Maria Letizia Potenza
I am responsible for assisting Researchers at the Faculty of Engineering in obtaining and managing international funding.
The EU Research Support at the faculty is carried by a team of research advisors and financial officers EU Research Support Office - NTNU
01.2020 – 05.2023 • Ph.D. candidate at Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.
• Implementation of EDGE (Enhancer Driven Gene Expression) to generate cell-type specific viral vectors (rAAVs) to elucidate neural circuit dynamics in the brain (PhD Thesis under submission).
02.2018 – 09.2019 • Master in European Project Planning at Venice International University (VIU), Venice, Italy.
• Project work: LIFE program “Urgent Actions for the Implementation of Marine Natura 2000 Network” (Coordinator: Legambiente Nazionale, Rome, Italy).
10.2013 - 07.2019 • M.Sc. in Neurobiology at Sapienza University, Rome, Italy.
• Thesis: “Effects of herpes simplex virus-1 infection on CRMP2 protein in cells of the central nervous system”.
10.2009 - 02.2013 • B.Sc. in Biology at Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy.
•Thesis: “Application of the PCR test for the research of Acanthamoeba spp. in recreational water pools”.
01.2024 – Present • EU Advisor at IV`s Research SupportNetwork, Faculty of Engineering, Norwegian University ofScience and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.
10.2023 – 12.2023 • Research Assistant at the Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine andHealth Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.
05.2023 – 12.2023 • Research Assistant at NTNU ShoreControl Lab, Department of Design, Faculty of Architectureand Design, Norwegian University of Science andTechnology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.
01.2020 - 05.2023 • Ph.D. candidate at Kavli Institute forSystems Neuroscience,
Norwegian University of Scienceand Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.
01.2018 - 07.2019 • Undergraduate Researcher Departmentof Public Health and Infectious Disease, SapienzaUniversity, Rome, Italy.
02.2017/09.2017 • Tutor for Bachelor students at SapienzaUniversity Department of Biology and BiotechnologiesCharles Darwin, Rome, Italy.
12.2014-10.2015 • University collaborator at Sapienza University Department of Biology andBiotechnologies Charles Darwin, Rome, Italy.
05.2012-02.2013 • Undergraduate Researcher at Laboratory of Parasitology of Policlinic Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy.
11.2011 - 12.2013 • Undergraduate Researcher at the Department of Biomedicine and Prevention at TorVergata University, Rome, Italy.
- 2023-Pilot grant NTNU Discovery (200.000 NOK) at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.
- 2023-EIT RIS Fellowship (9.900 EUR, awarded but declined by the candidate) at IMDEA Institute, Madrid, Spain.
- 2023- Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme at Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
“Winter School ENHANCE Alliance on Gender and Diversity in Science, Technology, and Society”. - 2023-Erasmus+ training NTNU, Course REBBLS Academy, Copenhagen - Denmark.
- 2015/2016- European Social Fund/FSE 2014-2020; “New frontiers in the study of Alzheimer Disease” - Protocol n° 0027928/15, Rome, Italy.
05.2023 – 12.2023 • Research Assistant at NTNU ShoreControl Lab, Department of Design, Faculty of Architectureand Design, Norwegian University of Science andTechnology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.
• Using NVIVO I analyzed 75 interview transcripts as part of data collection for the milliAmpere 2 project - the world's first autonomous passenger ferry.
NTNU trials world's first urban autonomous passenger ferry (
01.2020 – 05.2023 • PhD candidate at Kavli Institute forSystems Neuroscience, Norwegian University of Scienceand Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.
• Using techniques of molecular and cellular biology, as well as in vivo models, I implemented a patented technology: EDGE (Enhancer Driven Gene Expression), aimed at generating cell-type specific viral vectors (rAAVs) to elucidate neural circuit dynamics in the brain.
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience - NTNU
Kentros Group - Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience - NTNU