Mons Bendixen
Main areas of interest: Evolutionary social psychology, jealousy and forgiveness, sexual regret, sexual misperception, flirt, sexual harassment, bullying, ostracism, antisocial and aggressive behavior.
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Risk factors of sexual violence perpetration and victimization among adolescents: A study of Norwegian high school students.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Academic article
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Bendixen, Mons.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bendixen, Mons;
Kessler, Andrea Melanie;
Doebell, Anne;
Rynning, Christiane M. W.;
Sæterdal, Andrea;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Young adolescent boys' and girls' attitudes toward uncommitted sexual behaviors and the perception of interest in sexual exploration in opposite-gender relations.
Acta Psychologica
Academic article
Kessler, Andrea Melanie;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Bendixen, Mons.
The Influence of Prototypical #MeToo Features on the Perception of Workplace Sexual Harassment Across Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation (LGBTQ +).
Sexuality Research & Social Policy
Academic article
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Kessler, Andrea Melanie;
Gangestad, Steven W.;
Bendixen, Mons.
Mating Strategies in Sexually Egalitarian Cultures.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Kessler, Andrea Melanie;
Bendixen, Mons.
Sexual Conflict During Relationship Maintenance.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Thomas, Andrew G.;
Buss, David M.;
Bendixen, Mons.
Examining the Sexual Double Standards and Hypocrisy in Partner Suitability Appraisals Within a Norwegian Sample.
Evolutionary Psychology
Academic article
Sorokowski, Piotr;
Kowal, Marta;
Sternberg, Robert J.;
Aavik, Toivo;
Akello, Grace;
Alhabahba, Mohammad Madallh.
Modernization, collectivism, and gender equality predict love experiences in 45 countries.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Factors that Influence People’s Beliefs About Men’s and Women’s
Jealousy Responses.
Evolutionary Psychological Science
Academic article
Pedersen, Helene;
Grønnæss, Ingrid Hildisch;
Bendixen, Mons;
Hagen, Roger;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Metacognitions and brooding predict
depressive symptoms in a community
adolescent sample.
BMC Psychiatry
Academic article
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Wade, T Joel;
Tallaksen, Miriam Tekeste;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Kessler, Andrea Melanie;
Burch, Rebecca L..
Perceived Effectiveness of Flirtation Tactics: The Effects of sex, Mating Context and Individual Differences in US and Norwegian Samples.
Evolutionary Psychology
Academic article
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Female Sexual Attraction Tactics.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kessler, Andrea Melanie;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Bjørkheim, Ida;
Drejer, Idun Astrid Gudbrandsdotter;
Bendixen, Mons.
Perception of workplace social-sexual behavior as sexual harassment post#MeToo in Scandinavia.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Academic article
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Bendixen, Mons.
The Function of Casual Sex Action and Inaction Regret:
A Longitudinal Investigation.
Evolutionary Psychology
Academic article
Larsen, Per Helge Haakstad;
Bendixen, Mons;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Kessler, Andrea Melanie;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Investigating the emergence of sex differences in jealousy responses in a large community sample from an evolutionary perspective.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Walter, Kathryn V;
Conroy-Beam, Daniel;
Buss, David M.;
Asao, Kelly;
Sorokowska, Agnieszka;
Sorokowski, Piotr.
Sex differences in human mate preferences vary across sex ratios.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences
Academic article
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Bendixen, Mons.
En kort introduksjon til evolusjonspsykologi .
Non-fiction book
Sorokowska, Agnieszka;
Saluja, Supreet;
Sorokowski, Piotr;
Frąckowiak, Tomasz;
Karwowski, Maciej;
Aavik, Toivo.
Affective Interpersonal Touch in Close Relationships: A Cross-Cultural Perspective.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
Academic article
Dyrendal, Asbjørn;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Bendixen, Mons.
Predictors of belief in conspiracy theory: The role of individual differences in schizotypal traits, paranormal beliefs, social dominance orientation, right wing authoritarianism and conspiracy mentality.
Personality and Individual Differences
Academic article
Walter, Kathryn V;
Conroy-Beam, Daniel;
Buss, David M.;
Asao, Kelly;
Sorokowska, Agnieszka;
Sorokowski, Piotr.
Sex Differences in Mate Preferences Across 45 Countries: A Large-Scale Replication.
Psychological Science
Academic article
Kowal, Marta;
Sorokowski, Piotr;
Sorokowska, Agnieszka;
Dobrowolska, Malgorzata;
Pisanski, Katarzyna;
Oleszkiewicz, Anna.
Reasons for Facebook Usage: Data From 46 Countries.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Sorokowski, Piotr;
Sorokowska, Agnieszka;
Karwowski, Maciej;
Groyecka, Agata;
Aavik, Toivo;
Akello, Grace.
Universality of the Triangular Theory of Love: Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the Triangular Love Scale in 25 Countries.
Journal of Sex Research
Academic article
Lien, Roger;
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
The meaning of service questionnaire and its association with psychological growth among Veterans.
Military Psychology
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons.
Confluence Model.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Bendixen, Mons.
Breakup Likelihood Following Hypothetical Sexual or Emotional Infidelity: Perceived Threat, Blame, and Forgiveness.
Journal of Relationships Research
Academic article
Langvik, Eva ;
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Sørengaard, Torhild Anita;
Bendixen, Mons.
Gender differences in factors associated with symptoms of depression among high school students: an examination of the direct and indirect effects of insomnia symptoms and physical activity.
Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine
Academic article
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Bendixen, Mons.
How Intercourse Frequency Is Affected by Relationship Length,Relationship Quality, and Sexual Strategies Using Couple Data.
Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences
Academic article
Conroy-Beam, Daniel;
Buss, David M.;
Asao, Kelly;
Sorokowska, Agnieszka;
Sorokowski, Piotr;
Aavik, Toivo.
Contrasting computational models of mate preference integration across 45 countries.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Conroy-Beam, Daniel;
Roney, James R;
Lukaszewski, Aaron W;
Buss, David M.;
Asao, Kelly;
Sorokowska, Agnieszka.
Assortative mating and the evolution of desirability covariation.
Evolution and human behavior
Academic article
Kessler, Andrea Melanie;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Bjørkheim, Ida;
Drejer, Idun Astrid Gudbrandsdotter;
Bendixen, Mons.
The Effect of Prototypical #MeToo Features on the Perception of Social‑Sexual Behavior as Sexual Harassment .
Sexuality & Culture
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Biegler, Robert;
Haselton, Martie G..
Adjusting Signals of Sexual Interest in the Most Recent Naturally Occurring Opposite-Sex Encounter in Two Different Contexts.
Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences
Academic article
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Bendixen, Mons;
Botnen, Ernst Olav;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Hook, Line and Sinker: Do Tinder Matches and Meet Ups Lead to One-Night Stands?.
Evolutionary Psychological Science
Academic article
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Wyckoff, Joy P.;
Asao, Kelly;
Buss, David M.;
Bendixen, Mons.
Why do women regret casual sex more than men do?.
Personality and Individual Differences
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo.
Forgiving the Unforgivable: Couples’ Forgiveness and Expected Forgiveness of Emotional and Sexual Infidelity From an Error Management Theory Perspective.
Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo.
Casual Sex.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Bendixen, Mons.
Sexual Regret.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Botnen, Ernst Olav;
Bendixen, Mons;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Individual differences in sociosexuality predict picture-based mobile dating app use.
Personality and Individual Differences
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
When less is more: Psychometric properties of Norwegian short-forms of the Ambivalent Sexism Scales (ASI and AMI) and the Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance (IRMA) Scale.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Daveronis, Josef;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
The effects of non-physical peer sexual harassment on high school students' psychological well-being in Norway: Consistent and stable findings across studies.
International Journal of Public Health
Academic article
Bergstrøm, Henriette;
Evjetun, Pål;
Bendixen, Mons.
Punishment justifications in rape cases: a community study.
Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Asao, Kelly;
Wyckoff, Joy P.;
Buss, David M.;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Sexual regret in US and Norway: Effects of culture and individual differences in religiosity and mating strategy.
Personality and Individual Differences
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Advances in the understanding of same-sex and opposite-sex sexual harassment.
Evolution and human behavior
Academic article
Lien, Roger;
Firing, Kristian;
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Meaning and Inconsistencies of Meaning – Exploring The Perspectives of Norwegian Veterans in Afghanistan.
Journal of Military Studies
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo.
En oppdatert kunnskapsstatus om seksuell trakassering blant elever i ungdomsskolen og videregående opplæring.
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Bendixen, Mons;
Buss, David M..
Sexual Regret: Tests of Competing Explanations of Sex Differences
Evolutionary Psychology
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Revisiting judgment of strategic self-promotion and competitor derogation tactics.
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Kaasa, Henriette Mølholm;
Isaksen, Lise;
Pedersen, Lisbeth;
Svangtun, Stine.
In search of moderators of sex differences in forced-choice jealousy responses: Effects of 2D:4D digit ratio and relationship infidelity experiences.
Nordic Psychology
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Buss, David M..
Jealousy: Evidence of strong sex differences using both forced choice and continuous measure paradigms.
Personality and Individual Differences
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Henriksen, Marit;
Nøstdahl, Reidun.
Attitudes toward rape and attribution of responsibility to rape victims in a Norwegian community sample.
Nordic Psychology
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons.
Evidence of systematic bias in sexual over- and underperception of naturally occurring events: A direct replication of Haselton (2003) in a more gender-equal culture.
Evolutionary Psychology
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Helle, Siri;
Langbach, Tor;
Rasmussen, Kirsten.
Voldtektsmyter og kjønnssjåvinisme blant norske lekdommere og fagdommere.
Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Gabriel, Ute.
Social judgment of aggressive language: Effects of target and sender sex on the evaluation of slurs.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Academic article
Ruggieri, Sabrina;
Bendixen, Mons;
Gabriel, Ute;
Alsaker, Francoise.
Do Victimization Experiences Accentuate Reactions to Ostracism? An Experiment Using Cyberball.
International Journal of Developmental Science
Academic article
Ruggieri, Sabrina;
Bendixen, Mons;
Gabriel, Ute;
Alsaker, Françoise.
Cyberball The Impact of Ostracismon the Well-Being of Early Adolescents.
Swiss Journal of Psychology
Academic article
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Bendixen, Mons.
Sociosexuality as predictor of sexual harassment and coercion in female and male high school students.
Evolution and human behavior
Academic article
Monsvold, Toril;
Bendixen, Mons;
Hagen, Roger;
Helvik, Anne-Sofie.
Exposure to teacher bullying in schools: A study of patients with personality disorders.
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Endresen, Inger M.;
Olweus, Dan.
Joining and leaving gangs: Selection and facilitation effects on self-reported antisocial behavior in early adolescence.
European Journal of Criminology
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Endresen, Inger M.;
Olweus, Dan.
Variety and frequency scales of antisocial involvement: Which one is better?.
Legal and Criminological Psychology
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Olweus, Dan.
Measurement of antisocial behaviour in adolescence: psychometric properties and substantive findings.
Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health
Academic article
Journal publications
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Risk factors of sexual violence perpetration and victimization among adolescents: A study of Norwegian high school students.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Kessler, Andrea Melanie;
Doebell, Anne;
Rynning, Christiane M. W.;
Sæterdal, Andrea;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Young adolescent boys' and girls' attitudes toward uncommitted sexual behaviors and the perception of interest in sexual exploration in opposite-gender relations.
Acta Psychologica
Academic article
Kessler, Andrea Melanie;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Bendixen, Mons.
The Influence of Prototypical #MeToo Features on the Perception of Workplace Sexual Harassment Across Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation (LGBTQ +).
Sexuality Research & Social Policy
Academic article
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Thomas, Andrew G.;
Buss, David M.;
Bendixen, Mons.
Examining the Sexual Double Standards and Hypocrisy in Partner Suitability Appraisals Within a Norwegian Sample.
Evolutionary Psychology
Academic article
Sorokowski, Piotr;
Kowal, Marta;
Sternberg, Robert J.;
Aavik, Toivo;
Akello, Grace;
Alhabahba, Mohammad Madallh.
Modernization, collectivism, and gender equality predict love experiences in 45 countries.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Factors that Influence People’s Beliefs About Men’s and Women’s
Jealousy Responses.
Evolutionary Psychological Science
Academic article
Pedersen, Helene;
Grønnæss, Ingrid Hildisch;
Bendixen, Mons;
Hagen, Roger;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Metacognitions and brooding predict
depressive symptoms in a community
adolescent sample.
BMC Psychiatry
Academic article
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Wade, T Joel;
Tallaksen, Miriam Tekeste;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Kessler, Andrea Melanie;
Burch, Rebecca L..
Perceived Effectiveness of Flirtation Tactics: The Effects of sex, Mating Context and Individual Differences in US and Norwegian Samples.
Evolutionary Psychology
Academic article
Kessler, Andrea Melanie;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Bjørkheim, Ida;
Drejer, Idun Astrid Gudbrandsdotter;
Bendixen, Mons.
Perception of workplace social-sexual behavior as sexual harassment post#MeToo in Scandinavia.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Academic article
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Bendixen, Mons.
The Function of Casual Sex Action and Inaction Regret:
A Longitudinal Investigation.
Evolutionary Psychology
Academic article
Larsen, Per Helge Haakstad;
Bendixen, Mons;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Kessler, Andrea Melanie;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Investigating the emergence of sex differences in jealousy responses in a large community sample from an evolutionary perspective.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Walter, Kathryn V;
Conroy-Beam, Daniel;
Buss, David M.;
Asao, Kelly;
Sorokowska, Agnieszka;
Sorokowski, Piotr.
Sex differences in human mate preferences vary across sex ratios.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences
Academic article
Sorokowska, Agnieszka;
Saluja, Supreet;
Sorokowski, Piotr;
Frąckowiak, Tomasz;
Karwowski, Maciej;
Aavik, Toivo.
Affective Interpersonal Touch in Close Relationships: A Cross-Cultural Perspective.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
Academic article
Dyrendal, Asbjørn;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Bendixen, Mons.
Predictors of belief in conspiracy theory: The role of individual differences in schizotypal traits, paranormal beliefs, social dominance orientation, right wing authoritarianism and conspiracy mentality.
Personality and Individual Differences
Academic article
Walter, Kathryn V;
Conroy-Beam, Daniel;
Buss, David M.;
Asao, Kelly;
Sorokowska, Agnieszka;
Sorokowski, Piotr.
Sex Differences in Mate Preferences Across 45 Countries: A Large-Scale Replication.
Psychological Science
Academic article
Kowal, Marta;
Sorokowski, Piotr;
Sorokowska, Agnieszka;
Dobrowolska, Malgorzata;
Pisanski, Katarzyna;
Oleszkiewicz, Anna.
Reasons for Facebook Usage: Data From 46 Countries.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Sorokowski, Piotr;
Sorokowska, Agnieszka;
Karwowski, Maciej;
Groyecka, Agata;
Aavik, Toivo;
Akello, Grace.
Universality of the Triangular Theory of Love: Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the Triangular Love Scale in 25 Countries.
Journal of Sex Research
Academic article
Lien, Roger;
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
The meaning of service questionnaire and its association with psychological growth among Veterans.
Military Psychology
Academic article
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Bendixen, Mons.
Breakup Likelihood Following Hypothetical Sexual or Emotional Infidelity: Perceived Threat, Blame, and Forgiveness.
Journal of Relationships Research
Academic article
Langvik, Eva ;
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Sørengaard, Torhild Anita;
Bendixen, Mons.
Gender differences in factors associated with symptoms of depression among high school students: an examination of the direct and indirect effects of insomnia symptoms and physical activity.
Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine
Academic article
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Bendixen, Mons.
How Intercourse Frequency Is Affected by Relationship Length,Relationship Quality, and Sexual Strategies Using Couple Data.
Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences
Academic article
Conroy-Beam, Daniel;
Buss, David M.;
Asao, Kelly;
Sorokowska, Agnieszka;
Sorokowski, Piotr;
Aavik, Toivo.
Contrasting computational models of mate preference integration across 45 countries.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Conroy-Beam, Daniel;
Roney, James R;
Lukaszewski, Aaron W;
Buss, David M.;
Asao, Kelly;
Sorokowska, Agnieszka.
Assortative mating and the evolution of desirability covariation.
Evolution and human behavior
Academic article
Kessler, Andrea Melanie;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Bjørkheim, Ida;
Drejer, Idun Astrid Gudbrandsdotter;
Bendixen, Mons.
The Effect of Prototypical #MeToo Features on the Perception of Social‑Sexual Behavior as Sexual Harassment .
Sexuality & Culture
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Biegler, Robert;
Haselton, Martie G..
Adjusting Signals of Sexual Interest in the Most Recent Naturally Occurring Opposite-Sex Encounter in Two Different Contexts.
Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences
Academic article
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Bendixen, Mons;
Botnen, Ernst Olav;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Hook, Line and Sinker: Do Tinder Matches and Meet Ups Lead to One-Night Stands?.
Evolutionary Psychological Science
Academic article
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Wyckoff, Joy P.;
Asao, Kelly;
Buss, David M.;
Bendixen, Mons.
Why do women regret casual sex more than men do?.
Personality and Individual Differences
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo.
Forgiving the Unforgivable: Couples’ Forgiveness and Expected Forgiveness of Emotional and Sexual Infidelity From an Error Management Theory Perspective.
Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences
Academic article
Botnen, Ernst Olav;
Bendixen, Mons;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Individual differences in sociosexuality predict picture-based mobile dating app use.
Personality and Individual Differences
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
When less is more: Psychometric properties of Norwegian short-forms of the Ambivalent Sexism Scales (ASI and AMI) and the Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance (IRMA) Scale.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Daveronis, Josef;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
The effects of non-physical peer sexual harassment on high school students' psychological well-being in Norway: Consistent and stable findings across studies.
International Journal of Public Health
Academic article
Bergstrøm, Henriette;
Evjetun, Pål;
Bendixen, Mons.
Punishment justifications in rape cases: a community study.
Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Asao, Kelly;
Wyckoff, Joy P.;
Buss, David M.;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Sexual regret in US and Norway: Effects of culture and individual differences in religiosity and mating strategy.
Personality and Individual Differences
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Advances in the understanding of same-sex and opposite-sex sexual harassment.
Evolution and human behavior
Academic article
Lien, Roger;
Firing, Kristian;
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Meaning and Inconsistencies of Meaning – Exploring The Perspectives of Norwegian Veterans in Afghanistan.
Journal of Military Studies
Academic article
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Bendixen, Mons;
Buss, David M..
Sexual Regret: Tests of Competing Explanations of Sex Differences
Evolutionary Psychology
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Revisiting judgment of strategic self-promotion and competitor derogation tactics.
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Kaasa, Henriette Mølholm;
Isaksen, Lise;
Pedersen, Lisbeth;
Svangtun, Stine.
In search of moderators of sex differences in forced-choice jealousy responses: Effects of 2D:4D digit ratio and relationship infidelity experiences.
Nordic Psychology
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Buss, David M..
Jealousy: Evidence of strong sex differences using both forced choice and continuous measure paradigms.
Personality and Individual Differences
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Henriksen, Marit;
Nøstdahl, Reidun.
Attitudes toward rape and attribution of responsibility to rape victims in a Norwegian community sample.
Nordic Psychology
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons.
Evidence of systematic bias in sexual over- and underperception of naturally occurring events: A direct replication of Haselton (2003) in a more gender-equal culture.
Evolutionary Psychology
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Helle, Siri;
Langbach, Tor;
Rasmussen, Kirsten.
Voldtektsmyter og kjønnssjåvinisme blant norske lekdommere og fagdommere.
Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Gabriel, Ute.
Social judgment of aggressive language: Effects of target and sender sex on the evaluation of slurs.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Academic article
Ruggieri, Sabrina;
Bendixen, Mons;
Gabriel, Ute;
Alsaker, Francoise.
Do Victimization Experiences Accentuate Reactions to Ostracism? An Experiment Using Cyberball.
International Journal of Developmental Science
Academic article
Ruggieri, Sabrina;
Bendixen, Mons;
Gabriel, Ute;
Alsaker, Françoise.
Cyberball The Impact of Ostracismon the Well-Being of Early Adolescents.
Swiss Journal of Psychology
Academic article
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Bendixen, Mons.
Sociosexuality as predictor of sexual harassment and coercion in female and male high school students.
Evolution and human behavior
Academic article
Monsvold, Toril;
Bendixen, Mons;
Hagen, Roger;
Helvik, Anne-Sofie.
Exposure to teacher bullying in schools: A study of patients with personality disorders.
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Endresen, Inger M.;
Olweus, Dan.
Joining and leaving gangs: Selection and facilitation effects on self-reported antisocial behavior in early adolescence.
European Journal of Criminology
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Endresen, Inger M.;
Olweus, Dan.
Variety and frequency scales of antisocial involvement: Which one is better?.
Legal and Criminological Psychology
Academic article
Bendixen, Mons;
Olweus, Dan.
Measurement of antisocial behaviour in adolescence: psychometric properties and substantive findings.
Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health
Academic article
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Bendixen, Mons.
En kort introduksjon til evolusjonspsykologi .
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Bendixen, Mons.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Kessler, Andrea Melanie;
Gangestad, Steven W.;
Bendixen, Mons.
Mating Strategies in Sexually Egalitarian Cultures.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Kessler, Andrea Melanie;
Bendixen, Mons.
Sexual Conflict During Relationship Maintenance.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen.
Female Sexual Attraction Tactics.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bendixen, Mons.
Confluence Model.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo.
Casual Sex.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Bendixen, Mons.
Sexual Regret.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bendixen, Mons;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo.
En oppdatert kunnskapsstatus om seksuell trakassering blant elever i ungdomsskolen og videregående opplæring.
- PSYK4417 - Social-, Community- and Cultural Psychology
- PSY1507 - Introduction to Social Psychology
- PSY3122 - Individual and Society
- PSY2105 - Evolutionary Psychology
- PSY1127 - Introduction to Social Psychology
- PSYK4127 - Introduction to Social Psychology
- PSY2107 - Social-, Community- and Cultural Psychology
PosterBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2018) What makes women and men jealous? Culturally transmitted beliefs vs. evolved adaptations . Human Behavior and Evolution Society HBES2018 , Amsterdam 2018-07-04 - 2018-07-07
PosterSølsnes, Nina Charlotte; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2018) Intermediate Relationships and a Nuanced, Feministic Evolutionary Psychology: Relationship status, emotions and sexual behavior. . Human Behavior and Evolution Society HBES2018 , Amsterdam 2018-07-04 - 2018-07-07
PosterKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo; Bendixen, Mons. (2018) How intercourse frequency is affected by relationship length, relationship quality and sociosexuality using couple data. Human Behavior and Evolution Society HBES2018 , Amsterdam 2018-07-04 - 2018-07-07
PosterTørseth, Trine; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2018) Consensual but undesired sex: Sexual arousal patterns in a sample of students from a sexually liberal, gender-equal culture . Human Behavior and Evolution Society HBES2018 , Amsterdam 2018-07-04 - 2018-07-07
PosterLangvik, Eva ; Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild; Bendixen, Mons; Sørengaard, Torhild Anita; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2017) Physical activity moderates the relationship between Insomnia and symptoms of depression among adolescents: Results from a community sample. Estonian Sleep Medicine Association Nordic Sleep Conference 2017 , Tallin 2017-05-24 - 2017-05-26
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2016) Trump og kvinner: - Nei, alle menn snakker ikke slik om kvinner i herregarderoben. KK KK [Journal] 2016-10-14
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2016) Ønsker du å konfrontere mobberen fra ungdomstiden? Les dette først!. KK KK [Journal] 2016-10-11
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2016) – Menneskeheten har aldri vært penere. NRK Viten NRK Viten [Internet] 2016-09-08
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2016) Hva er verst? Sex eller følelser?. [Internet] 2016-09-14
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2016) UTESTENGT - Når alt skjer i grupper på sosiale medier – hvordan er det da å bli holdt utenfor?. [Internet] 2016-09-29
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2016) Ungdom vet ikke hvor grensene for seksuelle overgrep går. [Internet] 2016-03-31
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2016) Sosiologisk polilklinikk: Sosiale eksperimenter. - Podcast - Podcast [Internet] 2016-11-22
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2016) Det kan se ut som naturen har programmert hjernene våre til å mistolke hverandre. kk kk [Journal] 2016-11-28
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Biegler, Robert. (2016) Coy or not in naturally occurring encounters? Biases in sexual misperception. HBES - Human Behavior and Evolution Society - 28th annual Meeting 2016-06-29 - 2016-07-02
Academic lectureKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons; Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo. (2016) Forgiving the unforgivable: Biases in infidelity forgiveness. HBES - Human Behavior and Evolution Society - 28th annual Meeting 2016-06-29 - 2016-07-02
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2016) Slik overlever forholdet utroskapen. Dagbladet Dagbladet [Newspaper] 2016-11-24
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2016) Advances in the Understanding of Same Sex and Opposite Sexual Harassment. EARA - European Association for Research on adolescence 2016-09-16 - 2016-09-19
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2016) - Å konfrontere en tidligere mobber er en risikosport. KK KK [Journal] 2016-10-28
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2016) Hvorfor mobber vi?. NRK P1, God morgen Trøndelag NRK P1, God morgen Trøndelag [Radio] 2016-01-12
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2016) Ungdom vet ikke hvor grensene for seksuelle overgrep går. abc nyheter abc nyheter [Internet] 2016-03-31
Popular scientific lectureBendixen, Mons. (2016) Kjønnsforskjeller i yrkespreferanser og stereotypiske forestillinger om kvinner og menn i arbeidslivet. Kjønnsmangfold og generasjon XY. Mannhullitter i næringslivet (MiN) Generasjon XY – Hva har kjønn å si? , Trondheim 2016-02-11 - 2016-02-11
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2015) Hva skjer på Psykologisk institutt NTNU?. Psykologisk tidsskrift Psykologisk tidsskrift [Business/trade/industry journal] 2015-01-01
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2015) Psykt sjalu. Under Dusken Under Dusken [Newspaper] 2015-11-03
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Menn mest sjalu på sex – kvinner på følelser. [Internet] 2015-10-07
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Hun er ikke interessert i sex - men det tror han. [Journal] 2015-01-15
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons. (2015) Seksuell trakassering blant ungdom hva sier forskningen?. Kirkens SOS, Trondheim kummune Fagdag om seksuell trakassering blant ungdom , Trondheim 2015-02-04 - 2015-02-04
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) The Science Behind Mixed Signals Between Men And Women. The Huffington Post The Huffington Post [Newspaper] 2015-02-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Hvordan snakke om seksuell trakassering. God ettermiddag Trøndelag God ettermiddag Trøndelag [Radio] 2015-02-04
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Wanita Lebih Cemburu Dengan Perselingkuhan Emosional. WartaKesehatan WartaKesehatan [Internet] 2015-10-12
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Women and Men React Differently to Infidelity. HighBeam Research HighBeam Research [Internet] 2015-10-25
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) The Crrrrrazy Way Women And Men React SO Differently To Cheating. [Internet] 2015-11-12
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Utroskap: Menn mest sjalu på sex – kvinner på følelser. [Internet] 2015-10-07
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Women and men react differently to infidelity, study shows. ScienceDaily ScienceDaily [Internet] 2015-10-08
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men hate $exual infidelity, women jealous of emotional cheat. [Internet] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Tradimento: questione di punti di vista. [Internet] 2015-10-10
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Women and men react differently to infidelity. [Internet] 2015-10-08
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Women And Men React Differently To Cheating, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Study. [Internet] 2015-10-08
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Women and men react differently to infidelity. [Internet] 2015-10-08
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Women 'more upset by emotional betrayal than sexual infidelity'. One News Page One News Page [Internet] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men are more jealous with sexual infidelity, women with emotional cheating: study. [Internet] 2015-10-14
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) SEXUALITÉ et JALOUSIE: Pourquoi chaque sexe réagit différemment à l'infidélité – Personality and Individual Difference. [Internet] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Kvinner blir mer opprørte av emosjonelt svik enn utroskap. MEDIEMIX MEDIEMIX [Internet] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Women 'more upset by emotional betrayal than sexual infidelity'... but for men it is the exact opposite . [Internet] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Emotional betrayal hurts women more than sexual infidelity, study says. [Internet] 2015-10-10
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men hate sexual infidelity, women jealous of emotional cheating. [Internet] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men hate sexual infidelity, women jealous of emotional cheating. [Internet] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Women and men react differently to infidelity. [Internet] 2015-10-08
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men and women differ in how they see infidelity. Cleveland Star Cleveland Star [Newspaper] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) MEN HATE SEXUAL INFIDELITY, WOMEN JEALOUS OF EMOTIONAL CHEATING. [Internet] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men and women differ in how they see infidelity. [Internet] 2015-10-10
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Emotional infidelity more hurtful to women. [Internet] 2015-10-13
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Women and Men React Differently to Infidelity. [Internet] 2015-10-10
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Infidelity: From a man and woman’s perspective. [Internet] 2015-10-12
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men hate sexual infidelity, women jealous of emotional cheating...... . [Internet] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) SCIENTISTS HAVE EXPLAINED WHY PEOPLE ARE AFRAID OF CHANGE. [Internet] 2015-10-10
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Women and Men React Differently to Infidelity, Study Shows. [Internet] 2015-10-12
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Which are worse: Emotional affairs or sexual affairs?. [Internet] 2015-10-14
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Women and Men React Differently to Infidelity. [Internet] 2015-10-10
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men hate sexual infidelity, women jealous of emotional cheating. [Internet] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Women and men react differently to infidelity. [Internet] 2015-10-08
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men and women differ in how they see infidelity. [Internet] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Emotional infidelity makes women more jealous: Norwegian study. [Internet] 2015-10-12
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) MEN HATE SEXUAL INFIDELITY, WOMEN JEALOUS OF EMOTIONAL CHEATING. [Internet] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men and women see 'cheating' differently. [Internet] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men and women differ in how they see infidelity. [Internet] 2015-10-08
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men hate sexual infidelity, women jealous of emotional cheating. [Internet] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men and women differ in how they see infidelity. Albuquerque Express Albuquerque Express [Newspaper] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Women and Men React Differently to Infidelity. supervisiontoday supervisiontoday [Internet] 2015-10-11
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Study shows men and women react very differently to various types of infidelity. [Internet] 2015-10-08
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men See Sexual Infidelity As More Threatening, Women See Emotional Cheating As More Problematic. [Internet] 2015-10-08
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men and women react differently to infidelity. [Internet] 2015-10-08
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men hate sexual infidelity, women jealous of emotional cheating. [Internet] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) How Men and Women React to Infidelity (Hint: It's Not the Same). [Internet] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Women and men react differently to infidelity. [Internet] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Infidelidad: hombres y mujeres reaccionan diferente. Para ellas, lo emocional es la peor ofensa. [Internet] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men and women react differently to infidelity. [Internet] 2015-10-10
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Les hommes et les femmes réagissent différemment face à l’infidélité. [Internet] 2015-10-14
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men hate sexual infidelity, women jealous of emotional cheating. [Internet] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men hate sexual infidelity, women jealous of emotional cheating. [Internet] 2015-10-10
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men more jealous of sexual infidelity than emotional infidelity — the opposite true for women. [Internet] 2015-10-08
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Fidelity matters the most to your man. [Internet] 2015-10-10
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men and women differ in how they see infidelity. [Internet] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Why Men hate sexual infidelity,and women hate emotional infidelity. [Internet] 2015-10-10
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men hate sexual infidelity, women jealous of emotional cheating. [Internet] 2015-10-10
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Slik reagerer kvinner på utroskap. Vårt land ( Vårt land ( [Internet] 2015-10-07
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Kvinner blir mer opprørte av emosjonelt svik enn utroskap. [Internet] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Menn mest sjalu på seksuell utroskap – kvinner på følelser. [Internet] 2015-10-07
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Menn reagerer sterkere på seksuell utroskap enn kvinner. VG VG [Internet] 2015-10-07
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Men Hate Sexual Infidelity, Women Jealous of Emotional Cheating. [Internet] 2015-10-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Women and men react differently to infidelity. GEMINI GEMINI [Internet] 2015-10-08
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Women are made more jealous by emotional infidelity than sexual unfaithfulness, Norwegian study suggests. [Internet] 2015-10-08
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Mænd og kvinder reagerer forskelligt på seksuel utroskab. metroxpress metroxpress [Internet] 2015-10-07
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Norsk forskning: Menn reagerer sterkere på seksuell utroskap enn kvinner. VG nett VG nett [Newspaper] 2015-10-07
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Hvorfor menn tror damer flørter. NRK P2 Ekko Helg NRK P2 Ekko Helg [Radio] 2015-03-21
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) She thinks friends, he thinks sex. Reporting the World Over Reporting the World Over [Internet] 2015-01-29
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Vågn op, mænd: I misforstår kvinders sex-signaler. Ekstrabladet Ekstrabladet [Newspaper] 2015-01-16
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Andreasen, Ninna. (2015) Kvinder: Mænd tror, venlighed betyder, vi giver sex. Dagens Dagens [Newspaper] 2015-01-15
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Study gives answer to why men think 'sex' when women just want to be 'friends' Study gives answer to why men think 'sex' when women just want to be 'friends' . [Internet] 2015-05-04
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Castillo, Stephanie. (2015) Even When Gender Equality Is Strong, Men And Women Are Still Confused By The Opposite Sex. Medical Daily Medical Daily [Business/trade/industry journal] 2015-01-30
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Tveter, Nina E.. (2015) Hun er ikke interessert i sex – men det tror han. [Internet] 2015-01-15
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Noste, Hannah; Hansen, Anja Sofie. (2015) Kan et smil være invitasjon til sex?. NRK Sápmi NRK Sápmi [Radio] 2015-01-22
Programme participation
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Røise, Martin Braathen. (2015) Derfor feiltolker menn alle signaler kvinner sender ut. Buzzit Buzzit [Internet] 2015-02-01
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Stalsberg, Trine. (2015) Derfor tror han du flørter. Nettavisen - Side 2 Nettavisen - Side 2 [Journal] 2015-02-21
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Achanga, Emeh. (2015) Why men REALLY think women want sex when they are only being friendly. Miss Petite Nigeria! Miss Petite Nigeria! [Internet] 2015-01-30
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Ayuso, Miguel. (2015) Por qué los hombres siempre piensan que las mujeres están ligando con ellos. [Internet] 2015-03-26
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Grzegorz, Jasiński. (2015) Ty myślisz o przyjaźni, on o seksie . MRF24 MRF24 [Newspaper] 2015-03-02
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Martorana, Alessandro. (2015) La friend zone spiegata scientificamente. International Business Times International Business Times [Journal] 2015-02-04
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Console, Chiara. (2015) Amicizia uomo-donna impossibile, lui pensa al sesso. Il Giornale Il Giornale [Newspaper] 2015-02-05
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Nwosu, Nonso. (2015) Why men REALLY think women want sex: Male brains are hardwired to pick up on wrong signals when it comes to dating. Gossipstreet Gossipstreet [Internet] 2015-02-25
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Adams, Rebecca. (2015) The Science Behind Mixed Signals Between Men And Women. The Huffington Post The Huffington Post [Journal] 2015-02-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Zolfagharifard, Ellie. (2015) Maybe women aren't from Venus after all: Study finds genders are far more similar than we think. The Daily mail The Daily mail [Newspaper] 2015-01-31
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Weaver, Nicole. (2015) The Reason Guys Think You're Interested In Them (When You're Not). Your Tango Your Tango [Internet] 2015-02-27
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Todos malinterpetamos las señales del sexo opuesto. MDZ online MDZ online [Journal] 2015-02-05
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Todos malinterpretamos las señales del sexo opuesto. Muy Interesante Muy Interesante [Journal] 2015-02-24
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Todos malinterpretamos las señales del sexo opuesto. El imparcial El imparcial [Internet] 2015-01-30
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) MALE BRAINS ARE HARDWIRED TO PICK UP ON WRONG SIGNALS WHEN IT COMES TO DATING. The Real Singapore The Real Singapore [Internet] 2015-01-31
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Why men REALLY think women want sex. Capital Bay Capital Bay [Internet] 2015-01-31
InterviewLyons, Sofia; Bendixen, Mons. (2015) Why Men Always Think Women Are Flirting With Them. Science of US Science of US [Internet] 2015-02-17
InterviewReilly, Natalie; Bendixen, Mons. (2015) Why do men always think women are flirting?. Daily life Daily life [Internet] 2015-03-02
InterviewSkoglund, Karolina; Bendixen, Mons. (2015) Studie: Män tror att kvinnor flirtar med dem – fast de bara är vänliga. Metro Metro [Journal] 2015-02-19
InterviewMoore, Tracy; Bendixen, Mons. (2015) Why Do Men Always Think You Like Them?. Jezebel Jezebel [Internet] 2015-02-20
InterviewCiapponi, Giana; Bendixen, Mons. (2015) What Science Says About How Men And Women Flirt. revishly revishly [Internet] 2015-02-19
InterviewReilly, Natalie; Bendixen, Mons. (2015) Why do men always think women are flirting?. Tales of Tinker Tales of Tinker [Internet] 2015-03-01
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) What ‘Error Management Theory’ can tell us about why men and women are different!. The Marriage Foundation The Marriage Foundation [Internet] 2015-02-03
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Wired to Misunderstand? Here's Why Men Think of Sex When Women Just Think of Friendship. Tech Times Tech Times [Journal] 2015-01-31
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) She thinks friends, he thinks sex - the biological reason . Science Codex Science Codex [Internet] 2015-01-29
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Nauert, Rick. (2015) Is the Misinterpretation of Gender Intentions Hardwired?. PsychCentral PsychCentral [Internet] 2015-02-05
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) She thinks friends but he thinks sex!. [Internet] 2015-01-30
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) She Thinks Friends, He Thinks Sex. Jewish Business News Jewish Business News [Journal] 2015-01-31
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) L'amicizia tra uomo e donna non può esistere: ecco perché. Corriere Adriatico Corriere Adriatico [Newspaper] 2015-02-03
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) ¿Malinterpretamos las señales del sexo contrario?. [Journal] 2015-02-06
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Why men REALLY think women want sex: Male brains are hardwired to pick up on wrong signals when it comes to dating . The Daily mail The Daily mail [Newspaper] 2015-02-15
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Sesso o amicizia? E' colpa dell'evoluzione se lui e lei non si capiscono al primo appuntamento. OK Salute E Benessere OK Salute E Benessere [Journal] 2015-02-05
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Todos malinterpretamos las señales del sexo opuesto. El Aragüeño El Aragüeño [Newspaper] 2015-02-01
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) She thinks friends but he thinks sex!. The Times of India The Times of India [Newspaper] 2015-02-01
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) She thinks friends but he thinks sex!. Yahoo News India Yahoo News India [Internet] 2015-01-30
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Study reveals why the people misintepret friendliness and intimacy. Tellyouall Tellyouall [Internet] 2015-02-15
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Krupnick, Ellie. (2015) Science Shows Why It Seems Impossible for Men and Women to "Just Be Friends". Connections.mic Connections.mic [Internet] 2015-01-20
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) Over halvparten av videregående-elever sier de har opplevd seksuell trakassering. Ekspert: - Et stort problem. Nordlys Nordlys [Newspaper] 2015-04-17
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2015) - Nok er nok. Vi finner oss ikke i dette lenger!. Aftenposten Aftenposten [Newspaper] 2015-04-15
InterviewBendixen, Mons; News, Staff. (2015) Hardwired For Miscommunication? Why Women Think Sex When Men Just Want To Be Friends. Science 2.0 Science 2.0 [Internet] 2015-01-29
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Del Principe, Stefania. (2015) Lei vuole essere amica, lui pensa voglia fare sesso. Salute - Diario Del Web Salute - Diario Del Web [Journal] 2015-02-02
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Di Rini, Gianluca. (2015) Esiste l’amicizia tra uomini e donne?. Nanopress Nanopress [Internet] 2015-02-12
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Hughes, Nicole M. (2015) HERE’S WHY MEN ALWAYS THINK WOMEN ARE FLIRTING WITH THEM (SPOILER: IT’S NOT THEIR FAULT!). Lost at E Minor Lost at E Minor [Internet] 2015-02-24
InterviewLyons, Sofia; Bendixen, Mons. (2015) Why Men Always Think Women Are Flirting With Them. Yahoo! health Yahoo! health [Internet] 2015-02-20
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Pearce, Simon. (2015) Why Men Misinterpret Flirtation. Dispatch Dispatch [Internet] 2015-02-19
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Danielsen, Christian. (2014) Voldtektsmytene lever i domstolene. Under Dusken Under Dusken [Journal] 2014-01-28
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Kristiansen, Willy; Buss, David M.. (2014) Jealousy: Evidence of comparably strong sex Differences using forced Choice and continuous measures paradigms. 26th Human Behavior and Evolution Society Conference , Natal 2014-07-30 - 2014-08-02
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2014) Jenter blir stemplet som «horer». NRK - Trøndelag NRK - Trøndelag [Internet] 2014-11-18
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2014) Skjult mobbing. Norsk Helseinformatikk Norsk Helseinformatikk [Internet] 2014-11-19
LectureBendixen, Mons. (2014) Seksuell trakassering blant elever i videregående opplæring. Sør-Trøndelag fylkeskommune Møte i Opplæringskomiteen Sør-Trøndelag Fylkeskommune , Trondheim 2014-11-26 - 2014-11-26
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2014) Elever opplever seksuell trakassering. [Internet] 2014-11-19
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2014) – Mange tenåringsjenter tvinges til sex. Trønder-Avisa Trønder-Avisa [Internet] 2014-11-17
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2014) - Tenåringsjenter tvinges til sex. Telemarksavisa Telemarksavisa [Newspaper] 2014-11-18
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2014) Eldre dommere tror mer på voldtektsmyter. [Internet] 2014-01-10
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2014) – Mange tenåringsjenter tvinges til sex. (Trøndelag) (Trøndelag) [Internet] 2014-11-17
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2014) «Mange kvinner anmelder voldtekt falskt fordi de angrer etter at de har hatt sex» . Bergens Tidende Bergens Tidende [Newspaper] 2014-01-10
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2014) Hverdagssexisme Kampanje Protestbevegelsen. Aftenpostens A-magasin Aftenpostens A-magasin [Internet] 2014-01-03
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2014) – Mange tenåringsjenter tvinges til sex. Drammens Tidende Drammens Tidende [Newspaper] 2014-11-17
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2014) - Mange tenåringsjenter blir tvungne til sex . AVISA MØRE AVISA MØRE [Internet] 2014-11-17
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2014) – Mange tenåringsjenter tvinges til sex. Bladet Vesterålen Bladet Vesterålen [Internet] 2014-11-17
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2014) Eldre dommere tror mer på voldtektsmyter. Stavanger Aftenblad Stavanger Aftenblad [Internet] 2014-01-10
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2014) - Hverdagssexismen er så utbredt at vi ikke ser den. [Newspaper] 2014-01-05
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2014) Ny rapport: Mange tenåringsjenter tvinges til sex. [Newspaper] 2014-11-17
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2014) Jenter blir tvunget til sex. [Newspaper] 2014-11-17
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2014) Mange jenter i videregående tvinges til sex. NRK - Her og nå NRK - Her og nå [Radio] 2014-11-17
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2014) Tenåringsjenter tvinges til sex. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2014-11-17
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2014) Undersøkelse: 13 prosent av jenter i videregående skole i Sør-Trøndelag er blitt voldtatt. [Newspaper] 2014-11-17
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2014) - Mange tenåringsjenter tvinges til sex. (Bergens Tidende) (Bergens Tidende) [Newspaper] 2014-11-17
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2014) Det er overraskende mye: 13 prosent av jentene i videregående skole hevder de har blitt tvunget til sex. NRK NRK [TV] 2014-11-17
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2014) Mye seksuell trakassering hos ungdom. NRK-Her og Nå NRK-Her og Nå [Radio] 2014-11-18
LectureBendixen, Mons. (2014) Ungdomsgjenger: Myter og fakta. Norsk psykologforening Den 11. norske psykologikongressen , Oslo 2014-09-04 - 2014-09-05
Academic lectureHattori, Wallisen Tadashi; Castro, Felipe Nalon; Lopes, Fivia de Araujo; Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo; Mehmetoglu, Mehmet; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2014) Adolescent Mate Choice Project: A Comparison between Brazil and Norway. 26th Human behavior and Evolution Society Conference , Natal 2014-07-30 - 2014-08-02
Academic lectureKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons; Buss, David M.. (2014) Sexual regrets: tests of possible explanations of sex differences. 26th Human Behavior and Evolution Society Conference , Natal 2014-07-30 - 2014-08-02
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2014) Vi sextrakasseres i hverdagen. P3 (program: Verdens Rikeste Land) P3 (program: Verdens Rikeste Land) [Radio] 2014-01-09
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2014) Eldre dommere tror mer på voldtektsmyter. Bergens Tidene nettutgave: Bergens Tidene nettutgave: [Internet] 2014-01-10
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2013) Undersøkelse: Én av ti jenter har blitt presset til sex. Fædrelandsvennen Fædrelandsvennen [Newspaper] 2013-11-19
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2013) - Handler om å respektere hverandre. Opdalingen Opdalingen [Newspaper] 2013-03-02
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2013) Undersøkelse: Én av ti jenter har blitt presset til sex. [Internet] 2013-11-19
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2013) Undersøking: Éi av ti jenter har blitt pressa til sex. Nynorsk Pressekontor Nynorsk Pressekontor [Internet] 2013-11-19
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2013) Undersøking: Éi av ti jenter har blitt pressa til sex. Fjordaland Fjordaland [Internet] 2013-11-19
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2013) Gutar sextrakasserer andre gutar. abc nyheter abc nyheter [Internet] 2013-11-19
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2013) Éi av ti jenter har blitt pressa til sex. [Internet] 2013-11-19
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2013) En av ti jenter er blitt presset til sex. [Internet] 2013-11-19
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2013) Én av ti jenter har blitt presset til sex. Utdanningsetaten Oslo kommune Utdanningsetaten Oslo kommune [Internet] 2013-11-19
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2013) Undersøkelse: Én av ti jenter har blitt presset til sex. [Internet] 2013-11-19
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2013) –Én av ti jenter presset til sex. Demokraten Demokraten [Internet] 2013-11-19
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2013) - En av ti jenter har blitt presset til sex. Dagbladet Nyheter Dagbladet Nyheter [Internet] 2013-11-19
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2013) Gutter sextrakasserer andre gutter. [Internet] 2013-11-19
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2013) Én av ti jenter har blitt presset til sex. FINNMARK DAGBLAD FINNMARK DAGBLAD [Newspaper] 2013-11-20
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2013) Forsker: – Det kan være nok at hun er full, alene eller «hyggelig». [Internet] 2013-10-02
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2013) Kvinner blir seksuelt trakassert av drosjesjåfører. NRK P2 Alltid Nyheter NRK P2 Alltid Nyheter [Radio] 2013-10-02
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons. (2013) Publiserte resultater om seksuell trakassering som uttrykk for seksuelle strategier. Fylkesmannen i Sør-Trøndelag, Sør-Trøndelag Fylkeskommune Konferanse om seksuell helse og trakassering , Trondheim 2013-04-04 - 2013-04-04
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2013) Voldtektsundersøkelse: Mener kvinnen kan skylde seg selv hvis hun flørtet. VG VG [Internet] 2013-03-07
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2013) Mener norske gutter presses til sex. VG Nett VG Nett [Internet] 2013-02-23
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2013) En av ti jenter har blitt pressa til sex. NRK Trøndelag NRK Trøndelag [Internet] 2013-11-19
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2013) En av ti jenter har blitt presset til å ha sex. [Internet] 2013-11-19
PosterGrøntvedt, Trond Viggo; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2012) Hormonal contraceptives, fluctuations across the menstrual cycle and sociosexual orientation in a Norwegian sample. 24th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society , New Mexico 2012-06-13 - 2012-06-17
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2012) Tenåringer trakasserer hverandre for å få sex. [Internet] 2012-11-12
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons; Gransmo, Arne Kristian. (2012) Sextrakkasering. Her og Nå - NRK P1 Her og Nå - NRK P1 [Radio] 2012-09-21
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Hagen, Roger. (2012) Blir syke av lærermobbing. Dagbladet Dagbladet [Internet] 2012-10-23
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2012) Sextrakasserer for å få mer sex. NRK trøndelag NRK trøndelag [Internet] 2012-09-24
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2012) Filmen om sextrakassering imponerte. NRK Trøndelag NRK Trøndelag [Internet] 2012-10-18
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2012) Tenåringer trakasserer hverandre for å få sex. NRK Nyheter NRK Nyheter [Internet] 2012-11-12
InterviewKennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Bendixen, Mons. (2012) Unge trakasserer kvarandre for å få sex. FRAMTIDA.NO FRAMTIDA.NO [Internet] 2012-11-15
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2012) To get laid, high school students harass each other. ScienceNordic ScienceNordic [Internet] 2012-09-03
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2011) Judgment of the effectiveness of competitor derogation and strategic self-promotion in the world's most egalitarian culture. Human Behavior & Evolution Society Human Behavior & Evolution Society 23rd Annual Conference , Montpellier 2011-06-29 - 2011-07-03
PosterRuggieri, Sabrina; Bendixen, Mons; Gabriel, Ute; Alsaker, Francoise. D.. (2011) Cyberball: The impact of virtual social exclusion on early adolescents' well being. Is victimization a moderating factor?. 12th Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society 2011-09-12 - 2011-09-13
Popular scientific lectureBendixen, Mons. (2010) Kjønn og konflikter: et evolusjonspsykologisk perpektiv. NTNU Åpen dag , Trondheim 2010-09-01 -
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons. (2010) Mulige konsekvenser av evolverte biaser i sosiale bedømmelser. Psykologforeningen Psykologikongressen 2010 , Oslo 2010-08-30 - 2010-08-31
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2010) Et nei er ikke alltid et nei. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2010-10-09
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons; Gabriel, Ute. (2009) "The blow of a whip raises a welt, but the blow of the tongue crushes bones": On perceived insults of derogatory terms. Psykologisk fakultet, Universitetet i Bergen The 11th National Conference on Social and Community Psychology , Bergen 2009-11-12 - 2009-11-13
PosterBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2009) Sociosexual orientation and timing of sexual onset in adolescence. The 21st Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society , California State University at Fullerton 2009-05-27 - 2009-05-31
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons. (2008) Hva har seksuell trakassering med seksualitet å gjøre?. Fylkesmannen i Sør-Trøndelag Konferanse om ungdom og seksuell helse , Trondheim 2008-11-20 - 2008-11-20
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons. (2008) Seksuell trakassering blant elever og ansatte i den videregående skolen i Sør-Trøndelag. Hordaland Fylkeskommune Samling for elevinspektører, helsesøstre i skolehelsetjenesten i videregående skole i Hordaland og ledere inn OT/PPT , Bergen 2008-04-29 - 2008-04-29
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons. (2008) Risk factors of sexual harassment in late adolescence. International Society for the Study of Behavioural Dev. Biennial ISSBD meeting , Würzburg 2008-07-13 - 2008-07-17
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2008) Sociosexual orientation and sexual harassment: a study of risk factors in male and female high school students. Human Behavior and Evolution Society HBES2008: 20th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society , Kyoto 2008-06-04 - 2008-06-08
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2008) Lærere sex-trakasseres. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2008-02-06
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2008) Elever beføles og trakasseres. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2008-02-02
InterviewBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2008) En av fem elever har opplevd seksuell trakassering. VG VG [Newspaper] 2008-02-02
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2007) Ungdom, seksualitet og seksualisert trakassering. Sør-Trøndelag Fylkeskommune "Hore & Homo" – bare tomme ord? En konferanse om seksualisert trakassering , Trondheim 2007-12-04 - 2007-12-04
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons; Olweus, Dan. (2007) Predicting antisocial group/gang membership status in Norwegian early adolescents. European Society of Criminology 7th annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology , Bologna 2007-09-26 - 2007-09-29
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons; Nøstdahl, Reidun; Henriksen, Marit. (2007) Attribusjon av ansvar i voldtektssaker. Psykologisk institutt, NTNU 9th Conference on Social and Community Psychology , Trondheim 2007-11-08 - 2007-11-09
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons; Ramsvik, Erlend. (2006) Applicability of the Theory of Planned Behavior to intimate aggression prediction in young couples. American Society of Criminology The American Society of Criminology 58th Annual Meeting , Los Angeles 2006-11-01 - 2006-11-04
Popular scientific lectureBendixen, Mons. (2006) Gjengkultur og kriminalitet i ungdomstidsn. Sør-Trøndelag politidistrikt Fagdag Sør-Trøndelag politidistrikt , Trondheim 2006-02-14 -
InterviewBendixen, Mons. (2005) Gjenger fins også i Trondheim. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2005-11-12
PosterBendixen, Mons. (2005) Er konservative oppfatninger om kjønnsroller assosiert med aksepterende holdninger til bruk av aggresjon mot partner?. Psykologisk institutt The 7th Conference on Social and Community Psychology , Trondheim 2005-11-10 - 2005-11-11
PosterBendixen, Mons. (2005) Konservatisme: psykometriske egenskaper og validering av et egenutviklet måleinstrument på holdninger til kjønnsroller. Psykologisk institutt The 7th Conference on Social and Community Psychology , Trondheim 2005-11-10 - 2005-11-11
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons; Olweus, Dan. (2004) Testing the Maturity Gap hypothesis in Moffitt's theory of Adolsecent-Limited delinquency. British society of Criminology British Society of Criminology Conference 2004 , Portsmouth 2004-07-06 - 2004-07-09
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons. (2004) Predicting the unpredictable? The applicability of Ajzen's theory of planned behavior in explaining intentions to hurting one's partner. Psykologisk institutt, NTNU The 6th Conference on Social & Community Psychology , Trondheim 2004-11-04 - 2004-11-05
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons; Solli, Elin. (2004) Self control and intimate aggression in Norway: An examination of Gottfredson and Hirschi's General Theory of Crime. The American Society of Criminology The American Society of Criminology 56th Annual Meeting , Nashville 2004-11-17 - 2004-11-20
Popular scientific lectureBendixen, Mons. (2004) Hva er en gjeng og hvorfor søker ungdommer gjenger?. Trondheim kommune v/SLT-koordinator Rådmannens seminar om gjengsituasjonen i Trondheim , Trondheim 2004-11-09 -
Popular scientific lectureBendixen, Mons. (2004) Voldsbruk i nære relasjoner: Hva kan forskningen si oss?. Aamnesty International Amnesty Internationals 8.mars arrangement , Trondheim 2004-03-08 -
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons; Bendixen, Mons; Olweus, Dan; Olweus, Dan. (2003) Risk factors for gang membership among Norwegian adolescents. The American Society of Criminology, 55th Annual Meeting , Denver, Colorado 2003-11-19 - 2003-11-22
Popular scientific lectureBendixen, Mons. (2003) Nasjonal og internasjonal forskning på voldsbruk i parforhold. Menn mot vold (MMV) , Trondheim 2003-02-20 -
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons. (2002) The dynamics of partner aggression. The 4th Conference on Social and Community Psychology , Trondheim 2002-11-22 -
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons. (2001) An examination of motivational aspects for adolsecent criminal behaviour. The Third Conference on Social and Community Psychology , Trondheim 2001-11-09 -
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons. (2000) Child sexual abuse: a risk factor for later anxiety and depression?. Conference on Social & Community Psychology, The 2nd Meeting in Trondheim , Trondheim, Novermber 16-17, 2000
Popular scientific lectureBendixen, Mons. (2000) Megling som alternativ reaksjonsform overfor førstegangslovbrytere: resultater fra prosjekt førstegangskriminelle i Trondheim 1996-98. Meglersamling , Prinsesse Ragnhild, 6-8. september 2000
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons. (1999) The role of gangs facilitating in antisocial behavior: a self-reported study of Norwegian adolescents. The 2nd Eurogang Workshop , Oslo, 9-12 September 1999
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons. (1999) Hva er effektive virkemidler for å hindre tilbakefall blant førstegangskriminell ungdom. Kriminalitetsforebyggende konferanse , Kristiansund 25-26. november 1999
Academic lectureBendixen, Mons. (1999) Den antisosiale gjengens betydning for nivået av egenrapportert antisosial atferd, vold og rusmiddelbruk. 1st Social Psychology Conference in Trondheim , Trondheim, 11-12. November 1999