Ragne Victoria T. K. Stauri
Ragne Stauri is a medical doctor, educated at the NTNU. She is a PhD candicate in health services research and is researching maternity care in the primary health care services.
Stauri's doctoral thesis aims to generate knowledge about the use of maternity care in Norway and how characteristics of general practitiones (GP) and pregnant women can affect this.
Stauri also holds a Bachelor´s degree in Classical Music Performance Studies from the NTNU Department of Music and has studied history, arts and art history at the NTNU, the University of Tromsø and Volda University College. She also has a 12-year background as an elected political representative at municipal and county level. She is the designer of the official master´s degree school ring at NTNU.
Stauri, Ragne Victoria T. Kolaas;
Hagemann, Cecilie Therese.
Nedgang i antall uønskede svangerskap i Norge.
BestPractice Nordic
Popular scientific article
Journal publications
Stauri, Ragne Victoria T. Kolaas;
Hagemann, Cecilie Therese.
Nedgang i antall uønskede svangerskap i Norge.
BestPractice Nordic
Popular scientific article
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lectureStauri, Ragne Victoria T. Kolaas; Hagemann, Cecilie Therese. (2019) Prevensjonsanbefalinger fra helsepersonell – Hvilke holdninger har norske prevensjonsforskrivere til langtidsvirkende prevensjon (LARC)?. Norsk gynekologisk forening Norsk gynekologisk forenings årsmøte 2019 , Bodø 2019-10-24 - 2019-10-25