Marius Korsnes
I am an associate professor at the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, and I currently lead the five-year project 'A Middle Way? Probing Sufficiency through Meat and Milk in China' (MidWay - ERC Starting Grant), which aims to gain a better understanding of the concept 'sufficiency' using the cases of meat and milk production and consumption in China.
Since 2023 I have been co-responsible for the Gemini Centre for Post Growth Futures, a strategic collaboration between NTNU, NTNU Social Research, University of Oslo and SINTEF. I am a co-PI of the Nordic Network: Advancing Strong Sustainability in the Nordic Social Science and Humanities (StrongSSH), and I am also a co-PI of the RCN INTPART project "Sociomaterial Transformations in Norway and East Asia (SoMaT)" (2023-2028) together with Roger Søraa.
I am involved with research in the MEATigation project (RCN 2020-2024), which explores how meat is embedded in Norwegian food practices, the COJUST-project and the GreenBlack-project. Between 2019 and 2022 I led Research Area 1 on deep decarbonisation and wide societal change in the Norwegian Centre for Energy Transition Strategies (FME NTRANS - 2019-2027).
Between May 2016 and February 2020 I was a post doctoral researcher connected to the Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities (FME ZEN) and the Centre for Sustainable Energy Studies (FME CenSES). I focussed on the role of "prosumers" and new forms of energy use in low-energy buildings and neighborhoods, comparing prosumers with respect to energy use and household practices in urban dwellings and neighborhoods in China and Norway. During my postdoc period I wrote the book "Wind and Solar Energy Transition in China". I also led task 1.1. on community building and citizen engagement in the TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA project (H2020).
From April to July 2018 I was visiting researcher at the Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. From January to March 2017 I was a visiting fellow at the DEMAND Centre at Lancaster University, UK.
Until May 2016 I worked with the Living Lab project. The Living Lab is a zero emission house built for engineering and social science experiments. My work concentrated on the social science aspects of the project, trying to gain a better understanding of how people use this state-of-the-art technology.
In 2015 I defended my PhD thesis titeled 'Chinese Renewable Struggles. Innovation, the Arts of the State and Offshore Wind Technology'. The PhD project examined innovation and technological learning in the making of China’s offshore wind industry. In the thesis innovation is viewed broadly, incorporating interactive learning and circulation of knowledge, competencies, experiences and expectations connected with offshore wind technology. The thesis highlights certain Chinese characteristics of industrial upgrading that are useful for understanding the way in which China approaches renewable energy industries in general, and how companies outside of China can contribute (or not) to this process.
- Energy Transition
- Sustainability
- Sufficiency
- China
- Innovation
- Technology and Society
- Wind and solar energy
- Meat consumption and sustainable agriculture
- Public participation and engagement
- Inter- and transdisciplinarity
- Improvisational theatre and science communication
- M.Phil. in Culture, Environment and Sustainability (2012), Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo.
Thesis title: "The Growth of a Green Industry - Wind Turbines and Innovation in China"
- B.A. History, University of Oslo (2011)
- B.A International Relations, University of Oslo (2009)
Other relevant information
I am the Safety Responsible (Verneombud) at the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture (since 2021).
I am the Ombudsperson for Gender equality and diversity at the Humanities Faculty, NTNU (since early 2023).
Member of the Young Academy of Norway (2023-2027) and NTNU's Outstanding Academic Fellows programme
Korsnes, Marius.
SOMAT Webinar series on sustainability.
Other product
Korsnes, Marius Støylen;
Gjefsen, Mads Dahl.
Hvorfor forsker vi på en framtid etter økonomisk vekst?.
Popular scientific article
Anvaari, Mohsen;
Aslaksen, Hildegunn Mellesmo;
Barron, Elizabeth Sanna;
Gjefsen, Mads Dahl;
Gjønnes, Synne Svinsås;
Haavik, Torgeir Kolstø.
Blindsoner om vekst og teknologioptimisme i arbeidet med stortingsmelding om bærekraftsarbeidet i Norge.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Korsnes, Marius.
Sufficiency: Can we find a middle way for animal- based foods in China?.
Field Actions Science Report (FACTS Reports)
Academic article
Campos, Inês;
Korsnes, Marius;
Labanca, Nicola;
Bertoldi, Paolo.
Can renewable energy prosumerism cater for sufficiency and inclusion?.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Academic literature review
Woods, Ruth;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Korsnes, Marius;
Solbu, Gisle.
Energy-efficiency policies reinforce energy injustices: The caring energy practices of low-income households in Norway.
Energy Research & Social Science
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius;
Loeng, Martin.
The making and unmaking of demand for dairy and chicken in Norway: a systems of provision perspective.
Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius;
Solbu, Gisle.
Can sufficiency become the new normal? Exploring consumption patterns of low-income groups in Norway.
Consumption and Society
Academic article
Dahl Lilleeng, Mathilde;
Finstad, Terje;
Korsnes, Marius.
Fra kjøtt på beinet til kjøtt på laben. En kvalitativ analyse av kulturkjøttets domestiseringsprosess i Norge.
Masters thesis
Ryghaug, Marianne;
Korsnes, Marius;
Valler, Thea Marie.
Riding, Hailing, and Sharing: Re-configuring Transportation Through Platform Mobility in Urban China.
Doctoral theses at NTNU (361)
Doctoral dissertation
Andersen, Allan Dahl;
Geels, Frank Willem;
Coenen, Lars Martel Antoine;
Hanson, Jens;
Korsnes, Marius;
Linnerud, Kristin.
Faster, broader, and deeper! Suggested directions for research on net-zero transitions.
Oxford Open Energy
Academic article
Foulds, Chris;
Valkenburg, Govert;
Ryghaug, Marianne;
Suboticki, Ivana;
Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe;
Korsnes, Marius.
Implementing Mission-oriented Experiments: Recommendations on Epistemic Inclusion for City Stakeholders Working in Climate Change Initiatives.
Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy (JCCPE)
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius;
Loewen, Bradley;
Dale, Ragnhild Freng;
Steen, Markus;
Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe.
Paradoxes of Norway’s energy transition: controversies and justice.
Climate Policy
Academic article
Loeng, Martin;
Korsnes, Marius.
Unravelling the Norwegian meat reduction controversy: navigating contested sustainabilities and the role of meat.
Consumption and Society
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius.
ENØK is ENØK – men kva er eigentleg nok?.
Energi og Klima : Norsk klimastiftelses nettmagasin
Feature article
Datava, Zane;
Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe;
Korsnes, Marius Støylen.
Littering the City or Freedom of Mobility? The Case of Electric Scooters.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Korsnes, Marius.
Sufficiency in China’s Energy Provision: A Service Understanding of Sustainable Consumption and Production.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Næss, Robert;
Solbu, Gisle;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Korsnes, Marius;
Kristiansson, Nora;
Woods, Ruth.
Skal bærekraftig utvikling være noe for alle – i en felles dugnad?.
Stavanger Aftenblad
Feature article
Korsnes, Marius;
Vasconcellos Oliveira, Rita ;
Seljom, Pernille Merethe Sire.
Toveislading av elbiler – en «automagisk» løsning for norsk omstilling.
Seljom, Pernille Merethe Sire;
Korsnes, Marius.
Toveislading: Elbilen som omstillingsaktør?.
Energi og Klima : Norsk klimastiftelses nettmagasin
Feature article
Sovacool, Benjamin K.;
Hess, David J.;
Cantoni, Roberto;
Lee, Dasom;
Claire Brisbois, Marie;
Walnum, Hans Jakob.
Conflicted transitions: Exploring the actors, tactics, and outcomes of social opposition against energy infrastructure.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius Støylen;
Heidenreich, Sara Lena Brigitte;
Næss, Robert;
Woods, Ruth.
Er det betre å lenke seg fast enn å lime seg fast?.
Feature article
Solbu, Gisle;
Korsnes, Marius;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Henriksen, Ida Marie;
Woods, Ruth;
Næss, Robert.
Klimastrategier for forbruk som ikke forsterker sosial og økonomiske forskjeller.
Næss, Robert;
Solbu, Gisle;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Henriksen, Ida Marie;
Woods, Ruth;
Korsnes, Marius.
Klimastrategier for mobilitet som ikke
forsterker sosiale og økonomiske forskjeller.
Woods, Ruth;
Henriksen, Ida Marie;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Næss, Robert;
Korsnes, Marius;
Solbu, Gisle.
Klimastrategier for bolig som ikke forsterker sosiale og økonomiske forskjeller.
Mølnvik, Mona J.;
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Tomasgard, Asgeir;
Torsæter, Malin;
Gardarsdottir, Stefania Osk;
Korpås, Magnus.
Nordsjøen som plattform for grønn omstilling.
Valler, Thea Marie;
Korsnes, Marius;
Liu, Jiayan;
Chen, Yulin.
Community Building through Public Engagement: Variety in Europe and China.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Wang, Yu;
Korsnes, Marius;
Aune, Pål Jarle;
Yu, Yang;
Liu, Chang.
Urban Living Labs as Instruments of Open Innovation: Examples of
Sino–European Cooperation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Næss, Robert;
Solbu, Gisle;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Korsnes, Marius;
Kristiansson, Nora;
Woods, Ruth.
Klimatiltak øker kløften mellom fattig og rik. Vi må skape muligheter for alle til å delta i omstillingen.
Bergens Tidende
Feature article
Andersen, Allan Dahl;
Bjørgum, Øyvind;
Coenen, Lars Martel Antoine;
Dale, Ragnhild Freng;
Geels, Frank W.;
Gonzalez, Jakoba Sraml.
Increasing the speed, scope, and level of decarbonization for
meeting the Net-zero 2050 challenge. Implications for sustainability transitions research.
Korsnes, Marius;
Seljom, Pernille.
Samfunnsstrukturer spiser «grønn omstilling» til frokost.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Korsnes, Marius;
Throndsen, William.
Smart energy prosumers in Norway: Critical reflections on implications for participation and everyday life.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Hansen, Arve;
Korsnes, Marius;
Sundet, Øyvind;
Volden, Johannes R.;
Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn.
Holdningsendring alene gir ikke kjøttkutt.
Feature article
Hansen, Arve;
Korsnes, Marius;
Sundet, Øyvind;
Volden, Johannes R.;
Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn.
Kjøttkutt krever politisk styring!.
Feature article
Næss, Robert;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Woods, Ruth;
Korsnes, Marius.
Er det grønne skiftet bare for de rike?.
Feature article
Korsnes, Marius.
Book Reviews, China and Inner Asia. POLITICS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY IN CHINA | By Chen Gang.
Pacific Affairs
Book review
Korsnes, Marius.
Wind and Solar Energy Transition in China.
Academic monograph
Korppoo, Anna;
Stensdal, Iselin Phoebe;
Korsnes, Marius.
Informal Institutions in Policy Implementation. Comparing Low Carbon Policies in China and Russia.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic monograph
Søraa, Roger Andre;
Anfinsen, Martin;
Ask, Kristine;
Ingeborgrud, Lina;
Silvast, Antti;
Korsnes, Marius.
Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies Volume 8 Issue 2.
Other product
Seljom, Pernille Merethe Sire;
Korsnes, Marius.
FME NTRANS anbefaling 01/20-
Korleis kan kommunar lykkast med klimakutt?.
Søraa, Roger Andre;
Anfinsen, Martin;
Foulds, Chris;
Korsnes, Marius;
Lagesen, Vivian Anette;
Robinson, Rosie.
Diversifying diversity: Inclusive engagement, intersectionality, and gender identity in a European Social Sciences and Humanities Energy research project.
Energy Research & Social Science
Academic article
Skeie, Kristian;
Korsnes, Marius;
Woods, Ruth.
Reanalysis of occupant experiment in ZEB Living Lab.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Yulin, Chen;
Valler, Thea Marie;
Liu, Jiayan;
Liu, Jian;
Korsnes, Marius.
Understanding Communities in China and Europe:
Similarities, Differences and Consequences for Socially
Integrative Cities.
China City Planning Review (CCPR)
Academic article
Søraa, Roger Andre;
Anfinsen, Martin;
Ask, Kristine;
Ingeborgrud, Lina;
Silvast, Antti;
Korsnes, Marius.
Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies Volume 7 Issue 2 .
Other product
Woods, Ruth;
Korsnes, Marius.
Homemaking in a Living Laboratory: Interpretations of a Zero Emission Housing Solution.
Home Cultures
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius.
Interview about new book, Wind and Solar Energy Transition in China, recorded by TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA H2020 Project.
Website (informational material)
Efstathiou, Sophia;
Korsnes, Marius;
Gabrielsen, Ane Møller;
Finstad, Terje;
Giæver, Fay;
Driessen, Clemens.
lnvestigating the elasticity of meat consumption for climate mitigation: 4Rs for responsible meat use.
Wageningen Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Korsnes, Marius;
Berker, Thomas;
Woods, Ruth.
Domestication, acceptance and zero emission ambitions: Insights from a mixed method, experimental research design in a Norwegian Living Lab.
Energy Research & Social Science
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius.
Why does China use rooftop solar (PV) technology? 23/11/18.
Website (informational material)
Korsnes, Marius;
Sørensen, Knut Holtan.
Striving for a Norwegian Low Emission Society post 2050: Three Scenarios.
Korsnes, Marius.
Householders as co-producers: lessons learned from Trondheim’s Living Lab.
Eceee ... summer study proceedings
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius.
Prosumption and energy demand.
Website (informational material)
Korsnes, Marius;
Wang, Yu;
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Moazami, Amin;
Carlucci, Salvatore.
The Sustainability Challenge: How Multi-Cultural and Interdisciplinary Groups of Master Students Achieve Sustainable Architecture in Shanghai.
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius;
Ryghaug, Marianne.
With license to build: Chinese offshore wind firms rejecting European certificates.
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
Academic article
Woods, Ruth;
Korsnes, Marius.
Between craft and regulations: experiences with the construction of two “super insulated” buildings in Norway.
Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies
Academic article
Ydersbond, Inga Margrete;
Korsnes, Marius.
What drives investment in wind energy? A comparative study of China and the European Union.
Energy Research & Social Science
Academic article
Fosso, Olav B;
Bredesen, Arne Mathias;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta;
Korsnes, Marius;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Eikevik, Trygve Magne.
Progress report: October 1st 2014 to June 30th 2016
for all the JRC-areas.
Korsnes, Marius.
State Entrepreneurship and Innovation in China.
Popular scientific article
Korsnes, Marius.
A sustainable Chinese catch-up? Product quality and interactive learning in the offshore wind industry.
International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development (IJTLID)
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius.
Kina tar vinden i bruk.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Woods, Ruth;
Berker, Thomas;
Korsnes, Marius.
Making a home in Living Lab: the limitations and potentials associated with living in a research laboratory.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ryghaug, Marianne;
Korsnes, Marius.
Staten skaffer "den nye oljen".
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Korsnes, Marius.
Ambition and ambiguity: Expectations and imaginaries developing offshore wind in China.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius;
Ryghaug, Marianne;
Sørensen, Knut Holtan.
Chinese Renewable Struggles: Innovation, the Arts of the State and Offshore Wind Technology.
NTNU Trykk
Doctoral dissertation
Korsnes, Marius;
Hansen, Arve.
Er julehandling god handling?.
Feature article
Korsnes, Marius.
China’s Offshore Wind Industry 2014: An overview of current status and development.
Ydersbond, Inga;
Korsnes, Marius.
Wind Power in China and in the EU: Comparative Analysis of Key Political Drivers.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius.
Fragmentation, Centralisation and Policy Learning: An Example from China’s Wind Industry.
China aktuell
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius.
Havvind er framtidsretta.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Reader opinion piece
Korsnes, Marius.
Nyttig kunnskap i aust og vest: Kan omgrepet nyttig kunnskap gjere oss klokare på kvifor Vesten gjekk frå resten?.
Popular scientific article
Korsnes, Marius Støylen.
Med vindkraft til havs skal verdi skapast.
PUTSJ : et magasin fra Natur og ungdom
Feature article
Korsnes, Marius Støylen.
Energiframtida vi verkeleg ønskjer oss.
PUTSJ : et magasin fra Natur og ungdom
Feature article
Korsnes, Marius.
Kvifor herskar Vesten, eigentleg? Bokmelding av Why the West Rules – for now, Ian Morris (2010).
Book review
Journal publications
Korsnes, Marius Støylen;
Gjefsen, Mads Dahl.
Hvorfor forsker vi på en framtid etter økonomisk vekst?.
Popular scientific article
Anvaari, Mohsen;
Aslaksen, Hildegunn Mellesmo;
Barron, Elizabeth Sanna;
Gjefsen, Mads Dahl;
Gjønnes, Synne Svinsås;
Haavik, Torgeir Kolstø.
Blindsoner om vekst og teknologioptimisme i arbeidet med stortingsmelding om bærekraftsarbeidet i Norge.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Korsnes, Marius.
Sufficiency: Can we find a middle way for animal- based foods in China?.
Field Actions Science Report (FACTS Reports)
Academic article
Campos, Inês;
Korsnes, Marius;
Labanca, Nicola;
Bertoldi, Paolo.
Can renewable energy prosumerism cater for sufficiency and inclusion?.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Academic literature review
Woods, Ruth;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Korsnes, Marius;
Solbu, Gisle.
Energy-efficiency policies reinforce energy injustices: The caring energy practices of low-income households in Norway.
Energy Research & Social Science
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius;
Loeng, Martin.
The making and unmaking of demand for dairy and chicken in Norway: a systems of provision perspective.
Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius;
Solbu, Gisle.
Can sufficiency become the new normal? Exploring consumption patterns of low-income groups in Norway.
Consumption and Society
Academic article
Andersen, Allan Dahl;
Geels, Frank Willem;
Coenen, Lars Martel Antoine;
Hanson, Jens;
Korsnes, Marius;
Linnerud, Kristin.
Faster, broader, and deeper! Suggested directions for research on net-zero transitions.
Oxford Open Energy
Academic article
Foulds, Chris;
Valkenburg, Govert;
Ryghaug, Marianne;
Suboticki, Ivana;
Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe;
Korsnes, Marius.
Implementing Mission-oriented Experiments: Recommendations on Epistemic Inclusion for City Stakeholders Working in Climate Change Initiatives.
Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy (JCCPE)
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius;
Loewen, Bradley;
Dale, Ragnhild Freng;
Steen, Markus;
Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe.
Paradoxes of Norway’s energy transition: controversies and justice.
Climate Policy
Academic article
Loeng, Martin;
Korsnes, Marius.
Unravelling the Norwegian meat reduction controversy: navigating contested sustainabilities and the role of meat.
Consumption and Society
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius.
ENØK is ENØK – men kva er eigentleg nok?.
Energi og Klima : Norsk klimastiftelses nettmagasin
Feature article
Næss, Robert;
Solbu, Gisle;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Korsnes, Marius;
Kristiansson, Nora;
Woods, Ruth.
Skal bærekraftig utvikling være noe for alle – i en felles dugnad?.
Stavanger Aftenblad
Feature article
Seljom, Pernille Merethe Sire;
Korsnes, Marius.
Toveislading: Elbilen som omstillingsaktør?.
Energi og Klima : Norsk klimastiftelses nettmagasin
Feature article
Sovacool, Benjamin K.;
Hess, David J.;
Cantoni, Roberto;
Lee, Dasom;
Claire Brisbois, Marie;
Walnum, Hans Jakob.
Conflicted transitions: Exploring the actors, tactics, and outcomes of social opposition against energy infrastructure.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius Støylen;
Heidenreich, Sara Lena Brigitte;
Næss, Robert;
Woods, Ruth.
Er det betre å lenke seg fast enn å lime seg fast?.
Feature article
Næss, Robert;
Solbu, Gisle;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Korsnes, Marius;
Kristiansson, Nora;
Woods, Ruth.
Klimatiltak øker kløften mellom fattig og rik. Vi må skape muligheter for alle til å delta i omstillingen.
Bergens Tidende
Feature article
Korsnes, Marius;
Seljom, Pernille.
Samfunnsstrukturer spiser «grønn omstilling» til frokost.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Korsnes, Marius;
Throndsen, William.
Smart energy prosumers in Norway: Critical reflections on implications for participation and everyday life.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Hansen, Arve;
Korsnes, Marius;
Sundet, Øyvind;
Volden, Johannes R.;
Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn.
Holdningsendring alene gir ikke kjøttkutt.
Feature article
Hansen, Arve;
Korsnes, Marius;
Sundet, Øyvind;
Volden, Johannes R.;
Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn.
Kjøttkutt krever politisk styring!.
Feature article
Næss, Robert;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Woods, Ruth;
Korsnes, Marius.
Er det grønne skiftet bare for de rike?.
Feature article
Korsnes, Marius.
Book Reviews, China and Inner Asia. POLITICS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY IN CHINA | By Chen Gang.
Pacific Affairs
Book review
Søraa, Roger Andre;
Anfinsen, Martin;
Foulds, Chris;
Korsnes, Marius;
Lagesen, Vivian Anette;
Robinson, Rosie.
Diversifying diversity: Inclusive engagement, intersectionality, and gender identity in a European Social Sciences and Humanities Energy research project.
Energy Research & Social Science
Academic article
Skeie, Kristian;
Korsnes, Marius;
Woods, Ruth.
Reanalysis of occupant experiment in ZEB Living Lab.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Yulin, Chen;
Valler, Thea Marie;
Liu, Jiayan;
Liu, Jian;
Korsnes, Marius.
Understanding Communities in China and Europe:
Similarities, Differences and Consequences for Socially
Integrative Cities.
China City Planning Review (CCPR)
Academic article
Woods, Ruth;
Korsnes, Marius.
Homemaking in a Living Laboratory: Interpretations of a Zero Emission Housing Solution.
Home Cultures
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius;
Berker, Thomas;
Woods, Ruth.
Domestication, acceptance and zero emission ambitions: Insights from a mixed method, experimental research design in a Norwegian Living Lab.
Energy Research & Social Science
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius.
Householders as co-producers: lessons learned from Trondheim’s Living Lab.
Eceee ... summer study proceedings
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius;
Wang, Yu;
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Moazami, Amin;
Carlucci, Salvatore.
The Sustainability Challenge: How Multi-Cultural and Interdisciplinary Groups of Master Students Achieve Sustainable Architecture in Shanghai.
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius;
Ryghaug, Marianne.
With license to build: Chinese offshore wind firms rejecting European certificates.
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
Academic article
Woods, Ruth;
Korsnes, Marius.
Between craft and regulations: experiences with the construction of two “super insulated” buildings in Norway.
Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies
Academic article
Ydersbond, Inga Margrete;
Korsnes, Marius.
What drives investment in wind energy? A comparative study of China and the European Union.
Energy Research & Social Science
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius.
State Entrepreneurship and Innovation in China.
Popular scientific article
Korsnes, Marius.
A sustainable Chinese catch-up? Product quality and interactive learning in the offshore wind industry.
International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development (IJTLID)
Academic article
Ryghaug, Marianne;
Korsnes, Marius.
Staten skaffer "den nye oljen".
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Korsnes, Marius.
Ambition and ambiguity: Expectations and imaginaries developing offshore wind in China.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius;
Hansen, Arve.
Er julehandling god handling?.
Feature article
Ydersbond, Inga;
Korsnes, Marius.
Wind Power in China and in the EU: Comparative Analysis of Key Political Drivers.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius.
Fragmentation, Centralisation and Policy Learning: An Example from China’s Wind Industry.
China aktuell
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius.
Havvind er framtidsretta.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Reader opinion piece
Korsnes, Marius.
Nyttig kunnskap i aust og vest: Kan omgrepet nyttig kunnskap gjere oss klokare på kvifor Vesten gjekk frå resten?.
Popular scientific article
Korsnes, Marius Støylen.
Med vindkraft til havs skal verdi skapast.
PUTSJ : et magasin fra Natur og ungdom
Feature article
Korsnes, Marius Støylen.
Energiframtida vi verkeleg ønskjer oss.
PUTSJ : et magasin fra Natur og ungdom
Feature article
Korsnes, Marius.
Kvifor herskar Vesten, eigentleg? Bokmelding av Why the West Rules – for now, Ian Morris (2010).
Book review
Korsnes, Marius.
Wind and Solar Energy Transition in China.
Academic monograph
Korppoo, Anna;
Stensdal, Iselin Phoebe;
Korsnes, Marius.
Informal Institutions in Policy Implementation. Comparing Low Carbon Policies in China and Russia.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic monograph
Part of book/report
Datava, Zane;
Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe;
Korsnes, Marius Støylen.
Littering the City or Freedom of Mobility? The Case of Electric Scooters.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Korsnes, Marius.
Sufficiency in China’s Energy Provision: A Service Understanding of Sustainable Consumption and Production.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Valler, Thea Marie;
Korsnes, Marius;
Liu, Jiayan;
Chen, Yulin.
Community Building through Public Engagement: Variety in Europe and China.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Wang, Yu;
Korsnes, Marius;
Aune, Pål Jarle;
Yu, Yang;
Liu, Chang.
Urban Living Labs as Instruments of Open Innovation: Examples of
Sino–European Cooperation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Efstathiou, Sophia;
Korsnes, Marius;
Gabrielsen, Ane Møller;
Finstad, Terje;
Giæver, Fay;
Driessen, Clemens.
lnvestigating the elasticity of meat consumption for climate mitigation: 4Rs for responsible meat use.
Wageningen Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Korsnes, Marius.
Kina tar vinden i bruk.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Woods, Ruth;
Berker, Thomas;
Korsnes, Marius.
Making a home in Living Lab: the limitations and potentials associated with living in a research laboratory.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dahl Lilleeng, Mathilde;
Finstad, Terje;
Korsnes, Marius.
Fra kjøtt på beinet til kjøtt på laben. En kvalitativ analyse av kulturkjøttets domestiseringsprosess i Norge.
Masters thesis
Ryghaug, Marianne;
Korsnes, Marius;
Valler, Thea Marie.
Riding, Hailing, and Sharing: Re-configuring Transportation Through Platform Mobility in Urban China.
Doctoral theses at NTNU (361)
Doctoral dissertation
Solbu, Gisle;
Korsnes, Marius;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Henriksen, Ida Marie;
Woods, Ruth;
Næss, Robert.
Klimastrategier for forbruk som ikke forsterker sosial og økonomiske forskjeller.
Næss, Robert;
Solbu, Gisle;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Henriksen, Ida Marie;
Woods, Ruth;
Korsnes, Marius.
Klimastrategier for mobilitet som ikke
forsterker sosiale og økonomiske forskjeller.
Woods, Ruth;
Henriksen, Ida Marie;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Næss, Robert;
Korsnes, Marius;
Solbu, Gisle.
Klimastrategier for bolig som ikke forsterker sosiale og økonomiske forskjeller.
Mølnvik, Mona J.;
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Tomasgard, Asgeir;
Torsæter, Malin;
Gardarsdottir, Stefania Osk;
Korpås, Magnus.
Nordsjøen som plattform for grønn omstilling.
Andersen, Allan Dahl;
Bjørgum, Øyvind;
Coenen, Lars Martel Antoine;
Dale, Ragnhild Freng;
Geels, Frank W.;
Gonzalez, Jakoba Sraml.
Increasing the speed, scope, and level of decarbonization for
meeting the Net-zero 2050 challenge. Implications for sustainability transitions research.
Korsnes, Marius;
Sørensen, Knut Holtan.
Striving for a Norwegian Low Emission Society post 2050: Three Scenarios.
Korsnes, Marius;
Ryghaug, Marianne;
Sørensen, Knut Holtan.
Chinese Renewable Struggles: Innovation, the Arts of the State and Offshore Wind Technology.
NTNU Trykk
Doctoral dissertation
Korsnes, Marius.
China’s Offshore Wind Industry 2014: An overview of current status and development.
Korsnes, Marius.
SOMAT Webinar series on sustainability.
Other product
Søraa, Roger Andre;
Anfinsen, Martin;
Ask, Kristine;
Ingeborgrud, Lina;
Silvast, Antti;
Korsnes, Marius.
Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies Volume 8 Issue 2.
Other product
Søraa, Roger Andre;
Anfinsen, Martin;
Ask, Kristine;
Ingeborgrud, Lina;
Silvast, Antti;
Korsnes, Marius.
Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies Volume 7 Issue 2 .
Other product
Korsnes, Marius;
Vasconcellos Oliveira, Rita ;
Seljom, Pernille Merethe Sire.
Toveislading av elbiler – en «automagisk» løsning for norsk omstilling.
Seljom, Pernille Merethe Sire;
Korsnes, Marius.
FME NTRANS anbefaling 01/20-
Korleis kan kommunar lykkast med klimakutt?.
Korsnes, Marius.
Interview about new book, Wind and Solar Energy Transition in China, recorded by TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA H2020 Project.
Website (informational material)
Korsnes, Marius.
Why does China use rooftop solar (PV) technology? 23/11/18.
Website (informational material)
Korsnes, Marius.
Prosumption and energy demand.
Website (informational material)
Fosso, Olav B;
Bredesen, Arne Mathias;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta;
Korsnes, Marius;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Eikevik, Trygve Magne.
Progress report: October 1st 2014 to June 30th 2016
for all the JRC-areas.
InterviewKorsnes, Marius. (2025) -Eg fekk god bruk for åra som avløysar på Kvamsøya. Sunnmørsposten Sunnmørsposten [Newspaper] 2025-01-04
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2025) Paneldebatt on "Outgrow the system". Naturvernforbundet Visning og paneldebatt av "Outgrow the system" , Trondheim 2025-01-22 -
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius; Campos, Inês; BERTOLDI, Paolo; Labanca, Nicola. (2025) Sufficiency in the Energy Transition: Exploring Prosumerism and New Pathways. FME NTRANS FME NTRANS Partner Lunch Webinars 2025 , Online 2025-01-29 -
Academic lectureSolbu, Gisle; Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe; Korsnes, Marius Støylen. (2024) Exploring the scope of action for sufficiency oriented policies in Norway. ECEEE ECEEE Summer Conference , Chamouille 2024-06-10 - 2024-06-15
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius; Xu, Dongming; Wang, Yu. (2024) The embeddedness of animal foods in China’s agri-food system: A practice lens. European Association for Chinese Studies , Tallinn 2024-08-27 - 2024-08-30
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2024) An alternative future? A panel discussion. Framtiden i våre hender Trondheim and Gemini Centre for Post An alternative future? A panel discussion 2024-01-18 -
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2024) The ERC Starting Grant process - a long and winding road. Akademiet for Yngre Forskere Vårsamling 2024-03-20 -
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2024) Forbruk og nøysemd (sufficiency) . Naturvernforbundet Miljøkveld 2024-04-10 -
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2024) Introducing my work and 'A Middle Way? Probing Sufficiency through Meat and Milk in China'. TU Berlin GLOBAL China Lunch 2024-05-13 -
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2024) Critical social science perspectives on transition: Energy efficiency vs energy sufficiency . Sintef Ocean Avdelingsmøte Klima og Miljø 2024-02-15 -
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2024) Introduction to the MidWay-project and our work on sustainability. Sociomaterial Transformations in Norway and East Asia (SoMaT SOMAT Webinar on Sustainability 2024-04-16 -
LectureKorsnes, Marius; Wang, Yu. (2024) ‘A Middle Way? Probing Sufficiency through Meat and Milk in China’. Faculty of Architecture and Design, NTNU AD Researcher Forum 2024-02-16 -
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2024) Exploring a sustainable society and the concept of growth. NTNU Energy Transition Initiative and MidWay project NTNU Energy Transition Week , Trondheim 2024-03-11 -
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius; Solbu, Gisle. (2024) Korleis normalisere forbruksreduksjon og kva hindringar står i vegen? Innsikt frå låginntektsgrupper i Noreg. Post CC prosjektet Kick-off Post CC 2024-04-18 -
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2024) Exploring Sufficiency: Technological urgency at the expense of low-income groups? . NTNU Energy Transition Initiative Energy Transition Week 2024-03-11 -
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius; Loeng, Martin. (2024) What can the cases of meat and milk in Norway tell us about agrifood systems transformation?. UiO, NTNU International Sustainability Transitions conference in Oslo 2024-06-17 - 2024-06-19
Programme participation
InterviewKorsnes, Marius. (2024) Ein finn Kvamsøyingar i alle verdenshjørne. Vestlandsnytt Vestlandsnytt [Newspaper] 2024-12-20
LectureKorsnes, Marius; Chen, Shuhua; Zhang, Dunfu; Ely, Adrian. (2024) «De-Eurocentrifying» degrowth? Insights from China. Post CC and the Gemini Center for Postgrowth Futures Post CC and the Gemini Center for Postgrowth Futures webinar series , Online 2024-12-16 -
LectureKorsnes, Marius Støylen. (2024) De-Eurocentrifying» degrowth? The case of China and Asia. . Post Consumption Citizenship and Geminisenter for Postgrowth Futures Postgrowth Webinar Series , Teams 2024-12-12 - 2025-01-12
Academic lectureSøraa, Roger Andre; Cheng, Yu; Korsnes, Marius. (2024) SOMAT Graduate School 2024 in Tokyo, Japan . NTNU & Science Tokyo SOMAT Graduate School 2024 in Tokyo, Japan , Tokyo 2024-09-30 - 2024-10-04
Academic lectureSolbu, Gisle; Korsnes, Marius Støylen. (2023) Exploring sufficiency: a view from low-income groups in Norway. RGS-IBG RGS-IBG Annual International Conference , London 2023-08-30 - 2023-09-02
InterviewKorsnes, Marius. (2023) Kina-forsker om «grisefabrikkene»: Vil bli en stormakt innen landbruk. Nationen Nationen [Newspaper] 2023-09-27
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2023) Energy transition in Norway: Energy efficiency vs energy sufficiency . Akademiet for Yngre Forskere Young Researcher's Night , Trondheim 2023-09-29 -
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2023) Food within the Planetary Boundaries. What will we eat in a sustainable future? Examples from Norway. FN studentene UN theme week: Sustainable Earth. Save Soil, Save the Earth , Trondheim 2023-03-03 -
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius; Levy, Katja. (2023) Sofaprat med Katja Levy i Samfundsmøte 21.1.23. Studentersamfundet i Trondheim Samfundsmøte: Kina mot verdensherredømme , Trondheim 2023-01-21 -
Programme participationKorsnes, Marius. (2023) Melkedrikkingen går ned: Fett, frokostvaner og trend-dietter kan forklare hvorfor. [Internet] 2023-01-19
InterviewKorsnes, Marius. (2023) Melkedrikkingen går ned. Intervju med Marius Korsnes. Nea Radio Nea Radio [Radio] 2023-01-20
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius; Hansen, Arve; Sundet, Øyvind; Volden, Johannes ; Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn. (2023) The Circulation of Meat: How contemporary food practices reproduce the demand for meat in Norway. SCORAI-ERSCP-WUR Conference: Transforming consumption-production systems towards just and sustainable futures 2023-07-06 - 2023-07-08
Programme participationKorsnes, Marius. (2023) Science Conversations @NTNU: Science politics and university sector funding. NTNU’s webinar series for ambitious researchers NTNU’s webinar series for ambitious researchers [Internet] 2023-05-04
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2022) Kva kan NTNU som institusjon gjere med tanke på grønt skifte?. NTNU NTNUs årlige ledersamling , Hell 2022-05-05 -
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius; Loeng, Martin. (2022) How have animals become embedded in Norwegian foodways?. American Association of Geographers The Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers , Online 2022-02-25 -
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2022) Kva skal vi ete i framtida? Plantar, dyr eller insekt?. NTNU og Adresseavisen Ungdommens klimatoppmøte 2022 , Trondheim 2022-04-07 -
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2022) Probing the concept of Sufficiency through studying Meat and Milk in China. STS Conference Graz 2022 STS Conference Graz 2022. Session on Food Justice in Alternative Food Networks: theoretical, empirical and transdisciplinary perspectives , Graz, Austria 2022-05-02 - 2022-05-04
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2022) Sosiale verknader av energi- og klimatiltak. Eit sosioteknisk perspektiv på samfunnsendring. Høgskulen på Vestlandet, Vestlandsforsking #Klimaomstilling 2022 , Sogndal 2022-04-26 - 2022-04-28
Academic lectureSeljom, Pernille Merethe Sire; Korsnes, Marius Støylen. (2022) The societal value of Vehicle to Grid (V2G). NTNU FME NTRANS matpakkewebinar , Teams 2022-02-03 - 2022-02-03
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2022) A Middle Way? Probing Sufficiency through Meat and Milk in China. NIAS Generation Asia – 2022 Nordic NIAS Council Conference , Reykjavik, Iceland 2022-08-22 - 2022-08-24
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius; Loeng, Martin. (2022) The Constitution of Demand for Animals in Norwegian Foodways. MEATigation prosjektet Transforming MEAT 2022 , Oslo 2022-09-19 - 2022-09-20
PosterKorsnes, Marius; Loewen, Bradley; Dale, Ragnhild Freng; Steen, Markus; Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe. (2022) Paradoxes of Norway’s Energy Transition: Polarisation and Justice. ERSS 3rd International Conference on Energy Research and Social Science 2022 , Manchester, UK 2022-06-20 - 2022-06-23
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2022) The Imposter Syndrome. Success, failure and academia. KULT, NTNU PhD Lunch KULT NTNU , Trondheim 2022-09-06 -
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2022) Deep Decarbonisation and Wide Societal Changes. Status and some thoughts. FME NTRANS 1st NTRANS Festival , Røros 2022-08-24 - 2022-08-26
LectureNæss, Robert; Heidenreich, Sara; Korsnes, Marius. (2022) Climate strategies that do not increase social and economic inequality. FME NTRANS NTRANS webinar 2022-11-23 -
Academic lectureCheng, Yu; Søraa, Roger Andre; Korsnes, Marius. (2022) Chinese Perspectives on Automation, Digitalization, Sustainability and Diversity. Asia-Norway Bilateral Collaboration Seminar 2022-12-15 -
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius; Heidenreich, Sara. (2022) Involuntarily unsustainable and (in)voluntarily sustainable: living on low income in times of energy crisis and sustainability transitions. FME NTRANS FME NTRANS Annual Conference Oslo , Oslo 2022-12-07 -
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2022) Sustainability practices in Norway and China. The cases of meat and milk. NTNU Chinese Perspectives on Automation , Online 2022-12-15 -
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2022) Kor mykje er nok? Forsking på forbruk av kjøt og mjølk. NRK og NTNU Pitch til NRK , Digitalt 2022-11-03 -
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2022) Joint research and research exchange. Experiences as a visiting researcher from NTNU . NTNU Asian Language Day , Trondheim 2022-06-15 -
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2022) A Middle Way? Probing Sufficiency through Meat and Milk in China. Asianettverket og NTNU ASIANET 2022: Asia and Fragmented Globalisations , Trondheim 2022-06-16 - 2022-06-17
PosterWoods, Ruth; Korsnes, Marius; Kristiansson, Nora; Næss, Robert; Heidenreich, Sara; Solbu, Gisle. (2022) Sustainable practices in the Norwegian social housing sector. ERSS 3rd International Conference on Energy Research and Social Science 2022 , Manchester, UK 2022-06-20 - 2022-06-23
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2022) Hvordan sikre at klimastrategier/tiltak ikke forsterker sosiale og økonomiske forskjeller? Fokus på forbruk. FME NTRANS og COJUST Workshop med FME NTRANS og COJUST , Digitalt 2022-09-23 -
Popular scientific lectureLoeng, Martin; Korsnes, Marius. (2022) Veganske mattradisjoner i Norge. Trondheim kommune Den kulturelle spaserstokken , Trondheim 2022-09-22 -
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius; Loewen, Bradley; Dale, Ragnhild Freng; Steen, Markus; Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe. (2022) Paradoxes of Norway’s Energy Transition: Polarisation and Justice. University of Eastern Finland Nordic Geographer's Meeting (NGM 2022) , Joensuu 2022-06-19 - 2022-06-22
InterviewKorsnes, Marius. (2021) Fem kjappe til Asia-eksperten: Marius Korsnes. Asianettverket Asianettverket [Internet] 2021-06-10
InterviewKorsnes, Marius. (2021) Kultur spiser omstilling til frokost ... FME NTRANS FME NTRANS [Internet] 2021-05-28
LectureNæss, Robert; Heidenreich, Sara; Korsnes, Marius. (2021) COJUST – Co-producing energy and climate policies: Justice and equity in sustainable transitions . Trondheim kommune Samling ressursgruppe klimaplan 2021-06-07 - 2021-06-07
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2021) Matters of Concern in the Norwegian Sustainability Transition. CET, University of Bergen Beyond Oil Conference 2021 , Bergen 2021-10-20 - 2021-10-21
LectureNæss, Robert; Korsnes, Marius; Heidenreich, Sara. (2021) Synergimøte COJUST/FME Ntrans & FME Include. NTNU Synergimøte Include - COJUST/NTRANS 2021-03-15 -
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius; Marte, Austenå. (2021) Kontroversar knytta til vindkraftutbygging. Erfaringar frå Frøya. FME NTRANS og FME NorthWind Workshop: Vindkraftkontroversen i Norge , Trondheim og digitalt 2021-12-07 -
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2021) Energi og berekraftig omstilling i Noreg. Eit sosioteknisk perspektiv på samfunnsendring . NITO NITOs Oktoberkonferanse , Trondheim 2021-10-22 - 2021-10-23
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2021) Berekraftig omstilling. Eit sosioteknisk perspektiv på samfunnsendring. Studentersamfundet i Trondheim Samfundsmøte: For sent å snu , Trondheim 2021-02-27 -
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2021) Kontroversar knytta til vindkraftutbygging. Eit perspektiv på deltaking og inkludering. Vestlandsforsking, NTRANS Arealbrukskonflikter i overgangen til lavutslipps- og nullutslippssamfunnet , Webinar, Teams 2021-03-03 -
InterviewKorsnes, Marius. (2020) Professor om Kinas koronastatistikk: – Vi kan ikke stole på offisielle tall. [Internet] 2020-03-27
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2020) Roundtable: Decarbonising Asia: The road ahead. Asia Week 2020. Sustainable Asia Roundtable: Decarbonising Asia: The road ahead , Online 2020-12-08 -
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2020) Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities - What is Smart and Flexible?. NORREN NORREN Summer School , Bergen 2020-08-20 - 2020-08-21
Programme participationKorsnes, Marius. (2020) God ettermiddag Trøndelag. Forsker på fornybar energi i Kina. NRK P1 Trøndelag NRK P1 Trøndelag [Radio] 2020-02-03
Programme participationKorsnes, Marius. (2020) Kinesiske myndigheter satser stort på grønn energi. [Internet] 2020-02-06
Programme participationKorsnes, Marius. (2020) Slik får Kina fart på sol og vind. [Internet] 2020-01-29
Programme participationKorsnes, Marius. (2020) Slik skaper Kina rask utvikling av sol- og vindkraft. [Journal] 2020-01-28
InterviewKorsnes, Marius. (2020) Kjøttforbruket har firedoblet seg de siste femti årene, men nå snur trenden. Under Dusken Under Dusken [Journal] 2020-09-24
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius; Seljom, Pernille Merethe Sire. (2020) The «Research Sprint» on Klimakur 2030. Recommendations for Norwegian municipalities. NTRANS NTRANS Lunch Box Webinar , Online 2020-11-12 -
InterviewKorsnes, Marius. (2020) China’s rapid development of solar and wind power. [Internet] 2020-02-25
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2019) Energy Transition in a Chinese Context. KULT / NTNU Energy Transition Initiative NTNU – Tsinghua Energy and Sustainability Collaboration , Gløshaugen 2019-11-15 - 2019-11-15
LectureKorsnes, Marius; Efstathiou, Sophia; Giulia, Sonetti. (2019) The Skills you Need to Succeed with Interdisciplinary Teamwork. Helen Gansmo, Tverrfaglige Kulturstudier, NTNU HIP Konferansen , Trondheim 2019-02-06 -
Academic lectureEfstathiou, Sophia; Korsnes, Marius. (2019) Demeatification: 3Rs for sustainable meat use. Nordic Geographers Meeting , Trondheim 2019-06-17 - 2019-06-19
Programme participationKorsnes, Marius. (2019) Shanghai braces for strict garbage regulation in July. On recycling and urban sustainability. China Radio International China Radio International [Radio] 2019-07-01
InterviewKorsnes, Marius; Throndsen, William; Wolfgang, Ove; Bråthen, Jan. (2019) Prosumers provide energy flexibility. PODCAST PODCAST [Internet] 2019-06-27
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius; Sonetti, Giulia. (2019) Legit Failz: Training academia in techniques of improvisational theatre. University of Gothenburg, Swiss academy of arts and sciences International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2019 , Göteborg 2019-09-10 - 2019-09-13
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2019) The Skills you Need to Succeed with Interdisciplinary Teamwork. UN-Habitat, NTNU, WLSP UN-Habitat International Rural Enabling Innovation Fest , Wuhan 2019-08-05 - 2019-08-15
InterviewKorsnes, Marius. (2019) Finst det ei framtid for Turid?. [Internet] 2019-08-24
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2019) The Human Element in Development. Solar Energy and Chinese Poverty Alleviation Projects. School of Architecture Southeast University, NTNU, Shandong SEU International Summer School Program , Pingyao 2019-08-19 - 2019-08-19
InterviewKorsnes, Marius; Throndsen, William; Wolfgang, Ove; Bråthen, Jan. (2019) Prosumenter leverer energifleksibilitet. PODCAST PODCAST [Internet] 2019-06-25
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2019) Green Energy Transition in China: Comparing the Wind and Solar Energy Industries. FAFO and UiB 14th Biennial Nordic Association for China Studies (NACS) Conference , Bergen 2019-06-13 - 2019-06-14
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2019) Wind and Solar Energy Transition in China - An STS perspective. TU Graz 18th Annual STS Conference Graz 2019 , Graz 2019-05-06 - 2019-05-07
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2019) Forskingsområde 1. Djup avkarbonisering og brei samfunnsendring: Kva er det, eigentleg?. Norwegian Centre for Energy Transition Strategies NTRANS Opningskonferanse 2019 , Trondheim 2019-10-24 - 2019-10-25
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2019) Wind and solar energy transition in China. Rector’s staff for China cooperation NTNU 2nd NTNU-China Forum , NTNU, Main building 2019-11-21 -
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2019) Forbrukarperspektiv på energi. Forbruk, etterspørsel og fleksibilitet. NVE Norges Energidager 2019. Brytningstid og veivalg , Fornebu, Oslo 2019-10-17 - 2019-10-17
Programme participationSkjølsvold, Tomas Moe; Espegren, Kari Aamodt; Korsnes, Marius. (2018) Enersikt: politikkutforming. [Internet] 2018-12-10
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2018) Innovation and State Entrepreneurship in Low-Carbon Energy Projects: The cases of wind energy in China and energy prosumers. UNESCO International Research and Training Center for Science and Technology Strategy (CISTRAT) , Beijing 2018-09-03 -
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2018) Researching China: Experiences as a visiting researcher from NTNU. DIKU Infomøte om studier i Kina, NTNU 2018-10-30 -
LectureKorsnes, Marius; Efstathiou, Sophia. (2018) Sustainability and Interdisciplinary Research: Skills for Collaboration and Communication. NTNU Humanities Faculty 2018 International Workshop , Ni Muser 2018-03-01 - 2018-03-02
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2018) The PhD Journey: From Imposter Syndrome to Poster Sessions and Beyond. Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences PhD seminar at the Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences , Radisson Blu Royal Garden Hotel, Trondheim 2018-10-18 -
Academic lectureThrondsen, William; Korsnes, Marius. (2018) Smart Prosumers in Norway - Comparing three different demo cases. 9th International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2018-06-11 - 2108-06-14
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2018) Storytelling as a tool in interdisciplinary work. NTNU Humanities Faculty Sustainability and Interdisciplinary Research: Skills for Collaboration and Communication , Ni Muser 2018-03-02 -
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2018) Life in China as a Researcher in Sustainability. NTNU Energy Gateway to China. Discover the ancient country with a new perspective , Gløshaugen, Trondheim 2018-09-21 -
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2018) Distributed Renewable Energy in Chinese Cities: The role of rooftop PV in low-carbon, smart city projects. SiNoPSE Sino-Norwegian Partnership on Sustainable Energy Annual Symposium , NTNU, Trondheim 2018-08-16 -
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2018) Prosumers and Citizen Engagement in Positive Energy Districts: Social Science and Humanities Perspectives . NTNU Sino-Norwegian Partnership on Sustainable Energy Summer School on Sustainable Energy in Cities , Trondheim 2018-08-08 -
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2018) Community building in the TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA project. And other research interests... . NTNU Meeting with Chinese Academy of Social Sciences , NTNU 2018-08-28 -
InterviewSkjølsvold, Tomas Moe; Espegren, Kari Aamodt; Korsnes, Marius. (2018) Policy making. PODCAST PODCAST [Internet] 2018-12-10
InterviewSkjølsvold, Tomas Moe; Espegren, Kari Aamodt; Korsnes, Marius. (2018) Politikkutforming. PODCAST PODCAST [Internet] 2018-12-10
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2018) Norwegian Energy Efficiency Policy. Historical backdrop and current status – focus on buildings . Polish –Norwegian aid for improving Energy Efficiency in Ukraine – Final conference Kiev, 25-26 January 2018 , Kiev, Ukraine 2018-01-25 - 2018-01-26
InterviewNæss, Robert; Ryghaug, Marianne; Korsnes, Marius; Anfinsen, Martin; Søraa, Roger Andre. (2018) Slik kan vi sammen skape det gode liv i Trondheim. [Internet] 2018-03-06
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2018) Smart cities and the solar energy revolution in China – why do the Chinese put solar panels on their roofs?. Asianettverket Asianettverket seminarserie , Oslo 2018-11-20 -
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2018) Rooftop PV in China: Overcapacity, need for electricity or smart city?. CenSES CenSES Annual Conference , Oslo 2018-11-22 -
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2018) STS Perspectives on Energy and Environment in Norway and China. Centre for Technology and Society Seminar at Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development (CASTED) , Beijing, China 2018-06-06 -
LectureKorsnes, Marius; Ryghaug, Marianne; Søraa, Roger Andre; Anfinsen, Martin; Næss, Robert; Solli, Jøran. (2018) Workshop SHAPE Energy «Avkarbonisering av Trondheims transportsektor». NTNU og Trondheim Kommune SHAPE Energy , Trondheim kommune 2018-02-15 - 2018-02-15
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2017) Workshop on teamwork and collaboration. CenSES CenSES Early Career Research School , Paris 2017-02-26 - 2017-02-28
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius; Wang, Yu; Lobaccaro, Gabriele; Moazami, Amin; Carlucci, Salvatore. (2017) Sustainable Architecture? How multi-cultural and interdisciplinary groups of master students achieve sustainable architecture in Shanghai. AMPS (Architecture, Media, Politics, Society) Living and Sustainability: An Environmental Critique of Design and Building Practices, Locally and Globally , London 2017-02-09 - 2017-02-10
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2017) Nullutslepp i smarte byar. Perspektiv frå samfunnsforsking. Tenketanken urbanistene Mandagsmøte med urbanistene , Sosiologisk poliklinikk, Trondheim 2017-10-09 -
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2017) Prosumers: Who are they, and what can they do?. Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences Ecology Seminars , Evenstad 2017-06-07 -
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2017) Householders as co-producers: lessons learned from Trondheim’s Living Lab. European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE) ECEEE Summer Study , Presqu'île de Giens 2017-05-29 - 2017-06-03
InterviewKorsnes, Marius. (2017) Living with zero-emission technology. [Internet] 2017-06-22
InterviewWoods, Ruth; Korsnes, Marius; Bazilchuk, Nancy Reney. (2017) Living in a Zero Emission House. Gemini Gemini [Business/trade/industry journal] 2017-06-01
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2017) Nullutsleppsområde: Kva er eit «smart» samfunn?. Samfunnsviterne Premiss frokost: Pecha kucha - humaniora og samfunnsvitenskap på 30 minutter , Stammen Café & Bar, Trondheim 2017-11-28 -
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2017) Samfunnsvitskap: Relevans for klima og miljøtematikk - eksempel frå Trondheim. Bakkefestivalen Bakkefestivalen 2017 , Bakkegataa 2017-05-06 - 2017-05-06
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2017) Berekraftig overgang: Samfunnsvitskaplege perspektiv på berekraftige overgangar med eksempel frå Kina . Naturvernforbundet Miljøkveld , Trondheim 2017-05-02 - 2017-05-02
Academic lectureEfstathiou, Sophia; Korsnes, Marius; Sommer, Laura K.. (2017) Sustainability Communication: Some tools from improvisation practices. Sustainability Science Conference 2017-10-16 - 2017-10-19
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2017) Kina og samfunnsvitskaplege perspektiv på havvind. NTNU Energi Rundebordsworkshop Offshore Wind , Scandic Bakklandet, Trondheim 2017-01-15 -
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2016) Scenarios for the Norwegian Low Emission Society post 2050: Three different (Nor)ways to reach a low emission society in 2050 and beyond. CenSES CenSES Årskonferanse , Oslo 2016-12-05 - 2016-12-06
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2016) Eit levande laboratorie-eksperiment: Korleis bebuarar samhandlar med eit avansert nullutsleppsbygg . CenSES CenSES Årskonferanse , Oslo 2016-12-05 - 2016-12-06
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius; Berker, Thomas; Woods, Ruth. (2016) Compliance and Deviation: How occupants interact with a high performance zero emission building. DEMAND Centre DEMAND Centre Conference 2016: 'What energy is for: the making and dynamics of demand' , Lancaster University 2016-04-13 - 2016-04-15
Programme participation
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius; M. Bergschöld, Jenny. (2016) Experiments in Zero Emission Living: The Intrinsic Qualities of Things. 4s/EASST 4S/EASST Conference Barcelona 2016 , Barcelona 2016-08-31 - 2016-09-03
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2016) Alt kan sirkuleres: Miljøkveld om gjenbruk og sirkulær økonomi. Naturvernforbundet i Trondheim Miljøkveld med Naturvernforbundet i Trondheim , TAPS, Trondheim 2016-01-19 - 2016-01-19
LectureRyghaug, Marianne; Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe; Heidenreich, Sara; Korsnes, Marius. (2016) Energiforskningen ved Senter for energi og samfunn, CenSES og KULT. Smakebiter. KULT ENERGIX forskning og dialogmøte , Trondheim 2016-05-31 -
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2016) The Living Lab Experiment: Research Design and Preliminary Findings. Faculty of Architecture, NTNU Miniseminar on the Living Lab , Gløshaugen, Trondheim 2016-05-20 -
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2016) User Perspectives on Energy Technologies. NTNU, SJTU & THU Sino-Norwegian Partnership on Sustainable Energy, Kick-off Meeting , Tsinghua University Campus, Beijing 2016-05-13 -
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2016) Doing Research in China: There and Back Again. DION DION 2016 Annual General Meeting & Board Election , Klubben, Samfundet 2016-05-10 -
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2016) Zero Emission Buildings and Green Innovation: Relevance of the User. Norwergian Embassy in China Nordic-China Green Innovation & Smart City Forum , Conrad Hotel Beijing 2016-05-12 -
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2016) The Entrepreneurial Chinese State: Innovation in China's wind turbine industry . CIRCLE - Lund University 2016 Eu-SPRI Conference: Exploring new Avenues for Innovation and Research Policies , Lund University 2016-06-07 - 2016-06-10
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2016) Eit Levande Laboratorium. Eksperiment i nullutsleppsbygg på Gløshaugen . PechaKucha Trondheim PechaKucha Trondheim #2 , Skiboli, Gløshaugen Campus 2016-01-27 - 2016-01-27
InterviewKorsnes, Marius. (2015) Gjer inntrykk korleis Noreg blir framstilt. [Internet] 2015-12-08
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2015) China’s Offshore Wind Industry: Catch-Up and the role of certification. EERA EERA Deepwind 2015 , Trondheim 2015-02-04 - 2015-02-06
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2015) Ambition and Ambiguity: Expectations and imaginaries developing offshore wind in China . NTNU NESS 2015, Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference , Trondheim 2015-06-09 - 2015-06-11
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2014) Globalising Standards? A Narrative Analysis of Offshore Wind Standardisation in China. CenSES CenSES Årskonferanse , Oslo 2014-12-04 - 2014-12-05
LectureKorsnes, Marius. (2014) The Rapid Growth of China’s Wind Industry – An Institutional Analysis. ESSCA School of Management Shanghai Social Studies Colloquium (SSSC) , Shanghai 2014-02-24 - 2014-02-24
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2014) Creating paths for China’s offshore wind industry: Supply chain logics and a mentality change from swiftness to thriftiness. ETH ETH PhD-Academy on Sustainability and Technology 2014 Toward a Renewable Future? Technological, Organizational and Institutional Change in the Energy Sector , Appenzell 2014-06-08 - 2014-06-13
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2014) The creation of China’s offshore wind industry: Catching up in design but not in time?. University of Utrecht 5th International Sustainability Transitions (IST) Conference , Utrecht 2014-08-27 - 2014-08-29
PosterYdersbond, Inga; Korsnes, Marius. (2014) Wind power in China and in the EU: a comparative analysis of key drivers. Center for Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Research Conference (RERC) 2014 , Oslo 2014-06-16 - 2014-06-18
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2014) Offshoring Offshore Wind: A Norwegian (ad)venture in China. Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) / ESOCITE Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) / ESOCITE , Buenos Aires 2014-08-20 - 2014-08-23
PosterKorsnes, Marius. (2014) Perceptions and visions of China’s emerging offshore wind industry. Institutt for tverrfaglege kulturstudium Social construction of technology coming of age: new challenges and opportunities ahead , Trondheim 2014-06-03 - 2014-06-05
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2014) Visions and perceptions of China’s emerging offshore wind industry. NTNU 20th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference: Re s i l i e n c e - The New Researc h Frontier , Trondheim 2014-06-18 - 2014-06-20
PosterKorsnes, Marius. (2014) China's Offshore Wind Industry. NORCOWE and Bergen Chamber of Commerce and Industry Science Meets Industry - Offshore Wind , Bergen 2014-09-09 - 2014-09-09
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2013) Wind power in China and in the EU: a comparative analysis of key drivers. Department of sociology and human geography Transformation in a Changing Climate , Oslo 2013-06-19 - 2013-06-21
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius. (2013) Which turn is the practice turn taking?A study of how ‘practice theory’ has been applied in everyday life studies. TIK Centre at UiO and KULT at NTNU First Nordic STS Conference , Trondheim 2013-04-24 - 2013-04-26
Popular scientific lectureKorsnes, Marius Støylen. (2012) Policy innovation in China’s experimentation with wind energy. CenSES Innovation and learning in energy policy: new pathways to sustainability? , Trondheim 2012-12-12 - 2012-12-14
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius Støylen. (2012) Institutions and wind energy decisions in China and Norway. MILEN MILEN International conference 2012 , Oslo 2012-11-22 - 2012-11-23
Popular scientific lectureNæss, Robert; Muller, Liana; Solli, Jøran; Heidenreich, Sara; Korsnes, Marius Støylen. (2012) Spillmiljø. Her hadde vi en stand på forskningstorget hvor vi lagde en quiz som besøkende kunne ta. Spørsmål om: Hva er et gasskraftverk? Hvor lange er vingene på de største vindmøllene var vi har og hvilke klimaendringer vi står overfor var bare noen av spørsmålene i quizen. Dette var et forsøk på å et inntrykk av hvor engasjerte folk var i forhold til ulike energiteknologier. Norges Forskningsråd Forskningadagene , Trondheim 2012-09-27 - 2012-09-28