Kristine Ask
I am an Associate Professor at Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture where I research the relationship between technology and society. I am interested in how digital technologies are made part of our everyday life, and how appropriation can lead to new and unexpected meanings and practices. In addition I am concerned with how technology can be used to include and exclude vulnerable groups of users.
In both research and teaching I combine internet- and game studies with perspectives from Science and Technology Studies (STS). I use using qualitative methods like interviews and ethnography in combination with theoretical approaches such as actor-network-theory, script and domestication, to focus on my analysis on the heterogenous, complex, changeable and relational.
In 2016 I defended my PhD thesis “Ludic Work: Assemblages, domestication and co-productions of play”. While playing video games are often framed as an all-encompassing activity too fun to put down, my research shows that neither engagement nor fun comes from nothing -it is the result of ludic work. The papers in my thesis discuss negotiations of play in everyday life, how players become experts, friendship in online games, organization of gaming communities and the involvement of non-human actors in play.
I teach two bachelor courses: KULT1101 Digital Cultures/HFO1001 Digital Changes and KULT2201 Digitalization and Societal change. In addition, I advise both master- and PhD students on topics such as internet, gaming, innovation and users.
Research interests
- Digitalization
- User perspective
- Online communities
- Pop culture
- Technology and gender
- Everyday life
Ongoing research projects
Today’s migration situation has brought opportunities and challenges to the Norwegian education system. LIM addresses both through a focus on integration of students of upper secondary school age (VGs). Research shows that learning strategies that include both Norwegian and migrant students are important for successful integration. In LIM we will develop three innovative and engaging learning opportunities for Norwegian and migrant students aimed at improving academic and integration outcomes.
Project website:
This project investigates how gamer parents mediate player practices in their children. Conflicts between parents and children about time spent playing video games and gaming interests in general, are common. These conflicts arise, at least in part, from parents' lack of experience with digital games, so what happens when people who have been gaming most of their lives become parents themselves? How does gaming literacy among parents shape the gaming habits of their children?
- Coordinator: One-year programme in Science and Technology Studies (STS)
- Editor Nordic Journal of Science and Technology
- Regular blogger at the award-winning blog
- External program examiner for Digital Culture at UiB
Research publications
Svendsen, S. H. B., Ask, K., Øygardslia, K., Skotnes, C. E., Ringrose, P., Grut, G., & Røkenes, F. (2021). Migration narratives in educational digital storytelling: which stories can be told?. Learning, Media and Technology, 1-15.
Ask, K., Spilker, H. S., & Hansen, M. (2019). The politics of user-platform relationships: Co-scripting live-streaming on First Monday, 24(7).
Ask, K., & Sørensen, K. H. (2019). Domesticating technology for shared success: collective enactments of World of Warcraft. Information, Communication & Society, 22(1), 73-88.
Ask, K., & Abidin, C. (2018). My life is a mess: self-deprecating relatability and collective identities in the memification of student issues. Information, Communication & Society, 21(6), 834-850.
Ask, K., & Chen, M. (2018). Alignments & Alliances: Associations of Value. Banks, J (red.) Avatar, Assembled. The Social and Technical Anatomy of Digital Bodies. Peter Lang Publishing Group
Spilker, H. S., Ask, K., & Hansen, M. (2018). The new practices and infrastructures of participation: how the popularity of Twitch. tv challenges old and new ideas about television viewing. Information, Communication & Society, 1-16.
Jaccheri, L., Wang, A., Ask, K., Petersen, S., & Brend, K. (2017, September). Women and Computer Games (Workshops and Tutorials). In 16th International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC) (pp. 507-509). Springer International Publishing.
Ask, K. (2016): Ludic Work. Assemblages, domestications and co-productions of play. Doktorgradsavhandling NTNU, Trondheim. Norge.
Ask, K., Svendsen, S. H. B., & Karlstrøm, H. (2016). Når jentene må inn i skapet: Seksuell trakassering og kjønnsfrihet i online dataspill. Norsk medietidsskrift, 23(01), 1-21.
Ask, K. (2016). The value of calculations: The coproduction of theorycraft and player practices. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 36(3), 190-200.
Ask, K. & Svendnsen, S.H.B (2014). Bug or feature? Seksuell trakassering i online dataspill. Report available at:
Ask, K. & Antonsen, M. (2013). Harry Potter og de uløselige kontroverser. Et essay om popkultur, teknologideterminisme og et ønske om magiske løsninger. Bøygen, Vol 1
Eklund, L., & Ask, K. (2013). The strenuous task of maintaining and making friends: Tensions between play and friendship in MMOs. In DiGRA 2013: DeFragging Game Studies, Atlanta Georgia, US.
Ask, K. (2011). Spiller du riktig?–Tid, moral og materialitet i domestiseringen av et online dataspill. Norsk medietidsskrift, 18(02), 140-157.
Selected examples of science communication
Ask, K., Antonsen, M. A., & Karlstrøm, H. (2014). The many faces of engagement. Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies 2014 ;Volum 2.(2)
Antonsen, M., Ask, K. & Johansen, A. (2013). Making sense of Nordicness, or making Nordicness?. Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies 2013 ;Volum 1.(1) s. 3-4
Ask, K (2015) What I said about games and gender at UNs Women Conference CSW. Blogpost at (March 26th)
Bergstrøm, Ida Irene (2015). Online computer games force women into the closet. (February 17th)
Kvaal, Stig;
Ask, Kristine;
Hagset, Mathias.
Hvordan blir kunstig intelligens "intelligent"? En studie av utviklingsprosessen bak en AI-løsning til diagnostikk i helsetjenesten.
Masters thesis
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale;
Ask, Kristine;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson.
The involved and responsible outsiders: Norwegian gamer-parents expanding and reinforcing contemporary norms of parenthood.
Journal of Children and Media
Academic article
Ask, Kristine;
Sihvonen, Tanja.
Horny for Ghost: The Sexualized Remediation of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II on TikTok.
Games and Culture
Academic article
Ask, Kristine;
Søraa, Roger Andre.
Digitalization and Social Change: A Guide in Critical Thinking.
CRC Press
CRC Press
Ask, Kristine.
Unpacking play: A domestication perspective on digital games.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale;
Ask, Kristine;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson.
Gamer-parent identity: Positioning parenthood between fun screentime and ideals of responsibility.
Games+Learning+Society Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Øygardslia, Kristine;
Ask, Kristine.
Facilitating Social Inclusion of Migrant Students through Digital Games: Design Principles and Pitfalls in Wanderers.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL)
Academic article
Ask, Kristine;
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson.
The struggle and enrichment of play: Domestications and overflows in the everyday life of gamer parents.
Nordicom Review
Academic article
Svendsen, Stine H. Bang;
Ask, Kristine;
Øygardslia, Kristine;
Skotnes, Christian Engen;
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Grut, Gunnar.
Migration narratives in educational digital storytelling: which stories can be told?.
Learning, Media & Technology
Academic article
Ask, Kristine;
Søraa, Roger Andre.
Digitalisering - samfunnsendring, brukerperspektiv og kritisk tenkning.
Ask, Kristine;
Øygardslia, Kristine;
Røkenes, Fredrik Mørk;
Svendsen, Stine H. Bang;
Grut, Gunnar;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Vi er alle vandrere – Et undervisningsopplegg om migrasjon basert på møter mellom elever i voksenopplæring og VGS.
Digital learning tools
Ask, Kristine;
Spilker, Hendrik Storstein;
Hansen, Martin.
The politics of user-platform relationships: Co-scripting live-streaming on
First Monday
Academic article
Spilker, Hendrik Storstein;
Ask, Kristine;
Hansen, Martin.
The new practices and infrastructures of participation: how the popularity of challenges old and new ideas about television viewing.
Information, Communication & Society
Academic article
Ask, Kristine;
Chen, Mark.
Alignments & Alliances. Associations of Value.
Peter Lang Publishing Group
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ask, Kristine;
Abidin, Crystal.
My life is a mess: self-deprecating relatability and collective identities in the memification of student issues.
Information, Communication & Society
Academic article
Jaccheri, Maria Letizia;
Wang, Alf Inge;
Ask, Kristine;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Brend, Kristina.
Women and computer games (workshops and tutorials).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Ask, Kristine.
Den skjøre leken.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Ask, Kristine;
Sørensen, Knut Holtan.
Domesticating technology for shared success: collective enactments of World of Warcraft.
Information, Communication & Society
Academic article
Ask, Kristine.
The Value of Calculations: The Coproduction of Theorycraft and Player Practices.
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
Academic article
Ask, Kristine;
Svendsen, Stine H. Bang;
Karlstrøm, Henrik.
Når jentene må inn i skapet: Seksuell trakassering og kjønnsfrihet i online dataspill.
Norsk Medietidsskrift
Academic article
Ask, Kristine;
Sørensen, Knut Holtan;
Lagesen, Vivian Anette;
Gansmo, Helen Jøsok.
Ludic Work: Assemblages, domestications and co-productions of play.
Doctoral dissertation
Ask, Kristine;
Antonsen, Marie.
Harry Potter og de uløselige kontroverser Et essay om popkultur, teknologideterminisme og et ønske om magiske løsninger.
Bøygen: Organ for nordisk språk og litteratur
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Ask, Kristine.
Spiller du riktig? Tid, moral og materialitet i domestiseringen av et online dataspill.
Norsk Medietidsskrift
Academic article
Næss, Robert;
Ask, Kristine;
Antonsen, Marie;
Löfström, Erica.
Forskningstorget 2010
Other presentation
Journal publications
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale;
Ask, Kristine;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson.
The involved and responsible outsiders: Norwegian gamer-parents expanding and reinforcing contemporary norms of parenthood.
Journal of Children and Media
Academic article
Ask, Kristine;
Sihvonen, Tanja.
Horny for Ghost: The Sexualized Remediation of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II on TikTok.
Games and Culture
Academic article
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale;
Ask, Kristine;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson.
Gamer-parent identity: Positioning parenthood between fun screentime and ideals of responsibility.
Games+Learning+Society Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Øygardslia, Kristine;
Ask, Kristine.
Facilitating Social Inclusion of Migrant Students through Digital Games: Design Principles and Pitfalls in Wanderers.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL)
Academic article
Ask, Kristine;
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson.
The struggle and enrichment of play: Domestications and overflows in the everyday life of gamer parents.
Nordicom Review
Academic article
Svendsen, Stine H. Bang;
Ask, Kristine;
Øygardslia, Kristine;
Skotnes, Christian Engen;
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Grut, Gunnar.
Migration narratives in educational digital storytelling: which stories can be told?.
Learning, Media & Technology
Academic article
Ask, Kristine;
Spilker, Hendrik Storstein;
Hansen, Martin.
The politics of user-platform relationships: Co-scripting live-streaming on
First Monday
Academic article
Spilker, Hendrik Storstein;
Ask, Kristine;
Hansen, Martin.
The new practices and infrastructures of participation: how the popularity of challenges old and new ideas about television viewing.
Information, Communication & Society
Academic article
Ask, Kristine;
Abidin, Crystal.
My life is a mess: self-deprecating relatability and collective identities in the memification of student issues.
Information, Communication & Society
Academic article
Jaccheri, Maria Letizia;
Wang, Alf Inge;
Ask, Kristine;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Brend, Kristina.
Women and computer games (workshops and tutorials).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Ask, Kristine;
Sørensen, Knut Holtan.
Domesticating technology for shared success: collective enactments of World of Warcraft.
Information, Communication & Society
Academic article
Ask, Kristine.
The Value of Calculations: The Coproduction of Theorycraft and Player Practices.
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
Academic article
Ask, Kristine;
Svendsen, Stine H. Bang;
Karlstrøm, Henrik.
Når jentene må inn i skapet: Seksuell trakassering og kjønnsfrihet i online dataspill.
Norsk Medietidsskrift
Academic article
Ask, Kristine;
Antonsen, Marie.
Harry Potter og de uløselige kontroverser Et essay om popkultur, teknologideterminisme og et ønske om magiske løsninger.
Bøygen: Organ for nordisk språk og litteratur
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Ask, Kristine.
Spiller du riktig? Tid, moral og materialitet i domestiseringen av et online dataspill.
Norsk Medietidsskrift
Academic article
Ask, Kristine;
Søraa, Roger Andre.
Digitalization and Social Change: A Guide in Critical Thinking.
CRC Press
CRC Press
Ask, Kristine;
Søraa, Roger Andre.
Digitalisering - samfunnsendring, brukerperspektiv og kritisk tenkning.
Part of book/report
Ask, Kristine.
Unpacking play: A domestication perspective on digital games.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ask, Kristine;
Chen, Mark.
Alignments & Alliances. Associations of Value.
Peter Lang Publishing Group
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ask, Kristine.
Den skjøre leken.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Kvaal, Stig;
Ask, Kristine;
Hagset, Mathias.
Hvordan blir kunstig intelligens "intelligent"? En studie av utviklingsprosessen bak en AI-løsning til diagnostikk i helsetjenesten.
Masters thesis
Ask, Kristine;
Sørensen, Knut Holtan;
Lagesen, Vivian Anette;
Gansmo, Helen Jøsok.
Ludic Work: Assemblages, domestications and co-productions of play.
Doctoral dissertation
Næss, Robert;
Ask, Kristine;
Antonsen, Marie;
Löfström, Erica.
Forskningstorget 2010
Other presentation
Ask, Kristine;
Øygardslia, Kristine;
Røkenes, Fredrik Mørk;
Svendsen, Stine H. Bang;
Grut, Gunnar;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Vi er alle vandrere – Et undervisningsopplegg om migrasjon basert på møter mellom elever i voksenopplæring og VGS.
Digital learning tools
Knowledge Transfer
LectureAsk, Kristine. (2023) A crash course in surviving (and thriving) teaching as a Phd Student. KULT PhD lunch 2023-12-14 - 2023-12-14
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2023) Participatory research on the internet: Making sense of being online for science. BARN8007 Participatory Action Research and Knowledge Production 2023-11-02 - 2023-11-02
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2023) Student identity as a palatable way to approach work relevance. KULTped KULTped Dag 2023 2023-12-08 - 2023-12-08
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2023) Foreldreinvolvering og grensesetting i dataspilling . Høyskolen i Innlandet Spilleavhengighet og problemskapende dataspilling 2023-01-17 - 2023-01-17
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine; Fjellså, Ingvild Firman; Lundgren, Jakob; Karhunmaa, Kamilla; Myklebust, Alexander. (2023) Leaving the old behind? The future of STS, academic identity and disciplinary boundary work among early career scholars . TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture 6th Nordic STS Conference 2023 , Oslo 2023-06-07 - 2023-06-09
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine; Ruppert, Evelyn; Silvast, Antti Edward. (2023) Publishing in STS . Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture (TIK) 6th Nordic STS Conference 2023 , Oslo 2023-06-07 - 2023-06-09
LectureAsk, Kristine; Branlat, Jennifer Elise. (2023) Panel on teaching-based research. Institutt for tverrfaglige kulturstudier KULTdag 2023 2023-06-15 - 2023-06-15
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine; Sihvonen, Tanja. (2023) Horny for Ghost: The sexual remediation of Call of Duty . Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) DiGRA 2023 Sevilla – Limits and Margins of Games 2023-06-13 - 2023-06-23
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2023) Internettfenomenet har fått fotfeste i Trondheim: – Denne koster 40 kroner, da er det gratis. Nidaros Nidaros [Newspaper] 2023-10-20
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2023) Lessons about multimodality from TikTok: Re-gendering games and the sound of memes. Vaasa University VIEK2027 Multimodality and Audiovisual Expression 2023-11-30 - 2023-11-30
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2023) Participatory research on the internet: Making sense of being online for science. Vaasa University TOFO4032 Qualitative Research Methods 2023-11-09 - 2023-11-09
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2023) En av fem jenter legger spillene på hylla. Nærnett Nærnett [Newspaper] 2023-03-07
LectureAsk, Kristine. (2023) Internettkultur inn i varmen: Når deltagelse er målet. Kulturrådet Arbeidsseminar om deltaking, bruk og kultur 2023-09-11 - 2023-09-12
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2023) Verken utopi eller dystopi. NTNU, NTNU Samfunnsforskning, NEON, HINN NEON-dagene 2023 2023-11-21 - 2023-11-23
LectureMoratti, Sofia; Søraa, Roger Andre; Cheng, Yu; Kharas, Mark William; Pink, Sarah; Ask, Kristine. (2022) Workshop | Working and Living with Robots. Robotics4EU Healthcare Workshop 2022-01-18 -
LectureAsk, Kristine. (2022) Perspektiver på spill og internett i skolehverdagen. Etter og videreutdanning i pedagogikk 2022-11-10 - 2022-11-10
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2022) User-perspectives on TikTok. DIGIKULT DIGIKULT ANNUAL SEMINAR 2022-12-12 - 2022-12-12
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2022) User platform relationships on TikTok. Norsk Medieforskerlag Norsk Medieforskerkonferanse , Stavanger 2022-10-13 - 2022-10-14
Academic lectureSørenssen, Ingvild Kvale; Ask, Kristine; Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2022) Gamer-parent identity: Positioning parenthood between fun screentime and ideals of responsibility. UC Irvine Games Learning SOciety , UC Irvine 2022-06-15 - 2022-06-17
LectureAsk, Kristine. (2022) Using work-life relevance to adress student identity. SFK teacher meetigs 2022-10-28 - 2022-10-28
InterviewSøraa, Roger Andre; Ask, Kristine. (2021) Digitalisering. Samfunnsendring, brukerperspektiv og kritisk tenkning. [Internet] 2021-05-21
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2020) Roboter som hater kvinner. Samfundet Samfundsmøte Roboter som hater kvinner 2020-03-07 - 2020-03-07
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2020) Tøffere kår for jenter i dataspill?. Barnevakten Barnevakten [Internet] 2020-02-26
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2020) Fortellinger om hvite menn som løser problemer med vold dominerer dataspill. Kilden Kilden [Internet] 2020-05-26
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2020) What a gendered perspective can teach us about digital games. NTNU TPD4168 - Spilldesign 2020-10-26 - 2020-10-26
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine; Hygen, Beate Wold; Festøy, Elin; Godager, Gaute. (2020) Ungdom, gaming & psykisk helse - Åpent møte med paneldiskusjon. Litteraturhuset i Trondheim og Barn&unge-kongressen Ungdom, gaming & psykisk helse - Åpent møte med paneldiskusjon , Trondheim 2020-12-01 - 2020-12-01
LectureAsk, Kristine; Svendsen, Stine H. Bang; hartline, france rose. (2020) DION Mental Health Workshop. DION DION Mental Health Workshop 2020-11-16 - 2020-11-16
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2020) Dataspill for alle. Inklusjon i spilldesign og skolehverdag. NKUL NKUL Temadag om spill og læring 2020-12-09 - 2020-12-09
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2020) Jenter som gamer må ofte spille med guttenavn for å unngå trakassering. KK KK [Journal] 2020-12-01
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2020) Blå Kors står bak en ny dokumentarserie om gaming på NRK. Blå Kors Blå Kors [Internet] 2020-10-30
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2020) Lotta (22) med råd til kvinner som vil inn i gaming. VG VG [Newspaper] 2020-08-30
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2020) Barndomsvenninnene ble gjenforent via gaming på nett: – Nå snakker vi hver dag. P3 P3 [Internet] 2020-07-19
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2020) Lotta (22) with advice for women who want to get into gaming. Newsbeezer Newsbeezer [Internet] 2020-08-30
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine; Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2020) Bug or feature? Seksuell trakassering i online dataspill. Hyperion Foredrag , Zoom 2020-11-04 - 2020-11-04
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine; Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2020) Balanse i lidenskap - Gamer-foreldre, regulering og hverdag. UiO og Medieforskerlaget Medieforskerkonferansen 2020 2020-10-22 - 2020-10-23
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2020) Kjedelig og frustrerende. En annerledes fortelling om dataspillenes skjønnhet og appell (del 1 & 2). Barn og Unge Kongressen , Trondheim 2020-12-01 - 2020-12-03
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2019) Fem år etter #Gamergate er hun fortsatt et hatobjekt på nett. Aftenposten Aftenposten [Newspaper] 2019-07-30
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2019) - Steinkjer blir kjedelig. Forslag om studiestedsstruktur ved Nord universitet. Steinkjer-Avisa Steinkjer-Avisa [Newspaper] 2019-05-16
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2019) Gutter og jenter påvirkes forskjellig av dataspilling. Aftenposen Aftenposen [Newspaper] 2019-04-24
Academic lectureMoltubakk, Stine Thordarson; Ask, Kristine. (2019) Control for the sake of Freedom: Negotiating play in Norwegian Gamer-families. Malmö University NordMedia 2019 , Malmö 2019-08-21 - 2019-08-23
Popular scientific lectureMoltubakk, Stine Thordarson; Ask, Kristine. (2019) Foreldre og gaming: På tide med en fredsavtale?. Torucon Torucon 2019 , Trondheim 2019-08-10 - 2019-08-11
LectureAsk, Kristine. (2019) Dataspill for alle: Inklusjon i spilldesign og skolehverdag. Kulturtanken Den kulturelle skolesekken Norge Spilltanken , Oslo 2019-09-17 - 2019-09-17
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2019) Dataspillenes problematiske arv – eller hvorfor det er på tide å dekolonialisere spill i skolen. Spillpikene Spillpikenes Jubileumskveld 10 år , Trondheim 2019-10-03 - 2019-10-03
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2018) Vi vil ikke ofre machomannen på mangfoldets alter. Gamereactor Gamereactor [Internet] 2018-09-17
Popular scientific lecture
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2018) Vurderte å ta ut ferie for å spille. Stavanger Aftenblad Stavanger Aftenblad [Newspaper] 2018-08-15
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2017) Spill og dannelse - en drøfting. Buskerud Folkshøgskole Seminar 2017-08-08 - 2017-08-08
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2017) Lek krever hardt arbeid. NTNU NKUL: Nasjonal konferanse om bruk av IKT i utdanning og læring , Trondheim 2017-05-10 - 2017-05-12
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2017) Gamergate, konspirasjoner og nye sannheter. Minimalen Kortfilmfestival Forum: Samtidspropaganda , Trondheim 2017-01-24 - 2017-01-24
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2017) Ludisk arbeid- Lekens manglende magi. Buskerud Folkshøgskole Seminar 2017-01-04 - 2017-01-04
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine; Abidin, Crystal. (2017) My life is a mess: Self-deprecating relatability and the memefication of student publics. AOIR Association of Internet Researcher AOIR 2017 Asspciation of Internet Researchers Conference Networked Publics , Tartu 2017-10-18 - 2017-10-21
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2017) Bruker to timar dagleg på å skrive «SKAM»-historiar. [Internet] 2017-02-16
Popular scientific lectureNæss, Robert; Ingeborgrud, Lina; Søraa, Roger Andre; Solbu, Gisle; Ask, Kristine; Heidenreich, Sara. (2016) "Undringsboksen" - Hvor går dine grenser? (Stand på forskningstorget). Forskningsdagene 2016-09-30 - 2016-10-01
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2016) Forskningsfronten om spill og kjønn. Spillpikene og Teknisk Museum SENT Spillpikene , Oslo 2016-11-10 - 2016-11-10
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2016) Derfor blir vi hekta på Pokémon Go. Vårt Land Vårt Land [Newspaper] 2016-07-21
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2016) Kvinner trakassering i online-spill. Vårt Land Vårt Land [Newspaper] 2016-08-12
Popular scientific lecture
LectureAsk, Kristine. (2016) Framtidenns eksperter: Fra World of Warcraft til Pokemon Go. Institutt for Tverrfaglige Kulturstudier KULTlab: Popkultur , Trondheim 2016-08-24 - 2016-08-24
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2016) Bedrifter vil ha Pokemon Go. NRK Nyhetsmorgen NRK Nyhetsmorgen [Radio] 2016-07-20
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2016) - Jeg måtte ut av senga i dag, det var en Pokémon utenfor huset. Trondheim By Trondheim By [Newspaper] 2016-07-14
LecturePötzsch, Holger; Ask, Kristine; setlak, wojciech; Egeberg, Kristoffer. (2016) Digital Lives: War in Games. Stiftelsen Fritt Ord,, Pressfire Digital Games: War in Games (paneldebatt) , Stiftelsen Fritt Ord, Oslo 2016-01-27 - 2016-01-27
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2016) Spillpiker og andre enhjørninger. Hyperion Fabelaften , Trondheim 2016-02-04 - 2016-02-04
LectureAsk, Kristine. (2016) Spillpiker og andre enhjørninger: Om spill og kjønn. Høgskolen i Lillehammer/KoRus Øst Spilleproblematikk , Gardermoen 2016-01-27 - 2016-01-27
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2016) Fra trakassering i skolegården til hets på nett. Samfunnsvitern Samfunnsvitern [Business/trade/industry journal] 2016-02-29
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2015) Norske studenter advares mot pensum. Universitas Universitas [Newspaper] 2015-09-16
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2015) "Blir man flinkere til å samarbeid ved å spille spill?". Nerdeprat Nerdeprat [Radio] 2015-11-05
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2015) Sexual harassment in online video games. Likestillings- og diskrimineringsombudet Konferanse om hatytringer mot kvinner og jenter , Oslo 2015-10-06 - 2015-10-06
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2015) Spill lurer oss til å droppe fordommene. [Internet] 2015-10-29
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2015) Gamere lager egne regler mot mobbekultur. Vårt Land Vårt Land [Newspaper] 2015-11-27
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2015) Kvinnelige spillfigurer får mer hjelp om de er pene. [Internet] 2015-05-06
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2015) Online comptuer games force women into the closet. Science Nordic Science Nordic [Internet] 2015-05-17
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2015) Gamergate, trakassering og kjønn i Gamermiljøet. Svartlamoen Svartlamodagen , Trondheim 2015-05-30 - 2015-05-30
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2015) Lagspill på nett lærer barna om samarbeid og fellesskap. Barnevakten Barnevakten [Internet] 2015-05-08
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2015) Stygge avatarer får mindre hjelp. [Internet] 2015-05-06
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2015) Spillere i harnisk over kvinner i "FIFA 16". Filmpolitiet Filmpolitiet [Internet] 2015-05-29
LectureAsk, Kristine. (2015) Seksuell trakassering i online dataspill. Senter for Kjønnsforskning, NTNU Forskerstafett, 8-mars uka , Trondheim 2015-03-05 - 2015-03-05
Programme participationAsk, Kristine. (2015) Fem ting som bidrar til kjønnsforskjeller i spill. Rad Crew Podcast Rad Crew Podcast [Internet] 2015-02-12
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2015) Sexual harassment in online games. FN. Panel organisert av Likestillingsombudet. CSW59/Beijing+20 (2015) Commision of the State of Women , New York 2015-03-09 - 2015-03-20
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2015) "Rød Lunsj om feminisme, dataspill og gamergate". Rød Ungdom Rød Lunsj , Trondheim 2015-04-17 -
LectureAsk, Kristine. (2014) Hvem er hardcore- og casualspilleren?. Join Game Join Game: Hvem er dataspilleren? , Lillestrøm 2014-11-07 - 2014-11-07
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine; Svendsen, Stine H. Bang. (2014) Fangirls, affect and strategies of inclusion in the new gaming public. AOIR (Association of Internet Researchers) IR15: Boundaries and intersections , Deagu 2014-10-22 - 2014-10-24
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2014) Spillpiker og andre enhjørninger: om dataspill og kjønn. Rotary Trondheim Rotary klubbmøte , Trondheim 2014-10-08 - 2014-10-08
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2014) Nettvett og dataspill. FAU ved Blussvoll Skolle Foreldremøte på Blussvoll skole , Trondheim 2014-11-20 - 2014-11-20
LectureAsk, Kristine; Svendsen, Stine H. Bang. (2014) "Bug or feature?" Seksuell trakassering i online dataspill. Prosjektet Seksuell trakassering i online dataspill Spill(u)kultur: Et seminar om spill og kjønn , Trondheim 2014-09-18 - 2014-09-18
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine; Svendsen, Stine H. Bang. (2014) Sexual harassment in online games: bug or feature?. AOIR (Association of Internet Researchers) IR15: Boundaries and intersections , Deagu 2014-10-22 - 2015-10-24
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2014) Spillkultur og den digitale leken. Fagnettverket DH Fagdag for Design og Håndverk , Charlottenlund Skole, Trondheim 2014-03-12 - 2014-03-12
Programme participation
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2014) Avhengig eller engasjert?. Medienes Publikum vår 2014 forelesningsrekke 2014-03-13 - 2014-03-13
LectureAsk, Kristine. (2014) Spillpiker og andre enhjørninger. Human Etisk Forbund Seminar for konfirmantledere 2014-02-02 -
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2014) Sexual harassment i online video games: Bug or feature?. CISV Trøndelag CISV Sommerleir , Trondheim 2014-07-07 - 2014-07-07
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2014) Med Facebook på hodet. Fædrelandsvennen Fædrelandsvennen [Newspaper] 2014-06-03
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2014) Uvitende om sex og vold i dataspill. Vårt Land Vårt Land [Newspaper] 2014-08-30
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2014) Vet du hvorfor du bør dele flere kattebilder på nettet?. Vårt Land Vårt Land [Newspaper] 2014-06-24
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2014) Kvinnelige nettspillere blir sextrakassert. Adressa Adressa [Newspaper] 2014-09-18
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2014) Kvinnelige dataspillere skjuler sitt kjønn online. MSN MSN [Internet] 2014-10-26
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2014) Kvinnelige dataspillere skjuler sitt kjønn online. Aftenposten Aftenposten [Newspaper] 2014-10-26
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2014) Har du opplevd seksuell trakassering i et onlinespill?. Pressfire Pressfire [Internet] 2014-10-14
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2014) Kvinnelige nettspillere later som de er menn. [Internet] 2014-10-03
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2014) ONLINE DATASPILL TVINGER KVINNER INN I SKAPET. Kilden Kilden [Internet] 2014-09-30
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2014) Fenjima Manrique fikk drapstrussel skrevet i bæsj på døren. NRK NRK [Internet] 2014-10-30
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2014) Kvinnelig trakassering i dataspill. NRK Lørdagsrevyen NRK Lørdagsrevyen [TV] 2014-11-08
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2014) Forskerprofilen: "Som forsker bør man sensurere seg selv". Universitetsavisa Universitetsavisa [Newspaper] 2014-05-13
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2014) Nettvett (eller vanlig vett som det også er kjent som). FAU Strindheim skole FAU møte Strindheim skole 2014-02-12 - 2014-02-12
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2014) Å gå dit verden løser seg opp. Sunnmørsposten Sunnmørsposten [Newspaper] 2014-02-06
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2014) Seksuell trakassering i onlinespill - bug or feature?. DigIT DigIT 2014 , Dokkhuset, Trondheim 2014-03-08 - 2014-03-08
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2013) Tullekatter bygger nettverk. Gemini Gemini [Business/trade/industry journal] 2013-09-24
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2013) Forsker: -RBK fans er påfallende lik Beliebers. NRK Nett NRK Nett [Internet] 2013-09-24
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2013) Kunsten å dele seg til suksess. Aftenposten Aftenposten [Newspaper] 2013-07-27
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2013) Kan lære mye av World of Warcraft. [Business/trade/industry journal] 2013-10-25
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2013) Fagkveld om: "Greek and roman games in the computer age". Fagutvalget ved Filosofi ved NTNU Fagkveld , Trondheim 2013-04-03 - 2013-04-03
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine; Eklund, Lina. (2013) The strenuous task of maintaining and making friends: Tensions between play and friendship in MMOs. DiGRA DiGRA 2013 - DeFragging Game Studies , Atlanta 2013-09-26 - 2013-09-29
Academic lecture
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2013) Hvordan morsomme katter kan redde verden. Digiale Kulturer UiB Fagkveld Digitale Kulturer , Bergen 2013-01-28 - 2013-01-28
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2013) "I want to major in Altair's ass" The performance of female gamer identities in a fangirl context. NordMedia NordMedia 2013 , Oslo 2013-08-08 -
InterviewAsk, Kristine. (2013) EU skylder på barna for lettkledd figur i pedagogisk spill. NRK Nett NRK Nett [Internet] 2013-03-23
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2012) Kulturperspektivet -nedenifra. eTrøndelag Kultur på nett 2012 , Trondheim 2012-03-05 - 2012-03-05
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2012) Legg fra deg konsollen og kom deg tilbake til kjøkkenet! Om trakassering av jenter i online dataspill. Redd Barna Møte med Redd Barna , Oslo 2012-09-11 -
PosterAsk, Kristine; Chen, Mark; Kelly, Shawna; McKnight, John Carter. (2012) Learning to play the boundaries of World of Warcraft. Games Learning Society GLS 8.0 , Madison 2012-06-13 - 2012-06-15
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine; Lars, Skancke. (2012) Digital games in the Norwegian educational discourse. Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) 4S 2012 , Købenavn 2012-10-17 -
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2012) Domesticating Play. Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) 4S 2012 , Købenavn 2012-10-17 -
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2011) Scientific play? How players remake World of Warcraft as a game of numbers. GLS v/Madison University Games Learning Society 7.0 , Madison 2011-06-15 - 2011-06-17
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2011) Dataspill og spillsamfunn. Samfundet Excenteraften på Samfundet , Samfundet, Trondheim 2011-02-02 - 2011-02-02
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2011) Power gaming, positivism and synthetic play. The effects of theorycrafting on player practices. Society for Social Studies of Science 4S 2011 , Cleveland, Ohio 2011-11-02 - 2011-11-05
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine; Karlsen, Faltin; Chen, Mark; Paul, Christoper. (2011) Playing by the numbers? A panel on theorycrafting. DiGRA (Digital Games Research Association) Think, Design, Play. DiGRA 2011 Conference , Hilversum 2011-09-14 - 2011-09-17
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2011) Are we even playing the same game? How three different player groups have domesticated World of Warcraft. DiGRA (Digital Games Research Association) Think, Design, Play. DiGRA 2011 Conference , Hilversum 2011-09-14 - 2011-09-17
Academic lectureKarlsen, Faltin; Ask, Kristine; Chen, Mark; Christopher, Paul. (2011) Playing by the numbers: A panel on theorycrafting. Digital Games Research Association DiGRA 2011: Think Design Play 2011-09-14 - 2011-09-17
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2010) Vitenskapelig spilling. En introduksjon til Theorycraft. Join Game. Nasjonalt ressursnettverk for dataspill JoinGame Workshop XI: "Blandet drops" 2010-11-11 -
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2010) Når spillere designer. Norwegian Game Awards Norwegian Game Awards Kickoff 2010-11-17 -
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2010) Lek eller arbeid i World of Warcraft?. NTNUs programkomite for spillforskning Seminarserie om dataspill 2010-09-28 -
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2010) Playing on the edge. Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) IR 11.0 Sustainability, Participation, Action , Gøteborg 2010-10-21 - 2010-10-23
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2010) Knowing play. EASST EASST 2011: Practising science and technology, performing the social , Trento 2010-09-02 - 2010-09-04
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2010) Scripting players, scripting design. Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies Workshop: Role of users in changing technology and practice? , Helsinki 2010-08-19 - 2010-08-20
PosterAsk, Kristine. (2010) The tools of play and knowledge. GLS Games, Learning and Society (GLS 6.0) 2010 , Madison, Wisconsin 2010-06-09 - 2010-06-11
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine. (2009) World of Scriptcraft. The collective remaking of computergames. 4S 4S Annual Conference 2010 , Washington DC 2009-10-28 - 2009-10-31
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2009) World of Socialcraft. Norsk kulturforum BLIKK-konferanse i Rogaland , Utstein Kloster Hotell 2009-03-19 - 2009-03-19
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine. (2009) Dataspill og kultur - en introduksjon. Røde Kors Trondheim Foredrag om spill , Trondheim 2009-05-25 - 2009-05-25
Popular scientific lectureKlevjer, Rune; Mortensen, Torill Elvira; Karlsen, Faltin; Bryne, Snorre; Enevold, Jessica; Brinch, Sara. (2009) Myter og Realiteter. Dataspill i media, forskning og hverdag. JoinGame JoinGame workshop , Oslo 2009-02-06 -