Henrikke Sæthre Ellingsen
As a Ph.D. candidate in political science at NTNU, I am deeply engaged in exploring the various ways green colonialism operates within the context of Norwegian Wind Power development. My work, which focuses on temporal-political strategies and asymmetrical power relations from a decolonial perspective, seeks to uncover new perspectives and address pressing questions within the field of land use changes related to the current energy transition.
In the fall of 2023, Elsa Laula Renberg's Institute (ELRI) was established at the Fosen Actions in the camp at Eidsvoll Plass, Oslo. Alongside Eva Maria Fjellheim and Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, we reflected on our role as community-engaged researchers in promoting basic human rights. The answer was to establish Elsa Laula Renberg's Institute. Our "Institute" is autonomous, nomadic, and moves through knowledge, conversations, and solidarity as a "form of action" against colonial injustice. For more information please visit our website https://elsalaularenbergeninstituhte.jimdofree.com/ or our Instagram
Ellingsen, Henrikke Sæthre.
The Temporal-Political Dimensions of Green Colonialism through Wind Power Development at Fosen, Norway.
Human Arenas
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Ellingsen, Henrikke Sæthre.
Response to Kuokkanen: On Structural Violence, Bad Faith, and Strategic Ignorance in Norwegian Wind Power Development.
Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism
Academic article
Berg-Nordlie, Mikkel;
Fjellheim, Eva Maria Bircher;
Sæthre Ellingsen, Henrikke .
Fosen-saken, menneskerettigheter og kunnskap som aksjonsform.
Feature article
Ellingsen, Henrikke Sæthre;
Andersen Vågenes, Tina.
Prosjektet er en mulig menneskerettighetskatastrofe.
Feature article
Ellingsen, Henrikke Sæthre.
Nasjonaldag i skyggen av Fosen.
Notat (Ruralis)
Feature article
Ellingsen, Henrikke Sæthre;
Normann, Susanne;
Winther, Tanja;
Westskog, Hege.
Har urfolk en plass i det grønne skiftet?.
Feature article
Ellingsen, Henrikke Sæthre;
Normann, Susanne;
Fjellheim, Eva Maria Bircher.
Utbygging uten samtykke.
Feature article
Ellingsen, Henrikke Sæthre.
Vindkraftens skyggesider - Tiltak mot overskuddsflytting
og skjult eierskap.
Tax Justice Norge
Ellingsen, Henrikke Sæthre;
Normann, Susanne.
Stemmer fra mange kanter.
Feature article
Journal publications
Ellingsen, Henrikke Sæthre.
The Temporal-Political Dimensions of Green Colonialism through Wind Power Development at Fosen, Norway.
Human Arenas
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Ellingsen, Henrikke Sæthre.
Response to Kuokkanen: On Structural Violence, Bad Faith, and Strategic Ignorance in Norwegian Wind Power Development.
Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism
Academic article
Berg-Nordlie, Mikkel;
Fjellheim, Eva Maria Bircher;
Sæthre Ellingsen, Henrikke .
Fosen-saken, menneskerettigheter og kunnskap som aksjonsform.
Feature article
Ellingsen, Henrikke Sæthre;
Andersen Vågenes, Tina.
Prosjektet er en mulig menneskerettighetskatastrofe.
Feature article
Ellingsen, Henrikke Sæthre.
Nasjonaldag i skyggen av Fosen.
Notat (Ruralis)
Feature article
Ellingsen, Henrikke Sæthre;
Normann, Susanne;
Winther, Tanja;
Westskog, Hege.
Har urfolk en plass i det grønne skiftet?.
Feature article
Ellingsen, Henrikke Sæthre;
Normann, Susanne;
Fjellheim, Eva Maria Bircher.
Utbygging uten samtykke.
Feature article
Ellingsen, Henrikke Sæthre;
Normann, Susanne.
Stemmer fra mange kanter.
Feature article
Ellingsen, Henrikke Sæthre.
Vindkraftens skyggesider - Tiltak mot overskuddsflytting
og skjult eierskap.
Tax Justice Norge
Academic lectureSolnør, Sunniva Midthaug; Ellingsen, Henrikke Sæthre. (2023) Bridging Winds of Knowledge and Trust: Implications of Centralized Norwegian Wind Power Processes . NTNU, NTNU Samfunnsforskning, NEON, Høgskolen i Innlandet NEON-dagene , Trondheim 2023-11-22 - 2023-11-23