Nina Lager Vestberg
Professor of visual culture in the Department of Art and Media Studies, leader of the Media, Data, Museums research group. Nina was educated in the UK, where she studied photography and multimedia at BA level, before obtaining an MA and a PhD in the history of art at Birkbeck, University of London.
Her research explores the labour, systems, technologies, and infrastructures that underpin visual culture from the early 1800s to the present. A recurring topic is how photographic technologies and practices persist in the digitized materials of online archives. The book Picture Research: The Work of Intermediation from Pre-Photography to Post-Digitization, on the role of the picture industry in the long history of digitization from the 1830s to the 2010s, was published by The MIT Press in 2023.
Course topics on the BA programme in media studies and the MA programme in film and media studies include media theory and media culture, research design and theoretical approaches, as well as visual culture.
Vestberg, Nina Elisabeth Lager.
Picture Research: The Work of Intermediation from Pre-Photography to Post-Digitization.
MIT Press
MIT Press
Academic monograph
Vestberg, Nina Elisabeth Lager.
Seeing, Saving, and Remembering Barnardo’s Children: Technologies of Access and Preservation in Historical Research.
Scientia Canadensis
Academic article
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
Digitalt Museum – en plattform for datamangfold.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vestberg, Nina Lager;
Jørgensen, Ulla Angkjær.
Lokale kunstmuseer i Norge: et historisk perspektiv.
Norsk museumstidsskrift
Ogundipe, Anne;
Hoel, Aud Sissel;
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
On the Matter of Participation. Examining a Nexus of Agency, Affordance, Atmosphere and Affect in Onsite and Online Art Museum Environments.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2019/330)
Doctoral dissertation
Gran, Anne-Britt;
Vestberg, Nina Lager;
Booth, Peter;
Ogundipe, Anne.
A digital museum's contribution to diversity - a user study.
Museum Management and Curatorship
Academic article
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
The Ecology of the Photographic Image: Archives, Power and Materiality.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
"There Is No Cloud": Toward a Materialist Ecology of Post-Photography.
Academic article
Maxwell, Richard;
Raundalen, Jon;
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
Media and the ecological crisis.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
"Ikke sint, bare veldig skuffet": Om barn, miljø og medieteknologi.
Norsk Medietidsskrift
Academic article
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
The photographic image in digital archives.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
A Photographic Archive of Physics, or a Physical Archive of Photography? Niels Bohr and the Production of Scientific Space(s).
Aarhus Universitetsforlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vestberg, Nina Lager;
Dahlgren, Anna;
Petersson, Dag.
Representational Machines: Photography and the Production of Space.
Aarhus Universitetsforlag
Aarhus Universitetsforlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
Ordering, Searching, Finding.
Journal of Visual Culture
Academic article
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
Robert Doisneau and the Making of a Universal Cliché.
History of Photography
Academic article
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
Index/Finger: Medium and Materiality in the Archives.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
Flytande fotografier - originalitet och upphovsrätt i det digitala arkivet.
Kungliga biblioteket
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
From the filing cabinet to the internet : digitising photographic libraries.
Deutscher Kunstverlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
Archival value: on photography, materiality and indexicality.
Academic article
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
Photography as cultural memory: imag(in)ing France in the 1950s.
Journal of Romance Studies
Academic article
Journal publications
Vestberg, Nina Elisabeth Lager.
Seeing, Saving, and Remembering Barnardo’s Children: Technologies of Access and Preservation in Historical Research.
Scientia Canadensis
Academic article
Vestberg, Nina Lager;
Jørgensen, Ulla Angkjær.
Lokale kunstmuseer i Norge: et historisk perspektiv.
Norsk museumstidsskrift
Gran, Anne-Britt;
Vestberg, Nina Lager;
Booth, Peter;
Ogundipe, Anne.
A digital museum's contribution to diversity - a user study.
Museum Management and Curatorship
Academic article
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
"There Is No Cloud": Toward a Materialist Ecology of Post-Photography.
Academic article
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
"Ikke sint, bare veldig skuffet": Om barn, miljø og medieteknologi.
Norsk Medietidsskrift
Academic article
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
Ordering, Searching, Finding.
Journal of Visual Culture
Academic article
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
Robert Doisneau and the Making of a Universal Cliché.
History of Photography
Academic article
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
Archival value: on photography, materiality and indexicality.
Academic article
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
Photography as cultural memory: imag(in)ing France in the 1950s.
Journal of Romance Studies
Academic article
Vestberg, Nina Elisabeth Lager.
Picture Research: The Work of Intermediation from Pre-Photography to Post-Digitization.
MIT Press
MIT Press
Academic monograph
Maxwell, Richard;
Raundalen, Jon;
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
Media and the ecological crisis.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Vestberg, Nina Lager;
Dahlgren, Anna;
Petersson, Dag.
Representational Machines: Photography and the Production of Space.
Aarhus Universitetsforlag
Aarhus Universitetsforlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
Digitalt Museum – en plattform for datamangfold.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
The Ecology of the Photographic Image: Archives, Power and Materiality.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
The photographic image in digital archives.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
A Photographic Archive of Physics, or a Physical Archive of Photography? Niels Bohr and the Production of Scientific Space(s).
Aarhus Universitetsforlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
Index/Finger: Medium and Materiality in the Archives.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
Flytande fotografier - originalitet och upphovsrätt i det digitala arkivet.
Kungliga biblioteket
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
From the filing cabinet to the internet : digitising photographic libraries.
Deutscher Kunstverlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ogundipe, Anne;
Hoel, Aud Sissel;
Vestberg, Nina Lager.
On the Matter of Participation. Examining a Nexus of Agency, Affordance, Atmosphere and Affect in Onsite and Online Art Museum Environments.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2019/330)
Doctoral dissertation
Knowledge Transfer
LectureMagin, Melanie Andrea; Vestberg, Nina Elisabeth Lager. (2023) Rundebord: Hva betyr arbeidslivsrelevans i disiplinfagene i humaniora og samfunnsvitenskap?. NTNU Læringsfestivalen 2023 , Trondheim 2023-05-08 - 2023-05-09
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Elisabeth Lager. (2023) The platformisation of pictures. Den nasjonale forskerskolen Tekst, bilde, lyd, rom Arts, Culture, and Algorithms: Forms, Formats, and Genres in the Age of Platformisation , København 2023-05-09 - 2023-05-11
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Elisabeth Lager. (2023) A Nation in Its Own Images: Art Reproduction in Early-Twentieth-Century Norway. Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Sciences Art within Reach: Photomechanical Reproductions of Works of Art from Print to Digital , Praha 2023-12-05 - 2023-12-06
LectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2022) Hva er digital produksjon?. Kulturrådet Boklansering av Estetiske praksiser i den digitale produksjonens tidsalder , Oslo 2022-12-01 -
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2022) Significant sites in post-digitized art history: Source, surrogate, store, and search. The Nordic Association for Art Historians NORDIK 2022 , Online 2022-10-25 - 2022-10-27
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2022) Innebygde bilder: klisjéens materielle mediehistorie. Norsk medieforskerlag Norsk medieforskerkonferanse 2022 , Universitetet i Stavanger 2022-10-13 - 2022-10-14
LectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2020) The Labour of Digitization. Nasjonalbiblioteket Renewable heritage, footprints of the future , Webinar 2020-12-01 -
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2020) Digitalt Museum: Actual, Ideal, and Critical Visitors Online. BI Centre for Creative Industries Museumsseminar, Digitization and Diversity , Oslo 2020-02-06 -
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2017) Images at Work: Digitisation and the Archival Cultures of Photography. Birkbeck, University of London History and Theory of Photography Research Seminar , London 2017-11-09 -
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2017) Analogue ancestors and digital descendants: on genealogy and the archival cultures of photography. Photographic History Research Centre, De Montfort University Cultures of Photography , Leicester 2017-11-06 -
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2017) I det digitale museet. Fotografi mellom katalog og artefakt. Norsk museumsforbund Mangfoldig museumsforskning , Trondheim 2017-11-23 -
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2017) Photography as a technology of history: the medium and its materialities in the digital museum. University of West London Thinking the Image Research Group , London 2017-11-08 -
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2017) Photography, Archives, and the Phases of Digitisation. Institutionen for kultur och estetik, Stockholms universitet About Time: Temporality and Historiography , Stockholm 2017-04-26 -
Popular scientific lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2017) Kan vi redde verden med mobilen? Miljøperspektiver på elektronisk forbruk. Framtiden i våre hender Åpent foredrag , Café Stammen, Trondheim 2017-04-03 -
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2017) The Place of Photography and the Phases of Digitisation. Christ Church College, University of Oxford Photo Archives VI: The Place of Photography , Oxford 2017-04-20 - 2017-04-21
Popular scientific lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2016) Melanie Gilligans "The Common Sense". Trondheim kunstmuseum Seminar om identitet, teknologi og etikk (Forskningsdagene) , Trondheim 2016-09-21 -
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2016) Media Ecology Beyond the Metaphor: New, Better, and More Materialist. Universitetet i Tromsø ENCODE Guest Lecture , Tromsø 2016-02-19 -
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager; Raundalen, Jon. (2015) Flatscreening Football: Ecological Perspectives on Electronic Spectatorship. ECSS European College of Sports Science 20th Congress , Malmö 2015-06-24 - 2015-06-27
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2015) The Ecology of the Photographic Image: Archives, Power, and Materiality. HbK Braunschweig Archives-Power-Society , Braunschweig 2015-02-05 - 2015-02-06
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2015) The Ecology of Photography: Archive, Infrastructure, Environment. Concordia University À partir d'aujourd'hui... Reconsidering Post-Photography , Montreal 2015-10-01 - 2015-10-03
Popular scientific lectureRaundalen, Jon; Vestberg, Nina Lager. (2014) Digitale dilemma: Hvordan påvirker mediene miljøet?. Bergen offentlige bibliotek Foredrag i serien Digitale dilemma , Bergen 2014-10-29 - 2014-10-29
Popular scientific lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2013) Niels Bohr i Trondheim. Sider fra et fotografisk album. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab Bohrseminaret 2013 , Trondheim 2013-05-24 -
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2013) Residual archives. Nomadikon, Universitetet i Bergen Nomadikon Lecture Series 4-7: Questions of Archaelogy, Archive and Method in Visual Culture Studies , Bergen 2013-05-16 -
Academic lectureRaundalen, Jon; Vestberg, Nina Lager. (2012) Why Ecology, Environment, Culture?. NTNU EECN Public Symposium , Trondheim 2012-05-24 -
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2011) Medium, Materiality and the Miscellaneous: Some Thoughts on the Ordering of Photographic Archives. International Society for Cultural History History, Memory, Myth: Re-presenting the Past , Universitetet i Oslo 2011-08-03 - 2011-08-06
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2011) Places, Pleasures, Possessions: the Material World of Archives. The Archaeology of Photography Foundation The Archive as Project , Warszawa 2011-05-13 - 2011-05-14
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager; Vågnes, Øyvind. (2011) The Visual Culture in Europe Questionnaire. Universitat de Barcelona Visualizing Europe , Barcelona 2011-04-11 - 2011-04-12
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager; Raundalen, Jon. (2011) Towards a New Media Ecology. Institutt for kunst- og medievitenskap, NTNU Media Acts 2011: The 10th International NorSIS Conference , Trondheim 2011-10-26 - 2011-10-28
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2011) Gesturing towards Art. Nomadikon, Universitetet i Bergen Image=Gesture: The 5th Nomadikon Meeting , Bergen 2011-11-09 - 2011-11-12
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2010) Photography Terminates Where?. Nasjonalbiblioteket The Ends of Photography , Oslo 2010-01-25 -
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2010) Scrapping, saving, selling. Norsk medieforskerlag Norsk medieforskerlags 14. konferanse , Ålesund 2010-10-28 - 2010-10-29
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2010) Processing Waste: Disposing of Photography in Contemporary Art. AAH (Association of Art Historians) Association of Art Historians Annual Conference , University of Glasgow 2010-04-15 - 2010-04-17
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2008) Image rights (and wrongs): celebrity culture and the circulation of star photographs. Institutt for kunst- og medievitenskap, NTNU Stars and Stardom: Liv Ullmann Symposium 2008 , Trondheim 2008-12-10 - 2008-12-11
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2008) Lee Miller at the V&A: Photography and technostalgia in the museum. Association of Art Historians LOCATION: the Museum, the Academy and the Studio , Tate Britain, London 2008-04-02 - 2008-04-04
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2008) Fotografier i flyt: Originalitet og opphavsrett i det digitale arkivet. Nordiska Museet Fotografi i arkiv: Ett seminarium om digitaliseringens effekter , Stockholm 2008-03-06 -
Academic lectureVestberg, Nina Lager. (2008) Relocating authenticity: photographs and copyright in the post-print era. Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association MeCCSA Annual Conference , Cardiff University 2008-01-09 - 2008-01-11
InterviewVestberg, Nina Lager. (2008) Vetenskapsradion Forum. Sveriges Radio Sveriges Radio [Radio] 2008-03-10