Janne Kristin Hofstad
Øya helsehus, Øya
Hofstad, Janne Kristin;
Klaksvik, Jomar;
Klepstad, Pål;
Gjeilo, Kari Hanne;
Søballe, K;
Wik, Tina Strømdal.
Patient-reported outcomes the first thirty days after fast-track primary total hip arthroplasty. A prospective cohort study using a web-based registration tool for postoperative follow-up.
International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing
Academic article
Hofstad, Janne Kristin;
Klaksvik, Jomar;
Wik, Tina Strømdal.
Intraoperatively local infiltration anesthesia in hemiarthroplasty patients reduces the needs of opioids: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with 96 patients in a fast-track hip fracture setting.
Acta Orthopaedica
Academic article
Antonsen, Kjersti Natvig;
Hofstad, Janne Kristin.
Simulating Preoperative Preparations with Focus
on Non-technical Skills in an OR Nursing Education Program
in Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rian, Torbjørn;
Skogvoll, Eirik;
Hofstad, Janne Kristin;
Høvik, Lise Husby;
Winther, Siri Bjørgen;
Husby, Vigdis Schnell.
Tapentadol versus oxycodone for postoperative pain treatment the first 7 days after total knee arthroplasty: a randomized clinical trial.
Academic article
Hofstad, Janne Kristin;
Winther, Siri Bjørgen;
Rian, Torbjørn;
Foss, Olav A.;
Husby, Otto Schnell;
Wik, Tina Strømdal.
Perioperative local infiltration anesthesia with ropivacaine has no effect on postoperative pain after total hip arthroplasty.
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with 116 patients.
Acta Orthopaedica
Academic article
Journal publications
Hofstad, Janne Kristin;
Klaksvik, Jomar;
Klepstad, Pål;
Gjeilo, Kari Hanne;
Søballe, K;
Wik, Tina Strømdal.
Patient-reported outcomes the first thirty days after fast-track primary total hip arthroplasty. A prospective cohort study using a web-based registration tool for postoperative follow-up.
International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing
Academic article
Hofstad, Janne Kristin;
Klaksvik, Jomar;
Wik, Tina Strømdal.
Intraoperatively local infiltration anesthesia in hemiarthroplasty patients reduces the needs of opioids: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with 96 patients in a fast-track hip fracture setting.
Acta Orthopaedica
Academic article
Rian, Torbjørn;
Skogvoll, Eirik;
Hofstad, Janne Kristin;
Høvik, Lise Husby;
Winther, Siri Bjørgen;
Husby, Vigdis Schnell.
Tapentadol versus oxycodone for postoperative pain treatment the first 7 days after total knee arthroplasty: a randomized clinical trial.
Academic article
Hofstad, Janne Kristin;
Winther, Siri Bjørgen;
Rian, Torbjørn;
Foss, Olav A.;
Husby, Otto Schnell;
Wik, Tina Strømdal.
Perioperative local infiltration anesthesia with ropivacaine has no effect on postoperative pain after total hip arthroplasty.
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with 116 patients.
Acta Orthopaedica
Academic article
Part of book/report
Antonsen, Kjersti Natvig;
Hofstad, Janne Kristin.
Simulating Preoperative Preparations with Focus
on Non-technical Skills in an OR Nursing Education Program
in Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lectureHofstad, Janne Kristin; Wik, Tina Strømdal; Klepstad, Pål; Gjeilo, Kari Hanne; Winther, Siri Bjørgen; Foss, Olav Andreas. (2023) Postoperative smerter hos kne- og hoftepasienter. Ortopedisk klinikk, St. olavs hospital Vårdager , Trondheim 2023-05-11 - 2023-05-12
Academic lectureHofstad, Janne Kristin; Wik, Tina Strømdal; Klepstad, Pål; Gjeilo, Kari Hanne; Winther, Siri Bjørgen; Foss, Olav Andreas. (2023) Tidlig postoperativ smerte og opioidforbruk etter TKA sammenlignet med THA. Norsk Ortopedisk Forening Høstmøte 2023 , Oslo 2023-10-25 - 2023-10-27
Academic lectureHofstad, Janne Kristin; Klaksvik, Jomar; Klepstad, Pål; Gjeilo, Kari Hanne; Winther, Siri Bjørgen; Foss, Olav Andreas. (2023) Smerte, funksjon og livskvalitet etter fast-track protesekirurgi. Ortopedisk klinikk, St. Olavs hospital Forskningsseminar Oppdal , Oppdal 2023-09-07 - 2023-09-08
PosterHofstad, Janne Kristin; Klaksvik, Jomar; Wik, Tina Strømdal. (2022) Intraoperatively local infiltration anesthesia in hemiarthroplasty patients reduces the needs of opoiods: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with 96 patients in a fast-track hip fracture setting. European Operating Room Nurses Association 10th EORNA CONGRESS, winds of change , Stavanger 2022-05-12 - 2022-05-15
LectureAntonsen, Kjersti Natvig; Hofstad, Janne Kristin. (2020) Pedagogisk speed-date i operasjonssykepleieutdanningen. NTNU Studieprogrammøte ABIO NTNU Gjøvik, Trondheim og Ålesund , Trondheim 2020-10-28 - 2020-10-28
Academic lectureHofstad, Janne Kristin; Klaksvik, Jomar; Wik, Tina Strømdal. (2019) Oppfølging etter hofteprotesekirurgi - hvordan går det etter utskrivelse?. Klinikk for ortopedi, revmatologi og hudsykdommer ved St. Olavs hospital HF Fast-track seminar , St. Olavs hospital 2019-05-10 - 2019-05-10
Academic lectureHofstad, Janne Kristin; Winther, Siri Bjørgen; Rian, Torbjørn; Foss, Olav; Husby, Otto Schnell; Wik, Tina Strømdal. (2015) Lokal infiltrasjonsanestesi ved primære hofteproteser. Klinikk for ortopedi, revmatologi og hudsykdommer ved St. Olavs hospital HF Fast-track seminar , Trondheim 2015-09-10 - 2015-09-10