Senbo Xiao
Senbo Xiao studied biophysics at Nankai University in China (2000~2007), and did his PhD on molecular biophysics at Heidelberg University in Germany (2007~2011). He worked as a postdoc at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (2011~2013), and the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (2013~2015). Since 2015, he has been working at NTNU focusing on Nanomechanics. In 2022, He became an associate professor at the Department of Structural Engineering.
Senbo Xiao is interested generally in the nanoscale mechanisms of different phenomena in nature and in laboratory. His research heavily involves molecular dynamics simulations, different multiscale modeling methodologies, and experiments in deciphering the structure-property-function relationship in materials science. His focuses include:
- Icing and hydrate formation
- Icevoltaics
- Interface mechanics
- Soft materials mechanics
- Nano-enabled enhaced oil recovery
- Carbon capture and storage
Currently, Senbo Xiao is holding an ERC consolidator's grant, IceVoltaics, seeking for realizing green energy recovery from the freezing process of water-based solutions. For more details, please check his research projects.
The NTNU Nanomechanical Lab ( is offering different topics for master thesis concerning nanoscale icing, anti-icing, anti-hydrate, icing energy and many others. If you are interested, please contact the professors in the research group.
The research group also offer new PhD and postdoc positions. Please check the group webpage for details, or contact the professors directly.
Atomistic interactions across interfaces
Atomistic interactions underlie materials properties. To name a few examples, adhesion of water molecules on a surface determines the hydrophobicity and further the icephobicity of the surface; interactions of chemicals and functional groups in a material with CO2 define the CO2-philicity of the materials applied in carbon capture and storage; atomistic interactions between two dis-similar materials decide the dynamics and the robustness of the interface between the two materials. Because atomistic interactions are commonly at a small scale beyond the limit of resolution in experiments, studies of their direct nanoscale effects on material structure, properties and functions generally require techniques like advanced atomistic modeling, as the exmaple shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 1. Probing nanoscale ice adhesion on silicon wafer by atomistic modeling.
Water and aqueous solutions release a huge amount of thermal energy during freezing. Accessing energy utilizing the freezing process has never been attempted until today. This research topic aims to combine high-throughput computing and nanotechnology (Fig. 2) for the first time to enable energy exploration in the freezing process of aqueous solutions. Similar to photovoltaics technology used in solar panels today, future icevoltaics technology will be used in icevoltaics panels for harvesting energy during the icing process. This project will seed an entirely new sustainable energy field of research and applications.
Figure 2. Convergence of high-throughput computing and nanotechnology for new energy
Molecular mechanics: mechanical stability of molecular structrues
The mechanical stability of molecular structures is the basis of materials properties. For example, clusters of ordered hydrogen bonds results in robust nano-crystalline polymer structures and further tough spider-silk fibers (Fig. 3a); special molecular connections lead to the great adaptability of muscles under different load conditions (Fig. 3b); assembly of graphene sheets mimicking the hierarchical structures of fishscales enables new bio-inspired mechanical functions on a novel surface (Fig. 3c). This topic focuses on using atomistic modeling to rebuild molecular structures in computer, employing molecular dynamics simulations to apply load onto the molecular structures, and further accessing the mechanical properties of the molecular structures, with the aim of understanding the possible functions of molecular structures under external mechanical loads.
Figure 3. Examples of molecular structures for special mechanical adaptability.
Research Group
Icevoltaics: from the Workman-Reynolds Freezing Potentials to Electrical Energy
Sharing experience and knowledge in the field of multiscale modelling of materials
Zhang, Yifan;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Beyond gas supersaturation: Dissecting the secondary formation of methane hydrate.
Academic article
Huang, Liang;
Zhang, Wentong;
Huang, Hai;
Cheng, Zhilin;
Xiong, Hao;
Xiao, Senbo.
Editorial: Mechanisms and applications of coupled technologies in unconventional resources for enhancing oil/gas recovery.
Frontiers in Energy Research
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Nanofluids for enhanced oil recovery.
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Nanofluids for enhanced oil recovery.
Rothmund, Erling Velten;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Xiao, Senbo.
Revealing the critical pore size for hydrogen storage via simultaneous enclathration and physisorption in activated carbon.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Liu, Siqi;
Xiao, Senbo;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Unravelling the mystery of fish scales in lowering ice adhesion.
Academic article
Ma, Rui;
Xiao, Senbo;
Chang, Yuanhao;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Nanoscale hydrate adhesion on organic surfaces.
Surfaces and Interfaces
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Yu, Haiyang;
Ma, Rui;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Unraveling Ice-Solid Interface Rupture Dynamics: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Academic article
Zhang, Yifan;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Characterization of the quasi-liquid layer on gas hydrates with molecular dynamics simulations.
Academic article
Ding, Yu;
Yu, Haiyang;
Lin, Meichao;
Ortiz, Michael;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying.
Hydrogen trapping and diffusion in polycrystalline nickel: The spectrum of grain boundary segregation.
Journal of Materials Science & Technology
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Zeng, Fanhua;
He, Jianying.
Deformation and rupture of Janus nanoparticle-stabilized Pickering emulsion in confined channel.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Xiao, Senbo;
Luo, Sihai;
Fu, Yuequn;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Kristiansen, Helge.
Surface wrinkling with memory for programming adhesion and wettability.
ACS Applied Nano Materials
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Fu, Yuequn;
Xiao, Senbo;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Liu, Siqi;
Luo, Sihai.
Thickness Mediated Morphology Evolution in Sub-10-nm Metal Film Deposition: Implications for Nondestructive Testing.
ACS Applied Nano Materials
Academic article
Zhang, Jinxin;
Liu, Lixia;
Li, Yan;
Huang, Yaling;
Xiao, Senbo;
Deng, Zihao.
HSP90 C-terminal domain inhibition promotes VDAC1 oligomerization via decreasing K274 mono-ubiquitination in Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Academic article
Ding, Yu;
Zhao, Kai;
Lin, Meichao;
Yu, Haiyang;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying.
The dual role of hydrogen in grain boundary mobility.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Unraveling the influence of surface roughness on oil displacement by Janus nanoparticles.
Petroleum Science
Academic article
Fu, Yuequn;
Xiao, Senbo;
Liu, Siqi;
Chang, Yuanhao;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Atomistic Insights into the Droplet Size Evolution during Self-Microemulsification.
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jing;
Ning, Fulong;
Ma, Rui;
He, Jianying.
Onion inspired hydrate-phobic surfaces.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Atomistic Insight into Oil Displacement on Rough Surface by Janus Nanoparticles.
Academic article
Fu, Yuequn;
Xiao, Senbo;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Assembly graphene platelets for bioinspired, stimuli-responsive, low ice adhesion surfaces.
ACS Omega
Academic article
Yan, Lifei;
Chang, Yuanhao;
Hassanizadeh, S. Majid;
Xiao, Senbo;
Raoof, Amir;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
A quantitative study of salinity effect on water diffusion in n-alkane phases: From pore-scale experiments to molecular dynamic simulation.
Academic article
Sæther, Sandra;
Erichsen, Merete Falck;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Lervik, Anders;
He, Jianying.
Phonon thermal transport in copper: The effect of size, crystal orientation, and grain boundaries.
AIP Advances
Academic article
Ding, Yu;
Yu, Haiyang;
Lin, Meichao;
Zhao, Kai;
Xiao, Senbo;
Vinogradov, Alexei.
Hydrogen-enhanced grain boundary vacancy stockpiling causes transgranular to intergranular fracture transition.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Ma, Rui;
Xiao, Senbo;
Chang, Yuanhao;
Fu, Yuequn;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
An interfacial gas-enrichment strategy for mitigating hydrate adhesion and blockage.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Håkonsen, Verner;
Liu, Siqi;
Li, Tong;
Wang, Feng;
Luo, Sihai.
Ultra-robust icephobic coatings with high toughness, strong substrate adhesion and self-healing capability.
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Wang, Xiao;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Displacement Dynamics of Trapped Oil in Rough Channels Driven by Nanofluids.
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
He, Zhiwei;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Dynamic Anti-Icing Surfaces (DAIS).
Advanced Science
Academic literature review
Ding, Yu;
Yu, Haiyang;
Zhao, Kai;
Lin, Meichao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ortiz, Michael.
Hydrogen-induced transgranular to intergranular fracture transition in bi-crystalline Nickel.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Chen, Jianhua;
Xiao, Senbo;
Li, Tong;
Wang, Feng;
He, Jianying.
Gels as emerging anti-icing materials: a mini review.
Materials Horizons
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Ma, Rui;
Xiao, Senbo;
English, Niall;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Anti-gas hydrate surfaces: perspectives, progress and prospects.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
Academic article
Fu, Yuequn;
Wu, Jianyang;
Xiao, Senbo;
Liu, Siqi;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Tensile mechanical characteristics of ultra-thin carbon sulfur nanothreads in orientational order.
Academic article
Ma, Rui;
Wang, Feng;
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
English, Niall;
He, Jianying.
Unraveling adhesion strength between gas hydrate and solid surfaces.
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Fu, Yuequn;
Wang, Xiao;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Nanomechanical Characteristics of Trapped Oil Droplets with Nanoparticles: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Xia, Zhijie;
Qi, Yuan;
Sumigawa, Takashi;
Wu, Jianyang;
Sestak, Petr.
Simultaneously toughening and stiffening elastomers with octuple hydrogen bonding.
Advanced Materials
Academic article
Ringdahl, Simen;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Machine Learning Based Prediction of Nanoscale Ice Adhesion on Rough Surfaces.
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Xiao, Senbo;
Amirfazli, Alidad;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Polysiloxane as icephobic materials – the past, present and the future.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Xiao, Senbo;
Håkonsen, Verner;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Anti-icing ionogel surfaces: inhibiting ice nucleation, growth and adhesion
ACS Materials Letters
Academic article
Rønneberg, Sigrid;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Nanoscale Correlations of Ice Adhesion Strength and Water Contact Angle.
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Xiao, Senbo;
Håkonsen, Verner;
Li, Tong;
Wang, Feng;
He, Jianying.
Ultrafast self-healing and highly transparent coating with mechanically durable icephobicity .
Applied Materials Today
Academic article
Fu, Yuequn;
Xiao, Senbo;
Liu, Siqi;
Wu, Jianyang;
Wang, Xiao;
Qiao, Lijie.
Stability, deformation and rupture of Janus oligomer enabled self-emulsifying water-in-oil microemulsion droplets.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Luo, Sihai;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Wenjing;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
He, Jianying.
Enabling phase transition of infused lubricant in porous structure for exceptional oil/water separation.
Journal of Hazardous Materials
Academic article
Pan, Junchao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Wei, Ning;
He, Jianying;
Zhao, Junhua.
Nanoconfined Water Dynamics in Multilayer Graphene Nanopores.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Li, Tong;
Wang, Feng;
Håkonsen, Verner;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying.
Ultra-durable Icephobic Coating by Molecular pulley.
Soft Matter
Academic article
Xiao, Senbo;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Wang, Feng;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Enabling Sequential Rupture for Lowering Atomistic Ice Adhesion.
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Ding, Wenwu;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Liquid layer generator for excellent icephobicity at extremely low temperature.
Materials Horizons
Academic article
Wang, Xiao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Transportation of Janus Nanoparticles in Confined Nanochannels: A Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Environmental Science: Nano
Academic article
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Atomistic dewetting mechanics of Wenzel and monostable Cassie–Baxter states.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Ervik, Åsmund;
Snustad, Ingrid;
Xiao, Senbo;
Brunsvold, Amy;
He, Jianying.
Contact angle and condensation of a CO2 droplet on a solid surface.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Wang, Xiao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Displacement of Nanofluids in Silica Nanopores: Influenced by Wettability of Nanoparticles and Oil Components.
Environmental Science: Nano
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
shi, qiao;
Zhang, Zhisen;
Wu, Hong-Hui;
Wang, Chao;
Ning, Fulong.
Nature-inspired Entwined Coiled Carbon Mechanical Metamaterials: Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Wang, Feng;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
One-Step Fabrication of Bioinspired Lubricant-Regenerable Icephobic Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces (SLIPS).
ACS Omega
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Håkonsen, Verner;
He, Zhiwei;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Enhancing the mechanical durability of icephobic surfaces by introducing autonomous self-healing function.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Academic article
Wang, Xiao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Effect of Nanoparticles on Spontaneous Imbibition of Water into Ultraconfined Reservoir Capillary by Molecular Dynamics Simulation.
Academic article
He, Zhiwei;
Xiao, Senbo;
Gao, Huajian;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Multiscale Crack Initiators Promoted Super-Low Ice Adhesion Surfaces.
Soft Matter
Academic article
Liu, Bing;
Wang, Chao;
Zhang, Jun;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Shen, Yue.
Displacement mechanism of oil in shale inorganic nanopores by supercritical carbon dioxide from molecular dynamics simulations.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Modeling nanoscale ice adhesion.
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica
Academic article
Wang, Mao;
Gong, Yi;
Alzina, Francesc;
Svoboda, Ondrej;
Ballesteros,, Belén;
Sotomayor Torres, Clivia M..
Raman Antenna Effect from Exciton?Phonon Coupling in Organic Semiconducting Nanobelts.
Academic article
Xiao, Senbo;
Peter, Christine;
Kremer, Kurt.
Systematic comparison of model polymer nanocomposite mechanics.
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics
Academic article
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Nanoscale Deicing by Molecular Dynamics Simulation.
Academic article
Journal publications
Zhang, Yifan;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Beyond gas supersaturation: Dissecting the secondary formation of methane hydrate.
Academic article
Huang, Liang;
Zhang, Wentong;
Huang, Hai;
Cheng, Zhilin;
Xiong, Hao;
Xiao, Senbo.
Editorial: Mechanisms and applications of coupled technologies in unconventional resources for enhancing oil/gas recovery.
Frontiers in Energy Research
Rothmund, Erling Velten;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Xiao, Senbo.
Revealing the critical pore size for hydrogen storage via simultaneous enclathration and physisorption in activated carbon.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Liu, Siqi;
Xiao, Senbo;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Unravelling the mystery of fish scales in lowering ice adhesion.
Academic article
Ma, Rui;
Xiao, Senbo;
Chang, Yuanhao;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Nanoscale hydrate adhesion on organic surfaces.
Surfaces and Interfaces
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Yu, Haiyang;
Ma, Rui;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Unraveling Ice-Solid Interface Rupture Dynamics: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Academic article
Zhang, Yifan;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Characterization of the quasi-liquid layer on gas hydrates with molecular dynamics simulations.
Academic article
Ding, Yu;
Yu, Haiyang;
Lin, Meichao;
Ortiz, Michael;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying.
Hydrogen trapping and diffusion in polycrystalline nickel: The spectrum of grain boundary segregation.
Journal of Materials Science & Technology
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Zeng, Fanhua;
He, Jianying.
Deformation and rupture of Janus nanoparticle-stabilized Pickering emulsion in confined channel.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Xiao, Senbo;
Luo, Sihai;
Fu, Yuequn;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Kristiansen, Helge.
Surface wrinkling with memory for programming adhesion and wettability.
ACS Applied Nano Materials
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Fu, Yuequn;
Xiao, Senbo;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Liu, Siqi;
Luo, Sihai.
Thickness Mediated Morphology Evolution in Sub-10-nm Metal Film Deposition: Implications for Nondestructive Testing.
ACS Applied Nano Materials
Academic article
Zhang, Jinxin;
Liu, Lixia;
Li, Yan;
Huang, Yaling;
Xiao, Senbo;
Deng, Zihao.
HSP90 C-terminal domain inhibition promotes VDAC1 oligomerization via decreasing K274 mono-ubiquitination in Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Academic article
Ding, Yu;
Zhao, Kai;
Lin, Meichao;
Yu, Haiyang;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying.
The dual role of hydrogen in grain boundary mobility.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Unraveling the influence of surface roughness on oil displacement by Janus nanoparticles.
Petroleum Science
Academic article
Fu, Yuequn;
Xiao, Senbo;
Liu, Siqi;
Chang, Yuanhao;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Atomistic Insights into the Droplet Size Evolution during Self-Microemulsification.
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jing;
Ning, Fulong;
Ma, Rui;
He, Jianying.
Onion inspired hydrate-phobic surfaces.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Atomistic Insight into Oil Displacement on Rough Surface by Janus Nanoparticles.
Academic article
Fu, Yuequn;
Xiao, Senbo;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Assembly graphene platelets for bioinspired, stimuli-responsive, low ice adhesion surfaces.
ACS Omega
Academic article
Yan, Lifei;
Chang, Yuanhao;
Hassanizadeh, S. Majid;
Xiao, Senbo;
Raoof, Amir;
Berg, Carl Fredrik.
A quantitative study of salinity effect on water diffusion in n-alkane phases: From pore-scale experiments to molecular dynamic simulation.
Academic article
Sæther, Sandra;
Erichsen, Merete Falck;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Lervik, Anders;
He, Jianying.
Phonon thermal transport in copper: The effect of size, crystal orientation, and grain boundaries.
AIP Advances
Academic article
Ding, Yu;
Yu, Haiyang;
Lin, Meichao;
Zhao, Kai;
Xiao, Senbo;
Vinogradov, Alexei.
Hydrogen-enhanced grain boundary vacancy stockpiling causes transgranular to intergranular fracture transition.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Ma, Rui;
Xiao, Senbo;
Chang, Yuanhao;
Fu, Yuequn;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
An interfacial gas-enrichment strategy for mitigating hydrate adhesion and blockage.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Håkonsen, Verner;
Liu, Siqi;
Li, Tong;
Wang, Feng;
Luo, Sihai.
Ultra-robust icephobic coatings with high toughness, strong substrate adhesion and self-healing capability.
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Wang, Xiao;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Displacement Dynamics of Trapped Oil in Rough Channels Driven by Nanofluids.
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
He, Zhiwei;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Dynamic Anti-Icing Surfaces (DAIS).
Advanced Science
Academic literature review
Ding, Yu;
Yu, Haiyang;
Zhao, Kai;
Lin, Meichao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ortiz, Michael.
Hydrogen-induced transgranular to intergranular fracture transition in bi-crystalline Nickel.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Chen, Jianhua;
Xiao, Senbo;
Li, Tong;
Wang, Feng;
He, Jianying.
Gels as emerging anti-icing materials: a mini review.
Materials Horizons
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Ma, Rui;
Xiao, Senbo;
English, Niall;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Anti-gas hydrate surfaces: perspectives, progress and prospects.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
Academic article
Fu, Yuequn;
Wu, Jianyang;
Xiao, Senbo;
Liu, Siqi;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Tensile mechanical characteristics of ultra-thin carbon sulfur nanothreads in orientational order.
Academic article
Ma, Rui;
Wang, Feng;
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
English, Niall;
He, Jianying.
Unraveling adhesion strength between gas hydrate and solid surfaces.
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Fu, Yuequn;
Wang, Xiao;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Nanomechanical Characteristics of Trapped Oil Droplets with Nanoparticles: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Xia, Zhijie;
Qi, Yuan;
Sumigawa, Takashi;
Wu, Jianyang;
Sestak, Petr.
Simultaneously toughening and stiffening elastomers with octuple hydrogen bonding.
Advanced Materials
Academic article
Ringdahl, Simen;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Machine Learning Based Prediction of Nanoscale Ice Adhesion on Rough Surfaces.
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Xiao, Senbo;
Amirfazli, Alidad;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Polysiloxane as icephobic materials – the past, present and the future.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Xiao, Senbo;
Håkonsen, Verner;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Anti-icing ionogel surfaces: inhibiting ice nucleation, growth and adhesion
ACS Materials Letters
Academic article
Rønneberg, Sigrid;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Nanoscale Correlations of Ice Adhesion Strength and Water Contact Angle.
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Xiao, Senbo;
Håkonsen, Verner;
Li, Tong;
Wang, Feng;
He, Jianying.
Ultrafast self-healing and highly transparent coating with mechanically durable icephobicity .
Applied Materials Today
Academic article
Fu, Yuequn;
Xiao, Senbo;
Liu, Siqi;
Wu, Jianyang;
Wang, Xiao;
Qiao, Lijie.
Stability, deformation and rupture of Janus oligomer enabled self-emulsifying water-in-oil microemulsion droplets.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Luo, Sihai;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Wenjing;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
He, Jianying.
Enabling phase transition of infused lubricant in porous structure for exceptional oil/water separation.
Journal of Hazardous Materials
Academic article
Pan, Junchao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Wei, Ning;
He, Jianying;
Zhao, Junhua.
Nanoconfined Water Dynamics in Multilayer Graphene Nanopores.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Li, Tong;
Wang, Feng;
Håkonsen, Verner;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying.
Ultra-durable Icephobic Coating by Molecular pulley.
Soft Matter
Academic article
Xiao, Senbo;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Wang, Feng;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Enabling Sequential Rupture for Lowering Atomistic Ice Adhesion.
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Ding, Wenwu;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Liquid layer generator for excellent icephobicity at extremely low temperature.
Materials Horizons
Academic article
Wang, Xiao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Transportation of Janus Nanoparticles in Confined Nanochannels: A Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Environmental Science: Nano
Academic article
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Atomistic dewetting mechanics of Wenzel and monostable Cassie–Baxter states.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Ervik, Åsmund;
Snustad, Ingrid;
Xiao, Senbo;
Brunsvold, Amy;
He, Jianying.
Contact angle and condensation of a CO2 droplet on a solid surface.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Wang, Xiao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Displacement of Nanofluids in Silica Nanopores: Influenced by Wettability of Nanoparticles and Oil Components.
Environmental Science: Nano
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
shi, qiao;
Zhang, Zhisen;
Wu, Hong-Hui;
Wang, Chao;
Ning, Fulong.
Nature-inspired Entwined Coiled Carbon Mechanical Metamaterials: Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Wang, Feng;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
One-Step Fabrication of Bioinspired Lubricant-Regenerable Icephobic Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces (SLIPS).
ACS Omega
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Håkonsen, Verner;
He, Zhiwei;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Enhancing the mechanical durability of icephobic surfaces by introducing autonomous self-healing function.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Academic article
Wang, Xiao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Effect of Nanoparticles on Spontaneous Imbibition of Water into Ultraconfined Reservoir Capillary by Molecular Dynamics Simulation.
Academic article
He, Zhiwei;
Xiao, Senbo;
Gao, Huajian;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Multiscale Crack Initiators Promoted Super-Low Ice Adhesion Surfaces.
Soft Matter
Academic article
Liu, Bing;
Wang, Chao;
Zhang, Jun;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Shen, Yue.
Displacement mechanism of oil in shale inorganic nanopores by supercritical carbon dioxide from molecular dynamics simulations.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Modeling nanoscale ice adhesion.
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica
Academic article
Wang, Mao;
Gong, Yi;
Alzina, Francesc;
Svoboda, Ondrej;
Ballesteros,, Belén;
Sotomayor Torres, Clivia M..
Raman Antenna Effect from Exciton?Phonon Coupling in Organic Semiconducting Nanobelts.
Academic article
Xiao, Senbo;
Peter, Christine;
Kremer, Kurt.
Systematic comparison of model polymer nanocomposite mechanics.
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics
Academic article
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Nanoscale Deicing by Molecular Dynamics Simulation.
Academic article
Part of book/report
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Nanofluids for enhanced oil recovery.
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Nanofluids for enhanced oil recovery.
Academic lectureWang, Feng; Xiao, Senbo; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2024) Fish-scale enabled sequential rupture for dynamic ice removal. The 24th European Conference on Fracture , Zagreb 2024-08-25 - 2024-08-30
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2024) From Atomistic Interactions to Passive Anti-icing Materials. UiT Noregs arktiske universitet 20th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures (IWAIS) , Narvik 2024-06-18 - 2024-06-21
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo. (2023) Anti-icing Materials and Nanoscale Ice Adhesion. NTNU Nano Norwegian Nano Symposium 2023 , Trondheim 2023-11-28 - 2023-11-29
LectureMa, Rui; Xiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2023) Interfacial gas-enrichment strategy: a novel passive approach to preventing gas hydrate blockages in oil and gas pipelines. National University of Singapore (NUS), InPrEP Pte Ltd and AIChE Singapore Local Section 10th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH10) , Singapore 2023-07-09 - 2023-07-14
Academic lectureMa, Rui; Chang, Yuanhao; Xiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2022) Comparing atomistic hydrate and ice adhesion on solid surfaces. ECCOMAS CONGRESS 2022 2022-06-05 - 2022-06-09
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2022) Probing the Intrinsic Ice Adhesion at the Nanoscale. Professor Trond Kvamsdal, NTNU, Norway 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering , Oslo 2022-06-05 - 2022-06-09
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2022) Revealing the Intrinsic Ice Adhesion at the Nanoscale. European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS) European Conference on Fracture – ECF23 , Funchal, Madeira 2022-06-26 - 2022-07-01
Academic lectureChang, Yuanhao; Xiao, Senbo; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2022) DISPLACEMENT of TRAPPED OIL on ROUGH SURFACES by NANOPARTICLES . The 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering , OSLO 2022-06-06 - 2022-06-09
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo. (2022) From atomistic interactions to passive anti-icing materials. Department of Materials Engineering, KU Leuven 14th molecular dynamics hybrid seminar , KU Leuven 2022-12-14 - 2022-12-14
Academic lectureMa, Rui; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying; Chang, Yuanhao; Wang, Feng; English, Niall. (2021) Why is the adhesin strength of hydrate only one-fifth of ice?. Nordic Association of Computational Mechanics 33th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics , Joenkoeping (online) 2021-11-25 - 2021-11-26
Academic lectureChang, Yuanhao; Xiao, Senbo; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2021) Atomistic Insight into the Nanomechanical Characteristics of Trapped Oil Droplet/ Nanofluid System in Confined Nanochannels. 3rd European Symposium on Nanofluids 2021-09-09 - 2021-09-10
Academic lectureChang, Yuanhao; Xiao, Senbo; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2021) Atomistic Insight into Oil Displacement on Rough Surface by Janus Nanoparticles. the Norwegian NanoSymposium 2021 2021-10-05 - 2021-10-06
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo. (2019) Molecular thermal effect on ice lubrication. Jianying He Sino-European Seminar on Microelectronic Thermal Management and Packaging Technology , Trondheim 2019-12-09 - 2019-12-09
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo. (2019) Dive down to the atomistic root of Ice Adhesion Mechanics. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. h. c. Siegfried Schmauder Scientific visit to Institute for Materials Testing, University of Stuttgart , Stuttgart 2019-12-05 - 2019-12-05
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo. (2019) Molecular Dynamics simulations: from atomistic interactions to zero-energy de-icing technology. Jim Stian Olsen Aker Solutions’ Innovation Week , Aker Solutions, Tranby 2019-12-04 - 2019-12-04
PosterXiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2019) Dive down to the atomistic root of ice adhesion. IWAIS - International Workshops on Atmospheric Icing of Structures 2019 , Reykjavik 2019-06-23 - 2019-06-27
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo. (2019) Atomistic Ice Adhesion Mechanics. Zhiliang Zhang International Symposium on Materials for Anti-icing , Trondheim 2019-05-27 - 2019-05-28
Academic lectureWang, Feng; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying; Xiao, Senbo. (2019) Liquid Layer Generator for Dynamic Icephobicity at Extremely Low Temperature . International Symposium on Materials for Anti-icing 2019 , Trondheim 2019-05-27 - 2019-05-28
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo. (2019) Enable Sequential Rupture for Lowering Atomistic Ice Adhesion. Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V. International Conference on Adhesion in Aqueous Media: From Biology to Synthetic Materials - AAM2019 , Dresden 2019-09-09 - 2019-09-12
Academic lectureRønneberg, Sigrid; Xiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2019) Ice adhesion and wettability at nanoscale. NTNU Nano Norwegian Nanosymposium 2019 , Trondheim 2019-10-16 - 2019-10-17
Popular scientific lectureXiao, Senbo. (2019) Zero-energy de-icing with Nanotechnology. Dagens Næringsliv Havets Hus: En arena for fremtidens havnæringer , Oslo 2019-10-24 - 2019-10-24
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo. (2019) Revealing the atomistic root of ice adhesion for surface icephobicity design. Gerhard A. Holzapfel; Victorien Prot; Zhiliang Zhang Solid (Bio)Mechanics: Challenges of the Next Decade , Trondheim 2019-09-20 - 2019-09-20
Academic lectureHe, Zhiwei; Xiao, Senbo; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2018) Super-Low Ice Adhesion Surfaces without lubricating oils. NTNU The 4th International Symposium on Frontier in Applied Mechanics , Trondheim 2018-08-08 - 2018-08-10
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2018) Looking into Nanoscale Ice Adhesion Interface Mechanics By Molecular Dynamics Simulations. NTNU The 4th International Symposium on Frontier in Applied Mechanics , Trondheim 2018-08-08 - 2018-08-10
Academic lectureHåkonsen, Verner; He, Zhiwei; Rønneberg, Sigrid; Zhuo, Yizhi; Xiao, Senbo; He, Jianying. (2018) Fundamental icephobicity - Recent studies and findings. NATO STO NATO STO AVT PBM meeting , Athens 2018-12-10 - 2018-12-14
Academic lectureHe, Zhiwei; Xiao, Senbo; Gao, Huajian; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2018) New Approach to Super-Low Ice Adhesion Surfaces . 6th World Congress on Adhesion and Related Phenomena 2018-02-25 - 2018-03-01
Academic lectureHe, Zhiwei; Xiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2018) Design and Characterization of Super-Low Ice Adhesion Surfaces . The 45th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films 2018-04-23 - 2018-04-27
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo. (2017) Thermal Transport Across Interfaces. HEAT TRANSFER Seminar Norway 2017-06-12 - 2017-06-12
LectureXiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2017) Nanoscale Ice Adhesion Mechanics. International Conference on Fracture (ICF14) 2017-06-18 - 2017-06-23
Academic lectureRønneberg, Sigrid; He, Zhiwei; Xiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2017) Fundamental Characteristics of Surfaces with Low Ice Adhesion. Fraunhofer IFAM International Workshop on Surface Icing and Assessment of De-Icing / Anti-Icing Technologies , Bremen 2017-01-24 - 2017-01-25
Academic lectureWang, Xiao; Xiao, Senbo; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2017) Effect of nanoparticles on fluid transport in ultraconfined capillary. The 1st European Symposium on Nanofluids 2017-10-08 - 2017-10-11
LectureXiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Probing nanoscale de-icing mechanics by molecular dynamics simulations. Giacomo Risitano European Conference on Fracture , Catania 2016-06-20 - 2016-06-24
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo. (2016) Nanoparticleat Interfaces Mesoscopicdissipativeparticledynamicssimulation. WINPA project meetings 2016-09-21 - 2016-09-21
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo. (2016) Nanoscale De-icing. NTNU NanoLab and NorFab Nano@NTNU Symposium , Trondheim 2016-11-17 - 2016-11-18
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Nanoscale Deicing by Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Senbo Xiao, Fei Xia, Igor Ying Zhang, Carsten Baldauf Sino-German Workshop on Biomolecular Simulations across Scales , Shanghai 2016-05-26 - 2016-05-30
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Probing Nanoscale Ice Detaching Mechanics using Molecular Dynamics Simulations. professor Wanlin Guo 2016 IUTAM Symposium on Nanoscale Physical Mechanics , Nanjing 2016-05-23 - 2016-05-26
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Probing Nanoscale Ice Detaching Mechanics using Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Prof. Pavel Šandera Eighth International Conference on Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture , Brno 2016-06-27 - 2016-06-29
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo. (2015) Systematic Computational Comparison of Polymer Nanocomposite Mechanics. WINPA project meetings 2015-03-11 - 2015-03-11
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2015) Probing water/ice adhesion mechanics using molecular dynamics simulations. NTNU NanoLab Nano@NTNU Symposium 2015 , Skistua, Trondheim 2015-11-11 - 2015-11-11
LectureXiao, Senbo. (2015) Probing Nanomechanics Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Petroleum Technology Center, NTNU Nano seminar , Petroleum Technology Center 2015-11-18 - 2015-11-18