Dongming Xu
Dr. Dongming Xu is a senior research fellow at the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, and is currently working on the five-year project 'A Middle Way? Probing Sufficiency through Meat and Milk in China' (MidWay - ERC Starting Grant). It aims to better understand the concept of 'sufficiency' using the cases of meat and milk production and consumption in China.
Dr. Xu worked on many conservation projects of the listed heritage sites as an architect and a heritage professional in China from 1996 to 2008. As an interdisciplinary study is a must for a clearer understanding of the cultural heritage site, he is experienced with the scientific methods in sociology and social anthropology from the early stages of his career. From 2008 to 2018, he went to the Faculty of Architecture and Design at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology for his Ph.D. and other academic projects and teaching programs. He received his doctorate on a transdisciplinary approach to archaeological site museums, “A Multi-Perspective Observation of Site Museums” from NTNU in 2018. Dr. Xu is also the “Conservation Dialogue” columnist for Community Design Journal, Tsinghua University, China.
Xu, Dongming;
Wang, Yu.
Interview with Liu Kecheng and Xiao Li on Permanence and Change: China through the Lenses of a Norwegian Architect (1985-2019).
Community Design
Interview Journal
Høyem, Harald;
Xu, Dongming.
Permanence and Change: China through the Lenses of a Norwegian Architect, 1985-2019.
Blossom Press
Academic monograph
Almaas, Ingerid Helsing;
Xu, Dongming.
People have to be strong to cope with good architecture - An interview with Sverre Fehn.
Community Design
Interview Journal
Gao, Yisheng;
Chen, Yue;
Xu, Dongming;
Li, Enwei;
Li, Jun;
Ge, Zhedong.
Preventive Monitoring and Study of Insect Damage of Carpenter Bees to Timber Components of Chinese Historic Buildings, Preventive Conservation: From Climate and Damage Monitoring to a Systemic and Integrated Approach.
Taylor & Francis Group
Taylor & Francis Group
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Bye, Mette;
Xu, Dongming;
Hou, Xiaoqing.
The Packing Houses in ‘Trader´s street’: Preserving and Enhancing the Historic, Social and Economic Values of Urban Wooden Built Vernacular.
Community Design
Academic article
Xu, Dongming;
Fan, Chunfei;
Gao, Yisheng.
Technical Innovation and Revitalization of Yaodong Cave Dwellings by Application to Reinforced Masonry Construction as Appropriate Strategies, Vernacular and Earthen Architecture Towards Local Development, Proceedings of 2019 ICOMOS CIAV & ISCEAH International Conference.
Tongji University Press
Tongji University Press
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Xu, Dongming.
Anthropological Field Notes on Hedmark and Han Yangling Site Museums: An Interview with WU Xiaocong (Part II).
Community Design
Interview Journal
Xu, Dongming.
Anthropological Field Notes on Hedmark and Han Yangling Site Museums: An Interview with WU Xiaocong (Part I).
Community Design
Interview Journal
Xu, Dongming.
A Multi-Perspective Observation of Site Museums: Case study of Archaeological Site Museums in China, with Norwegian Example as Reference.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2018/118)
Doctoral dissertation
Hessle, Anna;
Xu, Dongming.
An Interview with Anna Hessle on Sino-Norwegian Architecture Forum: Zero Emission Architecture, Special Issue "Architecture of Tomorrow".
Community Design
Interview Journal
Finocchiaro, Luca;
Xu, Dongming.
An Interview with Luca Finocchiaro on Sino-Norwegian Architecture Forum: Zero Emission Architecture, Special Issue "Architecture of Tomorrow".
Community Design
Interview Journal
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Xu, Dongming.
An Interview with Annemie Wyckmans on Sino-Norwegian Architecture Forum: Zero Emission Architecture, Special Issue "Architecture of Tomorrow".
Community Design
Interview Journal
FAN, Chunfei;
Xu, Dongming.
"Application to Reinforced Masonry Construction as Appropriate Strategies-Taking the Reflection on Tongchuan Snail-Valley Tourism Centre as example".
New Architecture
Academic article
Xu, Dongming;
ZHANG, Tinghao.
“Anthropological Field Notes on Hedmark and Han Yangling Site Museums: An Interview with ZHANG Tinghao”, Column of “Conservation Dialogue”.
Community Design
Interview Journal
Xu, Dongming;
Huang, Xianming.
An Interview with HUANG Xianming on Sino-Norwegian Architecture Forum: Zero Emission Architecture, Special Issue "Architecture of Tomorrow".
Community Design
Interview Journal
Xue, Ming;
Xu, Dongming.
An Interview with XUE Ming on Sino-Norwegian Architecture Forum: Zero Emission Architecture, Special Issue "Architecture of Tomorrow".
Community Design
Interview Journal
Song, Yehao;
Xu, Dongming.
An Interview with SONG Yehao on Sino-Norwegian Architecture Forum: Zero Emission Architecture, Special Issue "Architecture of Tomorrow".
Community Design
Interview Journal
Valentin, Nilda;
Zheng, Shiling;
Genovese, Paolo Vincenzo;
Lai, Delin;
Li, Xiangning;
Colazza, Laura.
The influence of Western Architecture in China.
Gangemi Editore
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Xu, Dongming.
“The Two Elements of Brickwork”.
Architecture and Culture
Feature article
Nilsen, Dag;
Xu, Dongming.
"The Cathedral of Nidaros, Building a Historic Monument".
Community Design
Academic article
Xu, Dongming.
Study on the Different Values and History of Cultural Heritage Conservation from the Norwegian Contribution to the International Competition of Xi’an Daming Palace National Site Park.
Community Design
Academic article
Journal publications
Xu, Dongming;
Wang, Yu.
Interview with Liu Kecheng and Xiao Li on Permanence and Change: China through the Lenses of a Norwegian Architect (1985-2019).
Community Design
Interview Journal
Almaas, Ingerid Helsing;
Xu, Dongming.
People have to be strong to cope with good architecture - An interview with Sverre Fehn.
Community Design
Interview Journal
Bye, Mette;
Xu, Dongming;
Hou, Xiaoqing.
The Packing Houses in ‘Trader´s street’: Preserving and Enhancing the Historic, Social and Economic Values of Urban Wooden Built Vernacular.
Community Design
Academic article
Xu, Dongming.
Anthropological Field Notes on Hedmark and Han Yangling Site Museums: An Interview with WU Xiaocong (Part II).
Community Design
Interview Journal
Xu, Dongming.
Anthropological Field Notes on Hedmark and Han Yangling Site Museums: An Interview with WU Xiaocong (Part I).
Community Design
Interview Journal
Hessle, Anna;
Xu, Dongming.
An Interview with Anna Hessle on Sino-Norwegian Architecture Forum: Zero Emission Architecture, Special Issue "Architecture of Tomorrow".
Community Design
Interview Journal
Finocchiaro, Luca;
Xu, Dongming.
An Interview with Luca Finocchiaro on Sino-Norwegian Architecture Forum: Zero Emission Architecture, Special Issue "Architecture of Tomorrow".
Community Design
Interview Journal
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Xu, Dongming.
An Interview with Annemie Wyckmans on Sino-Norwegian Architecture Forum: Zero Emission Architecture, Special Issue "Architecture of Tomorrow".
Community Design
Interview Journal
FAN, Chunfei;
Xu, Dongming.
"Application to Reinforced Masonry Construction as Appropriate Strategies-Taking the Reflection on Tongchuan Snail-Valley Tourism Centre as example".
New Architecture
Academic article
Xu, Dongming;
ZHANG, Tinghao.
“Anthropological Field Notes on Hedmark and Han Yangling Site Museums: An Interview with ZHANG Tinghao”, Column of “Conservation Dialogue”.
Community Design
Interview Journal
Xu, Dongming;
Huang, Xianming.
An Interview with HUANG Xianming on Sino-Norwegian Architecture Forum: Zero Emission Architecture, Special Issue "Architecture of Tomorrow".
Community Design
Interview Journal
Xue, Ming;
Xu, Dongming.
An Interview with XUE Ming on Sino-Norwegian Architecture Forum: Zero Emission Architecture, Special Issue "Architecture of Tomorrow".
Community Design
Interview Journal
Song, Yehao;
Xu, Dongming.
An Interview with SONG Yehao on Sino-Norwegian Architecture Forum: Zero Emission Architecture, Special Issue "Architecture of Tomorrow".
Community Design
Interview Journal
Xu, Dongming.
“The Two Elements of Brickwork”.
Architecture and Culture
Feature article
Nilsen, Dag;
Xu, Dongming.
"The Cathedral of Nidaros, Building a Historic Monument".
Community Design
Academic article
Xu, Dongming.
Study on the Different Values and History of Cultural Heritage Conservation from the Norwegian Contribution to the International Competition of Xi’an Daming Palace National Site Park.
Community Design
Academic article
Høyem, Harald;
Xu, Dongming.
Permanence and Change: China through the Lenses of a Norwegian Architect, 1985-2019.
Blossom Press
Academic monograph
Gao, Yisheng;
Chen, Yue;
Xu, Dongming;
Li, Enwei;
Li, Jun;
Ge, Zhedong.
Preventive Monitoring and Study of Insect Damage of Carpenter Bees to Timber Components of Chinese Historic Buildings, Preventive Conservation: From Climate and Damage Monitoring to a Systemic and Integrated Approach.
Taylor & Francis Group
Taylor & Francis Group
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Xu, Dongming;
Fan, Chunfei;
Gao, Yisheng.
Technical Innovation and Revitalization of Yaodong Cave Dwellings by Application to Reinforced Masonry Construction as Appropriate Strategies, Vernacular and Earthen Architecture Towards Local Development, Proceedings of 2019 ICOMOS CIAV & ISCEAH International Conference.
Tongji University Press
Tongji University Press
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Valentin, Nilda;
Zheng, Shiling;
Genovese, Paolo Vincenzo;
Lai, Delin;
Li, Xiangning;
Colazza, Laura.
The influence of Western Architecture in China.
Gangemi Editore
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Xu, Dongming.
A Multi-Perspective Observation of Site Museums: Case study of Archaeological Site Museums in China, with Norwegian Example as Reference.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2018/118)
Doctoral dissertation
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius; Xu, Dongming; Wang, Yu. (2024) The embeddedness of animal foods in China’s agri-food system: A practice lens. European Association for Chinese Studies , Tallinn 2024-08-27 - 2024-08-30
Academic lectureXu, Dongming. (2022) The History and Present of Norwegian Vernacular Heritage Conservation. Shandong Jianzhu University 2022 Sino-European Forum on Vernacular Heritage , Ji'nan City 2022-12-10 - 2022-12-10
Academic lectureWang, Yu; Xu, Dongming. (2022) Self-Organizing Growth VS. Top-Down Dominated Development: Transformation of the Historic Urban Landscape in Xi’an, China. OsloMet Storby_The 2022 Urban Research Conference Conflict and Cohesion , Oslo 2022-10-27 - 2022-10-28
Academic lectureXu, Dongming. (2021) Challenges of Reconstruction Approach to Archaeological Site Presentation in China - Taking the case of Xi’an Daming Palace Site (Silk Roads, WHS) as an example. The Pontifical Catholic University of Chile Session 20: Physical Reconstruction in World Heritage Sites, One World Seminar on Disasters and Pandemics 2021-05-24 - 2021-05-30
Academic lectureXu, Dongming. (2019) Technical Innovation and Revitalization of Yaodong Cave Dwellings by Application to Reinforced Masonry Construction as Appropriate Strategies. Tongji University, ICOMOS-CIAV, ICOMOS-ISCEAH, ICOMOS-China 2019 ICOMOS CIAV & ISCEAH International Conference , Pingyao 2019-09-06 - 2019-09-08
Academic lectureXu, Dongming. (2014) “Archaeological Site Museum as Architectural Heritage - An assessment of the Reversibility and Minimal Intervention Principle through the Case Study of Norwegian and Chinese Site Museums”. ICAMT and ICOM Georgia The 40th Conference of ICAMT, International Committee for Architecture and Museum Technique , Tbilisi 2014-09-22 - 2014-09-24
PosterXu, Dongming. (2010) Norwegian Value: Study on different conception of value in museum and cultural heritage conservation from the Norwegian contribution to the international competition of XI'an Daming Palace national site park. UIA Work Program on Architectural Heritage in Region IV Region IV UIA 2010 International Symposium on the Conservation of Architectural Heritage , Xi'an 2010-09-15 - 2010-09-17