Hans Ola Fredin
I am a Professor in Engineering geology of soils (Quaternary deposits) at the Department of Geoscience and Petroleum, NTNU
My main research interests are in Quaternary geology, including genesis and properties of Quaternary deposits. Geohazards, including mass movements in sediments such as quick clay and in steep terrain, are also fields where I am working together with graduate students.
I employ various laboratory techniques to characterize the sediments. GIS and remote sensing are also important tools that I use to explore spatial relationships. Here AI and machine learning have become indispensable tools in later years and I am participating in projects to map geohazards using AI/ML.
I'm currently working with the following;
- Changes in ice volume of the Antarctic ice sheet
- Deglaciation of Norway and Scandinavia
- Distribution and characteristics of Quaternary deposits
- Mapping and understanding of geohazards with emphasis on quick clay and mass movement in steep terrain
- The use of AI/ML in geoscience
Nielsen, Cecilia E.;
Andersen, Jane L.;
Margreth, Annina;
Fredin, Ola;
Pedersen, Vivi.
Constraining the origin of the Norwegian strandflat – The influence of isostatic and dynamic surface changes.
Academic article
Rønning, Jan Steinar;
Böhme, Martina;
Fredin, Ola;
Hansen, Anna Louise Alhed;
Hermanns, Reginald Leonhard Manfred;
Ofstad, Frode.
Rock-avalanche deposit causes extreme high indoor radon concentrations in Kinsarvik, Ullensvang municipality, Western Norway.
Engineering Geology
Academic article
Jarna, Alexandra;
Bakkestuen, Vegar;
Calovi, Martina;
Fredin, Ola;
Rød, Jan Ketil.
Where are the outcrops? Automatic delineation of bedrock from sediments using Deep-Learning techniques.
Applied Computing and Geosciences
Academic article
Jarna, Alexandra;
Lindsay, Erin Rose Pilaar;
Fredin, Ola;
Myrvoll, Tor Andre;
Nordal, Steinar;
Rød, Jan Ketil.
Globally vs. Locally Trained Machine Learning Models for Landslide Detection: A Case Study of a Glacial Landscape.
Remote Sensing
Academic article
Mas e Braga, Martim;
Jones, Richard S.;
Bernales, Jorge;
Andersen, Jane Lund;
Fredin, Ola;
Morlighem, Mathieu.
A thicker Antarctic ice stream during the mid-Pliocene warm period.
Communications Earth & Environment
Academic article
Peter, Maria;
Andersen, Jane Lund;
Nixon, Francis Chantel;
Etzelmüller, Bernd;
Westermann, Sebastian;
Fredin, Ola.
Near-surface temperatures and potential for frost weathering in blockfields in Norway and Svalbard.
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
Academic article
Andersen, Jane Lund;
Newall, J.C.;
Fredin, Ola;
Glasser, Neil F.;
Lifton, Nathaniel A.;
Stuart, Finlay M..
A topographic hinge-zone divides coastal and inland ice dynamic regimes in East Antarctica.
Communications Earth & Environment
Academic article
Romundset, Anders;
Akcar, Naki;
Fredin, Ola;
Andersen, Jane Lund;
Høgaas, Fredrik;
Christl, Marcus.
Early Holocene thinning and final demise of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet across the main drainage divide of southern Norway.
Quaternary Science Reviews
Academic article
Broekmans, Maarten;
Fernandes, Isabel;
Fredin, Ola;
Margreth, Annina.
Polarization-fluorescence Microscopy in the Study of Aggregates and Concrete.
Academic article
Sugunuma, Yusuke;
Kaneda, Heitaro;
Mas e Braga, Martim;
Ishiwa, Takeshige;
Koyama, Takushi;
Newall, Jennifer C.H..
Regional sea-level highstand triggered Holocene ice sheet thinning across coastal Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica.
Communications Earth & Environment
Academic article
Knies, Jochen Manfred;
Schönenberger, Jasmin;
Zwingmann, Horst;
van der Lelij, Roelant;
Smelror, Morten;
Vullum, Per Erik.
Continental weathering and recovery from ocean nutrient stress during the Early Triassic Biotic Crisis.
Communications Earth & Environment
Academic article
Christoffersen, Marianne;
van-Boeckel, Mikis;
Fredin, Ola;
Larsen, Eiliv;
Liinamaa-Dehls, Anne;
Lyså, Astrid.
Kartlegging av rødlistede landformer: videreføring av pilotprosjekt 2019.
Norges geologiske undersøkelse
Christoffersen, Marianne;
Fredin, Ola;
Larsen, Eiliv;
Lyså, Astrid;
Nordahl, Bobo.
Kartlegging av glasiale landformer på Søre Sunnmøre.
Norges geologiske undersøkelse
Andersen, Jane Lund;
Margreth, Annina;
Fredin, Ola;
Linge, Henriette;
Goodfellow, Bradley W.;
Faust, Johan Christoph.
Rapid post-glacial bedrock weathering in coastal Norway.
Academic article
Andersen, Jane Lund;
Newall, J.C.;
Blomdin, Robin;
Sams, S.E.;
Fabel, Derek;
Koester, A.J..
Ice surface changes during recent glacial cycles along the Jutulstraumen and Penck Trough ice streams in western Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica.
Quaternary Science Reviews
Academic article
Newall, Jennifer C.H.;
Dymova, Taisiya;
Serra, Elena;
Blomdin, Robin;
Fredin, Hans Ola;
Glasser, Neil F..
The glacial geomorphology of western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica.
Journal of Maps
Academic article
van Duinen, Aalke Johan;
Adde, Håvard Askim;
Fredin, Hans Ola;
Holmer, Hampus;
Hagander, Lars;
Koroma, Alimamy Philip.
Travel time and perinatal mortality after emergency caesarean sections: an evaluation of the 2-hour proximity indicator in Sierra Leone.
BMJ Global Health
Academic article
Akcar, Naki;
Yavuz, Vural;
Ivy-Ochs, Susan;
Fredin, Ola;
Nyffenegger, Franziska;
Korkut, Mehmet.
Liquefaction of freshwater carbonates led to the February 10, 2011, landslide at the Cöllolar coalfield, eastern Turkey.
Academic article
Andersen, Jane Lund;
Egholm, David Lundbek;
Knudsen, Mads Faurschou;
Linge, Henriette;
Jansen, John D.;
Goodfellow, Bradley W..
Pleistocene evolution of a Scandinavian Plateau Landscape.
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Earth Surface
Academic article
Fredin, Ola;
Viola, Giulio;
Zwingmann, Horst;
Sørlie, Ronald;
Brönner, Marco;
Lie, Jan-Erik.
Correspondence: Reply to ‘Challenges with dating weathering products to unravel ancient landscapes’.
Nature Communications
Letter to the editor
Romundset, Anders;
Akçar, Naki;
Fredin, Ola;
Tikhomirov, Dmitry;
Reber, Regina;
Vockenhuber, Christof.
Lateglacial retreat chronology of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet in Finnmark, northern Norway, reconstructed from surface exposure dating of major end moraines.
Quaternary Science Reviews
Academic article
Fredin, Ola;
Viola, Giulio;
Zwingmann, Horst;
Sørlie, Ronald;
Brönner, Marco;
Lie, Jan-Erik.
The inheritance of a Mesozoic landscape in western Scandinavia.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Fredin, Ola;
Viola, Giulio;
Zwingmann, Horst;
Sørlie, Ronald;
Brönner, Marco;
Lie, Jan-Erik.
Reply to 'Challenges with dating weathering products to unravel ancient landscapes'.
Nature Communications
Short communication
Viola, Giulio;
Scheiber, Thomas;
Fredin, Ola;
Zwingmann, Horst;
Margreth, A;
Knies, Jochen.
Deconvoluting complex structural histories
archived in brittle fault zones.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Larsen, Eiliv;
Fredin, Ola;
Lyså, Astrid;
Amantov, Aleksey;
Fjeldskaar, Willy;
Ottesen, Dag.
Causes of time-transgressive glacial maxima positions of the last Scandinavian Ice Sheet.
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Stroeven, Arjen P.;
Hättestrand, Clas;
Kleman, Johan;
Heyman, Jakob;
Fabel, Derek;
Fredin, Ola.
Deglaciation of Fennoscandia.
Quaternary Science Reviews
Academic article
Stroeven, Arjen P.;
Heyman, Jakob;
Fabel, Derek;
Björck, Svante;
Caffee, Marc;
Fredin, Ola.
A new Scandinavian reference 10Be production rate.
Quaternary Geochronology
Academic article
Johnson, Mark D.;
Fredin, Ola;
Ojala, Antti E.K.;
Peterson, Gustaf.
Unraveling Scandinavian geomorphology: the LiDAR revolution.
Academic article
Scheiber, Thomas;
Fredin, Ola;
Viola, Giulio;
Jarna, Alexandra;
Gasser, Deta;
Lapinska-Viola, Renata.
Manual extraction of bedrock lineaments from high-resolution LiDAR data: methodological bias and human perception.
Academic article
Romundset, Anders;
Fredin, Ola;
Høgaas, Fredrik.
A Holocene sea-level curve and revised isobase map based on isolation basins from near the southern tip of Norway.
Academic article
Goodfellow, Bradley W.;
Stroeven, Arjen P.;
Fabel, Derek;
Fredin, Ola;
Derron, Marc-Henri;
Bintanja, Richard.
Arctic-alpine blockfields in northern Swedish Scandes: late Quaternary - not Neogene.
Earth Surface Dynamics
Academic article
Goodfellow, Bradley W.;
Stroeven, Arjen P.;
Fabel, Derek;
Fredin, Ola;
Derron, Marc-Henri;
Bintanja, Richard.
Arctic-alpine blockfields in the northern Swedish Scandes: Late Quaternary - Not Neogene.
Earth Surface Dynamics
Academic article
Lyså, Astrid;
Larsen, Eiliv;
Buylaert, Jan-Pieter;
Fredin, Ola;
Jensen, Maria;
Kuznetsov, Denis.
Late Pleistocene stratigraphy and sedimentary environments of the Severnaya Dvina-Vychegda region in northwestern Russia.
Academic article
Larsen, Eiliv;
Fredin, Ola;
Jensen, Maria;
Kuznetsov, Denis;
Lyså, Astrid;
Subetto, Dmitry.
Subglacial sediment, proglacial lake-level and topographic controls on ice extent and lobe geometries during the Last Glacial Maximum in NW Russia.
Quaternary Science Reviews
Academic article
Goodfellow, Bradley W.;
Stroeven, Arjen P;
Fabel, Derek;
Fredin, Ola;
Derron, Marc-Henri;
Bintanja, Richard.
Arctic-alpine blockfields in northern Sweden: Quaternary not Neogene.
Earth System Science Data
Academic article
Olesen, Odleiv;
Kierulf, Halfdan Pascal;
Brönner, Marco;
Dalsegg, Einar;
Fredin, Ola;
Solbakk, Terje.
Deep weathering, neotectonics and strandflat formation in Nordland, northern Norway.
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Fredin, Hans Ola;
Rubensdotter, Lena;
Aurelien, van Welden;
Larsen, Eiliv;
Lyså, Astrid.
Distribution of ice marginal moraines in NW Russia.
Journal of Maps
Academic article
Olesen, Odleiv;
Bering, Dag;
Brönner, Marco;
Dalsegg, Einar;
Fabian, Karl;
Fredin, Ola.
Tropical Weathering In Norway,TWIN Final Report.
Norges geologiske undersøkelse
Lyså, Astrid;
Jensen, Maria;
Larsen, Eiliv;
Fredin, Ola;
Demidov, Igor N..
Ice-distal landscape and sediment signatures evidencing damming and drainage of large pro-glacial lakes, northwest Russia.
Academic article
Beylich, Achim Alfred;
Laute, Katja;
Liermann, Susan;
Hansen, Louise;
Burki, Valentin;
Vatne, Geir.
Subrecent sediment dynamics and sediment budget of the braided sandur system at Sandane, Erdalen (Nordfjord, Western Norway).
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Burki, Valentin Josef;
Larsen, Eiliv;
Fredin, Ola;
Margreth, Annina.
The formation of sawtooth moraine ridges in Bødalen, western Norway.
Academic article
Hansen, Louise;
Beylich, Achim;
Burki, Valentin Josef;
Eilertsen, Raymond S;
Fredin, Ola;
Larsen, Eiliv.
Stratigraphic architecture and infill history of a deglaciated bedrock valley based on georadar, seismic profiling and drilling.
Academic article
Burki, Valentin Josef;
Larsen, Eiliv;
Fredin, Ola;
Nesje, Atle.
Glacial remobilization cycles as revealed by lateral moraine sediment, Bødalsbreen glacier foreland, western Norway.
The Holocene
Academic article
Aarseth, Inge ;
Nesje, Atle;
Fredin, Ola.
UNESCO fjords - From Nærøyfjord to Geirangerfjord. 33rd IGC excursion guide.
International Union of Geological Sciences (UGS) IGCC
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Redfield, Thomas F;
Hendriks, Bart H W;
Davidsen, Børre;
Bergh, Steffen G;
Fredin, O.
Tectonic topography on a glaciated margin: the role of inherited structure.
Geophysical Research Abstracts
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Redfield, Thomas F;
Hendriks, Bart H W;
Davidsen, Børre;
Bergh, Steffen G;
Fredin, O.
Tectonically controlled topography and landscape evolution in western Fennoscandia – some current ideas.
Abstracts and Proceedings of the Geological Society of Norway
Journal publications
Nielsen, Cecilia E.;
Andersen, Jane L.;
Margreth, Annina;
Fredin, Ola;
Pedersen, Vivi.
Constraining the origin of the Norwegian strandflat – The influence of isostatic and dynamic surface changes.
Academic article
Rønning, Jan Steinar;
Böhme, Martina;
Fredin, Ola;
Hansen, Anna Louise Alhed;
Hermanns, Reginald Leonhard Manfred;
Ofstad, Frode.
Rock-avalanche deposit causes extreme high indoor radon concentrations in Kinsarvik, Ullensvang municipality, Western Norway.
Engineering Geology
Academic article
Jarna, Alexandra;
Bakkestuen, Vegar;
Calovi, Martina;
Fredin, Ola;
Rød, Jan Ketil.
Where are the outcrops? Automatic delineation of bedrock from sediments using Deep-Learning techniques.
Applied Computing and Geosciences
Academic article
Jarna, Alexandra;
Lindsay, Erin Rose Pilaar;
Fredin, Ola;
Myrvoll, Tor Andre;
Nordal, Steinar;
Rød, Jan Ketil.
Globally vs. Locally Trained Machine Learning Models for Landslide Detection: A Case Study of a Glacial Landscape.
Remote Sensing
Academic article
Mas e Braga, Martim;
Jones, Richard S.;
Bernales, Jorge;
Andersen, Jane Lund;
Fredin, Ola;
Morlighem, Mathieu.
A thicker Antarctic ice stream during the mid-Pliocene warm period.
Communications Earth & Environment
Academic article
Peter, Maria;
Andersen, Jane Lund;
Nixon, Francis Chantel;
Etzelmüller, Bernd;
Westermann, Sebastian;
Fredin, Ola.
Near-surface temperatures and potential for frost weathering in blockfields in Norway and Svalbard.
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
Academic article
Andersen, Jane Lund;
Newall, J.C.;
Fredin, Ola;
Glasser, Neil F.;
Lifton, Nathaniel A.;
Stuart, Finlay M..
A topographic hinge-zone divides coastal and inland ice dynamic regimes in East Antarctica.
Communications Earth & Environment
Academic article
Romundset, Anders;
Akcar, Naki;
Fredin, Ola;
Andersen, Jane Lund;
Høgaas, Fredrik;
Christl, Marcus.
Early Holocene thinning and final demise of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet across the main drainage divide of southern Norway.
Quaternary Science Reviews
Academic article
Broekmans, Maarten;
Fernandes, Isabel;
Fredin, Ola;
Margreth, Annina.
Polarization-fluorescence Microscopy in the Study of Aggregates and Concrete.
Academic article
Sugunuma, Yusuke;
Kaneda, Heitaro;
Mas e Braga, Martim;
Ishiwa, Takeshige;
Koyama, Takushi;
Newall, Jennifer C.H..
Regional sea-level highstand triggered Holocene ice sheet thinning across coastal Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica.
Communications Earth & Environment
Academic article
Knies, Jochen Manfred;
Schönenberger, Jasmin;
Zwingmann, Horst;
van der Lelij, Roelant;
Smelror, Morten;
Vullum, Per Erik.
Continental weathering and recovery from ocean nutrient stress during the Early Triassic Biotic Crisis.
Communications Earth & Environment
Academic article
Andersen, Jane Lund;
Margreth, Annina;
Fredin, Ola;
Linge, Henriette;
Goodfellow, Bradley W.;
Faust, Johan Christoph.
Rapid post-glacial bedrock weathering in coastal Norway.
Academic article
Andersen, Jane Lund;
Newall, J.C.;
Blomdin, Robin;
Sams, S.E.;
Fabel, Derek;
Koester, A.J..
Ice surface changes during recent glacial cycles along the Jutulstraumen and Penck Trough ice streams in western Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica.
Quaternary Science Reviews
Academic article
Newall, Jennifer C.H.;
Dymova, Taisiya;
Serra, Elena;
Blomdin, Robin;
Fredin, Hans Ola;
Glasser, Neil F..
The glacial geomorphology of western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica.
Journal of Maps
Academic article
van Duinen, Aalke Johan;
Adde, Håvard Askim;
Fredin, Hans Ola;
Holmer, Hampus;
Hagander, Lars;
Koroma, Alimamy Philip.
Travel time and perinatal mortality after emergency caesarean sections: an evaluation of the 2-hour proximity indicator in Sierra Leone.
BMJ Global Health
Academic article
Akcar, Naki;
Yavuz, Vural;
Ivy-Ochs, Susan;
Fredin, Ola;
Nyffenegger, Franziska;
Korkut, Mehmet.
Liquefaction of freshwater carbonates led to the February 10, 2011, landslide at the Cöllolar coalfield, eastern Turkey.
Academic article
Andersen, Jane Lund;
Egholm, David Lundbek;
Knudsen, Mads Faurschou;
Linge, Henriette;
Jansen, John D.;
Goodfellow, Bradley W..
Pleistocene evolution of a Scandinavian Plateau Landscape.
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Earth Surface
Academic article
Fredin, Ola;
Viola, Giulio;
Zwingmann, Horst;
Sørlie, Ronald;
Brönner, Marco;
Lie, Jan-Erik.
Correspondence: Reply to ‘Challenges with dating weathering products to unravel ancient landscapes’.
Nature Communications
Letter to the editor
Romundset, Anders;
Akçar, Naki;
Fredin, Ola;
Tikhomirov, Dmitry;
Reber, Regina;
Vockenhuber, Christof.
Lateglacial retreat chronology of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet in Finnmark, northern Norway, reconstructed from surface exposure dating of major end moraines.
Quaternary Science Reviews
Academic article
Fredin, Ola;
Viola, Giulio;
Zwingmann, Horst;
Sørlie, Ronald;
Brönner, Marco;
Lie, Jan-Erik.
The inheritance of a Mesozoic landscape in western Scandinavia.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Fredin, Ola;
Viola, Giulio;
Zwingmann, Horst;
Sørlie, Ronald;
Brönner, Marco;
Lie, Jan-Erik.
Reply to 'Challenges with dating weathering products to unravel ancient landscapes'.
Nature Communications
Short communication
Viola, Giulio;
Scheiber, Thomas;
Fredin, Ola;
Zwingmann, Horst;
Margreth, A;
Knies, Jochen.
Deconvoluting complex structural histories
archived in brittle fault zones.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Larsen, Eiliv;
Fredin, Ola;
Lyså, Astrid;
Amantov, Aleksey;
Fjeldskaar, Willy;
Ottesen, Dag.
Causes of time-transgressive glacial maxima positions of the last Scandinavian Ice Sheet.
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Stroeven, Arjen P.;
Hättestrand, Clas;
Kleman, Johan;
Heyman, Jakob;
Fabel, Derek;
Fredin, Ola.
Deglaciation of Fennoscandia.
Quaternary Science Reviews
Academic article
Stroeven, Arjen P.;
Heyman, Jakob;
Fabel, Derek;
Björck, Svante;
Caffee, Marc;
Fredin, Ola.
A new Scandinavian reference 10Be production rate.
Quaternary Geochronology
Academic article
Johnson, Mark D.;
Fredin, Ola;
Ojala, Antti E.K.;
Peterson, Gustaf.
Unraveling Scandinavian geomorphology: the LiDAR revolution.
Academic article
Scheiber, Thomas;
Fredin, Ola;
Viola, Giulio;
Jarna, Alexandra;
Gasser, Deta;
Lapinska-Viola, Renata.
Manual extraction of bedrock lineaments from high-resolution LiDAR data: methodological bias and human perception.
Academic article
Romundset, Anders;
Fredin, Ola;
Høgaas, Fredrik.
A Holocene sea-level curve and revised isobase map based on isolation basins from near the southern tip of Norway.
Academic article
Goodfellow, Bradley W.;
Stroeven, Arjen P.;
Fabel, Derek;
Fredin, Ola;
Derron, Marc-Henri;
Bintanja, Richard.
Arctic-alpine blockfields in northern Swedish Scandes: late Quaternary - not Neogene.
Earth Surface Dynamics
Academic article
Goodfellow, Bradley W.;
Stroeven, Arjen P.;
Fabel, Derek;
Fredin, Ola;
Derron, Marc-Henri;
Bintanja, Richard.
Arctic-alpine blockfields in the northern Swedish Scandes: Late Quaternary - Not Neogene.
Earth Surface Dynamics
Academic article
Lyså, Astrid;
Larsen, Eiliv;
Buylaert, Jan-Pieter;
Fredin, Ola;
Jensen, Maria;
Kuznetsov, Denis.
Late Pleistocene stratigraphy and sedimentary environments of the Severnaya Dvina-Vychegda region in northwestern Russia.
Academic article
Larsen, Eiliv;
Fredin, Ola;
Jensen, Maria;
Kuznetsov, Denis;
Lyså, Astrid;
Subetto, Dmitry.
Subglacial sediment, proglacial lake-level and topographic controls on ice extent and lobe geometries during the Last Glacial Maximum in NW Russia.
Quaternary Science Reviews
Academic article
Goodfellow, Bradley W.;
Stroeven, Arjen P;
Fabel, Derek;
Fredin, Ola;
Derron, Marc-Henri;
Bintanja, Richard.
Arctic-alpine blockfields in northern Sweden: Quaternary not Neogene.
Earth System Science Data
Academic article
Olesen, Odleiv;
Kierulf, Halfdan Pascal;
Brönner, Marco;
Dalsegg, Einar;
Fredin, Ola;
Solbakk, Terje.
Deep weathering, neotectonics and strandflat formation in Nordland, northern Norway.
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Fredin, Hans Ola;
Rubensdotter, Lena;
Aurelien, van Welden;
Larsen, Eiliv;
Lyså, Astrid.
Distribution of ice marginal moraines in NW Russia.
Journal of Maps
Academic article
Lyså, Astrid;
Jensen, Maria;
Larsen, Eiliv;
Fredin, Ola;
Demidov, Igor N..
Ice-distal landscape and sediment signatures evidencing damming and drainage of large pro-glacial lakes, northwest Russia.
Academic article
Beylich, Achim Alfred;
Laute, Katja;
Liermann, Susan;
Hansen, Louise;
Burki, Valentin;
Vatne, Geir.
Subrecent sediment dynamics and sediment budget of the braided sandur system at Sandane, Erdalen (Nordfjord, Western Norway).
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Burki, Valentin Josef;
Larsen, Eiliv;
Fredin, Ola;
Margreth, Annina.
The formation of sawtooth moraine ridges in Bødalen, western Norway.
Academic article
Hansen, Louise;
Beylich, Achim;
Burki, Valentin Josef;
Eilertsen, Raymond S;
Fredin, Ola;
Larsen, Eiliv.
Stratigraphic architecture and infill history of a deglaciated bedrock valley based on georadar, seismic profiling and drilling.
Academic article
Burki, Valentin Josef;
Larsen, Eiliv;
Fredin, Ola;
Nesje, Atle.
Glacial remobilization cycles as revealed by lateral moraine sediment, Bødalsbreen glacier foreland, western Norway.
The Holocene
Academic article
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Redfield, Thomas F;
Hendriks, Bart H W;
Davidsen, Børre;
Bergh, Steffen G;
Fredin, O.
Tectonic topography on a glaciated margin: the role of inherited structure.
Geophysical Research Abstracts
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Redfield, Thomas F;
Hendriks, Bart H W;
Davidsen, Børre;
Bergh, Steffen G;
Fredin, O.
Tectonically controlled topography and landscape evolution in western Fennoscandia – some current ideas.
Abstracts and Proceedings of the Geological Society of Norway
Christoffersen, Marianne;
van-Boeckel, Mikis;
Fredin, Ola;
Larsen, Eiliv;
Liinamaa-Dehls, Anne;
Lyså, Astrid.
Kartlegging av rødlistede landformer: videreføring av pilotprosjekt 2019.
Norges geologiske undersøkelse
Christoffersen, Marianne;
Fredin, Ola;
Larsen, Eiliv;
Lyså, Astrid;
Nordahl, Bobo.
Kartlegging av glasiale landformer på Søre Sunnmøre.
Norges geologiske undersøkelse
Olesen, Odleiv;
Bering, Dag;
Brönner, Marco;
Dalsegg, Einar;
Fabian, Karl;
Fredin, Ola.
Tropical Weathering In Norway,TWIN Final Report.
Norges geologiske undersøkelse
Aarseth, Inge ;
Nesje, Atle;
Fredin, Ola.
UNESCO fjords - From Nærøyfjord to Geirangerfjord. 33rd IGC excursion guide.
International Union of Geological Sciences (UGS) IGCC
- TGB4200 - Engineering Geology of Soils, Advanced Course
- TGB4575 - Engineering Geology, Specialization Course
- TGB4112 - Geology and Geological Resources of Norway
- TGB4185 - Engineering Geology, Basic Course
- TGB4570 - Engineering Geology, Specialization Project
- TGB4945 - Engineering Geology, Master's Thesis
- TGB4216 - Mineral Resource Management, Basic Course
InterviewLøkke, Gabriella; Fredin, Ola. (2024) Oppklarer mystisk ørkenfenomen. Hva har Hollywood, Mars og Marokko til felles?. Dagsavisen Dagsavisen [Newspaper] 2024-03-06
PosterMargreth, Annina; Fredin, Ola; Viola, Giulio; Knies, Jochen; Sørlie, Ronald; Lie, Jan-Erik. (2019) Timing and interplay of faulting, hydrothermal alteration and weathering processes of the Rolvsnes granodiorite in southwestern Norway. Euroclay , Paris, France 2019-07-01 - 2019-07-05
Academic lectureMargreth, Annina; Fredin, Ola; Linge, Henriette; Scheiber, Thomas; van der Lelij, Roelant; Goodfellow, Bradley W.. (2018) Pleistocene and Holocene evolution and weathering of coastal landscapes in Norway. 4NWCN – 4th Nordic Workshop on Cosmogenic Nuclides , Geiranger 2018-06-04 - 2018-06-06
Academic lectureKnies, Jochen; Müller, Axel Bernd; Zwingmann, H.; Fredin, O.; Brönner, M.; Viola, G.. (2016) Evidence for Early Triassic paleosol formation in Norway. EGU Committee EGU General Assembly 2016 , Wien 2016-04-23 - 2016-04-28
Academic lectureLarsen, Eiliv; Fredin, Ola; Lyså, Astrid; Ottesen, D.. (2016) Causes of asynchronous glacial maxima of the last Scandinavian Ice Sheet. Norges geologiske undersøkelse Past Gateways, 4th International conference , Trondheim 2016-05-23 - 2016-05-27
Academic lectureBerthling, Ivar ; Høgaas, Fredrik; Fredin, Ola. (2016) A field perspective on the role of creep processes for development of high altitude low relief surfaces. University of Helsinki Nordic Geological Winter Meeting , Helsinki 2016-01-13 - 2016-01-15
PosterScheiber, Thomas; Viola, Giulio; Fredin, Ola; Jarna, Aleksandra; Gasser, Deta; Lapinska-Viola, Renata. (2016) On the reliability of manually produced bedrock lineament maps. European Geoscience Union European Geoscience Union General Assembly , Vienna 2016-04-17 - 2016-04-22
Academic lectureScheiber, Thomas; Viola, Giulio; Fredin, Ola; Zwingmann, Horst; Wilkinson, Camilla Maya; Ganerød, Morgan. (2016) Deciphering the brittle evolution of SW Norway through a combined structural, mineralogical and geochronological approach. European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly 2016-04-17 - 2016-04-22
Academic lectureLarsen, Eiliv; Fjeldskaar, Willy; Fredin, Ola; Lyså, Astrid. (2014) Asynchronous northern ice sheets – their behaviour in time and space. Lund Universitet 31st Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, Lund Sweden, January 8-10 2014-01-08 - 2014-01-10
Academic lectureLarsen, Eiliv; Fjeldskaar, Willy; Fredin, Ola; Lyså, Astrid; Ottesen, Dag. (2014) Asynchronous behavior of the last Fennoscandian ice sheet. Abstracts with Programs. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada 2014-10-19 -
InterviewLøvland, Svein; Fredin, Ola. (2014) Sørlandet isfritt 2000 år tidligere enn antatt. Flekkefjord Flekkefjord [Newspaper] 2014-05-23
Academic lectureBøe, Reidulv; Fossen, Håkon; Smelror, Morten; Davidsen, Børre; Olesen, Odleiv; Fredin, Ola. (2013) Mesozoic basins, sediments and structures onshore Norway and in the coastal zone. NGF Vinterkonferanse 2013 Foredrag/Meddelser , Oslo 2013-01-08 - 2013-01-10
Academic lectureBerthling, Ivar Thoralf; Fredin, Ola; Vatne, Geir. (2012) Lateral debris accumulations above the glacial equilibrium line altitude: lateral moraines or talus landforms?. Geoscience Society of Iceland 30th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting , Reykjavik 2012-01-09 - 2012-01-12
Academic lectureFredin, Hans Ola; Sørlie, Ronald; Knies, Jochen; Zwingmann, Horst; Müller, Axel; Vogt, Christoph. (2012) Weathered basement, saprolite, at southern Utsira high – with examples from PL 501 (Johan Sverdrup discovery) and PL 338 areas (Edvard Grieg discovery). Is the saprolite a possible origin of the Draupne sandstone (Johan Sverdrup discovery)?. Norwegian Geological Society Onshore – Offshore relationships on the North Atlantic Margin , Trondheim 2012-10-17 - 2012-10-18
Popular scientific lectureFredin, Ola. (2012) Hva kan vi læra fra Edvard Grieg og Johan Sverdrup om gamle landskap i Skandinavien?. Norsk Geologisk Forening Trondheim lokallag Norsk Geologisk Forening julemøte 2012 , Trondheim 2012-12-04 - 2012-12-04
Academic lectureRubensdotter, Lena; Follestad, Bjørn; Fredin, Ola; Haflidason, Haflidi; Seguinot, J; van Welden, Aurelien. (2009) Holocene climate and environment variations from a multi-proxy lake sediment study in Rondane mountain massif, central Norway, and description of a new mid-Holocene basaltic tephra. European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly , Wien 2009-04-20 - 2009-04-24
Academic lectureFredin, Ola; Linge, Henriette Christell; Rubensdotter, L; Bradley, L; Goodfellow, W; Burki, Valentin Josef. (2009) Tafoni, gargoyles, alveoli and weathering pits on Vågsøy, western Norway; surface weathering phenomena in a coastal environment. Norsk Geologisk Forening Vinterkonferansen 2009 , Bergen 2009-01-13 - 2009-01-15
Academic lectureAarseth, Inge ; Nesje, Atle; Fredin, O.. (2008) IGC Excursions, : UNESCO Fjords: From Nærøyfjord to Geirangerfjord. 33rd International Geological Congress (IGC), 2008-08-06 - 2008-08-14
Academic lectureBurki, V.; Larsen, E.; Fredin, O.; Nesje, Atle. (2008) Cycles of sediment remobilisation at the Bødalsbreen glacier. 33rd International Geological Congress , Oslo 2008-08-06 - 2008-08-14
Academic lectureHansen, L.; Beylish, A.; Burki, V.; Eilertsen, R.; Fredin, O.; Larsen, E.. (2008) Stratigraphic architecture and infill history of a (de)glaciated bedrock-valley in Stryn, western Norway. 33rd International Geological Congress , Oslo 2008-08-06 - 2008-08-14
Academic lectureFredin, Ola; Larsen, E.; Lyså, A.; Hansen, L.; Beylich, A.; Burki, V.. (2008) Sediment budget, processes and landscape evolution in Nordfjord, western Norway. EGU General Assembly , Wien 2008-04-13 - 2008-04-18
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje; Redfield, Thomas F; Hendriks, Bart H W; Davidsen, Børre; Bergh, Steffen G; Fredin, O. (2007) Tectonically controlled topography and landscape evolution in western Fennoscandia – some current ideas. Norsk Geologisk Forening Norsk Geologisk Forening Vinterkonferanse , Stavanger 2007-01-08 - 2007-01-10
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje; Redfield, Thomas F; Hendriks, Bart H W; Davidsen, Børre; Bergh, Steffen G; Fredin, O. (2007) Tectonic topography on a glaciated margin: the role of inherited structure. European Geosciences Union European Geosciences Union Annual Meeting , Wien 2007-04-15 - 2007-04-20
Academic lectureFredin, O.; Beylich, A.; Nesje, Atle; Larsen, E.; Jansson, P.; Burki, V.. (2007) Recycling of glacial and non-glacial sediments during the 'Little Ice Age' advance around Jostedalsbreen, south central Norway. NGF NGF Vinterkonferansen , Stavanger 2007-01-08 - 2007-01-10
Academic lectureHansen, L.; Burki, V.; Derron, M.-H.; Eilertsen, R.; Fredin, O.; Larsen, E.. (2007) Long-term valley-fill accumulation in the catchment of Stryn, western Norway. NGF NGF Vinterkonferansen , Stavanger 2007-01-08 - 2007-01-10
Academic lectureBurki, Valentin Josef; Fredin, Ola; Larsen, E.. (2005) Polycyclic glacial sediments and implications for sediment budgets in Bødalen, western Norway. International Conference on Glacial Sedimentary Processes and Products , Aberystwyth 2005-08-22 - 2005-08-25
Academic lectureLyså, A; Fredin, Ola; Larsen, E.; Stalsberg, K. (2005) Deglaciation in the Nordfjord area; new results from NORPAST/SEDITRANS. NORPAST workshop , Loen 2005-09-06 - 2005-09-09
LectureSmelror, Morten; Beylich, A.; Buiter, S.; Dehls, John F.; Ebbing, J.; Eide, E.. (2005) Topo-Europe as seen from the top of Europe - Towards a 4D topographic view of the North Atlantic continental margin. Topo-Europe Exploratory Workshop Foredrag/Meddelser , Budapest 2005-03-17 - 2005-03-18