Sunniva Briså Strætkvern
I am a PhD candidate in linguistics at the Department of Language and Literature. My PhD project investigates the acquisition of French as a third language in Norway, where most people already speak English as their second language. In my research, I use different methods, both online and offline, including self-paced reading and acceptability judgments. The aim of my project is to determine what factors influence how the native language and a second language respectively influence the acquisition of a third language.
I am affiliated with the research groups AcqVA and FANT, and I am also a member of the Øy(e)Lab // EyeLands Lab. Since 2017, I have been teaching courses in English linguistics on campus and online (see below).
Teacher education in English and French, NTNU.
- ENG1201 Proficiency and Grammar
- ENG1101 Linguistics
- ENG1001 Global English
- ENG2123 Translation
- ENG2153 Language Acquisition
- ENG6010 Proficiency
- ENG6020 Linguistics and Language Acquisition
- ENG6023 Global English
Kush, Dave;
Sant, Charlotte;
Strætkvern, Sunniva Briså.
Learning Island-insensitivity from the input: A corpus analysis of child- and youth-directed text in Norwegian.
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics
Academic article
Strætkvern, Knut Olav;
Strætkvern, Sunniva Briså.
Linselusa: Hodelusa- Når språkforvirring går til hodet...
Short communication
Strætkvern, Sunniva Briså;
Dahl, Anne.
Left Dislocation in L2 English: L1-effects at the syntax-discourse interface.
Masters thesis
Journal publications
Kush, Dave;
Sant, Charlotte;
Strætkvern, Sunniva Briså.
Learning Island-insensitivity from the input: A corpus analysis of child- and youth-directed text in Norwegian.
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics
Academic article
Strætkvern, Knut Olav;
Strætkvern, Sunniva Briså.
Linselusa: Hodelusa- Når språkforvirring går til hodet...
Short communication
Strætkvern, Sunniva Briså;
Dahl, Anne.
Left Dislocation in L2 English: L1-effects at the syntax-discourse interface.
Masters thesis
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lectureSant, Charlotte; Strætkvern, Sunniva Briså; Kush, Dave Whitney. (2019) En konstruksjon vi ikke ennå forstår hva er: en korpusstudie av syntaktiske øybrudd i norsk. NTNU Møte om norsk språk (MONS18) , Trondheim 2019-11-27 - 2019-11-29
Academic lectureStrætkvern, Sunniva Briså. (2018) Left Dislocation in L2 English: L1-effects at the syntax-discourse interface. LingPhil 3rd Norwegian Graduate Student Conference in Linguistics and Philology , University of Oslo 2018-02-15 - 2018-02-16