Christian Doeller
Christian Doeller's research at the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience is pursued in two research pillars: (1) translational neuroscience of ageing and Alzheimer's disease (largely in the context of projects within the Jebsen Centre for Alzheimer's Disease and projects funded by Helse Midt-Norge) and (2) cognitive neuroscience of learning and memory (largely in the context of ERC-CoG project GEOCOG).
Christian Doeller's research team at Kavli has strong links to the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig (Germany), where Christian Doeller ist Managing Director of the Institute and Director of the Department of Psychology. He is also Professor of Psychology (Learning and Memory) at Leipzig University. For more information of Doeller's research vision and a full list of publications, see or follow us on Twitter.
Badwal, Markus W.;
Bergmann, Johanna;
Roth, Johannes H.R.;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Hebart, Martin N..
The Scope and Limits of Fine-Grained Image and Category Information in the Ventral Visual Pathway.
Journal of Neuroscience
Academic article
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Bonnevie, Tora.
So sehen gedanken aus.
Der Spiegel, Tyskland
Interview Journal
Reznik, Daniel;
Margulies, Daniel S.;
Witter, Menno Peter;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Evidence for convergence of distributed cortical processing in band-like functional zones in human entorhinal cortex.
Current Biology
Academic article
Grob, Anna-Maria;
Heinbockel, Hendrik;
Milivojevic, Branka;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Schwabe, Lars.
Causal role of the angular gyrus in insight-driven memory reconfiguration.
Academic article
Zheng, Xiaochen Y.;
Hebart, Martin N.;
Grill, Filip;
Dolan, Raymond J.;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Cools, Roshan.
Parallel cognitive maps for multiple knowledge structures in the hippocampal formation.
Cerebral Cortex
Academic article
Nitsch, Alexander;
Garvert, Mona M.;
Bellmund, Jacob Lukas Sarid;
Schuck, Nicolas W.;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Grid-like entorhinal representation of an abstract value space during prospective decision making.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Viganò, Simone;
Bayramova, Rena;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Bottini, Roberto.
Spontaneous eye movements reflect the representational geometries of conceptual spaces.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Syversen, Ingrid Framås;
Reznik, Daniel;
Witter, Menno Peter;
Kobro-Flatmoen, Asgeir;
Navarro Schröder, Tobias;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
A combined DTI-fMRI approach for optimizing the delineation of posteromedial versus anterolateral entorhinal cortex.
Academic article
Viganò, Simone;
Bayramova, Rena;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Bottini, Roberto.
Mental search of concepts is supported by egocentric vector representations and restructured grid maps.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Grob, Anna-Maria;
Milivojevic, Branka;
Alink, Arjen;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Schwabe, Lars.
Stress disrupts insight-driven mnemonic reconfiguration in the medial temporal lobe.
Academic article
Grob, Anna-Maria;
Milivojevic, Branka;
Alink, Arjen;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Schwabe, Lars.
Imagining is not seeing: lower insight-driven memory reconfiguration when imagining the link between separate events.
Cerebral Cortex
Academic article
Garvert, Mona M.;
Saanum, Tankred;
Schulz, Eric;
Schuck, Nicolas W.;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Hippocampal spatio-predictive cognitive maps adaptively guide reward generalization.
Nature Neuroscience
Academic article
Frey, Markus;
Nau, Matthias;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Author Correction: Magnetic resonance-based eye tracking using deep neural networks (Nature Neuroscience, (2021), 24, 12, (1772-1779), 10.1038/s41593-021-00947-w).
Nature Neuroscience
Reznik, Daniel;
Trampel, Robert;
Weiskopf, Nikolaus;
Witter, Menno Peter;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Dissociating distinct cortical networks associated with subregions of the human medial temporal lobe using precision neuroimaging.
Academic article
Becu, Marcia Constance Noemi;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Lost and found.
Book review
Collin, Silvy H. P.;
van den Broek, Philip L. C.;
van Mourik, Tim;
Desain, Peter;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Inducing a mental context for associative memory formation with real-time fMRI neurofeedback.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Ottink, Loes;
Buimer, Hendrik;
van Raalte, Bram;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
van der Geest, Thea M.;
van Wezel, Richard J.A..
Cognitive map formation supported by auditory, haptic, and multimodal information in persons with blindness.
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
Academic literature review
Polti, Ignacio;
Nau, Matthias;
Kaplan, Raphael;
van Wassenhove, Virginie;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Rapid encoding of task regularities in the human hippocampus guides sensorimotor timing.
Academic article
Eijk, Lotte;
Rasenberg, Marlou;
Arnese, Flavia;
Blokpoel, Mark;
Dingemanse, Mark;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
The CABB dataset: A multimodal corpus of communicative interactions for behavioural and neural analyses.
Academic article
Bellmund, Jacob Lukas Sarid;
Deuker, Lorena;
Montijn, Nicole D.;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Mnemonic construction and representation of temporal structure in the hippocampal formation.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Ottink, Loes;
van Raalte, Bram;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Van der Geest, Thea M.;
Van Wezel, Richard J. A..
Cognitive map formation through tactile map navigation in visually impaired and sighted persons.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Theves, Stephanie;
Neville, David A.;
Fernández, Guillén;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Learning and representation of hierarchical concepts in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex.
Journal of Neuroscience
Academic article
Kutschka, Hermann;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Haueisen, Jens;
Maess, Burkhard.
Magnetic field compensation coil design for magnetoencephalography.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Frey, Markus;
Nau, Matthias;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Magnetic resonance-based eye tracking using deep neural networks.
Nature Neuroscience
Academic article
Syversen, Ingrid Framås;
Witter, Menno;
Kobro-Flatmoen, Asgeir;
Goa, Pål Erik;
Navarro Schröder, Tobias;
Doeller, Christian F..
Structural connectivity-based segmentation of the human entorhinal cortex.
Academic article
Julian, Joshua B.;
Doeller, Christian F..
Remapping and realignment in the human hippocampal formation predict context-dependent spatial behavior.
Nature Neuroscience
Academic article
Frey, Markus;
Tanni, Sander;
Perrodin, Catherine;
O'Leary, Alice;
Nau, Matthias;
Kelly, Jack.
Interpreting wide-band neural activity using convolutional neural networks.
Academic article
Noack, Hannes;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Born, Jan.
Sleep strengthens integration of spatial memory systems.
Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.)
Academic article
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Collin, Silvy H P;
Milivojevic, Branka.
Hippocampal reconfiguration of events in mnemonic networks.
Academic article
Bellmund, Jacob Lukas Sarid;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Deuker, Lorena;
Montjiin, Nicole D.
Structuring time: The hippocampus constructs sequence memories that generalize temporal relations across experiences.
Academic article
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Polti, Ignacio;
Nau, Matthias;
Kaplan, Raphael;
van Wassenhove, Virginie.
Hippocampus and striatum encode distinct task regularities that guide human timing behavior.
Academic article
Ottink, Loes;
Hoogendonk, Marit;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
van der Geest, Thea M;
van Wezel, Ricjhard J. A..
Cognitive map formation through haptic and visual exploration of tactile city-like maps.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Kuhrt, Dörte;
St. John, Natalie Ruth;
Bellmund, Jacob L.S.;
Kaplan, Raphael;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
An immersive first-person navigation task for abstract knowledge acquisition.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Theves, Stephanie;
Fernández, Guillén;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
The Hippocampus Maps Concept Space, Not Feature Space.
Journal of Neuroscience
Academic article
Julian, Joshua Benjamin;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Context in Spatial and Episodic Memory.
MIT Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bottini, Roberto;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Knowledge Across Reference Frames: Cognitive Maps and Image Spaces.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Academic literature review
Nau, Matthias;
Navarro Schröder, Tobias;
Frey, Markus;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Behavior-dependent directional tuning in the human visual-navigation network.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Bottini, Roberto;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Language Experience in Cognitive Maps and Image Spaces.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Letter to the editor
Bellmund, Jacob Lukas Sarid;
Polti, Ignacio;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Sequence Memory in the Hippocampal–Entorhinal Region.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Academic article
Theves, Stephanie;
Fernandez, Guillen;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
The Hippocampus Encodes Distances in Multidimensional Feature Space.
Current Biology
Academic article
Bellmund, Jacob Lukas Sarid;
Deuker, Lorena;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Mapping sequence structure in the human lateral entorhinal cortex.
Academic article
Bellmund, Jacob Lukas Sarid;
de Cothi, William;
Ruiter, Tom;
Nau, Matthias;
Barry, Caswell;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Deforming the metric of cognitive maps distorts memory.
Nature Human Behaviour
Academic article
Lycia, D. de Voogd;
P.J.Murray, Yannick;
M. Barte, Ramona;
van der Heide, Anouk;
Fernandez, Guillen;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
The role of hippocampal spatial representations in contextualization and generalization of fear.
Academic article
Bellmund, Jacob Lukas Sarid;
Gärdenfors, Peter;
Moser, Edvard Ingjald;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Navigating cognition: Spatial codes for human thinking.
Academic literature review
van Oort, Erik S.B.;
Mennes, Maarten;
Schröder, Tobias Navarro;
Kumar, Vinod J.;
Zaragoza Jimenez, Nestor I.;
Grodd, Wolfgang.
Functional parcellation using time courses of instantaneous connectivity.
Academic literature review
Nau, Matthias;
Schröder, Tobias Navarro;
Bellmund, Jacob Lukas Sarid;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Hexadirectional coding of visual space in human entorhinal cortex.
Nature Neuroscience
Academic article
Nau, Matthias;
Julian, Joshua Benjamin;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
How the Brain's Navigation System Shapes Our Visual Experience.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Academic literature review
Staudigl, Tobias;
Leszczynski, Marcin;
Jacobs, Joshua;
Sheth, Sameer A;
Schroeder, Charles E.;
Jensen, Ole.
Hexadirectional Modulation of High-Frequency Electrophysiological Activity in the Human Anterior Medial Temporal Lobe Maps Visual Space.
Current Biology
Academic article
Schreiner, Thomas;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Jensen, Ole;
Rasch, Björn;
Staudigl, Tobias.
Theta phase-coordinated memory reactivation reoccurs in a slow-oscillatory rhythm during NREM sleep.
Cell reports
Academic article
Grøntvedt, Gøril Rolfseng;
Navarro Schröder, Tobias;
Sando, Sigrid Botne;
Bråthen, Geir;
White, Linda Rosemary;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Alzheimer´s disease.
Current Biology
Popular scientific article
Collin, Silvy H.P.;
Milivojevic, Branka;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Hippocampal hierarchical networks for space, time, and memory.
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences
Academic literature review
Niehof, Nynke;
Tramper, Julian J;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Medendorp, W Pieter.
Updating of visual orientation in a gravity-based reference frame.
Journal of Vision
Academic article
Horner, Aidan J.;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Plasticity of hippocampal memories in humans.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology
Academic literature review
Staudigl, Tobias;
Hartl, Elisabeth;
Noachtar, Soheyl;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Jensen, Ole.
Saccades are phase-locked to alpha oscillations in the occipital and medial temporal lobe during successful memory encoding.
PLoS Biology
Academic article
Deuker, Lorena;
Bellmund, Jacob Lukas Sarid;
Schröder, Tobias Navarro;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
An event map of memory space in the hippocampus.
Academic article
Bellmund, Jacob Lukas Sarid;
Deuker, Lorena;
Schröder, Tobias Navarro;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Grid-cell representations in mental simulation.
Academic article
Milivojevic, Branka;
Varadinov, Meryl;
Grabovetsky, Alejandro Vicente;
Collin, Silvy H P;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Coding of event nodes and narrative context in the hippocampus.
Journal of Neuroscience
Academic article
Journal publications
Badwal, Markus W.;
Bergmann, Johanna;
Roth, Johannes H.R.;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Hebart, Martin N..
The Scope and Limits of Fine-Grained Image and Category Information in the Ventral Visual Pathway.
Journal of Neuroscience
Academic article
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Bonnevie, Tora.
So sehen gedanken aus.
Der Spiegel, Tyskland
Interview Journal
Reznik, Daniel;
Margulies, Daniel S.;
Witter, Menno Peter;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Evidence for convergence of distributed cortical processing in band-like functional zones in human entorhinal cortex.
Current Biology
Academic article
Grob, Anna-Maria;
Heinbockel, Hendrik;
Milivojevic, Branka;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Schwabe, Lars.
Causal role of the angular gyrus in insight-driven memory reconfiguration.
Academic article
Zheng, Xiaochen Y.;
Hebart, Martin N.;
Grill, Filip;
Dolan, Raymond J.;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Cools, Roshan.
Parallel cognitive maps for multiple knowledge structures in the hippocampal formation.
Cerebral Cortex
Academic article
Nitsch, Alexander;
Garvert, Mona M.;
Bellmund, Jacob Lukas Sarid;
Schuck, Nicolas W.;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Grid-like entorhinal representation of an abstract value space during prospective decision making.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Viganò, Simone;
Bayramova, Rena;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Bottini, Roberto.
Spontaneous eye movements reflect the representational geometries of conceptual spaces.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Syversen, Ingrid Framås;
Reznik, Daniel;
Witter, Menno Peter;
Kobro-Flatmoen, Asgeir;
Navarro Schröder, Tobias;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
A combined DTI-fMRI approach for optimizing the delineation of posteromedial versus anterolateral entorhinal cortex.
Academic article
Viganò, Simone;
Bayramova, Rena;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Bottini, Roberto.
Mental search of concepts is supported by egocentric vector representations and restructured grid maps.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Grob, Anna-Maria;
Milivojevic, Branka;
Alink, Arjen;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Schwabe, Lars.
Stress disrupts insight-driven mnemonic reconfiguration in the medial temporal lobe.
Academic article
Grob, Anna-Maria;
Milivojevic, Branka;
Alink, Arjen;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Schwabe, Lars.
Imagining is not seeing: lower insight-driven memory reconfiguration when imagining the link between separate events.
Cerebral Cortex
Academic article
Garvert, Mona M.;
Saanum, Tankred;
Schulz, Eric;
Schuck, Nicolas W.;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Hippocampal spatio-predictive cognitive maps adaptively guide reward generalization.
Nature Neuroscience
Academic article
Frey, Markus;
Nau, Matthias;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Author Correction: Magnetic resonance-based eye tracking using deep neural networks (Nature Neuroscience, (2021), 24, 12, (1772-1779), 10.1038/s41593-021-00947-w).
Nature Neuroscience
Reznik, Daniel;
Trampel, Robert;
Weiskopf, Nikolaus;
Witter, Menno Peter;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Dissociating distinct cortical networks associated with subregions of the human medial temporal lobe using precision neuroimaging.
Academic article
Becu, Marcia Constance Noemi;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Lost and found.
Book review
Collin, Silvy H. P.;
van den Broek, Philip L. C.;
van Mourik, Tim;
Desain, Peter;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Inducing a mental context for associative memory formation with real-time fMRI neurofeedback.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Ottink, Loes;
Buimer, Hendrik;
van Raalte, Bram;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
van der Geest, Thea M.;
van Wezel, Richard J.A..
Cognitive map formation supported by auditory, haptic, and multimodal information in persons with blindness.
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
Academic literature review
Polti, Ignacio;
Nau, Matthias;
Kaplan, Raphael;
van Wassenhove, Virginie;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Rapid encoding of task regularities in the human hippocampus guides sensorimotor timing.
Academic article
Eijk, Lotte;
Rasenberg, Marlou;
Arnese, Flavia;
Blokpoel, Mark;
Dingemanse, Mark;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
The CABB dataset: A multimodal corpus of communicative interactions for behavioural and neural analyses.
Academic article
Bellmund, Jacob Lukas Sarid;
Deuker, Lorena;
Montijn, Nicole D.;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Mnemonic construction and representation of temporal structure in the hippocampal formation.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Ottink, Loes;
van Raalte, Bram;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Van der Geest, Thea M.;
Van Wezel, Richard J. A..
Cognitive map formation through tactile map navigation in visually impaired and sighted persons.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Theves, Stephanie;
Neville, David A.;
Fernández, Guillén;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Learning and representation of hierarchical concepts in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex.
Journal of Neuroscience
Academic article
Kutschka, Hermann;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Haueisen, Jens;
Maess, Burkhard.
Magnetic field compensation coil design for magnetoencephalography.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Frey, Markus;
Nau, Matthias;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Magnetic resonance-based eye tracking using deep neural networks.
Nature Neuroscience
Academic article
Syversen, Ingrid Framås;
Witter, Menno;
Kobro-Flatmoen, Asgeir;
Goa, Pål Erik;
Navarro Schröder, Tobias;
Doeller, Christian F..
Structural connectivity-based segmentation of the human entorhinal cortex.
Academic article
Julian, Joshua B.;
Doeller, Christian F..
Remapping and realignment in the human hippocampal formation predict context-dependent spatial behavior.
Nature Neuroscience
Academic article
Frey, Markus;
Tanni, Sander;
Perrodin, Catherine;
O'Leary, Alice;
Nau, Matthias;
Kelly, Jack.
Interpreting wide-band neural activity using convolutional neural networks.
Academic article
Noack, Hannes;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Born, Jan.
Sleep strengthens integration of spatial memory systems.
Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.)
Academic article
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Collin, Silvy H P;
Milivojevic, Branka.
Hippocampal reconfiguration of events in mnemonic networks.
Academic article
Bellmund, Jacob Lukas Sarid;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Deuker, Lorena;
Montjiin, Nicole D.
Structuring time: The hippocampus constructs sequence memories that generalize temporal relations across experiences.
Academic article
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Polti, Ignacio;
Nau, Matthias;
Kaplan, Raphael;
van Wassenhove, Virginie.
Hippocampus and striatum encode distinct task regularities that guide human timing behavior.
Academic article
Ottink, Loes;
Hoogendonk, Marit;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
van der Geest, Thea M;
van Wezel, Ricjhard J. A..
Cognitive map formation through haptic and visual exploration of tactile city-like maps.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Kuhrt, Dörte;
St. John, Natalie Ruth;
Bellmund, Jacob L.S.;
Kaplan, Raphael;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
An immersive first-person navigation task for abstract knowledge acquisition.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Theves, Stephanie;
Fernández, Guillén;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
The Hippocampus Maps Concept Space, Not Feature Space.
Journal of Neuroscience
Academic article
Bottini, Roberto;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Knowledge Across Reference Frames: Cognitive Maps and Image Spaces.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Academic literature review
Nau, Matthias;
Navarro Schröder, Tobias;
Frey, Markus;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Behavior-dependent directional tuning in the human visual-navigation network.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Bottini, Roberto;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Language Experience in Cognitive Maps and Image Spaces.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Letter to the editor
Bellmund, Jacob Lukas Sarid;
Polti, Ignacio;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Sequence Memory in the Hippocampal–Entorhinal Region.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Academic article
Theves, Stephanie;
Fernandez, Guillen;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
The Hippocampus Encodes Distances in Multidimensional Feature Space.
Current Biology
Academic article
Bellmund, Jacob Lukas Sarid;
Deuker, Lorena;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Mapping sequence structure in the human lateral entorhinal cortex.
Academic article
Bellmund, Jacob Lukas Sarid;
de Cothi, William;
Ruiter, Tom;
Nau, Matthias;
Barry, Caswell;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Deforming the metric of cognitive maps distorts memory.
Nature Human Behaviour
Academic article
Lycia, D. de Voogd;
P.J.Murray, Yannick;
M. Barte, Ramona;
van der Heide, Anouk;
Fernandez, Guillen;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
The role of hippocampal spatial representations in contextualization and generalization of fear.
Academic article
Bellmund, Jacob Lukas Sarid;
Gärdenfors, Peter;
Moser, Edvard Ingjald;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Navigating cognition: Spatial codes for human thinking.
Academic literature review
van Oort, Erik S.B.;
Mennes, Maarten;
Schröder, Tobias Navarro;
Kumar, Vinod J.;
Zaragoza Jimenez, Nestor I.;
Grodd, Wolfgang.
Functional parcellation using time courses of instantaneous connectivity.
Academic literature review
Nau, Matthias;
Schröder, Tobias Navarro;
Bellmund, Jacob Lukas Sarid;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Hexadirectional coding of visual space in human entorhinal cortex.
Nature Neuroscience
Academic article
Nau, Matthias;
Julian, Joshua Benjamin;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
How the Brain's Navigation System Shapes Our Visual Experience.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Academic literature review
Staudigl, Tobias;
Leszczynski, Marcin;
Jacobs, Joshua;
Sheth, Sameer A;
Schroeder, Charles E.;
Jensen, Ole.
Hexadirectional Modulation of High-Frequency Electrophysiological Activity in the Human Anterior Medial Temporal Lobe Maps Visual Space.
Current Biology
Academic article
Schreiner, Thomas;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Jensen, Ole;
Rasch, Björn;
Staudigl, Tobias.
Theta phase-coordinated memory reactivation reoccurs in a slow-oscillatory rhythm during NREM sleep.
Cell reports
Academic article
Grøntvedt, Gøril Rolfseng;
Navarro Schröder, Tobias;
Sando, Sigrid Botne;
Bråthen, Geir;
White, Linda Rosemary;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Alzheimer´s disease.
Current Biology
Popular scientific article
Collin, Silvy H.P.;
Milivojevic, Branka;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Hippocampal hierarchical networks for space, time, and memory.
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences
Academic literature review
Niehof, Nynke;
Tramper, Julian J;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Medendorp, W Pieter.
Updating of visual orientation in a gravity-based reference frame.
Journal of Vision
Academic article
Horner, Aidan J.;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Plasticity of hippocampal memories in humans.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology
Academic literature review
Staudigl, Tobias;
Hartl, Elisabeth;
Noachtar, Soheyl;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas;
Jensen, Ole.
Saccades are phase-locked to alpha oscillations in the occipital and medial temporal lobe during successful memory encoding.
PLoS Biology
Academic article
Deuker, Lorena;
Bellmund, Jacob Lukas Sarid;
Schröder, Tobias Navarro;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
An event map of memory space in the hippocampus.
Academic article
Bellmund, Jacob Lukas Sarid;
Deuker, Lorena;
Schröder, Tobias Navarro;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Grid-cell representations in mental simulation.
Academic article
Milivojevic, Branka;
Varadinov, Meryl;
Grabovetsky, Alejandro Vicente;
Collin, Silvy H P;
Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Coding of event nodes and narrative context in the hippocampus.
Journal of Neuroscience
Academic article
Part of book/report
Julian, Joshua Benjamin;
Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas.
Context in Spatial and Episodic Memory.
MIT Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
PosterJäckels, Moritz; Doeller, Christian Fritz Andreas; Bonnevie, Tora. (2024) Neural dynamics in the human entorhinal cortex are linked to event segmentation and provessing of episodic time. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting for the Society for Neuroscience , Chicago 2024-10-05 - 2024-10-09
PosterKrasovec, Ivan Markel; Bonnevie, Tora; Reznik, Daniel; Becu, Marcia Constance Noemi; Schumer, Kerstin; Beyer, Frauke. (2024) Memory defiits in post-COVID condition: relation to structure and function of the medial temporal lobe. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting for the Society for Neuroscience , Chicago 2024-10-05 - 2024-10-09