Live Rusånes Oftedahl
Jonsvannsveien 82, D258, Trondheim
I am a communication advisor at the Department of Marine Technology (IMT), one of eight departments at the Faculty of Engineering.
- Student recruitment
- Internal communication
- External communication
- Media management
- Annual reports at IMT
- Programme coordinator for the Ocean Technology Day
- Contact person for NTNU Alumni IMT
Areas of cooperation
- Norwegian Ocean Technology Centre
- Fjordlab
- Samarbeidsforum Marin
- Brohode havbruk
- NTNU Vista Caros - Centre for Autonomous Robotics Operations Subsea
- Ocean Space Race
- Nansen Legacy
- NTNU og SINTEF OceanLab
- NTNU AMOS SSF - Centre for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems
- MA Comparative Literature, NTNU
- BA Philosophy, Literature, Film production, NTNU
- Practical Pedagogical Education, Nord universitet
- French for foreigners, DALF-level, Université Lumière Lyon II
- Arrangementsplanlegging/ Event planning
- Ekstern kommunikasjon/ external communication
- Forskningsformidling/ research dissemination
- Intranet
- Journalistikk / journalistic writing
- Kommunikasjonsplanlegging/ communication planning
- Mediehåndtering/ Media management
- Sosiale medier/ social media
- nettjournalistikk/ writing for the web
- nettpublisering/ web publishing
Oftedahl, Live;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer.
Autonome fartøy må bli mer redde for å dø.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Oftedahl, Live;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer.
Autonomous vessels need to be more afraid of dying.
Gemini (English edition)
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Oftedahl, Live;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer.
NTNU-forsker vil lære autonome systemer risikoforståelse.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Oftedahl, Live;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Johnsen, Geir.
NTNUs first research satellite on the first mission in the Arctic.
Website (informational material)
Oftedahl, Live;
Ludvigsen, Martin;
Reigstad, Marit.
The past and future of the Arctic Ocean are on the agenda at a major research conference this week.
Website (informational material)
Oftedahl, Live;
Zilles, David.
Flytende ammoniakk og metanol kan bli fremtidens drivstoff.
Website (informational material)
Oftedahl, Live;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan.
Joining forces to map and monitor the ocean pulse.
Website (informational material)
Kim, Ekaterina;
Mokhtari, Mojtaba;
Oftedahl, Live.
Arctic Hive Mind.
Website (informational material)
Oftedahl, Live;
Ødegård, Øyvind;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Johnsen, Geir.
Oppdrag Mjøsa får internasjonal oppmerksomhet.
Website (informational material)
Oftedahl, Live;
Neyts, Alexandra.
Havbruk til havs bidrar til nytt norsk industri- og eksporteventyr.
Website (informational material)
Oftedahl, Live.
Can floating solar islands meet the world’s future energy needs?.
Norwegian SciTech News
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
Forskere undersøkte alt, overalt, på samme tid.
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
Observing Arctic marine life — from the seabed to space.
Norwegian SciTech News
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
Havbruk til havs bidrar til nytt norsk industri- og eksporteventyr .
Website (informational material)
Oftedahl, Live.
Havvind: – Det haster om Norge skal ta ledertrøya.
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
More efficient ocean mapping and monitoring.
Norwegian SciTech News
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
Offshore wind power gains international momentum.
Norwegian SciTech News
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
Snart kan vi undersøke havbunnen billigere og enklere.
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
– Flytende soløyer kan dekke verdens energibehov i fremtiden.
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
Snake robot turned movie hero.
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
Slangerobot blir filmhelt.
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
NTNU tester undervannsdroner for Equinor.
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
Tema: Mellom marmor og gråstein.
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
Ny termometertype kan redde liv.
Popular scientific article
Journal publications
Oftedahl, Live;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer.
Autonome fartøy må bli mer redde for å dø.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Oftedahl, Live;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer.
Autonomous vessels need to be more afraid of dying.
Gemini (English edition)
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Oftedahl, Live;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer.
NTNU-forsker vil lære autonome systemer risikoforståelse.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Oftedahl, Live.
Can floating solar islands meet the world’s future energy needs?.
Norwegian SciTech News
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
Forskere undersøkte alt, overalt, på samme tid.
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
Observing Arctic marine life — from the seabed to space.
Norwegian SciTech News
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
Havvind: – Det haster om Norge skal ta ledertrøya.
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
More efficient ocean mapping and monitoring.
Norwegian SciTech News
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
Offshore wind power gains international momentum.
Norwegian SciTech News
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
Snart kan vi undersøke havbunnen billigere og enklere.
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
– Flytende soløyer kan dekke verdens energibehov i fremtiden.
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
Snake robot turned movie hero.
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
Slangerobot blir filmhelt.
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
NTNU tester undervannsdroner for Equinor.
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
Tema: Mellom marmor og gråstein.
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live.
Ny termometertype kan redde liv.
Popular scientific article
Oftedahl, Live;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Johnsen, Geir.
NTNUs first research satellite on the first mission in the Arctic.
Website (informational material)
Oftedahl, Live;
Ludvigsen, Martin;
Reigstad, Marit.
The past and future of the Arctic Ocean are on the agenda at a major research conference this week.
Website (informational material)
Oftedahl, Live;
Zilles, David.
Flytende ammoniakk og metanol kan bli fremtidens drivstoff.
Website (informational material)
Oftedahl, Live;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan.
Joining forces to map and monitor the ocean pulse.
Website (informational material)
Kim, Ekaterina;
Mokhtari, Mojtaba;
Oftedahl, Live.
Arctic Hive Mind.
Website (informational material)
Oftedahl, Live;
Ødegård, Øyvind;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Johnsen, Geir.
Oppdrag Mjøsa får internasjonal oppmerksomhet.
Website (informational material)
Oftedahl, Live;
Neyts, Alexandra.
Havbruk til havs bidrar til nytt norsk industri- og eksporteventyr.
Website (informational material)
Oftedahl, Live.
Havbruk til havs bidrar til nytt norsk industri- og eksporteventyr .
Website (informational material)
InterviewOftedahl, Live; Tung, Karianne Oldernes; Johansen, Tor Arne; Udnæs, Frank. (2024) – Dette er en bragd av NTNU. NTNU Nyheter NTNU Nyheter [Internet] 2024-11-06
InterviewOftedahl, Live; Rasmussen, Kristian Byskov. (2024) Kan vi fikse framtida – eller vil vi feile?. NTNU Nyheter NTNU Nyheter [Internet] 2024-11-03
InterviewOftedahl, Live; Grande, Tor; Bech Gjørv, Alexandra; Ye, Naiquan; Valland, Anders. (2024) Nå åpner de to første laboratoriene i Norsk havteknologisenter. NTNU Nyheter NTNU Nyheter [Internet] 2024-08-21
InterviewOftedahl, Live; Ludvigsen, Martin; Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad; Ødegård, Øyvind; Pizarro, Oscar Rodrigo. (2024) NTNUs laboratorie for undervannsrobotikk feirer 15 år. NTNU Nyheter NTNU Nyheter [Internet] 2024-01-30
InterviewOftedahl, Live. (2024) Njord Challenge: Derfor er utviklingen av selvstyrte fartøy viktig. NTNU Nyheter NTNU Nyheter [Internet] 2024-08-19
InterviewOftedahl, Live; Bachynski-Polic, Erin Elizabeth; Rivera-Arreba, Irene. (2024) For the first time: Women in all roles at a PhD defense in Marine Technology. NTNU News NTNU News [Internet] 2024-08-09
InterviewOftedahl, Live; Bachynski-Polic, Erin Elizabeth; Rivera-Arreba, Irene. (2024) For første gang: Kvinner i alle roller på disputas i marin teknikk. NTNU Nyheter NTNU Nyheter [Internet] 2024-08-09
InterviewOftedahl, Live; Ludvigsen, Martin; Basso, Erlend Andreas; Waldum, Ambjørn Grimsrud; Sørensen, Asgeir J.. (2024) Utvikling av undervannsroboter: Flygende øyne og nye navigasjonssystem. NTNU Nyheter NTNU Nyheter [Internet] 2024-06-21
InterviewOftedahl, Live; Neyts, Alexandra; Hernes, Toril Anita Nagelhus; Asbjørnslett, Bjørn Egil. (2024) Nå lanseres Brohode Havbruk 2.0. NTNU Nyheter NTNU Nyheter [Internet] 2024-06-03
Popular scientific lectureOftedahl, Live; Strand, Hillevi. (2024) Stand - Det store spillet om havet. NTNU Researchers' Night , Realfagsbygget 2024-09-29 - 2024-09-29
Popular scientific lectureOftedahl, Live; Strand, Hillevi. (2024) Stand - med tema Havets Helse. NTNU Researchers' Night , Realfagsbygget 2024-09-27 - 2024-09-27
InterviewOftedahl, Live; Skare, Aurora Natalie. (2024) Floating solar islands can give the world green energy while saving valuable land area. NTNU News NTNU News [Internet] 2024-03-19
InterviewOftedahl, Live; Zadeh, Mehdi . (2024) The race is on to make the shipping sector fossil-free. NTNU News NTNU News [Internet] 2024-07-12
InterviewOftedahl, Live. (2024) Njord Challenge: Why the development of autonomous vessels is important. NTNU News NTNU News [Internet] 2024-08-19
InterviewOftedahl, Live; Grande, Tor; Bech Gjørv, Alexandra; Ye, Naiquan; Valland, Anders. (2024) The two first laboratories in the Norwegian Ocean Technology Centre are now open. NTNU News NTNU News [Internet] 2024-08-21
InterviewOftedahl, Live; Bolland, Olav; Sletvold, Espen. (2024) Regjeringen gir klarsignal for oppstart av Fjordlab. NTNU Nyheter NTNU Nyheter [Internet] 2024-06-28
InterviewOftedahl, Live; Nejad, Amir R.. (2024) Felles erklæring om havvind mellom Norge og Belgia. NTNU Nyheter NTNU Nyheter [Internet] 2024-07-03
InterviewOftedahl, Live; Zadeh, Mehdi . (2024) Kappløp for å gjøre verdens skipsfart fossilfri . NTNU Nyheter NTNU Nyheter [Internet] 2024-07-13
InterviewOftedahl, Live. (2023) Årets marintstudenter - høyeste kvinneandel noensinne. NTNU Nyheter NTNU Nyheter [Internet] 2023-08-24
InterviewOftedahl, Live; Utne, Ingrid Bouwer. (2023) Vokter havet: Målet er at autonome roboter kan patruljere havområder. NTNU Nyheter NTNU Nyheter [Internet] 2023-10-12
InterviewOftedahl, Live. (2023) NTNU-professor vinner teknologipris og oppfordrer til karbonfangst og - lagring. NTNU Nyheter NTNU Nyheter [Internet] 2023-11-16
InterviewOftedahl, Live. (2023) Grunnsten på plass for Norsk havteknologisenter. NTNU Nyheter NTNU Nyheter [Internet] 2023-08-23
InterviewZilles, David; Oftedahl, Live. (2023) Liquid ammonia and methanol can become the future fuel in deep sea shipping. NTNU News Blog Entry NTNU News Blog Entry [Internet] 2023-12-04
InterviewOftedahl, Live. (2023) Polhavets fortid og framtid er på dagsordenen i en stor forskningskonferanse denne uka. NTNU Nyheter NTNU Nyheter [Internet] 2023-11-06