Sotirios Grammatikos
Prof. Sotirios Grammatikos, Dipl.-Ing., MSc, PhD, is Full Professor in Polymers and Composites at the Dept. of Manufacturing and Civil Engineering, Scientific Director of the ASEMlab - Laboratory of Advanced and Sustainable Engineering Materials ( and Leader of the Research Group Sustainable Composites. Sotirios is also Affiliated Professor at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, and Visiting Professor at the University of Western Macedonia in Greece.
Interests: smart features of polymer composites, natural (green) materials, recycling, sustainability & durability aspects in aerospace, energy, automotive and infrastructure applications (e.g. GKN Aerospace, Hexagon (Composites), Huntsman, ACITURRI, Kongsberg, Suzlon).
Before NTNU: he was a Research Fellow at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden (2016-2017) and previously a Research Associate at the University of Bath, UK (2014-2015) and a Post-doc at the University of Ioannina (2013). He holds a PhD in Materials Engineering specialized in Structural Integrity of Aerostructures (2009-2013), a MSc in Chemistry & Technology of Materials (2008-2010) and a diploma in Materials Science & Engineering from the University of Ioannina, Greece (2003-2008). Last but not least, the polymer composites journey commenced with a training in lightweight aerospace composites from the Hellenic Aerospace Industry (HAI), Athens, Greece (2008).
Professional activities
- Elected Member of the European Society for Composite Materials - ESCM
- Scientific Member of the European Energy Materials Industrial Research Initiative -EMIRI
- Scientific member of the European Construction Technology Platform - ECTP
- Scientific member of the Sustainable Process Industry through Resource and Energy Efficiency European Association - SPIRE
- Scientific member of the European Lightweight Cluster Alliance - ELCA
- Scientific member of the Norwegian Network for recycling and reuse of plastic and wood fiber - Polytre
- Scientific member of the Norwegian Circular Materials Technology - Polymers & Composites Cluster - NCMT
- TEK2113/MASG2105 - Material science II -Polymers and Composites
- TØL4205 Polymer materials and processes
- VB8008 Advanced polymer composites
- VB8007 Life cycle assessment of polymers and composites
Research Grants
1. DuraSens, Vinnova, Swedish Research Council, Strategiska Innovationsprogrammet för Grafen, Ref: 2016-01636 [Long-term performance monitoring of concrete structures using a novel graphene-based DURAble SENSor, 2016-2017] (Main contact/PI for Chalmers) [1million SEK]
2. Recytal, Vinnova, Swedish Research Council, Ref: 2017-001986 [Application of RECYcled/recovered glass fibre-reinforced composite insulaTors and discArded gLass fibres in construction, 2016-2017] (Main contact/PI for Chalmers) [1million SEK]
3. MEGAMOULD, Norwegian Research Council, Ref: 256819 [Extra large injection molded components, 2016-2020] (partner and researcher at NTNU) [34million NOK total]
4. PREDICT, Research Council of Norway, RFF Innladet, Ref: 297069 [Prediction of service life of fibre-reinforced polymer composites used for gas cylinders, 2019-2020] (Coordinator) [1million NOK]
5. ECOGLIDE, Research Council of Norway, Ref: 328481 [Ecological composite materials for skis development, 2021-2021] (Coordinator) [1million NOK]
6. SFI Manufacturing - Research Council of Norway, Ref: 237900, [Centre for competitive high value manufacturing in Norway, 2015-2023] (Partner & researcher at NTNU) [4,4million NOK (total 200 million NOK for 8 years)]
7. bioSIP – Research Council of Norway, Oppland Fylkeskommune, Ref: 201903323-2, [bio-based Smart Industrial Park – 2019-2021] (Coordinator) [2million NOK]
8. Rapid Tooling 4.0 - Research Council of Norway, Ref: 281971 [Rapid tooling, 2018-2022] (Main contact/PI for NTNU) [22.75 million NOK]
9. LightSURF – Swedish Research Council, Vinnova, Ref: 2019-02623 [Lighter through surface protection, 2019-2021] (Main contact/PI for Chalmers/NTNU) [5million SEK]
10. LIFETIME, Research Council of Norway, Ref: 309943 [From lifetime prediction to safer and more sustainable polymer composite products, 2020-2023] (Coordinator) [7million NOK]
11. APPEARS, EU H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018, Ref: 814158 [Appearance Printing - European Advanced Research School, 2019-2023] (Partner & researcher at NTNU) [~4 mNOK for IVB dept. NTNU] link
12. MultiComp, Cost Action, European Commission, Ref: CA15107, [Multi-functional nano-carbon composite materials network] (Main contact/PI for NTNU)
13. PACKOOL – European Defence Agency, Ref: PACKOOL-TAV-16-007 [Packaging and cooling advanced technologies – 2019-2021] (Main contact/PI for NTNU) [200k EUR for NTNU]
14. imPURE, H2020, NMBP, Ref: 101016262 [Injection Moulding Repurposing for Medical Supplies enabled by Additive Manufacturing, 2020, 2022] (Main contact/PI for NTNU, WP leader) [450k EUR for NTNU] link
National projects funded by the Research Council of Norway
1. MAAS, Research Council of Norway, Ref: 300989 [Multiparameter Active Antenna Sensor] (Partner & researcher at NTNU) [~12million NOK]
2. AQMA, Research Council of Norway, Ref: 324061 [Air Quality Monitoring Exploiting Massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Antennas, 2021-2024] (Partner & researcher at NTNU) [~12million NOK]
3. DEZOON, Research Council of Norway, Ref: 332786 [Development of deactivating nanoenhanced materials to tackle zoonotic diseases, 2022-2025] (Project coordinator) [7million NOK]
Projects funded by the European Commission
1. AMULET, H2020, INNOSUP, Ref: 101005435 [Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies united for Lightweight, 2021-2024] (Main contact/PI for NTNU) [~200k EUR for NTNU] link
2. PRecycling, Horizon Europe, Ref: 101058670 [Plastic waste stream, recyclate, sorting, mapping, recycling, upcycling, polymer processing, manufacturing, digital tracing, blockchain tool, home appliances, toy industry, circular textiles, 2022-2026] (Main contact/PI for NTNU) [~500k EUR for NTNU] link
3. OVERLEAF, Horizon Europe, Ref: 101056818 [Novel low-pressure cryogenic liquid hydrogen storage for aviation, 2022-2025] (Main contact/PI for NTNU) [~603k EUR for NTNU] link
4. H2ELIOS, Horizon Europe, Ref: [HydrogEn Lightweight & Innovative tank for zerO-emisSion aircraft, 2023-2025], (Main contact/PI for NTNU) [~980k EUR for NTNU] link
5. ZEVRA, Horizon Europe, Ref: 101138034 [Zero Emission electric Vehicles enabled by haRmonised circularity, 2024-2026], (Main contact/PI for NTNU) [500k EUR for NTNU] link
6. GREENCOMP, EEA, Ref: pending [Project for a sustainable ecosystem: recycling of FRPs coming from the aerospace industry, 2023-2024] (PI for NTNU) [~60k EUR for NTNU] link
7. Essence, Cost Action, Ref: CA19118, [High-performance Carbon-based composites with Smart properties for Advanced Sensing Application] (Main contact/PI for NTNU) link
Supervision, consulting, ideas
- Feel free to get in contact
Honours, distinctions, awards
1. Student finalist of the competition YEAR2012, EU FP7, PILLAR V: Design and production of the conference TRA2012, 2012
2. Post-doctoral scholarship by the ‘Science Without Borders’ organization (Young talent category, CNPq-CAPES), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2013-2014)
3. Regional award for personal development by the municipality of Polypetro, Greece, 2015
4. Multiple reviewer recognitions: Comp Part B (Els.), Comp. Struct. (Els), Journ of Comp. Mats. (SAGE), 2014-today
5. Rune Berhardsson’s Graphene fund – Chalmers University of Technology, 2016-2017 [50kSEK]
6. ADAPT project – Areas of Advance fund, Chalmers [Modulated Road Pavements], 2017 [188k SEK]
7. WOODcompo project Prize– EIT Climate-KIC, EU – Horizon2020 [Wood composites - 2018], 2018 [50k NOK]
8. NTNU Discovery, Technology Transfer Office NTNU, Ref: 2019-025 [Moisture uptake sensor of polymer composites], 2019
9. Research Excellence Prize, NTNU, December 2021
10. Oslo Ambassador Conference Award 2022, Oslo, March 2023
Smart features of polymer composites, manufacturing, mechanics, non-destructive evaluation, structural health monitoring, natural (green) materials, recycling, sustainability & durability aspects in aerospace, energy, automotive and infrastructure applications
PRecycling Horizon Europe
OVERLEAF Horizon Europe
H2ELIOS Horizon Europe (Clean Aviation JU)
ZEVRA Horizon Europe
ESSENCE Cost Action
CIRCULess Horizon Europe
DEZOON - Research Council of Norway
Cowen, Todd James;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Cheffena Gebresilassie, Michael.
Highly selective ethanol vapour sensing materials for a new generation of gas sensors based on molecularly imprinted polymers.
Talanta: The International Journal of Pure and Applied Analytical Chemistry
Short communication
Lin, Chen;
Lou, Qi;
Kanstad, Terje;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Ji, Guomin.
A comprehensive study on the physico-mechanical properties of a sustainable mortar reinforced by waste wood fiber.
Construction and Building Materials
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Hygrothermal Aging of Pultruded Fiber–Polymer Composite with Predictions for Design Service Lives.
Journal of composites for construction
Academic article
Krauklis, Andrejs;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Modular Framework for Lifetime Prediction of Composite Materials Affected by the Environment.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Srivastava, Chaman;
Alcock, Benjamin;
Strandlie, Are;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Comparison of the effect of thermal and hygrothermal sub-Tg aging on the durability and appearance of multilayered filament wound composite structure.
Polymer testing
Academic article
Jahan, M.S.;
Hossain, S.;
Sayeed, M.A.;
Das, Subrata Chandra;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Pingky, S.Y..
Development of heavy mineral filler based FRP composites for (low energy) radiation shielding application.
Radiation effects and defects in solids (Print)
Academic article
Cowen, Todd James;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Cheffena Gebresilassie, Michael.
Molecularly imprinted polymer nanoparticle-carbon nanotube composite electrochemical gas sensor for highly selective and sensitive detection of methanol vapour.
The Analyst
Academic article
Hossain, Kabir;
Cowen, Todd;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Cheffena, Michael.
Carbon Nanotube-Based Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Antenna Sensor for Ambient Methanol Vapor Detection.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
Academic article
Kamble, Bhagyashri B.;
Sharma, Kiran Kumar;
Sonawane, Kailas D.;
Tayade, Shivaji N.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Reddy, Y. Veera Manohara.
Graphitic carbon nitride-based electrochemical sensors: A comprehensive review of their synthesis, characterization, and applications.
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science
Academic literature review
Das, Subrata Chandra;
La Rosa, Angela Daniela;
Goutianos, Stergios;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Glass fibre hybridization to improve the durability of circular flax fibre reinforced composites with off-the-shelf recyclable polymer matrix systems for large scale structural applications.
Composites Part C: Open Access
Academic article
Srivastava, Chaman;
Agostino, Pietro;
Stamopoulos, Antonios G.;
Alcock, Benjamin;
Strandlie, Are;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Three-Dimensional Analysis of Porosity in As-Manufactured Glass Fiber/Vinyl Ester Filament Winded Composites Using X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography.
Applied Composite Materials
Academic article
Payami Golhin, Ali;
Tonello, Riccardo;
Frisvad, Jeppe Revall;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Strandlie, Are.
Surface roughness of as-printed polymers: a comprehensive review.
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Academic literature review
Das, Subrata Chandra;
Srivastava, Chaman;
Goutianos, Stergios;
La Rosa, Angela Daniela;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
On the Response to Hygrothermal Ageing of Fully Recyclable Flax and Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites.
Academic article
Das, Subrata Chandra;
La Rosa, Angela Daniela;
Goutianos, Stergios;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Effect of accelerated weathering on the performance of natural fibre reinforced recyclable polymer composites and comparison with conventional composites.
Composites Part C: Open Access
Academic article
Payami Golhin, Ali;
Srivastava, Chaman;
Strandlie, Are;
Sole, Aditya Suneel;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Effects of accelerated aging on the appearance and mechanical performance of materials jetting products.
Materials & design
Academic article
Adnan, Mohammed Mostafa;
Kroyan, Arpenik;
Srivastava, Chaman;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Glaum, Julia;
Ese, Marit-Helen Glomm.
Theoretical and Experimental Determination of Thermomechanical Properties of Epoxy-SiO2 Nanocomposites.
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Velidakis, Emmanuel;
Mountakis, Nikolaos;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Tzounis, Lazaros.
Multi-functional medical grade Polyamide12/Carbon black nanocomposites in material extrusion 3D printing.
Composite structures
Academic article
Rana, Ashvinder Kumar;
Thakur, Manju Kumari;
Saini, Adesh Kumar;
Mokhta, Sudesh Kumar;
Moradi, Omid;
Rydzkowski, Tomasz.
Recent developments in microbial degradation of polypropylene: Integrated approaches towards a sustainable environment.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Papadakis, Vassilis;
Korlos, Apostolos;
Mountakis, Nikolaos.
High Performance Polycarbonate Nanocomposites Mechanically Boosted with Titanium Carbide in Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing.
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Michailidis, Nikolaos;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
David, Constantine N.;
Mountakis, Nikolaos.
Development and Optimization of Medical-Grade MultiFunctional Polyamide 12-Cuprous Oxide Nanocomposites with Superior Mechanical and Antibacterial Properties for Cost-Effective 3D Printing.
Academic article
Payami Golhin, Ali;
Srivastava, Chaman;
Tingstad, Jens Fossan;
Sole, Aditya Suneel;
Strandlie, Are;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Additive manufacturing of multilayered polymer composites: Durability assessment.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Srivastava, Chaman;
Strandlie, Are;
Alcock, Benjamin;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
A comparative study on the effect of hot/wet and hot/dry aging environments on the degradation of filament winded composites.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vidakis, N.;
Petousis, M.;
Mountakis, N.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Papadakis, V.;
Kechagias, J.D..
On the thermal and mechanical performance of Polycarbonate / Titanium Nitride nanocomposites in material extrusion additive manufacturing.
Composites Part C: Open Access
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Velidakis, Emanuel;
Mountakis, Nikolaos;
Fischer-Griffiths, Peder Erik;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Fused Filament Fabrication 3D printed polypropylene/ alumina nanocomposites: Effect of filler loading on the mechanical reinforcement.
Polymer testing
Academic article
Das, Subrata Chandra;
La Rosa, Angela Daniela;
Goutianos, Stergios;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Flax fibers, their composites and application.
Woodhead Publishing Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Michailidis, Nikolaos;
Kechagias, John D.;
Mountakis, Nikolaos;
Argyros, Apostolos.
High-performance medical-grade resin radically reinforced with cellulose nanofibers for 3D printing.
Journal of The Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
Academic article
Petousis, Markos;
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Mountakis, Nikolaos;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Papadakis, Vassilis;
David, Constantine N..
Silicon Carbide Nanoparticles as a Mechanical Boosting Agent in Material Extrusion 3D-Printed Polycarbonate.
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Velidakis, Emmanouil;
Tzounis, Lazaros;
Mountakis, Nikolaos;
Boura, Orsa.
Multi-functional polyamide 12 (PA12)/ multiwall carbon nanotube 3D printed nanocomposites with enhanced mechanical and electrical properties.
Advanced Composite Materials
Academic article
Das, Subrata Chandra;
La Rosa, Angela Daniela;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Life cycle assessment of plant fibers and their composites.
Woodhead Publishing Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Romano, A.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Riley, M.;
Bras, A..
Determination of specific heat capacity of bio-fibre earth mortars stabilised at different relative humidities using Differential Scanning Calorimetry.
Journal of Building Engineering
Academic article
Das, Subrata Chandra;
Paul, Debasree;
Khan, Mubarak Ahmad;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Papatzani, Styliani.
A comparative study between jute and glass fiber reinforced composites.
Key Engineering Materials
Academic article
Das, Subrata Chandra;
Paul, Debasree;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
siddiquee, Md. A.B.;
Papatzani, Styliani;
Koralli, Panagiota.
Effect of stacking sequence on the performance of hybrid natural/synthetic fiber reinforced polymer composite laminates.
Composite structures
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Velidakis, Emmanouil;
Mountakis, Nikolaos;
Fischer-Griffiths, Peder Erik;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Mechanical reinforcement course of 3D printed polypropylene–antimony doped Tin Oxide nanocomposites versus filler loading.
Advanced Composite Materials
Academic article
Thakur, Sourbh;
Chaudhary, Jyoti;
Singh, Pardeep;
Alsanie, Walaa F.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Thakur, Vijay Kumar.
Synthesis of Bio-based monomers and polymers using microbes for a sustainable bioeconomy.
Bioresource Technology
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Velidakis, Emmanouil;
Mountakis, Nikolaos;
Tzounis, Lazaros;
Libscher, Marco.
Enhanced mechanical, thermal and antimicrobial properties of additively manufactured polylactic acid with optimized nano silica content.
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Velidakis, Emmanouil;
Tzounis, Lazaros;
Mountakis, Nikolaos;
Kechagias, John.
Optimization of the filler concentration on fused filament fabrication 3d printed polypropylene with titanium dioxide nanocomposites.
Academic article
Romano, .;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Riley, M.;
Bras, A..
Analysis of dynamic moisture movement within bio-based earth mortars.
Construction and Building Materials
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Velidakis, Emmanouil;
Tzounis, Lazaros;
Mountakis, Nikolaos;
Korlos, Apostolos.
On the mechanical response of silicon dioxide nanofiller concentration on fused filament fabrication 3d printed isotactic polypropylene nanocomposites.
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Tzounis, Lazaros;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Porfyrakis, Emmanouil;
Maniadi, Athena.
Sustainable Additive Manufacturing: Mechanical Response of Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol over Multiple Recycling Processes.
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Kourinou, Mirto;
Velidakis, Emmanouil;
Mountakis, Nikolaos;
Fischer-Griffiths, Peder Erik.
Additive Manufacturing of multifunctional Polylactic Acid (PLA) – Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) Nanocomposites Nanocomposites .
Academic article
Papatzani, Styliani;
Giannakis, Ioannis;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kotsovos, Michael D.;
Das, Subrata Chandra.
Sustainable reinforced concrete design of structural walls.
Key Engineering Materials
Academic article
La Rosa, Angela Daniela;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Ursan, George Andrei;
Aradoaei, Sebastian;
Summerscales, John;
Ciobanu, Romeo Cristian.
Recovery of electronic wastes as fillers for electromagnetic shielding in building components: An LCA study.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Daminabo, Samuel C.;
Goel, Saurav;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Nezhad, Hamed Yazdani;
Thakur, Vijay Kumar.
Fused deposition modeling-based additive manufacturing (3D printing): techniques for polymer material systems.
Materials Today Chemistry
Academic literature review
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Dahl, Morten Melby;
Brøndbo, Vegar Salin;
La Rosa, Angela Daniela.
On the use of carbon nanotubes to develop durable structural electrodes for self-sensing applications.
Key Engineering Materials
Academic article
La Rosa, Angela Daniela;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Ciobanu, Romeo C.;
Schreiner, Cristina M..
Electromagnetic shielding for buildings using hybrid polymer composites: a life cycle assessment study. .
Key Engineering Materials
Academic article
Tzounis, Lazaros;
Petousis, Markos;
Liebscher, Marco;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Vidakis, Nectarios.
Three-Dimensional (3D) Conductive Network of CNT-Modified Short Jute Fiber-Reinforced Natural Rubber: Hierarchical CNT-Enabled Thermoelectric and Electrically Conductive Composite Interfaces.
Academic article
Akhtar, Nasrin;
Das, Subrata Chandra;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Saha, Joykrisna;
Khan, Mubarak Ahmad.
Development of sustainable jute geotextiles by bitumen emulsion and polyester resin: Effect of gamma radiation.
Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics
Academic article
Romano, Abbie;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Riley, Mike;
Bras, Ana.
Physicochemical characterisation of bio-based insulation to explain their hygrothermal behaviour.
Construction and Building Materials
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Tsampas, Spyros;
Papatzani, Styliani;
Luping, Tang;
Löfgren, Ingemar;
Petterson, Jocke.
On the Mechanical Recycling of Decommisioned Insulation Polymer Composite Components.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Papatzani, Styliani;
Evernden, Mark.
Is Hygrothermal Aging of Construction Polymer Composites a Reversible Process?.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
Papatzani, Styliani;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Paine, Kevin.
Interesting Remarks on the Comparison of Organomodified Nanomontmorillonites in Fibre-Cement Nanohybrids.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Jøsendal, Harald Bertin;
Papatzani, Styliani;
Boura, Orsa;
Hajmohammadian Baghban, Mohammad.
Recycled Wood Plastic Composites as Floor Panels for Ship Containers.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
Tzounis, Lazaros;
Petousis, Markos;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Vidakis, Nectarios.
3D printed thermoelectric polyurethane/multiwalled carbon nanotube nanocomposites: A novel approach towards the fabrication of flexible and stretchable organic thermoelectrics .
Academic article
Papatzani, S.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Paine, K..
Permeable nanomontmorillonite and fibre reinforced cementitious binders.
Academic article
Romano, Abbie;
Bras, Ana;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Shaw, Andy;
Riley, Mike.
Dynamic behaviour of bio-based and recycled materials for indoor environmental comfort.
Construction and Building Materials
Academic article
Romano, Abbie;
Bras, Ana;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Shaw, Andy;
Riley, Mike.
Bio-fibre earth composite mortar: A structural and hygrothermal assessment.
Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies
Academic article
La Rosa, Angela Daniela;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Cotton
and Other Natural Fibers for Textile Applications.
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Bio-fibre earth composite mortar: A structural and hygrothermal assessment.
Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Dynamic behaviour of bio-based and recycled materials for indoor environmental comfort.
Construction and Building Materials
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Permeable nanomontmorillonite and fibre reinforced cementitious binders.
Academic article
Hajmohammadian Baghban, Mohammad;
Kioumarsi, Mahdi;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Prediction Models for Thermal Conductivity of Cement-based
Nordic Concrete Research
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Ball, R.J.;
Evernden, M.;
Jones, R..
Impedance spectroscopy as a tool for moisture uptake monitoring in construction composites during service.
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing
Academic article
Mirzanamadi, R.;
Johansson, P.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Thermal properties of asphalt concrete: A numerical and experimental study.
Construction and Building Materials
Academic article
Papatzani, S.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Adl-Zarrabi, B.;
Paine, K..
Pore-structure and microstructural investigation of organomodified/Inorganic nano-montmorillonite cementitious nanocomposites.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kordatos, E.;
Matikas, T.E.;
Paipetis, A.S..
On the fatigue response of a bonded repaired aerospace composite using thermography.
Composite structures
Academic article
Ullah, Z.;
Kaczmarczyk, Ł.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Evernden, M.;
Pearce, C..
Multi-scale computational homogenisation to predict the long-term durability of composite structures.
Computers & structures
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Jones, R.G.;
Evernden, M.;
Correia, J.R..
Thermal cycling effects on the durability of a pultruded GFRP material for off-shore civil engineering structures.
Composite structures
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Evernden, M.;
Mitchels, J.;
Zafari, B.;
Mottram, T.;
Papanicolaou, G..
On the response to hygrothermal aging of pultruded FRPs used in the civil engineering sector.
Materials & design
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Jones, R.;
Evernden, M.;
Correia, J.R..
Thermal cycling effects on the durability of a pultruded GFRP material for off-shore civil engineering structures.
Composite structures
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kordatos, E.;
Matikas, T. E.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Service and maintenance damage assessment of composite structures using various modes of infrared thermography.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
Bekas, Dimitrios G.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kouimtzi, C.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Linear and non-linear electrical dependency of carbon nanotube reinforced composites to internal damage.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Zafari, B.;
Evernden, M.;
Mottram, T.;
Mitchels, J.M..
Moisture uptake characteristics of a pultruded fibre reinforced polymer flat sheet subjected to hot/wet aging.
Polymer degradation and stability
Academic article
Pavlopoulou, S.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kordatos, E.;
Worden, K.;
Paipetis, A.S.;
Matikas, T. E..
Continuous debonding monitoring of a patch repaired helicopter stabilizer: Damage assessment and analysis.
Composite structures
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kordatos, E.;
Matikas, T. E.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Current injection phase thermography for low-velocity impact damage identification.
Materials & design
Academic article
Boura, O.;
Diamanti, E.K.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Gournis, D.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Carbon nanotube growth on high modulus carbon fibres: Morphological and interfacial characterization.
Surface and Interface Analysis
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kordatos, E.;
Matikas, T. E.;
Paipetis, A.S..
A combination of novel thermographic and electrical techniques for low-velocity impact damage identification in multifunctional composites.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kordatos, E.;
Matikas, T. E.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Low-velocity impact damage identification using a novel current injection thermographic technique.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Gkikas, G.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Aggelis, D.G.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Simultaneous acoustic and dielectric real time curing monitoring of epoxy systems.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kordatos, E.;
Aggelis, D.G.;
Matikas, T. E.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Critical and subcritical damage monitoring of bonded composite repairs using innovative non-destructive techniques.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Gkikas, G.;
Saganas, C.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Maistros, G.M.;
Barkoula, N.M.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Dispersion monitoring of carbon nanotube modified epoxy systems.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kouli, M.E.;
Gkikas, G.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Structural health monitoring of aerospace materials used in industry using electrical potential mapping methods.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Paipetis, A.S..
On the electrical properties of multi scale reinforced composites for damage accumulation monitoring.
Composites Part B: Engineering
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Aggelis, D.G.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Continuous monitoring of setting and hardening of epoxy resin.
RILEM Bookseries
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kordatos, E.;
Barkoula, N.M.;
Matikas, T. E.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Innovative non-destructive evaluation and damage characterization of composite aerostructures using thermography.
Plastics, Rubber and Composites: Macromolecular Engineering
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Gkikas, G.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Monitoring strain and damage in multi phase composite materials using electrical resistance methods.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Paipetis, A.S.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kordatos, E.;
Barkoula, N.M.;
Matikas, T. E..
In service damage assessment of bonded composite repairs with full field thermographic techniques.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kordatos, E.;
Barkoula, N.M.;
Matikas, T. E.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Repair integrity monitoring of composite aerostructures using thermographic imaging.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Journal publications
Cowen, Todd James;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Cheffena Gebresilassie, Michael.
Highly selective ethanol vapour sensing materials for a new generation of gas sensors based on molecularly imprinted polymers.
Talanta: The International Journal of Pure and Applied Analytical Chemistry
Short communication
Lin, Chen;
Lou, Qi;
Kanstad, Terje;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Ji, Guomin.
A comprehensive study on the physico-mechanical properties of a sustainable mortar reinforced by waste wood fiber.
Construction and Building Materials
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Hygrothermal Aging of Pultruded Fiber–Polymer Composite with Predictions for Design Service Lives.
Journal of composites for construction
Academic article
Srivastava, Chaman;
Alcock, Benjamin;
Strandlie, Are;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Comparison of the effect of thermal and hygrothermal sub-Tg aging on the durability and appearance of multilayered filament wound composite structure.
Polymer testing
Academic article
Jahan, M.S.;
Hossain, S.;
Sayeed, M.A.;
Das, Subrata Chandra;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Pingky, S.Y..
Development of heavy mineral filler based FRP composites for (low energy) radiation shielding application.
Radiation effects and defects in solids (Print)
Academic article
Cowen, Todd James;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Cheffena Gebresilassie, Michael.
Molecularly imprinted polymer nanoparticle-carbon nanotube composite electrochemical gas sensor for highly selective and sensitive detection of methanol vapour.
The Analyst
Academic article
Hossain, Kabir;
Cowen, Todd;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Cheffena, Michael.
Carbon Nanotube-Based Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Antenna Sensor for Ambient Methanol Vapor Detection.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
Academic article
Kamble, Bhagyashri B.;
Sharma, Kiran Kumar;
Sonawane, Kailas D.;
Tayade, Shivaji N.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Reddy, Y. Veera Manohara.
Graphitic carbon nitride-based electrochemical sensors: A comprehensive review of their synthesis, characterization, and applications.
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science
Academic literature review
Das, Subrata Chandra;
La Rosa, Angela Daniela;
Goutianos, Stergios;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Glass fibre hybridization to improve the durability of circular flax fibre reinforced composites with off-the-shelf recyclable polymer matrix systems for large scale structural applications.
Composites Part C: Open Access
Academic article
Srivastava, Chaman;
Agostino, Pietro;
Stamopoulos, Antonios G.;
Alcock, Benjamin;
Strandlie, Are;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Three-Dimensional Analysis of Porosity in As-Manufactured Glass Fiber/Vinyl Ester Filament Winded Composites Using X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography.
Applied Composite Materials
Academic article
Payami Golhin, Ali;
Tonello, Riccardo;
Frisvad, Jeppe Revall;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Strandlie, Are.
Surface roughness of as-printed polymers: a comprehensive review.
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Academic literature review
Das, Subrata Chandra;
Srivastava, Chaman;
Goutianos, Stergios;
La Rosa, Angela Daniela;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
On the Response to Hygrothermal Ageing of Fully Recyclable Flax and Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites.
Academic article
Das, Subrata Chandra;
La Rosa, Angela Daniela;
Goutianos, Stergios;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Effect of accelerated weathering on the performance of natural fibre reinforced recyclable polymer composites and comparison with conventional composites.
Composites Part C: Open Access
Academic article
Payami Golhin, Ali;
Srivastava, Chaman;
Strandlie, Are;
Sole, Aditya Suneel;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Effects of accelerated aging on the appearance and mechanical performance of materials jetting products.
Materials & design
Academic article
Adnan, Mohammed Mostafa;
Kroyan, Arpenik;
Srivastava, Chaman;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Glaum, Julia;
Ese, Marit-Helen Glomm.
Theoretical and Experimental Determination of Thermomechanical Properties of Epoxy-SiO2 Nanocomposites.
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Velidakis, Emmanuel;
Mountakis, Nikolaos;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Tzounis, Lazaros.
Multi-functional medical grade Polyamide12/Carbon black nanocomposites in material extrusion 3D printing.
Composite structures
Academic article
Rana, Ashvinder Kumar;
Thakur, Manju Kumari;
Saini, Adesh Kumar;
Mokhta, Sudesh Kumar;
Moradi, Omid;
Rydzkowski, Tomasz.
Recent developments in microbial degradation of polypropylene: Integrated approaches towards a sustainable environment.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Papadakis, Vassilis;
Korlos, Apostolos;
Mountakis, Nikolaos.
High Performance Polycarbonate Nanocomposites Mechanically Boosted with Titanium Carbide in Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing.
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Michailidis, Nikolaos;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
David, Constantine N.;
Mountakis, Nikolaos.
Development and Optimization of Medical-Grade MultiFunctional Polyamide 12-Cuprous Oxide Nanocomposites with Superior Mechanical and Antibacterial Properties for Cost-Effective 3D Printing.
Academic article
Vidakis, N.;
Petousis, M.;
Mountakis, N.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Papadakis, V.;
Kechagias, J.D..
On the thermal and mechanical performance of Polycarbonate / Titanium Nitride nanocomposites in material extrusion additive manufacturing.
Composites Part C: Open Access
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Velidakis, Emanuel;
Mountakis, Nikolaos;
Fischer-Griffiths, Peder Erik;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Fused Filament Fabrication 3D printed polypropylene/ alumina nanocomposites: Effect of filler loading on the mechanical reinforcement.
Polymer testing
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Michailidis, Nikolaos;
Kechagias, John D.;
Mountakis, Nikolaos;
Argyros, Apostolos.
High-performance medical-grade resin radically reinforced with cellulose nanofibers for 3D printing.
Journal of The Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
Academic article
Petousis, Markos;
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Mountakis, Nikolaos;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Papadakis, Vassilis;
David, Constantine N..
Silicon Carbide Nanoparticles as a Mechanical Boosting Agent in Material Extrusion 3D-Printed Polycarbonate.
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Velidakis, Emmanouil;
Tzounis, Lazaros;
Mountakis, Nikolaos;
Boura, Orsa.
Multi-functional polyamide 12 (PA12)/ multiwall carbon nanotube 3D printed nanocomposites with enhanced mechanical and electrical properties.
Advanced Composite Materials
Academic article
Romano, A.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Riley, M.;
Bras, A..
Determination of specific heat capacity of bio-fibre earth mortars stabilised at different relative humidities using Differential Scanning Calorimetry.
Journal of Building Engineering
Academic article
Das, Subrata Chandra;
Paul, Debasree;
Khan, Mubarak Ahmad;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Papatzani, Styliani.
A comparative study between jute and glass fiber reinforced composites.
Key Engineering Materials
Academic article
Das, Subrata Chandra;
Paul, Debasree;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
siddiquee, Md. A.B.;
Papatzani, Styliani;
Koralli, Panagiota.
Effect of stacking sequence on the performance of hybrid natural/synthetic fiber reinforced polymer composite laminates.
Composite structures
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Velidakis, Emmanouil;
Mountakis, Nikolaos;
Fischer-Griffiths, Peder Erik;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Mechanical reinforcement course of 3D printed polypropylene–antimony doped Tin Oxide nanocomposites versus filler loading.
Advanced Composite Materials
Academic article
Thakur, Sourbh;
Chaudhary, Jyoti;
Singh, Pardeep;
Alsanie, Walaa F.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Thakur, Vijay Kumar.
Synthesis of Bio-based monomers and polymers using microbes for a sustainable bioeconomy.
Bioresource Technology
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Velidakis, Emmanouil;
Mountakis, Nikolaos;
Tzounis, Lazaros;
Libscher, Marco.
Enhanced mechanical, thermal and antimicrobial properties of additively manufactured polylactic acid with optimized nano silica content.
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Velidakis, Emmanouil;
Tzounis, Lazaros;
Mountakis, Nikolaos;
Kechagias, John.
Optimization of the filler concentration on fused filament fabrication 3d printed polypropylene with titanium dioxide nanocomposites.
Academic article
Romano, .;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Riley, M.;
Bras, A..
Analysis of dynamic moisture movement within bio-based earth mortars.
Construction and Building Materials
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Velidakis, Emmanouil;
Tzounis, Lazaros;
Mountakis, Nikolaos;
Korlos, Apostolos.
On the mechanical response of silicon dioxide nanofiller concentration on fused filament fabrication 3d printed isotactic polypropylene nanocomposites.
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Tzounis, Lazaros;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Porfyrakis, Emmanouil;
Maniadi, Athena.
Sustainable Additive Manufacturing: Mechanical Response of Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol over Multiple Recycling Processes.
Academic article
Vidakis, Nectarios;
Petousis, Markos;
Kourinou, Mirto;
Velidakis, Emmanouil;
Mountakis, Nikolaos;
Fischer-Griffiths, Peder Erik.
Additive Manufacturing of multifunctional Polylactic Acid (PLA) – Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) Nanocomposites Nanocomposites .
Academic article
Papatzani, Styliani;
Giannakis, Ioannis;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kotsovos, Michael D.;
Das, Subrata Chandra.
Sustainable reinforced concrete design of structural walls.
Key Engineering Materials
Academic article
La Rosa, Angela Daniela;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Ursan, George Andrei;
Aradoaei, Sebastian;
Summerscales, John;
Ciobanu, Romeo Cristian.
Recovery of electronic wastes as fillers for electromagnetic shielding in building components: An LCA study.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Daminabo, Samuel C.;
Goel, Saurav;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Nezhad, Hamed Yazdani;
Thakur, Vijay Kumar.
Fused deposition modeling-based additive manufacturing (3D printing): techniques for polymer material systems.
Materials Today Chemistry
Academic literature review
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Dahl, Morten Melby;
Brøndbo, Vegar Salin;
La Rosa, Angela Daniela.
On the use of carbon nanotubes to develop durable structural electrodes for self-sensing applications.
Key Engineering Materials
Academic article
La Rosa, Angela Daniela;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Ciobanu, Romeo C.;
Schreiner, Cristina M..
Electromagnetic shielding for buildings using hybrid polymer composites: a life cycle assessment study. .
Key Engineering Materials
Academic article
Tzounis, Lazaros;
Petousis, Markos;
Liebscher, Marco;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Vidakis, Nectarios.
Three-Dimensional (3D) Conductive Network of CNT-Modified Short Jute Fiber-Reinforced Natural Rubber: Hierarchical CNT-Enabled Thermoelectric and Electrically Conductive Composite Interfaces.
Academic article
Akhtar, Nasrin;
Das, Subrata Chandra;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Saha, Joykrisna;
Khan, Mubarak Ahmad.
Development of sustainable jute geotextiles by bitumen emulsion and polyester resin: Effect of gamma radiation.
Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics
Academic article
Romano, Abbie;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Riley, Mike;
Bras, Ana.
Physicochemical characterisation of bio-based insulation to explain their hygrothermal behaviour.
Construction and Building Materials
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Tsampas, Spyros;
Papatzani, Styliani;
Luping, Tang;
Löfgren, Ingemar;
Petterson, Jocke.
On the Mechanical Recycling of Decommisioned Insulation Polymer Composite Components.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Papatzani, Styliani;
Evernden, Mark.
Is Hygrothermal Aging of Construction Polymer Composites a Reversible Process?.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
Papatzani, Styliani;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Paine, Kevin.
Interesting Remarks on the Comparison of Organomodified Nanomontmorillonites in Fibre-Cement Nanohybrids.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Jøsendal, Harald Bertin;
Papatzani, Styliani;
Boura, Orsa;
Hajmohammadian Baghban, Mohammad.
Recycled Wood Plastic Composites as Floor Panels for Ship Containers.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
Tzounis, Lazaros;
Petousis, Markos;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Vidakis, Nectarios.
3D printed thermoelectric polyurethane/multiwalled carbon nanotube nanocomposites: A novel approach towards the fabrication of flexible and stretchable organic thermoelectrics .
Academic article
Papatzani, S.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Paine, K..
Permeable nanomontmorillonite and fibre reinforced cementitious binders.
Academic article
Romano, Abbie;
Bras, Ana;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Shaw, Andy;
Riley, Mike.
Dynamic behaviour of bio-based and recycled materials for indoor environmental comfort.
Construction and Building Materials
Academic article
Romano, Abbie;
Bras, Ana;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Shaw, Andy;
Riley, Mike.
Bio-fibre earth composite mortar: A structural and hygrothermal assessment.
Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies
Academic article
La Rosa, Angela Daniela;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Cotton
and Other Natural Fibers for Textile Applications.
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Bio-fibre earth composite mortar: A structural and hygrothermal assessment.
Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Dynamic behaviour of bio-based and recycled materials for indoor environmental comfort.
Construction and Building Materials
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Permeable nanomontmorillonite and fibre reinforced cementitious binders.
Academic article
Hajmohammadian Baghban, Mohammad;
Kioumarsi, Mahdi;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Prediction Models for Thermal Conductivity of Cement-based
Nordic Concrete Research
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Ball, R.J.;
Evernden, M.;
Jones, R..
Impedance spectroscopy as a tool for moisture uptake monitoring in construction composites during service.
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing
Academic article
Mirzanamadi, R.;
Johansson, P.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Thermal properties of asphalt concrete: A numerical and experimental study.
Construction and Building Materials
Academic article
Papatzani, S.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Adl-Zarrabi, B.;
Paine, K..
Pore-structure and microstructural investigation of organomodified/Inorganic nano-montmorillonite cementitious nanocomposites.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kordatos, E.;
Matikas, T.E.;
Paipetis, A.S..
On the fatigue response of a bonded repaired aerospace composite using thermography.
Composite structures
Academic article
Ullah, Z.;
Kaczmarczyk, Ł.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Evernden, M.;
Pearce, C..
Multi-scale computational homogenisation to predict the long-term durability of composite structures.
Computers & structures
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Jones, R.G.;
Evernden, M.;
Correia, J.R..
Thermal cycling effects on the durability of a pultruded GFRP material for off-shore civil engineering structures.
Composite structures
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Evernden, M.;
Mitchels, J.;
Zafari, B.;
Mottram, T.;
Papanicolaou, G..
On the response to hygrothermal aging of pultruded FRPs used in the civil engineering sector.
Materials & design
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Jones, R.;
Evernden, M.;
Correia, J.R..
Thermal cycling effects on the durability of a pultruded GFRP material for off-shore civil engineering structures.
Composite structures
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kordatos, E.;
Matikas, T. E.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Service and maintenance damage assessment of composite structures using various modes of infrared thermography.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
Bekas, Dimitrios G.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kouimtzi, C.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Linear and non-linear electrical dependency of carbon nanotube reinforced composites to internal damage.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Zafari, B.;
Evernden, M.;
Mottram, T.;
Mitchels, J.M..
Moisture uptake characteristics of a pultruded fibre reinforced polymer flat sheet subjected to hot/wet aging.
Polymer degradation and stability
Academic article
Pavlopoulou, S.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kordatos, E.;
Worden, K.;
Paipetis, A.S.;
Matikas, T. E..
Continuous debonding monitoring of a patch repaired helicopter stabilizer: Damage assessment and analysis.
Composite structures
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kordatos, E.;
Matikas, T. E.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Current injection phase thermography for low-velocity impact damage identification.
Materials & design
Academic article
Boura, O.;
Diamanti, E.K.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Gournis, D.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Carbon nanotube growth on high modulus carbon fibres: Morphological and interfacial characterization.
Surface and Interface Analysis
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kordatos, E.;
Matikas, T. E.;
Paipetis, A.S..
A combination of novel thermographic and electrical techniques for low-velocity impact damage identification in multifunctional composites.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kordatos, E.;
Matikas, T. E.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Low-velocity impact damage identification using a novel current injection thermographic technique.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Gkikas, G.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Aggelis, D.G.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Simultaneous acoustic and dielectric real time curing monitoring of epoxy systems.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kordatos, E.;
Aggelis, D.G.;
Matikas, T. E.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Critical and subcritical damage monitoring of bonded composite repairs using innovative non-destructive techniques.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Gkikas, G.;
Saganas, C.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Maistros, G.M.;
Barkoula, N.M.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Dispersion monitoring of carbon nanotube modified epoxy systems.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kouli, M.E.;
Gkikas, G.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Structural health monitoring of aerospace materials used in industry using electrical potential mapping methods.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Paipetis, A.S..
On the electrical properties of multi scale reinforced composites for damage accumulation monitoring.
Composites Part B: Engineering
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Aggelis, D.G.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Continuous monitoring of setting and hardening of epoxy resin.
RILEM Bookseries
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kordatos, E.;
Barkoula, N.M.;
Matikas, T. E.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Innovative non-destructive evaluation and damage characterization of composite aerostructures using thermography.
Plastics, Rubber and Composites: Macromolecular Engineering
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Gkikas, G.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Monitoring strain and damage in multi phase composite materials using electrical resistance methods.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Paipetis, A.S.;
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kordatos, E.;
Barkoula, N.M.;
Matikas, T. E..
In service damage assessment of bonded composite repairs with full field thermographic techniques.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Grammatikos, Sotirios;
Kordatos, E.;
Barkoula, N.M.;
Matikas, T. E.;
Paipetis, A.S..
Repair integrity monitoring of composite aerostructures using thermographic imaging.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Part of book/report
Krauklis, Andrejs;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Modular Framework for Lifetime Prediction of Composite Materials Affected by the Environment.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Payami Golhin, Ali;
Srivastava, Chaman;
Tingstad, Jens Fossan;
Sole, Aditya Suneel;
Strandlie, Are;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Additive manufacturing of multilayered polymer composites: Durability assessment.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Srivastava, Chaman;
Strandlie, Are;
Alcock, Benjamin;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
A comparative study on the effect of hot/wet and hot/dry aging environments on the degradation of filament winded composites.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Das, Subrata Chandra;
La Rosa, Angela Daniela;
Goutianos, Stergios;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Flax fibers, their composites and application.
Woodhead Publishing Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Das, Subrata Chandra;
La Rosa, Angela Daniela;
Grammatikos, Sotirios.
Life cycle assessment of plant fibers and their composites.
Woodhead Publishing Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- VB8008 - Advanced polymer composites
- TØL4205 - Polymer materials and processes
- VB8007 - Life cycle assessment of polymers and composites
- TØL4082 - Project Work for Exchange Students
- VB8006 - Joining of dissimilar materials
- TEK2113 - Material science II -Polymers and Composites
- MASG2105 - Introduction to Polymer Composite
Academic lectureDas, Subrata Chandra; La Rosa, Angela Daniela; Goutianos, Stergios; Grammatikos, Sotirios. (2022) Effect of weathering on the long-term performance of natural fiber reinforced recyclable polymer composites for structural applications. 20th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM20) , Lausanne 2022-06-26 - 2022-06-30
Academic lectureDas, Subrata Chandra; La Rosa, Angela Daniela; Goutianos, Stergios; Grammatikos, Sotirios. (2021) Natural fiber reinforced polymer composites for small/medium wind turbine blades: a LCA study. University of Minho 5th International Conference on Natural Fibers (ICNF2021) , Online 2021-05-17 - 2021-05-19
DocumentaryDas, Subrata Chandra; Grammatikos, Sotirios. (2020) On the use of wood charcoal filler to improve the properties of natural fiber reinforced polymer composites. [Journal] 2020-12-08
Popular scientific lectureJøsendal, Harald Bertin; Grammatikos, Sotirios; Hajmohammadian Baghban, Mohammad. (2018) Recycled wood plastic composite floor panels for off-shore shipping containers. 18 European Conference on Composite Materials -ECCM 18 2018-06-25 - 2018-06-28
Academic lectureGrammatikos, Sotirios. (2018) Investigating the reversibility of moisture uptake on the behavior of a pultruded polymer composite used in construction. ECCM 2018 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials 2020 2018-06-24 - 2018-06-28
Academic lectureGrammatikos, Sotirios. (2018) Electrical monitoring of concrete using a novel structural sensor based on conductive cementitious mortar. ECCM 2018 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials 2020 2018-06-24 - 2018-06-28
Academic lectureGrammatikos, Sotirios. (2018) Recycling and re-purposing decommisioned construction polymer composites for construction applications. ECCM 2018 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials 2020 2018-06-24 - 2018-06-28
Academic lectureGrammatikos, Sotirios. (2018) On the development of self-controlled bio-based panels for building's thermal management. ECCM 2018 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials 2020 2018-06-24 - 2018-06-28
Academic lectureGrammatikos, Sotirios; Löfgren, Ingemar; Luping, T.; Ye, L.; Liu, Johan. (2017) Concrete setting and hardening monitoring using a novel graphene-based sensor. ICF14 conference , Rhodes 2017-06-18 -
Academic lectureGrammatikos, Sotirios; Ball, R.J.; Evernden, M.. (2016) Real-time moisture absorption monitoring of polymer matrix composites via electrical impedance spectroscopy. MechComp2016 conference 2016-06-11 -
Academic lectureGrammatikos, Sotirios; Evernden, M.. (2015) On the estimates of durability of glass fibre reinforced polymers subjected to hot /wet aging. 10th International Conference on Composite Science and Technology , Lisbon 2015-09-02 -
Academic lectureGrammatikos, Sotirios; Evernden, M.. (2015) A ‘complete’ characterization study of anomalous behaviour of hygrothermally aged FRPs. 6th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials 2015-10-07 -
Academic lectureGrammatikos, Sotirios; Ball, R.J.; Evernden, M.. (2015) Structural deformation assessment of glass fibre reinforced polymers subjected to hygrothermal ageing. 18th International Conference on Composite Structures , Lisbon 2015-06-15 -
LectureGrammatikos, Sotirios. (2015) Anomalous behaviour of fibre reinforced polymers exposed to environmental aging. University of Oxford Seminar , Oxford 2015-11-02 -
Academic lectureGrammatikos, Sotirios; Ball, R.J.; Evernden, M.. (2014) Environmental degradation assessment of pultruded FRP profiles. Duracosys , Tokyo 2014-11-04 -
Academic lectureGrammatikos, Sotirios; Kordatos, E.; Aggelis, D.G.; Matikas, T. E.; Paipetis, A.S.. (2012) Critical and subcritical damage monitoring of bonded composite repairs using innovative non-destructive techniques. TRA 2012 (Transport Research Arena) , Athens 2012-04-23 -
Academic lectureGrammatikos, Sotirios; Kordatos, E.; Barkoula, N.M.; Matikas, T. E.; Paipetis, A.S.. (2010) Innovative non-destructive evaluations and damage characterization of composites. First Greek and First Greek – Ukrainian Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Materials and Structures 2010-10-20 - 2010-10-24