Svein Arne Sikko
Gunnerus gate 1, G 412, Kalvskinnet
Subject field
Mathematics education
Research group: Lesson design study & teaching resources
Teaching and supervision
Teaching the following courses 2022-2023:
- MGLU4104 Perspectives on the number concept
Supervising the following master students:
PhD student supervision:
- Oduho George Ben Soforon (South-Sudan, NORHED-project)
- Gresa Pozhegu Ermeni
Supervising students in praxis schools:
Academic projects and research
I am leader of the research group Lesson design study & teaching resources. Below you will find a list of projects I am/have been involved in recently.
Boards and committees
Soforon, Oduho George Ben;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Tesfamicael, Solomon A..
Engaging primary mathematics teachers in two
private schools in South Sudan: A case study on
student-centered teaching in problem-solving
and mathematical discourse.
Academic article
Ding, Liping;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Skott, Charlotte Krog.
Examining the role of facilitators in the context of planning an inquiry-based mathematics lesson.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sikko, Svein Arne.
What Can We Learn from the Different Understandings of
Mathematical Literacy?.
Numeracy: Advancing Education in Quantitative Literacy
Academic article
Soforon, Oduho George Ben;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Tesfamicael, Solomon A..
The Understanding of Effective Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers According to South Sudan School Context.
Education Sciences
Academic article
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Ding, Liping.
Combining the inquiry-based learning and critical thinking frameworks for interpreting the processes of teachers’ inquiry into teaching through lesson study .
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimeland, Benedikte;
Skartsæterhagen, Øystein I;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Co-learning in an IBL-inspired PD session on programming.
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Pepin, Birgit.
Science teachers’ interactions with resources for formative assessment purposes.
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability
Academic article
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Grimeland, Yvonne.
From Researcher in Pure Mathematics to Primary School Mathematics Teacher Educator.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Grimeland, Benedikte.
Kritisk matematisk literacy i ein inquiry-basert kontekst på småskulesteget.
Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis
Academic article
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Ding, Liping.
Roles of Facilitators and Teachers in Models of Teacher Professional Learning.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ding, Liping;
Jones, Keith;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Interconnectedness and difference between action research and a lesson design study in Shanghai, China.
Educational Action Research
Academic article
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
‘Walking a Graph’: Developing Graph Sense Using Motion Sensor Technology.
Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education
Academic article
Grimeland, Benedikte;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Developing mathematical literacy in an inquiry-based setting working with play-coins in a second-grade classroom.
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Cyvin, Jardar;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved.
‘Walking a graph’ – primary school students’ experimental session on functions and graphs.
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kaspersen, Eivind;
Pepin, Birgit;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
The association between engineering students’ self-reported
mathematical identities and average grades in mathematics courses.
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Gruppeteori. Et notat til bruk i undervisningen.
Ding, Liping;
Jones, Keith;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
An expert teacher's use of teaching with variation to support a junior mathematics teacher's professional learning.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kaspersen, Eivind;
Pepin, Birgit;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Measuring student teachers’ practices and beliefs about teaching mathematics using the Rasch model.
International Journal of Research & Method in Education
Academic article
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Cyvin, Jardar Karel;
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved.
FaSMEed toolkit.
Digital learning tools
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Sikko, Svein Arne.
mascil - Mathematics and science for life.
Website (informational material)
Kaspersen, Eivind;
Pepin, Birgit;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Measuring STEM students’ mathematical identities.
Educational Studies in Mathematics
Academic article
Pampaka, Maria;
Pepin, Birgit;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Supporting or alienating students during their transition to Higher Education: Mathematically relevant trajectories in the contexts of England and Norway.
International Journal of Educational Research
Academic article
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Dahl, Heidi.
Deliverable 9.2: Promotion of European Networks.
mascil project
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Dahl, Heidi.
Deliverable 9.1: Collection of "problems of the month".
mascil project
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Cyvin, Jardar Karel;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Pepin, Birgit.
Deliverable 5.3: Cross comparative analysis of
country studies.
FaSMEd project
Pepin, Birgit;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Cyvin, Jardar Karel;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved.
Deliverable 5.2: Cross comparative analysis of case studies.
FaSMEd project
Ding, Liping;
Jones, Keith;
Mei, Lina;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
"Not to lose the chain in learning mathematics": Expert teaching with variation in Shanghai.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kaspersen, Eivind Skoland;
Pepin, Birgit;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
The transition from higher education to the world of work: Measuring student teachers’ beliefs and practices for purposeful sample selection.
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ding, Liping;
Jones, Keith;
Pepin, Birgit;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
An expert teacher’s local instruction theory underlying a lesson design study through school-based professional development.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ding, Liping;
Jones, Keith;
Pepin, Birgit;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
How a primary mathematics teacher in Shanghai improved her lessons on ‘angle measurement’.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Pepin, Birgit.
Students' perceptions of how they learn best in higher education mathematics courses.
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pepin, Birgit;
Lysø, Knut Ole;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Student educational experiences at transition from upper secondary to higher education mathematics.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lyngved, Ragnhild;
Pepin, Birgit;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Working with teachers on inquiry based learning (IBL) and mathematics and science tasks.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lysø, Knut Ole;
Petersen, Vigdis;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Matematikk i forbrukerlære - en rapport om et forprosjekt som vurderer mulighetene for kompetanseoppbygging med vekt på matematikk innen forbrukerlære i grunnskole, videregående opplæring og høyere utdanning.
Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Lyngved, Ragnhild;
Pepin, Birgit.
Working with mathematics and science teachers on inquirybased learning (IBL) approaches : teacher beliefs.
Acta Didactica Norge
Academic article
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Lysø, Knut Ole;
Petersen, Vigdis.
Regning i samfunnsfag.
Website (informational material)
Botten, Geir;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Historiske trender i regneopplæringen i Norge.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Linjer og plan i rommet - et notat til bruk i Matematikk 3.
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Grafteori, et notat til bruk i Matematikk 3.
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Platoniske legemer, et notat til bruk i Matematikk 3.
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Lysø, Knut Ole.
Matematikk på nett : delrapport 1 fra matematikkfaget, IKT-støttet, desentralisert lærerutdanning.
HiST Avdeling for lærerutdanning og tegnspråk (6)
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Symmetri og gruppeteori : et notat til bruk i Matematikk 3, 1999-2000.
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Guo, Jin Yun.
Relative Global Dimension and Extension Subcategories.
CMS Conference Proceedings Series
Academic article
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Smalø, Sverre Olaf.
Coherent rings and homologically finite subcategories.
Mathematica Scandinavica
Academic article
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Resolutions with nth syzygies.
Communications in Algebra
Academic article
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Relative homological dimension.
CMS Conference Proceedings Series
Academic article
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Smalø, Sverre Olaf.
Extensions of homologically finite subcategories.
Archiv der Mathematik
Academic article
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Homologically finite subcategories and relative global dimension.
Universitetet i Trondheim, Institutt for matematikk og statistikk
Doctoral dissertation
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Smalø, Sverre Olaf.
A family of algebras with two simple modules and arbitrary global dimension.
Mathematics (9)
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Algebraer med to simple modular og vilkårleg globaldimensjon.
Universitetet i Trondheim
Thesis at a second degree level
Journal publications
Soforon, Oduho George Ben;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Tesfamicael, Solomon A..
Engaging primary mathematics teachers in two
private schools in South Sudan: A case study on
student-centered teaching in problem-solving
and mathematical discourse.
Academic article
Sikko, Svein Arne.
What Can We Learn from the Different Understandings of
Mathematical Literacy?.
Numeracy: Advancing Education in Quantitative Literacy
Academic article
Soforon, Oduho George Ben;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Tesfamicael, Solomon A..
The Understanding of Effective Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers According to South Sudan School Context.
Education Sciences
Academic article
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Pepin, Birgit.
Science teachers’ interactions with resources for formative assessment purposes.
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability
Academic article
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Grimeland, Benedikte.
Kritisk matematisk literacy i ein inquiry-basert kontekst på småskulesteget.
Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis
Academic article
Ding, Liping;
Jones, Keith;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Interconnectedness and difference between action research and a lesson design study in Shanghai, China.
Educational Action Research
Academic article
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
‘Walking a Graph’: Developing Graph Sense Using Motion Sensor Technology.
Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education
Academic article
Kaspersen, Eivind;
Pepin, Birgit;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Measuring student teachers’ practices and beliefs about teaching mathematics using the Rasch model.
International Journal of Research & Method in Education
Academic article
Kaspersen, Eivind;
Pepin, Birgit;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Measuring STEM students’ mathematical identities.
Educational Studies in Mathematics
Academic article
Pampaka, Maria;
Pepin, Birgit;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Supporting or alienating students during their transition to Higher Education: Mathematically relevant trajectories in the contexts of England and Norway.
International Journal of Educational Research
Academic article
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Lyngved, Ragnhild;
Pepin, Birgit.
Working with mathematics and science teachers on inquirybased learning (IBL) approaches : teacher beliefs.
Acta Didactica Norge
Academic article
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Guo, Jin Yun.
Relative Global Dimension and Extension Subcategories.
CMS Conference Proceedings Series
Academic article
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Smalø, Sverre Olaf.
Coherent rings and homologically finite subcategories.
Mathematica Scandinavica
Academic article
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Resolutions with nth syzygies.
Communications in Algebra
Academic article
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Relative homological dimension.
CMS Conference Proceedings Series
Academic article
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Smalø, Sverre Olaf.
Extensions of homologically finite subcategories.
Archiv der Mathematik
Academic article
Part of book/report
Ding, Liping;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Skott, Charlotte Krog.
Examining the role of facilitators in the context of planning an inquiry-based mathematics lesson.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Ding, Liping.
Combining the inquiry-based learning and critical thinking frameworks for interpreting the processes of teachers’ inquiry into teaching through lesson study .
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimeland, Benedikte;
Skartsæterhagen, Øystein I;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Co-learning in an IBL-inspired PD session on programming.
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Grimeland, Yvonne.
From Researcher in Pure Mathematics to Primary School Mathematics Teacher Educator.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Ding, Liping.
Roles of Facilitators and Teachers in Models of Teacher Professional Learning.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimeland, Benedikte;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Developing mathematical literacy in an inquiry-based setting working with play-coins in a second-grade classroom.
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Cyvin, Jardar;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved.
‘Walking a graph’ – primary school students’ experimental session on functions and graphs.
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kaspersen, Eivind;
Pepin, Birgit;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
The association between engineering students’ self-reported
mathematical identities and average grades in mathematics courses.
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ding, Liping;
Jones, Keith;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
An expert teacher's use of teaching with variation to support a junior mathematics teacher's professional learning.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Ding, Liping;
Jones, Keith;
Mei, Lina;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
"Not to lose the chain in learning mathematics": Expert teaching with variation in Shanghai.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kaspersen, Eivind Skoland;
Pepin, Birgit;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
The transition from higher education to the world of work: Measuring student teachers’ beliefs and practices for purposeful sample selection.
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ding, Liping;
Jones, Keith;
Pepin, Birgit;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
An expert teacher’s local instruction theory underlying a lesson design study through school-based professional development.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ding, Liping;
Jones, Keith;
Pepin, Birgit;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
How a primary mathematics teacher in Shanghai improved her lessons on ‘angle measurement’.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Pepin, Birgit.
Students' perceptions of how they learn best in higher education mathematics courses.
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pepin, Birgit;
Lysø, Knut Ole;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Student educational experiences at transition from upper secondary to higher education mathematics.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lyngved, Ragnhild;
Pepin, Birgit;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Working with teachers on inquiry based learning (IBL) and mathematics and science tasks.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Botten, Geir;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Historiske trender i regneopplæringen i Norge.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Dahl, Heidi.
Deliverable 9.2: Promotion of European Networks.
mascil project
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Dahl, Heidi.
Deliverable 9.1: Collection of "problems of the month".
mascil project
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Cyvin, Jardar Karel;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved;
Pepin, Birgit.
Deliverable 5.3: Cross comparative analysis of
country studies.
FaSMEd project
Pepin, Birgit;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Cyvin, Jardar Karel;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved.
Deliverable 5.2: Cross comparative analysis of case studies.
FaSMEd project
Lysø, Knut Ole;
Petersen, Vigdis;
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Matematikk i forbrukerlære - en rapport om et forprosjekt som vurderer mulighetene for kompetanseoppbygging med vekt på matematikk innen forbrukerlære i grunnskole, videregående opplæring og høyere utdanning.
Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Linjer og plan i rommet - et notat til bruk i Matematikk 3.
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Grafteori, et notat til bruk i Matematikk 3.
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Platoniske legemer, et notat til bruk i Matematikk 3.
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Lysø, Knut Ole.
Matematikk på nett : delrapport 1 fra matematikkfaget, IKT-støttet, desentralisert lærerutdanning.
HiST Avdeling for lærerutdanning og tegnspråk (6)
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Symmetri og gruppeteori : et notat til bruk i Matematikk 3, 1999-2000.
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Homologically finite subcategories and relative global dimension.
Universitetet i Trondheim, Institutt for matematikk og statistikk
Doctoral dissertation
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Smalø, Sverre Olaf.
A family of algebras with two simple modules and arbitrary global dimension.
Mathematics (9)
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Algebraer med to simple modular og vilkårleg globaldimensjon.
Universitetet i Trondheim
Thesis at a second degree level
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Cyvin, Jardar Karel;
Gjøvik, Øistein;
Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya;
Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved.
FaSMEed toolkit.
Digital learning tools
Sikko, Svein Arne.
Gruppeteori. Et notat til bruk i undervisningen.
Sikko, Svein Arne.
mascil - Mathematics and science for life.
Website (informational material)
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Lysø, Knut Ole;
Petersen, Vigdis.
Regning i samfunnsfag.
Website (informational material)
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lectureSoforon, Oduho George Ben; Tesfamicael, Solomon A.; Sikko, Svein Arne. (2022) The Understanding of Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers According to South Sudan School Context. BDU The Second International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education , Bahir Dar 2022-12-29 - 2022-12-30
Academic lectureKohanova, Iveta; Lada, Magdalini; Ding, Liping; Sikko, Svein Arne. (2021) Understanding student teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching geometry in a history of mathematics course. East China Normal University ICME 14 , Shanghai 2021-07-11 - 2021-07-18
Academic lectureGrimeland, Benedikte; Sikko, Svein Arne. (2019) Developing mathematical literacy in an inquiry-based setting working with play-coins in a second-grade classroom. The European Society for Research in Mathematics Education CERME11 , Utrecht 2019-02-06 - 2019-02-10
Academic lectureTesfamicael, Solomon Abedom; Lundeby, Øyvind Andersen; Sikko, Svein Arne. (2019) TEXTBOOK RESEARCH VIA THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL THEORY OF DIDACTICS (ATD): THE CASE OF REPRESENTATION OF FUNCTIONS. Third International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development (ICMT 3) 2019-09-16 - 2019-09-19
Academic lectureGrimeland, Benedikte; Sikko, Svein Arne. (2018) IBL og matematisk literacy på småskulesteget. LaUDiM-konferansen: Eleven i fokus – matematikk på barnetrinnet , Trondheim 2018-11-28 - 2018-11-29
Academic lectureStaberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Sikko, Svein Arne; Andras, Szilard; Zsombori, Gabriella. (2018) Bridging the gap between research and practice in teacher professional development (TPD): Teachers as facilitators of inquiry based learning TPD in Norway and Romania. Malmö University The XVIII Symposium of the International Organization for Science and Technology Education (IOSTE) , Malmö 2018-08-13 - 2018-08-17
Academic lectureSikko, Svein Arne; Grimeland, Benedikte. (2018) IBL og matematisk literacy på småskulesteget. FoU i praksis 2018 , Trondheim 2018-10-24 - 2018-10-25
Academic lectureStaberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Cyvin, Jardar; Sikko, Svein Arne; Gjøvik, Øistein; Pepin, Birgit. (2017) Connecting orchestration and formative assessment in the technology rich science classroom. NTNU Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education 2017 , Trondheim 2017-06-07 - 2017-06-09
Academic lectureSikko, Svein Arne; Pepin, Birgit. (2017) A Comparative Study on Formative Assessment and Technology in Mathematics and Science Classrooms Across Europe. European Educational Research Association ECER 2017 , Copenhagen 2017-08-22 - 2017-08-25
Academic lectureSikko, Svein Arne; Gjøvik, Øistein; Cyvin, Jardar; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved. (2017) ‘Walking a graph’ – primary school students’ experimental session on functions and graphs. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education The Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education , Dublin 2017-02-01 - 2017-02-05
LectureSikko, Svein Arne; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Cyvin, Jardar; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Dahl, Heidi. (2017) IBL og WoW i profesjonsutvikling for lærere innen realfag gjennom kaskademodell og leksjonsstudier. Fakultet for samfunns- og utdanningsvitenskap NTNU Forskning for et bedre samfunn. SU-fakultetets oppstartskonferanse , Trondheim 2017-03-16 - 2017-03-16
Academic lectureSikko, Svein Arne. (2016) Fasmed case studies in Norway. Maynooth University FaSMEd International Conference , Maynooth 2016-11-01 - 2016-11-02
LectureGjøvik, Øistein; Sikko, Svein Arne; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Cyvin, Jardar; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya. (2016) FasMED Symposium. NTNU Den 14. nordisk lærerutdanningskonferansen , Trondheim 2016-05-10 - 2016-05-13
PosterPepin, Birgit; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Cyvin, Jardar; Gjøvik, Øistein; Sikko, Svein Arne. (2016) The digital-analog spectrum of tools for formative assessment. Department of Education, Maynooth University FaSMEd Project Final Meeting and Conference , Maynooth 2016-11-01 - 2016-11-02
Academic lectureSikko, Svein Arne. (2015) IBL-orienterte matematikkaktiviteter med tilknytning til arbeidslivet. Profesjonsutvikling i EU-prosjektet mascil. . Nasjonalt senter for realfagsrekruttering, UHR, NFmR, NRT MNT-konferansen 2015 , Bergen 2015-03-18 - 2015-03-19
InterviewSikko, Svein Arne; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved. (2015) Ny matematikk. Undervisning uten fasitsvar. Uke-Adressa Uke-Adressa [Newspaper] 2015-12-05
LectureSikko, Svein Arne. (2014) Inquiry based learning in the classroom: Tasks and questions that encourage reflection and reasoning. Soong Ching Ling School Soong Ching Ling School Teacher Research Group Meeting , Shanghai 2014-03-20 -
PosterDing, Liping; Sikko, Svein Arne. (2014) Enhancing a teacher's fundamental interaction with the textbook through a school-based mathematics teacher research group activity in Shanghai. University of Southampton International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development (ICMT2014) , Southampton 2014-07-29 - 2014-07-31
Academic lecturePepin, Birgit; Sikko, Svein Arne; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya; Dahl, Heidi. (2014) Mathematics and Science Teachers' Use of Resources: What counts as a resource?. mascil and DZLM Educating the Educators. Conference on international approaches to scaling-up profesional development in maths and science education , Essen 2014-12-15 - 2014-12-16
Academic lectureSikko, Svein Arne. (2013) Inquiry based learning in mathematics teaching in Norway. Soong Ching Ling School Soong Ching-Ling School Teacher Event , Shanghai 2013-07-02 - 2013-07-02
Academic lectureSikko, Svein Arne; Pepin, Birgit. (2013) Students’ Perceptions Of How They Learn Best in Higher Education Mathematics Courses. ERME CERME 8 , Antalya 2013-02-06 - 2013-02-10
Academic lectureSikko, Svein Arne; Pepin, Birgit. (2013) Mathematical Learning At Tertiary Level: Students’ Perceptions Of The Effectiveness Of Experienced Learning And Teaching Strategies. European Educational Research Association The European Conference on Educational Research 2013 , Istanbul 2013-09-10 - 2013-09-13
Academic lecturePampaka, Maria; Williams, Julian; Pepin, Birgit; Sikko, Svein Arne. (2013) Teaching and Learning Practices in Mathematics: Students’ Perception of Teaching Practices at Different Contexts and Educational Levels. European Educational Research Association The European Conference on Educational Research 2013 , Istanbul 2013-09-10 - 2013-09-13
Academic lectureSikko, Svein Arne; Pepin, Birgit. (2012) We like it, but we do not know how to do it! - Norwegian teachers' beliefs concerning IBL. European Educational Research Association The European Conference on Educational Research 2012 , Cadiz 2012-09-18 - 2012-09-21
Academic lectureSikko, Svein Arne; Pepin, Birgit. (2012) Overgangen til høgere utdanning i matematikk. Universitetet i Tromsø UNDERVISNINGSKUNNSKAP I MATEMATIKK. Etterutdanningskonferanse for lærerutdannere i matematikk , Sommarøya, Tromsø 2012-09-24 - 2012-09-27
Academic lectureSikko, Svein Arne; Pepin, Birgit; Lysø, Knut Ole. (2012) Overgangen fra videregående skole til høyere utdanning i matematikk. DMMH, HiST,HiNT, NTNU FoU i praksis 2012 , Trondheim 2012-04-23 - 2012-04-24
Popular scientific lectureSikko, Svein Arne. (2011) Grunnskolelærerutdanningen ved Høgsklolen i Sør-Trøndelag. Norsk matematikkråd Årsmøtet i Norsk matematikkråd , Kragerø 2011-09-29 - 2011-10-01
Academic lectureSikko, Svein Arne. (2011) Working with Mathematics and Science Teachers on IBL Approaches: Teacher Concerns. Universitetet i Oslo The Visions Conference 2011 , Oslo 2011-05-18 - 2011-05-20
Academic lecturePepin, Birgit; Sikko, Svein Arne. (2011) INVESTIGATING TRANSITION FROM UPPER SEONDARY TO HIGHER EDUCATION MATHEMATICS. NORMA 11 , Reykjavik 2011-05-11 - 2011-05-14
Academic lecturePepin, Birgit; Sikko, Svein Arne; Lysø, Knut Ole. (2011) Investigating transition from upper secondary to higher education in mathematics. FoU i praksis 2011 , Trondheim 2011-04-26 - 2011-04-27
Academic lectureSikko, Svein Arne; Østigård, Bente. (2009) En lærerutdanners blikk på matematikkvansker i grunnskolen. Fou i praksis , Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag, Levanger 2009-04-23 - 2009-04-24
PosterSikko, Svein Arne. (2006) Teaching better mathematics at Hommelvik ungdomsskole. Seminar om matematikkundervisning , Høgskolen i Agder 2006-11-13 - 2006-11-14
PosterLysø, Knut Ole; Sikko, Svein Arne. (2001) IKT i allmennlærerutdanningen - noen erfaringer fra matematikk. HiSTs temadag "Høgskolepedagogikk - IKT og læring" , Trondheim 2001-05-14 - 2001-05-14
PosterSikko, Svein Arne. (2000) Gruppeteori i lærerutdanninga : verksted. Geometri - mer enn passer og linjal. Konferanse arrangert av HiST ALT, Matematikkseksjonen , Røros 25. - 28.september 2000
Academic lectureSikko, Svein Arne. (1992) Relative homological dimension. Canadian Math. Soc. Conference , Ottawa 1992-08-19 - 1992-08-22