Eirik Degré Lorentsen
Work tasks
I’m currently working as a PhD-candidate in the ACMS group with Ingrid Bakke and Johannes Kabisch as my supervisors. I’m working with several strains of Janthinobacterium, Atlantic salmon eggs and fry, and the water mold Saprolegnia. My aim with this work is to learn more about the interplay between the bacteria, salmon, and the water mold, and to look into the antagonism of the bacteria toward the water mold. I’m especially interested in the causes of this antagonism, but also the density-based communication system that this bacteria has. In this work, I’m going to do genome analysis, molecular genetics, and more traditional microbial techniques. Furthermore, I’m going to work with germ-free salmon eggs and yolk sac fry.
I’m from Trondheim and finished my master’s in industrial chemistry and biotechnology in spring of 2020 at NTNU. In my master’s project, I worked on studying the production of the antimicrobial pigment violacein in Janthinobacterium isolated from salmon yolk sac fry. During my master’s project, I worked a lot with the cultivation of bacteria with different media and conditions. Additionally, I used PCR to amplify the violacein operon for sequencing. I also have a bachelor in chemical engineering. After finishing my master I worked as a researcher in AKMS with a focus on the analysis of bacterial communities, gene expression in salmon yolk sac fry, and microbial and chemical water quality in a recirculating aquaculture system.
My interests outside of work are among other music and concerts, off-piste skiing, football, and lifting weights.
Navarro-Guillén, Carmen;
Degré Lorentsen, Eirik ;
Perera, Erick;
Yúfera, Manuel;
Bakke, Ingrid;
Vadstein, Olav.
The role of feeding as synchronizer of gut microbiota dynamics and its potential contribution to protein digestion in greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili).
Frontiers in Marine Science
Academic article
Gomez de la Torre Canny, Sol;
Nordgård, Catherine Taylor;
Mathisen, Amalie Johanne Horn;
Degré Lorentsen, Eirik ;
Vadstein, Olav;
Bakke, Ingrid.
A novel gnotobiotic experimental system for Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) reveals a microbial influence on mucosal barrier function and adipose tissue accumulation during the yolk sac stage.
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
Academic article
Navarro-Guillén, Carmen;
Degré Lorentsen, Eirik ;
Perera, Erick;
Yúfera, Manuel;
Vadstein, Olav.
Feeding and water temperature modulate the potential activity of gut microbiota in greater amberjack juveniles (Seriola dumerili).
Frontiers in Marine Science
Academic article
Fiedler, Alexander Willi;
Drågen, Martha Kristine Rindarøy;
Degré Lorentsen, Eirik ;
Vadstein, Olav;
Bakke, Ingrid.
The stability and composition of the gut and skin microbiota of Atlantic salmon throughout the yolk sac stage.
Frontiers in Microbiology
Academic article
Journal publications
Navarro-Guillén, Carmen;
Degré Lorentsen, Eirik ;
Perera, Erick;
Yúfera, Manuel;
Bakke, Ingrid;
Vadstein, Olav.
The role of feeding as synchronizer of gut microbiota dynamics and its potential contribution to protein digestion in greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili).
Frontiers in Marine Science
Academic article
Gomez de la Torre Canny, Sol;
Nordgård, Catherine Taylor;
Mathisen, Amalie Johanne Horn;
Degré Lorentsen, Eirik ;
Vadstein, Olav;
Bakke, Ingrid.
A novel gnotobiotic experimental system for Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) reveals a microbial influence on mucosal barrier function and adipose tissue accumulation during the yolk sac stage.
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
Academic article
Navarro-Guillén, Carmen;
Degré Lorentsen, Eirik ;
Perera, Erick;
Yúfera, Manuel;
Vadstein, Olav.
Feeding and water temperature modulate the potential activity of gut microbiota in greater amberjack juveniles (Seriola dumerili).
Frontiers in Marine Science
Academic article
Fiedler, Alexander Willi;
Drågen, Martha Kristine Rindarøy;
Degré Lorentsen, Eirik ;
Vadstein, Olav;
Bakke, Ingrid.
The stability and composition of the gut and skin microbiota of Atlantic salmon throughout the yolk sac stage.
Frontiers in Microbiology
Academic article
PosterLorentsen, Eirik Degré; Fiedler, Alexander Willi; Sonnenschein, Eva; Bakke, Ingrid. (2024) Janthinobacterium associated wit Salmo salar fry show antagonistic properties towards Saprolegnia. Ghent university, NTNU og Sintef Larvi 2024 8th fish & shellfish larviculture symposium , Oostende, Belgia 2024-09-09 - 2024-09-12
Popular scientific lectureSætrom, Gerd Inger; Wold, Andreas; Degré Lorentsen, Eirik . (2023) Energisk Bioteknologi. Forskningsdagene Forskningstorget , Trondheim 2023-09-22 - 2023-09-23
Academic lectureDegré Lorentsen, Eirik ; Fiedler, Alexander Willi; Sonnenschein, Eva; Bakke, Ingrid. (2023) Characterization of Janthinobacterium isolates associated with Salmo salar fry. 4th International Fish microbiota Workshop , Wageningen 2023-09-06 - 2023-09-08
Popular scientific lectureDegré Lorentsen, Eirik . (2023) Kan interaskjoner mellom Laks (Salmo salar) og Janthinobacterium hindre utbrudd av Saprolegnia?. NTNU Forskningstorget , NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet, Trondheim 2023-10-22 - 2023-10-23
Academic lectureFernando, Fernando; Degré Lorentsen, Eirik ; Bakke, Ingrid. (2023) Bacteria and archaea communities in commercial recirculating aquaculture system producing smolt of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. European Aquaculture Society Aquaculture Europe 2023 , Vienna 2023-09-18 - 2023-09-21
PosterFiedler, Alexander Willi; Gomez de la Torre Canny, Sol; Drågen, Martha Kristine Rindarøy; Lorentsen, Eirik Degre; Bakke, Ingrid; Vadstein, Olav. (2022) The early gut and skin microbiota of Atlantic salmon yolk sac fry originating from two different source communities. ISME ISME18 Konferanse , Lausanne 2022-08-14 - 2022-08-19
Academic lectureBakke, Ingrid; Coward, Eivind; Lorentsen, Eirik Degre; Vadstein, Olav. (2021) Temporal and interindividual variation in hindgut microbiomes among four codfish species in the subfamily Gadinae . Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences The third international fish - microbiota workshop , Digitalt møte på zoom 2021-09-22 - 2021-09-24
Academic lectureFiedler, Alexander Willi; de la Torre Canny, Sol Gomez; Drågen, Martha Kristine Rindarøy; Lorentsen, Eirik Degre; Vadstein, Olav; Bakke, Ingrid. (2021) The initial microbiome of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) yolk sac fry. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences The third international fish - microbiota workshop , Digital konferanse 2021-09-22 - 2021-09-24