column using the least-squares method. 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plants , Palermo 2008-09-07 - 2008-09-10
PosterTobiesen, Finn Andrew; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2008) A simulation study of alternative process configurations for CO2 absorption plant using CO2SIM. 9th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-9 2008-11-16 - 2008-11-20
PosterPatruno, Luciano E; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle; Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne. (2008) Population Balance Modelling Applied to the Study of Droplet Behaviour. 6th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil and Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries (ICCFD06) , Trondheim 2008-06-10 - 2008-06-12
PosterDorao, Carlos Alberto; Tobiesen, Andrew Finn; Fernandino, Maria. (2008) An improved flowsheet simulation approach for advanced CO2 absorption process design and optimization. 9th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-9, 2008-11-16 - 2008-11-20
PosterPatruno, Luciano E; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2008) Modelling and Simulation of Droplet Distribution from Entrained Liquid Film in Gas-Liquid Systems. The Fifth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics 2008-07-07 - 2008-07-11
PosterPatruno, Luciano E; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2008) Population Balance Modelling Applied to the Study of Droplet Behaviour. 6th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries 2008-06-10 - 2008-06-12
Academic lecturePatruno, Luciano E; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Dupuy, Pablo Matias; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2007) Population Balance Model Identification From Two Phase Flow Experimental Data. PBM 2007 - 3rd International Conference on Population Balance Modelling , Qiébec 2007-09-19 - 2007-09-21
Academic lectureSvendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2007) Modeling Bubble columns. Gadjah Mada University International Workshop on Industrial Multiphase flows and Reactors , Yogyakarta 2007-12-06 - 2007-12-07
Academic lectureDupuy, Pablo Matias; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Patruno, Luciano E; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle; Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne. (2007) Sensitivity analysis through perturbation theory applied to a combined Multifluid-Population balance using least squares. PBM 2007 (3rd International Conference on Population Balance Modelling) , Quebec 2007-09-19 - 2007-09-21
PosterPatruno, Luciano E; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Dupuy, Pablo Matias; Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2007) Inverse Problem for Population Balance Model Identification. Indian Institute of Technology 8th International Conference on Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering , Delhi 2007-12-16 - 2007-12-19
PosterZhu, Zhengjie; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2007) A LSDMM Solution To A Coalescence Dominant PBE. PBM 2007 - 3rd International Conference on Population Balance Modelling , Québeck 2007-09-19 - 2007-09-21
Academic lectureDorao, Carlos Alberto; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2006) Simulating Bubbly Flows with a Least Square Spectral Method. 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics , Los Angeles, California 2006-07-16 - 2006-07-22
Academic lectureDorao, Carlos Alberto; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2005) Towords Effective Multifluid-Population Balance Model Simulations, Numerical and Modeling Issues. Academy of Sciences 43rd European Two-Phase Flow Group Meeting , Prague 2005-05-11 - 2005-05-13
Academic lectureDorao, Carlos Alberto; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2005) An Evaluation of Selected Numerical Methods for Solving the Population Balance Equation. SINTEF/NTNU Fourth International Conference on CFD in the Oil and Gas Metallurgical & Process Industries , Trondheim 2005-06-06 - 2005-06-08
Academic lectureJakobsen, Hugo Atle; Dorao, Carlos Alberto. (2004) Challanges on Population Balance Modelling of the Coalescence and Breakage Processes in Bubble Column Reactors. CHISA CHISA , Praha 2004-08-22 - 2004-08-26
PosterDorao, Carlos Alberto; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2004) The kernel effect in the Population Balance Equation. CHISA CHISA , Praha 2004-08-22 - 2004-08-26
PosterLindborg, Håvard; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Bertola, Francesco; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2004) Dynamic 2D simulation of the startup processes in circular two-phase bubble columns. ISCRE 18 The 18th International Symposium on Chemical REaction Engineering , Chicago, Illinois 2004-06-06 - 2004-06-09
Academic lectureBertola, Francesco; Grundseth, Joanne; Hagesæther, Lars; Dorao, Carlos Alberto; Luo, Hean; Hjarbo, Kai W.. (2003) Numerical analysis and experimental validation of bubble size distributions in two-phase bubble column reactors. 3rd European-Japanese Two-Phase Flow Group Meeting , Certosa di Pontignano, Italy 2003-09-27 -