Milan Edvard Stanko Wolf
I am full professor in production engineering and field development at the Department of Geosciences (IGV) at NTNU since January 2015. I work mainly with modeling and experiments of production and injection systems (including CO2) and applications within design and operations.
I am the deputy leader of the SUBPRO-Zero and BRU21 research programs (since 2023 and 2018 respectively). Also, I am leading a working package in the applied research project Multiflow SUITE.
I have an engineering degree and a MSc. in Mechanical Engineering from Simon Bolívar University in Venezuela and a PhD within petroleum production engineering from NTNU. I have 15+ years’ experience working on applied research and consultancy related to the oil and gas and energy sectors, and university and industry teaching and student mentoring. Please check my LinkedIn profile for my full CV and my previous work and positions.
My main field of expertise is petroleum production engineering. This is a multidisciplinary specialization that englobes: performance of near wellbore formation, well completion systems, wellbore flow, artificial lift equipment, gathering and distribution systems, flow assurance and production processing. The generic disciplines involved are fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and fluid behavior, multiphase flow, structural mechanics, flow in porous media, modeling and simulation, experimental methods, problem‐solving engineering skills, among others.
My research also integrates digital methods and tools like programming, simulation, optimization, uncertainty handling, data analysis, and considerations on energy usage and efficiency and emissions.
I work mainly with modeling of petroleum production systems and applications within design and operations, often requiring system‐level and/or component level‐analysis. My group and I do mostly applied research on topics originating from industry needs and challenges.
Some of my past and current topics of research are:
- Production optimization
- Methods for early-phase hydrocarbon field planning
- Bulk separation (e.g. experimental design, analysis and numerical simulation of inline oil-water separation)
- Gas well liquid loading
Current research team
- André Quintino (Postdoctoral fellow, applications of data-driven multiphase flow modeling). Project part of Multiflow SUITE.
- Isac Abdulgani (PhD researcher). Part of the NORHED II project: Research within Energy at two Mozambican universities.
- Carlos Sánchez. (Postdoctoral fellow, Design and operation of subsea oil and gas fields powered by renewable sources). Project part of SUBPRO Zero.
- Ashish Loomba (Postdoctoral fellow, Decision-support methods for holistic water management). Project part of SUBPRO Zero
- Ahmed Hassan (Postdoctoral fellow, Lean designs for carbon dioxide subsea injection systems). Project part of SUBPRO Zero.
Work outcomes
Besides publications of journal and conference articles, these are examples of outcomes valuable to the industry, academia and society achieved by my collaborators and I:
- A concept, realistic performance data and design guidelines for a parallel-pipe bulk oil-water separator available to the public.
- A compact one-way valve technology for single well enhanced oil recovery in unconventional assets.
- A patented method based on recirculation for performing flushing of subsea production systems.
- Methodologies for early-phase offshore field planning based on novel proxy modeling of the flow performance of the production system, numerical optimization, and probabilistic analysis.
- Methodologies for early phase field planning with hydrate and wax cold flow production currently in use by a technology provider.
- Field-tested and field-proven practical workflows for production-optimization and model-integration of specific fields.
- Investigative troubleshooting of a novel mud pumping technology causing major operational disturbances in a field.
Research programs I am involved in:
Multiflow SUITE
Hassan, Ahmed Sayed Mohamed;
Sangesland, Sigbjørn;
Stanko, Milan .
Revolutionizing CCS Wells: Economically Feasible Design Innovations.
European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Chilala, Abubakar Juma;
Stanko, Milan ;
Mkinga, Oras Joseph.
Effects of uncertainty in the design parameters during the design of horizontal gravity oil, gas and water separators.
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
Academic article
Asaadian, Hamidreza;
Stanko, Milan .
Subsea Bulk Oil-Water Separation.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2024/297)
Doctoral dissertation
Sales, Leonardo;
Stanko, Milan .
Decision support methods for optimizing subsea hydrocarbon production systems with processing equipment.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2024/111)
Doctoral dissertation
Asaadian, Hamidreza;
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard.
Design methodology for multi-parallel pipe separator (MPPS).
Chemical engineering research & design
Academic article
Assar, Moein;
Asaadian, Hamidreza;
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard;
Grimes, Brian Arthur.
A theoretical and experimental investigation of continuous oil–water gravity separation.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
de Pádua Agripa Sales, Leonardo;
Stolpnes, Thomas;
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard;
Faanes, Audun.
Subsea Processing Optimization Considering Reliability and Maintenance.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard;
Kvernland, Martin Krister;
Lund, Fredrik;
Strømmegjerde, Lars Standal.
Operational envelope for planning cold flow production.
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
Academic article
Asaadian, Hamidreza;
Stanko, Milan .
Experimental Characterization and Evaluation of Crude Spiking Influence on Oil/Water Dispersed Flow in Pipe.
Academic article
Eyni, Leila;
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard;
Schümann, Heiner.
Maintaining Constant Export Oil and Gas Rates in Offshore Installations Powered by Fluctuating Wind Energy.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Asaadian, Hamidreza;
Stanko, Milan .
Experimental quantification of the performance of a horizontal multi-pipe bulk separator of water and oil with crude spiking.
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
Academic article
de Pádua Agripa Sales, Leonardo;
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard;
Jäschke, Johannes Ernst Peter.
Superstructure optimization of subsea processing layouts.
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
Academic article
Eyni, Leila;
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard;
Schümann, Heiner.
Methods for early-phase planning of offshore fields considering environmental performance.
Academic article
Lei, Guowen;
Stanko, Milan ;
Silva, Thiago Lima.
Formulations for automatic optimization of decommissioning timing in offshore oil and gas field development planning.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Alfarizi, Muhammad Gibran;
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard;
Bikmukhametov, Timur.
Well control optimization in waterflooding using genetic algorithm coupled with Artificial Neural Networks.
Upstream Oil and Gas Technology
Academic article
Lei, Guowen;
Hagspiel, Verena;
Stanko, Milan .
Price stress testing in offshore oil field development planning.
Academic article
Sales, Leonardo;
Jäschke, Johannes;
Stanko, Milan .
Designing Subsea Processing Systems Using a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eyni, Leila;
Fattahi, Mostafa;
Schümann, Heiner;
Lund, Fredrik;
Stanko, Milan ;
Strømmegjerde, Lars.
Technical and Environmental Evaluation of a Hydrate Cold Flow Technique to Produce an Oil Reservoir Using a Long Tie-Back and Comparison Against Traditional Development Concepts.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eyni, Leila;
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard;
Schümann, Heiner;
Querishi, Ali Hassan.
Dynamic Process Modeling of Topside Systems for Evaluating Power Consumption and Possibilities of Using Wind Power.
Academic article
Lei, Guowen;
Stanko, Milan .
Automated methodologies for decision support in field development.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2022/182)
Doctoral dissertation
Asaadian, Hamidreza;
Harstad, Sigurd;
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard.
Drainage Potential Curves of Single Tapping Point for Bulk Oil–Water Separation in Pipe.
Academic article
Pinilla, Andres;
Stanko, Milan ;
Asuaje, Miguel;
Ratkovich, Nicolas.
In-Depth Understanding of ICD Completion Technology Working Principle.
Academic article
Sales, Leonardo de Pádua Agripa;
Jäschke, Johannes;
Stanko, Milan .
Early field planning using optimisation and considering uncertainties - Study case: Offshore deepwater field in Brazil.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Lei, Guowen;
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard;
Silva, Thiago Lima;
Widerøe, Tom;
Skogvang, Arnljot.
The Use of Mathematical Programming to Determine Optimal Production and Drilling Schedule in an Offshore Oil Field, A Case Study From the Barents Sea.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Moon, Seok Ki;
Stanko, Milan .
Early-Phase Offshore Hydrocarbon Field Planning Considering Environmental Factors and Using Integrated Asset Modeling.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lei, Guowen;
Silva, Thiago Lima;
Stanko, Milan .
A Mathematical Programming Approach to Determine Optimal Tieback Development Concepts of Two Offshore Oil Fields in the Barents Sea.
International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mirza, Bilal;
Pant, Millie;
Stanko, Milan ;
Sales, Leonardo.
Differential evolution for early-phase offshore oilfield design considering uncertainties in initial oil-in-place and well productivity.
Upstream Oil and Gas Technology
Academic article
Angga, I Gusti Agung Gede;
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard.
Automated decision support methodology for early planning phase of a multi-reservoir field.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Lei, Guowen;
Silva, Thiago Lima;
Stanko, Milan .
Compact Formulations for Efficient Early-Phase Field Development Optimization of Multi-Reservoir Fields.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Vieira, Cleide Rosemine Gany;
Stanko, Milan ;
Oplt, Tomas.
An improved model for predicting liquid loading onset in inclined pipes with non-uniform liquid wall films.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
Academic article
Stanko, Milan .
A material balance model based on mass conservation in the producing layer and gas and water injection in non-communicating gas-cap and aquifer layers.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Stanko, Milan .
Observations on and use of curves of current dimensionless potential versus recovery factor calculated from models of hydrocarbon production systems in Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Skjefstad, Håvard Slettahjell;
Dudek, Marcin;
Øye, Gisle;
Stanko, Milan .
The effect of upstream inlet choking and surfactant addition on the performance of a novel parallel pipe oil-water separator.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Vieira, Cleide Rosemine Gany;
Stanko, Milan .
Modelling and Experimental Study on the Production of Gas Wells with Associated Liquid
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2020:340)
Doctoral dissertation
Ohrem, Sveinung Johan;
Skjefstad, Håvard Slettahjell;
Stanko, Milan ;
Holden, Christian.
Controller Design and Control Structure Analysis for a Novel Oil–Water Multi-Pipe Separator.
Academic article
Silva, Thiago Lima;
Codas, Andrés;
Stanko, Milan ;
Camponogara, Eduardo;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Network-Constrained Production Optimization by Means of Multiple Shooting.
SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering
Academic article
Skjefstad, Håvard Slettahjell;
Stanko, Milan .
Experimental performance evaluation and design optimization of a horizontal multi-pipe separator for subsea oil-water bulk separation.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Hoffmann, Arnaud;
Stanko, Milan ;
Gonzalez, Diana.
Optimized production profile using a coupled reservoir‑network model.
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
Academic article
Refsnes, Helene Sund;
Diaz Arias, Mariana JC;
Stanko, Milan .
Performance evaluation of a multi‑branch gas–liquid pipe separator using computational fluid dynamics.
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
Academic article
Gonzalez Rengifo, Diana Carolina;
Stanko, Milan ;
Hoffmann, Arnaud.
Decision support method for early-phase design of offshore hydrocarbon fields using model-based optimization.
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
Academic article
Skjefstad, Håvard Slettahjell;
Stanko, Milan .
Development and assessment of a multi-pipe oil-water bulk separator concept for subsea applications.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2019:306)
Doctoral dissertation
Gonzalez, Diana;
Stanko, Milan ;
Golan, Michael.
Numerical Feasibility Study of Electric Heating Strategies for Subsea Tie-In Flowlines Using a 1-D Mechanistic Multiphase Flow Simulator.
Academic article
Gonzalez Rengifo, Diana Carolina;
Stanko, Milan ;
Golan, Michael.
Numerical Feasibility Study of Electric Heating Strategies for Subsea Tie-In Flowlines Using a 1-D Mechanistic Multiphase Flow Simulator.
Academic article
Diaz Arias, Mariana JC;
Stanko, Milan ;
Sangesland, Sigbjørn.
The subsea gate box: an alternative subsea field architecture .
SPE Norway The First Magazine
Popular scientific article
Refsnes, Helene Sund;
Stanko, Milan ;
Diaz Arias, Mariana JC.
Performance Evaluation of a Multi-Branch Liquid-Gas Pipe Separator Using Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Masters thesis
Bikmukhametov, Timur;
Stanko, Milan ;
Jäschke, Johannes.
Statistical analysis of effect of sensor degradation and heat transfer modeling on multiphase flowrate estimates from a virtual flow meter.
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gonzalez Rengifo, Diana Carolina;
Stanko, Milan ;
Golan, Michael.
Numerical Feasibility Study of a Wax Cold Flow Approach for Subsea Tie-In Flowlines Using a 1D Mechanistic Multiphase Flow Simulator.
Academic article
Hoffmann, Arnaud;
Stanko, Milan .
Short-term model-based production optimization of a surface production network with electric submersible pumps using piecewise-linear functions.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Stanko, Milan ;
Venstad, Jon Marius.
Using combinatorics to compute fluid routing alternatives in a hydrocarbon production network.
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
Academic article
Refsnes, Helene Sund;
Stanko, Milan ;
Diaz Arias, Mariana JC.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation of Harp Separator.
Mwalyepelo, Juliana;
Stanko, Milan .
Improvement of multiphase flow rate model for chokes.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Stanko, Milan Edvard Wolf;
Golan, Michael.
Topics in Production Systems Modeling: Separation, Pumping and Model Based Optimization.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (180)
Doctoral dissertation
Stanko, Milan Edvard Wolf;
Golan, Michael.
Hexagonal reciprocating pump: advantages and weaknesses.
International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems
Academic article
Journal publications
Chilala, Abubakar Juma;
Stanko, Milan ;
Mkinga, Oras Joseph.
Effects of uncertainty in the design parameters during the design of horizontal gravity oil, gas and water separators.
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
Academic article
Asaadian, Hamidreza;
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard.
Design methodology for multi-parallel pipe separator (MPPS).
Chemical engineering research & design
Academic article
Assar, Moein;
Asaadian, Hamidreza;
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard;
Grimes, Brian Arthur.
A theoretical and experimental investigation of continuous oil–water gravity separation.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard;
Kvernland, Martin Krister;
Lund, Fredrik;
Strømmegjerde, Lars Standal.
Operational envelope for planning cold flow production.
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
Academic article
Asaadian, Hamidreza;
Stanko, Milan .
Experimental Characterization and Evaluation of Crude Spiking Influence on Oil/Water Dispersed Flow in Pipe.
Academic article
Asaadian, Hamidreza;
Stanko, Milan .
Experimental quantification of the performance of a horizontal multi-pipe bulk separator of water and oil with crude spiking.
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
Academic article
de Pádua Agripa Sales, Leonardo;
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard;
Jäschke, Johannes Ernst Peter.
Superstructure optimization of subsea processing layouts.
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
Academic article
Eyni, Leila;
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard;
Schümann, Heiner.
Methods for early-phase planning of offshore fields considering environmental performance.
Academic article
Lei, Guowen;
Stanko, Milan ;
Silva, Thiago Lima.
Formulations for automatic optimization of decommissioning timing in offshore oil and gas field development planning.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Alfarizi, Muhammad Gibran;
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard;
Bikmukhametov, Timur.
Well control optimization in waterflooding using genetic algorithm coupled with Artificial Neural Networks.
Upstream Oil and Gas Technology
Academic article
Lei, Guowen;
Hagspiel, Verena;
Stanko, Milan .
Price stress testing in offshore oil field development planning.
Academic article
Eyni, Leila;
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard;
Schümann, Heiner;
Querishi, Ali Hassan.
Dynamic Process Modeling of Topside Systems for Evaluating Power Consumption and Possibilities of Using Wind Power.
Academic article
Asaadian, Hamidreza;
Harstad, Sigurd;
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard.
Drainage Potential Curves of Single Tapping Point for Bulk Oil–Water Separation in Pipe.
Academic article
Pinilla, Andres;
Stanko, Milan ;
Asuaje, Miguel;
Ratkovich, Nicolas.
In-Depth Understanding of ICD Completion Technology Working Principle.
Academic article
Sales, Leonardo de Pádua Agripa;
Jäschke, Johannes;
Stanko, Milan .
Early field planning using optimisation and considering uncertainties - Study case: Offshore deepwater field in Brazil.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Mirza, Bilal;
Pant, Millie;
Stanko, Milan ;
Sales, Leonardo.
Differential evolution for early-phase offshore oilfield design considering uncertainties in initial oil-in-place and well productivity.
Upstream Oil and Gas Technology
Academic article
Angga, I Gusti Agung Gede;
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard.
Automated decision support methodology for early planning phase of a multi-reservoir field.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Lei, Guowen;
Silva, Thiago Lima;
Stanko, Milan .
Compact Formulations for Efficient Early-Phase Field Development Optimization of Multi-Reservoir Fields.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Vieira, Cleide Rosemine Gany;
Stanko, Milan ;
Oplt, Tomas.
An improved model for predicting liquid loading onset in inclined pipes with non-uniform liquid wall films.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
Academic article
Stanko, Milan .
A material balance model based on mass conservation in the producing layer and gas and water injection in non-communicating gas-cap and aquifer layers.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Stanko, Milan .
Observations on and use of curves of current dimensionless potential versus recovery factor calculated from models of hydrocarbon production systems in Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Skjefstad, Håvard Slettahjell;
Dudek, Marcin;
Øye, Gisle;
Stanko, Milan .
The effect of upstream inlet choking and surfactant addition on the performance of a novel parallel pipe oil-water separator.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Ohrem, Sveinung Johan;
Skjefstad, Håvard Slettahjell;
Stanko, Milan ;
Holden, Christian.
Controller Design and Control Structure Analysis for a Novel Oil–Water Multi-Pipe Separator.
Academic article
Silva, Thiago Lima;
Codas, Andrés;
Stanko, Milan ;
Camponogara, Eduardo;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Network-Constrained Production Optimization by Means of Multiple Shooting.
SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering
Academic article
Skjefstad, Håvard Slettahjell;
Stanko, Milan .
Experimental performance evaluation and design optimization of a horizontal multi-pipe separator for subsea oil-water bulk separation.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Hoffmann, Arnaud;
Stanko, Milan ;
Gonzalez, Diana.
Optimized production profile using a coupled reservoir‑network model.
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
Academic article
Refsnes, Helene Sund;
Diaz Arias, Mariana JC;
Stanko, Milan .
Performance evaluation of a multi‑branch gas–liquid pipe separator using computational fluid dynamics.
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
Academic article
Gonzalez Rengifo, Diana Carolina;
Stanko, Milan ;
Hoffmann, Arnaud.
Decision support method for early-phase design of offshore hydrocarbon fields using model-based optimization.
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
Academic article
Gonzalez, Diana;
Stanko, Milan ;
Golan, Michael.
Numerical Feasibility Study of Electric Heating Strategies for Subsea Tie-In Flowlines Using a 1-D Mechanistic Multiphase Flow Simulator.
Academic article
Gonzalez Rengifo, Diana Carolina;
Stanko, Milan ;
Golan, Michael.
Numerical Feasibility Study of Electric Heating Strategies for Subsea Tie-In Flowlines Using a 1-D Mechanistic Multiphase Flow Simulator.
Academic article
Diaz Arias, Mariana JC;
Stanko, Milan ;
Sangesland, Sigbjørn.
The subsea gate box: an alternative subsea field architecture .
SPE Norway The First Magazine
Popular scientific article
Gonzalez Rengifo, Diana Carolina;
Stanko, Milan ;
Golan, Michael.
Numerical Feasibility Study of a Wax Cold Flow Approach for Subsea Tie-In Flowlines Using a 1D Mechanistic Multiphase Flow Simulator.
Academic article
Hoffmann, Arnaud;
Stanko, Milan .
Short-term model-based production optimization of a surface production network with electric submersible pumps using piecewise-linear functions.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Stanko, Milan ;
Venstad, Jon Marius.
Using combinatorics to compute fluid routing alternatives in a hydrocarbon production network.
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
Academic article
Mwalyepelo, Juliana;
Stanko, Milan .
Improvement of multiphase flow rate model for chokes.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Stanko, Milan Edvard Wolf;
Golan, Michael.
Hexagonal reciprocating pump: advantages and weaknesses.
International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems
Academic article
Hassan, Ahmed Sayed Mohamed;
Sangesland, Sigbjørn;
Stanko, Milan .
Revolutionizing CCS Wells: Economically Feasible Design Innovations.
European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
de Pádua Agripa Sales, Leonardo;
Stolpnes, Thomas;
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard;
Faanes, Audun.
Subsea Processing Optimization Considering Reliability and Maintenance.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eyni, Leila;
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard;
Schümann, Heiner.
Maintaining Constant Export Oil and Gas Rates in Offshore Installations Powered by Fluctuating Wind Energy.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sales, Leonardo;
Jäschke, Johannes;
Stanko, Milan .
Designing Subsea Processing Systems Using a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eyni, Leila;
Fattahi, Mostafa;
Schümann, Heiner;
Lund, Fredrik;
Stanko, Milan ;
Strømmegjerde, Lars.
Technical and Environmental Evaluation of a Hydrate Cold Flow Technique to Produce an Oil Reservoir Using a Long Tie-Back and Comparison Against Traditional Development Concepts.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lei, Guowen;
Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard;
Silva, Thiago Lima;
Widerøe, Tom;
Skogvang, Arnljot.
The Use of Mathematical Programming to Determine Optimal Production and Drilling Schedule in an Offshore Oil Field, A Case Study From the Barents Sea.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Moon, Seok Ki;
Stanko, Milan .
Early-Phase Offshore Hydrocarbon Field Planning Considering Environmental Factors and Using Integrated Asset Modeling.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lei, Guowen;
Silva, Thiago Lima;
Stanko, Milan .
A Mathematical Programming Approach to Determine Optimal Tieback Development Concepts of Two Offshore Oil Fields in the Barents Sea.
International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bikmukhametov, Timur;
Stanko, Milan ;
Jäschke, Johannes.
Statistical analysis of effect of sensor degradation and heat transfer modeling on multiphase flowrate estimates from a virtual flow meter.
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Asaadian, Hamidreza;
Stanko, Milan .
Subsea Bulk Oil-Water Separation.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2024/297)
Doctoral dissertation
Sales, Leonardo;
Stanko, Milan .
Decision support methods for optimizing subsea hydrocarbon production systems with processing equipment.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2024/111)
Doctoral dissertation
Lei, Guowen;
Stanko, Milan .
Automated methodologies for decision support in field development.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2022/182)
Doctoral dissertation
Vieira, Cleide Rosemine Gany;
Stanko, Milan .
Modelling and Experimental Study on the Production of Gas Wells with Associated Liquid
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2020:340)
Doctoral dissertation
Skjefstad, Håvard Slettahjell;
Stanko, Milan .
Development and assessment of a multi-pipe oil-water bulk separator concept for subsea applications.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2019:306)
Doctoral dissertation
Refsnes, Helene Sund;
Stanko, Milan ;
Diaz Arias, Mariana JC.
Performance Evaluation of a Multi-Branch Liquid-Gas Pipe Separator Using Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Masters thesis
Refsnes, Helene Sund;
Stanko, Milan ;
Diaz Arias, Mariana JC.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation of Harp Separator.
Stanko, Milan Edvard Wolf;
Golan, Michael.
Topics in Production Systems Modeling: Separation, Pumping and Model Based Optimization.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (180)
Doctoral dissertation
- TPG4580 - Subsea Technology, Specialization Project
- TPG4230 - Field Development and Operations
- TPG4560 - Petroleum Engineering, Specialization Project
- TPG4245 - Production Wells
- TPG4565 - Petroleum Engineering, Specialization Course
- TPG4105 - Petroleum Engineering, Basic Course
- TPG4920 - Petroleum Engineering, Master's Thesis
- PG8405 - Modeling and Simulation of Production Systems and Well Construction
I do tablet teaching in most of my courses, a few using slide presentations, but mostly writing on blank pages. Video recording of live class sessions or condensed topical videos from several of my courses are available on my Youtube channel. These videos have proven useful for some students and industry practitioners worldwide. I use problem-based learning by giving homework, class exercises, group work, online quizzes.
I have made several computational utilities in Excel and Python that often make it easier to understand the fundamentals and can achieve a reasonable degree of realisticness. You can see some examples in the website hosting some of my course materials and here.
I wrote a compendium on petroleum production systems that I use in my courses.
•Supervisor and co-supervisor for 68 master students (67 completed)
•Supervisor for 10 PhD fellows (7 defended)
•Supervisor for 6 Postdoctoral fellows (2 completed)
•Supervisor for 1 researcher (1 completed)
•Supervisor for 16 summer jobs, exchange students and visiting researchers (16 completed)
LectureStanko, Milan . (2024) Overview of the BRU21 and SUBPRO-Zero research programs. Norwegian Petroleum directorate Joining forces seminar 2024-04-10 - 2024-04-10
Popular scientific lectureStanko, Milan . (2024) Panel debate: "The big topics": energy trilemma, collaboration, funding and investment, attracting talent. Norwegian Petroleum directorate Joining forces seminar , Stavanger 2024-04-10 - 2024-04-10
PosterStanko, Milan . (2024) Overview of the SUBPRO-Zero research program. Norwegian Petroleum directorate Joining forces seminar , Stavanger 2024-04-10 - 2024-04-10
Academic lecturede Pádua Agripa Sales, Leonardo; Altamiranda, Edmary; Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard. (2024) Effect of Uncertainties on Subsea Gate Box Layout Optimization Through an Evolutionary Optimization Algorithm. ISOPE 34th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference , Rhodes 2024-06-16 - 2024-06-21
Academic lectureMendes Quintino, André; Stanko, Milan . (2024) Machine Learning Framework for Gas-Liquid Pipe Flow Prediction with Uncertainty. ISAVFT 12th North American Conference on Multiphase Production Technology , Banff 2024-05-22 - 2024-05-24
PosterQuintino, André Mendes; Stanko, Milan . (2023) Development of a physics-informed virtual flow meter with uncertainty. Tekna 41st Global Flow Measurement Workshop , Tønsberg 2023-10-24 - 2023-10-27
Academic lectureStanko, Milan . (2023) Decision-support tools for (early-phase) offshore hydrocarbon field planning. NTNU 4th Workshop in BN Subsea Operations Consortium , Trondheim 2023-05-11 - 2023-05-12
Academic lectureStanko, Milan . (2023) Decision-support tools for early-phase design of offshore hydrocarbon fields. The International Associationfor Mathematical Geosciences 22nd annual conference of the IAMG , Trondheim 2023-08-05 - 2023-08-12
LectureStanko, Milan . (2023) Development of a Learning support system using videos with automatically corrected embedded quizzes. NTNU Læringsfestivalen 2023 , Trondheim 2023-05-08 - 2023-05-09
Academic lectureEyni, Leila; Stanko, Milan ; Schümann, Heiner. (2023) MAINTAINING CONSTANT EXPORT OIL AND GAS RATES IN OFFSHORE INSTALLATIONS POWERED BY FLUCTUATING WIND ENERGY. ASME ASME 2023 42nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2023 , Melbourne 2023-06-11 - 2023-06-16
Academic lectureQuintino, André Mendes; Stanko, Milan . (2023) Development of a hybrid gas-liquid pipe flow model to predict pressure gradient with uncertainty – A machine learning approach. HZDR 19th Multiphase Flow Workshop - Conference and Short Course , Dresden 2023-06-19 - 2023-06-23
Academic lectureAsaadian, Hamidreza; Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard. (2023) An Experimental Study on the Effect of Gas on the Performance of a Multi-parallel Pipe Oil-Water Separator (MPPS). ISBN: 978-1-61399-989-9 Gas & Oil Technology Showcase and Conference , Dubai, UAE 2023-03-13 - 2023-03-15
Academic lectureEyni, Leila; Fattahi, Mostafa; Schümann, Heiner; Lund, Fredrik; Stanko, Milan ; Strømmegjerde, Lars. (2022) TECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION OF A HYDRATE COLD FLOW TECHNIQUE TO PRODUCE AN OIL RESERVOIR USING A LONG TIE-BACK AND COMPARISON AGAINST TRADITIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTS. ASME ASME 2022 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2022 , Hamburg 2022-06-05 - 2022-06-10
LectureSchümann, Heiner; Bergmo, Per Eirik Strand; Holt, Torleif; Skorpa, Ragnhild; Gardarsdottir, Stefania Osk; Eyni, Leila. (2022) LowEmission centre - Energy efficient production methods for offshore oil and gas production. Innovation Norway South America The November Conference - Brazil and Norway , Rio De Janeiro, Brazil 2022-11-07 - 2022-11-09
Academic lectureStanko, Milan . (2022) Assessing cold flow flowability during early subsea field planning. Innovation Norway South America The November Conference - Brazil and Norway , Rio De Janeiro, Brazil 2022-11-07 - 2022-11-09
Academic lectureStanko, Milan ; Sevillano, Lucas Cantinelli; Sangesland, Sigbjørn. (2022) A system for flushing subsea systems based on re-circulation. Innovation Norway South America The November Conference - Brazil and Norway , Rio De Janeiro, Brazil 2022-11-07 - 2022-11-09
Academic lectureStanko, Milan ; Sales, Leonardo; Jäschke, Johannes. (2022) Field layout optimization considering subsea processing. NTNU-UFRJ 3rd Workshop in BN Subsea Operations Consortium - Part 2 , COPPE Auditorium – room G-122, Technological Center, UFRJ – 2022-11-09 - 2022-11-09
Academic lectureStanko, Milan ; Kvernland, Martin Krister; Lund, Fredrik; Strømmegjerde, Lars Standal. (2022) Operational Envelope for Planning Cold Flow Production. SPE Brazil Section SPE Brazil Flow Assurance Technology Congress 2022 , Rio De Janeiro, Brazil 2022-11-15 - 2022-11-18
PosterStolpnes, Thomas; de Pádua Agripa Sales, Leonardo; Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard; Faanes, Audun. (2022) Optimization Based Design of Subsea Processing Considering Reliability and Maintenance. UTF Underwater Technology Conference 2022 , Bergen 2022-06-14 - 2022-06-16
Academic lectureStanko, Milan . (2020) SUBPRO R&D program: Methods and technologies to improve subsea field development. Innovation Norway VIII November Conference , Online 2020-11-26 - 2020-11-26
Academic lectureSkjefstad, Håvard Slettahjell; Stanko, Milan . (2019) Subsea produced water separation; a new multi-pipe concept for reduced weight and cost. Subsea Valley Conference - energy:connected'19 2019-04-09 - 2019-04-11
Academic lectureI Gusti, Angga; Stanko, Milan . (2019) Optimization of Production Scheduling for Maximization of Plateau Duration in a Multi- Reservoir Field During Planning Phase. NTNU, Petrobras og UFSC VIII Oil and Gas Production Optimization Workshop , Petrobras research center, Rio De Janeiro 2019-04-29 - 2019-04-30
Academic lectureVieira, Cleide Rosemine Gany; Stanko, Milan . (2019) Effect of droplet entrainment in liquid loading prediction. BHR Group The 19th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology , Cannes 2019-06-05 - 2019-06-07
Academic lectureVieira, Cleide Rosemine Gany; Stanko, Milan . (2019) Applicability of Models for Liquid Loading Prediction in Gas Wells. SPE SPE Europec- 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition , London 2019-06-03 - 2019-06-06
Academic lectureAngga, I Gusti Agung Gede; Stanko Wolf, Milan Edvard. (2019) Optimization of production scheduling for maximization of plateau duration in a multi-reservoir field during planning phase. CENPES VIII Oil and Gas Production Optimization Workshop , Rio De Janeiro, Brazil 2019-04-29 - 2019-04-29
Academic lectureBikmukhametov, Timur; Stanko, Milan ; Jäschke, Johannes. (2018) Statistical Analysis of Effect of Sensor Degradation and Heat Transfer Modeling on Multiphase Flowrate Estimates from a Virtual Flow Meter. Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition , Brisbane 2018-10-23 - 2018-10-25
Academic lectureSkjefstad, Håvard Slettahjell; Stanko, Milan . (2018) An experimental study of a novel parallel pipe separator design for subsea oil-water bulk separation. Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition , Brisbane 2018-10-23 - 2018-10-25
LectureDiaz Arias, Mariana JC; Stanko, Milan ; Sangesland, Sigbjørn. (2018) Exploring New Concepts in Subsea Field Architecture. Offshore Technology Conference , Houston, Texas 2018-04-30 - 2018-05-03
PosterSkjefstad, Håvard Slettahjell; Stanko, Milan . (2018) ePoster - An Experimental Study of a Novel Parallel Pipe Separator Design for Subsea Oil-Water Bulk Separation. SPE SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2018 , Brisbane 2018-10-23 - 2018-10-25
Academic lectureStanko, Milan . (2018) Methods, models and alternative architectures to improve subsea field development. NTNU 2nd Brazil Norway Subsea Operation Consortium , Trondheim 2018-06-04 - 2018-06-05
Academic lectureDiaz, Mariana J.C.; Stanko, Milan ; Sangesland, Sigbjørn. (2018) Exploring New Concepts in Subsea Field Architecture . OTC Offshore technology conference , Houston 2018-04-30 - 2018-05-03
LectureDiaz Arias, Mariana JC; Stanko, Milan ; Sangesland, Sigbjørn. (2017) Exploring an alternative approach in subsea field architecture: The Subsea Gate Box. SSV SSV conference , Oslo 2017-04-04 - 2017-04-06
LectureDiaz Arias, Mariana JC; Sangesland, Sigbjørn; Stanko, Milan . (2017) Field Architecture within SUBPRO. 1st Workshop in BN Subsea Operations Consortium , Rio de Janeiro 2017-04-24 - 2017-04-25
Academic lectureSkjefstad, Håvard Slettahjell; Stanko, Milan . (2017) Subsea water separation: a state of the art review, future technologies and the development of a compact separator test facility. BHR Group 18th International Conference on Multiphase Technology , Cannes 2017-06-07 - 2017-06-09
Academic lectureStanko, Milan . (2017) Model based production optimization of a surface network with ESP boosted wells: the Rubiales field case. NTNU, UFSC, Petrobras VI Oil and Gas Production Optimization Workshop , Petrobras Research Center – CENPES, Rio de Janeiro 2017-04-26 - 2017-04-27
Academic lectureStanko, Milan ; Sangesland, Sigbjørn. (2017) Areas of research within Subsea production – An overview. NTNU 1st Workshop in BN Subsea Operations Consortium , Auditorium of the Technological Park of UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro 2017-04-24 - 2017-04-25
LectureKristoffersen, Øystein; Stanko, Milan ; Hoffmann, Arnaud. (2017) Short Term Production Optimization Using a Model of The Peregrino Field, Brazil. Offshore Technology Conference Brasil , Rio de Janeiro 2017-10-24 - 2017-10-26
LectureStanko, Milan . (2017) The way forward: chapter on field development and area strategies. NTNU, IGP BRU21 Conference 2017 , Trondheim 2017-05-30 - 2017-05-30
Academic lectureHoffmann, Arnaud; Stanko, Milan . (2016) Real-Time Production Optimization of a Production Network with ESP Boosted Wells: A Case Study. Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE Middle East Artificial Lift Conference and Exhibition , Manama 2016-11-30 - 2016-12-01
Academic lectureCantinelli Sevillano, Lucas; De Andrade, Jesus; Stanko, Milan ; Sangesland, Sigbjørn. (2016) Subsea Wellhead Fatigue Analysis With Focus on Thermal Conditions. ASME 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic engineering (OMAE) , Busan 2016-06-19 - 2016-06-24
LectureNunez Chacin, Gilberto Efren; De Andrade, Jesus; Stanko, Milan ; Sangesland, Sigbjørn. (2016) Available technologies and performance prediction models for multiphase booster. ASRANet Ltd International Conference on the Advances in Subsea Engineering Structures and Systems , Glasgow 2016-06-06 - 2016-07-07
Academic lectureNunez, Gilberto; De Andrade, Jesus; Stanko, Milan ; Sangesland, Sigbjørn. (2016) Available Technologies and Performance Prediction Models for Multiphase Boosting. ASRANet Ltd ASESS 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN SUBSEA ENGINEERING, STRUCTURES & SYSTEMS , Glasgow 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-07
Academic lectureCantinelli Sevillano, Lucas; De Andrade, Jesus; Sangesland, Sigbjørn; Stanko, Milan Edvard Wolf. (2016) Thermal Effects on Subsea Wellhead Fatigue During Workover Operations. SPE SPE Bergen One Day Seminar , Bergen 2016-04-20 - 2016-04-20
LectureJurus, Wojciech; Stanko, Milan Edvard Wolf; Parra, Abraham; Golan, Michael. (2015) Simplified Near Wellbore Reservoir Simulation To Predict the Performance of Viscous Oil Horizontal Well with Water Coning from an Active Aquifer. Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference , Quito 2015-11-18 - 2015-11-20
LectureStanko, Milan Edvard Wolf; Golan, Michael. (2015) Simplified Hydraulic Design Methodology for a Subsea Inline Oil-Water Pipe Separator. OTC Offshore Technology Conference Brazil , Riocentro, Rio de Janeiro 2015-10-27 - 2015-10-29
Academic lectureStanko, Milan Edvard Wolf; Asuaje, Miguel; Diaz, Cesar; Guillmain, Miguel; Borregales, Manuel; González, Diana. (2015) Model-Based Production Optimization of the Rubiales Field, Colombia. SPE SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition , Houston 2015-09-28 - 2015-09-30
Academic lectureStanko, Milan Edvard Wolf; Golan, Michael. (2015) Exploring the Potential of Model-Based Optimization in Oil Production Gathering Networks with ESP-Produced, High Water Cut Wells. BHR Group 17th International Conference on Multiphase Technology , Cannes 2015-06-10 - 2015-06-12
Academic lectureBorregales, Manuel; Cappelletto, Jose; Stanko, Milan Edvard Wolf; Shmueli Alvarado, Andrea ; Asuaje, Miguel. (2014) Model Building using genetic algorithm for data fitting. Venezuelan Society of Numerical Methods in Engineering XII International congress of Numerical Methods in engineering and Applied Sciences , Margarita Island 2014-03-24 - 2014-03-26
LectureStanko, Milan Edvard Wolf. (2014) Fluid Issues in Multi-Disciplinary Integration. SPE SPE Complex Reservoir Fluids III: Focusing on Reservoir Fluids from the Middle East workshop , Dubai 2014-09-15 - 2014-09-17
Academic lectureStanko, Milan Edvard Wolf; Golan, Michael; Asuaje Tovar, Miguel. (2013) 3D-CFD numerical simulation of gravity induced segregation in water dominated dispersed oil-water pipe flow. Pohang University of Science and Technology 8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow 2013 , Jeju, South Korea 2013-05-26 - 2013-05-31