Pieter de Wilde
Pieter studies political conflict over European integration and globalization. His research addresses Euroscepticism as well as public debate in mass media, the internet and parliamentary settings.
He is project leader for UNREP, on unelected representatives and their impact on liberal democracy in Europe as well as principal investigator for the project Trondheim Analytica, on what social media reveal about citizens' political preferences and partner in RECONNECT, on democracy and rule of law in Europe.
De Wilde studied political science at the University of Amsterdam and holds a PhD in political science from ARENA, Center for European Studies, University of Oslo (2011). From 2011 to 2016, he was a Senior Researcher at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center in Germany. He has been a visiting fellow at the University of Copenhagen, Stockholm University and the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University. He has been teaching and researching European politics at NTNU since 2016.
Unelected Representatives: The Impact on Liberal Democracy in Europe (UNREP)
Reconciling Europe with its Citizens through Democracy and Rule of Law (RECONNECT)
Trondheim Analytica
Vik, Linn Andrea;
de Wilde, Pieter.
Reconceptualizing “feeling represented”: A new approach to measure how feelings of political representation are constructed.
Acta Politica
Academic article
Andrione-Moylan, Alex;
Wilde, Pieter de;
Raube, Kolja.
Varieties of EU trade politicisation in EU public debates.
Global Policy
Academic article
Andrione-Moylan, Alex;
Wilde, Pieter de;
Raube, Kolja.
(De-)politicization Discourse Strategies: The Case of Trade.
Journal of Common Market Studies
Academic article
de Wilde, Pieter;
Rasch, Astrid;
Bossetta, Michael.
Analyzing Citizen Engagement With European Politics on Social Media.
Politics and Governance
de Wilde, Pieter.
Peace, Prosperity and Protection: Narratives of Integration and the ‘Justification Jungle’ of Europe's Public Spheres.
Journal of Common Market Studies
Academic article
de Wilde, Pieter;
Langsæther, Peter Egge;
Özdemir, Sina Furkan.
Critical junctures and the crystallization of cosmopolitanism and communitarianism.
European Political Science Review
Academic article
de Wilde, Pieter.
More power, less influence: European union actors in media debates on fiscal policy after the eurocrisis.
Journal of European Integration
Academic article
de Wilde, Pieter.
Rebound? The Short- and Long-term Effects of Crises on Public Support and Trust in European Governance.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
de Wilde, Pieter.
The Fall of the Spitzenkandidaten: Political Parties and Conflict in the 2019 European Parliament Elections.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gora, Anna;
de Wilde, Pieter.
The essence of democratic backsliding in the European Union: deliberation and rule of law.
Journal of European Public Policy
Academic article
de Wilde, Pieter;
Rabås, Kjerstin.
Journalist Academic Partnership.
NTNU HumSam Blog
Feature article
de Wilde, Pieter.
Media Logic and Grand Theories of European Integration.
Journal of European Public Policy
Academic article
de Wilde, Pieter.
The Quality of Representative Claims: Uncovering a Weakness in the Defense of the Liberal World Order.
Political Studies
Academic article
de Wilde, Pieter;
Rauh, Christian.
Going Full Circle: The Need for Procedural Perspectives on EU Responsiveness.
Journal of European Public Policy
Academic article
de Wilde, Pieter;
Aae, Mari Cecilie.
Birds of a Feather Flock Together: Nordic Defense Cooperation in a Globalized World.
Masters thesis
Journal publications
Vik, Linn Andrea;
de Wilde, Pieter.
Reconceptualizing “feeling represented”: A new approach to measure how feelings of political representation are constructed.
Acta Politica
Academic article
Andrione-Moylan, Alex;
Wilde, Pieter de;
Raube, Kolja.
Varieties of EU trade politicisation in EU public debates.
Global Policy
Academic article
Andrione-Moylan, Alex;
Wilde, Pieter de;
Raube, Kolja.
(De-)politicization Discourse Strategies: The Case of Trade.
Journal of Common Market Studies
Academic article
de Wilde, Pieter;
Rasch, Astrid;
Bossetta, Michael.
Analyzing Citizen Engagement With European Politics on Social Media.
Politics and Governance
de Wilde, Pieter.
Peace, Prosperity and Protection: Narratives of Integration and the ‘Justification Jungle’ of Europe's Public Spheres.
Journal of Common Market Studies
Academic article
de Wilde, Pieter;
Langsæther, Peter Egge;
Özdemir, Sina Furkan.
Critical junctures and the crystallization of cosmopolitanism and communitarianism.
European Political Science Review
Academic article
de Wilde, Pieter.
More power, less influence: European union actors in media debates on fiscal policy after the eurocrisis.
Journal of European Integration
Academic article
Gora, Anna;
de Wilde, Pieter.
The essence of democratic backsliding in the European Union: deliberation and rule of law.
Journal of European Public Policy
Academic article
de Wilde, Pieter;
Rabås, Kjerstin.
Journalist Academic Partnership.
NTNU HumSam Blog
Feature article
de Wilde, Pieter.
Media Logic and Grand Theories of European Integration.
Journal of European Public Policy
Academic article
de Wilde, Pieter.
The Quality of Representative Claims: Uncovering a Weakness in the Defense of the Liberal World Order.
Political Studies
Academic article
de Wilde, Pieter;
Rauh, Christian.
Going Full Circle: The Need for Procedural Perspectives on EU Responsiveness.
Journal of European Public Policy
Academic article
Part of book/report
de Wilde, Pieter.
Rebound? The Short- and Long-term Effects of Crises on Public Support and Trust in European Governance.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
de Wilde, Pieter.
The Fall of the Spitzenkandidaten: Political Parties and Conflict in the 2019 European Parliament Elections.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
de Wilde, Pieter;
Aae, Mari Cecilie.
Birds of a Feather Flock Together: Nordic Defense Cooperation in a Globalized World.
Masters thesis
InterviewSfrintzeris, Yasmin; Bugge, Stella; de Wilde, Pieter. (2023) Politisk jordskjelv i Nederland: − Angsten er stor. VG VG [Newspaper] 2023-11-23
Academic lectureWilde, Pieter de. (2023) Motivation, Representation, Authorization: How Activists and Celebrities become Unelected Representatives. European Consortium for Political Research ECPR General Conference , Prag 2023-09-04 - 2023-09-08
Academic lectureWilde, Pieter de. (2023) Unelected Representatives. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Research Seminar European Politics & Society , Groningen 2023-04-26 - 2023-04-26
LectureWilde, Pieter de. (2023) Unelected Representatives: The Impact on Liberal Democracy in Europe. NTNU Unelected Representatives and their Claims , Trondheim 2023-05-30 - 2023-05-31
Academic lectureWilde, Pieter de. (2023) The Motivation of Political Activists, their Understanding of Representation and the path toward Authorization. NTNU Unelected Representatives and their Claims , Trondheim 2023-05-30 - 2023-05-31
Interviewde Wilde, Pieter; Hommefoss Johnsen, Jesper. (2022) Grønn støtte til Krigen. Trass i at partiet har røter i fredsrørsla, er Dei Grøne i Tyskland blant dei mest ivrige etter å støtte Ukraina i krigen mot Russland. Dag og Tid Dag og Tid [Newspaper] 2022-04-29
Programme participationde Wilde, Pieter; Seibicke, Helena; Magin, Melanie; Moylan, Tom. (2022) Webinar: Citizen Engagement With European Politics on Social Media. Cogitatio Press, Youtube Cogitatio Press, Youtube [Internet] 2022-03-22
Interviewde Wilde, Pieter. (2021) Frankrikes EU-minister kritiserer Polen. NRK Nyhetsmorgen NRK Nyhetsmorgen [TV] 2021-10-11
Interviewde Wilde, Pieter; Graneng, Kristine; Rye, Lise. (2021) Demokratisk tilbakegang. https://shows.acast.com/det-europeiske-kvarter https://shows.acast.com/det-europeiske-kvarter [Radio] 2021-05-18
InterviewNielsen, Even; de Wilde, Pieter. (2019) Sosiale Mediers rolle i Valgkamp. NRK P1 NRK P1 [Radio] 2019-06-18
Academic lecturede Wilde, Pieter; Crum, Ben; Raube, Kolja; Kochenov, Dimitry; Closa, Carlos; Scheppele, Kim. (2019) Burning Down the House. When democratic and rule of law backsliding hits the European Union. Council for European Studies 26th International Conference of Europeanists , Madrid 2019-06-20 - 2019-06-22
Academic lecturede Wilde, Pieter. (2019) Politicization in European Studies. The Road Toward Development Aid. Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik Politicization of EU external relations: European development policy at the crossfire , Bonn 2019-10-30 - 2019-10-31
Academic lecturede Wilde, Pieter. (2018) Dealing with Populism and the New Globalization Cleavage. Høgskolen i Innlandet Vinterkonferansen , Rena 2018-02-15 -
Academic lecturede Wilde, Pieter. (2018) Trondheim Analytica. What social media reveal about our political preferences and emotions. Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Forening Statsviterkonferansen , Oslo 2018-11-16 - 2018-11-16
Popular scientific lecture
Lecturede Wilde, Pieter. (2018) Trondheim Analytica. NTNU NOBIDS (4th Norwegian Big Data Symposium) , Trondheim 2018-11-14 - 2018-11-14
Lecturede Wilde, Pieter. (2018) How can research help safeguard democracy in Europe?. NTNU NTNU European Conference , Brussel 2018-11-26 - 2018-11-26
Lecturede Wilde, Pieter. (2018) Brexit and European Security. Jagiellonian University Europaeum Workshop on Security in Europe , Krakow 2018-11-22 - 2018-11-24
Popular scientific lecturede Wilde, Pieter. (2018) The Rise of Far Right Populism in Europe. Høyre Studenter Høyre Studentforegning , Trondheim 2018-05-03 - 2018-05-03
InterviewBratberg, Une; de Wilde, Pieter. (2017) Frykter for Demokratiet i Europa. Valgvinder blåser over Europa, og noen frykter full storm. Vårt Land Vårt Land [Newspaper] 2017-02-16
Interviewde Wilde, Pieter. (2017) Europa puster lettet ut etter nederlandsk valg. NTB NTB [Internet] 2017-03-16
Interviewde Wilde, Pieter. (2017) Valget i Nederland 2017. NRK Dagsnytt 18 NRK Dagsnytt 18 [Radio] 2017-03-16
Popular scientific lecturede Wilde, Pieter. (2017) The Dutch Elections of 2017. Studentersamfundet i Trondheim Nederlandsk Valgvake , Studentersamfundet i Trondheim 2017-03-15 - 2017-03-15
Interviewde Wilde, Pieter; Plassen, Pål. (2017) Valgkampagne i Nederland. NRK Norgesglasset NRK Norgesglasset [Radio] 2017-03-07
Academic lecturede Wilde, Pieter. (2017) Good and Bad Representative Claims: How Those in Power are Dropping the Ball. European Consortium for Political Research ECPR General Conference , Oslo 2017-09-08 -
Academic lecturede Wilde, Pieter. (2017) To Justify Globalization: Patterns of Ideological Conflict in the Public Sphere. Council of European Studies International Conference of Europeanists , Glasgow 2017-07-09 -
Interviewde Wilde, Pieter. (2017) Nederland fortsatt uten regjering. NRK P2, Studio 2 NRK P2, Studio 2 [Radio] 2017-07-25
Academic lecturede Wilde, Pieter. (2017) The Globalization Cleavage and International Trade Politics. Catholic University Leuven Summer School on Global Governance , Leuven 2017-06-29 - 2017-06-29
Academic lecturede Wilde, Pieter. (2017) Justifying Globalization in Public Discourse: Solidarity and Patriotism as Extremes. Free University Amsterdam Access Europe Annual Conference , Amsterdam 2017-06-15 - 2017-06-16
Popular scientific lecturede Wilde, Pieter. (2016) Nexit? Fraurevoir? Berlout?. Youth Atlantic Treaty Organization EU på prøve: Brexit og euroskeptisisme , Trondheim 2016-10-07 - 2016-10-07
Interviewde Wilde, Pieter. (2010) Han er Mainstreampolitikker - derfor er Geert Wilders så populær. Dagbladet Magasinet Dagbladet Magasinet [Internet] 2010-08-20
Interviewde Wilde, Pieter. (2010) Nederlandsk Afghanistan Strategie. NRK P2 RadioSelskapet NRK P2 RadioSelskapet [Radio] 2010-07-05
Interviewde Wilde, Pieter. (2010) Finanskrisen knekker høyrepopulistene. Dagbladet Magasinet Dagbladet Magasinet [Internet] 2010-06-08
Interviewde Wilde, Pieter. (2010) Resultater av Nederlansk valgkamp. NRK Her og Nå NRK Her og Nå [Radio] 2010-06-10
Academic lecturede Wilde, Pieter. (2010) Fragmented Online Public Spheres? The Case of the Netherlands. Universitetet i Oslo Demokrati i Praksis , Oslo 2010-01-14 - 2010-01-15
Popular scientific lecturede Wilde, Pieter. (2010) EU i Krisetiden. Hva har endret seg i det 21. århundret?. Europabevegelsen i Akershus og Follo Politikkermøte Europabevegelsen , Kolbotn 2010-03-15 - 2010-03-15
Popular scientific lecturede Wilde, Pieter. (2010) Historien til EU. Fra oppstartet og frem til i dag. Nei til EU Nei til EU møte , Eidsvoll 2010-09-04 - 2010-09-04