Philip Stanley Mostert
Wiethase, Joris H.;
Mostert, Philip Stanley;
Cooney, Christopher R.;
O'Hara, Robert B.;
Beale, Colin M..
Spatio-temporal integrated Bayesian species distribution models reveal lack of broad relationships between traits and range shifts.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Academic article
Mostert, Philip Stanley;
O'Hara, Robert Brian.
PointedSDMs: An R package to help facilitate the construction of integrated species distribution models.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Academic article
Morera-Pujol, Virginia;
Mostert, Philip Stanley;
Murphy, Kilian J.;
Burkitt, Tim;
Coad, Barry;
McMahon, Barry J..
Bayesian species distribution models integrate presence-only and presence–absence data to predict deer distribution and relative abundance.
Academic article
Journal publications
Wiethase, Joris H.;
Mostert, Philip Stanley;
Cooney, Christopher R.;
O'Hara, Robert B.;
Beale, Colin M..
Spatio-temporal integrated Bayesian species distribution models reveal lack of broad relationships between traits and range shifts.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Academic article
Mostert, Philip Stanley;
O'Hara, Robert Brian.
PointedSDMs: An R package to help facilitate the construction of integrated species distribution models.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Academic article
Morera-Pujol, Virginia;
Mostert, Philip Stanley;
Murphy, Kilian J.;
Burkitt, Tim;
Coad, Barry;
McMahon, Barry J..
Bayesian species distribution models integrate presence-only and presence–absence data to predict deer distribution and relative abundance.
Academic article
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lectureMostert, Philip Stanley; Adjei, Kwaku Peprah; Togunov, Ron Ronald; OHara, Robert Brian. (2024) Fitting Integrated Distribution Models with PointedSDMs. ISEC International Statistical Ecology Conference , Swansea 2024-07-12 - 2024-07-19
Academic lectureMostert, Philip Stanley; Adjei, Kwaku Peprah; Togunov, Ron Ronald; Perrin, Sam; Chipperfield, Joseph; Finstad, Anders Gravbrøt. (2024) Estimating hotspots using automated pipelines and large-scale integrated species distribution models. ISEC International Statistical Ecology Conference , Swansea 2024-07-12 - 2024-07-19
PosterMostert, Philip Stanley; Koch, Wouter; Bruls, Angeline; Martin, Ellen Claire; Bjørkås, Ragnhild; Perrin, Sam. (2024) A Reproducible Workflow for the Field of Integrated Species Distribution Models. Swedish Biodiversity Data Infrastructure SBDI Days , Stockholm 2024-01-24 - 2024-01-25
LectureMostert, Philip Stanley; Bjørkås, Ragnhild; Bruls, Angeline; Koch, Wouter; Martin, Ellen Claire. (2023) Building a reproducible workflow for the field of integrated species distribution models. ECEM European Conference of Ecological Modelling , Leipzig 2023-09-04 - 2023-09-08
PosterMostert, Philip Stanley; OHara, Robert Brian. (2023) PointedSDMs: an R Package to Facilitate the Modeling of Integrated Species Distribution Models. Norstat Nordstat 2023 , Göteborg 2023-06-19 - 2023-06-22
Academic lectureMostert, Philip Stanley. (2023) Building a reproducible workflow for the field of integrated species distribution models. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research Living Norway Colloquium 2023 , Trondheim 2023-05-23 - 2023-05-24
PosterWiethase, Joris; Mostert, Philip Stanley; Beale, Colin M. (2022) Insights into the explanatory power of species traits as predictors of range shifts: Case study using 40 years of Tanzanian savanna bird observations. British Ecological Society BES Annual Meeting 2022 , Edinburgh 2022-12-19 - 2022-12-21
PosterMostert, Philip Stanley; OHara, Robert Brian. (2022) PointedSDMs: an R Package to Facilitate the Modeling of Integrated Species Distribution Models. SECC International Statistical Ecology Conference (ISEC) , Cape Town 2022-06-27 - 2022-07-01
PosterMostert, Philip Stanley; OHara, Robert Brian. (2022) PointedSDMs: an R Package to Facilitate the Modeling of Integrated Species Distribution Models. British Ecological Society BES Annual Meeting 2022 , Edinburgh 2022-12-19 - 2022-12-21
LectureMandeville, Caitlin; Koch, Wouter; Sicacha Parada, Jorge Armando; Mostert, Philip Stanley; Adjei, Kwaku Peprah. (2022) Sharing, Accessing, and Working with Open Citizen Science Data on the Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Engaging Citizen Science Engaging Citizen Science Conference , Århus 2022-04-25 - 2022-04-26
PosterWiethase, Joris; Mostert, Philip Stanley; Beale, Colin M. (2022) Analysing species trends related to changing climate and habitat alteration, using a Bayesian spatio-temporal model. British Ecological Society Climate Science for Ecological Forecasting , London 2022-05-11 - 2022-05-12
Academic lectureBjørkås, Ragnhild; Bruls, Angeline; Koch, Wouter; Martin, Ellen Claire; Mostert, Philip Stanley; Sørås, Rune. (2021) Reproducible workflows for synthesis of open data. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research Living Norway Colloquium 2021 , Trondheim 2021-10-25 - 2021-10-26