Ingrid Hartveit Svendsen
Helvin-bygget, D232, Gjøvik
Haug, Elisabeth;
Andfossen, Nina Beate;
Burrell, Lisa Victoria;
Fjær, Kari Kirkbakk;
Fossum, Siri Ødegaard;
Gamme, Wenke Iren.
Man trenger ikke være perfekt for å være normal.
Feature article
Haug, Elisabeth;
Øie, Merete Glenne;
Svendsen, Ingrid Hartveit;
Møller, Paul;
Nelson, Barnaby;
Melle, Ingrid.
A seven-year longitudinal study of the association between neurocognitive function and basic self-disorders in schizophrenia.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Widing, Line Hustad;
Simonsen, Carmen ;
Bjella, Thomas;
Engen, Magnus Johan;
Flaaten, Camilla Bärthel;
Gardsjord, Erlend Strand.
Long-term Outcomes of People With DSM Psychotic Disorder NOS.
Schizophrenia Bulletin Open
Academic article
Svendsen, Ingrid Hartveit.
Basic self-disturbances in first treated psychosis -
A seven-year follow-up study
An exploration of stability, impact on recovery and sense of coherence.
Doctoral dissertation
Svendsen, Ingrid Hartveit;
Øie, Merete Glenne;
Møller, Paul;
Nelson, Barnaby;
Melle, Ingrid;
Haug, Elisabeth.
Basic self-disturbances are associated with Sense of Coherence in patients with psychotic disorders.
Academic article
Svendsen, Ingrid Hartveit;
Øie, Merete Glenne;
Møller, Paul;
Nelson, Barnaby;
Haug, Elisabeth;
Melle, Ingrid.
Basic Self-Disturbances Independently Predict Recovery in Psychotic Disorders: A Seven Year Follow-up Study .
Schizophrenia Research
Academic article
Svendsen, Ingrid Hartveit;
Øie, Merete Glenne;
Møller, Paul;
Nelson, Barnaby;
Melle, Ingrid;
Haug, Elisabeth.
Stability in basic self-disturbances and diagnosis in a first treated psychosis: A seven year follow-up study
Schizophrenia Research
Academic article
Journal publications
Haug, Elisabeth;
Andfossen, Nina Beate;
Burrell, Lisa Victoria;
Fjær, Kari Kirkbakk;
Fossum, Siri Ødegaard;
Gamme, Wenke Iren.
Man trenger ikke være perfekt for å være normal.
Feature article
Haug, Elisabeth;
Øie, Merete Glenne;
Svendsen, Ingrid Hartveit;
Møller, Paul;
Nelson, Barnaby;
Melle, Ingrid.
A seven-year longitudinal study of the association between neurocognitive function and basic self-disorders in schizophrenia.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Widing, Line Hustad;
Simonsen, Carmen ;
Bjella, Thomas;
Engen, Magnus Johan;
Flaaten, Camilla Bärthel;
Gardsjord, Erlend Strand.
Long-term Outcomes of People With DSM Psychotic Disorder NOS.
Schizophrenia Bulletin Open
Academic article
Svendsen, Ingrid Hartveit;
Øie, Merete Glenne;
Møller, Paul;
Nelson, Barnaby;
Melle, Ingrid;
Haug, Elisabeth.
Basic self-disturbances are associated with Sense of Coherence in patients with psychotic disorders.
Academic article
Svendsen, Ingrid Hartveit;
Øie, Merete Glenne;
Møller, Paul;
Nelson, Barnaby;
Haug, Elisabeth;
Melle, Ingrid.
Basic Self-Disturbances Independently Predict Recovery in Psychotic Disorders: A Seven Year Follow-up Study .
Schizophrenia Research
Academic article
Svendsen, Ingrid Hartveit;
Øie, Merete Glenne;
Møller, Paul;
Nelson, Barnaby;
Melle, Ingrid;
Haug, Elisabeth.
Stability in basic self-disturbances and diagnosis in a first treated psychosis: A seven year follow-up study
Schizophrenia Research
Academic article
Svendsen, Ingrid Hartveit.
Basic self-disturbances in first treated psychosis -
A seven-year follow-up study
An exploration of stability, impact on recovery and sense of coherence.
Doctoral dissertation
Knowledge Transfer
PosterSvendsen, Ingrid Hartveit; Øie, Merete Glenne; Møller, Paul; Nelson, Barnaby; Melle, Ingrid; Haug, Elisabeth. (2018) Self-disturbances and diagnostic stability in first episode psychosis- a seven year follow-up study. Schizophrenia International Conference Schizophr Bull. 2018 Apr; 44(Suppl 1): S410. 2018-04-04 - 2018-04-08