Polina Golovátina-Mora
I am an intra-disciplinary researcher-artist. In my artistic work, I perceive art as a research practice and research as artistic practice that generates search for methodology and collaborative networks with more-than-human beings. I position my artistic work as reflective and distributed visual practice, that draws on collaboration between different genres and media, including sounds, writings, movement, textile and paper, collage techniques.
My recent publications unpack the benefits of collaboration between media and genre as well as on my ability to conceptualize with the land and more-than-human beings.
I feel the topic of artistic thinking is as necessary as never before as it enables seeing relationships in the world and train sensitivity towards spaces, beings and ways of knowing that are overlooked, silenced and take for granted. Working with visual and cinematic media, I articulate the cinematic vision as a form of engaging with the world and either make sense of it on everyday basis or analytically deconstruct it and make the hidden oppressions or calls for alliances visible.
Trained in interdisciplinary critical cultural studies, I have significant research and teaching experience across a broad range of fields and topics in humanities and social sciences, in collaboration with artists, designers and engineers: I rely on my knowledge of political and moral philosophy (theories of nationalism, multiculturalism, cosmopolitanism and justice), memory studies, urban artivism, urban environments, green and blue spaces, critical animal and plant studies, practices of meaning-making. I have special interest in the issues of radical democracy and public educational strategies for increasing sensibility against any form of injustice and strategies of being more aware of the agency of the natural environment.
Methodologically, I have knowledge of the broad range of qualitative methodologies, but I favour experimental visual practices and artistic research techniques that inspire sensorial and spatial pedagogies and research methodologies.
Before moving to Norway, I worked in Eastern Europe and then in Colombia (Latin America). I worked for the departments of International Relations and International Business, Social Communication-Journalism and Education.
At different times, I have been a grantee of Robert Bosch Foundation, Fulbright Graduate Fellowship, ErasmusMundus, and Academic Fellowship Program of the Open Society Foundation. I was co-researcher at the international projects sponsored by The Open Society Foundations' Higher Education Support Program (HESP), The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) in collaboration with the Leicester Institute for Advanced Studies, Nordic Council of Ministers and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.
WoodiSH: Circular skills and lifestyle narratives of the historical housing’ inhabitants in Nordic and Baltic countries
K-Reporters: Reassembling politics across children's cultures to scale intersectional pedagogies
Ubiquitous learning in arts education
The humanitarian crisis among Venezuelan migrants in Colombia: a critical analysis of resilience networks, local aid responses and prospects for long-term integration
Tell me a story for a greener, cleaner future today: A diagnostic study on data and methods for generating narratives for clean air action
Making a case for urban greenspace
Bridging traditional beliefs and COVID-19 transmission prevention strategies in Chocó, Colombia
A Hope Spot for sustainable local community development around the Gulf of Tribugá, Colombia
Pueblo Bello, territory in reconstruction from the perspective of the ecosophy
Embodied and sensorial urban experiences
Urban aesthetics: narratives of the spatial relations
Social fears: taxonomy of fears in the society of Medellín and Valle de Aburrá, 2001-2014
Thematic lines of publications:
water thought and water pedagogy
environmental public education and knowledge transfer
civic participation and participatory urbanism
popular culture as philosophy (knowledge transfer)
creativity and meaning making
pedagogical design
Wilde, Matt;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina;
Kramer, Peter;
García Juan, Laura.
Contingent Hope: Everyday Crisis and Future Imaginaries among Venezuelan Migrants in Colombia.
Bulletin of Latin American Research
Academic article
Østern, Tone Pernille;
Dahl, Thomas;
Bjørkøy, Ingrid;
Hovde, Sunniva Skjøstad;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina;
Martin, Rosemary Kate.
Performativ læring - skapende og samskapende utdanning.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Østern, Tone Pernille;
Bjørkøy, Ingrid;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Skapende, samskapende og verdensgjørende? Performativ læring
som pedagogisk agenda.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dahl, Thomas;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina;
Østern, Tone Pernille.
Diffraksjon i performativ læring.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Golovátina-Mora, Polina;
Nenko, Olexandra;
Blandón Gómez, Hernando;
Mora, Raúl Alberto.
How to Ethically Decolonize Research with More-Than-Human Settings [How-to Guide].
Sage Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Golovátina-Mora, Polina;
Martin, Rosemary Kate;
Hovde, Sunniva Skjøstad;
Østern, Tone Pernille;
Søndbø, Victoria Husby.
Transdisciplinary feminist community as learning to be with margins in response to the pain.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rocha Bravo, Mónica;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
A Sentient Planet as a School; a School as a Community Garden: Toward Eco-Creative Think-Practicing.
Qualitative Inquiry
Academic article
Mora, Raúl A.;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Kunstfagdidaktikk som kritisk litterasitet - en sosial og politisk praksis.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Spanellis, Agnessa;
Zapata-Ramírez, Paula A.;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina;
Hernández-Sarmiento, José M..
Decolonizing research using gamification: The case of Choco.
Management Learning
Academic article
Blandón Gómez, Hernando;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Memory study as and through the socially responsive and meaningful design: A classroom experience.
Memory Studies
Academic article
Romero, Roberto;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
In search for the “hybrid reality” of the visual cultures.
Archivo Papers Journal (APJ): Journal of Photography and Visual Culture
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Following for the Community.
Teachers College Press
Popular scientific chapter/article
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Nonhuman Alliances.
Teachers College Press
Popular scientific chapter/article
Rocha Bravo, Mónica;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Educación ambiental comunitaria emancipadora: una respuesta crítica desde la escuela.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Las múltiples caras de la violencia: ¿cómo abordarlas?.
Analecta Política
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Structural Fear and the Ways to Resist It.
Analecta Política
Academic article
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Reading the Paintings—Watching the Poems: Toward the Post-Media Inquiry With Networked City Textualities.
Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies
Academic article
Golovátina-Mora, Polina;
Mora, Raúl Alberto.
A (3D) sensitivity… that´s our (super)power!.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Labzovskii, Lev D.;
Vande Hey, Joshua;
Romanov, Aleksey A.;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina;
Belikov, Dmitriy;
Lashkari, Azam.
Who should measure air quality in modern cities? The example of decentralization of urban air quality monitoring in Krasnoyarsk (Siberia, Russia).
Environmental Science and Policy
Academic article
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Follow the River: City Regeneration in Tension as Works of Water.
Changing Societies & Personalities
Academic article
Golovátina-Mora, Polina;
Hovde, Sunniva Skjøstad;
Østern, Tone Pernille.
Seeding Actions.
Academic article
Mora, Raúl A.;
Cañas, Claudia;
Gutiérrez-Arismendy, Gloria;
Ramírez, Natalia Andrea;
Gaviria, Carlos Andrés;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Critical Literacies in Colombia: Social Transformation and Disruption Ingrained in our Local Realities.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Carlson, Rebecca;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina;
Peterken, Corinna;
Snepvangers, Kim;
Soronen, Anne;
Talvitie-Lamberg, Karoliina.
A Patchworking Process: Coming Together under Pandemic Conditions for Collaborative, Caring Scholarship.
Imaginations: Revue d'études interculturelles de l'image
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Skipping on the grains of multiverses towards the portal: a world-building experience.
Imaginations: Revue d'études interculturelles de l'image
Academic article
Journal publications
Wilde, Matt;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina;
Kramer, Peter;
García Juan, Laura.
Contingent Hope: Everyday Crisis and Future Imaginaries among Venezuelan Migrants in Colombia.
Bulletin of Latin American Research
Academic article
Rocha Bravo, Mónica;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
A Sentient Planet as a School; a School as a Community Garden: Toward Eco-Creative Think-Practicing.
Qualitative Inquiry
Academic article
Spanellis, Agnessa;
Zapata-Ramírez, Paula A.;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina;
Hernández-Sarmiento, José M..
Decolonizing research using gamification: The case of Choco.
Management Learning
Academic article
Blandón Gómez, Hernando;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Memory study as and through the socially responsive and meaningful design: A classroom experience.
Memory Studies
Academic article
Romero, Roberto;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
In search for the “hybrid reality” of the visual cultures.
Archivo Papers Journal (APJ): Journal of Photography and Visual Culture
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Las múltiples caras de la violencia: ¿cómo abordarlas?.
Analecta Política
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Structural Fear and the Ways to Resist It.
Analecta Política
Academic article
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Reading the Paintings—Watching the Poems: Toward the Post-Media Inquiry With Networked City Textualities.
Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies
Academic article
Labzovskii, Lev D.;
Vande Hey, Joshua;
Romanov, Aleksey A.;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina;
Belikov, Dmitriy;
Lashkari, Azam.
Who should measure air quality in modern cities? The example of decentralization of urban air quality monitoring in Krasnoyarsk (Siberia, Russia).
Environmental Science and Policy
Academic article
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Follow the River: City Regeneration in Tension as Works of Water.
Changing Societies & Personalities
Academic article
Golovátina-Mora, Polina;
Hovde, Sunniva Skjøstad;
Østern, Tone Pernille.
Seeding Actions.
Academic article
Carlson, Rebecca;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina;
Peterken, Corinna;
Snepvangers, Kim;
Soronen, Anne;
Talvitie-Lamberg, Karoliina.
A Patchworking Process: Coming Together under Pandemic Conditions for Collaborative, Caring Scholarship.
Imaginations: Revue d'études interculturelles de l'image
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Skipping on the grains of multiverses towards the portal: a world-building experience.
Imaginations: Revue d'études interculturelles de l'image
Academic article
Østern, Tone Pernille;
Dahl, Thomas;
Bjørkøy, Ingrid;
Hovde, Sunniva Skjøstad;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina;
Martin, Rosemary Kate.
Performativ læring - skapende og samskapende utdanning.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Østern, Tone Pernille;
Bjørkøy, Ingrid;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Skapende, samskapende og verdensgjørende? Performativ læring
som pedagogisk agenda.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dahl, Thomas;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina;
Østern, Tone Pernille.
Diffraksjon i performativ læring.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Golovátina-Mora, Polina;
Nenko, Olexandra;
Blandón Gómez, Hernando;
Mora, Raúl Alberto.
How to Ethically Decolonize Research with More-Than-Human Settings [How-to Guide].
Sage Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Golovátina-Mora, Polina;
Martin, Rosemary Kate;
Hovde, Sunniva Skjøstad;
Østern, Tone Pernille;
Søndbø, Victoria Husby.
Transdisciplinary feminist community as learning to be with margins in response to the pain.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mora, Raúl A.;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Kunstfagdidaktikk som kritisk litterasitet - en sosial og politisk praksis.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Following for the Community.
Teachers College Press
Popular scientific chapter/article
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Nonhuman Alliances.
Teachers College Press
Popular scientific chapter/article
Rocha Bravo, Mónica;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Educación ambiental comunitaria emancipadora: una respuesta crítica desde la escuela.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Golovátina-Mora, Polina;
Mora, Raúl Alberto.
A (3D) sensitivity… that´s our (super)power!.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mora, Raúl A.;
Cañas, Claudia;
Gutiérrez-Arismendy, Gloria;
Ramírez, Natalia Andrea;
Gaviria, Carlos Andrés;
Golovátina-Mora, Polina.
Critical Literacies in Colombia: Social Transformation and Disruption Ingrained in our Local Realities.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- PLU8013 - Theoretical frameworks and ethics in educational research
- DID3911 - Master thesis in arts education with creative practice
- PLU8021 - Qualitative and Post-Qualitative Analysis I
- DID3108 - Arts education teaching designs
- PLU8022 - Qualitative and Post-Qualitative Analysis II
- DID3910 - Master thesis in arts education
- PPU4252 - Education: Teaching Film and Media - Full Time
- LOS8033 - Doing Research with the Arts as Methodological Practice
Selected Visiting professorship and invited talks
2023, August, lecture at Doctoral course in Childhood Studies
Posthumanist approach to Childhood Studies
University of Białystok, Poland
2024, June, Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility, Department of Philology
Urban artivism as public education
Learning with the land
National University, Medellín, Colombia
2024, February, workshop at Faculty of Arts
Collaborative work with Non-human agents.
Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia
2024, March, collaborative workshop, Faculty of the Arts and Centre of Regional Studies
Moving with arts for thinking-feeling with the land
2024, February, workshop, Department of Political Science
Critical and decolonial approach to understanding public policy
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia
2024, March, workshop, Doctoral Program in Education
Creative ecology for collaborative research experiences with more-than-human world
2023, August, workshop at Doctoral Program in Political Studies.
Academic publication and networking
2023, June, workshop, Doctoral Program in Social Sciences
Feminist and Performative approaches in Social Studies
Urals Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
2018, November, Masterclass at the Institute of Linguistics.
Multimodal Writing and Video Essay (co-taught with Mora, Raúl A. )
University of Maria Curie Sklodowska in Lublin, Poland:
2020, January, Erasmus+, Department of Social Media and Political Sciences
Urban Sociology
Postqualitative and performativve research methodology
2017, Novembre-December, intensive courses at the Department of Philosophy and Sociology of Politics
Information Society;
Urban Self-government;
Utopia as a method;
Comparative perspectives postsocialism/postcolonialism.
Western Bohemia University in Pilsen, the Czech Republic:
2023, July, Language Center
Research methodology workshop
2018, Novembre-Decembre, workshops at Language Center, Erasmus
Utopía as a form of urban activism
Music as a method of teaching of the second language
2015, February, intensive course at Master’s Program of Sociology at the Faculty of Humanities, Department of Sociology
Matrix and Social Sciences: Introduction to Bourdieusian Sociology.
2014, June, lectures at Language Center
Literature and landscape: territory, nature, nostalgia, and identity;
Language and culture in the process of the language learning;
Realia and language learning: literature and WebQuest as methods of teaching and learning of languages.
2013, June, lectures at Language Center
What can poems tell us? Another look at migration.
Rocha Bravo, Mónica G. Representaciones Sociales sobre Educación Ambiental en Docentes de Básica y Media en Contextos Educativos del Valle de Aburrá [Social Representation about Environmental Education in Secondary Education in Valle de Aburrá] [PhD in Education. Completion date: November 2023, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín Colombia].
Blandón Gómez, Hernando. El poder de la imagen: emancipación del hombre endeudado a partir de Jacques Rancière. Investigación-creación. [The power of the image: emancipation of the indebted man from the philosophy of Jacques Rancière. Creative research]. [PhD in Philosophy, Summa Cum Laude. Completion date: August 2019, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín Colombia]
2021-present MGLU-Kunst og håndverk and MDID , NTNU
2012-2021 - MA in the Processes of the Second Language Teaching and Learning, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia
How gamification helped explain the threat of COVID-19 to Indigenous people in Colombia
Multiculturalism. Key Concepts in Intercultural Dialogue
Cafeidoscopio - Photographic exhibition
Missing Sea: Mention of arts installation
Medellín from crisis to innovation
LectureGolovátina-Mora, Polina. (2024) Movimento con arte para sentipensar el territorio / Moving with the arts to think-feel the land. Universidad de Antioquia Invited lecture , Medellin 2024-03-06 -
Popular scientific lectureØstern, Tone Pernille; Dahl, Thomas; Bjørkøy, Ingrid; Hovde, Sunniva Skjøstad; Golovátina-Mora, Polina; Martin, Rosemary Kate. (2024) Boklansering av "Performativ læring. Skapende og samskapende utdanning". Relational Education Network Conference 2024 Boklansering , DMMH høysekole for barnehagelærerutdanning, Trondheim 2024-06-18 -
Academic lectureGolovátina-Mora, Polina. (2024) Nostalgia of Wooden Residencies in Norway, Finland and Lithuania: Restauration Stories (WoodiSH project). InMind Support, Gdansk University 9th Memory, Melancholy and Nostalgia International Interdisciplinary Conference , Gdansk, online 2024-12-05 - 2024-12-06
Popular scientific lectureGolovátina-Mora, Polina; Bichao, Helena; Iversen, Trude; Soares, Nazare. (2024) Human-Ocean Ecosystem as part of Biodiversity. Eden Baths Bathing and Beyond: bathing, Art and Ecology in the Age of Water , Havet, Trondheim 2024-12-05 - 2024-12-06
Academic lectureGolovátina-Mora, Polina; Yomtoob, Desiree Rachel. (2023) A water body, me and film thinking: possibilities for qualitative inquiry. University of Illinois International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry , Urbana-Champaign 2023-05-17 - 2023-05-20
Academic lectureGolovátina-Mora, Polina. (2023) Careful movements – Performative art-based workshop. Academy of Arts Not Quite King, Not Quite Fish. Arts-based Research Symposium , Vilnius 2023-11-09 - 2023-11-12
Academic lectureGolovátina-Mora, Polina; Karczewska, Anna Maria. (2023) Transformative Powers of Vallenato: The Story of a Nostalgia. InMind Support, University of Gdansk Melancholy, Nostalgia, Memory , Gdansk 2023-12-07 - 2023-12-08
Academic lectureGolovátina-Mora, Polina; Mora, Raúl Alberto. (2022) On Spoons, Pots, and the Rhythms of the Street: Champeta as Literacy Practice. Decolonizing tertiary dance education: Time to act 2022-04-07 - 2022-04-08
Academic lectureGolovátina-Mora, Polina; Blandón Gómez, Hernando. (2022) The benefits of Lotman`s conceptual apparatus for design and urban art movement studies, Latin American perspective. Tallin University, Tartu University Juri Lotman’s Semiosphere , virtual 2022-02-24 - 2022-02-28
Academic lectureGolovátina-Mora, Polina. (2022) Re-assembling Self with Earth. Tartu University Strange Intimacies 2022-09-23 - 2022-09-24
Academic lectureGolovátina-Mora, Polina. (2022) The Politics of Evidence: Dreams as research design. University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign 18th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry , virtual 2022-05-18 - 2022-05-22
Academic lectureGolovátina-Mora, Polina. (2022) Explaining diffraction as thinking-teaching practice. University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign 18th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry , virtual 2022-05-18 - 2022-05-22
Academic lectureGolovátina-Mora, Polina. (2022) Have we all been just sampling raindrops? On Sampling, remixing and sonic ways of argumentation. . University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign 18th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry , virtual 2022-05-18 - 2022-05-22
Academic lectureGolovátina-Mora, Polina. (2022) Plant-based social sciences?. University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign 18th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry , virtual 2022-05-18 - 2022-05-22
Academic lectureGolovátina-Mora, Polina; Mora, Raúl A.. (2022) Embodied literacies: what does dance contribute to the literacy studies? . University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign 18th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry , virtual 2022-05-18 - 2022-05-22
Academic lectureMora, Raúl A.; Golovátina-Mora, Polina; Dando, Michael Norton. (2022) Magical Realism and the Politics of Grieving and Hope: A Critical Multimodal Analysis of Three Media Events. University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign 18th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry , virtual 2022-05-18 - 2022-05-22
Academic lectureGolovátina-Mora, Polina. (2022) The different sides of sensibility and decoloniality: on Colombian perception of Polish Documentary. XVIII Visible Evidence , Gdansk University 2022-08-10 - 2022-08-13
Academic lectureGolovátina-Mora, Polina; Skjøstad Hovde, Sunniva; Reistadbakk, Egil. (2022) Engaging with listening to create the sounds. De Montfort University, Institute for Sonic Creativity Convergence 2022 , Leicester 2022-09-22 - 2022-09-25
Academic lectureGolovátina-Mora, Polina; Blandón Gómez, Hernando. (2022) Street art as analysis in movement . ESA ESA, RN02 Sociology of the Arts , Lund University 2022-09-14 - 2022-09-16
Academic lectureGolovátina-Mora, Polina. (2022) Mother of Dragons: The Fear of Intuition or an Appropriation of the Critical Narrative?. 13th Association of Cultural Studies Conference - Crossroads 2022 2022-11-17 - 2022-11-19
Academic lectureBlandón Gómez, Hernando; Golovátina-Mora, Polina. (2021) Sensorial walking as art-based methodology for visualising the urban invisible frontiers in Medellin, Colombia. Opole University New Challenges for Borderlands Studies: Regional, European and Global Perspectives , online 2021-09-08 - 2021-09-09
Academic lectureGolovátina-Mora, Polina; Blandón Gómez, Hernando; Barco, Jorge; Vande Hey, Joshua; García Rivera, Pablo. (2021) Sonifying the air: the experience of sonic atmospheric studies for air quality education in Medellin, Colombia. Royal Geographic Society Annual RGS-IBG 2021-08-31 - 2021-09-03
Academic lectureGolovátina-Mora, Polina; Blandón Gómez, Hernando; Barco, Jorge; Vande Hey, Joshua; García Rivera, Pablo. (2021) Ensounding the City for the Breathable Future. ESA 15th ESA Conference , virtual, Barcelona 2021-08-31 - 2021-09-03
Academic lectureBlandón Gómez, Hernando; Golovátina-Mora, Polina. (2021) Challenged by The Pandemic: Socially Responsive Responsible Art and Design as Living-Thinking. ESA 15th ESA Conference , virtual, Barcelona 2021-08-31 - 2021-09-03
Academic lectureGolovátina-Mora, Polina; Blandón Gómez, Hernando. (2021) Hybridity of transmediality: the art-based research and forms of expression in media studies. ECREA ECREA 2021 , online 2021-09-06 - 2021-09-09