Marthe Caroline Grønbech Hafskjold
Characteristic for diatoms are their ability to create hierarchically nano- and micropatterned siliceous frustules. Exactly how silica polymerization and nanopatterning takes place inside the silica deposition vesicle (SDV) of diatoms is still largely unknown. A previous transcriptome study from our lab revealed a family of previously uncharacterized diatom-specific transmembrane proteins related to Silicanin-1, the first protein to be localized in the SDV membrane. We hypothesized that the Silicanin family is associated with the SDV membrane and is likely involved in silica biomineralization of the diatom frustule. A possibility is that Silicanins interact with the cytoskeleton through adapter proteins. By knocking out members of the Silicanin family in the diatoms Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Thalassiosira pseudonana we can further investigate the role of Silicanins and look at the effects on frustule patterning and structure.
Nymark, Marianne;
Grønbech Hafskjold, Marthe Caroline;
Volpe, Charlotte;
Fonseca, Davi de Miranda;
Sharma, Animesh;
Tsirvouli, Eirini.
Functional studies of CpSRP54 in diatoms show that the mechanism of thylakoid protein insertion differ from that in plants and green algae.
The Plant Journal
Academic article
Nymark, Marianne;
Volpe, Charlotte;
Grønbech Hafskjold, Marthe Caroline;
Kirst, Henning;
Serif, Manuel;
Vadstein, Olav.
Loss of ALBINO3b insertase results in truncated light-harvesting antenna in diatoms.
Plant Physiology
Academic article
Nymark, Marianne;
Sharma, Amit Kumar;
Hafskjold, Marthe;
Sparstad, Torfinn;
Bones, Atle M.;
Winge, Per.
CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing in the Marine Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum.
Academic article
Journal publications
Nymark, Marianne;
Grønbech Hafskjold, Marthe Caroline;
Volpe, Charlotte;
Fonseca, Davi de Miranda;
Sharma, Animesh;
Tsirvouli, Eirini.
Functional studies of CpSRP54 in diatoms show that the mechanism of thylakoid protein insertion differ from that in plants and green algae.
The Plant Journal
Academic article
Nymark, Marianne;
Volpe, Charlotte;
Grønbech Hafskjold, Marthe Caroline;
Kirst, Henning;
Serif, Manuel;
Vadstein, Olav.
Loss of ALBINO3b insertase results in truncated light-harvesting antenna in diatoms.
Plant Physiology
Academic article
Nymark, Marianne;
Sharma, Amit Kumar;
Hafskjold, Marthe;
Sparstad, Torfinn;
Bones, Atle M.;
Winge, Per.
CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing in the Marine Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum.
Academic article
PosterMessemer, Annika; Grønbech Hafskjold, Marthe Caroline; Winge, Per; Vadstein, Olav; Brembu, Tore. (2019) Functional studies of a diatom-specific cell wall synthesis protein. Federation of European Phycological Societies 7th European Phycological Congress , Zagreb 2019-08-25 - 2019-08-30
PosterGrønbech Hafskjold, Marthe Caroline; Messemer, Annika; Brembu, Tore; Winge, Per. (2019) How to build a glass house: Revealing fundamental components of diatom cell wall biomineralization . The molecular life of diatoms 2019-07-14 - 2019-07-18
PosterBrembu, Tore; Messemer, Annika; Hafskjold, Marthe; Winge, Per; Vadstein, Olav. (2019) Analysis of short-term transcriptome responses to silicon addition in Thalassiosira pseudonana. EMBO The molecular life of diatoms 2019 , Norwich 2019-07-15 - 2019-07-18
Academic lectureNymark, Marianne; Winge, Per; Bones, Atle M.; Volpe, Charlotte; Grønbech Hafskjold, Marthe Caroline. (2019) Strain optimization of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum . Tekna BIOPROSP_19 , Tromsø 2019-02-25 - 2019-02-27
Academic lectureNymark, Marianne; Volpe, Charlotte; Hafskjold, Marthe; Winge, Per; Sharma, Amit Kumar; Chauton, Matilde Skogen. (2018) Genredigering av marine mikroalger - Kan endringer av algenes lyshøstingsegenskaper øke produktiviteten? . Forskningsrådet i samarbeid med Fiskeri- og havbruksnæringen HAVBRUK 2018 , Oslo 2018-04-18 - 2018-04-20