Per Terje Osmundsen
I graduated with an MSc in regional- and structural geology in 1990 and defended my PhD at the University of Oslo in 1996.
In 1991-1992 I worked at the exploration and production division of Norsk Hydro, departments of reservoir geology and geophysics. After my PhD I worked as a Post-doc for 3 years, funded by Norsk Agip asa.
In 1999 I embarked on an almost 20 year long career at the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) in Trondheim. Much of my geological view of the world was obtained at the NGU, through cooperation with colleagues in a highly competent and cross-disciplinary working environment.
In 2018 I started in my ci\urrent position as Professor in structural geology and basin analysis at the department of Geoscience and Petroleum at the NTNU. Here I can research, supervise and teach and thus use, develop and communicate my experience with how the Earth works.
Mitt forskningsområde er i hovedsak strukturgeologi og tektonikk, og tektonisk kontroll på eksumering, geomorfologi og bassengdannelse. Jeg arbeider mest med ekstensjons- og transtensjonsregimer, med spesielt fokus på riftmarginer. Metodikken inkluderer både tradisjonelle feltmetoder i strukturgeologi og sedimentologi, og seismisk tolkning. Jeg støtter meg videre på kollegers arbeid innenfor geomorfologi, datering av strukturer og bergarter og geofysiske metoder som gravimetri og magnetometri. Jeg er opptatt av hvordan landskaper og sedimentære bassenger påvirkes av forkastningsvekst og interaksjon, særlig på skalaer større enn det en normalt forbinder med riftforkastninger. Utvikling av detachmentforkastninger (storskala avglidningsplan), metamorfe kjernekomplekser og såkalte supradetachment bassenger er sentrale problemstillinger i mitt arbeid, både på land (Norge, Svalbard, USA, Oman) og på kontinentalsokkelen.
My research focuses mainly on structural geology and tectonics and in particular on textonic controls on exhumation, geomorphology and basin formation. I mostly work with extensional and transtensional tectonic regimes, with particular focus on rifted margins. I employ methodology that includes traditional field methods in structural geology and sedimentology as well as seismic interpretation. I normally also seek support in the work of colleagues who work with geomorphology, dating of rocks and structures, and geophysics based on magnetics and gravimetics. I study how landscapes and sedimentary basins are affected by fault growth and interaction, in particular at scales larger than those normally associated with `rift´ faults. The evolution of extensional detachment faults, metamorphic core complexes and supradetachment basins are central areas in my research on shore (e.g. in Norway, Svalbard, Western U.S., Oman) and offshore on the Norwegian continental margin.
The long-term evolution of topography and ølandscapes at rifted margins is an important topic that receives too little attention in my opinion, considering the importance of areal planning, geohazards and effects of sea-level changes in past, present and future climates. The topography of Scandinavia, Svalbard and a number of other passive margins in the world show a strong correlation with inherited rift structure, even if the rifting process ceased long time ago. Asymmetric uplift of rifted margins involve kilometer-scale reactivation of regional faults, which has resulted in a distinct footprint in the landscape.
Utvikling av topografi og landskap på riftede marginer er et viktig tema som jeg synes får for lite oppmerksomhet, særlig når en tar i betraktning viktigheten av arealplanlegging, geofarer og effekter av havnivåendring i dagens og fremtidens klima. Topografien til Skandinavia, Svalbard og en relkke andre passive marginer viser sterk korrelasjon med den nedarvede riftstrukturen, selv om riftprosessene var over for lenge siden. Asymmetrisk oppløft av riftmarginer involverer kilometer-skala reaktivering av regionale forkastninger, noe som fører til at post-rift vertikalbevegelser har satt et distinkt fotavtrykk i landskapet.
Haaland, Linda Cecilia;
Slagstad, Trond;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Redfield, Thomas Fitzmaurice.
U-Pb calcite ages date oblique rifting of the Arctic–North Atlantic gateway.
Academic article
Braathen, Alvar;
Midtkandal, Ivar;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
Geomorphological traits of landscapes in continental rifts—From fault-elastic rebound to sedimentary sinks.
Basin Research
Academic article
Maher, Harmon;
Braathen, Alvar;
Ganerød, Morgan;
Myhre, Per Inge;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Redfield, Thomas Fitzmaurice.
Discussion on ‘Paleozoic sedimentation and Caledonian terrane architecture in NW Svalbard: indications from U–Pb geochronology and structural analysis’ by Koglin et al. 2022 (JGS, 179, jgs2021-053) .
Journal of the Geological Society
Academic article
Gresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Peron, Gwenn.
3D Evolution of Detachment Fault Systems in Necking Domains: Insights From the Klakk Fault Complex and the Frøya High, Mid-Norwegian Rifted Margin.
Academic article
Gresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Peron, Gwenn.
Footwall geomorphology during necking domain evolution: A new model for the Frøya High, mid-Norwegian rifted margin.
Basin Research
Academic article
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Svendby, Anne Kathrine;
Braathen, Alvar;
Bakke, Beate;
Andersen, Torgeir Bjørge.
Fault growth and orthogonal shortening in transtensional supradetachment basins: Insights from the `Old Red´ of western Norway.
Basin Research
Academic article
Olaussen, Snorre;
Grundvåg, Sten-Andreas;
Senger, Kim;
Anell, Ingrid;
Betlem, Peter;
Birchall, Thomas.
Svalbard Composite Tectono-Sedimentary Element, Barents Sea” .
Geological Society of London Memoirs
Academic article
Maher, Harmon;
Braathen, Alvar;
Ganerød, Morgan;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Redfield, Tim;
Myhre, Per Inge.
Core complex fault rocks of the Silurian to Devonian Keisarhjelmen detachment in NW Spitsbergen.
The Geological Society of America
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Peron, Gwenn.
Tectonic evolution of the Mid-Norwegian Rifted Margin.
Wiest, Johannes;
Jacobs, Joachim;
Fossen, Haakon;
Ganerød, Morgan;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
Segmentation of the Caledonian orogenic infrastructure and exhumation of the Western Gneiss Region during transtensional collapse.
Journal of the Geological Society
Academic article
Gresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested;
Braathen, Alvar;
Serck, Christopher Sæbø;
Faleide, Jan Inge;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
Late Paleozoic supradetachment basin configuration in the southwestern Barents Sea — Intrabasement seismic facies of the Fingerdjupet Subbasin.
Basin Research
Academic article
Schaaf, Niklas W.;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
van der Lelij, Roelant;
Schönenberger, Jasmin;
Lenz, Olaf K.;
Redfield, Thomas Fitzmaurice.
Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the eastern Forlandsundet Graben, Svalbard.
Norwegian Journal of Geology
Academic article
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Péron-Pinvidic, Gwenn;
Bunkholt, Halvor.
Rifting of Collapsed Orogens: Successive Incision of Continental Crust in the Proximal Margin Offshore Norway.
Academic article
Schau-Pettersen, Kristian ;
Braathen, Alvar;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
Forlastningsarkitektur og forkasningsprodukter i Persvik forkastningssone, Møre-Trøndelag forkastningskompleks.
Masters thesis
Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
From orogeny to rifting: insights from the Norwegian ‘reactivation phase’.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Braathen, Alvar;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
Extensional tectonics rooted in orogenic collapse: Long-lived disintegration of the Semail Ophiolite, Oman.
Academic article
Anell, Ingrid Margareta;
Zuchuat, Valentin;
Röhnert, A.D.;
Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra;
Buckley, Simon John;
Lord, Gareth Steven.
Tidal amplification and along‐strike process variability in a mixed‐energy paralic system prograding onto a low accommodation shelf, Edgeøya, Svalbard.
Basin Research
Academic article
Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Bunkholt, Halvor Sverre Sæter.
The proximal domain of the Mid-Norwegian rifted margin: The Trøndelag Platform revisited.
Academic article
Serck, Christopher Sæbø;
Braathen, Alvar;
Olaussen, Snorre;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Midtkandal, Ivar;
van Yperen, Anna Elisabeth.
Supradetachment to rift basin transition recorded in continental to marine deposition; Paleogene Bandar Jissah Basin, NE Oman.
Basin Research
Academic article
Maher, Harmon;
Senger, Kim;
Braathen, Alvar;
Mulrooney, Mark Joseph;
Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
Mesozoic-Cenozoic regional stress field evolution in Svalbard.
Academic article
Wiest, Johannes;
Wrona, Thilo;
Bauck, Marit Stokke;
Fossen, Haakon;
Gawthorpe, Rob;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
From Caledonian collapse to North Sea Rift: The extended history of a metamorphic core complex.
Academic article
Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Braathen, Alvar;
Ogata, Kei;
Anell, Ingrid Margareta;
Mulrooney, Mark Joseph.
Architecture of growth basins in a tidally influenced, prodelta to delta-front setting: The Triassic succession of Kvalpynten, East Svalbard.
Basin Research
Academic article
Wiest, Johannes;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Jacobs, Joachim;
Fossen, Haakon.
Deep Crustal Flow Within Postorogenic Metamorphic Core Complexes: Insights From the Southern Western Gneiss Region of Norway.
Academic article
Koehl, Jean-Baptiste P.;
Bergh, Steffen G;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Redfield, Thomas Fitzmaurice;
Indrevær, Kjetil;
Lea, Halldis.
Late devonian–carboniferous faulting and controlling structures and fabrics in NW finnmark.
Norwegian Journal of Geology
Academic article
Braathen, Alvar;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Maher, Harmon;
Ganerød, Morgan.
Reply to Comment on ?The Keisarhjelmen detachment records Silurian?Devonian extensional collapse in Northern Svalbard?.
Terra Nova
Letter to the editor
Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
The Mid Norwegian - NE Greenland conjugate margins: Rifting evolution, margin segmentation, and breakup.
Marine and Petroleum Geology
Academic literature review
Braathen, Alvar;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Maher, Harmon;
Maher, Harmon;
Ganerød, Morgan.
The Keisarhjelmen detachment records Silurian-Devonian extensional collapse in Northern Svalbard.
Terra Nova
Academic article
Ogata, Kei;
Mulrooney, Mark ;
Braathen, Alvar;
Maher, Harmon;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Anell, Ingrid Margareta.
Architecture, deformation style and petrophysical properties of growth fault systems: the Late Triassic deltaic succession of southern Edgeøya (East Svalbard).
Basin Research
Academic article
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn.
Crustal-Scale Fault Interaction at Rifted Margins and the Formation of Domain-Bounding Breakaway Complexes: Insights From Offshore Norway.
Academic article
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Péron-Pinvidic, Gwenn;
Ebbing, Jørg;
Erratt, Duncan;
Fjellanger, Erik;
Bergslien, Dag.
Extension, hyperextension and mantle exhumation offshore Norway: A discussion based on 6 crustal transects.
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Naliboff, John B.;
Buiter, Susanne;
Péron-Pinvidic, Gwenn;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Tetreault, Joya.
Complex fault interaction controls continental rifting.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Peron, Gwenn;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
Architecture of the distal and outer domains of the Mid-Norwegian rifted margin: Insights from the Rån-Gjallar ridges system.
Marine and Petroleum Geology
Academic article
Peron, Gwenn;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Ebbing, Jørg.
Mismatch of geophysical datasets in distal rifted margin studies.
Terra Nova
Academic article
Hansen, John-Are;
Bergh, Steffen G;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Redfield, Timothy Fitzgerald.
Stress inversion of heterogeneous fault-slip data with unknown slip sense: An objective function algorithm contouring method.
Journal of Structural Geology
Academic article
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Braathen, Alvar;
Rød, Rita Sande;
Hynne, Ingrid Bjørnerheim.
Styles of normal faulting and fault controlled sedimentation in the Triassic deposits of Eastern Svalbard.
Norwegian Petroleum Directorate Bulletin
Academic article
Redfield, Thomas Fitzmaurice;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
Some remarks on the earthquakes of Fennoscandia: A conceptual seismological model drawn from the perspective of hyperextension.
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Anell, Ingrid Margareta;
Braathen, Alvar;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Olaussen, Snorre.
Evidence of faulting contradicting a Triassic quiescent northern Barents Shelf.
First Break
Academic article
Braathen, Alvar;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Hauso, Harald Ove;
Semshaug, Siv Lise;
Fredman, Niclas;
Buckley, Simon John.
Fault-induced deformation in a poorly consolidated, siliciclastic growth basin: A study from the Devonian in Norway.
Academic article
Anell, Ingrid Margareta;
Braathen, Alvar;
Senger, Kim;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
Evidence of faulting contradicts a quiescent northern Barents Shelf during the Triassic.
First Break
Academic article
Braathen, Alvar;
Anell, Ingrid Margareta;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Olaussen, Snorre.
Just how quiescent was the northern Barents Shelf during the Triassic?.
First Break
Academic article
Peron, Gwenn;
Manatschal, Gianreto;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
Structural comparison of archetypal Atlantic rifted margins: A review of observations and concepts.
Marine and Petroleum Geology
Academic literature review
Redfield, T.F.;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
The long-term topographic response of a continent adjacent to a hyperextended margin: A case study from Scandinavia.
Geological Society of America Bulletin
Academic article
Braathen, Alvar;
Olaussen, Snorre;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
Trias i nord - opptur i Barentshavet.
Feature article
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Redfield, T.F..
Crustal taper and topography at passive continental margins.
Terra Nova
Academic article
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Redfield, T.F.;
Hendriks, B.H.W.;
Bergh, S.;
Hansen, J.-A.;
Henderson, I.H.C..
Fault-controlled alpine topography in Norway.
Journal of the Geological Society
Academic article
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Henderson, I.;
Lauknes, Tom Rune;
Larsen, yngvar;
Redfield, T.F.;
Dehls, J..
Active normal fault control on landscape and rock-slope failure in northern Norway.
Academic article
Smelror, Morten;
Dehls, John F.;
Ebbing, Jörg;
Larsen, Eiliv;
Lundin, Erik R.;
Nordgulen, Øystein.
Towards a 4D topographic view of the Norwegian Sea margin.
Global and Planetary Change
Academic article
Journal publications
Haaland, Linda Cecilia;
Slagstad, Trond;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Redfield, Thomas Fitzmaurice.
U-Pb calcite ages date oblique rifting of the Arctic–North Atlantic gateway.
Academic article
Braathen, Alvar;
Midtkandal, Ivar;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
Geomorphological traits of landscapes in continental rifts—From fault-elastic rebound to sedimentary sinks.
Basin Research
Academic article
Maher, Harmon;
Braathen, Alvar;
Ganerød, Morgan;
Myhre, Per Inge;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Redfield, Thomas Fitzmaurice.
Discussion on ‘Paleozoic sedimentation and Caledonian terrane architecture in NW Svalbard: indications from U–Pb geochronology and structural analysis’ by Koglin et al. 2022 (JGS, 179, jgs2021-053) .
Journal of the Geological Society
Academic article
Gresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Peron, Gwenn.
3D Evolution of Detachment Fault Systems in Necking Domains: Insights From the Klakk Fault Complex and the Frøya High, Mid-Norwegian Rifted Margin.
Academic article
Gresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Peron, Gwenn.
Footwall geomorphology during necking domain evolution: A new model for the Frøya High, mid-Norwegian rifted margin.
Basin Research
Academic article
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Svendby, Anne Kathrine;
Braathen, Alvar;
Bakke, Beate;
Andersen, Torgeir Bjørge.
Fault growth and orthogonal shortening in transtensional supradetachment basins: Insights from the `Old Red´ of western Norway.
Basin Research
Academic article
Olaussen, Snorre;
Grundvåg, Sten-Andreas;
Senger, Kim;
Anell, Ingrid;
Betlem, Peter;
Birchall, Thomas.
Svalbard Composite Tectono-Sedimentary Element, Barents Sea” .
Geological Society of London Memoirs
Academic article
Wiest, Johannes;
Jacobs, Joachim;
Fossen, Haakon;
Ganerød, Morgan;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
Segmentation of the Caledonian orogenic infrastructure and exhumation of the Western Gneiss Region during transtensional collapse.
Journal of the Geological Society
Academic article
Gresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested;
Braathen, Alvar;
Serck, Christopher Sæbø;
Faleide, Jan Inge;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
Late Paleozoic supradetachment basin configuration in the southwestern Barents Sea — Intrabasement seismic facies of the Fingerdjupet Subbasin.
Basin Research
Academic article
Schaaf, Niklas W.;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
van der Lelij, Roelant;
Schönenberger, Jasmin;
Lenz, Olaf K.;
Redfield, Thomas Fitzmaurice.
Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the eastern Forlandsundet Graben, Svalbard.
Norwegian Journal of Geology
Academic article
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Péron-Pinvidic, Gwenn;
Bunkholt, Halvor.
Rifting of Collapsed Orogens: Successive Incision of Continental Crust in the Proximal Margin Offshore Norway.
Academic article
Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
From orogeny to rifting: insights from the Norwegian ‘reactivation phase’.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Braathen, Alvar;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
Extensional tectonics rooted in orogenic collapse: Long-lived disintegration of the Semail Ophiolite, Oman.
Academic article
Anell, Ingrid Margareta;
Zuchuat, Valentin;
Röhnert, A.D.;
Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra;
Buckley, Simon John;
Lord, Gareth Steven.
Tidal amplification and along‐strike process variability in a mixed‐energy paralic system prograding onto a low accommodation shelf, Edgeøya, Svalbard.
Basin Research
Academic article
Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Bunkholt, Halvor Sverre Sæter.
The proximal domain of the Mid-Norwegian rifted margin: The Trøndelag Platform revisited.
Academic article
Serck, Christopher Sæbø;
Braathen, Alvar;
Olaussen, Snorre;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Midtkandal, Ivar;
van Yperen, Anna Elisabeth.
Supradetachment to rift basin transition recorded in continental to marine deposition; Paleogene Bandar Jissah Basin, NE Oman.
Basin Research
Academic article
Maher, Harmon;
Senger, Kim;
Braathen, Alvar;
Mulrooney, Mark Joseph;
Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
Mesozoic-Cenozoic regional stress field evolution in Svalbard.
Academic article
Wiest, Johannes;
Wrona, Thilo;
Bauck, Marit Stokke;
Fossen, Haakon;
Gawthorpe, Rob;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
From Caledonian collapse to North Sea Rift: The extended history of a metamorphic core complex.
Academic article
Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Braathen, Alvar;
Ogata, Kei;
Anell, Ingrid Margareta;
Mulrooney, Mark Joseph.
Architecture of growth basins in a tidally influenced, prodelta to delta-front setting: The Triassic succession of Kvalpynten, East Svalbard.
Basin Research
Academic article
Wiest, Johannes;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Jacobs, Joachim;
Fossen, Haakon.
Deep Crustal Flow Within Postorogenic Metamorphic Core Complexes: Insights From the Southern Western Gneiss Region of Norway.
Academic article
Koehl, Jean-Baptiste P.;
Bergh, Steffen G;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Redfield, Thomas Fitzmaurice;
Indrevær, Kjetil;
Lea, Halldis.
Late devonian–carboniferous faulting and controlling structures and fabrics in NW finnmark.
Norwegian Journal of Geology
Academic article
Braathen, Alvar;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Maher, Harmon;
Ganerød, Morgan.
Reply to Comment on ?The Keisarhjelmen detachment records Silurian?Devonian extensional collapse in Northern Svalbard?.
Terra Nova
Letter to the editor
Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
The Mid Norwegian - NE Greenland conjugate margins: Rifting evolution, margin segmentation, and breakup.
Marine and Petroleum Geology
Academic literature review
Braathen, Alvar;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Maher, Harmon;
Maher, Harmon;
Ganerød, Morgan.
The Keisarhjelmen detachment records Silurian-Devonian extensional collapse in Northern Svalbard.
Terra Nova
Academic article
Ogata, Kei;
Mulrooney, Mark ;
Braathen, Alvar;
Maher, Harmon;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Anell, Ingrid Margareta.
Architecture, deformation style and petrophysical properties of growth fault systems: the Late Triassic deltaic succession of southern Edgeøya (East Svalbard).
Basin Research
Academic article
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn.
Crustal-Scale Fault Interaction at Rifted Margins and the Formation of Domain-Bounding Breakaway Complexes: Insights From Offshore Norway.
Academic article
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Péron-Pinvidic, Gwenn;
Ebbing, Jørg;
Erratt, Duncan;
Fjellanger, Erik;
Bergslien, Dag.
Extension, hyperextension and mantle exhumation offshore Norway: A discussion based on 6 crustal transects.
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Naliboff, John B.;
Buiter, Susanne;
Péron-Pinvidic, Gwenn;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Tetreault, Joya.
Complex fault interaction controls continental rifting.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Peron, Gwenn;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
Architecture of the distal and outer domains of the Mid-Norwegian rifted margin: Insights from the Rån-Gjallar ridges system.
Marine and Petroleum Geology
Academic article
Peron, Gwenn;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Ebbing, Jørg.
Mismatch of geophysical datasets in distal rifted margin studies.
Terra Nova
Academic article
Hansen, John-Are;
Bergh, Steffen G;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Redfield, Timothy Fitzgerald.
Stress inversion of heterogeneous fault-slip data with unknown slip sense: An objective function algorithm contouring method.
Journal of Structural Geology
Academic article
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Braathen, Alvar;
Rød, Rita Sande;
Hynne, Ingrid Bjørnerheim.
Styles of normal faulting and fault controlled sedimentation in the Triassic deposits of Eastern Svalbard.
Norwegian Petroleum Directorate Bulletin
Academic article
Redfield, Thomas Fitzmaurice;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
Some remarks on the earthquakes of Fennoscandia: A conceptual seismological model drawn from the perspective of hyperextension.
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Anell, Ingrid Margareta;
Braathen, Alvar;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Olaussen, Snorre.
Evidence of faulting contradicting a Triassic quiescent northern Barents Shelf.
First Break
Academic article
Braathen, Alvar;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Hauso, Harald Ove;
Semshaug, Siv Lise;
Fredman, Niclas;
Buckley, Simon John.
Fault-induced deformation in a poorly consolidated, siliciclastic growth basin: A study from the Devonian in Norway.
Academic article
Anell, Ingrid Margareta;
Braathen, Alvar;
Senger, Kim;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
Evidence of faulting contradicts a quiescent northern Barents Shelf during the Triassic.
First Break
Academic article
Braathen, Alvar;
Anell, Ingrid Margareta;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Olaussen, Snorre.
Just how quiescent was the northern Barents Shelf during the Triassic?.
First Break
Academic article
Peron, Gwenn;
Manatschal, Gianreto;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
Structural comparison of archetypal Atlantic rifted margins: A review of observations and concepts.
Marine and Petroleum Geology
Academic literature review
Redfield, T.F.;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
The long-term topographic response of a continent adjacent to a hyperextended margin: A case study from Scandinavia.
Geological Society of America Bulletin
Academic article
Braathen, Alvar;
Olaussen, Snorre;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
Trias i nord - opptur i Barentshavet.
Feature article
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Redfield, T.F..
Crustal taper and topography at passive continental margins.
Terra Nova
Academic article
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Redfield, T.F.;
Hendriks, B.H.W.;
Bergh, S.;
Hansen, J.-A.;
Henderson, I.H.C..
Fault-controlled alpine topography in Norway.
Journal of the Geological Society
Academic article
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Henderson, I.;
Lauknes, Tom Rune;
Larsen, yngvar;
Redfield, T.F.;
Dehls, J..
Active normal fault control on landscape and rock-slope failure in northern Norway.
Academic article
Smelror, Morten;
Dehls, John F.;
Ebbing, Jörg;
Larsen, Eiliv;
Lundin, Erik R.;
Nordgulen, Øystein.
Towards a 4D topographic view of the Norwegian Sea margin.
Global and Planetary Change
Academic article
Part of book/report
Maher, Harmon;
Braathen, Alvar;
Ganerød, Morgan;
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Redfield, Tim;
Myhre, Per Inge.
Core complex fault rocks of the Silurian to Devonian Keisarhjelmen detachment in NW Spitsbergen.
The Geological Society of America
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Osmundsen, Per Terje;
Peron, Gwenn.
Tectonic evolution of the Mid-Norwegian Rifted Margin.
Schau-Pettersen, Kristian ;
Braathen, Alvar;
Osmundsen, Per Terje.
Forlastningsarkitektur og forkasningsprodukter i Persvik forkastningssone, Møre-Trøndelag forkastningskompleks.
Masters thesis
- TGB4112 - Geology and Geological Resources of Norway
- TGB4266 - Tectonics
- TGB4100 - Geology, Introduction
- TGB4265 - Structural Geology, Advanced Course
- GEOL3095 - Master's Thesis in Geology
- TGB4135 - Basin Analysis
- GEOL3093 - Special Course for the Master's Thesis
- GEOL3092 - Special Course for the Master's Thesis
- TGB4170 - Diagenesis/Reservoir Quality
- TGB4150 - Structural Geology, Basic Course
- TGB4160 - Petroleum Geology
- GEOL1001 - Historical Geology and Paleontology
- GB8201 - Tectonics
Academic lectureSmyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra Anna; Senger, Kim; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Janocha, Julian; Mosociova, Tereza; Ammerlaan, Fenna. (2025) Surface to subsurface expression of a long-lived structural element: the Billefjorden Fault Zone in Svalbard. 10th International Conference on Arctic Margins, Bremen , Bremen 2025-03-16 - 2025-03-21
PosterGresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn. (2023) From detachment fault to turtleback structural configuration: insights from the Klakk Fault Complex and the Frøya High on the mid-Norwegian margin. Norsk Geologisk Forening Norwegian Geological Winter Meeting 2023 , Trondheim 2023-01-04 - 2023-01-06
Academic lectureGresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn. (2023) Sequential erosion of footwall culminations in necking domains during rifting: observations from and possible implications for Middle Jurassic – Early Cretaceous sedimentary distribution on and adjacent the Frøya High, mid-Norwegian margin. Norsk Geologisk Forening Norwegian Geological Winter Meeting 2023 , Trondheim 2023-01-04 - 2023-01-06
PosterHaaland, Linda Cecilia; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Redfield, Thomas Fitzmaurice; Slagstad, Trond; Senger, Kim. (2023) Kinematics and tectonic evolution of the Eocene-Oligocene Forlandsundet Basin, Svalbard. Norsk geologisk forening Norsk geologisk vintermøte , Trondheim 2023-01-04 - 2023-01-06
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje; Peron, Gwenn; Gresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested. (2023) tectonic setting of the Frøya High - Froan/Sula basins - Nordland Ridge. SVAL Energy SVAL Suprabasins seminar , Online 2023-01-19 -
PosterSvendby, Anne Kathrine; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Andersen, Torgeir Bjørge; Andresen, Arild. (2023) Progressive faulting evolution in a transtensional basin; the Grunnevatnet fault, Western Norway. Norsk geologisk forening NGF Vinterkonfereansen 2023 , Trondheim 2023-01-04 - 2023-01-06
Academic lectureGresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Peron, Gwenn. (2023) Frøya High Learnings. Suprabasins partner seminar Sval Energy AS 2023-01-19 - 2023-01-19
Academic lectureGresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn. (2022) 3D evolution of necking domains: insights from the Frøya High, mid-Norwegian rifted margin. GFZ Potsdam Rift and Rifted Margins Online Seminar , Online 2022-08-01 - 2022-08-01
Academic lectureGresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn. (2022) Evolution of detachment fault systems within necking domains: insights from the Frøya and Gossa Highs, mid-Norwegian margin. EGU EGU General Assembly 2022 , Wien 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27
Academic lectureGresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Peron, Gwenn. (2022) Frøya High, mid-Norwegian margin: Tectonic models and unconformities in the Late Jurassic. NTNU/Equinor Equinor Workshop , Equinor Rotvoll 2022-11-09 - 2022-11-09
Academic lectureGresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Peron, Gwenn. (2022) Tectonic development of the Frøya High, mid-Norwegian Margin. UiO Suprabasins project update AkerBP , Digital 2022-03-09 - 2022-03-09
Academic lectureMidtkandal, I; Braathen, Alvar; Osmundsen, Per Terje. (2022) Rift footwall range geomorphology as a function of fault length and throw. Talk, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting , New Orleans 2022-12-13 - 2022-12-17
Academic lectureHaaland, Linda Cecilia; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Redfield, Thomas Fitzmaurice; Svendby, Anne Kathrine; Senger, Kim. (2022) Extensional Tectonic Geomorphology on the NE Atlantic Margin? Investigating Three Half-Graben Basins. ICAM9 The 9th International Conference on Arctic Margins , Ottowa 2022-06-13 - 2022-06-15
Academic lectureHaaland, Linda Cecilia; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Redfield, Thomas Fitzmaurice; Svendby, Anne Kathrine; Senger, Kim. (2022) Extensional tectonic geomorphology along the northeast Atlantic margin? A field-based investigation of three half-graben basins. Jarðfræðafélag Íslands Nordic Geological Wintermeeting , Reykjavik 2022-05-11 - 2022-05-13
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje; Braathen, Alvar. (2022) Evolution of border faults in rifts and at rifted margins: tectono-sedimentary relationships produced by large-magnitude faulting and successive incision. Suprabasins days , Thorn Hotel Opera 2022-04-20 - 2022-04-22
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje; Peron, Gwenn; Gresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested; Braathen, Alvar. (2022) 3D evolution of large-magnitude extensional faults and their effects on the architecture of rifts and rifted margins. Nordisk Geologisk Vinterkonferanse , Reykjavik 2022-05-11 - 2022-05-11
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje; Peron, Gwenn; Gresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested; Braathen, Alvar. (2022) 3D evolution of exensional detachment faults and their effect on the architecture of rifts and rifted margins . EGU European Geoscience Union, General Assembly , Wien 2022-04-23 - 2022-04-28
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje. (2022) From rift faults to detachment faults: the Kvamshesten case study and generic implications. Suprabasin days 2022-04-20 - 2022-04-21
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje. (2022) From rift faults to detachment faults: the Kvamshesten case study and generic implications. AkerBP AkerBP Forum , Online 2022-03-08 -
Academic lectureBraathen, Alvar; Midtkandal, Ivar; Osmundsen, Per Terje. (2022) Geomorphology of continental rift landscapes - analyses inspired by North Sea observations. Geological society of Island Nordic Geological Winter Meeting , Reykjavik 2022-05-11 - 2022-05-13
Academic lectureRedfield, Tim F.; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Braathen, Alvar. (2022) A possible neotectonic signal derived from rivers of the MTFC - can a similar method be applied to offshore top basement grids? . Suprabasins days , Thorn Hotel Opera 2022-04-20 - 2022-04-22
Academic lectureSmyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra Anna; Blinkenberg, Kasper H.; Braathen, Alvar; Janocha, Julian; Johannessen, Erik Petter; Mosociova, Tereza. (2022) Carboniferous - Permian rift systems in Svalbard. Geological Survey of Canada The 9th International Conference on Arctic Margins , Ottawa 2022-06-12 - 2022-06-16
PosterGresseth, Julie Linnea; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn. (2021) Detachment Faulting, Successive Incision and Controls on Supradetachment Basin Formation at the Mid-Norwegian Rifted Margin. Geological Society of Norway Norwegian Geological Winter Meeting , Digital 2021-01-08 - 2021-01-10
PosterGresseth, Julie Linnea; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn. (2021) Detachment Faulting, Successive Incision and Controls on Supradetachment Basin Formation at the Mid-Norwegian Rifted Margin . European Geosciences Union EGU21 , Digital 2021-04-19 - 2021-04-30
PosterHaaland, Linda Cecilia; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Redfield, Tim F.; Svendby, Anne Kathrine; Senger, Kim. (2021) Can relict landscapes shine though the glacial hammer? A statistical examination of the geomorphology of three re-exhumed half-grabens in Norway and Svalbard. NGF NGF Vintermøte 2021-01-06 - 2021-01-08
Academic lectureGresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn. (2021) 3D evolution of necking domains: insights from the Frøya and Gossa Highs, mid-Norwegian margin. American Geophysical Society AGU21 , New Orleans, LA 2021-12-13 - 2021-12-17
Academic lectureGresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn. (2021) Detachment faulting, successive incision and controls on supradetachment basin formation on the Mid-Norwegian Rifted Margin. Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain PETEX21 , London 2021-11-23 - 2022-10-25
Academic lectureSerck, Christopher Sæbø; Poyatos-Moré, Miquel; Midtkandal, Ivar; Braathen, Alvar; Olaussen, Snorre; Osmundsen, Per Terje. (2021) Tectonic basins around basement domes, Oman II. Spirit Energy Spirit Energy Geoscience Forum , Digital 2021-04-21 - 2021-04-21
PosterHaaland, Linda Cecilia; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Redfield, Tim F.; Svendby, Anne Kathrine; Senger, Kim. (2021) Investigating tectonic geomorphology of three half-graben basins onshore the NE Atlantic margin. EGU EGU General Assembly , Wien (virtuell konferanse) 2021-04-19 - 2021-04-30
Academic lectureHaaland, Linda Cecilia; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Redfield, Tim F.; Svendby, Anne Kathrine; Senger, Kim. (2021) Can We Recognize Tectonic Geomorphology from the Late Paleozoic? A Study of Three Half-Grabens Onshore the Northeast Atlantic Margin. AGU AGU Fall Meeting 2021 , New Orleans, Louisiana 2021-12-13 - 2021-12-17
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje; Braathen, Alvar; Gresseth, Julie Linnea; Midtkandal, Ivar; More, M.P; Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn. (2021) Detachment faulting, successive incision and supradetachment basin evolution in large-magnitude extensional systems. digital Norwegian Geological Winter Meeting 2021-01-08 - 2021-01-10
Academic lectureGresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested; Braathen, Alvar; Serck, Christopher Sæbø; Faleide, Jan Inge; Osmundsen, Per Terje. (2021) Late Paleozoic Supradetachment Basin Configuration in SW Barents Sea – intrabasement Seismic Facies of the Fingerdjupet Subbasin. . Norwegian Geological Winter Meeting , digital 2021-01-08 - 2021-01-10
Academic lectureGresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested; Braathen, Alvar; Serck, Christopher Sæbø; Faleide, Jan Inge; Osmundsen, Per Terje. (2021) Late Paleozoic Supradetachment Basin Configuration in the SW Barents Sea - Intrabasement Seismic Facies Analysis of the Fingerdjupet Subbasin. UiO Suprabasins Days , Oslo 2021-04-20 - 2021-04-22
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje; Gresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested; Peron, Gwenn. (2021) Regional setting of the Frøya High region with marginal basins. Online seminar Lundin Energy Norway , Online 2021-05-10 - 2021-05-10
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje; Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn; Gresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested. (2021) From rift to drift: successive modes of deformation at the Mid-Norwegian rifted margin. Equinor zoom tour 2021-06-25 -
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje. (2021) Fault geometry during progressive displacement reflected in basin fill - the Kvamshesten Basin case. Lundin energy Lundin energy Norway Forum , Online 2021-05-25 -
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje. (2021) Fault geometry during progressive displacement reflected in basin fill - the Kvamshesten Basin case. Spirit Energy Spirit Norway Forum 2021-04-29 -
Academic lectureGresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn. (2021) Tectonic development of the Frøya High, mid-Norwegian Margin. UiO Suprabasins Days , Oslo 2021-04-20 - 2021-04-22
Academic lectureMaher, H. D. jr.; Parcher, sara; Braathen, Alvar; Ganerød, Morgan; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Redfield, Thomas Fitzmaurice. (2020) Keiserhjelem detachment fault rock development, NW Spitsbergen. . GSA Annual Meeting , Phoenix, Arizona, 2020-09-22 - 2020-09-25
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje; Braathen, Alvar. (2020) Rift to margin concepts. Lundin Lundin Norway Zoom tour , online 2020-08-12 - 2020-08-12
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje; Braathen, Alvar. (2020) Rift to drift concepts. Equinor Zoom tour, 5 presentations 2020-06-25 - 2020-06-25
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje; Braathen, Alvar. (2020) Development of passive margins - the Mid-Norwegian Shelf. Spirit Energy tour, science and datasets 2020-02-20 - 2020-02-20
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje; Braathen, Alvar. (2020) Mid-Norway work plans and datasets. Lundin Norway visit, dataset discussions 2020-02-17 - 2020-02-17
Academic lectureBraathen, Alvar; Ganerød, Morgan; Maher, Harmon; Myhre, Per Inge; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Redfield, Timothy Fitzgerald. (2020) Devonian extensional tectonics in Svalbard; Raudfjorden’s synclinal basin above the Keiserhjelmen detachment. Nordic Geological Society biannual Winter meeting 2020-01-08 - 2020-01-10
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje. (2020) The Suprabasins approach as applied to Mid Norway: Some current ideas, concepts and workplans. Spirit energy tour 2020-02-20 -
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje. (2020) The suprabasins approach as applied to Mid Norway: some current ideas, concepts and workplans. Lundin Energy Norway Lundin Norway visit 2020-02-17 -
PosterSchaaf, Niklas; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Van Der Lelij, Roelant; Lenz, Olaf; Senger, Kim. (2019) Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Forlandsundet Graben – new insights from Sarsøyra, Western Svalbard, Arctic Norway. Geological Society of Norway Norwegian Geological Winter Meeting , Bergen 2019-01-07 - 2019-01-09
PosterParcher, sara; Braathen, Alvar; Ganerød, Morgan; Maher, H. D. jr.; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Redfield, Thomas Fitzmaurice. (2019) Metamorphic history of a metamorphic core complex in NW Spitsbergen. Tectonic Studies Group Annual Meeting, Bergen 2019-01-14 - 2019-01-16
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje; Braathen, Alvar; Midtkandal, Ivar; Poyatos More, Miquel; Andersen, T.B.. (2019) On fault growth and bulk constriction in transtensional supradetachment basins. Lecture, Tectonic Studies Group. Tectonic Studies Group Annual Meeting Bergen 2019-01-14 - 2019-01-16
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje; Braathen, Alvar. (2019) from rifts to megafaults and detachments with core complexes. Suprabasins kick-off meeting for academic partnership, Gardermoen 2019-08-28 - 2019-08-28
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje; Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn; Bunkholt, Halvor Sverre Sæter. (2019) From orogen to rifted margin: successive modes of extension in the proximal margin offshore Norway. European Geoscience Union EGU general assembly , Wien 2019-05-07 - 2019-05-12
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje; Braathen, Alvar; Svendby, Anne Kathrine; Midtkandal, Ivar; Peyotas More, Miquel; Andersen, Torgeir Bjørge. (2019) On fault growth and bulk constriction in transtensional supradetachment basins. Tectonic studies Group, Geol. Soc London Tectonic studies Group , Bergen 2019-01-07 - 2019-01-09
PosterWiest, Johannes; Jacobs, Joachim; Fossen, Haakon; Osmundsen, Per Terje. (2019) Ductile structures in basement windows of the SW Scandinavian Caledonides and their potential for brittle reactivation. The Tectonic Studies Group Annual General Meeting 2019 2019-01-14 - 2019-01-16
Academic lectureWiest, Johannes; Jacobs, Joachim; Fossen, Haakon; Osmundsen, Per Terje. (2019) Shearing, folding and retrogression during exhumation of the southernmost culmination of the Western Gneiss Region, Gulen, SW Norway. Geological society of Norway Geological winter meeting 2019 , Bergen 2019-01-07 - 2019-01-09
Academic lectureMaher, Harmon; Parcher, sara; Braathen, Alvar; Ganerød, Morgan; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Redfield, Tim F.. (2019) Keiserhjelmen detachment fault rock development, NW Spitsbergen. Geological Society of America GSA annual meeting , Phoenix, arizona 2019-09-25 - 2019-09-25
Academic lectureWiest, Johannes; Jacobs, Joachim; Fossen, Haakon; Osmundsen, Per Terje. (2019) Post-orogenic exhumation of metamorphic core complexes in the SW Scandinavian Caledonides – A comparison of structures and processes. EGU EGU General Assembly 2019 , Vienna 2019-04-09 -
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje. (2019) From rifts to megafaults and detachments with core complexes. Suprabasins kickoff meeting, Gardermoen 2019-08-28 -
LectureOsmundsen, Per Terje. (2018) Linking onshore and off shore structures and their role in basin development on the continental margin. Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo Seminar Celebrating Roy Gabrielsen 70 year 2018-09-28 - 2018-09-28
PosterSchaaf, Niklas; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Senger, Kim. (2018) Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Paleogene Forlandsundet Graben - new insights from Sarsøyra, Western Spitsbergen, Arctic Norway. ARCEx ARCEx annual conference , Longyearbyen 2018-10-09 - 2018-10-11
PosterWiest, Johannes; Jacobs, Joachim; Fossen, Haakon; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Ganerød, Morgan. (2018) Crustal structure and post-collisional exhumation of the Øygarden Complex, SW Norway Caledonides. EGU General Assembly 2018 2018-04-08 - 2018-04-13
LectureBraathen, Alvar; Mulrooney, Mark; Haile, Beyene Girma; Appleyard, Tyler Ross; van Yperen, Anna Elisabeth; Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra Anna. (2017) “Delta collapse” – Edgeøya delta system compared to the Ferron delta (Utah) . Universitetet i Oslo Talking Trias 2017 , Oslo 2017-10-25 - 2017-10-26
LectureOgata, Kei; Mulrooney, Mark; Braathen, Alvar; Maher, Harmon; Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra Anna; Anell, Ingrid Margareta. (2017) Architecture, deformation style and petrophysical properties of a Late Triassic growth fault system in southern Edgeøya, East Svalbard. Universitetet i Oslo Talking Trias 2017 , Oslo 2017-10-25 - 2017-10-26
LectureMaher, Harmon; Braathen, Alvar; Mulrooney, Mark; Ogata, Kei; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Senger, Kim. (2017) Regional fracture systems & local fracture domains in Svalbard's diabase sills . Universitetet i Oslo Talking Trias 2017 , Oslo 2017-10-25 - 2017-10-26
LectureAnell, Ingrid Margareta; Braathen, Alvar; Røhnert, Daniela; Ogata, Kei; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra Anna. (2017) Findings of five field foragings. Sandbody distribution, clinoform geometries and depositional environments of Edgeøya, Svalbard. Universitetet i Oslo Talking Trias 2017 , Oslo 2017-10-25 - 2017-10-26
PosterSvendby, Anne Katrine; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Andresen, Arild; Andersen, Torgeir Bjørge. (2017) Transtensional basins from fault growth to bulk constriction: insights from the `Old Red´ basins of western Norway. EGU EGU-2017 , Wien 2017-04-23 - 2017-04-28
Academic lectureSmyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra Anna; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Braathen, Alvar; Ogata, Kei; Anell, Ingrid Margareta; Husteli, Berit. (2017) Sedimentary architecture of siliciclastic, syntectonic graben and halfgraben fill in Kvalpynten, Edgeøya, Svalbard. Norsk geologisk forening Geologisk vinterkonferanse 2017-01-09 - 2017-01-11
Academic lectureSmyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra Anna; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Braathen, Alvar; Mulrooney, Mark; Olaussen, Snorre. (2016) Three-dimensional model of facies distribution within a Triassic half-graben, SW Edgeøya, Svalbard. 2nd Virtual Geoscience Conference , Bergen 2016-09-21 - 2016-09-23
Academic lectureMaher, Harmon; Senger, Kim; Ogata, Kei; Braathen, Alvar; Mulrooney, Mark; Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra Anna. (2016) Mesozoic Regional Stress Field Evolution in Svalbard. Geological Society of America GSA Annual Meeting , Denver 2016-09-27 -
PosterKoehl, Jean-Baptiste; Tveranger, Jan; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Braathen, Alvar; Taule, Christopher; Collombin, Maxime. (2016) Fault-growth deposit in a Carboniferous rift-basin: the Billefjorden Trough, Svalbard. European Geosciences Union (EGU) European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly , Vienna, Austria 2016-04-17 - 2016-04-22
Academic lectureOgata, Kei; Mulrooney, Mark; Braathen, Alvar; Maher, Harmon; Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra Anna; Anell, Ingrid Margareta. (2016) Field-based characterisation and analogue modelling of the South Edgeøya growth faults systems. Institutt for geofag, Universitetet i Oslo Trias North annual workshop 2016 , Oslo 2016-05-24 - 2016-05-25
PosterKoehl, Jean Baptiste; Tveranger, Jan; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Braathen, Alvar; Taule, Christoffer; Collombin, Maxim. (2016) Fault-growth deposits in a Carboniferous rift-basin: the Billefjorden Trough, Svalbard. EGU EGU General assembly , Vienna 2016-04-17 - 2016-04-22
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje; Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra Anna; Braathen, Alvar; Olaussen, Snorre; Ogata, Kei; Anell, Ingrid Margareta. (2015) Sedimentary architecture and facies distribution in Late Triassic, reservoir-scale half-graben, De Geerdalen Formation, East Svalbard. Boreal Triassic II , Longyearbyen 2015-08-28 - 2015-09-01
Academic lectureBraathen, Alvar; Anell, Ingrid Margareta; Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra Anna; Mulrooney, Mark; Haile, Beyene Girma; Ogata, Kei. (2015) Tectonic influence on platform infill patterns in the mid-late Triassic, Southern Edgeøya, Svalbard. Boreal Triassic II , Longyearbyen 2015-08-28 - 2015-09-01
LectureOsmundsen, Per Terje; Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra Anna; Braathen, Alvar; Olaussen, Snorre; Ogata, Kei; Anell, Ingrid Margareta. (2015) Growth basins at Edgeøya: sedimentary architecture and facies relationships. Trias North project Datasharing workshop 2015 , Oslo 2015-06-01 - 2015-06-02
LectureMaher, Harmon; Braathen, Alvar; Mulrooney, Mark; Ogata, Kei; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra Anna. (2015) South Edgeøya shale detachment geometry and mechanics. Trias North project Datasharing workshop 2015 , Oslo 2015-06-01 - 2015-06-02
Academic lectureSvendby, Anne Katrine; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Andresen, Arild; Andersen, Torgeir Bjørge. (2015) Syntectonic sedimentation in the constructional Kvamshesten basin, western Norway. NGF NGFs Vinterkonferanse , Stavanger 2015-01-12 - 2015-01-14
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje; Braathen, Alvar; Maher, Harmon. (2015) Structural framework at the NE Atlantic-Arctic margin junction: the Devonian Keiserhjelmen Detachment, Northern Svalbard. ICAM 7th International Conference on Arctic Margins - ICAM , Trondheim 2015-06-02 - 2015-06-05
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje; Braathen, Alvar; Maher, Harmon. (2015) First crustal-scale extension at the Arctic margin: the Devonian Keiserhjelmen Detachment, Svalbard. American Association of Petroleum Geologists 3P Arctic Petroleum Potential AAPG Conference , Stavanger 2015-09-29 - 2015-10-02
Academic lectureBraathen, Alvar; Mulrooney, Mark; Ogata, Kei; Anell, Ingrid Margareta; Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra Anna; Lecomte, Isabelle. (2015) Trias North: Late Triassic shallow faulting in Edgeøya, Svalbard; structural style, deformation mechanisms and seismic expression. Geological Society of Norway Vinterkonferansen 2015 , Stavanger 2015-01-12 - 2015-01-14
Academic lectureSmyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra Anna; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Braathen, Alvar; Ogata, Kei; Anell, Ingrid Margareta; Husteli, Berit. (2015) Depositional setting and internal architecture of syn-tectonic, siliciclastic half-graben fill, Edgeøya, Svalbard. Geological Society of Norway Vinterkonferansen 2015 , Stavanger 2015-01-12 - 2015-01-14
Academic lectureAnell, Ingrid Margareta; Braathen, Alvar; Midtkandal, Ivar; Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra Anna; Husteli, Berit; Ogata, Kei. (2015) Tracking the Triassic platform-edge: Inferences on onshore clinoform geometries upon reaching the Edgeøya platform. Geological Society of Norway Vinterkonferansen 2015 , Stavanger 2015-01-12 - 2015-01-14
Academic lectureOgata, Kei; Anell, Ingrid Margareta; Braathen, Alvar; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra Anna; Husteli, Berit. (2014) Syndepositional faulting in the Late Triassic succession of Kvalpynten, Edgeøya, East Svalbard. Italian Geological Society Congress of the Italian Geological Society , Milano 2014-09-10 - 2014-09-12
PosterBraathen, Alvar; Anell, Ingrid Margareta; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Olaussen, Snorre. (2013) Exploring the Triassic of the Northern Barents Shelf – Sag-basins Interacting with Growth-faults. AAPG 3P Arctic, The Polar Petroleum Potential , Stavanger 2013-10-15 - 2013-10-18
Academic lectureOsmundsen, Per Terje; Braathen, Alvar; Maher, Hermon. (2012) The geology of Svalbard: structural, stratigraphic and geomorphic response to the formation of two passive margins. EGU EGU General Assembly 2012 , Wien 2012-04-22 - 2012-04-27
LectureBraathen, Alvar; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Olaussen, Snorre. (2011) Tectonic events of the NW Barents Shelf; on-offshore correlations with implications for development of the eastern shelf area. Force petroleum seminar , Stavanger 2011-10-11 - 2011-10-12
Academic lectureBergh, Steffen G; Hansen, John-Are; McCaffrey, K.; Wilson, R.; Kløvjan, O.; Osmundsen, P. T.. (2008) Application of terrestrial laser scanning to constrain the 3D outcrop geometry of passive margin normal faults and tilted fault blocks: The Jurassic-Cretaceous Sortlandsundet Graben, Vesterålen, North Norway. 33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo 2008-08-06 - 2008-08-14
Academic lectureOsmundsen, P. T.; Redfield, Thomas Fitzmaurice; Henderson, I.; Dehls, J.; Lauknes, T. R.; Larsen, Y.. (2008) Tectonically controlled alpine ranges in Norway: A recipe for disaster. 33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo 2008-08-06 - 2008-08-14
Academic lectureEbbing, J.; Bjørlykke, A.; Hendriks, B.W.H.; Olesen, Odleiv; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Pascal, C.. (2006) Scandes: In between the margin and the shield. 27th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting Foredrag/Meddelser , Oulo 2006-01-09 - 2006-01-12
LectureSmelror, Morten; Beylich, A.; Buiter, S.; Dehls, John F.; Ebbing, J.; Eide, E.. (2005) Topo-Europe as seen from the top of Europe - Towards a 4D topographic view of the North Atlantic continental margin. Topo-Europe Exploratory Workshop Foredrag/Meddelser , Budapest 2005-03-17 - 2005-03-18