Kiet Tuan Hoang
Ph.D Working Title: "Stochastic dynamic optimisation of gas-renewable energy systems - A model predictive control approach focusing on wind energy systems"
Supervisor: Lars Struen Imsland (NTNU)
Co-Supervisor: Brage Rugstad Knudsen (SINTEF)
Lowkey trying my best
Probabilistic forecasting-based stochastic nonlinear model predictive control for power systems with intermittent renewables and energy storage
K. T. Hoang, C. A. Thilker, B. R. Knudsen and L. Imsland, in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
A hierarchical framework for minimising emissions in hybrid gas-renewable energy systems under forecast uncertainty
K. T. Hoang, C. A. Thilker, B. R. Knudsen and L. Imsland, in Elsevier Applied Energy.
Multi-objective Bayesian optimisation over sparse subspaces for model predictive control of wind farms
K. T. Hoang, S. Boersma, A. Mesbah and L. Imsland, under review.
Pedersen, Aurora Åsgård;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Garcia-Rosa, Paula;
Hoang, Kiet Tuan.
Towards Uncertainty-Aware Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Bird Strike Avoidance in Wind Turbines.
Masters thesis
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Complementarity-constrained predictive control for efficient gas-balanced hybrid power systems.
Academic article
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Thilker, Christian Ankerstjerne;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
A hierarchical framework for minimising emissions in hybrid gas-renewable energy systems under forecast uncertainty.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Thilker, Christian Ankerstjerne;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Probabilistic forecasting-based stochastic nonlinear model predictive control for power systems with intermittent renewables and energy storage.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Engmark, Hans Alvar;
Hoang, Kiet Tuan.
Modeling and Control of a Magnetic Levitation Platform.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Boersma, Sjoerd;
Mesbah, Ali;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Heteroscedastic Bayesian Optimisation for Active Power Control of Wind Farms.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Reference optimisation of uncertain offshore hybrid power systems with multi-stage nonlinear model predictive control.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Hierarchical nonlinear model predictive control of offshore hybrid power systems.
Academic article
Journal publications
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Complementarity-constrained predictive control for efficient gas-balanced hybrid power systems.
Academic article
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Thilker, Christian Ankerstjerne;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
A hierarchical framework for minimising emissions in hybrid gas-renewable energy systems under forecast uncertainty.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Thilker, Christian Ankerstjerne;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Probabilistic forecasting-based stochastic nonlinear model predictive control for power systems with intermittent renewables and energy storage.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Academic article
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Hierarchical nonlinear model predictive control of offshore hybrid power systems.
Academic article
Part of book/report
Engmark, Hans Alvar;
Hoang, Kiet Tuan.
Modeling and Control of a Magnetic Levitation Platform.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Boersma, Sjoerd;
Mesbah, Ali;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Heteroscedastic Bayesian Optimisation for Active Power Control of Wind Farms.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hoang, Kiet Tuan;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Reference optimisation of uncertain offshore hybrid power systems with multi-stage nonlinear model predictive control.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pedersen, Aurora Åsgård;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Garcia-Rosa, Paula;
Hoang, Kiet Tuan.
Towards Uncertainty-Aware Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Bird Strike Avoidance in Wind Turbines.
Masters thesis
PosterHoang, Kiet Tuan; Boersma, Sjoerd; Mesbah, Ali; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2024) Data-efficient optimisation of wind farms providing secondary frequency regulation with Bayesian optimisation. SINTEF, NTNU, and EERA JP wind EERA DeepWind conference , Radisson Blu Royal Garden Hotel, Kjøpmannsgata 73, Trondheim, Norway 2024-01-17 - 2024-01-19
PosterPedersen, Aurora Åsgård; Hoang, Kiet Tuan; Garcia Rosa, Paula Bastos; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2024) Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Bird Strike Prevention in Wind Turbines. SINTEF, NTNU, and EERA JP wind EERA DeepWind conference , Radisson Blu Royal Garden Hotel, Kjøpmannsgata 73, Trondheim, Norway 2024-01-17 - 2024-01-19
LectureHoang, Kiet Tuan; Knudsen, Brage Rugstad; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2024) Complementarity-constrained predictive control for efficient gas-balanced hybrid power systems. IFAC 12th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM) , Toronto, Canada 2024-07-14 - 2024-07-17
Academic lectureHoang, Kiet Tuan; Knudsen, Brage Rugstad; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2023) Reference optimisation of uncertain offshore hybrid power systems with multi-stage nonlinear model predictive control. AACC 2023 American Control Conference , San Diego, the USA 2023-05-31 - 2023-06-02
Academic lectureHoang, Kiet Tuan; Boersma, Sjoerd; Mesbah, Ali; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2023) Heteroscedastic Bayesian Optimisation for Active Power Control of Wind Farms. IFAC The 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (WC) , Yokohama, Japan 2023-07-09 - 2023-07-14
Academic lectureEngmark, Hans Alvar; Hoang, Kiet Tuan. (2023) Modeling and Control of a Magnetic Levitation Platform. IFAC The 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (WC) , Yokohama, Japan 2023-07-09 - 2023-07-14
PosterHoang, Kiet Tuan; Thilker, Christian Ankerstjerne; Knudsen, Brage Rugstad; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2023) Forecasting and control in presence of uncertain intermittent renewables. LowEmission/SINTEF LowEmission Consortium Day , Quality Hotel Prinsen, Trondheim, Norway 2023-10-25 - 2023-10-26
Academic lectureHoang, Kiet Tuan; Thilker, Christian Ankerstjerne; Knudsen, Brage Rugstad; Boersma, Sjoerd; Mesbah, Ali; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2023) Integrating wind in offshore power systems - control, forecasting, and learning. LowEmission/SINTEF LowEmission Consortium Day , Quality Hotel Prinsen, Trondheim, Norway 2023-10-25 - 2023-10-26
Academic lectureHoang, Kiet Tuan; Thilker, Christian Ankerstjerne; Knudsen, Brage Rugstad; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2023) Stochastic predictive control for power systems with intermittent renewables - A data-driven stochastic differential equations approach. LowEmission/SINTEF LowEmission Webinars , SINTEF 2023-11-07 - 2023-11-07
Academic lectureHoang, Kiet Tuan; Knudsen, Brage Rugstad; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2022) Hierarchical nonlinear model predictive control of offshore hybrid power systems. IFAC 13th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems (DYCOPS) , Busan, South Korea 2022-06-14 - 2022-06-17
Academic lectureHoang, Kiet Tuan; Knudsen, Brage Rugstad; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2022) Optimal operation of offshore hybrid power systems - gas turbines, offshore wind, and batteries. LowEmission/SINTEF LowEmission Webinars , SINTEF 2022-06-16 - 2022-06-16
Academic lectureHoang, Kiet Tuan; Nguyen, Thuc Anh; Imsland, Lars Struen. (2020) Towards a Degradation-Conscious Control Strategy for PEM Fuel Cells in Automotive Applications. Institute of Automatic Control (IRT), RWTH Aachen University Master thesis defence , RWTH Aachen University 2020-11-01 - 2020-11-01