Hilde Nymoen Rørtveit
I teach and supervise students in urban geography, planning and landscape studies. My research engages with people-place and people-nature relationships, by empirically exploring various urban neighbourhoods and environments. Much of my research has focused on the Norwegian housing estate as a particular place and planning problem. In my PhD, I analysed the gap between the expert’s ideas about what the Norwegian housing estate offers as landscape and home, and the estate as lived by its residents. More recently, I have taken an interest in the role of citizen participation and urban communities in relation to discursive ideas within urban planning and governance, such as area-based approaches to neighbourhood upgrading or 'just’ sustainable development. Current research explores social cohesion as an idea and policy agenda, and the resulting attention being paid to local communities as arenas for inclusion, co-production and participation. An overarching interest is in the intersections between policy, planning and people’s everyday productions and mobilisations of landscapes.
Study programme leader: One-year study programme in Geography, Bachelor in Geography, and Master in Geography
GEOG660: Samfunnsplanlegging og rolleforståing i komplekse plansituasjonar
GEOG2021: By- og regional utvikling og planlegging
Aruga, Leika;
Refstie, Hilde;
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen.
“The Citizen” as a Ghost Subject in Co-Producing Smart Sustainable Cities: An Intersectional Approach.
Urban Planning
Academic article
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen;
Flemsæter, Frode;
Setten, Gunhild.
Å lese et landskap. Hva, hvordan og med hvilke konsekvenser?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Anderson, Sarah Jane;
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen;
Setten, Gunhild.
‘That's not how you do it’: Moralising the migrant in the Norwegian outdoors.
Academic article
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen.
Drabantbyen som problem: Områdeløft møter beboere
på Saupstad–Kolstad i Trondheim.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen;
Henriksen, Ida Marie;
Tjora, Aksel.
Bysamfunnets realiteter og muligheter.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Setten, Gunhild;
Brown, Gry Katrina;
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen.
Landscape and social justice.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Støa, Eli;
Aranya, Rolee;
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen.
Lokalsenter, nabolag og bolig. Muligheter og barrierer for sosial integrering av flyktninger i Trondheim.
NTNU Fakultet for arkitektur og design, Instutt for Arkitektur og Planlegging
Bjerkli, Camilla Louise;
Flemsæter, Frode;
Lein, Haakon;
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen;
Setten, Gunhild;
Aasetre, Jørund.
Integrering gjennom friluftsliv?.
Plan: Tidsskrift for samfunnsplanlegging, byplan og regional utvikling
Popular scientific article
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen;
Setten, Gunhild.
Modernity, Heritage and Landscape: The Housing Estate as Heritage.
Landscape Research
Academic article
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen.
"Genialt planlagt"? Drabantbyen som hjem i spennet mellom boligfaglige idealer og levde landskap.
Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap og teknologiledelse, Geografisk institutt, NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen.
«Genialt planlagt»? Drabantbyen som hjem.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Aruga, Leika;
Refstie, Hilde;
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen.
“The Citizen” as a Ghost Subject in Co-Producing Smart Sustainable Cities: An Intersectional Approach.
Urban Planning
Academic article
Anderson, Sarah Jane;
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen;
Setten, Gunhild.
‘That's not how you do it’: Moralising the migrant in the Norwegian outdoors.
Academic article
Bjerkli, Camilla Louise;
Flemsæter, Frode;
Lein, Haakon;
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen;
Setten, Gunhild;
Aasetre, Jørund.
Integrering gjennom friluftsliv?.
Plan: Tidsskrift for samfunnsplanlegging, byplan og regional utvikling
Popular scientific article
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen;
Setten, Gunhild.
Modernity, Heritage and Landscape: The Housing Estate as Heritage.
Landscape Research
Academic article
Part of book/report
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen;
Flemsæter, Frode;
Setten, Gunhild.
Å lese et landskap. Hva, hvordan og med hvilke konsekvenser?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen.
Drabantbyen som problem: Områdeløft møter beboere
på Saupstad–Kolstad i Trondheim.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen;
Henriksen, Ida Marie;
Tjora, Aksel.
Bysamfunnets realiteter og muligheter.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Setten, Gunhild;
Brown, Gry Katrina;
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen.
Landscape and social justice.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen.
«Genialt planlagt»? Drabantbyen som hjem.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Støa, Eli;
Aranya, Rolee;
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen.
Lokalsenter, nabolag og bolig. Muligheter og barrierer for sosial integrering av flyktninger i Trondheim.
NTNU Fakultet for arkitektur og design, Instutt for Arkitektur og Planlegging
Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen.
"Genialt planlagt"? Drabantbyen som hjem i spennet mellom boligfaglige idealer og levde landskap.
Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap og teknologiledelse, Geografisk institutt, NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lectureKurniawan, Nanang Indra; Rye, Ståle Angen; Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2024) Justifying Mineral Extraction for Green Transitions in Times of Urgency. University of Copenhagen The 10th Nordic Geographers Meeting: Transitioning Geographies , Copenhagen 2024-06-24 - 2024-06-27
Academic lectureRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2022) The Norwegian housing estate: home or planning problem? Landscape as a standpoint. Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities Landscape, law and justice - 20 years. Anniversary symposium. , Stockholm 2022-11-22 - 2022-11-23
Academic lectureRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2021) Re-thinking 'Nordic' landscape geography: Introduction with reflections on my personal landscape journey. Kungliga Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien Re-thinking 'Nordic' landscape geography? , Stockholm 2021-11-04 - 2021-11-05
Academic lectureRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2021) Social cohesion as an idea and policy agenda. Kulturgeografiska institutionen Högra seminariet , Uppsala University 2021-11-19 - 2021-11-19
Academic lectureRefstie, Hilde; Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen; Aranya, Rolee; Millstein, Marianne. (2019) Session: Planning for sustainable urban futures: transgressing the North-South boundaries in theory and practice. NTNU Geography Nordic Geographers Meeting 2019 , Trondheim 2019-06-17 - 2019-06-17
Academic lectureRefstie, Hilde; Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2019) The role of research in a globalised world of fast urban policymaking. NTNU Geography NGM conference 2019 , Trondheim 2019-06-17 - 2019-06-17
LectureRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2019) Presentasjon av bokkapittel: Drabantbyen som problem? Områdeløft møter beboere på Saupstad-Kolstad, Trondheim. Sosiologisk poliklinikk Boklansering - Bysamfunn , Trondheim 2019-10-03 - 2019-10-03
Academic lectureRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen; Aranya, Rolee; Millstein, Marianne; Refstie, Hilde. (2019) Methodological implications of the 'southern' turn in urban theory: introducing North-South dialogues on participatory planning and urban developments . Nordic Geographers Meeting , Trondheim 2019-06-17 - 2019-06-17
Academic lectureRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2019) Planning for sustainable urban futures: The role of citizen participation and urban communities. CitRes, NTNU/Universitas Gadjah Mada 2nd International CitRes Workshop: Citizen Participation and Transnational Resource Management , Dept. of Politics and Government, Universitas Gadjah Mada 2019-04-29 - 2019-04-30
Academic lectureRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2018) Drabantbyen som problem? (By)politikk og planlegging møter beboere. SINTEF Sharing Neighbourhoods 2018-04-12 - 2018-04-12
LectureStøa, Eli; Aranya, Rolee; Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2018) Presentasjon av resultater fra forskningsprosjektet «Lokalsenterutvikling som strategi for bærekraftige byer – bosetting og integrering av flyktninger i Trondheim kommune». NTNU Institutt for Arkitektur og Planlegging Workshop for Trondheim kommune og Husbanken 2018-05-25 - 2018-05-25
Academic lectureAranya, Rolee; Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen; Smith, David; Støa, Eli. (2017) Reconciling goals of social and physical sustainability: an examination of spatial dimension of social integration in Trondheim, Norway. University of Lisbon AESOP annual congress '17: Spaces if dialogue for places of dignity. Fostering the European dimention of planning , Lisbon 2017-07-11 -
Academic lectureRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2017) The Norwegian housing estate as problem: Strategies for urban renewal meet residents at Saupstad-Kolstad, Trondheim. Nordic Geographers Meeting, Stockholm 2017-06-18 - 2017-06-21
Academic lectureStøa, Eli; Aranya, Rolee; Rørtveit, Hilde Nymoen; Thorshaug, Ragne Øwre. (2017) Local center development and integration of refugees in Trondheim – the role of housing. European Network for Housing Research ENHR2017: Affordable Housing for All! – Redefining the Roles of Public and Private Sectors , Tirana 2017-09-04 - 2017-09-06
Academic lectureRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2016) Bringing the concepts of landscape and home to the Norwegian housing estate: reflections on theorising and finding a position to speak from. Norwegian Researcher School in Geography/Geography, NTNU Theoretical Perspectives in Geography: On theory, theorizing and writing theory/PhD-Course , Department of Geography, NTNU. 2016-10-24 - 2016-10-28
LectureRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2016) Medvirkning i områdeløftsatsinger i Norge – innspill til diskusjon om intensjoner, forventninger og potensielle utfordringer. Trondheim kommune Prosjektlederforum Områdeløft Saupstad-Kolstad , Saupstad 2016-09-05 -
LectureRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2016) Romolslia - innblikk i bydelen fra et forskningsprosjekt/Medvirkning som metode for frivillighet. Saupstad Frivilligsentral 2016-08-23 - 2016-08-23
LectureRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2015) Et beboerperspektiv på drabantbyen - sett fra Romolslia i Trondheim. Norsk bolig og byplanforening, Trondheim BoBy-møte 2015-04-17 -
InterviewRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2013) Knuser mytene om drabantbyene. Scorer høyt på hjemmebane. EiendomsMarkedet EiendomsMarkedet [Newspaper] 2013-06-14
Academic lectureRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2012) Living in Romolslia. Institutt for byggekunst, prosjektering og forvaltning Theory and history of housing 2012-10-01 - 2012-10-01
Popular scientific lectureRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2012) Kan vi planlegge oss til gode bomiljø? Beboere i Romolslia om hjem og bomiljø i lys av faglige forståelser av drabantbyen som hjem. Kunnskapsbyen, NTNU Hva skal vi med naboen? 2012-11-07 - 2012-11-07
Academic lectureRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen; Setten, Gunhild. (2012) Hus og hjem i drabantbyen: et spørsmål om morfologi og planleggingens makt?. Geografisk institutt, NTNU Hus og hjem: teoretiske perspektiver på mangfold og motsetninger 2012-05-22 - 2012-05-22
InterviewRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2012) Drabantbyer mye bedre enn sitt rykte. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2012-11-14
Academic lectureRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen; Setten, Gunhild. (2012) Contested landscapes of heritage in a suburban housing estate. The Association of Critical Heritage Studies Re/theorising heritage , Göteborg 2012-06-05 - 2012-06-08
InterviewRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2012) Fagfolka kritiserer, men bebuarane trivst i drabantbyane. Forskning.no Forskning.no [Internet] 2012-11-17
Academic lectureRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2011) "Genial planlagt"? Drabantbyen som hjem. Norsk institutt for naturforskning Lunsjseminar , Lillehammer 2011-10-12 - 2012-08-12
Academic lectureRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2008) Landscape and home: aesthetic narratives and senses of belonging. Nature-culture-landscape - Scandinavian and Australian perspectives , Videosemiar Gõteborg, Wollongong and Trondheim 2008-02-21 -
Academic lectureRørtveit, Hilde Nymoen. (2008) Modernistic landscapes as home. Norsk geografisk selskap - Norwegian Geographical Society Norwegian Geographical Society Conference , Trondheim 2008-03-27 - 2008-03-28
Academic lectureNymoen, Hilde. (2007) Aesthetic narratives, senses of belonging and landscape in the inner-city and the housing estate. Institutt for geografi, Universitetet i Bergen Nordic Geographers Meeting , Bergen 2007-07-14 - 2007-07-17