Magnus Rønning
Magnus Rønning er Prodekan forskning ved Fakultet for Naturvitenskap. Han er også siden 2006 professor i katalyse ved Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologi. Før det var han førsteamanuensis ved samme institutt (2002-2006). Han har bakgrunn som postdoc fra Penn State University, USA (2000-2001) og Vista postdoc ved Statoils Forskningssenter (2000). Han hadde forskningstermin ved Stanford University, USA i 2016-2017.
Magnus Rønning er utdannet master i kjemi fra NTNU (1994) og Dr.Ing. fra Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologi, NTNU (2000). Han har publisert 5 bokkapitler og ca. 150 artikler i internasjonale tidsskrifter. Han har vært deltager i 2 nasjonale sentra for forskningsbasert innovasjon (SFI). Han har koordinert 2 EU prosjekter og vært partner i en rekke andre EU-finansierte prosjekter. Han har veiledet over 50 masterstudenter, vært veileder/medveileder for 30 ph.d.-kandidater og 13 postdocs.
- Operando karakterisering av katalysatorer ved bruk av synkrotron-baserte røntgenteknikker
- Hydrogenproduksjon
- Ammoniakk dekomponering
- Ammoniakkoksidasjon
- Katalytisk oksidasjon av NO for fremstilling av salpetersyre
- Utvikle nye katalytiske materialer for å erstatte kritiske råmaterialer
- Katalyse i energi og miljøsammenheng
- Fotokatalyse
- Selektiv katalytisk reduksjon av NOx
- Karbon nanomaterialer
- Drivstoff fra naturgass, CO2 og biomasse
- Fischer-Tropsch syntese
Pazos Urrea, Monica;
Meilinger, Simon;
Herold, Felix;
Gopakumar, Jithin;
Tusini, Enrico;
De Giacinto, Andrea.
Aqueous Phase Reforming over Platinum Catalysts on Doped Carbon Supports: Exploring Platinum-Heteroatom Interactions.
ACS Catalysis
Academic article
Rosmini, Consolato;
Pazos Urrea, Monica;
Tusini, Enrico;
Indris, Sylvio;
Kovacheva, Daniela;
Karashanova, Daniela.
Unveiling the synergistic effects of pH and Sn content for tuning the catalytic performance of Ni0/Nix/Sny intermetallic compounds dispersed on Ce-Zr mixed oxides in the aqueous phase reforming of ethylene glycol.
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
Academic article
Ellert, Abelina;
Herold, Felix;
Rønning, Magnus;
Hutzler, Andreas;
Piccirilli, Luca;
Janssens, Ton V.W..
Phosphorus-modification of Pt/Al<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> catalysts improves dispersion and cycloalkane dehydrogenation activity.
Journal of Catalysis
Academic article
Świrk Da Costa, Katarzyna;
Summa, Paulina;
Gopakumar, Jithin;
van Valen, Youri;
Da Costa, Patrick;
Rønning, Magnus.
Excess-Methane CO2 Reforming over Reduced KIT-6-Ni-Y Mesoporous Silicas Monitored by In Situ XAS–XRD.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Gopakumar, Jithin;
Benum, Pål Martin;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Enger, Bjørn Christian;
Waller, David;
Rønning, Magnus.
Redox transformations of Ru catalyst during NO oxidation at industrial nitric acid production conditions.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Pazos Urrea, Monica;
Herold, Felix;
Chen, de;
Rønning, Magnus.
Nitrogen-containing carbon nanofibers as supports for bimetallic Pt-Mn catalysts in aqueous phase reforming of ethylene glycol.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Herold, Felix;
Imhof, Timo;
Roumeliotis, Paul;
Schühle, Patrick;
Ledendecker, Marc;
Rønning, Magnus.
Controlled doping of carbon catalyst supports by atomic replacement via gasification-assisted heteroatom doping.
Academic article
Gopakumar, Jithin;
Huus, Sunniva Vold;
Enger, Bjørn Christian;
Waller, David;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Rønning, Magnus.
Catalytic oxidation of NO to NO2 for industrial nitric acid production using Ag-promoted MnO2/ZrO2 catalysts.
Catalysis Science & Technology
Academic article
Antony, Jibin;
Villa Gonzalez, Susana;
Bandyopadhyay, Sulalit;
Yang, Jia;
Rønning, Magnus.
Silica-modified bismutite nanoparticles for enhanced adsorption and faster solar photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Summa, Paulina;
Swirk, Katarzyna;
Gopakumar, Jithin;
Samojeden, Bogdan;
Motak, Monika;
Rønning, Magnus.
Optimization of Co-Ni-Mg-Al mixed-oxides CO<inf>2</inf> methanation catalysts with solution combustion synthesis: On the importance of Co incorporation and basicity.
Applied Materials Today
Academic article
Sun, Chao;
Summa, Paulina;
Wang, Ye;
Swirk Da Costa, Katarzyna;
Miro i Rovira, Albert;
Casale, Sandra.
Boosting CO2 reforming of methane via the metal-support interaction in mesostructured SBA-16-derived Ni nanoparticles.
Applied Materials Today
Academic article
Valle, E.;
Duyar, M.S.;
Snider, J.L.;
Regli, Samuel K.;
Rønning, Magnus;
Gallo, A..
In Situ Studies of the Formation of MoP Catalysts and Their Structure under Reaction Conditions for Higher Alcohol Synthesis: The Role of Promoters and Mesoporous Supports.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Antony, Jibin;
Bandyopadhyay, Sulalit;
Yang, Jia;
Rønning, Magnus.
Optimizing the shape anisotropy of gold nanoparticles for enhanced light harvesting and photocatalytic applications.
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences
Academic article
Tafjord, Joakim;
Regli, Samuel K.;
Dugulan, Achim Iulian;
Rønning, Magnus;
Rytter, Erling;
Holmen, Anders.
Influence of temperature during pyrolysis of Fe-alginate: Unraveling the pathway towards highly active Fe/C catalysts.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Dehghan-Niri, Roya;
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Voronov, Alexey;
Holmen, Anders;
Holmestad, Randi;
Vullum, Per Erik.
NanostructuralAnalysisof Co-Re/γ-Al2O3 Fischer-Tropsch Catalyst by TEM and XRD.
Academic article
Zhang, Wei;
Ma, Hongfei;
Wang, Yalan;
Regli, Samuel K.;
Rønning, Magnus;
Rout, Kumar Ranjan.
In situ monitoring of dynamic behavior of La-doped CuCl2/γ-Al2O3 catalyst in ethylene oxychlorination.
Journal of Catalysis
Academic article
Herold, Felix;
Gläsel, Jan;
Etzold, Bastian J. M.;
Rønning, Magnus.
Can Temperature-Programmed Techniques Provide the Gold Standard for Carbon Surface Characterization?.
Chemistry of Materials
Academic article
Summa, Paulina;
Swirk, Katarzyna;
Wierzbicki, Dominik;
Motak, Monika;
Alxneit, Ivo;
Rønning, Magnus.
Co-precipitated Ni-Mg-Al hydrotalcite-derived catalyst promoted with vanadium for CO2 methanation.
Academic article
Duyar, Melis S.;
Gallo, Alessandro;
Regli, Samuel K.;
Snider, Jonathan L.;
Singh, Joseph A.;
Valle, Eduardo.
Understanding Selectivity in CO2 Hydrogenation to Methanol for MoP Nanoparticle Catalysts Using In Situ Techniques.
Academic article
Niu, Juntian;
Wang, Yalan;
Liland, Shirley Elisabeth Sjø;
Regli, Samuel K.;
Yang, Jia;
Rout, Kumar Ranjan.
Unraveling Enhanced Activity, Selectivity, and Coke Resistance of Pt–Ni Bimetallic Clusters in Dry Reforming.
ACS Catalysis
Academic article
Ma, Hongfei;
Gopakumar, Jithin;
Zhang, Wei;
Regli, Samuel K.;
Wang, Yalan;
Rout, Kumar Ranjan.
Insights of the Dynamic Copper Active Sites in Ethylene Oxychlorination Studied by the Multivariate UV–vis–NIR Resolution Kinetic Approach
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Bjørkedal, Ole Håvik;
Regli, Samuel K.;
Nuguid, Rob Jeremiah G.;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Kröcher, Oliver;
Ferri, Davide.
One-pot synthesis of highly dispersed mesoporous Cu/ZrO2 catalysts for NH3-SCR.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Sun, Chao;
Swirk, Katarzyna;
Wang, Ye;
Li, Li;
Fabbiani, Marco;
Hulea, Vasile.
Unraveling catalytic properties by yttrium promotion on mesoporous SBA-16 supported nickel catalysts towards CO2 methanation.
Academic article
Summa, Paulina;
Swirk, Katarzyna;
Wang, Ye;
Samojeden, Bogdan;
Rønning, Magnus;
Hu, Changwei.
Effect of cobalt promotion on hydrotalcite-derived nickel catalyst for CO2 methanation.
Applied Materials Today
Academic article
Sun, Chao;
Swirk, Katarzyna;
Wang, Ye;
Scheidl, Katharina;
Breiby, Dag Werner;
Rønning, Magnus.
Tailoring the yttrium content in Ni-Ce-Y/SBA-15 mesoporous silicas for CO<inf>2</inf> methanation.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Sørli, Guro;
Azim, Muhammad Mohsin;
Rønning, Magnus;
Mathisen, Karina.
Improved lifetime and stability of copper species in hierarchical, copper-incorporated CuSAPO-34 verified by catalytic model reactions .
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Swirk, Katarzyna;
Zhang, Hailong;
Li, Shanshan;
Chen, Yaoqiang;
Rønning, Magnus;
Motak, Monika.
Carbon-resistant NiO-Y2O3-nanostructured catalysts derived from double-layered hydroxides for dry reforming of methane.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Zubair, Muhammad;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Rønning, Magnus;
Yang, Jia.
Core-Shell Nanostructures of Graphene-Wrapped CdS Nanoparticles and TiO2 (CdS@G@TiO2): The Role of Graphene in Enhanced Photocatalytic H2 Generation.
Academic article
Świrk, Katarzyna;
Rønning, Magnus;
Motak, Monika;
Grzybek, Teresa;
Da Costa, Patrick.
Synthesis strategies of Zr- and Y-promoted mixed oxides derived from double-layered hydroxides for syngas production via dry reforming of methane.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Zubair, Muhammad;
Vanhaecke, Estelle Marie M.;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Rønning, Magnus;
Yang, Jia.
Core-shell particles of C-doped CdS and graphene: A noble metal-free approach for efficient photocatalytic H2 generation.
Green Energy & Environment
Academic article
Hjorth, Ida;
Wang, Yalan;
Li, Yahao;
Buan, Marthe Emelie Melandsø;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Rønning, Magnus.
Electrochemical syngas production from CO2 and water with CNT supported ZnO catalysts.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Bjørkan, Hilde;
Rønning, Magnus;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Johannessen, Tue;
Holmen, Anders.
Water–Gas Shift Activity of Pt Catalysts Prepared by Different Methods.
Academic article
Hjorth, Ida;
Nord, Magnus;
Rønning, Magnus;
Yang, Jia;
Chen, De.
Electrochemical reduction of CO2 to synthesis gas on CNT supported CuxZn1-x O catalysts.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Salman, Ata ul Rauf;
Hyrve, Signe Marit;
Regli, Samuel K.;
Zubair, Muhammad;
Enger, Bjørn Christian;
Lødeng, Rune.
Catalytic Oxidation of NO over LaCo1−xBxO3
(B = Mn, Ni) Perovskites for Nitric Acid Production.
Academic article
Buan, Marthe Emelie Melandsø;
Cognigni, Andrea;
Walmsley, John;
Muthuswamy, Navaneethan;
Rønning, Magnus.
Active sites for the oxygen reduction reaction in nitrogen-doped carbon nanofibers.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Swirk, Katarzyna;
Galvez, Maria Elena;
Motak, Monika;
Grzybek, Teresa;
Rønning, Magnus;
Da Costa, Patrick.
Syngas production from dry methane reforming over yttrium-promoted nickel-KIT-6 catalysts.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Swirk, Katarzyna;
Rønning, Magnus;
Motak, Monika;
Beaunier, Patricia;
Da Costa, Patrick;
Grzybek, Teresa.
Ce- and Y-Modified Double-Layered Hydroxides as
Catalysts for Dry Reforming of Methane: On the
Effect of Yttrium Promotion.
Academic article
Li, Yahao;
Chen, Bingxu;
Duan, Xuezhi;
Chen, Shuangming;
Liu, Daobin;
Zang, Ketao.
Atomically dispersed Fe-N-P-C complex electrocatalysts for superior oxygen reduction.
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
Academic article
Mathisen, Karina;
Rønning, Magnus;
Landfald, Lisa Leganger;
Landfald, Lisa Leganger.
Fe-ZSM-5 and Fe-SAPO-34 Catalysts for
Low-Temperature Selective Catalytic Reduction of
NOX by NH3.
Masters thesis
Li, Yahao;
Liu, Daobin;
Gan, Jie;
Duan, Xuezhi;
Zang, Ketao;
Rønning, Magnus.
Sustainable and atomically dispersed iron electrocatalysts derived from nitrogen- and phosphorus-modified woody biomass for efficient oxygen reduction.
Advanced Materials Interfaces
Academic article
Pena Zapata, Diego Alexander;
Cognigni, Andrea;
Neumayer, Thomas;
Van Beek, Wouter;
Jones, Debra S;
Quijada, Melesio.
Identification of carbon species on iron-based catalysts during Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Salman, Ata ul Rauf;
Enger, Bjørn Christian;
Auvray, Xavier;
Lødeng, Rune;
Menon, Mohan;
Waller, David.
Catalytic oxidation of NO to NO2 for nitric acid production over a Pt/Al2O3 catalyst.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Swirk, Katarzyna;
Galvez, Maria Elena;
Motak, Monika;
Grzybek, Teresa;
Rønning, Magnus;
Da Costa, Patrick.
Yttrium promoted Ni-based double-layered hydroxides for dry methane reforming.
Journal of CO2 Utilization
Academic article
Muthuswamy, Navaneethan;
Buan, Marthe Emelie Melandsø;
Walmsley, John;
Rønning, Magnus.
Evaluation of ORR active sites in nitrogen-doped carbon nanofibers by KOH post treatment.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Rytter, Erling;
Salman, Ata ul Rauf;
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Myrstad, Rune;
Yang, Jia;
Lögdberg, Sara.
Hydrophobic catalyst support surfaces by silylation of γ-alumina for Co/Re Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Swirk, Katarzyna;
Motak, Monika;
Grzybek, Teresa;
Rønning, Magnus;
Da Costa, Patrick.
Effect of low loading of yttrium on Ni-based layered double
hydroxides in CO2 reforming of CH4.
Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis
Academic article
Swirk, Katarzyna;
Galvez, Maria Elena;
Motak, Monika;
Grzybek, Teresa;
Rønning, Magnus;
Da Costa, Patrick.
Dry reforming of methane over Zr- and Y-modified Ni/Mg/Al double-layered hydroxides.
Catalysis communications
Academic article
Pena Zapata, Diego Alexander;
Jensen, Lise Saue;
Cognigni, Andrea;
Myrstad, Rune;
Neumayer, Thomas;
Van Beek, Wouter.
The effect of copper loading on iron carbide formation and surface species in iron‐based Fischer–Tropsch synthesis catalysts.
Academic article
Zubair, Muhammad;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Rønning, Magnus;
Yang, Jia.
Facile synthesis approach for core-shell TiO2–CdS nanoparticles for enhanced photocatalytic H2 generation from water.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Hinokuma, Satoshi;
Wiker, Geir;
Suganuma, Takuya;
Bansode, Atul;
Stoian, Dragos;
Huertas, Silvia Caminero.
Versatile IR spectroscopy combined with synchrotron XAS–XRD: Chemical, electronic, and structural insights during thermal treatment of MOF materials.
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (EurJIC)
Academic article
Radstake, Paul;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders.
Influence of H
2 on the Oxygen-Assisted Dehydrogenation of Ethane over Al2O3-supported Pt–Sn Catalysts.
Catalysis Letters
Academic article
Cheng, Hongye;
Kvande, Ingvar;
Zhu, Yi-An;
Hammer, Nina;
Rønning, Magnus;
Walmsley, John.
Decoding atomic-level structures of the interface between Pt sub-nanocrystals and nanostructured carbon.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Walmsley, John;
Rønning, Magnus;
van Beek, Wouter;
Rytter, Erling;
Holmen, Anders.
Evaluation of Reoxidation Thresholds for γ-Al2O3-Supported Cobalt Catalysts under Fischer - Tropsch Synthesis Conditions.
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Academic article
Buan, Marthe Emelie Melandsø;
Muthuswamy, Navaneethan;
Walmsley, John;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus.
Nitrogen-doped Carbon Nanofibers for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction: Importance of the Iron Growth Catalyst Phase.
Academic article
Bokach, Dmitry;
ten Hoopen, Sander;
Muthuswamy, Navaneethan;
Buan, Marthe Emelie Melandsø;
Rønning, Magnus.
Nitrogen-doped carbon nanofiber catalyst for ORR in PEM fuel cell stack: Performance, durability and market application aspects.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Buan, Marthe Emelie Melandsø;
Muthuswamy, Navaneethan;
Walmsley, John;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus.
Nitrogen-doped carbon nanofibers on expanded graphite as oxygen reduction electrocatalysts.
Academic article
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Johnsen, Rune E.;
van Beek, Wouter;
Rønning, Magnus;
Rytter, Erling;
Holmen, Anders.
Capturing metal-support interactions in situ during the reduction of a Re promoted Co/γ-Al2O3 catalyst.
Chemical Communications
Academic article
Voss, Georg;
Fløystad, Jostein Bø;
Voronov, Alexey;
Rønning, Magnus.
The State of Nickel as Promotor in Cobalt Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis Catalysts.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Kazi, Saima Sultana;
Tran, Trung Dung;
Walmsley, John;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De.
CaO Nanoparticles Coated by ZrO2 Layers for Enhanced CO2 Capture Stability.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
York, Andrew P.E.;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus.
Catalyst characterisation techniques and reaction cells operating at realistic conditions; towards acquisition of kinetically relevant information.
Catalysis Science & Technology
Academic literature review
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Lou, Fengliu;
Buan, Marthe Emelie Melandsø;
Muthuswamy, Navaneethan;
Walmsley, John;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De.
One-step electrochemical synthesis of tunable nitrogen-doped graphene.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
Academic article
Punchi Patabandige, Charitha Udani;
Rønning, Magnus.
Comparative study on the photocatalytic hydrogen producton from methanol over Cu, Pd, Co and Au loaded TiO2.
Oil & Gas Science and Technology
Academic article
Volynkin, Andrey Sergeevich;
Rønning, Magnus;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
The Role of Carbon Support for Propane Dehydrogenation Over Platinum Catalysts.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Eschemann, Thomas O;
Lamme, Wouter S;
Manchester, Rene L;
Parmentier, Tanja E;
Cognigni, Andrea;
Rønning, Magnus.
Effect of support surface treatment on the synthesis, structure, and performance of Co/CNT Fischer-Tropsch catalysts.
Journal of Catalysis
Academic article
Voss, Georg;
Chavez Panduro, Elvia A;
Midttveit, Anette;
Fløystad, Jostein Bø;
Høydalsvik, Kristin;
Gibaud, Alain.
Mesostructured alumina as powders and thin films.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
Academic article
Høydalsvik, Kristin;
Fløystad, Jostein Bø;
Zhao, Tiejun;
Esmaeili, Morteza;
Diaz, Ana;
Andreasen, Jens Wenzel.
In situ X-ray ptychography imaging of high-temperature CO2 acceptor particle agglomerates.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Yaseneva, P;
Marti, CF;
Palomares, E;
Fan, X;
Morgan, T;
Perez, Pablo Saz.
Efficient reduction of bromates using carbon nanofibre supported catalysts: Experimental and a comparative life cycle assessment study.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Voronov, Alexey;
Urakawa, Atsushi;
van Beek, Wouter;
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Emerich, Hermann;
Rønning, Magnus.
Multivariate curve resolution applied to in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy data: An efficient tool for data processing and analysis.
Analytica Chimica Acta
Academic article
Lou, Fengliu;
Zhou, Haitao;
Tran, Trung Dung;
Buan, Marthe Emelie Melandsø;
Vullum-Bruer, Fride;
Rønning, Magnus.
Coaxial carbon/metal oxide/aligned carbon nanotube arrays as high-performance anodes for lithium ion batteries.
Academic article
Voronov, Alexey;
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Hammer, Nina;
van Beek, Wouter;
Emerich, Hermann;
Rønning, Magnus.
The state and location of Re in Co–Re/Al2O3catalysts duringFischer–Tropsch synthesis: Exploring high-energy XAFS for in situcatalysts characterisation.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Garcia-Bordeje, Enrique;
Pereira, Manuel Fernando R.;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De.
Novel carbon materials modified with heteroatoms as metal-free catalyst and metal catalyst support.
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Dehghan-Niri, Roya;
Rønning, Magnus;
Walmsley, John;
Borg, Øyvind;
Rytter, Erling.
X-ray absorption, X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy study of spent cobalt based catalyst in semi-commercial scale Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Høydalsvik, Kristin;
Fløystad, Jostein Bø;
Voronov, Alexey;
Voss, Georg;
Esmaeili, Morteza;
Kehres, J..
Morphology changes of Co catalyst nanoparticles at the onset of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Casalegno, Mario Ernesto;
Rønning, Magnus.
Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts for Jet Fuel Production.
Masters thesis
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Dehghan-Niri, Roya;
Johnsen, Rune Esben;
Voronov, Alexey;
Van Beek, Wouter;
Walmsley, John.
A combined in situ XAS-XRPD-Raman study in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over a carbon supported Co catalyst.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Muthuswamy, Navaneethan;
Gomez, Jose Luis de la Fuente;
Ochal, Piotr;
Giri, Rajiv;
Raaen, Steinar;
Sunde, Svein.
Towards a highly-efficient fuel-cell catalyst: optimization of Pt particle size, supports and surface-oxygen group concentration.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Zhao, Tiejun;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De.
Preparation of nanocrystalline Na2ZrO3 for high-temperature CO2 acceptors: chemistry and mechanism.
Journal of Energy Chemistry
Academic article
Hammer, Nina;
Mathisen, Karina;
Rønning, Magnus.
CO Oxidation over Au/TiO2-Carbon Catalysts: The Effect of Thermal Treatment, Stability and TiO2 Support Structure.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Muthuswamy, Navaneethan;
Gomez, Jose Luis de la Fuente;
Tran, Dung T.;
Walmsley, John;
Tsypkin, Mikhail;
Raaen, Steinar.
Ru@Pt core-shell nanoparticles for methanol fuel cell catalyst: Control and effects of shell composition.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Tsypkin, Mikhail;
Gomez, Jose Luis de la Fuente;
Rodriguez, Sergio Garcia;
Yu, Yingda;
Ochal, Piotr;
Seland, Frode.
Effect of heat treatment on the electrocatalytic properties of nano-structured Ru cores with Pt shells.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
Academic article
Restivo, J.;
Órfão, J.J.M.;
Pereira, M.F.R.;
Vanhaecke, Estelle Maria Medeleine;
Rønning, Magnus;
Louranova, Tatiana.
Catalytic ozonation of oxalic acid using carbon nanofibres on macrostructured supports.
Water Science and Technology
Academic article
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Voronov, Alexey Sergeevich;
Rønning, Magnus;
Van Beek, Wouter;
Borg, Øyvind;
Rytter, Erling.
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: An XAS/XRPD combined in situ from catalyst activation to deactivation.
Journal of Catalysis
Academic article
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Dehghan-Niri, Roya;
Johnsen, Rune;
Voronov, Alexey;
van Beek, Wouter;
Walmsley, John.
A combined in situ XAS-XRPD-Raman study of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over a carbon supported Co catalyst.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Zhao, Tiejun;
Kvande, Ingvar;
Yu, Yingda;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders;
Chen, De.
Synthesis of Platelet Carbon Nanofiber/Carbon Felt Composite on in Situ Generated Ni-Cu Nanoparticles.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Zhao, Tiejun;
Eiras, Sara Boullosa;
Yu, Yingda;
Chen, De;
Holmen, Anders;
Rønning, Magnus.
Synthesis of Supported Catalysts by Impregnation and Calcination of Low-Temperature Polymerizable Metal-Complexes.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Blekkan, Edd Anders;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Catalysis for Clean Energy Preface.
Topics in catalysis
Ochal, Piotr;
Gomez, Jose Luis de la Fuente;
Tsypkin, Mikhail;
Seland, Frode;
Sunde, Svein;
Muthuswamy, Navaneethan.
CO stripping as an electrochemical tool for characterization of Ru@Pt core-shell catalysts.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
Academic article
Vanhaecke, Estelle Maria Medeleine;
Huang, Fan;
Yu, Yingda;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders;
Chen, De.
Catalytic Consequence of the Interface Between Iron Catalysts and Foils in Synthesis of Aligned Nanocarbons on Foils.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Hammer, Nina;
Mathisen, Karina;
Zscherpe, Tina;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus.
Effect of Pretreatment on Carbon-Supported Au/TiO2 Catalysts for Preferential Oxidation of CO.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Hammer, Nina;
Zscherpe, Tina;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus.
Selective oxidation of CO on the Au-TiO2 catalysts on structured carbon support.
American Chemical Society Symposium Series (ACS)
Academic article
Kvande, Ingvar;
Zhu, Jun;
Zhao, Tiejun;
Hammer, Nina;
Rønning, Magnus;
Raaen, Steinar.
Importance of Oxygen-Free Edge and Defect Sites for the Immobilization of Colloidal Pt Oxide Particles with Implications for the Preparation of CNF-Supported Catalysts.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Rønning, Magnus;
Borg, Øyvind;
Rytter, Erling;
Holmen, Anders.
Deactivation of cobalt based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts: A review.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Rønning, Magnus;
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Voronov, Alexey Sergeevich;
Johnsen, Rune Esben;
Norby, Poul;
van Beek, Wouter.
Combined XRD and XANES studies of a Re-promoted Co/γ-Al2O3 catalyst at Fischer-Tropsch synthesis conditions.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Sanz-Navarro, Carlos;
Åstrand, Per-Olof;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus;
van Duin, Adri C. T.;
Goddard III, William A..
Molecular dynamics simulations of metal clusters supported onfishbone carbon nanofibers.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Zhao, Tiejun;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De.
Effects of steam addition on the properties of high temperature ceramic CO2 acceptors.
Journal of environmental engineering
Academic article
Borg, Øyvind;
Hammer, Nina;
Eri, Sigrid;
Lindvåg, Odd Asbjørn;
Myrstad, Rune;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over un-promoted and Re-promoted γ-Al2O3 supported cobalt catalysts with different pore sizes.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Matam, Santhosh Kumar;
Hammer, Nina;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders;
Chen, De;
Walmsley, John C.
The nature of active chromium species in Cr-catalysts for dehydrogenation of propane: New insights by a comprehensive spectroscopic study.
Journal of Catalysis
Academic article
Kvande, Ingvar;
Chen, De;
Zhao, Tiejun;
Skoe, Inger Marie;
Walmsley, John C;
Rønning, Magnus.
Hydrogen Oxidation Catalyzed by Pt Supported on Carbon Nanofibers with Different Graphite Sheet Orientations.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Huber, Florian;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Rønning, Magnus;
Walmsley, John C;
Holmen, Anders.
Preparation and characterization of nanocrystalline, high-surface area Cu-Ce-Zr mixed oxide catalysts from homogeneous co-precipitation.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic literature review
Sanz-Navarro, Carlos;
Åstrand, Per-Olof;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus;
van Duin, Adri C. T.;
Jacob, Timo.
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Interactions between Platinum Clusters and Carbon Platelets.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Academic article
Kvande, Ingvar;
Chen, De;
Yu, Zhixin;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders.
Optimization and scale-up of CNF production based on intrinsic kinetic data obtained from TEOM.
Journal of Catalysis
Academic article
Sanz-Navarro, Carlos F.;
Åstrand, Per-Olof;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus;
van Duin, Adri C. T.;
Mueller, Jonathan E..
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Carbon-Supported Ni Clusters Using the Reax Reactive Force Field.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Yu, Zhixin;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus;
Tøtdal, Bård;
Vrålstad, Torbjørn;
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther.
Large-scale synthesis of carbon nanofibers on Ni-Fe-Al hydrotalcite derived catalysts. II: Effect of Ni/Fe composition on CNF synthesis from ethylene and carbon nonoxide.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Yu, Zhixin;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus;
Vrålstad, Torbjørn;
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Holmen, Anders.
Large-scale synthesis of carbon nanofibers on Ni-Fe-Al hydrotalcite derived catalysts. I. Preparation and characterization of the Ni-Fe-Al hydrotalcites and their derived catalysts.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Rønning, Magnus;
Yu, Xiaofeng;
Grande, Tor;
Chen, De.
Compositional effects of nanocrystalline lithium zirconate on its CO2 capture properties.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Kvande, Ingvar;
Øye, Gisle;
Hammer, Nina;
Rønning, Magnus;
Raaen, Steinar;
Holmen, Anders.
Deposition of Au colloids on plasmachemically modified carbon nanofibers.
Academic article
Blekkan, Edd Anders;
Chen, De;
Holmen, Anders;
Rønning, Magnus;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
12th nordic symposium on catalysis, Trondheim, Norway, MAy 28-30, 2006 - Preface.
Topics in catalysis
Zhao, Tiejun;
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De.
Preparation and High-Temperature CO2 Capture Properties of Nanocrystalline Na2ZrO3.
Chemistry of Materials
Academic article
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Lacalle-Vilà, Claudia;
Zhao, Tiejun;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De.
Experimental Demonstration of H2 Production by CO2 Sorption enhanced Steam Methane Reforming Using Ceramic Acceptors.
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis
Academic article
Borg, Øyvind;
Rønning, Magnus;
Storsæter, Sølvi;
van Beek, Wouter;
Holmen, Anders.
Identification of cobalt species during temperature programmed reduction of Fischer-Tropsch catalysts.
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis
Academic article
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Haugen, Geir;
Zhao, Tiejun;
Rønning, Magnus;
Aartun, Ingrid;
Børresen, Børre.
Process design simulation of H2 production by sorption enhanced steam methane reforming: evaluation of potential CO2 acceptors.
Green Chemistry
Academic article
Kvande, Ingvar;
Briskeby, Stein Trygve;
Tsypkin, Mikhail;
Rønning, Magnus;
Sunde, Svein;
Tunold, Reidar.
On the preparation methods for carbon nanofiber-supported Pt catalysts.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Hammer, Nina;
Kvande, Ingvar;
Van Beek, Wouter;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus.
Identification of calence shifts in Au during the water-gas shift reaction.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Hammer, Nina;
Kvande, Ingvar;
Xu, Xin;
Gunnarson, Vidar;
Tøtdal, Bård;
Chen, De.
Au–TiO2 catalysts on carbon nanofibres prepared by deposition-precipitation and from colloid solutions.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Zhao, Tiejun;
Sun, Wei-zhen;
Gu, Xiong-Yi;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De;
Dai, Ying-chun.
Rational design of the carbon nanofiber catalysts for oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Hammer, Nina;
Zarubova, Sarka;
Kvande, Ingvar;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus.
A Novel Internally Heated Au/TiO2 Carbon-Carbon Composite Structured Reactor for Low-Temperature CO Oxidation.
Gold Bulletin
Academic article
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Lacalle-Vilà, Claudia;
Christensen, Kjersti Omdahl;
Walmsley, John C;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders.
Ni catalysts for sorption enhanced steam methane reforming.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Huber, Florian;
Meland, Hilde;
Rønning, Magnus;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders.
Comparison of Cu-Ce-Zr and Cu-Zn-Al mixed oxide catalysts for water-gas shift.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Dyrbeck, Hilde;
Hammer, Nina;
Rønning, Magnus;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
Catalytic oxidation of hydrogen over Au/TiO2 catalysts.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Hammer, Nina;
Kvande, Ingvar;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus.
Au-TiO2 catalysts stabilised by carbon nanofibres.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Garcia-Bordeje, E;
Kvande, Ingvar;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus.
Synthesis of composite materials of carbon nanofibres and ceramic monoliths with uniform and tuneable nanofibre layer thickness.
Academic article
Garcia-Bordeje, Enrique;
Kvande, Ingvar;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus.
Carbon nanofibers uniformly grown on γ-alumina washcouated cordierite monoliths.
Advanced Materials
Academic article
Huber, Florian;
Yu, Zhixin;
Lögdberg, Sara;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Remarks on the passivation of reduced Cu-, Ni-, Fe-, Co-based catalysts.
Catalysis Letters
Academic article
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Grande, Tor;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De.
Nanocrystalline Lithium Zirconate with Improved Kinetics for High Temperature CO2 Capture.
Chemistry of Materials
Academic article
Kvande, Ingvar;
Yu, Zhixin;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders;
Chen, De.
Towards Large Scale Production of CNF for Catalytic Applications.
Chemistry for Sustainable Development
Academic article
Blekkan, Edd Anders;
Chen, De;
Holmen, Anders;
Moljord, Kjell;
Rønning, Magnus;
Rytter, Erling.
Energy and Environmental Catalysis. Catalysis in Nordic Countries. Extended Abstracts.
Department of Chemical Engineering, NTNU
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Borg, Øyvind;
Rønning, Magnus;
Storsæter, Sølvi;
Van Beek, Wouter;
Holmen, Anders.
Identification of cobalt species during temperature programmed reduction of Fischer-Tropsch catalysts.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Huber, Florian;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Rønning, Magnus;
Walmsley, John;
Holmen, Anders.
Nanocrystalline Cu-Ce-Zr mixed oxide catalysts for clean fuel applications.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Lacalle, Claudia;
Christensen, Kjerst Omdahl;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De;
Holmen, Anders.
Ni Catalysts for Sorption Enhanced Steam Methane Reforming.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Meland, Hilde;
Johannessen, Tue;
Arstad, Bjørnar;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders.
Preparation of low temperature water-gas shift catalysts by flame spray pyrolysis.
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis
Academic article
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Haugen, Geir;
Zhao, Tiejun;
Rønning, Magnus;
Aartun, Ingrid;
Børresen, Børre.
Evaluation of Potential CO2 Acceptors for Application in Hydrogen Production by Sorption Enhanced Steam Methane Reforming.
American Chemical Society Symposium Series (ACS)
Academic article
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Rønning, Magnus;
Grande, Tor;
Chen, De.
Synthesis and CO2 Capture Properties of Nanocrystalline Lithium Zirconate.
Chemistry of Materials
Academic article
Vrålstad, Torbjørn;
Glomm, Wilhelm;
Rønning, Magnus;
Dathe, Hendrik;
Jentys, Andreas;
Lercher, Johannes A..
Spectroscopic Characterization of Cobalt-Containing Mesoporous Materials.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Academic article
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Rusten, Hans Kristian;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders;
Chen, De.
Sorption enhanced hydrogen production by steam methane reforming using Li2ZrO3 as sorbent: Sorption kinetics and reactor simulation.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Vrålstad, Torbjørn;
Øye, Gisle;
Rønning, Magnus;
Glomm, Wilhelm;
Stöcker, Michael;
Sjöblom, Johan.
Interfacial chemistry of cobalt(II) during sol-gel synthesis of cobalt-containing mesoporous materials.
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
Academic article
Kvande, Ingvar;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders.
Highly active Cu-based catalysts on carbon nanofibers for isopropanol dehydrogenation.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Rønning, Magnus;
Huber, Florian;
Meland, Hilde;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Chen, De;
Holmen, Anders.
Relating catalyst structure and composition to the water�gas shift activity of Cu�Zn-based mixed-oxide catalysts.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Ochoa, Fernandez Esther;
Chen, De;
Yu, Zhixin;
Tøtdal, Bård;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders.
Carbon nanofiber supported Ni catalyst: Effects of nanostructure of supports and catalyst preparation.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Frøseth, Vidar;
Storsæter, Sølvi;
Borg, Øyvind;
Blekkan, Edd Anders;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders.
Steady state isotopic transient kinetic analysis (SSITKA) of CO hydrogenation on different Co catalysts.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Chen, De;
Yu, Zhixin;
Tøtdal, Bård;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders.
Effect of carbon nanofiber-induced microstrain on the catalytic activity of Ni crystals.
Surface Science
Academic article
Rønning, Magnus;
Bergene, Edvard;
Borg, Anne;
Ausen, Staale;
Holmen, Anders.
Scanning tunnelling microscopic studies on the adsorption and decomosition of ethene on the reconstructed Pt(100)-hex-R0.7° surface.
Surface Science
Academic article
Rønning, Magnus;
Gjervan, Torbjørn;
Prestvik, Rune;
Nicholson, David Graham;
Holmen, Anders.
Influence of Pretreatment Temperature on the Bimetallic Interactons in Pt-Re/Al2O3 Reforming Catalysts Studied by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy.
Journal of Catalysis
Academic article
Rønning, Magnus;
Nicholson, David Graham;
Holmen, Anders.
In situ EXAFS study of the bimetallic interaction in a rhenium-promoted alumina-supported cobalt Fischer-Tropsch catalyst.
Catalysis Letters
Academic article
Gjervan, Torbjørn;
Rønning, Magnus;
Prestvik, Rune;
Tøtdal, Bård;
Lyman, C. E.;
Holmen, Anders.
Bimetallic nano-particle formation in the Pt-Re reforming catalysts revealed by STEM/EDX, XANES/EXAFS and chemical characterization techniques. Effects of water and chlorine.
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis
Academic article
Rønning, Magnus.
Bimetallic Catalysts and Platinum Surfaces Studied by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy.
Doctoral dissertation
Drabløs, Finn;
Nicholson, David;
Rønning, Magnus.
EXAFS study of zinc coordination in bacitracin A.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
Academic article
Béland, Francois;
Badiei, Ali-Reza;
Rønning, Magnus;
Nicholson, David Graham;
Bonneviot, Laurent.
UV-visible, XANES and EXAFS investigations of a cobalt complex grafted in micelle templated silica.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Moen, Arild;
Nicholson, David Graham;
Rønning, Magnus;
Lamble, Geraldine M.;
Lee, Jyh-Fu;
Emerich, Hermann.
X-ray absorption spectroscopic study at the cobalt K-edge on the calcination and reduction of the microporous cobalt silicoaluminophosphate catalyst CoSAPO-34.
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions
Academic article
Ritz, G.;
Schmid, M.;
Varga, P.;
Borg, Anne;
Rønning, Magnus.
Pt(100) quasihexagonal reconstruction : a comparison between scanning tunneling microscopy data and effective medium theory simulation calculations.
Physical Review B Condensed Matter
Academic article
Journal publications
Pazos Urrea, Monica;
Meilinger, Simon;
Herold, Felix;
Gopakumar, Jithin;
Tusini, Enrico;
De Giacinto, Andrea.
Aqueous Phase Reforming over Platinum Catalysts on Doped Carbon Supports: Exploring Platinum-Heteroatom Interactions.
ACS Catalysis
Academic article
Rosmini, Consolato;
Pazos Urrea, Monica;
Tusini, Enrico;
Indris, Sylvio;
Kovacheva, Daniela;
Karashanova, Daniela.
Unveiling the synergistic effects of pH and Sn content for tuning the catalytic performance of Ni0/Nix/Sny intermetallic compounds dispersed on Ce-Zr mixed oxides in the aqueous phase reforming of ethylene glycol.
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
Academic article
Ellert, Abelina;
Herold, Felix;
Rønning, Magnus;
Hutzler, Andreas;
Piccirilli, Luca;
Janssens, Ton V.W..
Phosphorus-modification of Pt/Al<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> catalysts improves dispersion and cycloalkane dehydrogenation activity.
Journal of Catalysis
Academic article
Świrk Da Costa, Katarzyna;
Summa, Paulina;
Gopakumar, Jithin;
van Valen, Youri;
Da Costa, Patrick;
Rønning, Magnus.
Excess-Methane CO2 Reforming over Reduced KIT-6-Ni-Y Mesoporous Silicas Monitored by In Situ XAS–XRD.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Gopakumar, Jithin;
Benum, Pål Martin;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Enger, Bjørn Christian;
Waller, David;
Rønning, Magnus.
Redox transformations of Ru catalyst during NO oxidation at industrial nitric acid production conditions.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Pazos Urrea, Monica;
Herold, Felix;
Chen, de;
Rønning, Magnus.
Nitrogen-containing carbon nanofibers as supports for bimetallic Pt-Mn catalysts in aqueous phase reforming of ethylene glycol.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Herold, Felix;
Imhof, Timo;
Roumeliotis, Paul;
Schühle, Patrick;
Ledendecker, Marc;
Rønning, Magnus.
Controlled doping of carbon catalyst supports by atomic replacement via gasification-assisted heteroatom doping.
Academic article
Gopakumar, Jithin;
Huus, Sunniva Vold;
Enger, Bjørn Christian;
Waller, David;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Rønning, Magnus.
Catalytic oxidation of NO to NO2 for industrial nitric acid production using Ag-promoted MnO2/ZrO2 catalysts.
Catalysis Science & Technology
Academic article
Antony, Jibin;
Villa Gonzalez, Susana;
Bandyopadhyay, Sulalit;
Yang, Jia;
Rønning, Magnus.
Silica-modified bismutite nanoparticles for enhanced adsorption and faster solar photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Summa, Paulina;
Swirk, Katarzyna;
Gopakumar, Jithin;
Samojeden, Bogdan;
Motak, Monika;
Rønning, Magnus.
Optimization of Co-Ni-Mg-Al mixed-oxides CO<inf>2</inf> methanation catalysts with solution combustion synthesis: On the importance of Co incorporation and basicity.
Applied Materials Today
Academic article
Sun, Chao;
Summa, Paulina;
Wang, Ye;
Swirk Da Costa, Katarzyna;
Miro i Rovira, Albert;
Casale, Sandra.
Boosting CO2 reforming of methane via the metal-support interaction in mesostructured SBA-16-derived Ni nanoparticles.
Applied Materials Today
Academic article
Valle, E.;
Duyar, M.S.;
Snider, J.L.;
Regli, Samuel K.;
Rønning, Magnus;
Gallo, A..
In Situ Studies of the Formation of MoP Catalysts and Their Structure under Reaction Conditions for Higher Alcohol Synthesis: The Role of Promoters and Mesoporous Supports.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Antony, Jibin;
Bandyopadhyay, Sulalit;
Yang, Jia;
Rønning, Magnus.
Optimizing the shape anisotropy of gold nanoparticles for enhanced light harvesting and photocatalytic applications.
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences
Academic article
Tafjord, Joakim;
Regli, Samuel K.;
Dugulan, Achim Iulian;
Rønning, Magnus;
Rytter, Erling;
Holmen, Anders.
Influence of temperature during pyrolysis of Fe-alginate: Unraveling the pathway towards highly active Fe/C catalysts.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Dehghan-Niri, Roya;
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Voronov, Alexey;
Holmen, Anders;
Holmestad, Randi;
Vullum, Per Erik.
NanostructuralAnalysisof Co-Re/γ-Al2O3 Fischer-Tropsch Catalyst by TEM and XRD.
Academic article
Zhang, Wei;
Ma, Hongfei;
Wang, Yalan;
Regli, Samuel K.;
Rønning, Magnus;
Rout, Kumar Ranjan.
In situ monitoring of dynamic behavior of La-doped CuCl2/γ-Al2O3 catalyst in ethylene oxychlorination.
Journal of Catalysis
Academic article
Herold, Felix;
Gläsel, Jan;
Etzold, Bastian J. M.;
Rønning, Magnus.
Can Temperature-Programmed Techniques Provide the Gold Standard for Carbon Surface Characterization?.
Chemistry of Materials
Academic article
Summa, Paulina;
Swirk, Katarzyna;
Wierzbicki, Dominik;
Motak, Monika;
Alxneit, Ivo;
Rønning, Magnus.
Co-precipitated Ni-Mg-Al hydrotalcite-derived catalyst promoted with vanadium for CO2 methanation.
Academic article
Duyar, Melis S.;
Gallo, Alessandro;
Regli, Samuel K.;
Snider, Jonathan L.;
Singh, Joseph A.;
Valle, Eduardo.
Understanding Selectivity in CO2 Hydrogenation to Methanol for MoP Nanoparticle Catalysts Using In Situ Techniques.
Academic article
Niu, Juntian;
Wang, Yalan;
Liland, Shirley Elisabeth Sjø;
Regli, Samuel K.;
Yang, Jia;
Rout, Kumar Ranjan.
Unraveling Enhanced Activity, Selectivity, and Coke Resistance of Pt–Ni Bimetallic Clusters in Dry Reforming.
ACS Catalysis
Academic article
Ma, Hongfei;
Gopakumar, Jithin;
Zhang, Wei;
Regli, Samuel K.;
Wang, Yalan;
Rout, Kumar Ranjan.
Insights of the Dynamic Copper Active Sites in Ethylene Oxychlorination Studied by the Multivariate UV–vis–NIR Resolution Kinetic Approach
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Bjørkedal, Ole Håvik;
Regli, Samuel K.;
Nuguid, Rob Jeremiah G.;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Kröcher, Oliver;
Ferri, Davide.
One-pot synthesis of highly dispersed mesoporous Cu/ZrO2 catalysts for NH3-SCR.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Sun, Chao;
Swirk, Katarzyna;
Wang, Ye;
Li, Li;
Fabbiani, Marco;
Hulea, Vasile.
Unraveling catalytic properties by yttrium promotion on mesoporous SBA-16 supported nickel catalysts towards CO2 methanation.
Academic article
Summa, Paulina;
Swirk, Katarzyna;
Wang, Ye;
Samojeden, Bogdan;
Rønning, Magnus;
Hu, Changwei.
Effect of cobalt promotion on hydrotalcite-derived nickel catalyst for CO2 methanation.
Applied Materials Today
Academic article
Sun, Chao;
Swirk, Katarzyna;
Wang, Ye;
Scheidl, Katharina;
Breiby, Dag Werner;
Rønning, Magnus.
Tailoring the yttrium content in Ni-Ce-Y/SBA-15 mesoporous silicas for CO<inf>2</inf> methanation.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Sørli, Guro;
Azim, Muhammad Mohsin;
Rønning, Magnus;
Mathisen, Karina.
Improved lifetime and stability of copper species in hierarchical, copper-incorporated CuSAPO-34 verified by catalytic model reactions .
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Swirk, Katarzyna;
Zhang, Hailong;
Li, Shanshan;
Chen, Yaoqiang;
Rønning, Magnus;
Motak, Monika.
Carbon-resistant NiO-Y2O3-nanostructured catalysts derived from double-layered hydroxides for dry reforming of methane.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Zubair, Muhammad;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Rønning, Magnus;
Yang, Jia.
Core-Shell Nanostructures of Graphene-Wrapped CdS Nanoparticles and TiO2 (CdS@G@TiO2): The Role of Graphene in Enhanced Photocatalytic H2 Generation.
Academic article
Świrk, Katarzyna;
Rønning, Magnus;
Motak, Monika;
Grzybek, Teresa;
Da Costa, Patrick.
Synthesis strategies of Zr- and Y-promoted mixed oxides derived from double-layered hydroxides for syngas production via dry reforming of methane.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Zubair, Muhammad;
Vanhaecke, Estelle Marie M.;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Rønning, Magnus;
Yang, Jia.
Core-shell particles of C-doped CdS and graphene: A noble metal-free approach for efficient photocatalytic H2 generation.
Green Energy & Environment
Academic article
Hjorth, Ida;
Wang, Yalan;
Li, Yahao;
Buan, Marthe Emelie Melandsø;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Rønning, Magnus.
Electrochemical syngas production from CO2 and water with CNT supported ZnO catalysts.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Bjørkan, Hilde;
Rønning, Magnus;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Johannessen, Tue;
Holmen, Anders.
Water–Gas Shift Activity of Pt Catalysts Prepared by Different Methods.
Academic article
Hjorth, Ida;
Nord, Magnus;
Rønning, Magnus;
Yang, Jia;
Chen, De.
Electrochemical reduction of CO2 to synthesis gas on CNT supported CuxZn1-x O catalysts.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Salman, Ata ul Rauf;
Hyrve, Signe Marit;
Regli, Samuel K.;
Zubair, Muhammad;
Enger, Bjørn Christian;
Lødeng, Rune.
Catalytic Oxidation of NO over LaCo1−xBxO3
(B = Mn, Ni) Perovskites for Nitric Acid Production.
Academic article
Buan, Marthe Emelie Melandsø;
Cognigni, Andrea;
Walmsley, John;
Muthuswamy, Navaneethan;
Rønning, Magnus.
Active sites for the oxygen reduction reaction in nitrogen-doped carbon nanofibers.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Swirk, Katarzyna;
Galvez, Maria Elena;
Motak, Monika;
Grzybek, Teresa;
Rønning, Magnus;
Da Costa, Patrick.
Syngas production from dry methane reforming over yttrium-promoted nickel-KIT-6 catalysts.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Swirk, Katarzyna;
Rønning, Magnus;
Motak, Monika;
Beaunier, Patricia;
Da Costa, Patrick;
Grzybek, Teresa.
Ce- and Y-Modified Double-Layered Hydroxides as
Catalysts for Dry Reforming of Methane: On the
Effect of Yttrium Promotion.
Academic article
Li, Yahao;
Chen, Bingxu;
Duan, Xuezhi;
Chen, Shuangming;
Liu, Daobin;
Zang, Ketao.
Atomically dispersed Fe-N-P-C complex electrocatalysts for superior oxygen reduction.
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
Academic article
Li, Yahao;
Liu, Daobin;
Gan, Jie;
Duan, Xuezhi;
Zang, Ketao;
Rønning, Magnus.
Sustainable and atomically dispersed iron electrocatalysts derived from nitrogen- and phosphorus-modified woody biomass for efficient oxygen reduction.
Advanced Materials Interfaces
Academic article
Pena Zapata, Diego Alexander;
Cognigni, Andrea;
Neumayer, Thomas;
Van Beek, Wouter;
Jones, Debra S;
Quijada, Melesio.
Identification of carbon species on iron-based catalysts during Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Salman, Ata ul Rauf;
Enger, Bjørn Christian;
Auvray, Xavier;
Lødeng, Rune;
Menon, Mohan;
Waller, David.
Catalytic oxidation of NO to NO2 for nitric acid production over a Pt/Al2O3 catalyst.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Swirk, Katarzyna;
Galvez, Maria Elena;
Motak, Monika;
Grzybek, Teresa;
Rønning, Magnus;
Da Costa, Patrick.
Yttrium promoted Ni-based double-layered hydroxides for dry methane reforming.
Journal of CO2 Utilization
Academic article
Muthuswamy, Navaneethan;
Buan, Marthe Emelie Melandsø;
Walmsley, John;
Rønning, Magnus.
Evaluation of ORR active sites in nitrogen-doped carbon nanofibers by KOH post treatment.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Rytter, Erling;
Salman, Ata ul Rauf;
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Myrstad, Rune;
Yang, Jia;
Lögdberg, Sara.
Hydrophobic catalyst support surfaces by silylation of γ-alumina for Co/Re Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Swirk, Katarzyna;
Motak, Monika;
Grzybek, Teresa;
Rønning, Magnus;
Da Costa, Patrick.
Effect of low loading of yttrium on Ni-based layered double
hydroxides in CO2 reforming of CH4.
Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis
Academic article
Swirk, Katarzyna;
Galvez, Maria Elena;
Motak, Monika;
Grzybek, Teresa;
Rønning, Magnus;
Da Costa, Patrick.
Dry reforming of methane over Zr- and Y-modified Ni/Mg/Al double-layered hydroxides.
Catalysis communications
Academic article
Pena Zapata, Diego Alexander;
Jensen, Lise Saue;
Cognigni, Andrea;
Myrstad, Rune;
Neumayer, Thomas;
Van Beek, Wouter.
The effect of copper loading on iron carbide formation and surface species in iron‐based Fischer–Tropsch synthesis catalysts.
Academic article
Zubair, Muhammad;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Rønning, Magnus;
Yang, Jia.
Facile synthesis approach for core-shell TiO2–CdS nanoparticles for enhanced photocatalytic H2 generation from water.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Hinokuma, Satoshi;
Wiker, Geir;
Suganuma, Takuya;
Bansode, Atul;
Stoian, Dragos;
Huertas, Silvia Caminero.
Versatile IR spectroscopy combined with synchrotron XAS–XRD: Chemical, electronic, and structural insights during thermal treatment of MOF materials.
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (EurJIC)
Academic article
Radstake, Paul;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders.
Influence of H
2 on the Oxygen-Assisted Dehydrogenation of Ethane over Al2O3-supported Pt–Sn Catalysts.
Catalysis Letters
Academic article
Cheng, Hongye;
Kvande, Ingvar;
Zhu, Yi-An;
Hammer, Nina;
Rønning, Magnus;
Walmsley, John.
Decoding atomic-level structures of the interface between Pt sub-nanocrystals and nanostructured carbon.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Walmsley, John;
Rønning, Magnus;
van Beek, Wouter;
Rytter, Erling;
Holmen, Anders.
Evaluation of Reoxidation Thresholds for γ-Al2O3-Supported Cobalt Catalysts under Fischer - Tropsch Synthesis Conditions.
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Academic article
Buan, Marthe Emelie Melandsø;
Muthuswamy, Navaneethan;
Walmsley, John;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus.
Nitrogen-doped Carbon Nanofibers for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction: Importance of the Iron Growth Catalyst Phase.
Academic article
Bokach, Dmitry;
ten Hoopen, Sander;
Muthuswamy, Navaneethan;
Buan, Marthe Emelie Melandsø;
Rønning, Magnus.
Nitrogen-doped carbon nanofiber catalyst for ORR in PEM fuel cell stack: Performance, durability and market application aspects.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Buan, Marthe Emelie Melandsø;
Muthuswamy, Navaneethan;
Walmsley, John;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus.
Nitrogen-doped carbon nanofibers on expanded graphite as oxygen reduction electrocatalysts.
Academic article
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Johnsen, Rune E.;
van Beek, Wouter;
Rønning, Magnus;
Rytter, Erling;
Holmen, Anders.
Capturing metal-support interactions in situ during the reduction of a Re promoted Co/γ-Al2O3 catalyst.
Chemical Communications
Academic article
Voss, Georg;
Fløystad, Jostein Bø;
Voronov, Alexey;
Rønning, Magnus.
The State of Nickel as Promotor in Cobalt Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis Catalysts.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Kazi, Saima Sultana;
Tran, Trung Dung;
Walmsley, John;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De.
CaO Nanoparticles Coated by ZrO2 Layers for Enhanced CO2 Capture Stability.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
York, Andrew P.E.;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus.
Catalyst characterisation techniques and reaction cells operating at realistic conditions; towards acquisition of kinetically relevant information.
Catalysis Science & Technology
Academic literature review
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Lou, Fengliu;
Buan, Marthe Emelie Melandsø;
Muthuswamy, Navaneethan;
Walmsley, John;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De.
One-step electrochemical synthesis of tunable nitrogen-doped graphene.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
Academic article
Punchi Patabandige, Charitha Udani;
Rønning, Magnus.
Comparative study on the photocatalytic hydrogen producton from methanol over Cu, Pd, Co and Au loaded TiO2.
Oil & Gas Science and Technology
Academic article
Volynkin, Andrey Sergeevich;
Rønning, Magnus;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
The Role of Carbon Support for Propane Dehydrogenation Over Platinum Catalysts.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Eschemann, Thomas O;
Lamme, Wouter S;
Manchester, Rene L;
Parmentier, Tanja E;
Cognigni, Andrea;
Rønning, Magnus.
Effect of support surface treatment on the synthesis, structure, and performance of Co/CNT Fischer-Tropsch catalysts.
Journal of Catalysis
Academic article
Voss, Georg;
Chavez Panduro, Elvia A;
Midttveit, Anette;
Fløystad, Jostein Bø;
Høydalsvik, Kristin;
Gibaud, Alain.
Mesostructured alumina as powders and thin films.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
Academic article
Høydalsvik, Kristin;
Fløystad, Jostein Bø;
Zhao, Tiejun;
Esmaeili, Morteza;
Diaz, Ana;
Andreasen, Jens Wenzel.
In situ X-ray ptychography imaging of high-temperature CO2 acceptor particle agglomerates.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Yaseneva, P;
Marti, CF;
Palomares, E;
Fan, X;
Morgan, T;
Perez, Pablo Saz.
Efficient reduction of bromates using carbon nanofibre supported catalysts: Experimental and a comparative life cycle assessment study.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Voronov, Alexey;
Urakawa, Atsushi;
van Beek, Wouter;
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Emerich, Hermann;
Rønning, Magnus.
Multivariate curve resolution applied to in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy data: An efficient tool for data processing and analysis.
Analytica Chimica Acta
Academic article
Lou, Fengliu;
Zhou, Haitao;
Tran, Trung Dung;
Buan, Marthe Emelie Melandsø;
Vullum-Bruer, Fride;
Rønning, Magnus.
Coaxial carbon/metal oxide/aligned carbon nanotube arrays as high-performance anodes for lithium ion batteries.
Academic article
Voronov, Alexey;
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Hammer, Nina;
van Beek, Wouter;
Emerich, Hermann;
Rønning, Magnus.
The state and location of Re in Co–Re/Al2O3catalysts duringFischer–Tropsch synthesis: Exploring high-energy XAFS for in situcatalysts characterisation.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Dehghan-Niri, Roya;
Rønning, Magnus;
Walmsley, John;
Borg, Øyvind;
Rytter, Erling.
X-ray absorption, X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy study of spent cobalt based catalyst in semi-commercial scale Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Høydalsvik, Kristin;
Fløystad, Jostein Bø;
Voronov, Alexey;
Voss, Georg;
Esmaeili, Morteza;
Kehres, J..
Morphology changes of Co catalyst nanoparticles at the onset of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Dehghan-Niri, Roya;
Johnsen, Rune Esben;
Voronov, Alexey;
Van Beek, Wouter;
Walmsley, John.
A combined in situ XAS-XRPD-Raman study in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over a carbon supported Co catalyst.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Muthuswamy, Navaneethan;
Gomez, Jose Luis de la Fuente;
Ochal, Piotr;
Giri, Rajiv;
Raaen, Steinar;
Sunde, Svein.
Towards a highly-efficient fuel-cell catalyst: optimization of Pt particle size, supports and surface-oxygen group concentration.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Zhao, Tiejun;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De.
Preparation of nanocrystalline Na2ZrO3 for high-temperature CO2 acceptors: chemistry and mechanism.
Journal of Energy Chemistry
Academic article
Hammer, Nina;
Mathisen, Karina;
Rønning, Magnus.
CO Oxidation over Au/TiO2-Carbon Catalysts: The Effect of Thermal Treatment, Stability and TiO2 Support Structure.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Muthuswamy, Navaneethan;
Gomez, Jose Luis de la Fuente;
Tran, Dung T.;
Walmsley, John;
Tsypkin, Mikhail;
Raaen, Steinar.
Ru@Pt core-shell nanoparticles for methanol fuel cell catalyst: Control and effects of shell composition.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Tsypkin, Mikhail;
Gomez, Jose Luis de la Fuente;
Rodriguez, Sergio Garcia;
Yu, Yingda;
Ochal, Piotr;
Seland, Frode.
Effect of heat treatment on the electrocatalytic properties of nano-structured Ru cores with Pt shells.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
Academic article
Restivo, J.;
Órfão, J.J.M.;
Pereira, M.F.R.;
Vanhaecke, Estelle Maria Medeleine;
Rønning, Magnus;
Louranova, Tatiana.
Catalytic ozonation of oxalic acid using carbon nanofibres on macrostructured supports.
Water Science and Technology
Academic article
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Voronov, Alexey Sergeevich;
Rønning, Magnus;
Van Beek, Wouter;
Borg, Øyvind;
Rytter, Erling.
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: An XAS/XRPD combined in situ from catalyst activation to deactivation.
Journal of Catalysis
Academic article
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Dehghan-Niri, Roya;
Johnsen, Rune;
Voronov, Alexey;
van Beek, Wouter;
Walmsley, John.
A combined in situ XAS-XRPD-Raman study of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over a carbon supported Co catalyst.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Zhao, Tiejun;
Kvande, Ingvar;
Yu, Yingda;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders;
Chen, De.
Synthesis of Platelet Carbon Nanofiber/Carbon Felt Composite on in Situ Generated Ni-Cu Nanoparticles.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Zhao, Tiejun;
Eiras, Sara Boullosa;
Yu, Yingda;
Chen, De;
Holmen, Anders;
Rønning, Magnus.
Synthesis of Supported Catalysts by Impregnation and Calcination of Low-Temperature Polymerizable Metal-Complexes.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Blekkan, Edd Anders;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Catalysis for Clean Energy Preface.
Topics in catalysis
Ochal, Piotr;
Gomez, Jose Luis de la Fuente;
Tsypkin, Mikhail;
Seland, Frode;
Sunde, Svein;
Muthuswamy, Navaneethan.
CO stripping as an electrochemical tool for characterization of Ru@Pt core-shell catalysts.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
Academic article
Vanhaecke, Estelle Maria Medeleine;
Huang, Fan;
Yu, Yingda;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders;
Chen, De.
Catalytic Consequence of the Interface Between Iron Catalysts and Foils in Synthesis of Aligned Nanocarbons on Foils.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Hammer, Nina;
Mathisen, Karina;
Zscherpe, Tina;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus.
Effect of Pretreatment on Carbon-Supported Au/TiO2 Catalysts for Preferential Oxidation of CO.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Hammer, Nina;
Zscherpe, Tina;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus.
Selective oxidation of CO on the Au-TiO2 catalysts on structured carbon support.
American Chemical Society Symposium Series (ACS)
Academic article
Kvande, Ingvar;
Zhu, Jun;
Zhao, Tiejun;
Hammer, Nina;
Rønning, Magnus;
Raaen, Steinar.
Importance of Oxygen-Free Edge and Defect Sites for the Immobilization of Colloidal Pt Oxide Particles with Implications for the Preparation of CNF-Supported Catalysts.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Rønning, Magnus;
Borg, Øyvind;
Rytter, Erling;
Holmen, Anders.
Deactivation of cobalt based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts: A review.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Rønning, Magnus;
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Voronov, Alexey Sergeevich;
Johnsen, Rune Esben;
Norby, Poul;
van Beek, Wouter.
Combined XRD and XANES studies of a Re-promoted Co/γ-Al2O3 catalyst at Fischer-Tropsch synthesis conditions.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Sanz-Navarro, Carlos;
Åstrand, Per-Olof;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus;
van Duin, Adri C. T.;
Goddard III, William A..
Molecular dynamics simulations of metal clusters supported onfishbone carbon nanofibers.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Zhao, Tiejun;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De.
Effects of steam addition on the properties of high temperature ceramic CO2 acceptors.
Journal of environmental engineering
Academic article
Borg, Øyvind;
Hammer, Nina;
Eri, Sigrid;
Lindvåg, Odd Asbjørn;
Myrstad, Rune;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over un-promoted and Re-promoted γ-Al2O3 supported cobalt catalysts with different pore sizes.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Matam, Santhosh Kumar;
Hammer, Nina;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders;
Chen, De;
Walmsley, John C.
The nature of active chromium species in Cr-catalysts for dehydrogenation of propane: New insights by a comprehensive spectroscopic study.
Journal of Catalysis
Academic article
Kvande, Ingvar;
Chen, De;
Zhao, Tiejun;
Skoe, Inger Marie;
Walmsley, John C;
Rønning, Magnus.
Hydrogen Oxidation Catalyzed by Pt Supported on Carbon Nanofibers with Different Graphite Sheet Orientations.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Huber, Florian;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Rønning, Magnus;
Walmsley, John C;
Holmen, Anders.
Preparation and characterization of nanocrystalline, high-surface area Cu-Ce-Zr mixed oxide catalysts from homogeneous co-precipitation.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic literature review
Sanz-Navarro, Carlos;
Åstrand, Per-Olof;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus;
van Duin, Adri C. T.;
Jacob, Timo.
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Interactions between Platinum Clusters and Carbon Platelets.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Academic article
Kvande, Ingvar;
Chen, De;
Yu, Zhixin;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders.
Optimization and scale-up of CNF production based on intrinsic kinetic data obtained from TEOM.
Journal of Catalysis
Academic article
Sanz-Navarro, Carlos F.;
Åstrand, Per-Olof;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus;
van Duin, Adri C. T.;
Mueller, Jonathan E..
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Carbon-Supported Ni Clusters Using the Reax Reactive Force Field.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Yu, Zhixin;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus;
Tøtdal, Bård;
Vrålstad, Torbjørn;
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther.
Large-scale synthesis of carbon nanofibers on Ni-Fe-Al hydrotalcite derived catalysts. II: Effect of Ni/Fe composition on CNF synthesis from ethylene and carbon nonoxide.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Yu, Zhixin;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus;
Vrålstad, Torbjørn;
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Holmen, Anders.
Large-scale synthesis of carbon nanofibers on Ni-Fe-Al hydrotalcite derived catalysts. I. Preparation and characterization of the Ni-Fe-Al hydrotalcites and their derived catalysts.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Rønning, Magnus;
Yu, Xiaofeng;
Grande, Tor;
Chen, De.
Compositional effects of nanocrystalline lithium zirconate on its CO2 capture properties.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Kvande, Ingvar;
Øye, Gisle;
Hammer, Nina;
Rønning, Magnus;
Raaen, Steinar;
Holmen, Anders.
Deposition of Au colloids on plasmachemically modified carbon nanofibers.
Academic article
Blekkan, Edd Anders;
Chen, De;
Holmen, Anders;
Rønning, Magnus;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
12th nordic symposium on catalysis, Trondheim, Norway, MAy 28-30, 2006 - Preface.
Topics in catalysis
Zhao, Tiejun;
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De.
Preparation and High-Temperature CO2 Capture Properties of Nanocrystalline Na2ZrO3.
Chemistry of Materials
Academic article
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Lacalle-Vilà, Claudia;
Zhao, Tiejun;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De.
Experimental Demonstration of H2 Production by CO2 Sorption enhanced Steam Methane Reforming Using Ceramic Acceptors.
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis
Academic article
Borg, Øyvind;
Rønning, Magnus;
Storsæter, Sølvi;
van Beek, Wouter;
Holmen, Anders.
Identification of cobalt species during temperature programmed reduction of Fischer-Tropsch catalysts.
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis
Academic article
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Haugen, Geir;
Zhao, Tiejun;
Rønning, Magnus;
Aartun, Ingrid;
Børresen, Børre.
Process design simulation of H2 production by sorption enhanced steam methane reforming: evaluation of potential CO2 acceptors.
Green Chemistry
Academic article
Kvande, Ingvar;
Briskeby, Stein Trygve;
Tsypkin, Mikhail;
Rønning, Magnus;
Sunde, Svein;
Tunold, Reidar.
On the preparation methods for carbon nanofiber-supported Pt catalysts.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Hammer, Nina;
Kvande, Ingvar;
Van Beek, Wouter;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus.
Identification of calence shifts in Au during the water-gas shift reaction.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Hammer, Nina;
Kvande, Ingvar;
Xu, Xin;
Gunnarson, Vidar;
Tøtdal, Bård;
Chen, De.
Au–TiO2 catalysts on carbon nanofibres prepared by deposition-precipitation and from colloid solutions.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Zhao, Tiejun;
Sun, Wei-zhen;
Gu, Xiong-Yi;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De;
Dai, Ying-chun.
Rational design of the carbon nanofiber catalysts for oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Hammer, Nina;
Zarubova, Sarka;
Kvande, Ingvar;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus.
A Novel Internally Heated Au/TiO2 Carbon-Carbon Composite Structured Reactor for Low-Temperature CO Oxidation.
Gold Bulletin
Academic article
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Lacalle-Vilà, Claudia;
Christensen, Kjersti Omdahl;
Walmsley, John C;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders.
Ni catalysts for sorption enhanced steam methane reforming.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Huber, Florian;
Meland, Hilde;
Rønning, Magnus;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders.
Comparison of Cu-Ce-Zr and Cu-Zn-Al mixed oxide catalysts for water-gas shift.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Dyrbeck, Hilde;
Hammer, Nina;
Rønning, Magnus;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
Catalytic oxidation of hydrogen over Au/TiO2 catalysts.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Hammer, Nina;
Kvande, Ingvar;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus.
Au-TiO2 catalysts stabilised by carbon nanofibres.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Garcia-Bordeje, E;
Kvande, Ingvar;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus.
Synthesis of composite materials of carbon nanofibres and ceramic monoliths with uniform and tuneable nanofibre layer thickness.
Academic article
Garcia-Bordeje, Enrique;
Kvande, Ingvar;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus.
Carbon nanofibers uniformly grown on γ-alumina washcouated cordierite monoliths.
Advanced Materials
Academic article
Huber, Florian;
Yu, Zhixin;
Lögdberg, Sara;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Remarks on the passivation of reduced Cu-, Ni-, Fe-, Co-based catalysts.
Catalysis Letters
Academic article
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Grande, Tor;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De.
Nanocrystalline Lithium Zirconate with Improved Kinetics for High Temperature CO2 Capture.
Chemistry of Materials
Academic article
Kvande, Ingvar;
Yu, Zhixin;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders;
Chen, De.
Towards Large Scale Production of CNF for Catalytic Applications.
Chemistry for Sustainable Development
Academic article
Meland, Hilde;
Johannessen, Tue;
Arstad, Bjørnar;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders.
Preparation of low temperature water-gas shift catalysts by flame spray pyrolysis.
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis
Academic article
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Haugen, Geir;
Zhao, Tiejun;
Rønning, Magnus;
Aartun, Ingrid;
Børresen, Børre.
Evaluation of Potential CO2 Acceptors for Application in Hydrogen Production by Sorption Enhanced Steam Methane Reforming.
American Chemical Society Symposium Series (ACS)
Academic article
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Rønning, Magnus;
Grande, Tor;
Chen, De.
Synthesis and CO2 Capture Properties of Nanocrystalline Lithium Zirconate.
Chemistry of Materials
Academic article
Vrålstad, Torbjørn;
Glomm, Wilhelm;
Rønning, Magnus;
Dathe, Hendrik;
Jentys, Andreas;
Lercher, Johannes A..
Spectroscopic Characterization of Cobalt-Containing Mesoporous Materials.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Academic article
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Rusten, Hans Kristian;
Jakobsen, Hugo Atle;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders;
Chen, De.
Sorption enhanced hydrogen production by steam methane reforming using Li2ZrO3 as sorbent: Sorption kinetics and reactor simulation.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Vrålstad, Torbjørn;
Øye, Gisle;
Rønning, Magnus;
Glomm, Wilhelm;
Stöcker, Michael;
Sjöblom, Johan.
Interfacial chemistry of cobalt(II) during sol-gel synthesis of cobalt-containing mesoporous materials.
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
Academic article
Kvande, Ingvar;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders.
Highly active Cu-based catalysts on carbon nanofibers for isopropanol dehydrogenation.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Rønning, Magnus;
Huber, Florian;
Meland, Hilde;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Chen, De;
Holmen, Anders.
Relating catalyst structure and composition to the water�gas shift activity of Cu�Zn-based mixed-oxide catalysts.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Ochoa, Fernandez Esther;
Chen, De;
Yu, Zhixin;
Tøtdal, Bård;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders.
Carbon nanofiber supported Ni catalyst: Effects of nanostructure of supports and catalyst preparation.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Frøseth, Vidar;
Storsæter, Sølvi;
Borg, Øyvind;
Blekkan, Edd Anders;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders.
Steady state isotopic transient kinetic analysis (SSITKA) of CO hydrogenation on different Co catalysts.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Chen, De;
Yu, Zhixin;
Tøtdal, Bård;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders.
Effect of carbon nanofiber-induced microstrain on the catalytic activity of Ni crystals.
Surface Science
Academic article
Rønning, Magnus;
Bergene, Edvard;
Borg, Anne;
Ausen, Staale;
Holmen, Anders.
Scanning tunnelling microscopic studies on the adsorption and decomosition of ethene on the reconstructed Pt(100)-hex-R0.7° surface.
Surface Science
Academic article
Rønning, Magnus;
Gjervan, Torbjørn;
Prestvik, Rune;
Nicholson, David Graham;
Holmen, Anders.
Influence of Pretreatment Temperature on the Bimetallic Interactons in Pt-Re/Al2O3 Reforming Catalysts Studied by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy.
Journal of Catalysis
Academic article
Rønning, Magnus;
Nicholson, David Graham;
Holmen, Anders.
In situ EXAFS study of the bimetallic interaction in a rhenium-promoted alumina-supported cobalt Fischer-Tropsch catalyst.
Catalysis Letters
Academic article
Gjervan, Torbjørn;
Rønning, Magnus;
Prestvik, Rune;
Tøtdal, Bård;
Lyman, C. E.;
Holmen, Anders.
Bimetallic nano-particle formation in the Pt-Re reforming catalysts revealed by STEM/EDX, XANES/EXAFS and chemical characterization techniques. Effects of water and chlorine.
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis
Academic article
Drabløs, Finn;
Nicholson, David;
Rønning, Magnus.
EXAFS study of zinc coordination in bacitracin A.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
Academic article
Béland, Francois;
Badiei, Ali-Reza;
Rønning, Magnus;
Nicholson, David Graham;
Bonneviot, Laurent.
UV-visible, XANES and EXAFS investigations of a cobalt complex grafted in micelle templated silica.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Moen, Arild;
Nicholson, David Graham;
Rønning, Magnus;
Lamble, Geraldine M.;
Lee, Jyh-Fu;
Emerich, Hermann.
X-ray absorption spectroscopic study at the cobalt K-edge on the calcination and reduction of the microporous cobalt silicoaluminophosphate catalyst CoSAPO-34.
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions
Academic article
Ritz, G.;
Schmid, M.;
Varga, P.;
Borg, Anne;
Rønning, Magnus.
Pt(100) quasihexagonal reconstruction : a comparison between scanning tunneling microscopy data and effective medium theory simulation calculations.
Physical Review B Condensed Matter
Academic article
Blekkan, Edd Anders;
Chen, De;
Holmen, Anders;
Moljord, Kjell;
Rønning, Magnus;
Rytter, Erling.
Energy and Environmental Catalysis. Catalysis in Nordic Countries. Extended Abstracts.
Department of Chemical Engineering, NTNU
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Garcia-Bordeje, Enrique;
Pereira, Manuel Fernando R.;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De.
Novel carbon materials modified with heteroatoms as metal-free catalyst and metal catalyst support.
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Borg, Øyvind;
Rønning, Magnus;
Storsæter, Sølvi;
Van Beek, Wouter;
Holmen, Anders.
Identification of cobalt species during temperature programmed reduction of Fischer-Tropsch catalysts.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Huber, Florian;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Rønning, Magnus;
Walmsley, John;
Holmen, Anders.
Nanocrystalline Cu-Ce-Zr mixed oxide catalysts for clean fuel applications.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther;
Lacalle, Claudia;
Christensen, Kjerst Omdahl;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De;
Holmen, Anders.
Ni Catalysts for Sorption Enhanced Steam Methane Reforming.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mathisen, Karina;
Rønning, Magnus;
Landfald, Lisa Leganger;
Landfald, Lisa Leganger.
Fe-ZSM-5 and Fe-SAPO-34 Catalysts for
Low-Temperature Selective Catalytic Reduction of
NOX by NH3.
Masters thesis
Casalegno, Mario Ernesto;
Rønning, Magnus.
Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts for Jet Fuel Production.
Masters thesis
Rønning, Magnus.
Bimetallic Catalysts and Platinum Surfaces Studied by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy.
Doctoral dissertation
- TKP4155 - Reaksjonskinetikk og katalyse
- KP8133 - Karakterisering av heterogene katalysatorer
- KP8903 - Reaksjonskinetikk og katalyse
- TKP4580 - Kjemisk prosessteknologi, fordypningsprosjekt
- TKP4581 - Kjemisk prosessteknologi, fordypningsprosjekt
- TKP4570 - Nanoteknologi, fordypningsprosjekt
- TKP4905 - Nanoteknologi, masteroppgave
Academic lectureHerold, Felix; de Oliveira, Dominic; Claeys, Michael; Rønning, Magnus. (2024) Influence of carbon heteroatom doping on carbon supported cobalt Fischer-Tropsch catalysts. 57. Annular German Catalysis Meeting , Weimar 2024-03-13 - 2024-03-15
Academic lectureHerold, Felix; de Oliveira, Dominic; Claeys, Michael; Rønning, Magnus. (2024) Is Heteroatom Doping the Key to Stable and Active Carbon Supported Co Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts?”. National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology CARBOCAT X , Florence, Italy 2024-06-24 - 2024-06-26
Academic lectureHerold, Felix; Rønning, Magnus. (2024) Cobalt Catalyzed Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis: Attempting to Identify the Optimal Carbon Catalyst Support. Arbeitskreis Kohlenstoff (German Carbon Group) Autumn Meeting of the German Carbon Group , Erlangen, Germany 2024-09-25 - 2024-09-26
PosterGuldahl-Ibouder, Sahra Louise; Pazos Urrea, Monica; Gopakumar, Jithin; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Rønning, Magnus. (2024) Catalytic low temperature ammonia decomposition for COx free hydrogen production . The Norwegian Catalysis Society 20th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis , Stavanger 2024-06-03 - 2024-06-05
Academic lecturePazos Urrea, Monica; Herold, Felix; Meilinger, Simon; Gopakumar, Jithin; Tusini, Enrico; De Giacinto, Andrea. (2023) Aqueous-phase reforming of ethylene glycol over platinum-based catalysts supported on functionalised carbon nanofibres. European federation of catalysis societies 15th European congress on catalysis, Europacat , Prague 2023-08-27 - 2023-09-01
LectureRønning, Magnus. (2023) Operando characterisation of catalysts in chemical processes at demanding reaction environments. Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Manchester Research Seminar at The Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Manchester , Manchester 2023-03-27 - 2023-03-27
InterviewOakes, kelly; Rønning, Magnus. (2023) Tiny gold particles can help harness energy from the sun to break down pollution. Norwegian SciTech News Norwegian SciTech News [Internet] 2023-06-06
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2023) Operando characterisation of catalysts in demanding sample environments. Lund University LINXS Catalysis Workshop , Lund 2023-05-02 - 2023-05-03
PosterGopakumar, Jithin; Rønning, Magnus; Enger, Bjørn Christian; Waller, David. (2022) NO2 An Inhibitor for Catalytic Oxidation of NO at Industrial Nitric Acid Conditions. CPE Lyon Catalysis at the Energy-Chemistry Nexus - 2022 Winter School , CNRS CAES Paul-Langevin Center, Aussois 2022-03-14 - 2022-03-18
Academic lecturePazos Urrea, Monica; Herold, Felix; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2022) Aqueous-phase reforming of ethylene glycol over carbon nanofiber-supported catalysts. CSIC, Instituto de Carboquimica 9th International Symposium on Carbon for Catalysis, CarboCat–IX , Zaragoza 2022-06-28 - 2022-06-30
PosterHerold, Felix; Rønning, Magnus. (2022) Gasification-Assisted Heteroatom Doping: A Broadly Applicable Post-Synthesis Doping Strategy with Minimal Impact on Carbon Properties. CARBOCAT IX 2022-06-28 - 2022-06-30
LectureGopakumar, Jithin; Miro i Rovira, Albert; Waller, David; Enger, Bjørn Christian; Rønning, Magnus. (2022) Catalytic Oxidation of NO to NO2 for Nitric Acid Production Using Manganese Catalysts. The Cardiff Catalysis Institute 9th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis , Cardiff, Wales 2022-09-04 - 2022-09-08
Academic lectureGopakumar, Jithin; Waller, David; Enger, Bjørn Christian; Rønning, Magnus. (2022) Catalytic Oxidation of NO Using Different Ceria Supported Catalyst for Nitric Acid Production. iCSI - SFI iCSI Annual Seminar 2022 , Oslo 2022-06-21 - 2022-06-22
Popular scientific lectureSwirk, Katarzyna; Gopakumar, Jithin; Da Costa, Patrick; Rønning, Magnus. (2022) Effect of basic sites in CO2 reforming with excess of methane over Ni-containing ordered silicas. Nordic Catalysis Society 19th Nordic Symposium On Catalysis , Espoo 2022-06-06 - 2022-06-08
PosterGopakumar, Jithin; Rønning, Magnus; Swirk Da Costa, Katarzyna; Pazos Urrea, Monica; Enger, Bjørn Christian; Waller, David. (2022) Silver-Promoted MnO2/ZrO2 Catalyst for Oxidation of NO to NO2 at Partial Nitric Acid Plant Conditions. Nordic Catalysis Society 19th Nordic Symposium On Catalysis , Espoo 2022-06-06 - 2022-06-08
PosterSwirk, Katarzyna; Da Costa, Patrick; Rønning, Magnus. (2022) CO2 reforming of methane for syngas production over nickel-containing mesoporous silica. CNRS Catalysis at the Energy-Chemistry Nexus - 2022 Winter School , Aussois 2022-03-14 - 2022-03-18
Academic lectureHerold, Felix; Rønning, Magnus. (2022) Gasification-Assisted Heteroatom Doping: A Broadly Applicable Post-Synthesis Doping Strategy with Minimal Impact on Carbon Properties. CARBON 2022 , London 2022-07-03 - 2022-07-08
PosterGopakumar, Jithin; Rønning, Magnus; Swirk Da Costa, Katarzyna; Pazos Urrea, Monica; Enger, Bjørn Christian; Waller, David. (2022) Silver-Promoted MnO2/ZrO2 Catalyst for Oxidation of NO to NO2 at Partial Nitric Acid Plant Conditions . North American Catalysis Society NAM 27 - The 27th North American Catalysis Society Meeting , New York 2022-05-22 - 2022-05-27
Academic lectureSwirk Da Costa, Katarzyna; Gopakumar, Jithin; Da Costa, Patrick; Rønning, Magnus. (2022) Excess-methane dry reforming over yttrium promoted Ni/KIT-6 catalysts for synthesis gas production. North American Catalysis Society NAM 27, 2022 North American Catalysis Society Meeting , New York City 2022-05-22 - 2022-05-28
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2021) Characterisation of catalysts in chemical processes by combination of operando techniques. NTNU CATHEX Webinar Lecture , Trondheim 2021-10-15 - 2021-10-15
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2021) Operando XAS in aqueous phase reforming and other energy processes. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology BIKE Workshop , Karlsruhe 2021-01-14 - 2021-01-15
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2020) Multivariate statistical analysis of in situ and operando X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy data. European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ESRF User Meeting 2020 , Grenoble, France 2020-02-03 - 2020-02-05
Academic lectureRegli, Samuel K.; Rønning, Magnus. (2020) Multivariate statistical analysis of in situ and operando X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy data. European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ESRF User Meeting 2020 , Grenoble 2020-02-03 - 2020-02-05
PosterRegli, Samuel K.; Chen, De; Fenes, Endre; Rout, Kumar Ranjan; Ma, Hongfei; Fuglerud, Terje. (2020) Elucidating the copper species in alumina supported CuCl2-catalysts during oxychlorination of ethylene to 1,2-dichloroethane by operando XAFS, PXRD and UV-Vis using MCR-AR analysis. European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ESRF User Meeting 2020 , Grenoble 2020-02-03 - 2020-02-05
PosterFenes, Endre; Ma, Hongfei; Rønning, Magnus; Rout, Kumar Ranjan; Chen, De; Fuglerud, Terje. (2020) Elucidating the copper species in alumina supported CuCl2‐catalysts during oxychlorination of ethylene to 1,2‐dichloroethane by operando XAFS, PXRD and UV‐Vis using MCR‐AR analysis. European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ESRF User Meeting 2020 , Grenoble, France 2020-02-03 - 2020-02-05
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2020) Multivariate statistical analysis of in situ and operando X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy data. European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ESRF User Meeting 2020 , Grenoble, France 2020-02-03 - 2020-02-05
Academic lectureBjørkedal, Ole Håvik; Regli, Samuel K.; Rønning, Magnus. (2020) One-Pot Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Mesoporous Fe and Cu Catalysts for NH3-SCR. University of Manchester International Conference on Environmental Catalysis 2020-09-07 - 2020-09-09
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2020) Catalytic oxidation of NO to NO2 for nitric acid production. KTH Catalysis Seminar , Stockholm 2020-02-28 - 2020-02-28
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2019) Combination of operando characterisation techniques for studies of catalysts at work. Universitetet i Oslo Operando Surface Catalysis meeting (OPSCAT) , Oslo 2019-01-29 - 2019-02-01
Academic lectureSalman, Ata ul Rauf; Regli, Samuel K.; Enger, Bjørn Christian; Lødeng, Rune; Waller, David; Rønning, Magnus. (2019) Revealing the Structural and Chemical State of Platinum Nanoparticles during Oxidation of NO to NO2 at Nitric Acid Plant Conditions. North American Catalysis Society 2019 North American Catalysis Society Meeting , Chicago 2019-06-23 - 2019-06-28
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2019) Characterisation of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalysts at industrial working conditions. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology DynaCat Kick-off Meeting SPP 2080 , Karlsruhe 2019-02-11 - 2019-02-12
PosterBjørkedal, Ole Håvik; Regli, Samuel K.; Rønning, Magnus. (2019) Cu-containing mesoporous alumina as catalysts for SCR. Europacat 2019 2019-08-18 - 2019-08-23
LectureZubair, Muhammad; Rønning, Magnus; Yang, Jia. (2019) Artificial photosynthesis for H2 generation from water employing CdS@TiO2 nanostructures. Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences Spring meeting: Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences , Trondheim 2019-03-28 - 2019-03-28
PosterSørli, Guro; Stoian, Dragos; Rønning, Magnus; Mathisen, Karina. (2018) Verification of hierarchical porosity in CuSAPO-34 by In Situ XAS, N2 adsorption measurements and NOx removal . Polish synchrotron radiation society XAFS'18 , Krakow 2018-07-22 - 2018-07-27
Academic lectureSørli, Guro; Rønning, Magnus; Mathisen, Karina. (2018) Synthesis of hierarchical CuSAPO-34. Norsk kjemisk selskap NKS landsmøte i kjemi , Lillestrøm 2018-10-16 - 2018-10-18
LectureBjørkedal, Ole Håvik; Rønning, Magnus. (2018) One-step sol-gel synthesis of Cu/Ordered Mesoporous Alumina. Norsk Kjemisk Selskap Norsk katalysesymposium , Lillestrøm 2018-10-16 - 2018-10-17
PosterDuyar, Melis S.; Tsai, Charlie; Valle, Eduardo; ten Have, Iris C.; Snider, Jonathan L.; Gallo, Alessandro. (2018) Molybdenum phosphide as a new catalyst for alcohol synthesis from CO and CO2. Gordon Research Conference Catalysis Gordon Research Conference , New London, NH 2018-06-24 - 2018-06-29
PosterBjørkedal, Ole Håvik; Rønning, Magnus. (2018) One-step sol-gel synthesis of highly dispersed Cu/Ordered Mesoporous Alumina. industrial Catalysis Science and Innovation (iCSI) iCSI Annual Seminar , Selbu 2018-11-19 - 2018-11-20
PosterRegli, Samuel K.; Rønning, Magnus. (2018) In situ study of NO oxidation over Pt-based catalysts for nitric acid production. Bañares, Guerrero-Pérez, Urakawa 6th International Congress on Operando Spectroscopy , Estepona, Málaga 2018-04-15 - 2018-04-19
PosterRegli, Samuel K.; Rønning, Magnus. (2018) Operando XRD and XAS study of nitric acid oxidation over supported Pt catalysts. Prof. Wojciech M. Kwiatek 17th International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure , Kraków 2018-07-22 - 2018-07-27
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2018) Synchrotron radiation in catalysis research. NorScatt NorScatt Annual Meeting 2018 , Oslo 2018-05-22 - 2018-05-22
LectureRønning, Magnus. (2018) Carbon-based (Fe-Nx-C) ORR catalysts:-What are the requirements for application in PEM fuel cells?. FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITY OF PORTO, PORTUGAL 8th International Symposium on Carbon for Catalysis, CarboCat–VIII , Porto 2018-06-25 - 2018-06-29
LectureZubair, Muhammad; Rønning, Magnus; Yang, Jia. (2018) Photocatalysis for renewable energy conversion: A brief introduction and application of different semiconductor materials for production of H2 from water. IKP, NTNU IKP Dagen 2018 , Trondhiem 2018-11-26 - 2018-11-27
LectureZubair, Muhammad; Yang, Jia; Rønning, Magnus. (2018) The Facile synthesis approach for core-shell TiO2–CdS nanoparticles for enhanced photocatalytic H2 generation from water. Norwegian Catalysis Symposium – Landsmøte i Kjemi 2018 , Lillestrøm 2018-10-16 - 2018-10-17
PosterBjørkedal, Ole Håvik; Rønning, Magnus. (2017) Acid-modified mesoporous alumina as catalytic support for NH3-SCR. Norsk kjemisk selskap - Faggruppe for katalyse Norsk Katalysesymposium , Hurdalssjøen 2017-11-06 - 2017-11-07
Academic lectureBuan, Marthe Emelie Melandsø; Muthuswamy, Navaneethan; Walmsley, John; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2017) Nitrogen-doped carbon nanofibers for oxygen reduction: The role of iron in forming active ORR sites. EFCATS EUROPACAT 2107 , Florence 2017-08-27 - 2017-08-31
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2017) Combining in situ characterization techniques to reveal real-time deactivation mechanisms in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalysts. ACS 253rd American Chemical Society National Meeting , San Francisco 2017-04-02 - 2017-04-06
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2017) In situ characterisation of catalysts without compromising process conditions. ESRF ESRF User Meeting 2017 , Grenoble 2017-02-06 - 2017-02-08
InterviewRønning, Magnus. (2017) A catalyst for discussion. ESRF News ESRF News [Business/trade/industry journal] 2017-03-15
PosterRegli, Samuel K.; Rønning, Magnus. (2016) Advanced in situ Characterization of Catalysts for Sustainable Process Industry. Centre for industrial Catalysis Science and Innovation Kick-off seminar inudstrial Catalysis Science and Innovation , Trondheim 2016-11-23 - 2016-11-24
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2016) Nitrogen-doped carbon nanofibres as alternative catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction in PEM fuel cells. SUNCAT Centre SUNCAT seminar , Stanford University 2016-03-21 - 2016-03-21
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2016) Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalysts: Strategies to enhance the sensitivity of in situ characterization techniques. ACS 251st ACS National Meeting , San Diego 2016-03-13 - 2016-03-17
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus; Buan, Marthe Emelie Melandsø; Muthuswamy, Navaneethan; Chen, De. (2015) Nitrogen-doped carbon nanomaterials as alternative catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Norwegian Catalysis Symposium , Bergen 2015-12-03 - 2015-12-04
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2015) FREECATS: Doped carbon nanostructures as metal-free catalysts. CRM InnoNet 3rd Innovation Network Workshop , Brussels 2015-02-11 -
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2015) Replacing platinum group metals with N-doped carbon nanomaterials in the oxygen reduction reaction,. Aalto University , Helsinki 2015-04-10 -
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2015) Celebrating 20 Years of Catalyst Characterisation Development,. SNBL 20 Years Anniversary Workshop , Grenoble 2015-05-28 - 2015-05-29
InterviewRønning, Magnus. (2015) Audi lager diesel av CO2 og vann - kan bli billigere enn vanlig drivstoff. Teknisk Ukeblad Teknisk Ukeblad [Business/trade/industry journal] 2015-04-28
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2014) SNBL: Celebrating 20 Years of User Operation. Nordic X-Ray Science Days , Lund 2014-09-29 - 2014-10-01
Academic lectureHøydalsvik, Kristin; Fløystad, Jostein Bø; Esmaeili, Morteza; Rønning, Magnus; Breiby, Dag Werner. (2014) Advanced X-ray techniques for investigating materials on the nanoscale: from silk to catalysts. Invited guest lecture at University of Gothenburg , University of Gothenburg 2014-02-06 -
Academic lectureHøydalsvik, Kristin; Fløystad, Jostein Bø; Rønning, Magnus; Breiby, Dag Werner. (2014) Investigating nanoscale particles and structures using X-rays. SINTEF Invited guest lecture to SINTEF Materials & Chemistry , SINTEF 2014-01-23 -
Academic lectureTsakoumis, Nikolaos; Dehghan, Roya; Voronov, Alexey; Walmsley, John; Borg, Øyvind; Rytter, Erling. (2014) A combined in situ XAS-XRPF-Raman study of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over a carbon supported cobalt catalyst. KinCat 6th International Symposium on Carbon for Catalysis , Trondheim 2014-06-22 - 2014-06-25
Academic lectureTsakoumis, Nikolaos; Rønning, Magnus; Rytter, Erling; Holmen, Anders. (2014) In situ monitoring of cobalt supported catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis under realistic activation, reaction and regeneration conditions. 16th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis (NSC2014) , Oslo 2014-06-15 - 2014-06-17
Academic lectureVoss, Georg; Voronov, Alexey; Fløystad, Jostein Bø; Rønning, Magnus. (2013) The state of promotors (Ni, Re) in Co Fischer Tropsch Catalysts. 10th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium (NGCS 10) , Doha 2013-03-01 - 2013-03-06
Academic lectureVoss, Georg; Rønning, Magnus. (2013) , New Strategies to Reveal the State of Promotors in Co Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts. KOSK II Conference 2013 , Oslo 2013-02-27 - 2013-02-28
InterviewRønning, Magnus; Rapp, Ole Magnus. (2013) Finner kjemiske alternativ til platina. Aftenposten Aftenposten [Newspaper] 2013-01-07
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2013) Nanomaterialer – viktig for gode framtidige løsninger for energi og miljø. Nanokonferansen 2013 , Oslo 2013-03-18 -
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2013) Engineering of catalyst nanomaterials. NANO2021 Matchmaking seminar , Oslo 2013-08-21 -
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus; Voronov, Alexey; Tsakoumis, Nikolaos; Voss, Georg; van Beek, Wouter; Høydalsvik, Kristin. (2013) Multi-technique characterisation of Fischer-Tropsch catalysts at industrially relevant conditions. E-MRS Spring Meeting 2013 (The European Material Conference) , Stasboourg 2013-05-27 - 2013-05-31
Academic lectureBuan, Marthe Emelie Melandsø; Muthuswamy, Navaneethan; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2013) Nitrogen-doped Carbon Nanomaterials as Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Norwegian Catalysis Symposium 2013 , Trondheim 2013-12-02 - 2013-12-03
Academic lectureVolynkin, Andrey Sergeevich; Muthuswamy, Navaneethan; Rønning, Magnus; Blekkan, Edd Anders. (2013) Propane dehydrogenation over carbon supported platinum catalysts. Norwegian Catalysis Symposium 2013 , Trondheim 2013-12-02 -
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus; Voronov, Alexey; Tsakoumis, Nikolaos; Voss, Georg; Van Beek, Wouter; Høydalsvik, Kristin. (2013) In situ characterisation of cobalt-based Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalysts: Strategies to improve (surface) sensitivity of bulk techniques. Norwegian Catalysis Symposium 2013 , Trondheim 2013-12-02 - 2013-12-03
Academic lectureHøydalsvik, Kristin; Fløystad, Jostein Bø; Rønning, Magnus; Breiby, Dag Werner. (2013) In-situ 2D- and 3D imaging of nanoscale structures using ptychography. Invited guest lecture at La Trobe University, Australia. , La Trobe University, Melbourne 2013-11-15 -
Academic lectureHøydalsvik, Kristin; Fløystad, Jostein Bø; Mathiesen, Ragnvald; Rønning, Magnus; Breiby, Dag Werner. (2013) Using X-rays for investigating nanoscale particles and structures. Invited guest lecture at ESRF, Grenoble. , ESRF, Grenoble 2013-10-09 -
Academic lectureHøydalsvik, Kristin; Fløystad, Jostein Bø; Zhao, Tiejun; Esmaeili, Morteza; Diaz, Ana; Andreasen, Jens Wenzel. (2013) In situ coherent X-ray diffractive imaging of CO2-storing nanoparticles. Norwegian PhD Network on Nanotechnology for Microsystems; 4th annual workshop , Bergen 2013-06-17 - 2013-06-19
Academic lectureHolmen, Anders; Radstake, Paul; Rønning, Magnus. (2013) Oxygen-Assisted Dehydrogenation of Ethane over PtSn. XIth European Congress on Catalysis (Europacat) , Lyon 2013-09-01 - 2013-09-06
Academic lectureTsakoumis, Nikolaos; Rønning, Magnus; Borg, Øyvind; Rytter, Erling; Holmen, Anders. (2013) Investigations on the deactivation and regeneration of Co-based Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalysts. XIth European Congress on Catalysis (Europacat) , Lyon 2013-09-01 - 2013-09-06
InterviewRønning, Magnus. (2012) EU-prosjektet FREECATS - Utvikler nye katalysatorer med karbon. Teknisk Ukeblad Teknisk Ukeblad [Newspaper] 2012-05-25
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus; Voronov, Alexey; Tsakoumis, Nikolaos; Voss, Georg Johannes Bernhard; van Beek, Wouter; Høydalsvik, Kristin. (2012) Surface changes in Fischer-Tropsch catalysts at industially relevant conditions. 15th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis , Mariehamn, Åland 2012-06-10 - 2012-06-12
Academic lectureFløystad, Jostein Bø; Esmaeili, Morteza; Høydalsvik, Kristin; Diaz, Ana; Mathiesen, Ragnvald; Rønning, Magnus. (2012) In Situ X-ray Coherent Diffractive Imaging. 7th International Conference on the Physical Properties and Application of Advanced Materials , Trondheim 2012-06-18 -
Academic lectureFløystad, Jostein Bø; Esmaeili, Morteza; Høydalsvik, Kristin; Diaz, Ana; Mathiesen, Ragnvald; Rønning, Magnus. (2012) In Situ Lensless X-ray Microscopy in Material Science. "SCANDEM", Annual Meeting of the Nordic Microscopy Society , Bergen 2012-06-13 -
PosterHøydalsvik, Kristin; Fløystad, Jostein Bø; Voronov, Alexey; Voss, Georg Johannes Bernhard; Diaz, Ana; Kehres, J.. (2012) In situ Investigations of Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Using Small-Angle X-ray Scattering. 7th International Conference on the Physical Properties and Application of Advanced Materials , Trondheim 2012-06-18 -
Academic lectureHøydalsvik, Kristin; Fløystad, Jostein Bø; Voronov, Alexey; Voss, Georg Johannes Bernhard; Esmaeili, Morteza; Kehres, J.. (2012) Investigations of Co Catalyst Nanoparticles in the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Using in situ SAXS. Norwegian PhD Network on Nanotechnology for Microsystems 2012-06-11 - 2012-06-13
Academic lectureTsakoumis, Nikolaos; Voronov, Alexey; Rønning, Magnus; Borg, Øyvind; Rytter, Erling; Holmen, Anders. (2012) In situ investigations of the initial deactivation in Co-based Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Syngas Convention , Cape Town 2012-04-01 - 2012-04-04
PosterHøydalsvik, Kristin; Fløystad, Jostein Bø; Voronov, Alexey Sergeevich; Voss, Georg Johannes Bernhard; Esmaeili, Morteza; Kehres, J.. (2012) Simultaneous SAXS and WAXS Measurements Used for in situ Investigations of Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis. Norwegian Synchrotron and Neutron User Meeting 2012 , Sola, Rogaland 2012-01-30 - 2012-01-31
Academic lectureFløystad, Jostein Bø; Esmaeili, Morteza; Böttiger, Arvid P.L.; Høydalsvik, Kristin; Diaz, Ana; Mathiesen, Ragnvald. (2012) Lensless X-Ray Imaging in Non-Ambient Conditions for Materials Science. Norwegian Synchrotron and Neutron User Meeting 2012 , Sola, Rogaland 2012-01-30 - 2012-01-31
PosterTsakoumis, Nikolaos; Voronov, Alexey Sergeevich; Rønning, Magnus; Borg, Øyvind; Rytter, Erling; Holmen, Anders. (2012) Phase transformations throughout the induction period of γ-Al2O3 supported cobalt based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts. 15th International Congress on Catalysis (ICC 2012) , Munich 2012-07-01 - 2012-07-06
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus; Voronov, Alexey Sergeevich; Tsakoumis, Nikolaos; Voss, Georg; Van Beek, Wouter; Høydalsvik, Kristin. (2012) Multi-technique characterisaton of surface changes in Fischer-Tropsch catalysts at industrially relevant condition. Internatonal Symposium on Alternative Clean Synthetic Fuels (SynFuel 2012) , Munich 2012-06-29 - 2012-06-30
Academic lectureFløystad, Jostein Bø; Esmaeili, Morteza; Høydalsvik, Kristin; Mathiesen, Ragnvald; Andreasen, Jens Wenzel; Rønning, Magnus. (2012) Towards 3D imaging of working catalyst nanoparticles. Øresund Materials Innovation Community HYBRIS: HYbrid Beamline for In Situ 3D Resonant Imaging and Spectroscopy , Technical University of Denmark (DTU) 2012-12-12 - 2012-12-12
Academic lectureHøydalsvik, Kristin; Fløystad, Jostein Bø; Voronov, Alexey; Voss, Georg; Esmaeili, Morteza; Kehres, J.. (2012) In situ SAXS studies of Co catalyst nanoparticles. 15th International Small-Angle Scattering Conference 2012-11-18 - 2012-11-23
Academic lectureVoss, Georg; Voronov, Alexey; Tsakoumis, Nikolaos; van Beek, Wouter; Rønning, Magnus. (2012) THE STATE OF PROMOTORS IN FISCHER-TROPSCH CATALYSTS. Norwegian Synchrotron and Neutron User Meeting , Stavanger 2012-01-30 - 2012-01-31
PosterFløystad, Jostein Bø; Høydalsvik, Kristin; Mathiesen, Ragnvald; Rønning, Magnus; Breiby, Dag Werner. (2011) In situ X-ray imaging of catalyst nanoparticles. HERCULES 2011 2011-03-18 - 2011-03-18
Academic lectureVoss, Georg Johannes Bernhard; Evenrud, Vegar; Voronov, Alexey Sergeevich; Tsakoumis, Nikolaos; Rønning, Magnus. (2011) The State of Promotors in Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts. European Summer School “Energy and Materials of the Sun” 2011, , Kerkrade 2011-06-20 -
PosterTsakoumis, Nikolaos; Voronov, Alexey Sergeevich; Rønning, Magnus; Borg, Øyvind; Rytter, Erling; Holmen, Anders. (2011) An operando study of Co-based Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalysts. EuropaCat X , Glasgow, Scotland 2011-08-28 - 2011-09-02
Academic lectureZhao, Tiejun; Rønning, Magnus; Zhou, Xinggui; Chen, De; Holmen, Anders; Yuan, Weikang. (2011) Towards understanding the graphene sheet orientation in carbon nanostructures by a diffusion-nucleation model. 6th Asia Pacific Chemical Reaction Engineering Symposium (APCRE'11) , Beijing 2011-09-18 - 2011-09-21
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2011) Catalysis for Hydrogen and Hydrogen-related Applications. SUSHGEN The seventh framework. , NTNU 2011-03-10 -
Academic lectureVoss, Georg; Voronov, Alexey; Hammer, Nina; Rønning, Magnus. (2011) The state of promotors in Co FT-catalysts. , EuropaCAT X Congress 2011 , Glasgow, Scotland 2011-08-28 - 2011-09-02
PosterVoss, Georg Johannes Bernhard; Rønning, Magnus. (2010) The State of Promotors in Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts. Norwegian Catalysis Symposium 2010 , Bergen 2010-11-29 - 2010-11-30
Academic lectureHe, Li; Zhao, Tiejun; Kazi, Saima Sultana; Rønning, Magnus; Chen, De. (2010) Progresses in carbonate looping process. 239th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society , San Francisco, California 2010-03-21 - 2010-03-25
Academic lectureVanhaecke, Estelle Marie M.; Huang, Fan; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2010) Development of nanostructured electrodes on foils. 1st International Conference on Materials for Energy , Karlsruhe 2010-07-04 - 2010-07-08
PosterMuthuswamy, Navaneethan; Gomez de la Fuente, Jose L.; Tsypkin, Mikhail; Zhao, Tiejun; Rønning, Magnus; Seland, Frode. (2010) Platelet carbon nanofibers supported Pt nanoparticles for fuel cell application. 4th International symposium on carbon for catalysis , Dalian 2010-11-07 - 2010-11-10
Academic lectureZhao, Tiejun; Yu, Yingda; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2010) Structured carbon nanofiber supported Cu-CeO2 catalyst: Catalytic behavior in the preferential oxidation of CO in H2-rich gases. 9th Novel Gas Conversion symposium , Lyon 2010-05-30 - 2010-06-03
Academic lectureZhao, Tiejun; Yu, Yingda; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2010) Preferential oxidaton of CO in H2-rich feed over unsupported nanobomposite and structured carbon nanofiber cupported Cu-CeO2 catalysts. ACS Spring conference , San Francisco, CA 2010-03-21 - 2010-03-25
Academic lectureZhao, Tiejun; Eiras, Sara Boullosa; Yu, Yingda; Chen, De; Holmen, Anders; Rønning, Magnus. (2010) Synthesis of supported catalysts by impegnation and cacination of roomtemperature. Norwegian Symposium on Catalysis , Bergen 2010-11-29 - 2010-11-30
Academic lectureHammer, Nina; Zscherpe, Tina; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2010) Selective oxidation of CO on Au-TiO2 catalysts on a structured carbon support. 239th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. Division Fuel Chem , San Fransisco, California 2010-03-21 - 2010-03-25
PosterKazi, Saima Sultana; He, Li; Zhao, Tiejun; Fagerbekk, Siri Albertsen; Lind, Anna Maria; Rønning, Magnus. (2010) New Calcium-based mixed oxide sorbents for CO2 capture in sorption enhanced steam methane reforming. 9th Novel Gas Conversion Symposium , Lyon 2010-05-30 - 2010-06-03
Academic lectureKvande, Ingvar; Briskeby, S. T.; Hammer, Nina; Rønning, Magnus; Walmsley, John; Sunde, Svein. (2010) Direct evidence of strong interaction between PTO nanoparticles and carbon nanofibres. 14th Nordic Symposium on catalysis , Helsingør 2010-08-29 - 2010-08-31
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2010) Cobalt catalysts in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Metal Kokkola 2010 , Central Ostrobothnia 2010-11-16 - 2010-11-17
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2010) Studies of Fischer-Tropsch catalysts at real working conditions. 14th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis , Helsingør 2010-08-29 - 2010-08-31
Academic lectureWalmsley, John C; Dehghan-Niri, Roya; Vullum, Per Erik; Holmestad, Randi; Rønning, Magnus; Holmen, Anders. (2010) TEM analysis of catalyst and energy storage materials. Fritz-Haber-Institute of Max-Planck Society International Symposium on Advanced Electron Microscopy for Catalysis and Energy Storage Materials , Berlin 2010-01-17 - 2010-01-20
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus; Tsakoumis, Nikolaos; Voronov, Alexey Sergeevich; Borg, Øyvind; Rytter, Erling; Holmen, Anders. (2010) Combined XRD and XANES studies of Co-Re/γ-Al2O3 catalyst at Fischer-Tropsch synthesis conditions. 239th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition , San Francisco, California 2010-03-21 - 2010-03-25
PosterZhao, Tiejun; Eiras, Sara Boullosa; Yu, Yingda; Chen, De; Holmen, Anders; Rønning, Magnus. (2010) Pechini route in pore': Synthesis of supported catalysts by impregnation and calcination of room-temperature polymerizable metal-complexes. 14th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis , Marienlyst 2010-08-29 - 2010-08-31
PosterVoronov, Alexey Sergeevich; Tsakoumis, Nikolaos; Rønning, Magnus; Borg, Øyvind; Rytter, Erling; Holmen, Anders. (2010) In situ deactivation study of the rhenium behaviour in Co-Re Fischer-Tropsch catalyst. 14th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis , Marienlyst 2010-08-29 - 2010-08-31
PosterZhu, Jun; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus; Yu, Yingda; Holmen, Anders. (2010) The Nature of active sites in Pt anoparticles for propane dehydrogenation. 9th Novel Gas Conversion Symposium (NGCS 9) , Lyon 2010-05-30 - 2010-06-03
PosterTsakoumis, Nikolaos; Voronov, Alexey Sergeevich; Rønning, Magnus; Borg, Øyvind; Rytter, Erling; Holmen, Anders. (2010) Co-based Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis: an Operando study from catalyst activation to deactivation. 14th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis , Helsingør 2010-08-29 - 2010-08-31
Academic lectureRadstake, Paul Bernard; Håkonsen, Silje Fosse; Rønning, Magnus; Holmen, Anders. (2009) Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane at Short Contact Times. 3rd International Conference on Structured Catalysts and Reactors , Ischia, Naples 2009-09-27 - 2009-09-30
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus; Voronov, Alexey Sergeevich; Tsakoumis, Nikolaos; Borg, Øyvind; Hammer, Nina; Rytter, Erling. (2009) Complimentary in situ characterisation techniques at realistic working conditions for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. 14th International Conference on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure , Camerino 2009-07-26 - 2009-07-31
Academic lectureZhao, Tiejun; Yu, Yingda; Yu, Xiaofeng; Raaen, Steinar; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2009) Preferential oxidation of CO in H2-rich gases over the Pechini-method- derived Cu-CeO2 nanocomposite and monolith catalysts. China-North America Workshop on Fuel Cell Science and Technology , Shanghai 2009-08-13 - 2009-08-15
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus; Voronov, Alexey Sergeevich; Tsakoumis, Nikolaos; Borg, Øyvind; Rytter, Erling; Holmen, Anders. (2009) Decoupling of the deactivation mechanisms in Co-based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts by a wide range of in situ spectroscopies at realistic working conditions. Operando_III, Third International Congress on Operando Spectroscopy , Rostock-Warnemünde 2009-04-19 - 2009-04-23
Academic lectureZhao, Tiejun; Boullosa, Eiras Sara; Yu, Yingda; Yu, Xiaofeng; Raaen, Steinar; Rønning, Magnus. (2009) Synthesis and catalytic performance of high-temperature stable nanocomposites by a versatile nanoparticle-mediated Pechini method. Europcat IX , Salamanca 2009-08-30 - 2009-09-04
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2009) In situ characterisation techniques for studying catalysts at realistic working conditions. Norwegian Synchrotron User Meeting , Lillehammer 2009-06-18 - 2009-06-19
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2009) Characterisation of catalysts at their working conditions. Nanoduramea Summer School - Synthesis and characterisation of carbon supported platinum and platinum alloy catalysts , Trondheim 2009-06-08 - 2009-06-09
Academic lectureZhu, Jun; Rønning, Magnus; Holmen, Anders. (2009) Platinum nanoparticle shape effect on propane dehydrogenation. Norwegian Catalysis Symposium 2009 , Trondheim 2009-11-30 - 2009-12-01
Academic lectureKazi, Saima Sultana; Vanhaecke, Estelle Marie M.; Zhao, Tiejun; Rønning, Magnus; Chen, De. (2009) Sol-gel derived zirconia coated calcium oxide nanoparticles for CO2-capture. Norwegian Catalysis Symposium 2009 , Trondheim 2009-11-30 - 2009-12-01
Academic lectureVoronov, Alexey Sergeevich; Tsakoumis, Nikolaos; Borg, Øyvind; Rytter, Erling; Holmen, Anders; Rønning, Magnus. (2009) Deactivation studies in Co-based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts. Norwegian Symposium on catalysis , Trondheim 2009-11-30 - 2009-12-01
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2009) Catalyst studies at real working conditions. Seminar at Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Zaragoza , Zaragoza 2009-11-10 -
Academic lectureVanhaecke, Estelle Marie M.; Huang, Fan; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2009) Aligned carbon nanotubes array, synthesis and applications in composite design for new energy and energy storage. EuroNanoForum , Prague 2009-06-02 - 2009-06-05
Academic lectureTsakoumis, Nikolaos; Borg, Øyvind; Rønning, Magnus; Rytter, Erling; Holmen, Anders. (2009) Fischer-tropsch synthesis: in situ XRD study throughout reactions start-up. InGap –Nanocat Summerschool in Heterogeneous catalysis: Nano designed catalysts: from molecules to industrial processes , Trondheim 2009-06-21 - 2009-06-26
Academic lectureVanhaecke, Estelle Marie M.; Huang, Fan; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2009) Carbon nanotubes Synthesis Composite on Foils. Shinschu University Shinschu University seminar , Beijing 2009-03-12 -
PosterVoronov, Alexey Sergeevich; Tsakoumis, Nikolaos; Borg, Øyvind; Rytter, Erling; Holmen, Anders; Rønning, Magnus. (2009) Deactivation studies of Co-based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts by in situ spectroscopies at realistic working conditions. TU Delft 11th International Symposium on Catalyst Deactivation , Delft 2009-10-25 - 2009-10-28
PosterRønning, Magnus; Tsakoumis, Nikolaos; Voronov, Alexey; Borg, Øyvind; Rytter, Erling; Holmen, Anders. (2009) Deactivation studies of Co-Re/γ-Al2O3 Fischer-Tropsch catalyst. EuropaCat IX : Catalysis for a Sustainable World , Salamanca 2009-08-30 - 2009-09-04
PosterMatam, Santhosh Kumar; Hammer, Nina; Rønning, Magnus; Holmen, Anders; Chen, De; Walmsley, John C. (2009) The nature of active Cr species in Cr-cataysts for dehydrogenation of propane: Neew insights by a comprehensive spectoscopi study. EuropaCar IX : Catalysis for a Sustainable Wold , Salamanca 2009-08-30 - 2009-09-04
PosterRadstake, Paul Bernard; Håkonsen, Silje Fosse; Rønning, Magnus; Holmen, Anders. (2009) Oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane at short contact times. inGAP-NANOCAT Summer School , Trondheim 2009-06-21 - 2009-06-26
PosterHuang, Fan; Vanhaecke, Estelle Marie M.; Rønning, Magnus; Chen, De. (2009) Composite of conducting polymers and carbon nanostructures for energy storage. Norwegian Catalysis Symposium 2009 , Trondheim 2009-11-30 - 2009-12-01
PosterZhao, Tiejun; Yu, Yingda; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2009) Carbon nanofiber/carbon felt supported Cu-CeO2 catalyst: a promising structured catalyst for preferantial oxidation of CO in H2-rich gases. Norwegian Catalysis Symposium 2009 , Trondheim 2009-11-30 - 2009-12-01
PosterVanhaecke, Estelle Marie M.; Huang, Fan; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2009) Carbon nanostructures synthesis on foils. Norwegian Catalysis Symposium 2009 , Trondheim 2009-11-30 - 2009-12-01
PosterTsakoumis, Nikolaos; Voronov, Alexey Sergeevich; Rønning, Magnus; Borg, Øyvind; Rytter, Erling; Holmen, Anders. (2009) Insights into catalyst deactivation phenomena in Co-based Fischer-Tropsch. Norwegian Catalysis Symposium 2009 , Trondheim 2009-11-30 - 2009-12-01
PosterMuthuswamy, Navaneethan; Ochal, Piotr; Gomez, Jose Luis de la Fuente; Tsypkin, Mikhail; Rønning, Magnus; Sunde, Svein. (2009) Electro-oxidation of CO and methanol on Ru-Pt core-shell nanoparticles supported on carbon materials. Norwegian Catalysis Symposium 2009 , Trondheim 2009-11-30 - 2009-12-01
PosterTsakoumis, Nikolaos; Voronov, Alexey Sergeevich; Borg, Øyvind; Rønning, Magnus; Rytter, Erling; Holmen, Anders. (2009) Deactivation studies on Re promoted Co/γ-Al2O3 catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. TU Delft 11th International Symposium on Catalyst Deactivation , Delft 2009-10-25 - 2009-10-28
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2008) Nanomaterials in Catalysis -Activities at NTNU. Nanotechnology Workshop; UC Berkeley-Statoilhydro-NTNU , Statoil Forskningssenter, Rotvoll, Trondheim 2008-09-01 -
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2008) Combining results from XAS, Raman, STEM and TEOM to obtain reliable information about propane dehydrogenation catalysts. Swiss-Norwegian workshop on Simultaneous Raman-X-ray diffraction/absorption studies for the in situ investigations , Grenoble 2008-06-18 - 2008-06-19
Academic lectureHammer, Nina; Schubert, Marco Peter; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2008) Carbon-Carbon Composite Material as a Catalytic Reactor. Science Council of Japan. The Carbon Society of Japan Carbon 2008 , Nagano 2008-07-13 - 2008-07-18
Academic lectureVanhaecke, Estelle Marie M.; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2008) Sythesis of carbon nanostructures on foils. European Materials Research Society E-MRS Fall meeting , Warsawa 2008-09-15 - 2008-09-19
Academic lectureKvande, Ingvar; Rønning, Magnus; Chen, De. (2008) Structure - Properties - Performance Relationship of Carbon Nanofiber Supported Pt Catalysts. Science Council of Japan. The Carbon Society of Japan Carbon 2008 , Nagano 2008-08-13 - 2008-08-18
Academic lectureChen, De; Kvande, Ingvar; Hammer, Nina; Zhao, Tiejun; Yu, Zhixin; Rønning, Magnus. (2008) Engineering of metal nanoparticles on carbon nanofibers. NTNU Nanolab 1st Nanotechnology@NTNU , NTNU, Trondheim 2008-09-11 - 2008-09-12
Academic lectureZhao, Tiejun; Zhu, Ye; Kvande, Ingvar; Rønning, Magnus; Chen, De. (2008) Self-supported platelet carbon nanofiber-graphite felt composites. the Competence Centre for Catalysis (KCK) 13 Nordic symposium on catalysis , Göteborg 2008-10-05 - 2008-10-07
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus; Hammer, Nina; Kvande, Ingvar; Borg, Øyvind; Chen, De; Holmen, Anders. (2008) Nanostructured materials in environmental catalysis. Nanolab, NTNU 1st Nanotechnology@NTNU , Trondheim 2008-09-11 - 2008-09-12
Academic lectureHammer, Nina; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2008) Carbon as a support for AuTiO2 catalysts. InGAP/CATMAT seminar on Metal/support catalysts , Oslo 2008-05-21 -
Academic lectureKvande, Ingvar; Briskeby, Stein Trygve; Rønning, Magnus; Holmen, Anders; Chen, De; Walmsley, John C.. (2008) CO adsorption and desorption behaviour of carbon nanofiber supported platinum catalysts. CarboCat-III 3. International Symposium on Carbon for Catalysis , Berlin 2008-11-09 - 2008-11-12
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2008) Characterisation of catalysts at their working conditions. InGAP seminar , Oslo 2008-11-04 - 2008-11-05
PosterVanhaecke, Estelle Marie M.; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2008) Synthesis and optimization of carbon nanostructures on foils. III International Symposium on Carbon for Catalysis (CarboCat III) , Berlin 2008-11-09 - 2008-11-12
PosterZhao, Tiejun; Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther; Rønning, Magnus; Chen, De. (2008) Comparison study on nanocrystalline alkali and alkali-earth based materials as high-temperature CO2 acceptors. 236 ACS national meeting , New Orleans 2008-04-06 - 2008-04-10
Academic lectureOchoa-Fernandez, Esther; Lacalle-Vilà, Claudia; Zhao, Tiejun; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2007) H2 production by CO2 soprtion enhanced steam methane reforming using ceramic acceptors. Instituto Brasileiro de Petróle e Gás 8th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium , Natal 2007-05-27 - 2007-05-31
Academic lectureChen, De; Rønning, Magnus; Holmen, Anders. (2007) Hydrogen Production by *Sorption Enhanced Reforming Processes. East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) International Symposium on Clean Energy Technology 2007 in conjunction with The 3rd International Symposium on Bioenergy and Bioprocess Engineering , Shanghai 2007-11-21 - 2007-11-23
Academic lectureSanz-Navarro, Carlos; Åstrand, Per-Olof; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus; van Duin, Adri C. T.; Goddard III, William A.. (2007) A study of the structure of carbon-supported metal clusters by molecular dynamics simulations. NTNU Norwegian Theoretical Chemistry: From molecules to nanostructures , Trondheim 2007-11-08 - 2007-11-11
Academic lectureSanz-Navarro, Carlos F.; Åstrand, Per-Olof; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2007) Molecular dynamics simulation of the binding of platinum clusters to graphite sheets. Departement of Chemical Engineering, NTNU 3rd NTNU Seminar: Synthesis and applications of carbon nanofibers/nanotubes , Trondheim 2007-02-14 - 2007-02-14
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2007) Nanomaterials for Catalysis. NTNU - NanoLab 2nd NTNU NanoLab User Meeting , Lerchendal Gård, Trondheim 2007-03-07 -
Academic lectureSanz-Navarro, Carlos F.; Åstrand, Per-Olof; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus; van Duin, Adri C. T.; Goddard III, William A.. (2007) Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Binding of Metal Catalyst Nanoparticles to Carbon Nanostructures by using ReaxFF. Norwegian Research Council 4th National FUNMAT meeting , Bergen 2007-06-08 - 2007-06-08
Academic lectureSanz-Navarro, Carlos F.; Åstrand, Per-Olof; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus; van Duin, Adri C. T.; Goddard III, William A.. (2007) Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Binding of Metal Catalyst Nanoparticles to Carbon Nanostructures by Using ReaxFF. 13th International Symposium on Relations between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis (ISHHC XIII) , Berkeley 2007-07-16 - 2007-07-20
Academic lectureSanz-Navarro, Carlos F.; Åstrand, Per-Olof; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus; van Duin, Adri C. T.; Goddard III, William A.. (2007) Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Metal Catalyst Nanoparticles Supported on Carbon Nanostructures by ReaxFF. International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies 2007 (ICMAT 2007) , Singapore 2007-07-01 - 2007-07-06
Academic lectureZhao, Tiejun; Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther; Rønning, Magnus; Chen, De. (2007) Preparation of nanocrystalline alkali zirconate as high-temperature CO2 acceptors. International conference on clean energy technology , Shanghai 2007-11-21 -
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2007) X-ray spectroscopy in catalysis. 19th Nordic Structural Chemistry Meeting , Spåtind Høyfjellshotell 2007-01-08 - 2007-01-11
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2007) A multidisciplinary approach to nanomaterials for hydrogen technology. NANOMAT Conference 2007 , Bergen 2007-06-05 - 2007-06-07
Academic lectureHammer, Nina; Kvande, Ingvar; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2007) AuTiO2 supported on carbon materials. Nanomaterials seminar , Strasbourg 2007-11-17 -
PosterBorg, Øyvind; Hammer, Nina; Eri, Sigrid; Lindvåg, Odd Asbjørn; Myrstad, Rune; Blekkan, Edd Anders. (2007) Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over un-promoted and Re-promoted γ-Al2O3 supported cobalt catalysts with different pore sizes. γ , Åbo 2007-08-26 - 2007-08-31
PosterMeland, Hilde; Sletengen, Kine; Johannessen, Tue; Rønning, Magnus; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen; Holmen, Anders. (2007) Cu- and Pt-based catalysts for low temperature water gas shift. EuropaCat VIII , Åbo 2007-08-26 - 2007-08-31
PosterHammer, Nina; Kvande, Ingvar; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2007) Characterisation of Au and TiO2 nanoparticles on carbon nanofibres. 19th Nordic Structural Chemistry Meeting , Spåtind høyfjellshotell 2007-01-08 - 2007-01-11
PosterHammer, Nina; Kvande, Ingvar; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2007) XAS characterisation of Au-TiO2 catalysts supported on carbon materials. Norwegian Synchrotron User Meeting , Bergen 2007-06-04 - 2007-06-05
PosterHammer, Nina; Kvande, Ingvar; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2007) Combining catalyst and chemical reactor by the use of nano-structured carbon composite materials. NANOMAT , Bergen 2007-06-05 - 2007-06-07
PosterHammer, Nina; Kvande, Ingvar; Zhao, Tiejun; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2007) CO oxidation in an internally heated Au/TiO2 carbon-carbon composite structured reactor. EuropaCat VIII , Åbo 2007-08-26 - 2007-08-31
PosterKvande, Ingvar; Hammer, Nina; Zhao, Tiejun; Yu, Zhixin; Rønning, Magnus; Chen, De. (2007) Carbon Nanofibers/Nanotubes (CNFs/CNTs) in Composite Materials. NTNU - NanoLab 2nd NTNU NanoLab User Meeting , Lerchendal Gård, Trondheim 2007-03-07 -
PosterZhao, Tiejun; Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther; Rønning, Magnus; Chen, De. (2007) Preparation and High-temperature CO2 capture properties of nanocrystalline Na2ZrO3. NTNU - NanoLab 2nd NTNU NanoLab User Meeting , Lerchendal Gård, Trondheim 2007-03-07 -
Posterniri-dehghan, Roya; Walmsley, John C; Holmestad, Randi; Holmen, Anders; Rønning, Magnus; Rytter, Erling. (2007) Advanced TEM of Catalyst particles. Scandem SCANDEM , Helsinki 2007-06-06 - 2007-06-09
PosterSanz-Navarro, Carlos F.; Åstrand, Per-Olof; Rønning, Magnus; Chen, De; van Duin, Adri C. T.; Goddard III, William A.. (2007) Simulations of Transition-Metal Clusters adsorbed on Carbon Nanofibers by using ReaxFF. Long Time Scale Dynamics Workshop , Loughborough 2007-04-16 - 2007-04-17
PosterChen, De; Zhao, Tiejun; Yu, Zhixin; Hammer, Nina; Kvande, Ingvar; Rønning, Magnus. (2007) Carbon nanofibers as a platform in nanocatalysis engineering. EuropaCat VIII , Åbo 2007-08-26 - 2007-08-31
PosterZhao, Tiejun; Ochoa-Fernandez, Esther; Rønning, Magnus; Chen, De. (2007) Fabrication and High-Temperature CO2 Capture Properties of Nanocrystalline Na2ZrO3. NANOMAT NANOMAT conference 2007 , Bergen 2007-06-04 - 2007-06-09
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2006) Spectroscopy in catalysis; from infrared to hard X-rays. Application of Molecular Spectroscopy in Research and Industry , Oslo 2006-05-05 -
Academic lectureKvande, Ingvar; Yu, Zhixin; Rønning, Magnus; Holmen, Anders; Chen, De. (2006) Towards Large Scale Production of CNF for Catalytic Applications. CarboCat-II - II International Symposium on Carbon for Catalysis , St. Petersburg 2006-07-11 - 2006-07-13
Academic lectureGarcia-Bordeje, Enrique; Kvande, Ingvar; Rønning, Magnus; Chen, De. (2006) Carbon Nanofibres Uniformly Grown on Alumina Washcoated Cordierite Monoliths. Carbocat 2006, II International Symposium on Carbon for Catalysis , St.Petersburg 2006-07-11 - 2006-07-13
Academic lectureOchoa-Fernandez, Esther; Haugen, Geir; Zhao, Tiejun; Rusten, Hans Kristian; Andreassen, Jens-Petter; Rønning, Magnus. (2006) Design, preparation and applications of CO2 acceptors in power generation with CO2 management. NTNU 12th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-8 , Trondheim 2006-06-19 - 2006-06-22
Academic lectureOchoa-Fernandez, Esther; Zhao, T.; Hauge, Geir; Rønning, Magnus; Chen, De. (2006) CO2 acceptors for H2 production by sorption enhanced steam methane reforming. Nordic hydrogen seminar 2006 2006-03-06 - 2006-03-08
Academic lectureOchoa-Fernandez, Esther; Lacalle-Vilà, Claudia; Zhao, Tiejun; Christensen, Kjesti O.; Rønning, Magnus; Holmen, Anders. (2006) Catalyst and CO2 acceptor evaluation for application in sorption enhanced steam methane reforming. NTNU 12th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis , Trondheim 2006-05-28 - 2006-05-30
Academic lectureKvande, Ingvar; Briskeby, Stein Trygve; Yu, Zhixin; Tsypkin, Mikhail; Rønning, Magnus; Sunde, Svein. (2006) Synthesis of Carbon Nanofibres (CNF) and preparation of Pt/CNF-catalysts. The third national FUNMAT Meeting , Trondheim 2006-01-05 - 2006-01-06
Academic lectureKvande, Ingvar; Yu, Zhixin; Rønning, Magnus; Holmen, Anders; Chen, De. (2006) Towards Large Scale Prodution of CNF for Catalytic Applications. Carbocat 2006, II International Symposium on Carbon for Catalysis , St.Petersburg 2006-07-11 - 2006-07-13
PosterHammer, Nina; Kvande, Ingvar; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2006) Identification of valence shifts in Au during thermal treatments and the water-gas shift rector. Workshop XAS06 , Villigen 2006-02-20 - 2006-02-21
PosterHammer, Nina; Kvande, Ingvar; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2006) Au-TiO2 catalysts stabilised by carbon nanofibers. Gold 2006 New Industrial Applications for Gold , Limerick 2006-09-03 - 2006-09-06
PosterHammer, Nina; Kvande, Ingvar; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2006) A novel internally heated Au/TiO2 carbon-carbon composite structured reactor for low-temperature CO oxidaton. Gold 2006, New Industrial Applications for gold , Limerick 2006-09-03 - 2006-09-06
PosterDyrbeck, Hilde; Hammer, Nina; Rønning, Magnus; Blekkan, Edd Anders. (2006) Catalytic oxidation of hydrogen over Au/TiO2 catalysts. 12th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis , Trondheim 2006-05-28 - 2006-05-30
PosterHammer, Nina; Kvande, Ingvar; Gunnarsson, Vidar; Tøtdal, Bård; Xu, Xin; Chen, De. (2006) Au/oxide catalysts on carbon nanofibres for water-gas shift reaction. EuropaCat VII , Sofia 2006-08-28 - 2006-09-01
PosterKvande, Ingvar; Rønning, Magnus; Chen, De. (2006) Komposittmaterialer av karbon nanofiber/nanorør (CNF/CNT). Nanoteknologi - Nye Muligheter for Norsk Industri , Oslo 2006-06-08 -
PosterHammer, Nina; Zarubova, S; Kvande, Ingvar; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2006) Gold-based Catalysts on Structured Carbon Nanofibres. Carbocat 2006, II International Symposium On Carbon for Catalysis , St.Petersburg 2006-07-11 - 2006-07-13
PosterSanz-Navarro, Carlos F.; Åstrand, Per-Olof; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus; van Duin, Adri C. T.; Goddard III, William A.. (2006) Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Binding of Platinum Clusters to Graphite Sheets. NTNU 12th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis , Trondheim 2006-05-28 - 2006-05-30
PosterKvande, Ingvar; Briskeby, Stein Trygve; Tsypkin, Mikhail; Rønning, Magnus; Sunde, Svein; Tunold, Reidar. (2006) On The Preparation Methods For Carbon-Nanofibre Supported Pt Catalysts. 12th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis , Trondheim 2006-05-28 - 2006-05-30
Academic lectureOchoa-Fernandez, Esther; Rusten, Hans Kristian; Rønning, Magnus; Holmen, Anders; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle; Chen, De. (2005) H2 Production by CO2 Sorption Enhanced Steam Methane Reforming. Gas-Fuel 05 2005-11-14 - 2005-11-16
Academic lectureOchoa-Fernandez, Esther; Zhao, Tiejun; Haugen, Geir; Rusten, Hans Kristian; Rønning, Magnus; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle. (2005) Application of CO2 sorption enhanced hydrogen production with CO2 removing: precombustion in power generation. The Third Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage , Trondheim 2005-10-10 - 2005-10-11
PosterMarshall, Aaron; Børresen, Børre; Johnsen, Sten-Egil; Rønning, Magnus; Sunde, Svein; Tsypkin, Mikhail. (2005) "In situ XAS analysis of IrO2 electrocatalytic powder",. ASRP Australian Synchrotron user workshop , Melbourne 2005-12-06 - 2005-12-07
PosterHammer, Nina; Kvande, Ingvar; Gunnarsson, Vidar; Tøtdal, Bård; Xu, Xin; Chen, De. (2005) Au/oxide catalysts on carbon nanofibres for the water-gas shift reaction. EuropaCat-VII , Sofia 2005-08-28 - 2005-09-01
PosterOchoa-Fernandez, Esther; Grande, Tor; Rusten, Hans Kristian; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle; Holmen, Anders; Rønning, Magnus. (2005) Novel solid high temperature CO2 absorbents for the production of H2 by sorption enhanced steam reforming. EuropaCat-VII , Sofia 2005-08-28 - 2005-09-01
PosterTsypkin, Mikhail; Johnsen, Sten-Egil; Marshall, Aaron; Rønning, Magnus; Sunde, Svein; Tunold, Reidar. (2005) In-situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy of amorphous iridium oxide. International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) The 56th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Pusan S.Korea , Busan 2005-09-25 - 2005-09-30
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus; Borg, Øyvind; Storsæter, Sølvi; Van Beek, Wouter; Holmen, Anders. (2005) Identification of cobalt species in the temperature programmed reduction of Fischer-Tropsch catalysts using in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy. 3rd Norwegian User Meeting - Application of Synchrotron Radiation , Orkanger 2005-03-10 - 2005-03-11
PosterHammer, Nina; Kvande, Ingvar; Gunnarsson, Vidar; Tøtdal, Bård; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus. (2005) Gold Nanoparticles in Catalysis. NANOMAT Birkeland Conference , Trondheim 2005-06-02 - 2005-06-03
Academic lectureHammer, Nina; Kvande, Ingvar; Gunnarsson, Vidar; Tøtdal, Bård; Xu, Xin; Chen, De. (2005) Oxide/Carbon Nanofiber based Supports for Au Catalysts. Department of Chemical Engineering, NTNU 2nd NTNU Seminar Synthesis and Applications of CarbonNanofibers/Nanotubes , NTNU, Trondheim 2005-09-21 -
Academic lectureKvande, Ingvar; Hammer, Nina; Rønning, Magnus; Holmen, Anders; Chen, De; Øye, Gisle. (2005) Electrostatic Deposition of Gold Nanoparticles on Plasmachemically Modified Carbon Nanofibres. Department of Chemical Engineering, NTNU 2nd NTNU Seminar Synthesis and Applications of CarbonNanofibers/Nanotubes , NTNU, Trondheim 2005-09-21 -
Academic lectureVrålstad, Torbjørn; Øye, Gisle; Glomm, Wilhelm; Rønning, Magnus; Stöcker, Michael; Sjöblom, Johan. (2005) Characterization of Metal-Containing Mesoporous Materials by EXAFTS Spectroscopy. 3rd Norwegian User Meeting - Application of Synchrotoron Radiation , Orkanger 2005-03-10 - 2005-03-11
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2005) Nanomaterials for Hydrogen Technology in NANOMAT Program. Department of Chemical Engineering, NTNU 2nd NTNU Seminar , NTNU, Trondheim 2005-09-21 -
Academic lectureOchoa-Fernandez, Esther; Grande, Tor; Rønning, Magnus; Chen, De. (2004) Structure and high temperature CO2-sorption properties of lithium zirconate. Norwegian hydrogen seminar 2004 , Kvitfjell 2004-12-15 - 2004-12-16
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus; Huber, Florian; Meland, Hilde; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen; Chen, De; Holmen, Anders. (2004) Relating Catalyst Structure and Composition to the Water-gas Shift Activity of Cu-Zn Based Mixed-Oxide Catalysts. 11th Nordic Catalysis Symposium , Oulu 2004-05-23 - 2004-05-25
Academic lectureHuber, Florian; Rønning, Magnus; Meland, Hilde; Chen, De; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen; Holmen, Anders. (2004) Thermogravimetric analysis of Copper-based catalysts. Norsk Hydrogen Seminar , Kvitfjell 2004-11-15 - 2004-11-16
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus. (2004) In-sity XAS studies of activated catalysts. Present capabilities and future requirements. SNBL workshop , Trondheim 2004-06-21 - 2004-06-22
Academic lectureZhao, T.-J.; Sun, Z.-Y.; Dai, Y.-C.; Yuan, W.-K.; Rønning, Magnus; Holmen, Anders. (2004) Microstructure Impact on Catalytic Behaviour of Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethylbenzene Using Carbon Nanofiber as Catalyst. CarboCat-2004 , Lausanne 2004-07-18 - 2004-07-20
PosterOchoa-Fernandez, Esther; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus; Holmen, Anders. (2004) Carbon nanofiber supported NI catalysts. CarboCat 2004 , Lausanne 2004-07-18 - 2004-07-20
PosterChen, De; Kvande, Ingvar; Rønning, Magnus; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen; Holmen, Anders. (2004) Highly-Active Cu-based Catalysts on Carbon Nanofibers for Isopropanol Dehydrogenation. 13th International Congress on Catalysis , Paris 2004-07-11 - 2004-07-16
PosterHuber, Florian; Chen, De; Rønning, Magnus; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen; Holmen, Anders. (2003) Activity of different hydrotalcite-based copper catalysts in the watergas-shift reaction. Europa Cat-VI , Innsbruck, Austria 2003-09-04 -
PosterRønning, Magnus; Chen, De; Selseng, Trond; Meland, Hilde; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen; Huber, Florian. (2003) Effect of catalyst structure and composition on the water-gas shift activity for Cu-based catalysts. Europa Cat-VI , Innsbruck, Austria 2003-09-04 -
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus; Bednarova, Lucie; Nicholson, David Graham; Holmen, Anders. (2003) XAFS screening of bimetallic catalysts using presealed quartz capillaries. A high-throughput alternative to true in situ measurements. International Congress on Operando Spectroscopy , Lunteren, Nederland 2003-03-06 -
Academic lectureHuber, Florian; Rønning, Magnus; Meland, Hilde; Chen, De; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen; Holmen, Anders. (2003) Structure-activity relations in water-gas shift catalysts from hydrotalcite precursors. Norsk kjemisk selskaps katalysesymposium , Bergen, Norway 2003-11-21 -
PosterRønning, Magnus; Gjervan, Torbjørn; Prestvik, Rune; Nicholson, David G.; Holmen, Anders. (1999) XANES-EXAFS study of the effect of pre-treatment temperature on the metal function in Pt-Re/Al2O3 catalysts. Nordic Summer School inHeterogeneous Catalysis , NTNU, Trondheim 13. - 19. juni 1999
Academic lectureRønning, Magnus; Bergene, Edvard; Borg, Anne; Holmen, Anders. (1997) Ethene and propene adsorption on Pt(100) studied by STM and LEED. 4th Nordic Conference on Surface Science , Ålesund
PosterRønning, Magnus; Bergene, Edvard; Borg, Anne; Holmen, Anders. (1997) Ethene adsorption on Pt(100) studied by STM and LEED. 4th European Summer School in Surface Science: Surface Reactivi ty , Humlebæk