Bojana Gajic
Vaagland, Henriette;
Evertsen, Jussi;
Hofstad, Eva;
Vuttudal, Annette;
Erlingsson, Emma;
Larson, Sophie Jessica.
Trøndersk Matfestival 2024.
Trøndersk Matfestival, Barnas Matfestival
Other presentation
Rossing, Nils Kristian;
Kleiven, Ola;
Gajic, Bojana;
Hagen, Eva H;
Andersen, Hanne Kile;
Bjørkhaug, Kristoffer.
Grunnleggende elektronikk og elektrisitetslære - DeKom.
Vitensenteret i Trondheim
Gajic, Bojana;
Rossing, Nils Kristian;
Lyngvær, Eirik;
Bungum, Berit.
Design and build a smart lamp.
Science in School
Popular scientific article
Johansen, Astrid;
Mogstad, Erik;
Gajic, Bojana;
Bungum, Berit.
Incorporating creativity in science and mathematics teaching:
Teachers’ views on opportunities and challenges.
Nordic Studies in Science Education
Academic article
Lundheim, Lars Magne;
Bolstad, Torstein;
Gajic, Bojana;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Hardeberg Zimmermann, Pauline.
Aktivitetsbasert emneorganisering: Et verktøy for utvikling av tankesett for studentaktiv læring hos undervisere og studenter.
Nordic Journal of STEM Education
Academic article
Rossing, Nils Kristian;
Kleiven, Ola;
Sæther, Rannvei;
Hagen, Eva H;
Gajic, Bojana.
Grunnleggende elektronikk og elektrisitetslære – DeKom.
Vitensenteret i Trondheim
Reinertsen, Anne Beate;
Thomas, Louise M;
Gajic, Bojana.
The Imperceptible beingness of M/Otherhood in Academia.
Palgrave Macmillan
Palgrave Studies in Gender and Education (14626)
Non-fiction book
Lundheim, Lars Magne;
Ekman, Torbjörn;
Gajic, Bojana;
Larsen, Bjørn B.;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin.
Early Innovation Projects: First Experiences from the Electronic Engineering Ladder at NTNU.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gajic, Bojana;
Aas, Einar Johan.
Instituttet spør sine tidligere studenter: Hvor relevant var utdanningen?.
Elektronikk : tidsskrift for IT og telekom
Academic literature review
Pettersen, Svein Gunnar;
Gajic, Bojana.
Model Compensation for Features Based on Subband Spectral Centroid Histograms.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gajic, Bojana;
Paliwal, Kuldip K..
Robust Speech Recognition in Noisy Environments Based on Subband Spectral Centroid Histograms.
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing
Academic article
Gajic, Bojana.
Auditory Based Methods for Robust Speech Feature Extraction.
Academic article
Gajic, Bojana.
Er noen språk enklere å gjenkjenne enn andre?.
NORSIGnalet : organ for NORSIG, Norsk forening for signalbehandling
Academic article
Gajic, Bojana.
Feature Extraction for Automatic Speech Recognition in Noisy Acoustic Environments.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU)
Doctoral dissertation
Journal publications
Gajic, Bojana;
Rossing, Nils Kristian;
Lyngvær, Eirik;
Bungum, Berit.
Design and build a smart lamp.
Science in School
Popular scientific article
Johansen, Astrid;
Mogstad, Erik;
Gajic, Bojana;
Bungum, Berit.
Incorporating creativity in science and mathematics teaching:
Teachers’ views on opportunities and challenges.
Nordic Studies in Science Education
Academic article
Lundheim, Lars Magne;
Bolstad, Torstein;
Gajic, Bojana;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Hardeberg Zimmermann, Pauline.
Aktivitetsbasert emneorganisering: Et verktøy for utvikling av tankesett for studentaktiv læring hos undervisere og studenter.
Nordic Journal of STEM Education
Academic article
Gajic, Bojana;
Aas, Einar Johan.
Instituttet spør sine tidligere studenter: Hvor relevant var utdanningen?.
Elektronikk : tidsskrift for IT og telekom
Academic literature review
Gajic, Bojana;
Paliwal, Kuldip K..
Robust Speech Recognition in Noisy Environments Based on Subband Spectral Centroid Histograms.
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing
Academic article
Gajic, Bojana.
Auditory Based Methods for Robust Speech Feature Extraction.
Academic article
Gajic, Bojana.
Er noen språk enklere å gjenkjenne enn andre?.
NORSIGnalet : organ for NORSIG, Norsk forening for signalbehandling
Academic article
Reinertsen, Anne Beate;
Thomas, Louise M;
Gajic, Bojana.
The Imperceptible beingness of M/Otherhood in Academia.
Palgrave Macmillan
Palgrave Studies in Gender and Education (14626)
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Lundheim, Lars Magne;
Ekman, Torbjörn;
Gajic, Bojana;
Larsen, Bjørn B.;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin.
Early Innovation Projects: First Experiences from the Electronic Engineering Ladder at NTNU.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pettersen, Svein Gunnar;
Gajic, Bojana.
Model Compensation for Features Based on Subband Spectral Centroid Histograms.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rossing, Nils Kristian;
Kleiven, Ola;
Gajic, Bojana;
Hagen, Eva H;
Andersen, Hanne Kile;
Bjørkhaug, Kristoffer.
Grunnleggende elektronikk og elektrisitetslære - DeKom.
Vitensenteret i Trondheim
Rossing, Nils Kristian;
Kleiven, Ola;
Sæther, Rannvei;
Hagen, Eva H;
Gajic, Bojana.
Grunnleggende elektronikk og elektrisitetslære – DeKom.
Vitensenteret i Trondheim
Gajic, Bojana.
Feature Extraction for Automatic Speech Recognition in Noisy Acoustic Environments.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU)
Doctoral dissertation
Vaagland, Henriette;
Evertsen, Jussi;
Hofstad, Eva;
Vuttudal, Annette;
Erlingsson, Emma;
Larson, Sophie Jessica.
Trøndersk Matfestival 2024.
Trøndersk Matfestival, Barnas Matfestival
Other presentation
Knowledge Transfer
Popular scientific lectureEvertsen, Jussi; Gajic, Bojana; Vaagland, Henriette. (2024) Smaksprøver fra fjæra. Oi Trøndersk mat og drikke Trøndersk Matfestival , Trondheim 2024-08-01 - 2024-08-03
Academic lectureJohansen, Astrid; Mogstad, Erik; Gajic, Bojana; Bungum, Berit. (2021) Views on creativity and how it can be fostered. VIA University College Aarhus NFSUN , Aarhus 2021-06-01 - 2021-06-02
Popular scientific lectureGajic, Bojana. (2018) Gøy med elektrisitet. Trondheim folkebibliotek, Folkeverkstedet Mini maker fair på Heimdal bibliotek , Trondheim 2018-04-28 -
LectureGajic, Bojana; Reinertsen, Anne Beate. (2018) Lek med elektrisitet!. Skolelaboratoriet NTNU, Matematikksenteret, Tr.lag fylkeskom Realfagskonferansen , Trondheim 2018-05-07 -
Popular scientific lectureGajic, Bojana. (2017) Elektrisk magi. Trondheim folkebibliotek Girl Tech Fest , Trondheim 2017-09-25 -
Academic lectureLundheim, Lars Magne; Ekman, Torbjörn; Gajic, Bojana; Larsen, Bjørn B.; Tybell, Per Thomas Martin. (2016) Early Innovation Projects: First Experiences from the Electronic Engineering Ladder at NTNU. 2016 12th International CDIO Conference 2016-06-12 - 2016-06-16
PosterPettersen, Svein Gunnar; Gajic, Bojana. (2006) Model Compensation for Features Based on Subband Spectral Centroid Histograms. NORSIG 2006 , Reykjavik 2006-06-07 - 2006-06-09
Academic lectureMarkhus, Vidar; Gajic, Bojana; Svarverud, Jacques; Solbraa, Lars Erik; Johnsen, Magne Hallstein. (2004) Annotation and Automatic Recognition of Spontaneously Dictated Medical Records for Norwegian. NORSIG 2004 6th NORDIC SIGNAL PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM , Meripuisto, Espoo 2004-06-09 - 2004-06-11
PosterGajic, Bojana; Markhus, Vidar; Pettersen, Svein Gunnar; Johnsen, Magne Hallstein. (2004) Automatic Recognition of Spontaneously Dictated Medical Records for Norwegian. COST278 and ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop (ITRW) Robust2004 , Norwich 2004-08-30 - 2004-08-31
Popular scientific lectureGajic, Bojana. (2003) Taleteknologi og mulige anvendelser i helsesektoren. Seminar i medisinsk teknologi - Hva kan NTNU tilby av forskning til helsetjenesten og hvilke behov har helsesektoren , Trondheim 2003-06-05 -
Academic lectureGajic, Bojana; Paliwal, Kuldip. (2003) Robust Speech Recognition Using Features Based on Zero Crossing with Peak Amplitudes. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Hong Kong, China 2003-04-10 -
Academic lectureRose, Richard; Parthasarathy, S.; Gajic, Bojana; Rosenberg, Aaron; Narayanan, Shrikanth. (2001) On the Implementation of ASR Algorithms for Hand-Held Wireless Mobile Devices. The 2001 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, May 7-11, 2001
PosterGajic, Bojana; Paliwal, Kuldip. (2001) Robust Feature Extraction Using Subband Spectral Centroid Histograms. The 2001 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, May 7-11, 2001
PosterGajic, Bojana; Paliwal, Kuldip. (2001) Speech Parameterization for Automatic Speech Recognition in Noisy Conditions. Norsk Symposium i Signalbehandling 2001 , Trondheim 2001-10-20 -
PosterGajic, Bojana; Paliwal, Kuldip. (2001) Robust Parameters for Speech Recognition Based on Subband Spectral Centroid Histograms. 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH 2001) , Aalborg, Denmark 2001-09-07 -
Academic lectureRose, Richard; Gajic, Bojana; Narayanan, Shrikanth; Parthasarathy, S.; Rosenberg, Aaron. (2000) Automatic Speech Recognition for Mobile Communication Devices. Nordic Signal Processing Symposium, NORSIG2000 , Kolmården, Sweden, June 13-15, 2000
PosterGajic, Bojana; Rose, Richard C.. (2000) Hidden Markov Model Environmental Compensation for Automatic Speech Recognition on Hand-Held Devices. 6th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 2000 , Beijing, China, October 16-20, 2000
Academic lectureGajic, Bojana. (2000) Acoustic HMM Compensation for ASR on Mobile Devices. AT&T Labs-Research , Florham Park, New Jersey, USA 2000-04-06 -
Academic lectureBauche, Étienne; Gajic, Bojana; Minami, Yasuhiro; Matsuoka, Tatsuo; Furui, Sadaoki. (1997) Connected digit recognition in spontaneous speech. Eurospeech '97 , Rhodos