Frode Heldal
Frode Heldal has his PhD degree from Industrial Economics in 2008, where he looked at interdisciplinary collaboration in hospitals. After four years as a consultant, Frode returned to academia in what eventually became the NTNU School of Economics. He works there now as a professor in organization and management.
Both academically and research-wise, teams and team management are an important focus. Frode teaches as of 2024 in the subjects Team management and technology, Experts in teams and Technology-based business development. Central to both teaching and research is how team development plays out in practice, which is also an important theme in the latest book publication "Living Team". In addition to consultancy, Heldal is also widely used as a speaker, both for private and public business.
2024 – Professor NTNU School of Economics
2014 - 1st amanuensis II Nord University
2012 – 2024 1st amanuensis Technology management NTNU School of Business
2012 – 2017 Program leader Master in Management of Technology
2008 – 2012 Head of Discipline and Senior Safety Engineer Safetec Nordic AS
2007 – 2008 HR advisor Helse Midt-Norge
2008 – 2008 Project manager DMF
2003 – 2008 Coordinator (day-to-day manager) Master of Technology Management
2005 – 2008 PhD Industrial Economics
2002 – 2003 Undergraduate Psychology
1996 – 2001 Siv.Ing. Industrial economy
1994 – 1996 Air Force Command School Stavern
Stokken, Roar;
Heldal, Frode;
Fossheim, Janne Rong;
Urke, Henriette Holstad.
Fjern ledelse, god ledelse?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Solberg, Harry Arne;
Heldal, Frode;
Denstadli, Jon Martin;
Nesseler, Cornel Maria.
The Battle for Football Supporters : Will the “Big-Five” Displace Clubs in Smaller Football Nations.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heldal, Frode;
Andersen, Thale Kvernberg.
Teamdynamikk – smidige team i en smidig organisasjon: Partssammensatte team som nøkkel til innovasjon i kommunal helse- og omsorgssektor.
Magma forskning og viten
Academic article
Heldal, Frode.
Design thinking teams and team innovation performance.
Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Academic article
Heldal, Frode.
Levende team - Teamledelse i praksis.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Sjøvold, Endre;
Olsen, Trond Rikard;
Heldal, Frode.
Use of Technology in the Study of Team-Interaction and Performance
Small Group Research
Academic article
Heldal, Frode;
Stiklestad, Trond.
Snowflakes – team learning as tool; you are not better than your group.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heldal, Frode;
Sjøvold, Endre.
Teams that are creatively productive: Exploring the exploitable and exploiting the explorable.
Academic article
Solberg, Harry Arne;
Becker, Denis Mike;
Denstadli, Jon Martin;
Heldal, Frode;
Knardal, Per Ståle;
Thøring, Thor Atle.
Why are major sports events trapped in the winner's curse? A case study of the 2017 World Road Cycling Championship.
Sport, Business and Management
Academic article
Heldal, Frode;
Dehlin, Erlend.
In Search of Autonomy: Dancing With Rules.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Heldal, Frode;
Dehlin, Erlend;
Oddane, Torild A Wathne.
Unmute the Organization Through Serious Play.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Andre, Beate;
Heldal, Frode;
Sjøvold, Endre;
Haugan, Gørill.
Will an implementation of “Joy of Life in Nursing Homes” have positive effect for the work culture? A comparison between two Norwegian municipalities.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Heldal, Frode;
Sjøvold, Endre;
Stålsett, Kenneth.
Shared cognition in intercultural teams: collaborating without understanding each other.
Team Performance Management
Academic article
Sacramento, Isabella;
Heldal, Frode;
de Almeida, Ricardo Cariello.
Using Body Sounds as a Coaching Tool to Promote Individual Growth in Brazil.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heldal, Frode;
Kongsvik, Trond;
Håland, Erna.
Advancing the status of nursing: reconstructing professional nursing identity through patient safety work.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Scaratti, Giuseppe;
Gorli, Mara;
Heldal, Frode.
Using Narratives and Portraits to Foster Reflexivity and Learning from Experience in Healthcare Organizations in Italy and Norway.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Solberg, Harry Arne;
Becker, Denis;
Denstadli, Jon Martin;
Heldal, Frode;
Knardal, Per Ståle;
Thøring, Thor Atle.
Sykkel-VM 2017. Fra folkefest til økonomisk bakrus.
NTNU: Center for Sport and Culture Management Research
Heldal, Frode;
Sacramento, Isabella;
Wennes, Grete.
Learning Entrepreneurship by Hand Clapping: ABM in Use in Entrepreneurship Education.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stiklestad, Trond;
Heldal, Frode.
Fra formelle lover og regler til magefølelse: Hva kan vi lære av politiet?.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heldal, Frode;
Dehlin, Erlend.
Drop your rules!.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heldal, Frode;
Antonsen, Stian;
Kvalheim, Sverre Andreas.
Ledelse av sikkerhet.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Antonsen, Stian;
Heldal, Frode;
Kvalheim, Sverre Andreas.
Sikkerhet og ledelse.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Stokken, Roar;
Heldal, Frode;
Bruntveit, Angelica.
Fagprosedyrenes forvandling: om hvordan fagprosedyrer blir mer enn bare dokumenter når de møter praksis.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heldal, Frode;
Sjøvold, Endre.
Effektivitetens kilde til ineffektivitet : Krysskulturelle team i en standardisert kontekst.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heldal, Frode.
Er du effektiv eller kreativ?.
Ukeavisen ledelse
Feature article
Heldal, Frode.
Managerial Control versus Professional Autonomy in Organizational Change: Tearing Down the Walls and Fighting Fire with Fire.
Journal of Change Management
Academic article
Heldal, Frode;
Sjøvold, Endre.
Endring i sykehus - et spørsmål om ledelse :.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Feature article
Heldal, Frode.
Evidensbasert praksis – kan vi lære noe av det medisinske fagfeltet?.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heldal, Frode;
Antonsen, Stian.
Team Leadership in a High-Risk Organization: The Role of Contextual Factors.
Small Group Research
Academic article
Heldal, Frode.
Se på House ledelse.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Heldal, Frode.
Den livsfarlige enigheten.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Heldal, Frode.
Integrasjonsprosesser på sykehus: Hvilken rolle spiller ledelse og profesjonsgrenser?.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugen, Stein;
Kongsvik, Trond Øystein;
Heldal, Frode.
Er det mulig å granske seg til bedre pasientsikkerhet?.
Dagens medisin
Feature article
Heldal, Frode.
Dropp reglene!.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Heldal, Frode.
Multidisciplinary collaboration as a loosely coupled system: Integrating and blocking professional boundaries with objects.
Journal of Interprofessional Care
Academic article
Heldal, Frode;
Tjora, Aksel.
Making sense of patient expertise.
Social Theory & Health
Academic article
Heldal, Frode;
Steinsbekk, Jan-Aslak.
Norwegian Healthcare Professionals' Perceptions of Patient Knowledge and Involvement as Basis for Decision Making in Hematology.
Oncology Nursing Forum
Academic article
Haugen, Stein;
Heldal, Frode.
Pasientsikkerhet - tid for noe nytt?.
Feature article
Heldal, Frode;
Sjøvold, Endre;
Klev, Roger.
Cross-boundary relationships - The object, the social, and the health professional.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (268)
Doctoral dissertation
Heldal, Frode.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heldal, Frode.
Pasienten tar makta - eller?.
Feature article
Heldal, Frode.
Hvor ble det av pasienten?.
Feature article
Sjøvold, Endre;
Heldal, AF;
Heldal, Frode.
Success on the Internet � optimizing relationships through the corporate site.
International Journal of Information Management
Academic article
Journal publications
Heldal, Frode;
Andersen, Thale Kvernberg.
Teamdynamikk – smidige team i en smidig organisasjon: Partssammensatte team som nøkkel til innovasjon i kommunal helse- og omsorgssektor.
Magma forskning og viten
Academic article
Heldal, Frode.
Design thinking teams and team innovation performance.
Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Academic article
Sjøvold, Endre;
Olsen, Trond Rikard;
Heldal, Frode.
Use of Technology in the Study of Team-Interaction and Performance
Small Group Research
Academic article
Heldal, Frode;
Sjøvold, Endre.
Teams that are creatively productive: Exploring the exploitable and exploiting the explorable.
Academic article
Solberg, Harry Arne;
Becker, Denis Mike;
Denstadli, Jon Martin;
Heldal, Frode;
Knardal, Per Ståle;
Thøring, Thor Atle.
Why are major sports events trapped in the winner's curse? A case study of the 2017 World Road Cycling Championship.
Sport, Business and Management
Academic article
Heldal, Frode;
Dehlin, Erlend.
In Search of Autonomy: Dancing With Rules.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Heldal, Frode;
Dehlin, Erlend;
Oddane, Torild A Wathne.
Unmute the Organization Through Serious Play.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Andre, Beate;
Heldal, Frode;
Sjøvold, Endre;
Haugan, Gørill.
Will an implementation of “Joy of Life in Nursing Homes” have positive effect for the work culture? A comparison between two Norwegian municipalities.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Heldal, Frode;
Sjøvold, Endre;
Stålsett, Kenneth.
Shared cognition in intercultural teams: collaborating without understanding each other.
Team Performance Management
Academic article
Heldal, Frode;
Kongsvik, Trond;
Håland, Erna.
Advancing the status of nursing: reconstructing professional nursing identity through patient safety work.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Heldal, Frode.
Er du effektiv eller kreativ?.
Ukeavisen ledelse
Feature article
Heldal, Frode.
Managerial Control versus Professional Autonomy in Organizational Change: Tearing Down the Walls and Fighting Fire with Fire.
Journal of Change Management
Academic article
Heldal, Frode;
Sjøvold, Endre.
Endring i sykehus - et spørsmål om ledelse :.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Feature article
Heldal, Frode;
Antonsen, Stian.
Team Leadership in a High-Risk Organization: The Role of Contextual Factors.
Small Group Research
Academic article
Heldal, Frode.
Se på House ledelse.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Heldal, Frode.
Den livsfarlige enigheten.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Haugen, Stein;
Kongsvik, Trond Øystein;
Heldal, Frode.
Er det mulig å granske seg til bedre pasientsikkerhet?.
Dagens medisin
Feature article
Heldal, Frode.
Dropp reglene!.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Heldal, Frode.
Multidisciplinary collaboration as a loosely coupled system: Integrating and blocking professional boundaries with objects.
Journal of Interprofessional Care
Academic article
Heldal, Frode;
Tjora, Aksel.
Making sense of patient expertise.
Social Theory & Health
Academic article
Heldal, Frode;
Steinsbekk, Jan-Aslak.
Norwegian Healthcare Professionals' Perceptions of Patient Knowledge and Involvement as Basis for Decision Making in Hematology.
Oncology Nursing Forum
Academic article
Haugen, Stein;
Heldal, Frode.
Pasientsikkerhet - tid for noe nytt?.
Feature article
Heldal, Frode.
Pasienten tar makta - eller?.
Feature article
Heldal, Frode.
Hvor ble det av pasienten?.
Feature article
Sjøvold, Endre;
Heldal, AF;
Heldal, Frode.
Success on the Internet � optimizing relationships through the corporate site.
International Journal of Information Management
Academic article
Heldal, Frode.
Levende team - Teamledelse i praksis.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Antonsen, Stian;
Heldal, Frode;
Kvalheim, Sverre Andreas.
Sikkerhet og ledelse.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Stokken, Roar;
Heldal, Frode;
Fossheim, Janne Rong;
Urke, Henriette Holstad.
Fjern ledelse, god ledelse?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Solberg, Harry Arne;
Heldal, Frode;
Denstadli, Jon Martin;
Nesseler, Cornel Maria.
The Battle for Football Supporters : Will the “Big-Five” Displace Clubs in Smaller Football Nations.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heldal, Frode;
Stiklestad, Trond.
Snowflakes – team learning as tool; you are not better than your group.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sacramento, Isabella;
Heldal, Frode;
de Almeida, Ricardo Cariello.
Using Body Sounds as a Coaching Tool to Promote Individual Growth in Brazil.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Scaratti, Giuseppe;
Gorli, Mara;
Heldal, Frode.
Using Narratives and Portraits to Foster Reflexivity and Learning from Experience in Healthcare Organizations in Italy and Norway.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heldal, Frode;
Sacramento, Isabella;
Wennes, Grete.
Learning Entrepreneurship by Hand Clapping: ABM in Use in Entrepreneurship Education.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stiklestad, Trond;
Heldal, Frode.
Fra formelle lover og regler til magefølelse: Hva kan vi lære av politiet?.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heldal, Frode;
Dehlin, Erlend.
Drop your rules!.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heldal, Frode;
Antonsen, Stian;
Kvalheim, Sverre Andreas.
Ledelse av sikkerhet.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stokken, Roar;
Heldal, Frode;
Bruntveit, Angelica.
Fagprosedyrenes forvandling: om hvordan fagprosedyrer blir mer enn bare dokumenter når de møter praksis.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heldal, Frode;
Sjøvold, Endre.
Effektivitetens kilde til ineffektivitet : Krysskulturelle team i en standardisert kontekst.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heldal, Frode.
Evidensbasert praksis – kan vi lære noe av det medisinske fagfeltet?.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heldal, Frode.
Integrasjonsprosesser på sykehus: Hvilken rolle spiller ledelse og profesjonsgrenser?.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heldal, Frode.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Solberg, Harry Arne;
Becker, Denis;
Denstadli, Jon Martin;
Heldal, Frode;
Knardal, Per Ståle;
Thøring, Thor Atle.
Sykkel-VM 2017. Fra folkefest til økonomisk bakrus.
NTNU: Center for Sport and Culture Management Research
Heldal, Frode;
Sjøvold, Endre;
Klev, Roger.
Cross-boundary relationships - The object, the social, and the health professional.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (268)
Doctoral dissertation
Academic lectureHeldal, Frode; Gorli, Mara; Corvino, Chiara. (2024) Does it make sense to be green?. NTNU Business School NTNU Business School Conference 2024 , Britannia Hotel, Trondheim 2024-10-23 - 2024-10-24
Programme managementHeldal, Frode. (2024) Innovative Teams - sesong 6 og 7. Spotify, Apple Podcasts, m.m. Spotify, Apple Podcasts, m.m. [Radio] 2024-12-31
Academic lectureSolberg, Harry Arne; Heldal, Frode; Nesseler, Cornel. (2023) The battle for football supporters - Will the "Big-five" displace clubs in smaller football nations. East Asia Research and Southern Cross University Asia-Singapore Conference on Sport Science , Singapore 2023-12-05 - 2024-01-06
Academic lectureHeldal, Frode; Gorli, Mara; Corvino, Chiara. (2023) Sustaining the ecological transition. EGOS 2023 2023-07-01 - 2023-07-04
Academic lectureSolberg, Harry Arne; Heldal, Frode. (2019) 2017 World Cycling Championship: What went wrong and why. Høgskolen i Innlandet NEON-konferansen 2019 , Lillehammer 2019-11-26 - 2019-11-28
Academic lectureHeldal, Frode; Solberg, Harry Arne. (2019) Irrational decision-making in sports events. NEON 2019 2019-11-26 - 2019-11-28
Academic lectureHåland, Erna; Heldal, Frode; Kongsvik, Trond. (2018) Advancing the status of nursing; reconstructing patient safety as professional work. BSA MedSoc , Glasgow 2018-09-11 - 2018-09-14
Academic lectureHeldal, Frode; Kongsvik, Trond; Håland, Erna. (2018) Reconstructing patient safety in nursing. 14th Annual Norwegian Health Sociology Conference 2018-04-18 - 2018-04-19
Academic lectureOddane, Torild A Wathne; Heldal, Frode; Dehlin, Erlend; Wennes, Grete. (2017) Yes, we would very much like to play Skavlan with you!. Nordic Academy of Management NFF 2017 The 24. Nordic Academy of Management conference , Bodø 2017-08-23 - 2017-08-25
Academic lectureOddane, Torild A Wathne; Heldal, Frode; Dehlin, Erlend; Wennes, Grete. (2017) There will be Talk Shows! Serious Play as Arts-Based Research. EGOS EGOS , København 2017-07-06 - 2107-07-08
Academic lectureHeldal, Frode; Oddane, Torild A Wathne. (2016) Experiencing Art-Based Methods in identifying and formulating a variety of professional dilemmas - The SKAVLAN concept. GNOSIS 2020 GNOSIS 2020 International network on Reflexivity through Art-Based Methods in Rethinking Leadership and Management Across the professions London meeting , London 2016-02-19 - 2016-02-21
LectureHeldal, Frode; Oddane, Torild A Wathne; Dehlin, Erlend; Wennes, Grete. (2016) Bringing Love Back into the Workplace. EGOS 2016 with University Naples Federico II EGOS - European Group of Organization Studies , Napoli, Italia 2016-07-07 - 2016-07-09
Academic lectureHeldal, Frode. (2014) Balancing rules with improvisation. IOSH Working on Safety 2014-09-30 - 2014-10-03
Academic lectureHeldal, Frode. (2014) Professionals in a managed change program. NOVO conference 2014 2014-11-08 - 2014-11-09
Academic lectureHeldal, Frode; Sjøvold, Endre. (2013) Patient safety in the ER - Having the BEST experience. Nationan Institute for Health and Welfare the 7th NOVO Symposiun 2013 , Helsinki 2013-11-25 - 2013-11-26
Academic lectureVie, Ola Edvin; Dehlin, Erlend; Heldal, Frode. (2013) Emotional managers facing authenticity and inauthenticity in their leadership role. University of Iceland 22th Nordic Academy of Management conference , Reykjavik, Iceland 2013-08-21 - 2013-08-23
Academic lectureHeldal, Frode. (2013) Leading change in health care. 9th Annual Norwegian Health Sociology Conference 2013-04-23 - 2013-04-24
Academic lecture
Academic lectureSchultz, Joseph Samuel; Heldal, Frode; Sjøvold, Endre. (2013) The future of eldercare, will it lead to bankruptcy or prosperity?: A study of innovation processes developed by Norwegian municipalities. National Institute for Health and Welfare 7th NOVO SYmposium: A Nordic Model for Sustainable Systems in the Health Care Sector , Helsinki 2013-11-25 - 2013-11-26
Academic lectureHeldal, Frode; Antonsen, Stian; Holdø, Per. (2012) How do we make teams proactive. NTNU IWOT 16 , Trondheim 2012-09-06 - 2012-09-07
Academic lectureHeldal, Frode. (2012) Team Safety at the Shop Floor. Sjøkrigsskolen GRASP 2012 , Bergen 2012-05-03 - 2012-05-04
Academic lectureSjøvold, Endre; Heldal, Frode. (2010) Emergecyward efficiency and the coordinator role. Universitetet i Stavanger The 4th NOVO symposium Sustainable Nordic health care systems , Stavanger 2010-11-24 - 2010-11-25
Academic lectureSkogdalen, Jon Espen; Haugen, Stein; Heldal, Frode; Øren Holo, Birger; Okstad, Eivind; Steen, Sunniva A. (2009) Analysis of Barriers in Marine Operations on offshore oil installations. OMAE OMAE 2009 , Hawaii 2009-05-31 - 2009-06-01
PosterStokken, Roar; Heldal, Frode. (2008) Organizational benefits from patient education. Nasjonal konferanse for forskere innen pasientopplæring , Oslo 2008-09-25 -
InterviewHeldal, Frode. (2006) Vitende eller lykkelig?. Microsoft Magazine Microsoft Magazine [Newspaper] 2006-12-01
Academic lectureHeldal, Frode. (2006) Health professional - between God and humble servant. Copenhagen Business School Nordic workshop on health management and organization , København 2006-12-07 - 2006-12-08
Academic lectureHeldal, Frode; Lium, Jan-Tore; Sjøvold, Endre. (2006) Barriers for interdisciplinary teamwork in hospitals: The myth of professional cultures. Copenhagen Business School Nordic workshop on health management and organization , København 2006-12-07 - 2006-12-08